In the Realm of the Snake King 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The pleasure and romance of the hybrid and the king continue, with some gifts coming, and some sadness, as well. After all, reptiles such as snakes are fine with being underground...but mammals?

Commissioned by JCFoxman

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In the Realm of the Snake King 2 For JCFoxman By Draconicon

Against the rocks, held in the pool by the king's passion, Lorelei expected the first thrust to rush through her, to rip her open, to fill her to the brim regardless of the possible discomfort. It was how it always went, how the body always begged for it only to regret it the moment it got what it wanted. She bit her lips, waiting for that deep, hard, painful-pleasurable thrust.

Yet, it never came. The kiss of the snake king's shaft against her puffy slit was barely more than a nudge, his control such that he didn't slam in, but rather glided, and even then, he was taking it slow.

Slow, gentle...but firm.


Her words came out in a quiet, high hiss, her breath feeling like it was being squished from her by his massive rod. It left her shaking, shivering from head to toe despite the heat of the water. Her toes curled, her body slowly wrapping around him despite herself. They were forehead to forehead still, but so much of him was underwater, so much of him was hidden that she couldn't know what he was doing until he did it.

Her legs wrapped around him, her eyes rolling back in her head as she felt the smooth shaft rubbing along her inner walls, teasing, touching, rubbing, stroking at every spot that could bring her pleasure. The water let the king undulate in a way as he thrusted, his shaft almost seeming to slither into her like a snake itself, touching everything, teasing everything.


She gasped, moaned, yelped, the hybrid's eyes rolling back already in her excitement. Her lips were under as much attack as her sex, Eronaeus stealing kisses from her every other time that she opened her mouth. She felt the smoothness of him, the touch of his scales, the rasp of his body as it moved. She felt the fangs hidden just behind his lips pressing against her mouth, and shivered as she remembered his promise.

Be his, and be a true woman.

He was still moving forward, still slowly sinking his shaft into her. How much could be inside of her already? Six inches? Seven? Eight? He didn't seem to be slowing down, and yet she felt so full, so intensely full of his member. It was beyond reckoning, her body shaking as it tried to accommodate such a huge thing, and he kept pushing her, kept her taking more.

Her head slumped back against the edge of the pool, her eyes closed to slits, her breasts and nipples rising out of the water. Every droplet running through her fur was an agonizing pleasure of its own, her body on the verge of going into climax already from the sheer strength of his touch, of her sensitivity.

"Oh gods...oh gods..."

"Mmm, am I one of your gods, my Lorelei?" the snake king asked.

"You are hung...hung like one...And treat well..."

"I respond well to prayers of lust, my dear," he whispered to hear. "Speak your truths...let your body call for me...and let me...respond."

He kissed down the side of her neck, so close to pricking her flesh with his fangs, so close to making her tremble and shiver and scream already. How deep was he? She swore that if she looked down she would see her belly bulging from his shaft, but -


The fox-cat hybrid moaned again, her body shaking as she was pushed to the very edge of her endurance as the snake king hilted with her. She felt his waist against her crotch, felt his sac against her rump. He was all the way in...and she was well beyond full.

Gasping for breath, she reached one hand down to her middle, pressing it to her belly. She could feel him inside of her, feel him in her depths. Gods above, but he was huge, and he made her feel good...

Her body felt like it was floating in the water on the winds of ecstasy, her mind buoyed on bliss. Her fur spread out, floating and bobbing in the water as much as she did.

The king's hands rubbed up along her hips, slowly stroking to her breasts and lifting the small things from the water. She blushed in shame as she saw their tiny size once more, turning her head away.

"P-please...don't...don't look..."

"How can I not look at a wonder such as yourself?"

She whimpered, turning her head the other way, hardly able to bring herself to think that he might be being honest. The fact that he had treated her so well made it hard to think that he would be anything but, but at the same time, she had been teased so often for her small breasts. Her itty-bitty-titties. So flat that she might as well be a man, in the eyes of some of her classmates.

But when he lifted his tail, when he turned her head to look back at him, she saw that he looked at her differently. There was a hunger in his eyes, a need, a bright, shining urge to have her, and when he looked at her breasts, he didn't look at them like the freaky things that she felt them to be. No, he looked at them like they were inspiring great lust for him, like she was already perfect and he was only planning to make her beyond perfection.

It made her nipples pop a bit more, showing through her fur, pushing themselves onto display for him. She blushed as he leaned down, kissing them, feeling his fangs on either side of her nipple. He could impale her breasts...her easily as he had impaled her sex, and that...

That had her clenching down inside. That had her hot.


"Please what, my beauty?" he whispered.

