Enraptured by a Rapist 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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In the mini-city of Haven, inhabited by doll-like robots that are programmed to be helpful to large people (which none of them have seen), there's a problem with a rapist on the loose. A rapist murderer. One young lady watches a recording of an attack, and...well, she enjoys it a lot more than is healthy.

Commissioned by Technophile34

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Chapter 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1508050

Chapter 3: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1508051

Enraptured by a Rapist

Part 1

For technophile34

By Draconicon

The settlement of Haven had many problems, and not one citizen would deny that. The repair corps were overrun with work to the point that scrapyards and bazaars were popping up all over the place, selling both the dead bodies of dolls or the damaged dolls that were being scavenged for further parts. There was a bustling slave trade that everyone seemed to participate in to some degree or another. There were dolls that were losing their minds to a corruption of their core processors, and who knew just what they were going to do?

The latter was the biggest problem for the mayor right now, and Fiona, a Floatzel doll activated about two months ago, was right in the middle of it.

"Are you kidding me? Another one?" Diane, the Gardevoir mayor of the settlement, groaned into her hands. "Fiona, I swear to god, if that's another victim -"

"It's not my fault, Mayor. I just...all I do is bring you the reports. You don't have to shout at me."

"...Ugh. Just...go back to your desk. Just go back to your desk while I try to deal with this one."

The Floatzel doll was more than happy to do as she was told. There were few things that seemed to piss her boss off more, lately, than reports of this rapist that had been running around Haven.

It had taken a while for people to know that this rapist was any different from the other dolls running around with corrupted cores. Sure, this one had been stealing parts from their victims, but there were many dolls that took trophies from their crimes. Sure, this one forced them to cum again and again, but there were other rapists that did the same.

But this one...

Fiona shivered, remembering some of the details of the files that crossed her desk before she handed them to the mayor. The pictures and video files had been...intense, to say the least, particularly the ones that had come from the victims point of view, recorded and transferred to different memory cores.

She remembered seeing so many different views, seeing limbs being ripped off, seeing people wrenched apart, seeing orgasms forced from bodies that should have been too shattered to feel anything. It had been horrifying...

And more than a little arousing.

The Floatzel looked up from her desk, glancing towards the mayor again. Diane was flicking through the little envelope of stuff, shaking her head repeatedly at whatever was in the file. This time, Fiona had tried to pass it on as fast as possible, not wanting to get sucked into her fantasies again.

Despite that, she was curious...more than a little curious about what this one was like. What had the rapist done this time?

I could...

No, she wasn't going to ask. She shook her head, looking down at the boring city account numbers, poring over the different complaints that were coming in, the resignations of various night workers that refused to work on the settlement expansions until the rapist was caught -


The file hit the mayor's desk hard enough to shock Fiona out of her work, the secretary almost jumping out of her skin as Diane got up from her seat.

"Goddammit. Another one. Another one that's gone right to the press, too."

"Is that so bad?" Fiona asked.

"It's really bad. Do you understand? That rapist is messing with my plans."

The Gardevoir stomped over to one of the windows in the room, looking down at the settlement of Haven. Fiona knew the view well enough to know what her boss was looking at, and shook her head as she imagined it.

Outside that window was the settlement that held most of the dolls that had activated after the factory nearby had closed down. They had come to life, made a place for themselves in the wilderness, scrapped down so many different things to make sure that they had the materials to build houses, homes, and keep it all running properly.

It was a small settlement, but they had built up enough of a stockpile to be able to expand it, maybe enough to make it a proper town if they worked hard enough. That had been Diane's dream.

The Gardevoir leaned forward, one arm against the wall and her head leaning on that arm. Her willowy body was almost abnormally slender, and Fiona, as usual, could make out the mayor's breasts curving out to the side from behind. It was a view that she got more often than most, considering where she worked.

The mayor's hips swayed from side to side as she shifted from foot to foot, grumbling to herself.

"I just want to get this damn settlement to work properly. If people would just suck it up..."

Fiona knew that was never going to happen. As perverted as the dolls of Haven were - and goodness knew, they were perverted - they weren't going to just throw themselves out there when there was a rapist around.

Of course, there was no point in telling the mayor that. Diane had her own ideas of how things were supposed to work, and the doll would brook no argument to that.

Sighing, the mayor turned away from the window, then paused at the soft click-clack of her joints. She looked down at her arms, rubbing them a bit before shaking her head.

"I need to fix that. Look after things. Make sure that nobody comes in."

"Yes, ma'am."

