Passion of the Gloves

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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The gloves have something they need from a certain bunny and a kinky desire to be played with still...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Passion of the Gloves

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Daikyi

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The rabbit blinked groggily, swimming back to the realm of the waking after something that most surely should have been of the realm of fantasy and dreamland above all else. For Dai could not have truly have had such a wonderful encounter with the gloves, the magically enchanted beings conversing with him as well as gloves could, taking him upstairs and showing him just how much they appreciated him with an extended session of lovemaking. There had been more to it than that, of course, but that was the crux of it as Dai rolled over, head back on the pillows as sunshine cast across his face, the curtains having shifted in the night. Maybe he just hadn't closed them properly the night before.

No... No, that was silly. No, that could not be true. It must have been a dream, a very, very good dream. There wasn't anything stroking his muzzle at that very moment in time, waking him far more gently than any alarm, teasing down his ears as they tugged lightly, pulling just the right amount to feel pleasurably sensitive without actually being harmed or made to be sore. The partner he had there clearly had an agenda and Dai whimpered softly, turning his nose into those sweet caresses, whining and begging for more in the cutest, smallest little bunny squeaks that could be emitted from his throat and twitching lips.

No, he was alone in his bed, his dream continuing, for it had to be a dream, yes... Always, he would remember his dreams, the sensations lingering, teasing down his neck, something pushing the covers back. In a state of half-wakefulness, the bunny smiled and moaned breathily, eyes moving beneath his eyelids. But a dream could only be a dream if he was truly asleep and that ship had sailed the moment the morning sunshine had brushed his eyelids.

And yet there was no denying the tickling sensation brushing his whiskers, stroking and teasing them so very lightly that it was quite as if he had a lover right there in bed with him. And wouldn't that be something if he did have someone to share those so very soft sheets with, snuggling into their warmth? Of course, he was happy as he was and sometimes Dai thought too, privately, that he would not be able to enjoy the things in his life that he did if not for being single, which was at least a bonus for a young bun in the best years of his life.

But one could say that he had a lover of a sorts in the gloves that bobbed and danced before his eyes as they blearily blinked open, sticky with sleep as he yawned, showing a flash of rabbit teeth. Dai chuckled dryly, his throat sore after not having a glass of water the night before.

As if knowing what he needed before the groggy bunny's mind had even had a chance to catch up with the life that was now his reality, the purple satin gloves held out a palm and flashed off to the bathroom, returning in but the blink of an eye with a full glass of water. Maybe they had prepared it beforehand for him and merely forgotten to retrieve it but the way that the fingers, filled with what had to be a magical essence to give them both shape and body, brushed his as he took the glass in his own paw, lips quirking up in a faint, sleepy smile.

"Hey... Thanks."

That was all he could get out before the need to down the glass became overwhelming and he shot the satin gloves a grateful look as he allowed the simple beverage to slide down his throat. It was funny how such a simple thing as water could make one feel so much better so quickly but he was grateful to have them there, the bed sheets slipping down his chest and exposing his tan fur as he emptied the glass in one go.

"Ah... That's better."

It felt right to at least say some things out loud when the gloves were there to 'hear' him, although it felt like he should have had other ways of phrasing things when referring to the sentience of an object that should have been inanimate. It didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, however, as the gloves flitted up to caress his muzzle, making him blush as they stroked and smoothed along the lines of his fur, whiskers pressed back lightly against his face with the nerve-endings there tingling wonderfully.

Of course, they still had an agenda and he squealed as the sheets were yanked, rolling him sharply to the other side of the bed. The glass went flying but the gloves caught it expertly as if they had been expecting that to happen, setting it aside and returning swiftly to their task of dumping poor Dai out of bed. There was no standing up against them and he was more than happy about that in his own way, laughing and squealing like a younger bun all over again as his ears flopped back and forth, the happy action reminding him of brighter days with a delicious little shiver.

The gloves, however, were relentless and tipped him out of bed entirely with seemingly mischievous glee, although they seemed careful to make sure that he landed on the plush rug beside his bed rather than the cold, hard floor. That would have been an unpleasant awakening indeed but, as it was, he got up and dusted off his bare fur with a cheeky click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, acting affronted even though he was not really bothered by any of it at all.

"Alright, alright, you got what you wanted - I'm up! But you'd better stay out here when I shower, okay?" Dai smiled and took one of the gloves in paw, squeezing their fingers lightly. "I don't want you to get damaged by the water, of course. You're too important for that."

Realising that he had maybe overstepped the line, he mumbled something else unintelligible and darted off around the corner into the adjoining bathroom, ears and cottontail whipping around behind him as if to bear swift witness and testament to his passing. The hot fall of the shower drenched him as he stepped in, the heat just the antidote to a night of sleep where he could have, honestly, have spent a little more time sleeping. But that was all well and good, truly, in the sense that he'd rather be awake for a good reason than a bad one.

Tipping his head up to the head, he moaned softly as his fur flattened to his face, soaked in the best of ways. True, it was difficult to get fur dry again afterwards but a shower was truly the cure for so many ills that he was surprised that it had not yet been touted as some miracle-cure for cancer. But he would always like his showers and the soothing peace they allowed him, not needing to think even as his background thoughts whirred and bustled away, each one vying for its own little kind of attention.

