Infesting the Park

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A pair of friends go to an amusement park for the summer. However, what they don't know is that one of them is already infested with a rather serious parasite, and is looking to breed and spread.

Commissioned by jiangen0801

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Infesting the Park For jiangen0801 By Draconicon

The amusement park was a regular summer attraction to Warren and his friends. The snow leopard had been coming there every summer since he was old enough to drive, and despite the weird lights in the sky and the military convoys that had been coming in and out of town this year, he'd joined his friends to hit it up one last time before they split for college the next year.

Of course, there was a secondary reason for his visit, though none of the others knew it.

"Hey, Warren!"

The snow leopard shook his head, blinking as he pulled himself out of his spaced-out state of mind. Still in the parking lot, still standing by the door of the car. He casually shut it, shaking his head again to bring himself back to the moment.

What was I thinking...

He rubbed the side of his head a few times, trying to remember what had been on his mind just a second ago. It had been something, he was sure of it. After all, he wasn't usually the sort of just stand there without a good reason...


A furred hand grabbed him by the shoulder, giving him a little shake. The snow leopard turned, forcing a chuckle.

"Sorry, Bellamy," he said, pushing the German Shepherd's paw off his shoulder. "Just got a little distracted."

"A little? Everyone else is already in the park," the dog said. "You want to get left behind or something?"

"No, no, just...wasn't thinking."

"You sure you're okay, man?"

"Yeah, yeah. Completely fine."

"Okay..." Bellamy's expression made it clear that the Shepherd didn't entirely agree, but he turned around, heading towards the park gate and waving for the snow leopard to catch up. "Come on. Let's get inside and find one of the coasters."


There it was again. That strange feeling of distraction, like something else was rummaging around in his head. It was hard to focus, hard to keep himself moving forward.

And it was hard to look anywhere else but at Bellamy's swaying butt in those tight shorts the dog was wearing as the snow leopard followed. Warren had never noticed them before, but he was sure as hell noticing them now...


By the time they got into the park, their other friends had already disappeared. The shouts of food vendors and souvenir shops filled the air, but for the first time that day, Warren knew exactly what he wanted, and he and Bellamy were in agreement for it.

The Big Zing.

The snow leopard and the German Shepherd both ran for it, the pair of them grinning their asses off as they got in line for the biggest, most extreme ride of the park. The roller coaster swept well past the line, going right up in the air for the biggest, most amazing drop into darkness of any ride that had ever been made in the country. Despite his foggy-headedness, Warren grinned at Bellamy, and got a grin in return.

Eventually, they reached the front of the line. They got lucky enough to fit into the front of the rollercoaster, and soon they were heading up the ramp. The long ticky-ticky-ticky sound of the chains pulling them along only heightened the eagerness to reach the top, and Warren couldn't stop smiling.

They rounded the crest of the hill, looked down into the dark tunnel hundreds of feet below, straight down...

And fell.

They screamed, the people behind them screamed, everyone screamed as they fell for the dark hole in the ground. It seemed to swallow them up, pulling them down and along the track, twisting around upside-down, right-side-up, and then -


The car came to a complete stop, something going wrong with the ride. Everyone behind them grunted as they hit their safety restraints, and Warren and Bellamy were no exceptions. They groaned, shaking their heads a few times as they looked at each other.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Dunno," Bellamy said. "At a guess? Something went wrong on the power side."

"Dang it..."

The dog and cat pushed at the restraints for a second or two, then settled back in their seat. Behind them, the complaints were getting louder and louder, and he couldn't blame them. Best ride in the park cut short at the best part.

Finally, the intercom kicked in.

"Really sorry about this, folks, but it looks like we have a malfunction in the electrical system. We'll be releasing you in a second. If you go to your right, you'll find a platform and a maintenance door. Just follow the tunnel, and you'll be back at the surface in no time."

"Man, this blows," Bellamy muttered.

"Tell me about it."

Click. The restraints came loose, and the whole crowd of riders left the cart. Bellamy waited for the majority of the crowd to leave, and while they were just sitting there, Warren noticed something.

Every other time that he had been down in the tunnel, he hadn't been able to see anything. Maybe it was something about being down here longer, or maybe they'd changed something around, but his eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness. He wasn't sure how to handle that, blinking as he saw the silhouettes, and then the details of other people leaving.

He even noticed that Bellamy was still waiting to leave, almost like he thought that there were other people to get off, when everyone was gone. The snow leopard poked his friend's shoulder.

"Uh, they're all gone. You can get out."

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Cat night vision."

Though even that didn't explain this. Something weird was going on.

He followed his friend out, not having to fumble around the way that Bellamy did. He pulled his friend back to the door when the German Shepherd walked past it, putting his on the wall and letting him walk in front.