The Floatzel leaned sideways to watch her employer leave the room, then slowly looked back at the mayor's desk. The file was still there, the information and records of the rape ready for anyone to look at.

Despite herself, there was a hint of fascination going through her fore, a little tension that was affecting her body. Her fingers felt tight, her limbs tense, like they were being pulled in. She wanted to look, but she knew that it would distract her from her real job. The possibilities, though...

Eventually, the Floatzel had no choice. She got up, making her way over to the mayor's desk on the other side of the room.

She passed by a mirror as she did, and she looked at herself. Not as she normally would, but since her mind was on the rapist, she wondered how that other woman, how that strap-on wearing fiend would look at her.

There was definitely something for a rapist to be attracted by. While she didn't have the same broad breasts as the mayor, she had more hips to work with, and a good bit more backside. Despite herself, she turned and looked at herself more fully in the mirror, going so far as to lift up the back of her skirt.

Her panties clung to her silicone ass, pulled almost skintight by what she had back there, and she blushed as she realized just how big she actually was. Not so huge that she would be unable to walk through a doorway or anything, but big enough that there had to be eyes on her when she was walking down the hall or down the streets. There was too much there not to catch the eye.

She turned around again, hearing the soft clicks and squeaks of her own ball-bearing joints. She was probably overdue an oiling herself, but in a way, the sounds were reassuring. They reminded her that people would know she was passing by, and if someone suddenly stopped her, well, people would notice that.

Her breasts were barely covered in her tight secretary shirt, the blouse pulled tight around her chest and along her middle. It felt like she was wearing some sort of fetish gear rather than actual clothes, sometimes, but that was something that she rather enjoyed, as well. Fiona tried to keep to the buttoned-down personality of a professional woman, but the Floatzel doll had been more than aware of a rising personality shift in her subroutines. For now, she was able to keep it at bay, but every time that she saw those recordings...

She looked back to the desk again, her cheeks burning as she knew she was going to go through with it. She was going to look at the recording, she was going to see another doll getting raped...

And she was already getting a bit damp just thinking about it.

There is something so wrong with me, the doll thought as she picked up the file, opening it.

It was not a paper file as the humans that had once run the factory might have had. Rather, it was a scrap of thicker material, something closer to the envelope that held it, and the ink was drawn on it by an ink-spitter, something that they had salvaged from a printer to make it work. It was a bit rough and tumble for a machine that needed to be fairly precise, but the officials made it work.

The report was sparse, at best, though she knew that the real goods would be on the memory chip that was included. That would...

That belonged to another doll.

What might have been grotesque to others was rapidly becoming a part of her daily routine, and Fiona took a deep breath as she set the chip down beside her computer. It'd go in soon, but she wanted the full details from the report first.

She sat down again as she read through them, whispering to herself as the pertinent details were processed.

The victim was a Pikachu doll, one that was only a few weeks 'old.' Someone must have found one of the buried stashes of unwoken dolls and decided to turn it on. Likely, the doll hadn't had the chance to build up some common sense with the world that it had found itself in, and was easy prey.

She shivered at the thought, wondering if she would be such easy prey for the rapist out there. Would she be willing to just...go along with it, she wondered?

The more she read, the more she wondered. The Pikachu had been discovered with most of her inner processor fried, a mix of overstimulation and water damage from excessive fluid production. She had been worked over hard, but apparently there was enough of her for there to be repairs down. Enough for her to be fixed, her memory taken. Probably not copied over, though. If Fiona guessed right, she would imagine that the Pikachu's shell had been sent either to a scrapyard or a slave auction, there to await another personality to be implanted.

And what she had there was a perfect recollection of the rape, a full set of sensations, stimulations, and sensory input.


She shivered, knowing that she was about to watch a point of view porno of someone getting raped, and that she was shamefully excited for it. Her ass cheeks were clenching together, the rubbery silicone grinding and reshaping, taking a little time to come back to normal shape after they pressed together so tightly.

Not wanting to lose her will, she shoved the data chip into her computer and told it to play the memory.

Almost immediately, it showed the Pikachu in the middle of a bar, one that had been half-abandoned by the time that this had started. Probably near the edges of Haven, somewhere that people didn't look into very often.

The place was empty, the bar stools and tables pushed to the side, the literal energy drinks that were sold there put away. The Pokémon woman seemed to wobble, her vision sliding from side to side as she struggled to walk from one side of the room to the other.

She was stopped at the last second by someone new. Her head tilted, looking up. There was enough inebriation to the doll that it wasn't quite able to make out the person there, but there were definite breasts on the way up. Definitely female.