He didn't hear the gloves wriggling, trying the lock, handle jolting lightly. Of course, they had absolutely no intention at all to listen to him and that was all well and good when it was them making the call on that count, squirming their way under the door itself in their deflated state, which seemed to allow them to get just about anywhere. Once in the bathroom, they flitted up, hovering before the steamed-up mirror as if they were considering drawing on it. The gloves, however, only twitched thoughtfully before placing a simple handprint on it, something to show that they had been there and had left their mark, even though they had every intention of making a far more permanent mark on the life of one particular bunny.


The gloves eased over his shoulders, taking the shower puff from him, one of the fancy things that came in Christmas gift sets and one never quite got around to using. It had seemed time to break it out but he still didn't seem to be the one getting to use it as the gloves took control, washing him thoroughly as they flaunted themselves before his eyes and the blue tiles of the shower cubicle, cut off from the rest of the bathroom with a lighter coloured curtain.

"You really shouldn't... Oh..."

But he could not complain all that much as they stroked over his skin and fur, alternating between using the shower implement itself to clean him, easing under arms and down his front, closer and closer to what was their true focus. They could not deny it and would not either, wanting his cock and his cum even then, though it would not be as pure as they could get it, being diluted with the water. But there were things too that the satin gloves could do to help with that and they were more than keen to use their powers to the very best of their abilities in the name of their little mutual to speak.

"You'll get damaged..." Still, Dai tried to ward them off, blushing and moaning as they teased between his legs, cradling his balls as if they were a precious treasure. "Oh... Ohhh..."

His cock swelled up in the palm of one, finger closing delicately around, but the other glove floated up before his muzzle, water droplets glistening on the satin without actually penetrating the fabric. It was quite a clever little feature of the magic, although they could not explain to him exactly how it worked, but they put the forefinger and the thumb together, the remaining three fingers spread out in an 'okay' gesture, that at least alleviated his concerns about them becoming damaged.

The shower puff was quickly forgotten but they did not spend too much time on his shaft and balls, seeming to take greater delight and pleasure from teasing him, their caresses taking on a different hue under the water. Trying to get some manner of respite for himself, Dai leaned back against the wall of the shower, head rolling and ears flattening, but they did not even allow him that, hustling him up and turning him around to rinse off the soap suds in the most erotic fashion. Palms and fingers swept down his body, smoothing his wet fur, and all he could do was twitch and shiver in their delectable grasp as he was both teased and made cleaner than he thought he'd ever been in his life.

Maybe showering alone was overrated?

The gloves were not very likely to allow him to take a shower alone anyway so that point was by the by at the end of the day, something that would never again come to the forefront of his mind as the gloves shook off the droplets beading on them, emerging clean and dry even while he was still riled up.

"Come on..." Dai groaned, begging with his eyes. "Can't you give me a hand over here? Hm? Hm? Come on, that was a good one!"

But jokes weren't going to persuade the gloves that floated up, turned left and right with the palm facing down: so-so. He was going to have to do better than that if he wanted to impress them but, well, he would have plenty of time to see just what floated their kinky little boat he was sure too if they hung around.

Drying was more erotic still than washing and he was not even allowed to pick up the towel for himself, the gloves managing to thoroughly fluff up and dry him without actually obscuring his body from view. The kinky show, truly, was more than he could bear, the gloves flitting up too to wipe off the mirror just so his panting, blushing face was on show all the more. He was not quite just a tool for them to use as they pleased but it was a strange dynamic indeed to have a friend like them with so many powers and yet the cruelly wicked ability to take advantage of him at a moment's notice. If they were able to talk in a language that he could more easily understand, Dai was sure too that they would have fantastic conversations - interspersed with sexual interludes, of course, where he gladly and blissfully gave them his cum, feeding their magic more and more so that they may continue to live and thrive.

"I can put my own clothes on, you know!"

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Dai sighed and rolled his eyes, although it was all in good-natured amusement at how helpful the gloves wanted to be, bringing over outfit after outfit for him to select, although he did not try each of them on as they would really have liked him to. The gloves, however, supposed that they would have to take what they got in some circumstances, holding up a T-shirt with blue stripes on it to his torso as if they were observing and anticipating just how he would look in it.

"You forgot underwear," he said, poking one of the gloves lightly. "Are you even trying here?"

Just a little quirk of his humour but the gloves shot straight upright with the fingers stiff, bouncing about indignantly and making movements with the fingers themselves as if they were 'chattering', shocked and furious that he would make such an assumption. But the 'slap' that they gave his muzzle for such a crudely obscene comment only made the rabbit giggle all the more like a boyfriend that had crossed the line ever so slightly with a partner that did not quite know still whey they kept him around.

Dai, on the other hand, did not end up with underwear on that day and they batted his fingers away, wiggling and poking at him until he relented, backing away from the drawer in his bedroom that contained such items of clothing.

"Really, no?" The rabbit huffed and puffed out his cheeks with air, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes. "You're really demanding..."

He did not let on that the idea of going out without undergarments on was actually rather exciting; he had to keep some cards in his hand, after all. But what he did not know was that the gloves were always one step ahead of him, planning and plotting all the things they could do together, although their true purpose was something that would only come to light at a much later date and time when their relationship had grown even closer. Much closer.

Breakfast was a similar affair, the gloves floating around him in his loose jeans, sneaking their touches and caresses where they could get them - which was pretty much everywhere. They didn't seem to mind the jeans so much but that was the least of the bunny's worries when it came to their touches and teases. They were not discerning in where they teased too when he bent down to get out a saucepan, squealing and blushing furiously as they pinched his buttocks, tail bobbing frantically.