Once more, his eyes dropped down to that tight ass in those shorts, and his mind started fogging up again. Not in lust, because that wasn't something that he usually thought about, but...but with something else. He didn't get it, didn't understand it, but he was feeling...feeling a need.

An image popped into his head, an image of the dog naked, of his mouth open and invaded by cock. Of his ass being filled, spread, the cheeks pushed apart, shown off...

The idea had his cock starting to throb already, the need starting to rush through him, filling him with the urge to do just that. He groaned, trying to push the thought out of his head, but it only got more vibrant, more powerful, more...more impossible, somehow.

He felt something pulling down below, a tug at his cock as he imagined his tongue and his dick sliding free of his body, stretching out like tentacles to invade the dog from both sides. He had no idea where the desire or the image had come from, but it was strong.

Too strong.

"Hey...Hey Bellamy..."

The dog turned around, his friend looking at him. There was just enough light for Bellamy to actually see him now, and his friend looked...worried.

"Hey, hey, are you okay? You're're all red."

"I...I don't..."

He couldn't think, not really. All that he had in his head was the need to fuck his friend. To fill him up. To use him in the impossible way that was burning through his brain. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and it seemed to be pushing forward against his pants in a way that should have been impossible. The snow leopard looked down -

That...that's not my...

His dick was longer than it had ever been in his pants, and it wasn't the same straight, stiff rod that he was used to seeing. Instead, it was a throbbing, wriggling, snake-like appendage that was already threatening to push out of his pants and into his shirt.

He reached down, honestly intending to figure out what was going on...but his fingers moved on their own, undoing his zipper.

"Hey, man what the - holy shit!"

It was a tentacle down there, alright, a black-colored tentacle that was slowly getting longer now that it was released from his pants. Warren stared at it, his mind being pushed down by a single, powerful urge.




His cock lunged from his crotch like a striking snake, wrapping around his friend's waist and pulling him close. Bellamy screamed, but it was too late. Warren felt his tongue changing, warping, and it darted out of his mouth at high speed, slamming right into the dog's wide-open mouth.

As his friend gagged around it, Warren felt himself being swept away in the intense, powerful sensations that were rippling through him, taking him over and leaving him helpless to resist. He moaned under his breath, humping his hips forward as he stepped closer, closer to the restrained dog.

Bellamy lashed out at him, but he grabbed his friend's hands by the wrists, his body no longer under his control. He barely cared. All that mattered was the fact that he was doing what he needed to be doing, fulfilling a purpose that he had no idea he'd had until just that moment.




His balls churned, feeling something down there that he realized that he had been made to ignore. Something wriggling, something that was even now rippling up through his balls towards his prostate, and then through that towards his cock. It was pleasant, almost, feeling it wriggling towards the tip, squirming and slithering along.

Gotta be...gotta be inside him...

He grunted, his tentacle cock pushing around, finding the gap in the German Shepherd's shorts and sliding in under the tail. It was already wet with sweat back there, probably from the hot day, and he was able to wriggle it further and further down until he found it.

A hot, twitching pucker. Never thought that he'd be fucking Bellamy back there, but there was no way that he was going to stop now. Not when he was this seized by these strange instincts.




It was right there, and he curled the tentacle cock up and in. There was already so much slime coming from it that the tip slid right inside of the German Shepherd, and his friend grunted, going still and shivering as he was filled from behind with his very first cock. It was actually a little bit adorable in its own way.

The slithering thing in his dick went right up, pushing up and into his friend. He felt it went it forced his cock tip right open, felt the slight burning as something pushed free, and he moaned down his tentacle tongue into his friend's throat.

It was just the first one, though. More were coming, some from his balls, some from his stomach, and he could feel them all slithering up and out of him, finding the places to go, knowing that they needed a new host.

Out, out, breed...

He kept thrusting his tongue and his cock, forcing them in and out of his friend from both ends, and it wasn't long before Bellamy started groaning in pleasure on his own. His friend pulled closer, no longer trying to hit him, but rather trying to fuck himself on him. The pair of friends ground against each other, happily touching, groping, grinding on each other as the parasites slid between them, through them, into them.

Soon, they were one.

The German Shepherd and the snow leopard left the tunnel a good couple of minutes after the other passengers, having waited long enough that they were almost found by the security team that were clearing the tunnels. They had managed to get dressed fast enough to avoid being discovered, but the way that they walked out, it was clear that they were a bit distracted.

They were connected, now, connected by the creatures that they carried inside of them. It was a strange existence, a strange secret that they both knew that they could tell no one without first bringing them into the hive.

