Slayer or Layer 13

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#13 of Slayer or Layer

Lorkos reaches the forest, but there's a serious problem. Not only has his heat been getting worse and worse on the road, but he's facing down some bigger reptiles this time around. Looks like he's got a problem on his hands.

Commissioned by Lorvianne

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Slayer or Layer 13 For Lorvianne By Draconicon

Three days later exactly, Lorkos found himself at the edge of the forest. He breathed a sigh of relief that it was where the lizardman had said it was, pulling his horse off to the side of the road and dismounting. His mount looked at him with an expression that might have been bemusement or nothing; he had been more sensitive lately, so it likely was nothing.

But for the mostly-wolf, it was a relief beyond measure. The fact that he had been going the right way, that he hadn't been wasting his time and effort getting here, was beyond relief. It was a balm of the greatest sort.

Though it didn't do anything to relieve the curse right there and then, he had to admit.

Lorkos groaned as he stretched his legs, not just for the stiffness in his muscles, but rather for the puffiness between his legs. He could feel his pussy swelling and dripping, the need inside growing stronger with each passing minute. He had fought it for days, considering that there had been nothing to relieve it with, but the constant grinding in the saddle that came from riding the horse, combined with the occasional hateful thought that sparked his heat, had made the trip a hell that he had seldom encountered before.

His leathers were soaked on the inside, feeling swampy and messy, and he groaned as he pulled at the ties of his trousers. A quick glance up and down the road confirmed that he was alone; nobody would see what he did.

Down his trousers went, pooling at his ankles. Strings of his juices connected them with his sex, and his pussy drooled down his thighs at a rate that left him blushing and shivering. A chance wind blew between his legs, and he almost doubled over from the raw, powerful sensation of pleasure that came with it.


He forced himself to take a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down so that he didn't make a mistake. He needed to focus. Needed to keep from losing himself to the heat.

Besides, nothing...nothing I can do without a scaly around...

Masturbation was useless. The curse kept him from getting the satisfaction that he needed from that. It was no better than edging, worse in some ways, as it forced the curse further along his body.

Curse...progression...check that...

The dragonslayer groaned as he looked down again, checking the progress of the scales from his sex. They had spread again, alright, though not as far as they might have done otherwise. He could see that they had gone about halfway down to his knees, giving him sturdy, armored thighs, and they had curved up to about his waist and along to the base of his tail. Not enough to start changing his tail again, but enough to make it very clear that he would be having a dragon tail soon enough.

He took another deep breath, sitting down on the ground and rubbing his forehead. Another deep breath, another push at the heat inside, exerting his will over his need.

There is nothing to breed. Nothing to fuck. You cannot do anything about it, so just...ignore it.

Perhaps it was the isolation that kept him sane, but the heat gradually subsided. Not much, but enough for him to sit there without shaking or feeling the taunting temptation to reach down between his legs and fondle and rub and finger himself.

When the mostly-wolf felt like he was no longer in that danger zone, he leaned his head back, looking up at the sky. The sun shone down on everything today, and the warmth of it on his scales on his legs and crotch was surprisingly nice. He wondered, for a moment, if that was something that the lizards and dragons and kobolds felt, and if that was the reason why that they tended to go without clothes so often. If they felt this warmth and comfort whenever their scales were touched, he could almost -

He shook his head.

Don't let the curse give you sympathy. Don't let it give you empathy. They did this to you. Remember that. Remember. That.

He forced himself back to his feet, groaning under his breath as he felt the creaking and stiffness of his legs in the process. Just because he'd reached the forest didn't mean that his mission was done. He still had to find the shaman in the woods, still had to beg for help.

And begging it would be. He had no illusions that he would be able to force the help of that one the way that he had done the lizardman back at the village. That had worked because he had his reputation and blackmail to work with. Here, he had neither.

Particularly if he came in naked.

Shaking his head, Lorkos shucked off his pants the rest of the way, hanging them over the side of his horse. He was in the process of pulling out a clean pair of trousers, about to put them on, when he heard something behind him.

Bandits? He sniffed the air.

The mostly-wolf turned his head, looking over his shoulder at the sight of the scaly beings that were striding free of the treeline. Four of them, green-scaled along their backs and their arms and heads, cream-yellow along their belly and chests. They wore nothing but loincloths, and all were slowly starting to tent.

His crotch clenched at the sight of the lizard cocks on display, knowing that they would be able to soothe the heat inside, give him the seed that he needed to make another egg.

No, no, don't give in, he tried to tell himself, his hand shaking as he reached for one of the new weapons that he'd picked up. A club. Something to knock out rather than to harm or kill. It might...It might be different enough to work. Maybe.

Don't give in, he told himself as his legs shook, as his head tilted back to take in more of their musky scent. Don't give in. There's more than one. They can take you away. They can steal you...kidnap you...breed you...use you...

He knew that he was already falling into the trap that they presented, but his body didn't care. It wanted to be fucked more than his brain wanted to get away, and it was slowly working to convince his brain of the better route here. He groaned under his breath, pulling the club free of his saddle, blushing as he saw their eyes flick down to the slit between his legs.

"Don't you dare look at me."

The lizardmen didn't respond, but they didn't have the same quasi-hypnotized looks that some of the scalies that he had dealt with had shown when they had seen his pussy. Instead, they looked at each other, then nodded, almost as if they had made a decision.

