Bedroom Intelligence

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a very old story, one that should have been posted long before now. Welcome to the kingdom of Aparajita, where the mongooses rule and the royal family is a bunch of weirdos. Take this chance to listen in to the power bottom 'shame' of the kingdom, Prince Saunak.

Commissioned by Rikochet

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Bedroom Intelligence Sponsored by Rikochet By Draconicon

The throne room was quiet save for the pacing sounds of the heir and the slow tap-tap-tap of the king's finger on the arm of his seat. Both mongooses felt the same worry, but neither would show it directly. After all, it would be unseemly for royalty to start panicking, even if it was about a member of their family going missing.

"His bedchamber is empty, his usual toys in the guard are all on-duty, none of the clubs he frequents have seen him in days," Princess Shakti said as she turned on her heel, starting her six hundred, forty-eighth lap before the king. "Why would he just..."

"He often disappears with his new toy of choice, daughter." King Suresha shook his head. "There is little to worry about."

"Tell that to your tapping finger, father."

For while they might not panic, they could both feel worry, particularly for this member of the family that managed to start so many problems.

Prince Saunak. Twin to the heir, but due to his proclivities, far further down the line of succession than she was, and an embarrassment to the throne in many, many ways. It was one thing for a prince to be gay. It was yet another thing for them to be a bottom. But to flaunt it the way that he did, to appear so weak in public...

It drew assailants like blood drew sharks, and both princess and King knew better than to think it coincidence that he had disappeared.

Princess Shakti's pacing had reached its seven-hundredth lap when the door to the room opened. Both turned as someone grunted from the hallway, and suddenly a silhouette was flying through the air. Something big, heavy, and with someone on its back.


And gagged, from the sound of air being forced through some sort of cloth. Princess Shakti and King Suresha watched as a black-clothed horse slid across the tiled floor of the throne room, coming to a halt just as his nose touched the steps leading up to the throne. On his back, to the surprise of both, was the missing prince.

Saunak stepped off the restrained body of the equine, dusting himself off and flapping his purple vest around. He left one foot on the horse's rump, standing on him as if the prisoner was some form of conquest. Shakti would not have been surprised to find out that he was.

"Sorry for the delay, sister, father," Prince Saunak said. "I was making sure that he was properly milked of all information before I presented him to you."


"Don't you recognize him, dear sister?"

The prince chuckled, pushing with his toes, and the horse rolled himself over. Reaching down, Saunak pulled the gag down just enough to show his captive's muzzle off properly, and the princess's eyes widened, but only slightly.

"The nephew of the Sultan? What -"

"Ah, now that is a story."

Princess and King shared a look as their family member sat down on the horse, using him as a chair as he got comfortable. They both knew where this was going, and neither of them were particularly happy about it.

But, as it always worked out, the prince would have his say.

_Now, I was enjoying myself with my usual afternoon entertainments. Heh, perhaps one day I'll actually remember their names, but Long-Cock and Fat-Knot were both bouncing me around between them, sharing my hole between their shifts guarding the eastern gate of the city. Quite enjoyable, really, particularly when there were others that were passing by and looking into the guardhouse.

Nobody could see my face, of course. I made sure of that, so don't worry your head about it, sister. All they saw was my royal ass, though that was fantastic enough._

I'm not sure how many times I got Long-Cock to cum, but eventually, he had to tap out. Just as I was getting Fat-Knot ready, I heard someone else at the guardhouse, tapping on the door. I thought that I might have someone else interested, and I looked around to see him.

Well, what did I see but this beautiful horse, muscled and shining with a soft oil spread through his fur. He wore more in the way of leather armor back then, probably intending to pose as a warrior, but I saw through him right away. Royalty knows royalty, after all.

He gave me a smile and fondled his crotch, and I smiled back.

"If you're looking for a ride, big guy, we both know I can take it," I told him.

"Really? And what makes you think that?" he asked.

I could have made any number of responses, but I thought that it would be best to just -

"Do you have to tell us about all the details?" Princess Shakti asked.

"Yes." Saunak chuckled. "Now, let me tell the story my way."

Anyway, I thought it would be best to just sit on Fat-Knot's knot, and so I did. It was a little bit harder than usual, considering that I hadn't had the chance to get used to it, but I took it easier than I took that pineapple yesterday. It popped right in, and the jackal just about fainted under me. Really a pity; I thought I'd helped him improve his stamina by then.

But it did the trick. No sooner had I shown off what I could do than Mr. Muscles here wanted to have me in his bed. He walked right in, pulled me off Fat-Knot, and threw me over his shoulder.