The stranger grinned, teeth almost seeming to light up in the darkness, and then the Pikachu was shoved back, pushed against a nearby wall.

Fiona gasped at the sight, imagining what it would be like to be completely overpowered by another person like that, what it would mean for her to lose all control as soon as someone put their hands on her like that. It was a horrifying, arousing thought, and she shivered as she felt a bit of her juices running into her panties.

They seemed to cling to her as the view on the screen continued to show the rape, watching a hand come up, seeing it disappearing between the Pikachu's thighs. It disappeared there, pressing up into a place that the doll couldn't see, but the sudden moans and gasps that came from the recording told Fiona exactly what was going on.

The doll was getting fingered. Getting violated. Getting raped.

The Pikachu seemed to slump back, staring up at the ceiling, things shaking as she tried to stay on her feet. Suddenly, the view changed, eyes forced back down, forced to look at her attacker in shadow. There were readouts, a HUD on the screen, showing that the neck was under tension and could easily snap if the attacker squeezed much harder.

Pleasure readouts were there, too, probably bits and pieces that had been pulled out by the officers involved with the case, something to show what the doll had been going through. The pleasure bar was rising faster and faster, a forced orgasm obviously imminent for the young woman on the recording.

Fiona stared, her mouth falling further and further open as she could hardly believe what she was seeing. The Pikachu was getting attacked, forced to take this, filled with violent fingers that were roughly fucking up her insides. How was she getting turned on?

How was the Floatzel getting turned on, for that matter?

Because she was. She was shivering, feeling the need running down her thighs, her juices flowing past her panties and along her legs. It was thick and wet and hot, just like what she could see running over the hand of the Pikachu's attacker.

Oh my god, she's strong, she thought as the victim on the recording finally started to fight back. Weak little punches, admittedly, but the attacker didn't flinch, didn't pull back. It was almost like she didn't even feel it.


One of the visual receptors on the Pikachu failed, the vision going staticky and then going out as it stopped sending a signal to the processor. The other one seemed to expand, filling the screen, keeping the show going.

Oh god, this is...this is...

She couldn't believe she was thinking of it as a show, but she realized that she was. She was looking at it like some sort of entertainment, like something that was being done for her benefit.

What was wrong with her?

So much, apparently, because she was starting to feel her panties soaking so much that they were starting to sag from her pussy. The Floatzel wanted to look away, wanted to stare at something else. This was...this was wrong...

And yet, she couldn't take her eyes away from the events on the screen. Even when the Pikachu screamed as her arm was grabbed, as the HUD popped up and warned about tension that could not be taken for more than a few more seconds. The readout went red along the shoulder -


The first sound was the sound of the ball-bearing getting yanked free, and the second was the sudden crack and collapse of the place where it had rested. Fiona gasped as she realized what the attacker had done. She had beaten the bearing's resting place apart, cracking the plastic so that even if the arm was reattached, it would still come right back out in just a few movements.

She wants them to stay broken. Even if they live, she wants them to stay broken.

That was a horrifying thought, one that made her wonder how many of the victims that survived hadn't told her about that. How many of them had just let the rape part be known rather than the mutilation?

She didn't know, and part of that not knowing was even more arousing. Knowing that the rapist had not just worked over other dolls, but had left a permanent mark on them physically as well as in their psyche...

The Floatzel tried to sit down, but as soon as she did, her panties pushed up against her again, reminding her of how wet she was, and she was forced back to standing up. It wasn't bad, but it was a bit embarrassing to be that turned on to something like this.

She watched as the rapist held the severed arm in hand, chuckling in the recording. The voice was staticked, too, almost like it had been forced through a vocoder to disguise it. That, or the damage to the Pikachu's core had been that severe that none of the officers could clean up the voice in the memory banks.

Regardless, the arm swung about, beating the Pikachu across the face, the chest, the torso in general. Bits of plastic from the arm - and a few other things - went flying, and one silicone boob went flying off, as well.

Finally, the Pikachu was no longer able to lean against the wall, falling flat on her face. She panted, her vision buzzing before clearing again. There was something like crawling, the doll pulling herself along with one arm. It was a desperate attempt to try and get away, one that Fiona already knew hadn't worked.

And just like that, the Pikachu's vision blurred as she was pulled back, shoved back onto one of the tables. The rapist was still in shadow, this time silhouetted against one of the few working lights in the bar. The victim looked up at her, shaking her head repeatedly, trying to say something.

"Don't fight," the rapist muttered, her voice deep enough to send a tremor down Fiona's spine. "You're going to get hurt even worse if you fight."

