Slayer or Layer: Chapter 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of Slayer or Layer

Lorkos's curse is getting worse by the second, and not just because this dragoness is feeling entirely too smug about her explanation of what to do with his new 'dragon cunt.' She's going to be enjoying every bit of torment that this guy is going to go through, starting with the kobolds that she has in the caves below...

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? Slayer or Layer Chapter 2: The First Egg For Lorvianne By Draconicon

Lorkos folded his legs under him, trying to get even slightly comfortable. Of course, that was rather difficult with a red dragoness looking down at him, her eyes narrowed even with the advantage she had. He supposed that he had earned that much of a reputation. Which, then again, might mean that he had a chance to kill her and get around the curse that she'd laid on him.

As soon as he even considered it, his loins started heating up again, and the wolf forced himself to think of something else, anything else. It took almost a full minute to push the heat down and away again and think of something other than death or...that.

She chuckled at him, and he realized that his scent must have been very strong in the air for her to find it that funny.

"You are a monster, dragoness."

"I have a name, you know."

"I don't need to -"

"Shouldn't you know the name of the one that cursed you?"


"It is Ashin. Remember it."

He filed it away, but didn't move. The more important she felt, the more she might let something slip. Then, as soon as he saw a way out of this curse, he would have a way to fight her. And hopefully, he would have a way to kill her. She deserved nothing less for putting him through this...humiliation, just for doing his job.

There was silence in the caverns between them. He stared at her, and she stared back, and slowly, she shook her head.

"You have earned this, you know. Not only killing our adults, but killing the eggs. You have made yourself an enemy of all dragons. Most would have destroyed you. I'm giving you a chance to earn a little bit of redemption."

"Do you think I care about how dragons see me? I am a warrior, a protector of the people."

"You are slut with a dragon cunt between your legs. That's all you are, and all you ever will be, until you fulfill the terms of the curse."


He had to keep a tight grip on his anger. Every time that it flared up, he felt the heat in between his legs answer it, reminding him of how much need he could feel in short order if he pushed things too hard. The last thing he needed was to collapse in a puddle of his own juices, again, just because he couldn't control his temper.

Ashin leaned forward, her head a few inches from his face. He bit back the urge to try and attack her, and even then, felt a throb down below. His scaly pussy clenched down on empty air, and she chuckled in his ear.

"You will feel that for some time, wolf. You will feel that heat for years...unless you do what I say."

"Nnngh. Then tell me. What do I lift this curse?"

"The answer to that is simple."

She pulled her head back, smiling as she folded her front paws and looked down at him. He could feel her satisfaction pouring off of her in waves, like a smug magic that pushed on him and reminded him of his place. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.

"You must breed."

"...I must what?"

"You have a cunt. You have a hole for a male to breed. And to make it go away, you must lay as many eggs as you have killed dragons. That is one-hundred-twenty-nine eggs, Lorkos. You have a long way ahead of you."

"You...can't be serious."

"I am deadly serious. I have laid this curse with all of the power that I have at my disposal. I will not have you cheat me of some revenge, as well as a chance to restore what you have done to my people. My curse will remind you of what you've become again, and again until you give in to the urges that you have."

"Urges...I can ignore urges. I am not a beast, like you."

"Are you not?"

She smiled, and he could feel that heat coming up as a response to his hate for her. Anger and lust raged against each other, and lust won, his body wracked with sudden spasms of arousal. He groaned, his head falling as he wrapped his arms around his middle in a desperate attempt to not reach down and finger himself. His fingers clawed at his arms, making it more painful, even harder to resist as he forced himself to stillness.

Slowly, the heat went down, though his pussy still clenched on nothing. This time, the dripping didn't stop. It didn't even come close to stopping. Lorkos looked up, panting heavily.

" not...a beast."

"But you may become one."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your urges. Every time that they overpower you, every time that you are made to give in rather than giving in on your own, your body will turn. Not much, not the first time, but you'll slowly lose that fur coat of yours for scales, that tail for a proper fifth appendage. Your body will turn more and more dragon, more and more female, until you give in of your own free will. Eventually, you'll become what you hate, what you fear most. Something like me."

She smiled, and he stared at her. The curse had become more terrifying than ever. The throbbing down below, the constant clenching was already hard to hold back. If there was a male around...

The thought alone sent a shiver through him. Ashin chuckled.

"Of course, if you willingly lower yourself for breeding, you can start losing it again. Every egg laid will take some of the dragon blood out of you. Every egg will restore some bit of your wolf-ness to you. But if it is not an egg willingly conceived...well, I'm sure you get the point."

"And you expect go to the adventurers I know, to other men, and lay with them? Just to make eggs?"

She chuckled, shaking her head. He might have known. There was no mercy to this.

"No, you are to lay with the males of my kind, and our underlings. Dragons, drakes, lizardmen, kobolds; they all are of the dragon blood, and will sire eggs."

He glared at her, though immediately regretted it. The heat came right back up, and this time, he couldn't stop it. Lorkos tumbled over into a heap, lying on his stomach as his exposed pussy started dribbling all over the place. He couldn't even move his clothes out of the way, the juices running down over him and making a puddle beneath him, soaking him in the feminine secretions of his own body.

Lorkos screamed as his pussy clenched again, feeling the emptiness inside of him. There was only one thing that could fill that, and the wolf refused to think about it. The moment he saw it in his mind, he knew he would be lost to that lust. He was not a beast. He would not put his body out there to be rutted, he would not surrender that part of himself to something that wasn't like him.

