A Lustful Invitation

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Xigfeldo is visited by the red dragon that he took the virginity of before and he has a very lustful invitation for the stud of a silver drake...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

A Lustful Invitation

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

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"Avilia... It has been many moons since you last dared to visit my territory..."

Xigfeldo raised his head, muzzle streaming with water, from the lake, eyes intent, although the red dragon whose virginity he had taken some time back was not yet in sight. Of course, he knew those wing-beats like no other, the drake simply unable to stay away from him after he'd taken his male virginity from him and then transformed him into a female just so that he could take that from him too, although he was a she at that point in time. It was just a little more fun to play with, the magic that allowed him to shape the reality surrounding him entirely to his will and back again.

Was he coming or not? Ah, the dragon that he had come to know so very well was a strange sort of drake, circling and rising out of sight, behind the cover of clouds. Avilia liked to think that he was still potentially the better dragon and yet his challenges were yet to come to anything, Xigfeldo winning their playful bouts every single time without even all that much of a fight in it. Dipping his nose into the water, Xigfeldo stared down at the fish swimming deeper, his eyes picking out the details in their shapes even as the bright sunshine drew out the silver detailing in his black scales, embodying the best of silver and black dragons in his scaled garb.

Yet Avilia was intent on his game and flitted out of sight, not even a sparkle of crimson to be seen in the sky, although there was little that he could hide behind even at a time when the weather was swelling with heat, blisteringly hot at the height of the season. Eyeing the lake, Xigfeldo ground the edges of his teeth together thoughtfully, wondering if it would be easier to sweep up into the sky to snatch him out and down himself, taking him into his claws so that he could pound his ready and eager holes again.

No matter if he wanted to play games though, Xigfeldo decided with a clear snap of his jaws, the power behind them evident even to himself. He would not wait where Avilia could so easily find him and the dragon did so like playing games, which only served to annoy Xigfeldo. He wasn't one for that, choosing to tackle things head-on and clearly going for what he wanted, so it annoyed him more than it probably had any right to when he had to go up against others that didn't want to play by his rules. And his rules, of course, were the most important of all things.

He stalked, hunkering low to the ground as he melted into the shadows, the trees casting shade over him that stole the silver from his scales. It would all be his to reclaim once more when he burst into the sunlight, rejuvenated and his stomach soon to be full, snarling with a deer clamped between his jaws. Of course, they were interesting creatures for other activities too and, as he lingered along their favourite river, a doe lifted her head, nose quivering at the light dose of musk, which was tainted too to catch the attention of a deer, drawing them in, as he released just enough to keep them still, easy prey for a time where his stomach growled hungrily and readily.

Closer and closer, his heart pounded, the deer standing in the middle of the river, water flowing around as if she was an object that would remain there long after its passing. But there was no time for her life to be prolonged when she had to sacrifice herself to the greater good of a hungry dragon, Xigfeldo licking his lips as he prepared to pounce.

The moment was right.

"Challenge me, Xigfeldo!"

And then Avilia was there, striking down from the sky above, a crimson bolt with jaws and flared wings, pulling up out of his dive almost as soon as it seemed to have begun. The deer scattered and Xigfeldo snarled, lunging and missing as his younger victim crashed down, a bundle of trembling energy that still didn't know quite how to contain itself or even expend itself.

The roar that Xigfeldo gave would have sent a lesser dragon squalling and screaming but Avilia rounded on him as if he took it as a challenge, eyes blazing, tinted with yellow in the height of his bloodlust. Maybe in the back of his mind, he thought that he still had a chance of taking over his territory or maybe he just liked to invite greater and greater punishments onto himself, challenged to another time in his life where he could be mounted and fucked and bred over and over again in ways that he had not yet uncovered in his sexual exploits.