But it was all in good fun and the gloves held their palms up in a 'what can you do?' gesture, although he was getting better and better at reading them with all the time that passed. Truly, it was better to have some manner of a good relationship between them otherwise he could surely see things going south even as he set himself up to cook a lazy weekend breakfast, thankful that he did not have to rush at any point as he fried up some eggs, musing over what to add to them. Parsley, perhaps? Yet he was not being all that good of a host, the bun that he knew himself to be when it came to looking after his guests of sorts.

"Alright... That's that started. Do you need anything to eat?"

He felt foolish asking that but it was a pleasantry that he felt that he had to offer, for the gloves had already done so much for him. If gloves could have rolled their eyes, however, that was just what they would have done, fluttering their fingers and floating down as if they were so shocked that he had made such a suggestion that they could not hold themselves aloft for even a moment longer. Chuckling, Dai rolled his eyes and took that answer for what it was, even if he did not know what they had in mind as yet. Of course, it was nothing out of the ordinary, considering the kinky nature of their relationship already and he would do well to anticipate such treatment every morning going forward from that point on.

The gloves would feed themselves while he was eating, his cock still half-hard in his jeans, although they had succeeded in getting him out of the bedroom without any underwear on, which was a bonus in itself. As he plated up eggs and toast for himself with plenty of butter, they tapped their fingers anxiously on the table, hurrying him up the best they could so that they could get to the main event and delight of what they were looking for.

"Alright, alright... I thought you said you weren't hungry! Did you want something then? What can I get for you?"

The gloves were more than capable of getting what they wanted, however, and spared not the time for charades, even though there were several rather lewd actions that could have depicted just what they wanted for their breakfast. One glove distracted him, taking his fork delicately between fingers and thumb, while the other did the work that they both wanted to do, darting down to his jeans and unzipping the prize that they found there.

"Ah... Oh... Mmmph!"

It was not anything sexual that Dai gagged on but it was more difficult than he cared to admit to concentrate on the bite of food being shoved into his mouth while his dick was getting hard. It may have been such for many others in the world too but it was hardly a question that he would ask of anyone. If he told anyone about the gloves, in fact, they would surely think him quite mad for imagining that they were alive, flitting and floating about with a mind of his own, although there was no denying the close of those fingers around his cock, coaxing him to full hardness so very readily. After being teased in the shower, he was more than ready for action and rocked into their touch even as the other half of the pair insisted on feeding him, delivering bite after bite of delicious food to his lips while his cock was pleasured and milked in the very best of ways.

He moaned but dared not spare the words, paws and gloves taken up in other activities, the bunny's ears folding back submissively as he chewed. Next time, they would be able to play out just what they wanted from Dai at breakfast-time, playing out the charade of connection between Dai eating his own food and them taking his cum as food and sustenance, but they would all enjoy everything for the time being, his hips thrusting lightly, swimming in a sea of over-stimulation. Too much sensation came all at once and it was just about all he could do just to swallow his food as the gloves kept on feeding him, insisting that he eat more and more even though he had made more food than he could handle. Such was the case with a full mouth, however, that he could not even stop them, loathe to try to pin them down to the table for fear that they would get the wrong idea about all of it. And he wouldn't want that after they'd done so much for him!

Still, that pumping massage on his cock was delightful and he sank into sensuality, letting it carry him up and away, tingling want throbbing through him, itching to be released. Had it only been last night that he had last gotten off? There was something luridly lewd about the gloves that made him want to climax over and over again, rocking into the closed fingers of one that felt even more real than another fur's paw ever could have been. They were not long either but a short length that still allowed him to feel that they were just gloves - and yet so much more than gloves, exciting him into a panting, grunting frenzy, need rising and rising more and more with every moment that dared to pass.

And he could not hold back, crying out with his breakfast finished, spending his lust into the gloves that seemed intent only on milking him dry. Dropping the fork with a clang, the breakfast-feeding glove darted away with wicked glee, dancing through the air as if they had suddenly been afforded a great prize indeed. And maybe that was what he was, at least in part, to them as he spent himself, spurt after spurt of cum filling the opening of the second glove while the first milked and pumped his length for all it was worth, making sure that not a single drop of his seed was left to go to waste. That, after all, would not do when they had so much to learn and teach their cute little furry bunny...

"Oh, well... Ah... That was..."

Dai couldn't get the words out that he wanted to, the gloves helping him clean up tenderly with a washcloth and even doing his jeans back up again for him, grateful for what he had been able to offer him. They even gave him a cheeky high-five that may have been more appropriate in another situation, the bun laughing weakly and shaking his head, ears flopping from one side to the other, drooping and slunk back. When he was so very clearly the happily submissive party in the liaison, it simply did not feel right to raise them.

"Now that breakfast is done," he said, smiling happily in the afterglow, warmth tingling through him. "Would you be able to help me tidy up the house? Things have gotten a bit behind this week and I could really use an extra pair of...hands?"

He giggled and the gloves tapped his nose, admonishing him for yet another bad joke but some things, most certainly, had to have the lighter side of life taken from them. There was no sense in being serious all the time and that in itself was just something that the gloves would have to get used to with him.