Now, it's always flattering to have someone carry you away barbarian-style, treating you like a conquest, but there's only so much of that I can take from someone I haven't shaken the dick of yet. So, I thought I'd let him know who he was dealing with. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Now, I know you want my royal rump, but come now, introductions first."

"Royal, huh? Good thing I'm royal, too, heh."

"Well, then let me shake the dick of royalty."

"You can suck it later."

"Ah, that wasn't a request."

I threw myself to the side, making him lose his grip almost instantly, and spun on a carpet of air to the ground. I landed on my feet, of course. I am that well-balanced.

As I pulled my pants back up - he'd not given me the chance before - I caught him staring at me, wide-eyed. Obviously, he hadn't entirely believed that I was royalty, so I figured I should tell him directly. I playfully bowed, and said:

"Welcome to Aparajita. I am Prince Saunak, the 'shame' of the realm. And who might you be?"

Princess Shakti slapped her hand over her forehead, and the prince chuckled.

"What? Introductions were in order."

She didn't even bother asking him how bad things had gotten after that. With a nephew of a sultan tied up at her feet, she knew that there was going to be a diplomatic incident from hell on her hands, come tomorrow. Glancing over her shoulder, she asked with a look if her father had anything to add.

King Suresha only shook his head, gesturing for the prince to continue, and so he did.

_Of course, saying my name got his attention immediately. I didn't know why, at first, but he was all smiles, completely obsequious.

That's a fun word. Obsequious. Heh. I'll have to use that more often.

Anyway, the horse bowed at the waist, almost lowering himself to the ground, and then stood up with the biggest smile that I'd ever seen.

"You are Prince Saunak? I've been looking all over for you."

"Can't have looked too far; you only just got here."_

"Well, yes, but -"

"And now that I've introduced myself, how about you introduce yourself, oh tall, big, and hopefully endowed? And your cock as well, if it has a name."

"I - ahem."

The horse bowed again. He seemed quite eager to do that.

"My name is Duke Baha, of the Haluk Sultanate. I have come to meet with the Mongoose Court, and perhaps broker a deal between my people and the kingdom of Aparajita."

I nodded, waving him on, hoping to get to the good stuff. He did not disappoint, at least, once we left the main streets. He was, sadly, not so interested in fun stuff in public.

However, he did have a large dick, one that bounced up to meet me as soon as he pulled down the front of his leather pants. It had to be more than a foot long, with the tip swelling out already, and the musk from the tip, mmm. I must have been twitching up a storm under my tail at the -

"I really do not need to know your sexual proclivities, brother."

The prince rolled his eyes.

"Then don't ask me to tell a story."

"I didn't ask you to tell the story in the first place. I just wanted to know what happened."

"Well, that's a story, and if you want to know, deal with it. Now, back to what we did..."

_Anyway, I was quick to slide down to my hands and knees, sucking along his cock and balls. He tried to grab me by the head, and though he was a stranger, I allowed it. I thought it might be fun.

I was right. Oh gods, was I right.

He shoved me right down to the base of his cock, letting me feel everything in my throat. That twitching shaft, the swelling head, everything. I could taste his musk. Not just his pre, his musk. You don't know what that's like, when it's good.

Anyway, he fucked my throat in an alley for a few minutes, and by the time he finished - down my throat, of course, I know better than to allow someone to mark the royal face - he was a bit shaky. I stood up and wiped my lips, leaning to the side with one hand on my hips.

"So," I asked. "What sort of deal are you looking to make with the city?"

"Well, um..."

The horse had to shift around a bit, thinking about it. I really don't know why he was sent with this mission; maybe he was the only relative of the Sultan that had a big enough cock to tempt me. He didn't have enough brains. He fumbled around a bit before finally remembering._

"I was sent to make a deal about an exchange of family. If you would come home with me, I would then return to Aparajita and serve in your place. It would be a fine way of bringing our cultures closer together."

"He was a moron for thinking that would work. Even on you, brother."

"Indeed," Prince Saunak said. "But I didn't want to tell him that just yet."


"Oh, because I knew he still had more in his balls."

The princess and the king stared at him. Eventually, he sighed.

"And because he might be able to tell me who was coming up with that idea. I'm not completely cock-ruled."

"Yet to see evidence to the contrary," Princess Shakti muttered under her breath.

_Anyway, I told him that it was impossible for that to happen. Instead, I offered him a chance to rest in one of the royal hotels. You know the ones in the middle of the city, where there's all those wonderful amenities? And all the privacy one could want? Where nobody asks any questions?