Sadly, however, the dragon in question was not impressed in the slightest that he had been thwarted at the very moment that he should have had a juicy haunch of deer in his jaws, blood streaming between his teeth, and rounded on Avilia with cruel intent searing through. Every line of his body tensed with raw, firmed-up muscle, desperate to prove his point and yet he didn't have anything to worry about when it came to besting Avilia. No, Avilia was not yet experienced enough to even pose an interesting battle or fight to him, although he very much doubted that the youngling would ever grow enough in size or mental stature to ever present a true threat. Maybe that was his overconfidence at play but only time would tell whether he was pushing that matter too hard or not.

The red drake snarled, lips peeling back from his teeth, gums showing and those dagger-like, shiny slices, what could rend flesh from bone in a single bite, crunch through to sinew and muscle below. Yet Xigfeldo held no fear in his heart for Avilia and leapt, beating him back with a powerful gust from his wings, sending the other dragon toppling over helplessly. Xigfeldo snorted, breath tickling the inside of his nostrils, landing on top of him as neat as one could like, pinned and uselessly trapped against the ground that he had sought to slam Xigfeldo into originally.

Avilia snapped and thrashed but he wasn't going anywhere with Xigfeldo on top of him, the silver-black drake glaring down with ill-intent, tail swinging back and forth slowly, although there was nothing patient about it. Sucking in a deep breath, he rasped it out over Avilia's muzzle, the other drake shifting and struggling from the raw reek of him.

"Now, give me a reason for frightening my prey away, weakling," Xigfeldo hissed, a little stronger in his tone and manner than intended but still getting his point across. "You do not think, you don't know what you're doing... I am tired of your games and you do not amuse me anymore, Avilia."

Squirming and twisting, Avilia snapped and growled but there was no real fervour in his movements, how he thrashed half-heartedly, not really wanting to get away.

"I -"

"I should fuck you right here for your indiscretion!" Xigfeldo blazed over him, heating up even with his cooler body, so great was his roiling anger. "What is your reason?"

Quailing, Avilia whimpered. That was a threat that Xigfeldo would surely be more than willing to make good on and he didn't want to be forced, even though the first time they'd come together had been rather forced with his cunny too being taken, transformed from male to female for the kinky older dragon's lust. Stuttering and stammering, he clawed for words and found none, what words there were tangling around his tongue and slinking away, not wanting to be spat into life even then.

"I... It's... Well..."

"Without lube too! You'd deserve it, hatchling!"

That one had Avilia squirming, shrinking into the ground even though there was nowhere for him to go. Without lube... That was one under his tail that he would not like to repeat, regardless of his kinks.

"N-no," he managed to get out, twisting his head. "I have a message for you! Wait! Don't!"

A message? That had Xigfeldo's attention, although he still wasn't willing to let the red dragon go without being put in his place again, as he for sure deserved it. He'd been the one playing games to start with and if he hadn't wanted to challenge him again, or whatever that was supposed to mean, he'd have a belly full of deer right there and then and be sleeping it all off quite happily somewhere more comfortable.

"A message, you say?"

Suspicious, Xigfeldo tilted his head to the side.

"Are you trying to get out of this, little worm?"

Swallowing hard, Avilia shook his head quickly, too quickly.

"No, no, of course not... It's not like that. They've called you, Xigfeldo, for the ceremony of royals. It's on the next full moon and they sent me to take the message to you - that's all, I swear it on the ceremony itself!"

"What?" Even Xigfeldo drew his head back sharply, lower jaw shifting ever so slightly slack. "The ceremony?"

Certain that he at least had a little leeway under the larger drake, Avilia nodded cautiously, shifting his weight to see if he could wriggle free. Not quite yet but there was not as much pressure on his chest and the drake breathed a little more freely, which was something to be grateful for with the bruises rising there across his scales.

"Yes, yes, the ceremony, everyone is coming to watch too, if they are not part of it."

"Well, finally..."

Smirking, Xigfeldo sat up straighter, sitting on Avilia just to make sure he knew where his place was. And, of course, to ensure that no successful or annoying escape attempts would be forthcoming.

