Slayer or Layer: Chapter 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of Slayer or Layer

Following a MASSIVE time skip, we have this little story, where Lorkos has been on breeding duty for three months. No egg-laying, due to the herbs that the kobolds had been feeding him, but it seems that they were just a bit late on the last dose. Time to lay, and hopefully get some escape going.

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? Slayer or Layer Chapter 3: Kobold 'Mother' For Lorvianne By Draconicon

It had been three months since Lorkos had been left with the kobolds, and three months since the wolf had seen the sun. In that time, he had been bred over and over again, his body getting wracked with orgasm after unwilling orgasm, and in that time, he'd learned one fact with full certainty.

Kobolds were too good at getting people off.

He groaned as he leaned back on the little nest that they'd made for him in the back of the cave, his breath coming in labored groans as he felt his body aching and straining. He had a guess as to why, and he didn't like it one bit.

The wolf - or, perhaps better to say, former wolf - looked down at his body, groaning at the soft, smooth, red scales that had crept up his body from between his legs. Everything...everything burned with need, even though his belly had swollen with eggs, and his chest had started to expand with bumps that looked more like breasts than anything else. He could feel the scales rounding down around his heels, halfway towards extending over his feet, and they were running down his arms, as well.

Thankfully, they hadn't taken his hands or his head yet, but feeling half of his body - more than half - as another species was a humiliation beyond nearly anything.

Nearly, because the source of the rest lay between his legs.


He bit his lips, trying to keep his grunts and groans down as his cunt - his cunt! - continued to drip all over the place. It had been oozing ever since the cursed Ashin had given him it, a final curse for him killing her husband. The rage threatened to come spilling over, but he forced it down before it could overtake him and leave him lusty again. The lust seemed to make the scales grow all the faster.

Taking a few deep breaths, he leaned back further on the nest that he had, feeling the eggs moving around in his belly. They were so big now, so big after three months of being taken by the kobolds, and larger since the kobolds had been feeding him different herbs to keep incubating. The shaman, a wordless, near-dickless creature that had attended to him during his stay, had pushed dozens of mouthfuls of green gunk down his throat. It had made him hold the eggs in longer, he was sure of it.

But now...

He looked towards the tunnel that led out of the room. From what he'd picked up from the kobolds that had been passing by, the shaman had gone off to war with another tribe, and hadn't come back. The kobolds had lost him, and without someone else to continue the dosing, the eggs felt like they were ready to come out.

Another surge of slight cramps, and he had to bite down on his scaly arm to keep from making a sound. If they knew what was happening, they might have a chance to stop it before it started. He needed to make this happen. Needed to get rid of these eggs.

Just a bit longer, just a bit longer.

Lorkos rested a furred hand on his belly, feeling the bumps beneath that had formed. There had to be at least a couple of eggs in there, perhaps as much as a half-dozen. It wasn't much, but if it was a true clutch, and they were all dragon eggs...well, maybe he could have some way of getting a dent put into that number that he had to lay. A hundred twenty nine dragons...

He quailed at the thought of adding so much to the population that he had worked to decimate, but there was no other way around. Not without finding someone strong enough to break a dragon curse, and that was a rare person, indeed.

Taking a few more deep breaths, he felt the first little shift. The first change inside, as one egg moved. Lorkos bit his lips, trying to hold back his puffing pants for breath, but he knew it was only a matter of time. If he just held out a bit longer, there would be nothing that the kobolds could do to incubate them further. They'd come out no matter what.

It was hard, though, particularly as he felt the first egg starting to slide down into position. It pressed down where he had felt so many dicks come in over the course of the last few months, and he hissed through clenched teeth as he felt the narrow-pointed tip working its way into position. After the first, the others would follow fast - he hoped - and he braced himself, pushing his feet down against the far end of the nest and holding them as far apart as possible.

Just get me out of this eggless, and I'll be happy.

He took another deep breath, and almost lost it as the egg started moving. Not from pain this time, but from pleasure.