"Please...make me...make me...better..."

"You are already amazing."

"I...I know..."

She squeezed around him, pulling his shaft deeper, digging her heels into his backside more. She needed him deeper, but she was smaller, softer. She couldn't just command it. He had the power...

And she needed him to use it.

"But make me...more than...amazing."

"My beautiful lady..."

He smiled, and this time, he allowed the fangs free. She shivered again, in lust and a small amount of fear, as she saw those natural needles, watched as the strings of venom dropped from them to the hot water around them.

"Just this once...your wish is my command."

Lorelei knew that he was going to bite her, knew that he was going to leave her with marks in her breasts, but she wasn't quite prepare for the feeling of those fangs coming down on her nipples. The fox-cat gasped, struggling not to arch her back, her muscles tensing all over her body as she struggled not to move as he pumped a dose of his venom into her nipple directly. The sudden sting followed by the heat of the venom rushing through her left breast felt like her chest was on fire.

It spread to the other one as he bit down a second time, his fang piercing her nipple like he had pierced her sex, filling her in a way that was both unholy and divine at the same time. She gasped for breath, her body trembling, her eyes clenching shut at the pain of the heat and the...the...

The heat of pleasure that was slowly taking its place.

Her eyes opened again, slowly, her gaze coming back down to her breasts. They were...

They were already bigger, and they were still growing.

What had been less than a handful now floated on the water with her, bobbing gently and getting thicker, rounder, more full. She reached up to them, cupping them from underneath, and her eyes widened, watered, leaked with tears as she realized that they were already filling her palms.

"Oh really..."

"Did you doubt me, my dear?"

He shifted, his hips pulling back and pushing forward, carrying his shaft with it and filling her up once more. Her body trembled from head to toe at the sudden shift in perspective, feeling her breasts rise and fall with her.

The soft smack smack of her breasts falling down against her chest, the sensation of strange need that came with it, told her that she wasn't imagining things. This wasn't a hallucination. This was real.

She had bigger breasts. She had boobs.

Grinning like a fool, she looked up at the glorious snake king and kissed him, pulling his head down against hers and kissing him deeply, her tongue licking against his lips, then exploring inside.

His arms were already around her, pinning her against the pool again as he started shifting positions, moving around, giving himself a different sort of angle to work with. She groaned under her breath, feeling him pushing her against the wall and loving it, feeling him grinding her against the back of the pool and wanting more.

As he started to move quicker, the water turning to a froth around them, she could still feel her breasts growing, feeling the weight on her shoulders getting heavier and heavier. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her breath coming faster and faster as her small breasts turned to bigger boobs, and then to even bigger ones. It took everything she had to look down at them, and she smiled with pride as she saw the size that they were gaining, the heft that they were taking on.

They were more than just the simple breasts that the boys had been admiring on other girls. They were big. They were almost gargantuan as they grew, her nipples swelling to match them. They were big enough that the snake king began to lower himself, resting his head against the flesh pillows that they were becoming. Small As had become Bs, then Cs, and now they were rapidly rising to Ds. It was so good. So much better for her.

For the first time in a very, very long time, she felt like a proper woman with those pushing out from her chest. For the first time in just as long a time, she felt desirable.

She opened her legs further, her arms moving under her breasts as she trusted her lover to hold her, to support her, to fill her. She moaned at every insertion of his shaft, marveling at the way that he had seduced her body. Every single filling thrust felt like it was hitting somewhere new, somewhere different, keeping her from getting used to it. The magic of their mating was just that. Magical, unending, beautiful.

She gasped for breath as she cradled her breasts, feeling her curves finally reach their end state. She couldn't quite hold them in her hands, feeling her fingers sinking into the soft flesh beneath the fur. Lorelei whimpered, gasping.

"So close..."

"Are you going to cum, my lady?"

"Yes...oh god, yes...please...please, make me cum."


He leaned in, kissing her, his hips speeding up as his tail wrapped around the both of them. She was pinned to him, unable to ride him, unable to move. He pulled his head back, staring into her eyes with a look of the most intense need that she had ever seen in her life.

"Cum for me."

It was enough to hear it, and enough to go over the edge. Lorelei arched her back, her breasts breaking free of the water, her breath coming in sharp, silent gasps as she came around his cock, squeezing down on his shaft and trying to pull him deeper inside of her, trying to milk him with the need of her inner walls, of her core. She panted for air, desperately trying to suck more down so that she could stay conscious, trying to enjoy this.

She could feel his shaft pulsing inside of her. Was he cumming? Was he filling her? She didn't know, but it was hot inside of her in a way that it hadn't been only a moment ago. It was good. It was warm.

It was him.