Hm... The ceremony of dragons. That was one that he'd been waiting for, for surely they had all been awaiting his presence in the breeding rites just as passionately. A ceremony where one dragon would be crowned the prince or princess at the finale, demonstrating their sexual prowess for all to see... Of course, that was the base of it but there was so much more history and tradition interwoven with the ceremony that it was difficult to even run it through in his own mind, although every dragon knew and understood the sanctity of it, the importance of the ceremony in finding the dragon most worthy of the name. Why, it even was so that every kind of dragon came together, regardless of the colour of their scales, for the ceremony itself, their cries filling the mating caverns as each and every one of those on lustful trial were tested by the elders and all that had already gone through the ceremony before them to determine who would be the next prince or princess.

And everyone thought they deserved that title.

"Very nice... That is a useful message from you at long last, Avilia. And here I was thinking that you just wanted me to stuff your tight hole again. Or did you want to be a breeding female and carry my eggs this time? You did look adorable with a bulging, pregnant stomach."

Teasing him, Xigfeldo rumbled a chuckle, enjoying the red dragon's embarrassment as he growled and tried to turn his muzzle into the ground.

"That was one time..."

"But the ceremony, yes," Xigfeldo continued, talking to himself as he mused over it, imagining the triumph to come his way already, passion flowing through him, thick and full and heady and strong. "Yes, it is time, time to show the world of dragons what I can do. And how could I refuse an offer that comes from a little red-scales like you, Avilia?"

Blushing, scales heating up more than they already were, being of a fire-type dragon, Avilia wriggled and snorted, smoke pluming up from his nostrils.

"Finally! You got your tail screwed on straight now? Sheesh, you can't take a joke when you're this old, I swear..."

Grumbling, Avilia tossed his head but he did not catch Xigfeldo's eyes darkening subtly. That was a wrong move. A very wrong move indeed.

"Now, will you let me go already? I'm sorry for disrupting your hunt, it won't happen again. Hello? Xigfeldo? Can you..."

But the larger dragon was already in motion, hooking a leg around Avilia's to expose the slit under his tail, pressed up where his cock would emerge too. Like other dragons, his slit contained his genitalia and his anal passage and it was the latter that Xigfeldo was interested in as he crammed his growing cock in there, grinding into the unyielding, clenching hole with raw, rugged determination. Grunting, Avilia shook his head but did not dare scream or shriek, for that was something that he had been ruthlessly mocked for before and he did not wish for a repeat of that particular fuck session... He shuddered, though not from the present but from memory. Once had been enough for that ruthless humiliation!


"Oh, fine..."

Rolling his eyes, Xigfeldo ducked his head down, putting it close to Avilia's, the other dragon caught up in his spell, unable to look away. Just why did Xigfeldo have to be so hypnotising? He was impossible to resist and Avilia stared and stared into his eyes, his body stilling and relaxing, allowing that cock in, deeper and deeper with every passing second until it was buried in him to the hilt. Chuckling, Xigfeldo licked his cheek softly, tenderness rising through even in the crudity of their headily hasty liaison.

"With lube then..."

But the only lube that Avilia was going to get from him would have to come from his cock as Xigfeldo pressed his cloaca up to the other dragon's, excreting his oily aphrodisiac and lubrication in hefty doses. He had not renewed his mark on Avilia, after all, for many moons and it was about time that the red dragon too remembered well and truly just who he belonged to.

The thick oil seeped into his scales, a milky mixture staining even his cock as it rose from his slit, unable to hold back with such lust thrumming through the air between them. Two dragons coming together would always be a kinkily desperate affair with power-play always evident between them, although there was no question as to which of them would be the desperate beggar for more in their manner of liaison. Huffing, Avilia rolled his head back, horns digging into the grass, nearly dangling into the river, a tree beside him snapped in two from their scuffle when he had first appeared. He supposed Xigfeldo really did have something of a point when it came to how destructive he was on his many visits. It really had been too long since he'd last come...