Hive? Colony? They didn't know what the word was for the parasites that were inside of them. It was something that changed them, though, corrupted them and left them constantly gasping, eager, horny for the sex that they had just gone through. For all that he had just 'cum' a half-colony of the parasites into his friend, Warren knew that he could do the whole thing all over again, and again, and again, at least a dozen times before he was even tired.

But that wouldn't give them what they needed. That wouldn't spread their little collection to enough people to survive.

We need a way to sneak it in, he thought.


Too slow, he thought back to Bellamy. They'll die in the crunching.

What about a drink?




A slushy was cold enough to keep the parasites from twisting up the stomach until the person was all the way done with the drink. And if the drink happened to get a little slimy, because the parasite wasn't all the way unconscious from the cold, then people would keep drinking. If it was a normal drink, they'd spit it out, and they didn't need that right now.

The friends walked along, more conscious of the creatures inside them now than they had been. Warren could feel those still in his balls moving around, teasing him, keeping him stimulated. He still didn't know where they'd come from, but they would probably tell him when the time came. When it was needed for him to know.

It felt amazing, though, like a constant licking on the inside of his balls. And if one thought being licked on the outside of their balls was great, it was even better on the inside. He moaned under his breath, barely hiding his satisfaction as they walked around.

With a parasite sliding in and out of the head of his cock, it was hard to keep his head on his shoulders, but he just about managed it as they walked up to one of the slushy stalls. It was little more than a hut, with a bigger back part of it that housed the machines. There were rolling, slotted barriers that would cover the windows if needed, too.

Perfect for their purposes. They just needed another convert, and the stall owner - a wolf - looked like he would do just fine.

"Hello," Warren said, stepping closer as Bellamy went around the back. "I'd like to purchase a slushy, please."

"Are you okay?" the wolf asked, cocking his head to the side. "You kinda look like you pissed your pants."

"Just a spill," he said, though he could feel his pre-cum flowing freely due to the parasites waking up and wanting to play. "Just want a drink."

"You might want to get that cleaned up, sir."

"Just a drink."


"Just a drink."

It was nothing but a robotic response, but it was all that Warren could think to say. He knew that he was barely able to think straight right now, knew that if he tried to say something else it would come out unintelligible.

The parasites were making it so hard, far more difficult than it had to be, and he was barely keeping himself from groaning at the feeling of them sliding around inside of his cock, pushing to get some attention, begging for another host. He wanted to grab the wolf and shove his cock right down his throat, but he needed to be cautious about this. He needed to be sneaky. He needed to wait for Bellamy to do his thing.

As his musk started to rise in the air, the smell of sex rising off of him, he spotted the German Shepherd sneaking in through the back. Bellamy's pants were already down, his cock getting big and fat, sneaking forward like a creeping snake. The wolf didn't even see it, still staring down at him.

"Okay, I'm done listening to this. You go and get a drink somewhere else. Or some new clothes."

"Just a drink."

"Goddamn high schoolers and - mmph!"

The wolf slumped forward, his hand accidentally hitting one of the rollers. The window shut tight, hiding the fuck that was going on just on the other side. Warren grinned wildly, rushing around to the back side of the hut.

As soon as he stepped inside, Bellamy pulled down the other windows, the pair of them giving each other a high five as they looked down at the wolf who was impaled on the German Shepherd's dick. He was already squirming, gasping, panting for breath as Bellamy's dick slithered further and further into him, and the sight was more than enough to force Warren's cock out into the open.

Once it was out, it took no time to plug the wolf's mouth, and this time, the snow leopard got to feel what it was like to fuck a throat instead of an ass.

Both friends leaned back against the walls of the hut, having to use their hands to support themselves as the pleasure of fucking someone rushed through them. It was hotter than either of them had expected, and it was driving them crazy with the need that it inspired. They growled under their breaths as their cocks moved independently of thought, fucking the wolf from either end.

Soon, the shop keeper was suspended in midair between the pair of them, getting used, fucked, filled. Warren growled, his claws sinking into the wooden wall behind him as he watched his cock pumping back and forth like something out of a hentai, feeling the parasites in his balls already starting to shift, already starting to slide out.

Oh god, he feels so good.

Feels better than good, Bellamy said. Did my ass feel this good?

I don't know. Yes? No? Hard to remember.

Doesn't matter. This feels good enough for now.

They moaned together, growling under their breaths as they used the wolf, fucked him. They pushed so far in that he wasn't entirely sure that their cocks didn't mean somewhere in the middle. Hell, they were different from normal shafts, protected, so he was sure that he was thrusting all the way down to the man's stomach. And it was entirely possible that Bellamy was thrusting deep enough to get there.

In and out, in and out, the wolf getting pulled forward towards the snow leopard's crotch then back towards the German Shepherd's. Not by their hands, but by their dicks, always pushing that much harder, that much further. Warren was lost in the pleasure, drowning in the way that the parasites were pushing through his cock and popping out somewhere inside of the other male.