They jumped him at once, mountains of scales and muscle coming down at him. The only thing that saved him was the sheer bulk of his horse, and its training to stay still without an order from him to do otherwise. He threw himself backwards, ducking between its legs and coming up on the other side.

He swung his club, tripping one of the lizards with a slamming hit right behind the knee, but it was a weak blow compared to what they could do to him, and what he would have liked to do to them. Lorkos rolled to the side, avoiding the counterstrike, and delivered a second one to the other knee. The lizard went down, and the mostly-wolf rose to his feet again.

Three others were still coming after him, but only one managed to get around the horse quickly. Lorkos whistled, setting his mount into a frenzy, kicking and lashing out, and the horse's kick was enough to knock the one coming around behind it out.

Two left.

He spun around to catch the rough blade that another lizard was swinging, throwing it to the side with his club before throwing himself forward. His legs were weaker, shaking and trembling and transformed as they were, and what would have been a full-body slam ended up being barely more than a shove. He stumbled, almost falling into the lizard's arms before he spun away.

The last two were facing him, now. The first one that he had knocked over was stumbling around, pulling at the wolf's horse to try and calm it down, keeping it out of the fight.

The other two, however, were going to be more than enough. Lorkos could feel his arms and legs shaking, the smell of two males in the air making his pussy clench down in the greatest of needs. His juices were rolling down his thighs, making him feel all slippery and wet, and his boots were getting a bit swampy.

He clenched his hands tighter around the base of his club, shaking his head at the pair of them as they split apart, forcing him to turn from one to the other, unable to watch both at the same time.

Not good...they know basic tactics...they can fight...

He turned again, only to hear a shriek from behind. He whipped around -

The lizard hadn't moved. It was a bluff.

Lorkos turned again, but the other lizard had already grabbed his arms from behind, pulling him off the ground. The hard chest scales and the muscles beneath them were like rock, leaving him no leverage to fight back, nothing he could do to try and free himself. He grunted, swinging himself from side to side, but the other lizard had already closed the distance.

After a brief struggle, his club was thrown to the side, off into the distance. His arms were pulled back, and the other lizardman pushed his legs apart, exposing his scaly pussy.

"Ssssslut breeder..." the one in front of him said.

"Say that to my face!"

The lizardman looked up slowly, then seemed to chuckle. One scaly finger slipped inside of him, and Lorkos gasped, feeling his slit clenching down on it more than he had ever done for a cock. The lizardman leaned in, whispering.

"Sssssslut breeder."


Shaking his head, he tried every trick that he knew to get free. Lorkos threw himself to the side. He went still, hoping that his weight might force some extra strain on them. He tried kicking, punching, elbowing, kicking, anything that might have hit something important.

None of it worked, and all of his attempts were little more than the weak flails of a child in comparison to the males that held him down. He panted for breath, shivering from head to toe at the way that they were able to pin him so easily, and gasped every time that finger inside of him twitched so much as an inch.

Still, they were ready for more. They pulled at each other's loincloths, revealing thick shafts that were bigger than the mage that had fucked him days ago. The trembles of need that ran down the wolf's spine were painfully strong, and he could feel his pussy clenching down on nothing as his body begged for those shafts.

The one holding him allowed the other one to line not one, but two cocks up. As he was slowly lowered, Lorkos realized that they planned to use him. Not one at a time, the way that it had always been, but together.

Two cocks.

One pussy.

His eyes went wide, his struggles growing stronger, but they were still too weak. He felt the twin heads of lizardman cocks against his sex, felt them pressing up against him. His hips twitched, pulling this way and that for a few moments before the strong barbarian in front of him gripped him tightly to keep him from squirming again.

They're going to break me.

Lorkos shook his head, his mind fighting even as his body had already submitted. It wanted this, even though he didn't. It wanted to be fucked, bred, used, taken -


And he screamed as he was finally pinned and filled, the two thick cocks forcing their way inside. The only saving grace that they had was the fact that the tips were pointed rather than rounded, allowing them to push in without immediately ripping him apart. His eyes bugged out of their sockets, his body went limp as they pushed him further down, their cocks further in.

He swore that his scaly slit was going to rip, but either the scales were too strong for that or the curse was more than ready for the possibility of two dicks at once. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he was fucked, the two mountains of muscle lifting him up and down, up and down, their crocodile-like mouths starting to open and their smaller tongues hanging out as they fucked him.

If it wasn't for the curse...I could...I could...

He dared not take that thought further. The things that he would do would trigger the heat, push him further down the road that he didn't want to be on. He would break beneath them if the heat triggered.

Up and down, up and down he went, feeling their cocks getting thicker and thicker as he got closer and closer to the base, the need in his body trembling to a higher and higher state. He felt the red scales running down his legs, around his knees, as well as up his belly and along his sides. His hips were flaring, his ass growing slightly, becoming ever more feminine as his tail began to warp.

Heat, lust, rut. It was settling in, and there was no escaping it. They had him in their grip, and he couldn't get away.

Up and down, up and down. They were panting, talking to each other in hissing languages that he didn't understand as they used him. They laughed.

Up and down, up and down. They fucked him harder, faster, deeper. He didn't know what they were doing, but they loved it, and he unwillingly felt the same.

Up and down, up and down...

And no more up, as they filled him to the brim. Lorkos moaned, forced over the edge into an orgasm of his own, one that was so hot, so powerful, that he went blank, even as he felt one cock slide free and another take its place.

The End

Slayer or Layer 14

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