Xigfeldo hissed, muscles tensing and bunching, thrusting and grinding. His scent flooded the air and there was no escaping it as Avilia sucked it in through both nostrils over and over again, greedily wanting more and more. It didn't even seem so much of a stretch anymore to have a cock rammed up inside him without any lubrication but the slickness of his oil and pre-cum helped some, enough for Xigfeldo to grind back and forth, beginning his thrusts in a lazy fashion that meant that he was contemplating his own might and control in the heat of an instance that could be over as quickly as it had begun.

"Little dragon, you must not taunt me so..."

And yet it was taunting him that Avilia felt that he truly lived for, driving him to such heights of passion and desire that he could not help but pin Avilia down and fuck him, shoving him right up back into his place and reminding him just why he left 'his place' every time. It was too good to push boundaries and drive Xigfeldo on, the dragon thrusting and grinding, cramming every last inch of his aching, throbbing cock into his smaller charge with each and every thrust.

There would be no magic for Avilia to ease the passage of his cock into a hole that was never truly designed to take a monster cock like his - and it was not as if Xigfeldo wanted to do anything at all to make his dick easier for the red dragon to take. Of course, he could adjust the size and shape of his body or cock to suit any partner but it was too tantalising to feel that hot hole straining and stretching wider and wider to take him right up to the thicker base, cloacas touching as their bodies came together as those of males were not designed too. And yet the erotic lust of a cock slamming up against one's prostrate could not be denied and Xigfeldo chuffed lowly as he ground in hard and deep, his strokes shallow and teasing, keeping his dick as deeply sealed away within that hot tunnel as it was possible to be.

"You're tighter than before... Have you not been training for me?"

Avilia grunted and shook his head, although it was harder and harder to say anything at all as he was spread open, forced to accept that huge dick. Xigfeldo had told him to train with the tip of his own tail to stretch his anal passage and he had done it to some extent, although it was quite clear that he had fallen out of touch with that manner of life in recent weeks. He paid for it then, however, as Xigfeldo's cock pushed deeper, the tight hole straining to the point that teased between pain and pleasure. Seeming to bulge and throb up larger and hotter than ever before, the red dragon's body was forced, pleasurably, to conform to it, the difference in their sizes proving no obstacle at all for such beings of lust.


Avilia could not help himself, panting and heaving and climaxing as his cock jerked and shot his load out all over his stomach, eyes rolling back into his head as he tried to contain himself and failed dismally. Yet it was a kind of failure that he was more than happy, ultimately, to claim as his own, moaning out his lust as he spent himself, spurt after spurt of creamy dragon-cum painting his own stomach. It could have been humiliating but all he felt was joy pulsating through his pounding heart, leaping and juddering for his attention as if his body, perhaps, thought that he may have been holding something back and in store.

"Good... Very good..."

Xigfeldo rumbled teasingly, revelling in taking the position of power as he always did. He was never on the bottom, not even if he allowed someone to mount him and fill his cunny, the feminine part of his cloaca and the sexual organs contained there, for that was simply not his style. When Avilia had thought last that he should be able to pound Xigfeldo's tail hole like he was a slut in need of a good, rough fucking, the larger drake had been quick to slam him down into his place, teaching him the error of his ways. That hole could be pleasured too but that was for Xigfeldo to decide and to take in a dominating way, perhaps grinding down on top of a suitably hard cock to take his pleasure out in one of the best ways that he could possibly come up with.

But he still had his own orgasm to come and he had no intention whatsoever of allowing Avilia any time at all in which to recover, slamming hard and deeper over and over again. He could have stayed still and allowed those muscles to milk him dry but there didn't seem to be as much fun in that as here was in raw, powerful thrusts that claimed every last bit of the red dragon over and over again. Slowly, Avilia's tail lifted and curled around his, encouraging him on even in the last spurts of cum from his turgid cock, Xigfeldo's efforts doubling down where he lusted for more.