It was like getting fucked, but in reverse, and the egg was so much bigger and wider than anything that the kobolds had put inside of him. His scaly cunt glistened with juices as it somehow got even wetter, running from his crotch down to his ass, and leaving him sitting in a pool of the stuff. A moan almost escaped before getting stifled in the crook of his arm, and Lorkos hissed again, trying not to lose control. He just had to hold out for a bit longer, a little bit longer.

The egg kept pushing, sliding further and further down his pussy towards the bottom of it. He felt the slurping sound as the egg's bottom left his womb, and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the sheer, bizarre sense of relief that left him with. this...this how dragons feel...when they're laying eggs?

If that was the case, he was able to see how they had been able to breed so many during the initial invasion. It was impossible not to find oneself consumed by it, and even though he hated the feeling of having a pussy instead of a dick, there was pleasure there. Too much pleasure, by half, and he was having to really fight not to start moaning, to not start thinking of getting pregnant again just to feel this sensation one more time.

They're dragon eggs. That means that they'll hatch and make more, be more dangerous than ever before.

The remonstration meant nothing to him, not when he was feeling like this. Grunting and shivering, he felt his body start to take over, pushing the eggs out faster than he could do on his own, and he was happy to let it.

As soon as the egg started moving down, his inner walls grabbed it. Almost in imitation of what they did to dicks, they started squeezing and milking at the egg, but in reverse, sending it out of him rather than in. Lorkos panted, his toes curling as he felt it moving down.

When the tip pushed out between his cunt lips, the hard shell pushing up a little and grinding against his clit, he almost lost it. The wolf arched his back from the nest, his fingers curling tight into the material of the nest. Straw and twigs broke in his hands, and he was biting his lips to hold back pleasurable curses that he wanted to yell. The feeling of the smooth shell pressing down and out was driving him mad, almost like he'd had it shoved up inside of him as a toy rather than something he needed to birth.

Further, further, further it pushed, and he was getting more and more worked up. His slippery sex allowed it out for a good bit of the way, but he was feeling it slowing down, and his cunt lips were getting stretched as far as they could go. Lorkos groaned, forcing himself up so that he could see.

As soon as he looked down, the wolf's eyes almost bugged out of their sockets. His pussy was more spread out than he had ever imagined it being, with the egg bigger than both of his fists put together, and still not quite at the widest point yet.


He tried to shake his head, but all he could do was stare at it as it pushed down, stopped, slid back, and then pushed down again. His body was insistent on getting it out, and he could feel the other eggs moving already, moving down and getting into position. If he didn't get the first egg out fast, if it was still in the way when the other eggs were trying to get out...

He didn't want to think about it.

Instead, he forced himself to think about the egg sliding out, how good it would be when it was finally on the ground instead of inside of him, and the sheer bliss that would come when he had the body strength to move around again. He could get away. He would never have to see the eggs again.

The egg pushed at his pussy again, trying to get out, and this time, he pushed with it. He felt it almost push free, his eyes widening about as far as they could go at the feeling of his sex getting stretched out so far, and a grimace stretched across his face. It was an insane feeling, but it was getting closer, closer, close. He pushed again, feeling his cunt pushed to the limits once more, but with a bit more progress. He tried again, and again. Each time, it went a bit further, leaving his legs forced further and further apart for space.

It didn't actually leave, though, until the second egg tapped it from behind. It provided just enough pressure that he was able to get it the rest of the way out, and as soon as it was, Lorkos howled.

He came right then and there, the orgasm of the egg sliding out more than enough to break his self-control. He arched his back, spraying his juices all over the egg, making the massive object shine with his slick spray. The wolf twisted his head back, still howling as the other egg almost slid out before his pussy tightened up, and the process started all over again.

While he could hear the sound of kobolds coming, he knew that there was no way that they could stop the process now. Now that the eggs were coming, there was no stopping them. No way in hell.

Groaning, he looked down at himself, and saw something that gave him the first bit of encouragement that he'd felt since he'd been hit with the curse. The scales...retreated. They started coming back up his legs and his arms, and he realized that they were no longer spreading up towards his neck. His breasts remained, of course, and so did all the scales on his torso and hips, but...but some of it was gone.