She shook as she started coming down from the orgasm, her body wracked with the wonderful pleasure that he had given her. The need was still there, but...but she was more aware, less insane with the lust that she had felt.

He slowly pulled out, the snake king smiling at her as he stroked her cheek.

"My Lorelei."

The way that he said it told her that it had meant more than just a bit of sex with him. He had made a claim of some sort, made some sort of mark on her with this.

Any other time, she might have been afraid. She had been told that the magical beings of the world were dangerous, that they would do things to those that they claimed, that they would never let their possessions see the light of day again. But...

Well, why would she want to? Why would she need to, when she had this?

Eronaeus lifted her from the water with his tail, setting her on the edge of the pool. As soon as her rump made contact with the stone, she felt the soft squirt of pressure inside of her, and gasped as she felt warm seed oozing out from between the lips of her sex. She blushed hard, her cheeks burning, but she wasn't given an opportunity to hide it.

Her lover was already pulling her legs apart, rubbing his fingers along her thighs as he exposed her, showing off what he had done to her sex. She blushed worse than ever, looking in the valley between her breasts to see his seed oozing out from inside of her. It was just a powerful mark of what he had done to her, what they had done together, and she shivered as she felt the slippery ooze passing between her pussy lips, dripping down onto the rock below.

" filled me up...a lot."

"I have a lot to give."

He smiled as he ran his hands along her hips, only for Lorelei to sigh softly. The touch reminded her of her other failings, the other things she lacked. Her breasts had grown, and grown greatly, but that...

She reached back, feeling her flatter rump, feeling her narrow hips. If there was ever a girl that would be mistaken for a man down there, it was her.

No sooner had she touched herself, however, than the snake pushed her legs further apart. She blinked, opening her mouth to ask what he was doing -


Only to feel his lips kissing along her inner thigh, making their way up her legs ever so slowly, dragging his lips along and giving her all the affection and attention she could ask for. She blushed, unable to find the words to thank him, but he didn't seem to need them. All he did was keep kissing, kissing, kissing. His lips trailed up from her knee to her thigh, and then all the way up to her -


She gasped as he kissed her clit, sparking another burst of heat between her legs. He dragged his lips back down her other leg, rubbing them both by the time he was done. When he looked up, meeting her eyes once more, Lorelei saw the same smile, the same promise that he had given her when he had grown her breasts.

Could he do that down there, she wondered? Was his venom that multi-purpose?

Without even thinking about it, without wondering at the consequences, she nodded her head.

He nodded back, and he went back to kissing her. She waited, bracing herself for the first little bite. Would it be along her inner thigh, she wondered? Or would he plant his fangs above her clit, giving it a growth as well as the rest of her? Would he have her turn around, put his teeth right into her rump?


She felt it, alright. She felt it right on her inner thigh, just as she had half-expected. The bite was deep, but not painful, not nearly as painful as the first nip to her nipples had been. Her flesh bruised ever so slightly as he took his fangs back out, but the heat was already running through her.

The fox-cat groaned, her tail swishing behind her. She brought her hands back up to her boobs, running her fingers over them, squeezing them, teasing them. She liked the way that they squished beneath her fingers now, pliable, but firm and upright for the moment. She might need a bra later to keep them that way, considering their own heft and weight would try and drag them down, but for now...

Perky, heavy, and big. That was her boobs.

She felt the heat spreading through her thighs up to her hips, and then from there back to her rump. The feeling of it running through her down there was almost like going through a heat cycle, but without all the painful cramping that always came with that. The fox-cat looked down, wondering what she'd see.

But no, it was a feel, first, the feel of pressure beneath her rump. She looked over her shoulder, her cheeks burning in embarrassment and arousal as she saw the first bit of changes rippling over her backside.

Her butt was pushing down against the rock, getting bigger by the second. There was almost a bubbling, hissing feeling inside, as if her insides were expanding to fill out a bigger pair of butt cheeks, making them stretch, pushing them out. She reached down, feeling the expansion, feeling the growth -


Only to moan again as the snake king lowered his head between her legs. The sense of pleasure that came from his tongue flicking over her sex, teasing her, cleaning her, only made it better.

She lifted her legs from the water, panting as she felt herself getting worked up to a full orgasm again, her body wracked with the need and pleasure of the whole thing. Her legs were thickening, adding curves to her thighs leading up to her hips, and she could feel her hips flaring out more, guaranteeing that she would sway around whenever she walked. The idea of catching eyes like that was a hot one, even if all she could catch the eyes of were the other snakes down here...

Or better, King Eronaeus between her thighs.