Ecstasy was never far beyond the reach of his claws, however, and he snarled as he slammed in, hips working, tail thrashing. Every inch of his radiated a raw sense of power and he relished in it, using every muscle in his body to his advantage. His claws dug in around Avilia's legs, although he didn't really have any worries about him trying to escape - he only liked to dominate him, to prove that he was bigger and better for him. Not for any particular reason though, just for the simple fact that it made him feel good. And, really, did he need any other reason for it than that? Some things could simply be as they were and he hissed through his teeth, nostrils flaring and puckering, keen on the release that lingered there, wavering into his reach.

Each thrust of his cock too brought a fresh wave of tightness, a rippling reaction, from that hole and he hammered in with due fervour, snarling and heaving, flanks juddering for breath. His tail slapped down but he no longer saw Avilia beneath him, seeking only his pleasure when it lay there, cock spewing forth more and more pre-cum, soaking the drake's tail hole before he had even reached climax. It was another kind of marking that his kind could encompass but it was his oily essence that was the main lure of marking, the stain that would linger and show Avilia to be the claimed dragon that he truly was.

Avilia groaned, head rolling back, but all he wanted was a release, something more, something that he hadn't had rammed up under his tail hole for too long. No, it had always been the cunny that Xigfeldo preferred and, well, he liked other sensations too, the incredible stretch as Xigfeldo made his cock even bigger than it naturally was, pounding him open without true care for his feelings. And that was just what made it so good for him, moaning and twisting his head back and forth, that tightness in the pit of his stomach growing and growing, spreading throughout his body until he couldn't contain it anymore.

Howling out his climax, Avilia thrashed and Xigfeldo snarled, pinning him down with the weight of his body, eyes gleaming. His climax could not deny the pulse of such a furiously clenching tail hole, tight around his cock, and he let out a triumphant roar as he seeded Avilia full too, thick spurts of virile cum flooding a hole that, sadly, would not result in the bearing of another clutch of eggs. That had been fun, before, to see Avilia with a heavily swollen and pregnant belly, the eggs jostling around inside him as Xigfeldo still took him over and over again.

Maybe that would have to happen again... But he had plenty of cum to go around and there was still the option to seal away Avilia's cock and turn him into a true female again if he so chose to. That was the benefit to being the drake in control, the one in power at all times: he got to choose. And that in itself was a luxury that some dragons had to do without.

But not him. Never him.

His cock did not soften after he had deposited one load inside the red, hammering and pounding and driving as he was meant to. His cloaca kissed that of Avilia's with each and every rampant stroke, sliding through a slick mess of his own semen as he did everything within the scope of his magical power to ensure that not a single drop escaped. And Avilia adored every last sordid second of it, heaving for breathing, smoke pouring from his nostrils, a lustful simmer flaring through him. Reds were known, after all, for enjoying the rougher side of life and Avilia was by no means an exception to the rule as the silver-black drake hunkered down menacingly over him.

"How much can you take?" He hissed. "Are you stud enough for a dragon like me? Or just a dragoness needing to be bred, my pretty female?"

Avilia twisted his head but nothing truly intelligence came out of his mouth as he whimpered and whined, begging with the twists and turns of his body for more, jaws hanging open. Fire built up in the back of his maw but Xigfeldo yanked his shaft out, flipping his submissive onto his stomach so that he could more safely power into him, getting the true depth and ability to tease that he had been looking for.

"There... That's better, isn't it, my pretty one?"

Blushing furiously, Avilia tried to disagree but all that came from his lips was a heady moan, a pleading for more that rose in a flicker of flame. He needed it and that cock kept swelling, forcing him open a little wider, testing the true extent of his limits, how much his lust would be willing to force him through. Avilia was a tougher breed and he surprised him like no other, grunting and hissing for it, flames scorching the grass before him as he was pounded in the crudest fashion imaginable, tail hole strained and stretched, semen pooling inside him. Yet one load was not enough to make him swell there and a second, well... That could have been spilling hotly out of him in no time at all with the removal of that length if he wasn't careful about it!