Shivering and panting, Lorkos could feel his fingers edging backwards little by little, desperately trying to reach down to his dragon pussy. He felt the point where fur was replaced by scales, felt the dripping fluid that coated him down there. The wolf bit his lip, trying to pull his hand back, but it only edged further back.

"You'll not get off that way, wolf. Your body is mine. The curse will leave you at the edge until you actually are bred. You will not be able to finish."

"I can' couldn't..."

"You will, and I could. Your body is mine, now. And I will see you suffer just as I will for the next few years. Amarill was my mate; he sated my heat, and now I have nothing. If you think that what you feel now is bad, just wait. Or better yet, touch yourself. You will push yourself to that edge and hold yourself there, where nothing can sate you but seed. You will be nothing but a breeding girl, soon enough. It's just a matter of whether you keep your body as it is, or if you become a dragoness in the process."

He panted, his breath ragged as he clenched his fist in a desperate attempt to keep his lust back. He couldn't touch himself, not if that was the case, but gods, he wanted to. He wanted to feel the release that an orgasm would bring, and he knew that that was just as much a trap as anything else the dragoness had done. Ashin had penned him into a corner, and left him with no way out.

She was a monster. That was all there was to it.

A rumble filled his ears, and he looked up to see her shifting her weight, getting to all fours. He groaned.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving. There is nothing for me here, not with Amarill dead. The kobolds will be here soon, to receive their commands from him. When they see he is dead, they'll want his treasure, and if they see you..."

She chuckled.

"Well, consider it my parting gift. Your first egg won't even require you to search someone out."

"Ashin! You monster!"

She didn't say anything as she left, only laughed as she disappeared into the tunnels. Lorkos groaned, trying to pull himself to his feet, but even that was impossible. The heat was too strong, his lust too potent for him to move. The slightest shift in position left him groaning in pleasure as his thighs rubbed together, his pussy lips grinding on each other., I can't...I can't just let this happen.

When the kobolds came, he'd managed to drag himself about twenty feet from his previous position, but that was nothing compared to how far he needed to go. It was still a hundred feet to the caves, a hundred feet too far when there were kobolds right behind him.

The first one was a male. He could tell by the smell right away, the stink of cock-musk hitting his nose as the loinclothed reptile walked in front of him. The wolf glared up at him, but there was no response to the threatening growl he made. Instead, there was only a glassy-eyed expression on the kobold's snout, the little thing - barely two feet tall - sniffing at the air, and as its loincloth went up, Lorkos's thoughts went from anger to terror.

No, you can' can't just do this to me! I'm a warrior. I'm a dragonslayer. I am not...not...

His pussy clenched down, squirting hard enough to spray behind him from how horny he was. He needed something inside of him, and as the kobold walked around him, claws scratching lightly through his fur, he knew that there was no more denying it. The wolf shivered, raising his hips up slightly, putting himself in position.

But...nothing happened.

He looked back, saw that the kobold was standing there, loincloth off to the side, cock hard as a rock - and even that was slightly larger than could be proportional - and dripping. movement., don't make me do this.

Lorkos tried to shake his ass, tried to do anything that he could think of to get the kobold interested. He pushed back, nudging the tip of the shaft with his drenched pussy, and had to fight the urge to impale himself on that cock. He did everything but fuck himself on it, trying to entice the kobold to make the first thrust, but...but nothing happened.

You can't...please...please...

He moaned, whimpering as he felt his pussy dripping all over the floor. This was wrong. He was a warrior, not a slut. He was...he was a dragonslayer, not a dragon breeder. He needed...he needed...


He broke as his pussy clenched on nothing again, thrusting back on the reptilian shaft and taking it inside of him. Lorkos moaned as it spread him, and he started bucking his hips back hard and fast, some part of him silenced as lust pushed up through him, taking over to get him what he needed. He panted and gasped for more, his eyes rolling back and his tongue hanging out as he bucked his hips along that kobold cock.

In, out, in, out, he could feel its slime mixing with his own. It wasn't enough, not enough for breeding, his body told him. It needed more. Pushing his head down on the ground, the wolf pushed back again, again, the schlick-schlick sound of his wet pussy riding the cock driving home just what he was doing. There was no denying it. He was...fucking himself...on a kobold.

He felt tears on his face, the humiliation burning at his core, but there was no stopping now that he had begun. The fucking was too good, too much what his body needed. In, out, in, out, his body wracked with pleasure as the kobold cock gave him what he needed. All but the one thing that would -


The kobold hissed and growled at the same time as it came, and it pushed him over the edge. The touch of cum on his pussy, in his hole, made him cum, hard. The wolf howled, drawing the attention of every other kobold in the chamber, even as his pussy was filled to the brim.

He collapsed, panting and shuddering, and couldn't move as he heard the others slowly approaching. In his head, he heard Ashin laughing, and knew that the dragoness was watching.

Let her. It would give him all the more reason to kill -


Hate and heat surfaced again, just in time for the other kobolds to find him.

The End

Slayer or Layer: Chapter 3

? Slayer or Layer Chapter 3: Kobold 'Mother' For Lorvianne By Draconicon It had been three months since Lorkos had been left with the kobolds, and three months since the wolf had seen the sun. In that time, he had been bred over...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 1

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Bedroom Intelligence

Bedroom Intelligence Sponsored by Rikochet By Draconicon The throne room was quiet save for the pacing sounds of the heir and the slow tap-tap-tap of the king's finger on the arm of his seat. Both mongooses felt the same worry, but...

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