"You're already hurting me," the Pikachu said, and even to Fiona's ears, she could hear that the doll was enjoying it despite herself.

"You want it."



The Pikachu looked down, staring as the shadow rapist grabbed hold of the doll's leg, all the way down at the ankle. Fiona gasped, her eyes going wide.

"No, you won't...you wouldn't...you'd cripple her forever..."

Her whisper didn't mean anything, and it was far too late to try and beg for the other doll. She knew what was going to happen.

She wanted what was going to happen to happen.

Fiona shivered, arching her back as she saw the first crack appear in the joint down at the hip, the little bit of the ball-bearing coming loose of the frame. There was a wire or two showing, too, the leg going limp and dead.

Even if she stopped right there, she wouldn't have been able to move that leg again for days, if not weeks.

Another yank, another pull, and the crack around the ball-bearing widened, getting bigger and less protective of the bearing. Another pull, another whimper -


The leg came free, and the rapist dropped it to the floor, not even bothering to use it as a weapon. Instead, she just grabbed hold of the other leg, twisting it, pulling it, dragging it against the joint.

Fiona could only imagine the pain that the other doll would have been in at that point. She could think of all the different sensors feeding back the pain stimulations, the various different bits and pieces of the other doll that were probably coming apart at the seams. If the mind was even still working, the Floatzel imagined that it was probably screaming for mercy in a way that the mouth couldn't process.


The other ball-bearing came loose, the plastic around it cracking at the same time. Fiona winced, even as a little blast of fem-cum slipped from her, flooding her panties as she came on the spot. Her breathing sped up, her eyes locked on the show before her, unable to look away as it continued.

"No, no."

She wasn't sure if she was the one whispering or if the Pikachu doll was, but she was already seeing herself in the other's position. She could already feel herself there, her body shaking from head to toe, her eyes rolling back in her head, the pleasure and need of the other doll from the forceful domination running through her.

Her hips were twitching, thrusting against nothing as she watched the recording continue. The rapist seemed to pull something out from behind her back.

A strap-on?

It had to be. It looked just like a phallic toy, and the silhouette put it on around their hips, making sure that it was pointed up properly rather than just hanging down. The Floatzel gasped, seeing the way that the Pikachu was completely helpless to run away, its sole remaining limb - just one arm - useless for pulling itself off of the table and anywhere that wasn't in the grip of that thing.

She watched as the rapist leaned down, as that dick looked like it was going to go right into the electric doll's pussy -


She stared at the recording, watching as the Pikachu's pleasure levels started to spike again, the first thrust and the second and the third pushing her well on the way towards orgasm. Despite the rape, the doll was receiving some sort of pleasure, some sort of sick, twisted feeling that had to be similar to what the Floatzel was feeling right at that moment.

She was so sick, Fiona thought. So sick to be enjoying something like this. Why did this appeal? Why did she think that this was as hot as it was?

Because she did. The only reason that she wasn't fingering herself to the sight was because she was desperately gripping the desk in front of her, trying to hold out even as her juices were running down her legs, soaking against her ankles and down against her feet. She felt like she might just need to get herself specially seen to after this to avoid damage, but she couldn't look away.

Her ass cheeks clenched in time to the rapist's thrusts, imagining that fake cock rushing between her legs, pushing against her ass. Another little moan escaped the embarrassed Floatzel's throat as she watched, shaking her head again and again at the horrible way that the other doll was being used.

Whatever was being said could no longer be picked up by the Pikachu's audio sensors. The ears were probably damaged by something, kept from working the way that they were supposed to.

How much did she do to her?

The report had been non-specific on that, but she imagined him having hit the doll again and again, breaking its ears, shattering those sensors so that only touch and sight were available to her. The idea of being crippled like that...

Oh god, oh god...

She could feel her urges building up again, her fingers wanting to dive between her legs to touch the dripping, enchanted sex down there. This recording was like a spell on her, a corruption of her inner processor, of her personality and subroutines.

Have to...look away...

But she couldn't.

She couldn't look away when the rapist pulled out of the doll, squeezing some sort of bulb and shooting something over the other doll.

She couldn't look away when the rapist grinned, reaching down and pulling the breastplate off of the Pikachu and tossing it away.

She couldn't even blink when the rapist lifted up the Pikachu's severed arm, and then brought it down, ending the recording of the rape from the other doll's view.

Floatzel collapsed on her chair, panting but still sitting on the edge of her seat, waiting for the rest of the information. The screen darkened for a moment, then opened up again, showing the view from a police recorder.