And yet the lure of the ceremony residing ahead of him rendered Xigfeldo hasty when he may have enjoyed a little more time to put Avilia in his please, biting the base of the smaller dragon's neck as his hind end worked, slamming into him brutally. Of course, the red dragon only moaned for more, although Xigfeldo knew partners too that preferred a lighter touch - there was nothing soft and sensual about what it was that the crimson drake truly lusted for.

"Mm... Think you got one more in you?"

The question was a rhetorical one - it didn't matter whether or not Avilia could climax again in such short order as long as he got another hot load up under his tail. With a feral snarl that would have sent lesser creatures running and trembling into the darkness of their holes, he let loose his passion once more, a continuous stream of cum pouring from his cock as if a dam had broken. The magic of a drake like him was fickle and he could climax in more ways than one, head tipping from one side to the other as if to work out the kinks even as pulse after pulse of tantalising pleasure wracked him from his nose to the very tip of his curling back and forth tail.

Yes, that was just what he needed. A little warm-up for the ceremony, something to get him going, something to get him good and in the mood to breed. It would be needed when he faced the crowd of dragons, proving his worth to them all, all for the title that he had always known would be his from the very first time he had been of a suitable age to watch the ceremony.

Beneath him, Avilia panted, cock hard but not relieved a second time. Xigfeldo smirked. Good, that would keep him in his place and randy too, wanting for attention. And having a companion on the flight there would do him good too if only to relieve his need. Avilia didn't seem too concerned about his own needs when it came to climax and that too was something that a flexible dragon stud like Xigfeldo could work with.

Stretching out his wings, he flapped them carefully, shaking off twigs and branches that had gotten caught up on the spines and leathery membranes, ever so slightly translucent in a silver sheen. Barely with himself, Avilia gasped, head tilting up as he blinked, striving for a sense of reality that was a little better understood than the lust-addled one that he was currently in, his tail hole suddenly and shamefully devoid of cock.

"Shall we be on our way?"

Panting, Avilia scrambled to heave himself up alongside Xigfeldo, the dragon in charge already preparing to take flight from a duly difficult location.

"What, you don't wish to rest before heading to the ceremony?"

Throwing his head back, Xigfeldo laughed. The sound reverberating through the trees as he stretched out first one wing and then the other, limbering up, although his cock had already retracted into his slit and cloaca, sealing itself away when it was not immediately needed. The lingering lure of his oil on his cloaca and belly-scales, however, could stay, just to announce his arrival in the best way possible, his aroma seeping ahead of him as he flew, warning all that a true contender for the title had well and truly arrived in all his glory and abject splendour.

Avilia gulped. Had Xigfeldo lost it? Yet the drake was quite sane, even if revelling in the promise of all to come.

"My dear, Avilia... I have already recovered. And it's time to show every last dragon at the ceremony what I can do, what I can do to prove I am the worthiest one there. But I must arrive to be the worthiest and we must leave immediately!"

Sinking back onto his haunches, he propelled himself bodily up into the air, trusting his wings to carry him, pounding and shaping the air to suit his needs, buffeting gusts forcing Avilia's job to be a shade more difficult than it truly needed to be too. But Avilia would manage well enough and Xigfeldo did not even look back as he ascended into the sky, his heart lighter than it had been in moons. For now, at long last, he had a true challenge ahead of him.

Blasting out a roar, he signalled to all that cared to bear witness to his power that he was coming and there was only one thing that he would leave with. There was to be no failure in the gleam of his eye, the strength vibrating through his form, legs trailing behind as he lifted into the sky that was his home. And yet there was so much more to come as he revelled in his own power, head snaking back and forth even as Avilia hastened and hustled to catch up in time.

The ceremony hadn't seen anything yet!

Taking Charge

**Taking Charge** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Mirath_ _ _ _ _ "Of all the times... Ridiculous. Jesus fucking Christ, those fucking assholes... What the fuck were they thinking?" Donnie didn't care that he...

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Passion of the Gloves

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