His tongue tentacle popped free, too, running around down and under the wolf. He rubbed his slimy tongue against the crotch, feeling the wolf starting to pop a boner. The temptation was there to take that further, but he didn't have the dexterity to push his tongue that far inside.

Plus, he doubted he could fit. Most people didn't have that open a urethra.

So, he just teased it, licking it, making the wolf-host harder through his pants and that much more distracted from the parasites that were gradually taking control of him. The fact that he was this strong, this powerful, only made him more turned on.

In and out, in and out, in and out, until finally...

They came.

Warren and Bellamy moaned together, out loud and in each other's heads. If the wolf came, neither of them knew it, because he was not in the collective yet, not part of the colony or the hive or anything else. All they knew was that he was filled, their climax shoving more and more of the creatures down into him.

They pulled back slowly, their tentacle cocks pulling out of either end. The wolf stared forward for a moment, the parasites taking a moment to take full charge, but eventually managed to stand up again. He pulled the back of his pants up, only to pull down the front.

His cock was already warping, transforming from a sheath and a stiff rod inside to a slithery black tentacle. The black lines were already running up and over the stiff red rod, taking it over and corrupting it from the outside, while the black bulges were churning and spreading the wolf's balls out that much further.

As the tip of the tapered member started to stretch out, becoming more and more wriggly as the corruption and transformation took hold, Warren and Bellamy took their leave from the hut.

Won't be long before he starts adding it to the drink.

Then people will start changing everywhere.

All our friends.

All our families.


All part of the collective.

And then they would be complete. Then, they would be exactly what they were meant to be. Just a little longer.

And until then, they had a number of rides that they could go on. After all, they were at an amusement park, and if they didn't enjoy themselves, what was the point of being there?

A thought that, perhaps, the parasites didn't plant there, but then again, they had just spread it out pretty far.

They came off of a few rides with a different sort of feeling. There were other people in their heads. Other minds, other personalities, different people that were becoming part of the collective. It was a very...very strange feeling, and not one that either of them had been expecting. Yet, at the same time, it was surprisingly comforting, almost like they were being given other people to enjoy.

Bellamy grinned as they passed one such person, a lizard with glazed-over eyes and a body that was absolutely stunning. He looked like he had just come from the waterpark side of the amusement park, and his speedo was definitely bulging a great deal more than it should have been. More than that, to their experienced eyes, they could see the churning, the writhing, the parasites darting about down below.

They smiled, thinking at him.


The lizard turned, shocked for a moment, only to moan as his parasites responded. They were making him cum on the spot. A bit obvious, but very, very understandable. They wanted to show off.

And they were hardly that much of a minority anymore.

There had to be a half-hundred minds in their collective now, spreading out from the center of the park and getting more numerous by the minute. More and more people were buying slushies, or having them bought for them. The cold was wearing off, people were getting infested.

And the infested people were getting amorous, starting to reach out with their own new dicks and tentacles and everything else, looking for others to stuff full.

Warren and Bellamy, on the other hand, were temporarily sated. They both knew that they would need something else by the end of the day, probably several more people to convert to their collective, but for the moment, they were happy. They felt...good.

And the parasites inside of them seemed intent on making sure that they kept feeling good, because their cocks were sliding free of their pants and then wiggling through the air towards each other. The snow leopard and the German Shepherd quickly made their way to a bench, sitting down just in time as -



They both started moaning as their cocks effectively started making out with one another, starting to nuzzle and lick at each other with parasites pushed out through the tips. Shivers and tremors of pleasure ran up and down their bodies, their hips thrusting forward.

Once, they might have been afraid of this, but not only did the parasites pull away any and all of their fear, but the park was starting to fill with other people that were feeling similar to them. There were cocks and tentacles pushing out of clothes everywhere, and people were starting to grope, to fuck.

Even right in front of them, someone underwent their transformation without warning. They fell to their knees, the poodle male thrusting as the crotch of his pants suddenly soaked through, turning dark and clinging to his dick and balls. The hot smell of pre-cum faded to the smell of real cum, and the canine's balls started to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and his cock grew until -


It came right through the pants, pushing out into the open, already half-transformed into a tentacle. The poodle's mouth opened, another dark tentacle tongue coming free, dangling lower and lower.

Warren smiled. He wished that he had been able to experience his own transformation firsthand rather than having it happen to him when he needed it, but he supposed that seeing all the others go through it was good enough. He looked over at Bellamy, got a smile in return, and the two of them stood up, moving to stand on either side of the air-humping poodle.

It was time for some good old-fashioned spit-roasting...

The End

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