It showed the bar completely trashed, the ground littered with bits and pieces of Pikachu. Her legs were left in an X shape over her body, likely pinning the cracking and snapping body in place while it spasmed itself out of working order. The arm that had been detached had been thrust right through a hole in the chest, going through to the electronics beneath and likely severing some seriously crucial bits and pieces.

The Pikachu's face was dented and battered, one eye sensor completely destroyed, the wires sticking out, while the other was painted black, blinded.

Her breastplate was gone. Her legs were missing. One arm still there, but only barely, pulled loose at every single joint.

And down between her legs...

The Pikachu had once had a good ass, but now, those ass cheeks were popped, the silicone and rubber on the inside allowed to push out and droop. The pussy hole was a waterfall, the power cells in the doll pumping energy to the production circuits, keeping the slit messy and wet even after 'death'.

She killed her...and then left her like that...wanting people to find her...

She had known that the rapist was an asshole, that she had been cruel to every single one of her victims, but this was the first time that she had seen just how bad the end result was. Up until now, she had only seen bits and pieces in process, but this...


This had her hornier than she had ever been, and she was struggling not to put herself in the place of the victim.

Everything inside of her was imagining what it would be like to be treated like that doll. What it would feel like to have everything ripped away from her. Her rights, her dignity, her body. Everything that made her up being completely owned and used by someone that didn't even know her, but seemed to hate her for being what she was.

The idea of being hate-fucked, the idea of being objectified like that had her so hot that her body didn't know what to do with itself. Her ass cheeks clenched, her buttocks rippled and jiggled and shook like mad. She felt like she was going to vibrate herself right off her chair as her juices rolled out of her, passing over her clit, into her soaked panties, and down her legs.

Fiona tried to pull herself to her feet, only to find her legs shaking, her knees clicking, her feet not quite sure where to rest themselves. It was like she was unable to think of anything but that video.

I want to be fucked...I need to be fucked...

That slutty subroutine was coming up again, begging to shift from an occasionally triggered thing to a permanent personality under her secretary one. The idea was more than tempting, particularly right now.

On a purely logical level, having a slut personality would allow her to go through that sort of experience with a minimum of pain. She would be able to take it because her body would want it. She would be able to just moan and cum and cum and cum until she was nothing but digitized info being stripped of her shell.

That idea only made it hotter, so hot that she was closing her eyes, her processor diverting a bit of RAM to imagining the idea.

As her eyes shut, she imagined herself on her back, her lovely buttocks clenching together, her eyes looking up at the shadowy figure and her strap-on. She imagined being pinned down, her voice-box literally ripped out of her neck so that she couldn't form words, couldn't beg for her life.

She imagined that the rapist went for her other parts, not her sensual slit, not for the drenched little thing that she was so tempted to touch right then and there, but for other things. To fuck her, to hurt her, to rape her in the most debasing possible ways.

Panting softly, she leaned over her desk, her mind full of the fantasy of being taken right then and there, of being forced over the edge in front of the mayor. To be the one that was taken next, to be the one that was reported on.

Oh god, she would kill me. She would leave me with nothing but my processor, and that only if I was lucky...

The idea of being found, of being raped, of being destroyed like the other victims had been was all that the Floatzel could think about.

No, it was all that she wanted.

Rape me, use me, break me, destroy me.

The words were rippling through her processor, destroying any rational thought as to how this would end her life, would end every bit of her dreams of moving forward. She was supposed to be a reserved sort of woman -

I need this.

She was supposed to be a good doll, one that was able to rise above the perverted ways of the rest of the settlement.

Rape me. Fuck me.

Her hands were slowly moving down to her hips, her dreams going between her legs. She was in the mayor's office, and her needs...her desperate, desperate needs were telling her to fuck herself right then and there.

And she was about to -


It was not her hand that touched her, though. It was another's. Her eyes opened, her head turned around to look behind her.

Mayor Diane had returned. The Gardevoir shook her head, a slight smile on her face as her finger dragged from the panty-covered pussy all the way back to the end of the Floatzel's tail, squeezing the base.

"I leave you alone for a few minutes, and you completely lose yourself."

Fiona lowered her head, a soft whimper coming from the back of her throat.

"I thought you were better than this."

Another whimper.

"But you're not. You're just another lowly, easily-broken pervert, just like everyone else in this settlement."


"Stand up. Stand up and turn around."

The Floatzel did as she was told, her cheeks burning hotter than ever as she stood up. She could feel her panties soaking to her, pressed tight to her butt and her pussy, and she could feel herself getting even wetter.

"Lift the back of your skirt."

And she did...cumming on the spot from pure humiliation.

The End

Enraptured by a Rapist 2

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