She clenched her legs around his head, knowing that he stayed against her sex because he wanted rather than because she made him, but having the legs to hold someone there was a beautiful thing. She wanted to feel his head between her thighs, wanted him to be there for as long as she could keep him.

Lick, lap, lick went his forked tongue, teasing her clit as her body grew, as her belly plumped just enough to give her an hourglass shape between her bigger boobs and butt. The hybrid leaned back, shivering, shaking, her juices running freely around her king's tongue, feeling them pooling and puddling beneath her.

Suddenly, his tongue slipped inside of her, deeper than ever, thrusting like his cock had done. Her eyes went wide, her body spasmed -

And she came.


This time, she screamed out her moan as she arched her back, her boobs thrust forward, rising up, and then falling down on her chest again. She screamed again, and again, gasping for air as he pushed her through one orgasm after another, her ass cheeks clapping as her rump had swollen so far, her inner walls trying and failing to trap his tongue as he attacked her inside, flicking against her g-spot, against every sensitive place he could find.

One orgasm became two...

Then three...

Then four...

And four became unconsciousness.

Lorelei woke up hours later in a bed, her eyes opening to stare up at the ceiling. It was a lushly appointed ceiling, with a draped blanket over the carvings in the top of it. She heard the raspy sound of a tail dragged along the ground and the soft click of toe claws to the side, and she grunted as she forced herself to roll over.

Despite everything, she was surprised that she wasn't sore. Her pussy felt a little puffy and swollen between her legs, but she supposed that was part of having sex...and then getting eaten out by a snake-man.

She blinked her eyes at the sight of the snake king in front of her, then blushed a bit as he looked down at her, still naked as he had been in the bath, still showing off everything that he had to her. Feeling a twinkling of arousal between her legs, she started to pull herself out of bed -


Only to gasp at the sudden weight on her chest. She looked down, her eyes going wide as she saw the white and gray fur over her much, much larger boobs.

It really happened...

She held her hands under them, admiring her own curves, feeling the way that they actually pushed back against her hands. They were actually there. There was no denying that, no saying that they were just a trick of the light on the water, nothing to say that they were a hallucination of the venom.

She was big.

She was womanly.

She was perfect.

"Do you like them?" Eronaeus asked.

"So much...they're...they're what I always wanted..."

"I'm glad. Because there is much else for you to have. Stand."

Getting out of bed was a bit tricky with her new center of gravity, but she managed it, enjoying the feeling of having a proper rump now, too. She couldn't stop touching herself, whether it was cupping her bigger boobs or reaching back to grope her bigger rump. It was just what she needed.

But there was more? She needed to hear about this.

Eronaeus held up a gown before her, one that draped down and shimmered with a blue color, a blue light that almost seemed to come from the gown itself. She took it in hand, running her fingers over the fabric, and shivered herself.

"It's you," she said. "All soft and smooth one way, but with that raspy, gripping feeling the other way."

"It is made of the finest scales."

"It will fit me?"

"It should. I measured you while you slept."

Nodding, the fox-cat turned around, holding her arms over her head, and the snake king slowly started sliding it over her body.

It was a smooth, clasping sort of garment, one that held her tightly, one that wrapped around her and refused to let her go. The dress seemed to embrace her around the hips and under her bust, holding her tight and squeezing her closer than ever. She gasped once or twice as he pulled the garment that much closer to her, but it was...

Well, it was a wonderful feeling when it fit.

He took her to a mirror on the far side of the room, allowing her to look at herself. Lorelei took one glance, and was starstruck.

The dress was simple enough, one that combined elegance with simplicity of form. There were no places in the dress where it changed color, where there was a hem or stripes or other patterns. Instead, the natural scales of the garment would change color depending on the lighting and how the dress fell over her body, giving her a different look depending on the pose that she struck.

The bust line was a deep, diving one, falling down between her breasts almost all the way to her belly button, but at the same time, it pushed her breasts up a bit, making them that much more noticeable. Not that they needed the help after the venom dose that he had given them, but it was good to see them.

She turned, slowly, yet the dress seemed to exaggerate her motions, making it flip up a bit around her legs and ankles, flaunting her lower legs and clasping tight to the upper part. She could see every detail of her hips, and she swore that the gown hugged her rump cheeks so tight that they were trying to burst free of it. She giggled, giving her rear a little shake just to see them jiggle.

"''s beautiful," she said, shaking her head in amazement.

"And it's all yours."

"Thank you, Eronaeus."

She looked over her shoulder at him, looking the naked snake-man over a few times. She smiled wider.

"Thank you for everything. I couldn't ask for anything more from you."

"And yet, more you shall receive."