They replied in the affirmative - a gesture that was easy to understand as they simply gave him a double thumbs-up. Perhaps with others it would have been cheesy but being able to understand them so easily made him grin as they bounced and clapped together, somehow managing to make a sharp clapping noise as if they really were filled with hands or paws, something of a substance other than magic, at least. But, hey, that was just the beauty of them and it was high-time that he enjoyed and anticipated the kinky direction that his life seemed to have ended up taking.

What he did not expect, however, was for the satin pair of gloves to call on the horde, the enchanted collection bursting from his special cupboard in the bedroom and flooding forth, an array of floating cloth in so many different materials that sometimes Dai wondered if he remembered every single pair in his collection. They flowed over the stairs without touching anything, easily moving around one another as if they were all part of the same being and entity, a flock that could not be stopped and that no one either had any intention of calling halt to.


Dai jumped and laughed at his own folly as his gloves bobbed and swirled around him, a manic horde that demanded attention, even though he was the one who would be directing them, which made a change. Things had started very differently but that did not stop him from giving the satin pair that had started it all a high-five, his spirits lifting in spite of the cleaning that was to come: not his favourite task in the world. The gloves made it all the more fun regardless of anything else, which was, at the very least, a hearty bonus to play with.

"Let's get to work!"

The stairs opened out into the living room but the bunny was quick-minded enough to rush in ahead of them, closing the blinds before his neighbours got a very strange surprise indeed! Not that anyone, to his knowledge, made a habit of looking in his windows but it was hardly a chance that he was willing to take. Just how would he explain that one!

"Wait!" He said, holding up his paws before they darted in ahead of him, caught up under their own spell, the satin gloves that had started it all hovering as if they were surprised that he was not racing along with it. "I just need... One second."

He couldn't risk them escaping and activating them was one thing, even though he had only expected the purple satin pair to help him with anything. Not that he was not grateful for the assistance, of course, only that they made the logistics of it all a little more difficult.

"Okay, how do I split this?"

He glanced at the gloves but they all put their palms up, offering no advice.

"Hm... Okay, I want a satin pair... You, the blue ones, you can vacuum. The latex ones can dust. The leather..."

And so it went on, although it was indeed a strange position of power for him to so very abruptly find himself in a position of command and control. It was not for the purple satin gloves, of course, to dictate things when it was his house and they seemed to understand that, waving at him as if to say that he should go on, go ahead and keep doing what he was doing. Dai was not the sort of bunny, of course, to not assist with the cleaner - he was far from a dictator in that regard - and picked up a feather duster too, for it was most likely the kinkiest little tool in his cleaning repertoire, complete with real ostrich feathers. It may have even have been used in the bedroom at some point... Maybe the gloves would be the next ones to use it on him too!

That would be very interesting but it was interesting simply to watch the gloves going about their work, using a yellow duster to carefully wipe down the skirting boards, fingers pressing lightly into the cloth as if they were actively striving to be delicate about the work that they had been requested to complete. The intricacy with which they went about their tasks made it difficult too for even him to concentrate at the task at hand, the feather duster hanging limp in his paw as he squatted to see what they were doing with the handheld vacuum cleaner. The blue satin pair was taking care of that and he squinted as he peered into the hole where a paw or even a hand would normally go, amazed at the emptiness there even while he knew that there was a magical force at play that kept them alive, animated in their own kind of beauty.

They worked together so well, not touching one another as each pair of gloves actively and confidently worked around one another. They didn't need to come together, the magic that fuelled them allowing them to breeze around like a singular flock of birds, moving as one. It was all Dai could do to sit back and strive to take them all in at once, eyes darting this way and that was as he tried to understand what was happening, but it just was not possible to focus on everything at once with so much going on!

Giving up on his duster - ah, that could be done in a bit! - he followed a pair of silk gloves into the kitchen, worried for a moment that they would become damaged in their cleaning. He, of course, had nothing to worry about as the magic that the satin gloves in true command had infused them with ensured that not a drop of grease or dirt marked them, allowing them to remain in pristine condition while they went about their merry work. Truly, if they had had lips, they would have been whistling a tune as they worked, bobbing as they happily scrubbed away at the hob, the flat top at least making it easier to clean that the older-style ones were.

It was good, in a way, to see them so happy with their work but he could not stop a smile from pulling at his lips. Why, the satin gloves had even managed to breathe fresh life into the yellow rubber gloves that usually lived under the sink and they were performing the very apt task of scrubbing the kitchen floor! They could have used the mop but it was more amusing to see them as they were like that and the pair that had started it all floated in oh-so-casually, fingers wiggling, just to see his reaction to the little trick they had in store for him.

But maybe the crux of it was that they didn't quite want him to be taken u with cleaning the entirety of the house by himself, for that would have made it more difficult still for them to tease him when there was, very fairly, work still to be done.

"You've really thought of everything, haven't you?" He murmured, unable to help himself from praising them, fingertips dancing over his muzzle, his whiskers, his eyelids, in the glove-ish version of a kiss. "I don't know how you do it!"

He was over the top in his tongue, gushing about them even as they fluttered and made little gestures - "oh, you!" And yet they made their intentions clear, acting as if they were putting their 'hands' on invisible hips, playing it all up as the horde of gloves swarmed around, putting everything in the kitchen back into its rightful place as Dai squealed, so many different textures and fabrics brushing him, teasing him, sliding between his legs almost as if by accident as they went about their work.