What? I wanted to make sure that we could have uninterrupted fun._

Anyway, we got there, and he started trying to manhandle me as soon as we were in the room. He pushed me down on the bed, pulled out some restraints, excusing them as just part of the fun. I shrugged, letting him go along with it. After all, it's hardly like the prince of Aparajita would be restrained by a simple pair of cuffs.

As soon as he had my arms tied up, he stripped himself down, slapping his cock against mine. The horse grinned at me.

"So, what's the prince of Aparajita got stuck down his pants, hmm? Is he as big as some of his brothers?"

"I wouldn't recommend looking at my cock, good prince. It is hardly my best feature."

"Oh, but I like to see how the royalty of other countries stack up to mine."

He started to reach for it, but as my legs were still free, I was able to swing them around, grabbing him around the neck and dragging him down. I squeezed, just enough to keep him down there.

"Please, do try my ass instead. It's far more pleasant, and I guarantee you, much more pleasurable."

"Nnngh...if you want your brains fucked out, fine."

"Heh, let's see if you can handle it."

I let go, and he stood up, stroking himself a bit. The poor man simply didn't seem to know what to do. I guess, failing to have an original thought of his own, he simply decided to go with whatever his family knew of ours. Which was that I was a royal slut, and that I was easy.

Which, I suppose, I am. If you're big enough.

And he was.

He pushed my legs up, ripped a hole in my pants, and slammed in. It didn't take long for me to start moaning as he fucked my ass, that flare filling my hole about as well as Fat-Knot's knot did, except that it was going deeper and hitting spots that the dog never did. I loved the feeling of it reaming me out, stretching my hole. Mmmm, and that medial ring, pulling on my asshole, dragging it out and then pushing it back in?

Mmm. Exquisite.

Princess Shakti narrowed her eyes as her brother continued the tale of his sexcapades with the horse on the ground. A glance downwards confirmed that the equine was almost as tired of hearing about it as she was, and perhaps more so, considering that it was putting him in such a bad light.

That said, she was a little surprised that anyone would believe that such a plan would work. Despite her brother's rather simple desires, and how easily he would give into them, she knew he wasn't a complete fool. Had his reputation spread that far?

She'd have to do something about that...if she could live through this recounting of sex with a relative.

_He pounded me right into the bed, and I have to admit, there were times when I was moaning out for more and more, begging him to give me his cock for as long as he could. His balls were about twice as fat as they are now, by the way, so you know just how much I had to milk out of him.

He fucked me for...what, maybe half an hour before his first orgasm? Pretty impressive, even considering the fact that I had sucked him off in the alley not long before. He pulled out, slapping his cummy cock on my pants.

"Hmmm, so, what do you say, Prince Pervert? Do you want more?"

"Gods yes," I said, still a bit lightheaded.

"Why don't you tell me a bit about Aparajita first, hmm? Maybe tell me...say...where the guards go during the day? Some of the patrols on the border?"_

Now, I was a bit out of it, so I admit that I almost talked with him about such things. He wasn't the average fuck, so forgive me for that, father, sister.

But I didn't actually go through with it. I started to talk, then stopped. After all, border security isn't exactly something that we share with one another. I cocked my head to the side, smiling.

"Why do you want to know about something so boring? I'm sure that there's more interesting gossip that you want to hear."

"I think that you need to tell me something good, Prince, or you won't be getting this dick again."

Now, I don't particularly like having my sex life and choices threatened, so it took some effort not to take him down right then and there. You know I could, sister; I might not be as strong as you, but I'm pretty good at what I do. But...he had his reasons for this, and as my head got a bit clearer, I got more curious about it. So, with my arms still tied over my head, I pulled my legs together, crossed them, and imitated sitting down in a meditative pose. Mostly for the silly factor, I admit.

"Oh? I would most like to have it again, but I bet your curiosity has quite the list of things that it wants satisfied. Perhaps we can start with something -"

And then he put his balls on my face.

Remember how I said I could taste that musk before? Just breathing in then, I could taste it, and good lord it was strong. Powerful as you can imagine, and thick as could be, and I loved it. I loved the taste of it on my tongue, loved the way that it rushed through my nose and filled my brain, and I just huffed it in, again and again and again.

He ground against my face, nudging my cheeks and my nose and my mouth with his cock, and I had a very hard time resisting following it around. Instead, I just sucked down as much as I could, my cock getting harder, and he seemed to love that, too, reaching down and groping for me.

It was that first grab of my dick that really snapped me out of it.

"Why was that, brother? Because you're pencil-thin?"