I give birth, and I lose some of the curse, he realized.

It was something, at least. He had a number of eggs inside of him. That would probably be enough to get some of the transformation reversed, and maybe, maybe, this was the loophole that might get him out of this. If he could lay enough...

He felt the new egg trying to get out, and he pushed down, hard. He had to try; if he didn't, then he would be doomed forever.

Lorkos strained, and managed to push out the second egg - and cum again - by the time that the kobold tribe arrived. They milled about him, muttering in their little language of nonsense, and they pointed at him as he birthed egg after egg. A third and fourth popped out before they did anything, and even then, they were more interested in getting the eggs out of the nest then they were in doing anything to him.

The small things took three of their number to carry each egg, and he half-hoped to see at least one of them fall down, crack, break. If he had been able to hold out, he wondered if he would have been able to get rid of them himself, or if trying to destroy the eggs would have counted against him with the curse, leaving him hornier and more aroused than ever. Probably the latter, if he was honest with himself. He hated that.

Slowly, one by one, the eggs came free, until he was completely empty once more. The last of the scales dwindled down, leaving him with just a scaly pussy and nothing else. Everything else belonged to a wolf male. He groaned as the kobolds took the last egg away, leaving him alone.

Heh, they probably think I'm nothing more than a breeding slut...

They weren't too far off, thanks to what the red dragon b-

He stopped himself, and just in time. No more cursed arousal just yet.

They weren't far off, thanks to what the dragon female had done. Ashin had left him with a curse to lay as many eggs as he had killed dragons. It was a long way to go. But at least he had brought it down from one-hundred-twenty-nine. If he could do it a little more, just enough to keep the curse from overwhelming him, he might be able to get to the priests down in the civilized states and get himself fixed. Maybe. If they could cure a dragon curse.

But first, he had to get out of here.

Thankful that the kobolds were stupid enough to think he'd stay now that he wasn't pregnant anymore, Lorkos picked up a rock that he'd put behind the nest. It wasn't much, barely fist sized, but he had a feeling that it would be one of the few things that would work past the curse's limitations.

After all, I'm not hurting anyone with this. I'm just putting them to sleep for a little while.

Taking a few deep breaths, and feeling thankful that he didn't feel any sort of burst of arousal to stop him, Lorkos nodded. So, there was a slight loophole. He couldn't hurt any scaly enemy, or kill them. But he could keep to a fight, if he was doing it non-lethally, and with the right mindset.

Okay, that gives me a chance. A bad chance, but still a chance.

The naked wolf walked down the passageway, breathing through his mouth where he could. It led him to a main tunnel, one he remembered from when they'd dragged him down here. He tossed the rock from hand to hand in preparation as he walked up behind his two kobold guards... fast.

He tossed the rock up, letting it land on the kobold on his right. The lizard-thing crumbled, and as the other turned, he wrapped his arms around its neck, and choked it. He held tight for as long as he dared, and then let go immediately after it crumpled, before it could become dangerous.

No surging arousal...that's good.

He kicked off the spearhead of one of the kobold's weapons, taking it as a beating stick, and started running. He had a long way to go, and a very short time before his escape was discovered.

The End

Slayer or Layer: Chapter 4

? Slayer or Layer 4 For Lorvianne By Draconicon Getting out of the mountain was the easy part. Despite the kobolds knowing the layouts of the tunnels far better than him, there was something to be said for being the biggest guy in...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 2

? Slayer or Layer Chapter 2: The First Egg For Lorvianne By Draconicon Lorkos folded his legs under him, trying to get even slightly comfortable. Of course, that was rather difficult with a red dragoness looking down at him, her...

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Slayer or Layer: Chapter 1

Slayer or Layer Chapter 1 For Lorvianne By Draconicon The central arm of the Great Mountains were rife with dragons. Even these days, when more than half of the population had been killed through his efforts and those...

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