Of course, none of it was by accident as they stroked and massaged, a very distracted bunny stumbling back into the living room and double-checking, once again, that there was not even a single little crack in the blinds through which anyone could see his shame and lust. It was cleaning, just cleaning, but cleaning with an added twist that forced him to push on through it, moaning and whimpering as they crawled up the insides of his legs, making a play at pushing him lightly to the side so that they could better go about his work.

He sat, shakily. It was not as if he was going to be able to concentrate on the task at hand and another pair of lusciously silver satin gloves that cut off around the wrist had taken up his feather duster anyway. Absently, he watched them with no small measure of curiosity, how the fingers held it and the interior of the fabric shimmered too, a view of the gloves in action that he would never normally be able to adore and enjoy as he did. In more ways than one, the purple gloves had opened his eyes to so much more in the world that he had thought he already knew and understood.

Floating to his thigh, they counted out numbers on their fingers and Dai grinned. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven - seven rooms in the house and they had it all accounted for! Just what was he so worried about thinking that he wasn't going to get all of the cleaning done? They had it all in hand in more ways than one and the gloves exploded up like twin fireworks, fanning and dancing and tottering about in mid-air on their fingertips, putting on a show that was almost more entertaining than watching the magical scene going on around him.

"Why don't we leave these guys here to clean and I'll take you out to explore a little? Did you see anything outside that antique shop? Were you anywhere interesting before?"

Dai smiled and waved his paw, quieting the gloves before they started in on a charade that he would not be able to understand without more concentration than he was really prepared to give at that moment.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll show you around anyway. You must be getting bored to death of my place! I'm sure we can be discreet. So, are you up for it?"

Of course, all the gloves were going to do was float up tap him on the nose, giving him another thumbs up at the very moment that the one that he had not been paying due attention to goosed him, pinching his rump. Eyes wide, he shrieked a moment too late and spun around, batting at them ineffectively.

"Yowch! Are you ever going to stop doing that? It hurts!"

Well, stating the obvious wasn't going to get him anywhere but there was, of course, the question of just how he was going to take the gloves out without them giving themselves away. He didn't really have any clothes that would be suitable out on the street with a pair of gloves hanging out of the pocket! The bedroom or the bar, however... Well, those may have been another matter entirely if they were an option. But maybe some other time?

"You've got to stay hidden... What are you thinking here? You can't be seen and, well, you're going to want to wriggle about to see everything, aren't you? You can't just be held in my paw or anything like that..." Rubbing his chin and whiskers, Dai sighed. "Maybe this isn't going to work, I don't want to lock you away or anything."

It wouldn't be at all like the gloves to be coy about what they wanted and the case for them wanting him to go without underwear that day, the gloves wasting no time at all in showing him exactly what they wanted from him. The button on his jeans was done up in one moment and then loosened the next, the gloves not needing much space at all to squirm and sensually wiggle into his jeans. But there were no underwear to get in the way and they slithered softly around his legs and balls, almost studiously avoiding his cock in promise of what was to come.

Unsure whether to leap or stand stock-still, Dai's jaw dropped as he flinched, ears slicked back and eyes unfocused.

"Whoa! Okay, okay, okay! Do you have to do that? That's, well... Uh... Um..."

The bunny blushed furiously and tucked his chin down shyly, even though there was no one actually there that he had to be shy about. It forced him into a submissive position once more as their fingers closed around his soft cock, slowly becoming firmer and harder once more, as much as he fought and fought not to tent out the front of his jeans. Not if he was going to go out! Why couldn't they just stay inside and stay put?

But the gloves squeezed his cock and told him that trying to get out of it now would be a bad idea. Resigned to it, not without a due amount of trepidation, Dai gulped audibly and the gloves responded by groping his balls, slipping down around them as they rolled and massaged and tried to take things further than they already were. But they were not going to take 'no' for an answer as they squeezed and egged him on, forcing him to head out and down the road with a blush on his face, no one around him any the wiser as to what was really going on between his thighs.

Lunch was interesting, Dai sitting in a secluded corner while the gloves teased and groped, getting him to a state of half-hardness over and over again, although they did not allow him to get off - that may have been worse than anything else. His fork trembled on the way to his mouth and, still, the gloves force him on, closing around him and even using the opening of one of the gloves to masturbate him. It was the strangest version of a hand-job that he'd ever received and most certainly the only one that he had, so far, received out in public. The teasing edges of the cuff trailed over and under his balls, teasing and stroking them, the light fluff there only adding an extra element to the sensation.

Not climaxing, however, was different than anything and he clenched his jaw, trying to hide it all, eyes narrowing as he shuddered, embarrassed and humiliated and excited in equal measures. It was just what he needed, forced into subservience, controlled by the gloves as they played one finger, two fingers, three fingers, four - all the fingers on one glove down the full, hard length of his cock.

"Please... Come on..."

But he didn't truly want to cum, not there out in public, the potential shame of it all rising and rising as they bid him walk home, the tips of the fingers occasionally daring to peek out the waistline of his jeans. They had to see, had to look out, trembling in excitement between the prolonged milking of that cock that gave them so much life and energy, the 'sleeves' of their being lengthening ever so slightly as they drew more and more magic from him. There was something special about the bunny that made them more and more themselves, what they were supposed to be, delightfully infused with magic and seeking out their origin in the world. What was their purpose? Where were they supposed to go? Only time and a helpful companion, of course, would be able to help them tell that tale...

