A Familiar Temptation

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A silly little story of Draconicon visiting the world of Castle Darksun and finding himself underfoot for a while. Not the worst place to be, in all honesty.

Commissioned by Engy

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A Familiar Temptation For Engy By Draconicon

Leora wasn't entirely comfortable with someone new in the house. It wasn't so much the newness, she admitted, as it was the fact that the newcomer was quite a bit more powerful than either her or her husband. And considering that her husband had been the preeminent mage in the entire kingdom for the last hundred years, that was saying something.

She looked down from the balcony at the black-scaled dragon in her front yard, shaking her head at the way that he just sat there. There was something about him that twigged every single one of her instincts regarding danger, and considering there were young ones running through the house these days, she didn't want anything like that around.

He hadn't done anything yet, but this...Draconicon...was strangely named and behaved stranger. There were no answers about where he'd come from, or what he wanted. All he seemed to ask for was shelter and company...

But she'd seen him. She'd seen his power when a storm rose up from the east, when the magic beyond the walls had gone wild. Everyone thought it was Aughi that had brought it down, who had settled it, but she knew the truth.

Aughi did not use black fire.

He knows more than he's saying, and he's not sharing...

In the back of her mind, she's already made a decision. Two decisions, as a matter of fact.

The first was that their guest needed to start giving his fair share towards the household. She wouldn't accept money, but she would accept secrets, information, magic that might be of use to her husband and would narrow the gap between the two casters.

The second was what she'd do if he refused to give it. After all, a wife could only suffer so many dangers in her house, and she wasn't so concerned about the law as her husband.

The purple dragon stepped away from the railing, making her way down the stairs.

She walked slowly, checking herself in the mirror on the landing as she went down the stairs. She struck a good figure, still, though she was over a hundred years old now. Her purple scales were shined, as they normally were, and her beautician had gone so far as to polish them down and grind away any of the old edges that male dragons tended to grow over time.

It was her cock that she paid a bit more attention to, though. Just lifting it, swinging it from side to side, checking the balls underneath. They were full, too, mostly because her husband had been so busy dealing with this new dragon that they hadn't had time for their relations lately.

All the better for her. It gave her something to work with.

There are days when I miss my old body, she thought as she walked down to the front door. This is not one of them.

Some might call her plan one of seduction. She didn't think it was anything of the sort. Seduction implied that one was going to be subtle, that they would offer themselves, to bring someone in without them knowing that it was someone else's idea.

She just planned to dominate the stranger.

Pushing the door open, she called the children off the grass. She shut the door behind them, leaving her alone in the front garden with the new dragon. There was no doubt that he knew she was there. He always seemed to know when people came into the room, always seemed to have some sense of what was going on around him despite those blind-looking eyes. But did he know what she had planned?

Leora doubted it.

The purple dragon walked up behind the black one, trying not to think of the way that his robe fluttered or what all those stitched-in runes meant on them. It could be magic, but Aughi had told her that it wasn't anything that he recognized. And she knew that her husband wouldn't lie about that.

Praying that they were just decorations, Leora took a deep breath...and kicked the other dragon in the back.

He stumbled off the rock he was sitting on, falling to the ground. She half-expected him to roll over and fry her with a lightning bolt, so she didn't give him the chance. Instead, she stepped forward, put one foot on the back of his head, and pushed down.

To her surprise, he didn't go down. Most anyone else, even Sam or Fauros, would have collapsed under her when she pushed down. The black dragon just kept to all fours, slowly turning his head and making her foot slide with it. He looked up at her with those strange, white eyes...and with a smile.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say that you were angry at me, Leora."

"I am," she said, not daring to back down, shifting her expectations and plans. "You've come here with no gift for your host, no tribute, no way of paying for your stay."

"None has been asked of me," he said. "Though I have offered gold to your husband."

"He wouldn't accept. But I would accept something else from you."

How to do this? she thought to herself. He was obviously too strong to physically dominate that way, though she was able to take him by surprise well enough to knock him off-balance. So what did she do next?

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that he was spilling from his robe, a lengthy enough cock sliding out from between his legs. She had seen it, of course; part of their hospitality had been to offer a few underlings for him to enjoy, and it was no different now than it was then.

Except, maybe, a trifle harder.

Underfoot...perhaps he likes that?

She nudged her foot against his face, and she saw it twitch. It was something. Enough for her to play off.

"Deference, to start," she continued. "For all that you pledge that there's no harm that you wish me or my family, there's been no oath to that effect. Why?"

"I am a guest, ma'am, not a subject," the dragon said, though his voice was slightly muffled from under her foot. "Just because I don't swear loyalty doesn't mean that I wish anything bad on any of you."

"Well, that is going to change."

"Is it?"

"If you want this foot on your face again, yes."

"...Keep talking, then."

"Heh...I wondered if you were a bit of a foot dragon."

"An omni-sexual dragon, near enough, Madame Leora. But do continue," the black dragon said, rolling over onto his back and folding his hands over his chest. "You do have lovely soles, though. Quite large, but with a different sort of musk to them than your husband's. A once-female?"

"Still female!"

She stomped on his face, and his dick just about jumped out of his robes. No discomfort from him, either, so either he was that well-armored with his scales - something else that was different between him and the dragons that she knew - or he just enjoyed being stepped on that much.

She really, really hoped it was the latter.

"My apologies. I just didn't expect it. But yes, Madame Leora."

"...Do you want to be under my feet or not, Draconicon?" she asked. "You sound like it doesn't matter to you?"

"Well, in the logical sense of things, it doesn't," the dragon said, his voice muffled still as he shrugged with his hands. "There are many different pairs of feet out there, many different smells associated with many different soles. I could probably find another pair like this, or even make someone have them."

"They wouldn't have my personality."

"And a lovely personality it is, Madame," he said, patting the top of one of her feet. "But again, I could make that. Logically, there is a great deal that one can do with magic to customize their lovers."

"Hmmph...and illogically?"

"You're here right now, and you have hot feet. So, what would you like from me, Madame?"

"You're selling your secrets so cheap?"

"Throw in a good dicking, and I'll give you five of your choice," he said, pointing blindly towards her crotch. "Six, if you get me to cum."

That was not going to be hard. For all that this dragon had some mysterious power that her husband didn't, for all that his personality didn't have the same weaknesses to domination that most other men that she'd encountered did, he did have the same sort of biology on the inside as anyone else. And she knew how to use her cock. She knew how to use it very, very well.

Smirking, she pulled her foot from his face, seeing that a wet footprint had been left over him. She shook her head.

"You know, that suits you."

"It wouldn't be the first time that I was underfoot."

"But the first time that you've been underfoot by someone like me."

"A dragoness dragon?"

"Someone that's weaker than you."

He blinked, but there was a slight hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"That...wouldn't be -"

"Someone that's weaker than you. Someone that has no power to hold you down, other than what she's offering to put to use." She smiled, dragging her toes across his face, tapping his nose with them. "Someone that can put you down, fill him up under the tail in a way that he hasn't felt in a long time...someone he could obviously dominate...but chooses to submit to, instead..."

"...Fuck, you're good."

"I know. Roll over."

The End

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