Punishing a Penguin

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A penguin decides that it's a good idea to steal from the dragon master of magic. What he gets in return isn't something particularly fun...well, maybe it is, despite his complaints.

Commissioned by innerDesign

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Punishing a Penguin For innerDesign By Draconicon

As a penguin ice mage ninja - and boy, was that a mouthful - there were many adventures that Ian could say that he had gotten into over the years. Thievery numbered highest among his various 'crimes', though he liked to think that they were mostly done on people that deserved them...and those that had the more interesting stuff to steal. But mostly those that deserved it.

Not in this case, though. And he was paying for it.

The penguin groaned, feeling the world spinning around him as he woke up. He swore that the world wasn't supposed to do that, but it was determined to defy common sense, anyway. He grumbled, blinking a couple of times and lowering a flipper to his head.

Lowering. Not raising.

I'm upside-down, he realized. The penguin looked down...or rather, up, at his legs. And there's no rope.

Which meant that he had been caught in the middle of his latest attempt of burglary, and he had been caught by the very person in this tower that he had hoped not to meet.

Great. Wonder how long until the dragon knows I'm awake.

"I'd say that he knows right now."

"...Right. They did say that telepathy was one of your powers."

Ian looked into the shadows around him, turning his head this way and that until he saw the tell-tale glint of white eyes in the shadows. That was the danger. That was the dragon.

As they stared at each other, the dragon stepped forward. Seven feet tall, with wings barely brighter than the mist on a twilit night, and with scales as black as sin, the archmage Draconicon looked down at him from a high vantage point. Ian, on the other hand, had little choice but to look up past the dragon's dick, since he was elevated to crotch level, and there really wasn't very much he could do about that.

Even as he squirmed, the black dragon slapped him across the face with his cock, leaving a little bit of a musky trail behind. The penguin 'honked' slightly at the impact, looking up at the dragon again.

"Hey, did you need to hit?"

"Did you need to steal?"

"What, did I disturb your bath or something?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. I had just gotten in."

"That explains the wet dick."

Smack. Another face-slap with the dragon's cock, just enough to make him open his mouth. Before he could close his beak again, the dragon's fingers slid inside, holding it open and keeping him from saying much else.

The mage glared down at him, shaking his head.

"Right now, you're on thin ice, little penguin. I was going to have a nice, relaxing night. But now, you're making me deal with a thief. Do you know how annoying that is for someone that just set up all the security this morning?"

Explains why it was not nearly as easy to get in here as most everybody else said it would be...


"Very annoying. I'll just say very annoying. Now..."

The dragon shook his head, slowly withdrawing his fingers. The penguin grunted, rolling his beak around to try and make it comfortable again as the archmage continued.

"I am loathe to send you down to the sheriff's office for two reasons. First, it would mean that you would be locked up, and likely locked in a cell that has no chance of holding you. Ergo, it would serve very little purpose save to annoy you the way that you've annoyed me. Correct?"

"...Glad you have some faith in my abilities," the penguin said.

"Anyone that sneaks in here is quite good. Not good enough to get out, but good."

"What's the second reason?"

"Paperwork. I hate filling out the arrest report."

"...So...what's the alternative, then?" Ian asked.

"The alternative? The alternative is that I fuck you."

The penguin blinked. Admittedly, having a naked dragon dick-smack you not once, but twice, did tend to put one's mind towards sex, but it wasn't the alternative to jail time that he had been anticipating.

Then again...

He glanced at the archmage's cock one more time. Even though it was still seven or eight inches while flaccid, it didn't seem like it was utterly impossible to take. It could probably even fit in the slit that his cock stayed in, if he needed it to. A tight fit, admittedly, but definitely possible.

As long as he doesn't get too much bigger, at least.

"Just one question," Ian asked.


"Why fuck me? Short on whores?"

"No. I am offering the deal because a great deal of the spells I have run on erotic energy. A couple of climaxes fucked out of you will go most of the way towards refilling the ones that you broke on the way in."

"...Erotic energy? What are you, a succubus or something?"

"No. Now."

The dragon snapped his fingers, and just like that, whatever spell was holding Ian in the air just...disappeared. The penguin yelped, falling to the floor, and he only barely saved himself from a bruised beak by throwing himself into a roll.

Whatever thoughts he might have had about trying to escape were taken away as soon as the dragon grabbed him by the back of his pants. They were ripped in two in seconds, the dragon's hard tug stripping him from the waist down. Ian blushed, his gray penguin butt suddenly on display, and the dragon's hands were firm and strong as they pulled the cheeks apart.

"Are you...are you really going to..."


"I..." He took a deep breath. "Okay, just as long as you don't go too rough."

Poing. The penguin blushed as he felt something much hotter, much harder, and much bigger against his butt than he had expected. He slowly looked over his shoulder, his eyes going wider and wider as he saw the hard shaft that was resting against his backside.

It was, to put it mildly, enormous. What had been a dick that was just over half a foot in length was now just under double that. The shaft had gone from 7 or 8 inches to around 13, standing out and proud. The head itself was almost three inches across, and he had every reason to expect that it would thicken, slightly or moderately, the further down he went. The penguin's flippers curled a bit, his hole puckering just thinking about how it would feel to push him open.

He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to walk after this, but at least it would keep him out of the chains at the local jail.

The dragon lowered the head of the shaft down to the penguin's pucker. Ian hoped for some lube, but -


The loud noot filled the room and echoed around it as the dragon popped that thick cock into the penguin's butt with nothing more than his pre for lube. If it wasn't for the fact that penguins were naturally somewhat elastic, Ian was half-sure that the massive dick would have quite literally ripped him a new one. A new, much bigger one.

The dragon didn't stop, either, consistently pushing forward, almost like the plunger at the other end of an injection. Bit by bit, that huge, thick dick was pushing into him, and it felt like the air in his lungs was getting pushed right out. Little by little, he gasped and wheezed, one flipper moving down to feel the dick sliding into his belly, pushing out it out, making a bulge in him as it filled out his guts.

As the dragon's cock finally hilted inside of him, the penguin's hole feeling like it had been stretched further than any hole was ever made to stretch, Ian heard his captor fumbling about for something. Something tinked onto the floor, and he looked down.

An energy crystal. One of those things mages used to capture ambient energy in order to use it later.

He wasn't kidding. This isn't just a fuck. It's just a fuuuuuuck me situation.

Ian gasped as he felt that too-big cock slowly pulling out of him, feeling like he was almost getting hollowed out and stretched from the experience. The sheer thickness of the dragon's cock, the length of it, meant that the pressure on his prostate was more or less continual. He had a strange feeling of pleasure in addition to the discomfort of being pushed so far apart. As the bulge in his belly pulled back, he almost collapsed, and would have if it weren't for the dragon's hands around his waist.

Feeling his hole follow someone else's cock on the way out rather than staying inside was...almost terrifying, but at the same time, it felt amazing. Amazingly painful as well as amazingly pleasurable, but...but it was like his body was...was bowing to the bigger male, giving itself up, allowing itself to be ruled.

His hole felt like it was about to be turned inside-out when the dragon stopped pulling out, only the head of his shaft still inside of Ian's hole. The penguin had a chance to breathe...but just one puff of air.


The dragon slammed in, instantaneously hilting himself. Another loud 'NOOOOOOT!' was yanked from the penguin's beak, and at the same time, he felt something splatter around his legs. On the ground. Hot. Thick.


"That's one, penguin," the dragon said. "Better hope you have another six in you before I'm done."

Six...dear god, if I don't die from this, I might just rob this guy again!

The End

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