Slayer or Layer 12

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#12 of Slayer or Layer

Paying off the lizard for his help with some sex and eventually an egg, Lorkos finds the location of a shaman that might be able to help him with the curse. He pays the lizard and heads out.

Commissioned by Lorvianne

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Slayer or Layer 12 For Lorvianne By Draconicon

Despite the fact that it was a lizard about to fuck him, Lorkos tried to look on the bright side. If he got pregnant and laid an egg, it meant that he would be able to leave this village without any signs of the curse, save for between his legs. He'd be as close to a fresh start as possible, and the lizard would not exactly be passing tales to the other people in the village. Not if he wanted to keep his hide.

That said...

The mostly-wolf groaned as he leaned back further on the table, submitting to having his legs pushed back, his ankles almost up to his ears from the pressure of the lizard starting to mount him. He looked down at the lizardman's crotch, seeing the start of an erection, the beginning of a throbbing shaft that was still getting harder.

I hate you...


He had to bite his lips to keep the moan down, his need already spiking with nothing more than that simple thought. He shivered as the wetness started to roll down from his scaly slit, soaking down to his asshole and then dripping down onto the examination table. It was hot, wet, slick, and thick, and he knew it was going to stain everything.

The lizard mage crawled over him, scales on fur, and Lorkos wished to all that was holy that the feeling of that inhuman cock against his crotch didn't feel so good.

"Will make it fun...will make it good," the lizard whispered.

He turned his head, not wanting to believe it, but knowing that it would be true. Every time, every single time that he had 'willingly' given himself to one of the scaly bastards out there, he had come out of it with an orgasm at the least, and possibly a lot more. He shivered at the slow grind on his sex, feeling the lips parting, the scaly nethers already corrupting him with their needs and wants.

You need require it...

The wolf growled deep in his throat as he remembered the face of the dragoness that had cursed him to this. She must have been watching from somewhere, must be enjoying his constant humiliation as he tried to find a way to stop this.

I will escape this. I will stop this...This curse cannot last forever.

But for now...

I must be willing. I must let him do this...and then I can continue my journey.

Taking a deep breath, the mostly-wolf spread his legs that much further, holding onto his legs behind the knees and thrusting his hips up as much as he could.



They both groaned and grunted as the first penetration occurred, the pair of them shivering as they were joined at the hips. Lorkos bit his lips to keep it from turning into more of a moan as the heat in his crotch soared to new heights, and he clenched his hands tighter behind his legs to keep himself from trembling.

Hold strong, hold strong.

He wagged his tail despite himself, and the half-blind, yellow-scaled lizardman had to know it was happening, but there was no comment made. The mage must have been more focused on the feeling around his cock, considering that seemed to be the thing that all of the scalies wanted more than anything else.

Lorkos leaned his head back, thrusting his hips upwards as much as he could until the mage got the message and started to fuck him. The first few thrusts, the first deep lunges, pushed the air right out of his lungs.


He kept making sounds that he didn't want to make, feeling his body spasm and shake every time that it was filled to the brim by that thick cock. It was heavy and hard enough to make him beg, wet and warm enough to feel like a sword being quenched in a forge.

And it spread him enough to make him enjoy it.

It didn't take long for the dragonslayer to be moaning despite himself on the table, arching his back against the lizard's thrusts, feeling that scaly crotch meeting his. The pleasure that rushed through him was followed by the heat rushing out from his crotch, spreading through his groin and then out to his thighs.

Scales...scales are...growing...

He knew that they would be getting more and more visible, covering his fur and beginning the transformation into something that would entice more fuck, more rape, more breeding. If he didn't get an egg from this...

The wolf groaned, bringing his legs around the lizard mage, pulling him closer, his heels digging into the older male's ass cheeks. He hated the feeling of it, knowing that he was breeding with the enemy, but what else was he to do? He had to get this right. He had to be impregnated. He had to be.

In and out, in and out the lizard went, hissing all the while. There were no words there, nothing in English, nothing in the tongues of mammals that he could understand. The beast was fucking him, using him, filling him...

And Lorkos was right on the verge of cumming already.

His cheeks burned as his pussy throbbed, clenching down on that shaft desperately, wanting to pull it in deeper, to milk it of everything that it had. He shivered, trying to hold onto his own needs, his own desires, to keep from cumming and just allow the milking to happen.

Cum. Cum you fucking bitch. Cum inside me, you fucking bastard - mmmph!

The mostly-wolf moaned out loud as the hate hit him hard, building up the heat, and in turn, building up the sensitivity between his legs. The pleasure was too strong for him to resist, and over the edge he went with a scream and a moan.

He came, and came, and came, the orgasm rolling over him, his pussy squirting against the old lizard's crotch, soaking it with his scent and his juices. He whimpered, biting his lips as he realized what he'd done, but it wasn't over.

The lizard grabbed him tighter, squeezing him around the hips as he stood up a bit. The thrusts slowed, but never stopped, the mage looking down at him with cloudy eyes.