And yet that did not stop them from teasing and seducing him without actually being about to see his muzzle and his reactions, each and every little shift and tremor in his body vibrating through to the gloves as if he was actively trying to convey his passion to them. They tickled under his sack into the space between them and his anal ring, although that was not yet their focus at that time. He had so much more to offer than that and that manner of penetration would be too crude in the moment of lust, out and about in public where anything could reveal them. The gloves almost wanted to be revealed just to see what the world would make of them, even though that could lead to their end.

Dai flinched and hobbled, the gloves slackening off as if they no longer contained any substance and trailing over his cock, so hard to hide in his jeans. If he'd worn tight underwear or any underwear at all he might have been in a better place to hide his arousal but all he could do was try not to think too much about how the gloves slipped and slithered in a satin caress, running around his thighs and squeezing into the muscle there too, exploring just how they could make him twitch and jerk and jump in the most tantalising of ways.

Ah! But there was something more that the gloves wanted from him and they firmed up again, clenching lightly around his cock with a domineering grasp, directing him off as they used his dick like a joystick. The bunny whimpered as he followed their lead, their grasp making him feel like he wanted to thrust, to push into them, which coincidentally darted his steps straight off the road home and to a shop at the side. He tried to pause before the window but the gloves peeked out the waistband again and wiggled against him, egging him on so that he had no option but to go in.

"A costume shop?" He whispered fiercely, hiding behind the racks, which seemed to be set up as if for Halloween already. "What on earth do you want in here? Can't you just show me?"

The gloves, however, knew that they had a kinkier way again to tease the rabbit into getting them what they wanted and, really, where was the harm in going for something a little more intriguing in their quest for milking his cum? No, they had to keep pushing and trying, jerking his shaft slowly and sensually as they towed him down the racks, Dai swallowing over and over again as if he was thinking of something else far removed from the innocence of a costume shop. However, there was very much the possibility in hand that the costumes there had been used over and over again in many a kinky endeavour before.

They did not intend to keep him there for long, however, as they came across one that would do the job quite nicely, considering just what the enchanted gloves must have been just about finishing up at home! The bunny's mouth opened and closed but he managed to stop, eyes unfocused, hazed over as he chattered his teeth in anxious, bunny need, rocking his hips slowly as he could only be glad that the thick, heavy racks of clothing hid him from view.

Quickly, quickly! Oh, why couldn't they make him see what they saw, the little kinky thing that they wanted so badly?

"What?" Dai blinked, struggling to focus, hunched forward as he tried to hide his hard-on. "What do you...oh!"

It was obvious and the gloves went wild, stroking and pumping and massaging his cock as he straightened with a grunt, their fingers only closing around his cock to steer him and direct him onward to kinkier endeavours. Shakily, Dai picked up the maid's costume from the rack and they stroked his shaft madly, one caressing his balls and allowing them to slip into the hem, playing with the feel of satin rather than an invisible hand, nearly on the edge of climax.

Dai moaned. He saw no other option.

He bought the costume.

_ _

And yet the bunny could not have been gladder than he was to return home, scrambling in through the front door with the damn costume in a terribly see-through bag that hid nothing, the satin gloves cheekily groping and squeezing, controlling him. They took all sense of power from him and that was just how he wanted it, moaning on the floor as he kicked the door closed and thrust from his back, hips lifted and hind paws planted firmly into the floor.

"Ah-ah... Please!"

It was the most of a begging plea that he could get out in the heat of the moment. He'd been edged for hours, for heaven's sake! Just what kind of state did the gloves think he was going to end up in? More than ever, he needed that tickling, teasing touch, rocking into it, rendered nothing more than a helpless slut as they milked him of his cum over and over again.

As the button popped free on his jeans, the wicked articles of magical clothing in question leapt free in a 'ta-da' of a wiggle, showing off and flickering back and forth, manically wiggling. But all Dai could do in turn was moan and beg for release, words fumbled together into a blur of sensuality, so very desperate for something that only the gloves now could give him. And just how low had he sunk in life that he needed the gloves to get him off rather than putting his own paw to his cock? In the back of his mind, he doubted still that that would be allowed, so much so that he had not attempted it once for himself since the enchanted gloves came into his life.

Blinking, he half managed to sit up, the purple gloves dragging his jeans off his legs, heart leaping into his mouth and staying there, pounding desperately. He could barely breathe, could barely think, but could see enough to know that the rest of his gloves had finished their work and were scattered, 'deflated', around the house, several pairs in the hall and visible through the door into the kitchen. They must have done well but the satin ones snatched up the bag with the maid's costume, dextrously ripping apart the packaging to get at the costume within, that they then levitated with a similar manner of magic.

But Dai could not have anticipated the gloves floating into the place where 'hands' on the costume may have resided if it had been worn by a furry, animating it with the semblance of a body even if there was none. With a purple feather duster complete with the costume, it swiftly became clear just why the gloves had insisted on that one while the bunny shakily laughed, cock still hard and drooling, pre-cum smeared over the tip.

"It's...ah... Wow, very nice..."

Yet it was more than simply difficult to concentrate on what was before his eyes as his cock throbbed and pulsed, so very desperate for attention. He needed something, needed more, and yet he could not even vocalise it as the animated maid's costume and the gloves themselves darted off, scooping up every last pair from his house. They must have done a very thorough job indeed as they even shot upstairs to collect those too, latex and leather and silk and satin - why, there was even a cute, cotton pair in the mix too! There was something too about the cool of that particular fabric in the height of summer that made him moan, swapping one sensation for the other in the height of his passion for erotically kinky gloves.