He walked up to stand behind her, the pair of them reflected back in the mirror. His arms wrapped around her middle, and his lips pressed against the back of her neck. It was so soft and gentle, and yet his touch was as possessive and desiring as anything she could have asked for.

And yet...

Yet he wasn't saying anything. Wasn't doing anything beyond holding her. Lorelei looked back at him, watching him stare at the mirror.


"What I am about to say will break our hearts."

"Wh - then don't say it. We're happy, aren't we?"

"Yes...but happiness is always at a cost..."

He shook his head, his hands slowly unwrapping from her middle. She tried to grab them, but he kept pulling them back, and he was so much stronger than she was. The fox-cat shook her head, feeling the fear on the rise again.

No, no, I want this. I need this. Don't you take it away from me.

He pulled back from her, though, using his tail to keep her at bay. Her heart was racing, her hands clenching into fists at her sides.

"What are you doing? I thought this was to be my place! I thought you wanted me here!"

"I do...but you are a mammal. Your kind does not belong underground."

"I don't care!" She shook her head. "You gave me everything I wanted. Everything I needed. I can make it work."

"You will try, but eventually -"

"No! I want this. I need this."

She tried to push past his tail, but he was too strong. She grabbed it, instead, pulling on it, trying to pull him closer. It only worked a bit, but it was enough to let her reach out, enough to let her touch his cheek.

"I need you."

"And I need you..."

He sighed.

"But I can't keep you underground. And I can't have you with me forever. There is only so much that a god may do, even with those that he cares for most."

So much was happening, so much that she didn't understand. He had promised her this. He said that she could have this, that she could be his. Why was he going back on it? Why was he forcing her to give it up?

Lorelei struggled to come up with something to say, but there was too much turmoil in her heart and her head. Instead, Eronaeus continued on his own.

"We will see each other, but not every day. I will build you a house in the upper world, a place for you to stay out of sight of those that you hate. Away from those that you loathe. It will be near me, but not underground.

"We will see each other for part of every month, but you must stay above ground. Beneath it, you will stifle yourself. Eventually, you would die from it, no matter how I tried to keep you alive."

" can't..." Lorelei felt like she was going to break. Felt like she was going to shatter. "Why would you do this to me? Why...why promise it and take it away?"


The snake-king sighed. His tail fell, and they finally came together again. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. His lips graced her cheeks as she cried against his chest.

"Because I wanted what was impossible. Because I craved that which I have been forced to leave behind. Because I thought, for a moment, I could defy the world..."


It was little more than a whisper on her part. She could barely speak past the lump in her throat, the blockage strangling her as she tried to speak past the sobs that threatened to rush past her neck.

"Try...for me. Try and defy the world...We...we can do it...together..."

"I did that once before, my Lorelei."

"No, don't...don't call me that." She shook her head, leaning against his chest. "Don't call me yours. Not if you aren't going to keep me."

"I -"

"No. Either I'm yours...and I can come here whenever I want...or I'm not..."


She looked up at him, flexing her hands, her claws scratching against his scales. The fox-cat fixed him with a stare of her own, a heat and a need that surpassed her own mortality as she took him in.

"Because if I am your Lorelei...then you are my Eronaeus."

It was a hard-rough agreement, but an agreement, nonetheless.

Lorelei stood in the foundations of her new house, watching as creatures both natural and unnatural worked to build it around her. The trees would give her many walls, and the stones of the cliff would give her sturdy floors.

She looked down at the snake medallion in her hand. That, she had fought long and hard for. She had given up the right to enter the underground kingdom, save for at the summons of Eronaeus, but in return, she had been given this. A dream-bond. A way for them to meet every single night, a way for them to be together when she slept, for them to never be apart completely.

She would have given far more for that. She would have given back everything that he had given her if she could keep even a sliver of this.


The fox-cat looked up. One of her beloved's servants, a snake-man that had been assigned to her as a bodyguard and companion, had snuck up behind her. He looked at her, and then at the medallion.

"He will seek you tonight, mistress. He cares for you greatly."

"...I know. I just wish it was easier."

Letting it fall between her boobs, she walked over to the edge of the cliff. The light of dawn had revealed another quality of the dress. Under the right bright lighting, it was nearly transparent, and she leaned her head back, letting the light reveal all of her to the world. It was a moment of beauty, a moment of celebration of herself.

And as her bodyguards came to her, their soft, slithering tails and their clawed toes stirring the earth, she held out her hands for them to take her back to the house. The bed had been the first thing to be made...

And they would help her break it in. She was no longer afraid of sex, no longer lacking in confidence...and she had much to learn if she was going to show her beloved as good a time as he showed her.

The End

In the Realm of the Snake King 1

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