Shakti almost never mentioned such things to her brother. It was a bit rude, and crass, and it honestly wasn't worth her time, but he had been driving her crazy. Hearing about someone else acting like a slut wasn't that interesting to her, and hearing her brother describing his fun in such detail with someone that she didn't particularly like was worse. A bit of petty revenge didn't hurt anything.

For the first time, he blushed, and she took some satisfaction in that. Saunak cleared his throat, continuing.

_Anyway, he grabbed my dick, and that snapped me out of it. Good thing, too, because he was starting to ask questions again.

"Where does your sister spend her time outside the city?"

Ah, I thought, he was looking for a chance to go after the heir. Well, much as I wouldn't mind sending some assassins after you, dear sister, I didn't want to send this one. He had too good a dick to waste, and honestly, I didn't want to explain a murder when you reacted so forcefully to the last attacker that came after you.

I put on an act, panting a bit more than I needed to, and moaning for his cock and balls.

"Please, more," I said.

"You tell me where she stays, and you can have it again."


It was all a plot to buy time, of course. I wouldn't be simply handing over the keys to the kingdom to someone that didn't deserve them. I came up with a little lie, saying that you stayed in the little house on the south side of the city, near the rivers, and he bought it._

He started to get up, looking like he was going to leave. Annoyed, I grabbed him by the tail with my toes, pulling him back to the bed, giving him the best smile that I could summon. He looked back as I spread my legs, showing off my ass to him again. I could feel the seed from before oozing out of me, running down my ass cheeks down to the base of my tail. Pretty warm, too.

He stared for a moment, and then looked up at my face as I whispered to him.

"Don't you want more? Didn't you say I'd get your dick again if I answered you?"

"Mmmph...You are a slut, aren't you?"

"I am, I am, particularly for dicks like yours."

"Heh, did I break you, prince?"

I wanted to say no, but I had to keep up the lie. Plus, the look of sheer dominance on his face, that ego being fed? You don't hurt those poor guys. You let them keep thinking what they like. After all, it's not that fun to crush them.

"Mmmph...almost. I need more, big guy. I need your cock."

He was on me in a second after that, though with more force than before. I saw a knife at his hip, this time, and I knew that he'd probably be using it on me when this was over. He wouldn't be able to leave witnesses, and why not take two birds with one stone? I am sure that he would have loved being able to report to his father that two of the heirs to Aparajita were killed off, and that he had been the one to deliver the blow.

I didn't want him to use it.

But I didn't want him to stop fucking me, either.

While he was fucking me, slamming in and out, I managed to wriggle my hands free. Without my legs tied down, I was able to do the usual sort of dance to summon flame, and it was enough to burn my fingers free. He didn't know what he was doing at all, this prince.

Anyway, about halfway through, when I saw him reaching, I made my move. I threw myself to the side, spun us around, and suddenly, I was the one on top. The horse stared at me, Mr. Stallion unable to believe what had happened, and I loomed over him with a grin on my face and his knife in my hands.

"Hmmm, not very smart, bringing something like this to a prince's bedchamber."

"How...what? What did you do?"

"Oh, just a little trick that my bodyguard taught me. Very good for getting out of tight situations like that."

"But...that's impossible! You were tied up. You can't do anything when you're tied up."

"When I'm all tied up, you mean. My legs were still free. I could still move."

I leaned in, sliding my ass up his cock little by little, until just the head was inside me. I kinda needed to do that in order to reach his face, honestly; he was a very big horse. I patted his cheek.

"And now, you're going to tell me all that you know about what the point of this was. And whether this was your idea, or someone else's."

"It was my idea!"

He was too quick to say that for me to believe him, and rather afraid, too.

"Afraid of what?"

Shakti and Saunak turned to their father, and Shakti rubbed the back of her head. She didn't want to be the one to say it, but she was pretty sure that her brother would.

At least, he would have, if he wasn't laughing.

The perverted prince rolled off the back of the horse prince, clutching his sides. As the prisoner grumbled, Shakti looked up at her father.

"Father, you know how my brother, your son, has so many toys?"

"Of course."

"That is partially because anything less would require vast medical expenses for the use that he gets out of them."

"...I find that hard to believe, daughter," King Suresha said.

"Oh, father, it's true," the prince said as he managed to get to his feet again. "I almost bankrupted myself when I only had a couple. Do you think that there were so many visits to the infirmary because of assassins or something?"

That was the lie that I was using before, Shakti thought.

"...Proceed, son," the king said.