Despite his near orgasm and hard cock, Dai watched, enraptured, the show too much to ignore. And he could only anticipate just what they had in mind too as they unceremoniously deposited every last pair of the gloves into his lap at the very moment that they came to life again. All of a sudden, their many materials surrounded him, long evening gloves slinking and winding around his arms and legs as if they were animalistic, a pet that had missed him and was simply glad that he had come home. Shorter wrist-length gloves even fought for position, slipping onto his paws, and he moaned at the feel, opening and closing his fingers just for a little more sensation, feeling how the fabric shifted over his fingers, satin brushing fur in such a fashion that it was a wonder, truly, that he did not cum right then and there.

There was far more to come and he was not to be left wanting as the satin gloves and the maid's costume beckoned him on, crooking a finger and then, very gently, taking his wrist to lead him upstairs. Oh, they wanted something and he had stored up his cum for so long for them, a pair of latex gloves squeezing Dai's backside as if they thought that they needed to let on to him just a little more what was coming to him.

His mind floated and he could not have been quite sure just when his first orgasm came to him but he knew that he was on all fours being milked as if his life depended on it, head tucked down and lips parted in a long, drawn-out moan. The gloves did not need to hold him but a lubed-up finger - mm, satin this time not the latex pair - pushed up into his anal passage at the very point of orgasm, teasing him open even though he didn't really need any manner of preparation. No male did, of course, if the penetrator was going to go slowly and the gloves only had his pleasure in mind after such an exhaustingly long day. Slowly, slowly, they pushed in and teased him with a softer feel and a reduction in friction that the highest quality satin afforded, curling up against his prostate as another digit was added just for that added jot of stimulation.

Too much... Had he cum yet? His head spun and spun and he cried out, twisting back and forth and completely failing to hold himself back as cum shot from his dick. In his mind, the cum-shot was more than it actually was but Dai was so caught up in his own lust that he missed the sight of the purple gloves departing from the outfit to poise with the 'holes' open to drink up every last drop of his cum like an open mouth that was hungry to be fed over and over again. It was only the first of many gifts that they would take from him that evening but everything was both freely taken and given, the bunny humping and grinding as another pair of gloves gently removed his T-shirt, sweat darkening light patches of fur in his abject lust.

It was too much for him to handle and all he could do was moan and grunt, that first stream of cum trailing off lightly as he humped and panted, ears sensually folded back. It was the best kind of position to be in, whimpering and moaning, eyes closed, sensation after sensation overpowering him. And that was all that he wanted to be overpowered even if he did not need to be held down, submissive and subservient as the satin gloves cleaned off his cock of imaginary dirt, sweeping around and around, partially deflated, the full length of his cock, which could not help but remain hard.

As he groaned in what had to be the afterglow, the purple satin gloves, which had most certainly grown longer during the course of the day, posed before him, the maid's costume dropping as if an invisible furry wearing it had dropped to their knees. But they had no cock to present him with as they glowed faintly, infused with a fresh dose of his seed, pushing a finger into his mouth for him to adoringly suckle on.

Dai's eyes may or may not have rolled back into his head but he could barely focus on any one thing as sensation after sensation threatened hammered him, clamouring for attention, forcing him to grunt and huff, whimpering for more even if he could not yet take it. But they would give it to him either way, simpering around him, teasing and bringing a rise to his hips, thrusting and grinding into nothing.

The fingers took the place of a cock in his mouth and he moaned around them, even bobbing and twisting his head lightly, just to show how much he adored it, how much he wanted it all to never, ever, not even for a moment, stop. The hem of the longest gloves, evening satin, trailed over his back, bringing a shiver to his muscles, but the massage went on, so many pairs of gloves covering his whole body, even massaging and running their 'fingers' through his tousled hair. His little bun-tail did not go without either as it was so very lightly tugged and teased, the sensitive nerves at the base tingling as they responded, his body craving and wanting more even if his lips could not vocalise what he needed so terribly.

So much... He suckled on the gloves, whimpering and leaning after them, the fingers of them remaining in his mouth even as they enchanted the rest to tease through his fur in a sensual grope. They knew what Dai needed and they'd give it to him in every last potent dose that he craved, slipping from his lips as if they were loathe to leave him. But, oh, they had so much more in mind, controlling the maid's costume to replace a physical body, trembling with excitement as his lust and passion infused them. And yet they still needed his cum.

The bed. His back pressed over it, legs hanging off the side, but the gloves did not mean to leave him hanging, on pair after the other - not just the satin ones that had started it all - curling and snaking around and around his cock. He should have softened, should have needed a break, but they aroused such desire in him that he could not keep from panting, moaning and gyrating, caught up in the moment. Dai heaved for breath, rolling his hips into the touch of those gloves over and over again, each different fabric affording him another sensation.

But they had more in mind, a latex pair, lubed-up on the inside, slipped over his shaft - one over his cock and the other massaging his balls. Stars exploded behind his closed eyelids and he heaved for breath that would not come, twisting even as he imagined that he was already climaxing again right there and then, desperate for more as the gloves demanded everything that he had and so much more too.