"You are...the perfect breeder...for our kind."

"Just...just shut up and - mmmph!"

Lorkos was going to demand to be fucked, but the lizard had already taken that into his own hands, grabbing tight with claws and fingers before ramming himself forward. Lorkos arched his back, and knew no more.

He wasn't sure how long he was out, but it had to have been long enough to be filled. The wolf sat up, groaning as he reached down between his legs. Finding thick, drying seed oozing out of his scaly slit, Lorkos sighed.

Well, if I've been bred, that will give me an egg. Hopefully. If he's not too old and infirm.

The idea of this being useless was not one that he wanted to consider, not after the humiliation of coming her and being exposed in the first place. The wolf's legs were already adorned with more red scales, and he shivered as he felt that some of them had reached down to his asshole, too, spreading up towards the base of his tail and along the cheeks.

Sure, it took off a pound or two when all the fur and muscle was removed from him during the transformation, and it made his pants more comfortable, but it was not right. It wasn't right.

No man should look like his enemy.

Too many people died to the dragons generations ago, and too many people had been taken by the scalies in the long wars to reconquer their lands, their mountains. So what if the scalies didn't come down in raids for the last few generations? So what if they seemed to be content with the mountains?

The mountains, all the lands, belonged to the mammals. Anyone that said otherwise was a traitor.

And he was breeding for them...

Unwillingly, he told himself, but he found that it wasn't quite so believable to say that, anymore. Not after what he had done.

Grumbling, Lorkos pushed himself to the edge of the table. Before he could hop off, though, the lizardman returned, coming in from a tunnel off to the side. The yellow-scaled male blinked at him.

"I didn't think that you would be awake already," he said.

"I don't take long to recover."


The lizardman walked to his side, and Lorkos bit back the urge to punch him. It wouldn't do to start the heat up again. Instead, he just tensed up when the lizardman started stroking along his belly.

"You have an egg."

"Good. It'll fix what you did to me."

"Willing to give information if you give me egg."

"...What kind of information?"

"Location. Location of sssshaman sssstrong enough to remove the cursssse."


Someone that was strong enough to remove the dragon's curse was rare from what this mage had told him. It either needed to be the dragon that placed the curse in the first place, a shaman that had a massive amount of power, or someone in the capital down south that had achieved the rank of archmage.

Much as he hated to admit it, his best chance was with a shaman. But...

"Why?" Lorkos asked. "Why are you helping me?"

"Paid well."

"That's all?"

"That'ssss all."

As suspicious as he was, the wolf couldn't turn down the possibility of aid. If it was on the way to the capital, then he could look into it, see if it was possible. If it looked too difficult for him to attempt, then he would keep moving. And if it looked like he might be able to make it happen...

Well, then he had a chance. A chance that was better than pushing the archmages down in the capital for aid that they were unlikely to give.

"Where do I need to go?"

"Wait. Firssst, musssst sssspeed up the egg."



Lorkos left the underground with a bad taste in his mouth and a stretched feeling between his legs. The fact that he had given birth to an egg that was bigger than usual was something that he had been expecting, particularly considering the warnings that the lizardman had given him before dosing him with the potion, but it was the fact that he had been stared at this time that left him feeling off.

Not because it had been unpleasant, but rather, the opposite. He had...enjoyed it, and he didn't like the fact that he had enjoyed anything that a scaly had done to him.

Whatever the lizard wanted with the egg, the mage hadn't told him and he hadn't asked. It was better to leave those sorts of things alone, as far as he was concerned. As soon as the egg left his body, it was no longer his responsibility. They were just one more enemy that he would have to deal with in the future.

He felt a pang at that thought, almost like a stab of conscience, but he pushed it down. The enemy had done this to hm. They deserved anything that he could come up with for revenge.

He pulled himself out of the hole in the ground, saddling his horse and turning it towards the road. Now that he was almost fully wolf again, he had at least a few days before the curse started rearing its head once more. Better still, he had directions.

Three days ride south, there was a forest, one that was old and kept preserved by order of the druids that had ingratiated themselves to the council of the local town. Humans, mammals, nothing went in there without the permission of the druids. Something about a sacred grove or something like that.

What most people didn't know, according to his informant, was that there was a shaman in there, a lizardman that knew how to tap into the power of the forest and use it for his own purposes. He had been visited before, taught apprentices, but most of the time he kept to himself.

Here's hoping that you're accepting visitors, Lorkos thought as he brought his horse onto the road. I don't know if I can just slam you against the wall the way I did with your friend down there.

Shaking his head, he kneed the sides of his horse, pushing it to move a bit faster. He needed all speed for this before the curse rendered him into a slut for the shaman...or before someone found out that he had need of a lizardman's magic in town. It wouldn't do for a dragonslayer to be found consorting with these people.

Even someone with his reputation would have a hard time explaining himself if someone found out about that.

The End

Slayer or Layer 13

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