_Anyway, he was afraid, and I was happy to make use of that. I started riding him, and not slowly, either. I fucked his cock into my ass as fast as I could slam it in. The size wasn't exactly intimidating, and considering that I could vary my tightness as needed, he was easy to take, and easy to please.

He begged for me to believe him for the first three or four orgasms, and then became more and more incoherent as time went on. He begged for relief and release after I used him six times, when his cock was starting to ache and hurt. I didn't let him have it, simply telling him that I needed the information, and I had as much time as I wanted to use him.

After all, the rooms were soundproofed. He couldn't scream, couldn't do anything that would save him. All he could do was lie there, and hope that I would get tired before he did._

I guess he thought that a pervert like me wouldn't be able to keep going long enough to threaten him, because he laid there for a long time, hoping that I wouldn't do anything else. I tried a number of different tricks, too, including turning around, bending around, and licking his balls as I bounced.

"That's impossible," Shakti said.

"Not at all. It just requires a fair bit of flexibility. There's a ferret over in the neighboring kingdom that can do it, and I couldn't just let him be the best at that."

"...Ugh. Just as long as you don't - I DON'T NEED A DEMONSTRATION!"

"Well, fine, if you're going to be like that."

_Anyway, his balls had almost disappeared by the time that he finally gave in. He started whimpering, gasping about his father. I slowed down, a bit disappointed that I was losing some of the fun that I wanted, but I let him talk, let him get what he needed to say off his chest.

It turns out, dear sister, that the Sultan over there has some issues with the fact that we have a female heir. He wants to see someone that is a bit more militant on the throne. Perhaps Girisha, I suppose, or someone like Manu instead of you. It didn't really matter to me; he was talking nonsense, and now that I had some proof that it was the Sultan's idea, I didn't need to push him any harder._

I did, anyway. He was about to make fun of my dick earlier, after all, and that wasn't something that I wanted him to think was a good idea.

After that, I tied him up, rolled him out the door, and carried him down to the throne room.

The two mongooses that had been listening to the story had very different reactions. The king, of course, was quiet, thinking things through, having a moment to himself to consider the ramifications of all this. The attempted assassination of another person was serious enough, but the implications of what his son had found out - even through 'torture' like that - were things that would shake the foundations of their relationship with the foreign sultanate.

Shakti, on the other hand, had a much more explosive reaction.


The mongoose princess's eyes flared, fire leaping from the corners of her eyes as she loomed over the horse. The bound male tried to roll away, only to be caught by Saunak's heel. Shakti lunged down, grabbing him by the chin.

"You and your father have brought this upon yourself. Should my father unleash me to carry out the hell that I want to bring upon you, your Sultanate will burn to the ground. It will be seared to glass, the earth itself solid and shimmering to reflect the doom that you have earned. I swear, by all that is -"


The fire went out at the king's word, and the princess took a deep breath before stepping back. All eyes were on King Suresha as he looked upon the bound horse.

Slowly, the prince was lifted into the air, held aloft by the king's thought. Duke Baha, stripped of his dignity by Saunak, of his courage by Shakti, was finally stripped of his sanity as his fear mounted, gibbering into his gag like a man possessed.

The king didn't move, but suddenly the babbling stopped, as if an invisible hand gripped the horse's jaws and held them shut. He spoke, his voice little more than a whisper, but carrying throughout the room.

"You will return to your father, and you will tell him that the traders of the Haluk Sultanate are banned from Aparajita. Your access to the rivers of our nation is revoked. If you wish to trade, if you wish to have the resources that you formerly harvested so freely, it will be up to your father to decide a sufficient offering to gain our trust again. I suggest that you make a very good argument to him to spare your life and to have him punish himself, for we will not accept an execution as a show of good faith.


And with greater speed than he had entered, the horse was flung out of the room, sent flying into the distance until he was nothing but a speck in the sky.

Both prince and princess watched that for a moment, then turned to their father once more. Shakti spoke first.

"And if it will be war, father?"

"Then you and your brother will be on the front lines."

"Thank you, father," she said, bowing at the waist.

"Leave us. Your brother and I have more to discuss."

"...As you wish, father."

Shakti left in a rush of air. The doors closed, and father and son were left alone. Saunak sighed.

"Is this going to be another lecture?"

"No. But I do recall threatening you with a visit to the blacksmith if you did this again."


"If I cannot trust you to be reasonable, then I will take measures. A chastity belt measured to you, with the key given to your bodyguard, will hopefully keep you from chasing dick for a time."

"You know it won't work forever. I'll find a way out."

"Yes, but perhaps the realm might not fear the royal ass for a few days, and that, my son, will be punishment enough for you, and relief enough for the palace."

The End

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