The teasing in public left him a helpless mess of a bun, hind paws kicking and gently restrained by a silken pair of gloves. And they proved to be more sensual than any other restraints that may have been utilised, the touch holding him firmly, a lover's caress. And were the gloves not his lovers at the end of the day, the teasing drama calling him in and in and in, a kinkier interlude than he could have ever imagined otherwise for himself. They tightened on his ankles and he flung his arms back behind his head for added measure, submitting completely and utterly to what he deemed as a higher power and force in his life. The gloves commanded him and he was only to be prey to their whims, rising and falling, panting and heaving, a feral growl like no other rising from his mouth that he could not have anticipated.

They did that to him, somehow. They got him to moan and twist and howl and beg for more. With his T-shirt off, there was more of him still to tease and he found himself all of a sudden on his front, humping and grinding his cock into the bed, maybe a pillow, as the gloves layered his back, a massaging touch. The maid's outfit floated before him and the satin gloves tweaked his ears passionately, letting the tiny action draw tingling pleasure to him as he grunted and tried to rock and thrust, over and over again.

Cum... He needed to cum. And the gloves needed it too, the most explosive orgasm that Dai had ever had. He needed it even though he could not as yet understand the climax that was to cum, denied and humping, thrusting like a wild creature that did not yet know true pleasure. His anal ring was penetrated sweetly once more but the leather gloves yielded less than any others, more like the latex but with a rougher, more natural texture.

And he was up on all fours again, crying out and thrusting back even as the purple gloves took his muzzle between both of them, caressing and smoothing his muzzle, teasing and slipping down just to make him want them all the more. Before his eyes, the silhouette of them glowed and grew ever so slightly and yet it was still noticeable to the discerning eyes of a bunny who had made the gloves his life, taking over all that he was passionate about in the world and then some all over again.

They needed him as much as they needed him and he was sat up, gloves supporting his thighs, sweat darkening patches on his fur, much in need of a shower with the faintest lick of his own musk darkening the air. Sex, after all, was not a perfectly clean endeavour and yet he still tried to keep the gloves in pristine condition at all times, although the magical pair helped more than a little with that. They kept any specks of dirt or dust from them and his whiskers tingled, feeling the lure of his orgasm layering heavily upon him.

Closer and closer... The fingers played a tune down his cock, the purple satin pair complete with their maid's costume taking control. For it would be them that teased his brutally powerful orgasm forth, the backs of the fingers teasing back up under his balls, sensing the weight of them with bendable dexterity. They could do things, after all, that no furry paws could and Dai relished in just how far they pushed him, leaning back against the headboard of the bed, not even aware of the solidness behind him.

Oh... So close... So very close...

And then he was there, tipping over the edge as his mind fought to control himself, his body not his to control. He moaned, lips parted, ears folded back, desperate for the moment, although he could not snatch one singular sensation out of it all, hissing in a rush of breath that was so very desperately needed in his lungs not outside. But there was no way to hold back as he moaned and heaved, grunting passionately as the gloves took his cock well in hand. And yet they did not milk him on their own as every last pair in his extensive collection layered his entire body, too many sensations driving in, trailing and groping and squeezing and even tweaking his nipples through his fur, too much for one mind to understand and lust for.

The purple gloves did not take his cum into the opening of them this time, however, but allowed his cum to pool in the palm, but not a single drop escaped. Their magic snared those tantalising droplets even as they sought to leap free, splattering messily, glowing as they shot back and melted sinuously into the very satin fabric of those gloves, although Dai was too far gone in himself to notice how they drank him down, the fingertips fluttering and pulsing, tugging at the firm skin of his shaft all for his ultimate sexual pleasure.

And yet an orgasm could not go on forever, the rest of his gloves catching him before his arms gave out and he cracked his head on the wall, easing him down so that he was lying on the bed, cock soften as the purple gloves made sure that they took every last drop. Feeding the last dribbles of cum into the opening of the gloves, they tingled and shivered, struggling to stay still as Dai whimpered breathless, sore in more than just his body. Erotic pleasure like no other flooded his limbs, drawing energy from him and replacing it with a tingling yet sleepy ecstasy in the lingering heat of the afterglow.


And yet there was no need for words either as he lay there, an exhausted mess of a bun with so much more to give. But, first, sleep would have to be had as he was stroked into dreamless slumber by the very gloves that had brought everything to be, breathing life into all that gave him the hope that each and every previous moment of sexual ecstasy would remain to be topped, never reaching that final pinnacle from which he could go no further.

Stroking his whiskers, the satin gloves floated, a little plumper than usual as if they had 'drank down' too much of his seed, their essence bloated with overfeeding. And yet they could always have more as Dai mumbled in his sleep, rolling over to press his face into the pillow, not a single drop of seed sticky and drying in his fur. The gloves would never have allowed any of his seed to go to waste.

They would be right there for him, of course, when he awoke again. And who knew what tales they would draw from his hungry lips as they milked his cock over and over again in days and weeks to come?

Putting a finger to the rabbit's lips, the gloves shivered in a smile.

Only the gloves knew the truth.

The Last Hydra

**The Last Hydra** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by SaphiraFafnar_ _ _ _ _ Xigfeldo mused before the portal, the shimmering oval of green and blue highlighting the silver tones in his scales more than the black,...

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Dominated by a Dragoness

**Dominated by a Dragoness** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round for Grayscale and Jack\_Knight_ _ _ _ _ The stone walls lurked in the shadows, torches flickering with dancing, crackling flames. Electricity was provided in...

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