Dominated by a Dragoness

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragoness futa takes two willing subs into her dungeon for some kinky fun...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Dominated by a Dragoness

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A YCH round for Grayscale and Jack_Knight

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The stone walls lurked in the shadows, torches flickering with dancing, crackling flames. Electricity was provided in the modern dungeon, of course, but there was something about a natural flame that simply boasted an effect that LEDs simply could never come close to, Amethyst raking her gaze over the racks of toys and implements of both sexual pleasure and torture that others only ever saw part of. Slowly but surely, however, the domme methodically worked her way through her collection during every session, whether she had dragged someone down to her dungeon or they had trotted along merrily without any sense of trepidation, leaving everything well-oiled and pristinely clean.

Not that she was the one to clean anything, of course. The dragon dominatrix had slaves to do that work for her.

"Well, well, well... And I thought no one would be bold enough to enter my dungeon again."

The green dragoness strutted and smirked, cracking a cane into the palm of her opposite paw. The sharp smack that the impact made easily denoted just how violent the slap of it had been and yet she did not even flinch, standing tall and proud, tail wavering back and forth ever so lightly as if she had become a feline in the heat of the moment, barely able to control her lust and fervour at finding not one but two lusciously willing victims before her. Her shoulder blades pushed back in the claim of a latex corset that put her breasts on show beneath her longer, more draconian neck and sharply angled collar bones, cutting down to a latex suspender belt and like stockings, which left her hind paws and toes wonderfully bare.

Other doms may have covered more of themselves but not the dragoness. After all, she had some extra equipment between her legs that set her apart from all other dominatrix's at the club, the exclusive venue to which one surely had to be special to get into or, at least, to get to her. Being a hermaphrodite meant that she was in demand and her ridged shaft was already thick and swollen, a fleshy pink that further served to highlight the delicious drop of pre-cum dangling thickly from the tip, stretching and stretching down as if it was about to break free from the coils of her body already.

Of course, they were not really victims, but they were something more than delicious: a grey goat that she'd seen before and heard tales of from friends and a blue dragoness of a shade that almost came with a seductive hint of grey, her underbelly splashed with a distinctive white. A futa such as herself, of course, enjoyed variety and she couldn't have wished for a better way to spend her evening as she stalked around the two of them, circling tightly as if she was a shark coming in closer and closer on her prey, knowing that there was absolutely no hope in hell (or heaven, even) that they would be able to get away. She'd know that: she'd been the one who'd bound them.

The futa, however, had something very special in mind for them...

"Nice to see you here, dearie. Isn't there someone waiting for you at home?"

The dragoness, Jackie, groaned, bound on her back on a table that was nothing more than a padded X-frame, arms and legs stretched out spread-eagled. A popular wide receiver in a football league, she was well-known even to one who did not actively follow the sport, her thick mane of white hair seeming to sparkle with a silvery tint. Cooing darkly, Amethyst stroked her face, turning it to the side, drool slickening down the side of her muzzle where she had her jaws stretched open around a hefty ball gag.

Blinking up desperately, Jackie arched and pulled at her bonds, although the restraint she found in them struck equal amounts of fear and lust into her heart. It wasn't her thing, not at all, but there was something in her that had told her she needed to try something else, to delve into a part of her sexual psyche that had, so far, been left unattended to. And she was not a dragoness who liked leaving any part of her mind or body without attention. Sure, she could be cocky and flaunt her stuff out in the spotlight, playing to the ground, but just what happened when she gave up every last bit of that control, succumbed by and seduced to a time of lust where her body was not even her own to act with anymore?

"So silly of me, darling, forgot you couldn't answer there. But I don't need your mouth yet, do I?"

Blowing her a kiss that was full of the wrong kind of promises, Amethyst's lips tugged up in an even deeper smirk, eyes dancing with draconian mischief. What a sexy thing she was... She was going to have fun on her, Jackie's eyes fixed on her backside, scales firm over where muscle rounded out her flesh nicely. The dragoness groaned deep in the back of her throat, drooling around the ball gag, slipping so very easily down and down and down into submission. Maybe a dom like the futa was all that she had needed, even the sight of that cock making her naked pussy clench wantonly, imagining it plunged deep inside her, spearing her full...

But Amethyst had eyes for another, at that point. There was the goat too, a smaller male who twitched and shuddered even as she approached, claws clicking lightly on the smooth floor.

"You, however... You will do nicely."

Grayscale shuddered. What did that mean? Had she really set her sights on him - and first? His chest heaved as little as it could within his tight bondage, Jackie shifting opposite him. He had been set up in a set of stocks with his hips a little more elevated than his head, horns bumping uselessly into the smoothly polished wood. She'd teased them earlier with the notion that she'd had other slaves of hers polish that very wood to a shine and clean up her dungeon after each and every session.

Pushed up onto the tips of his hooves by the cane slipping up against his hamstrings, Grayscale whimpered, eyes rolling back as she tipped over him, cock grinding over his buttocks.

"So small... Do you even think you'll stretch around me?"

And it was a colossal cock grinding over him, seeming larger than his back end itself as his mind spun her size out of control, Jackie grunting thickly, eyes bulging. Maybe she wanted that cock too... Grayscale's head spun. He wouldn't have blamed her. But a tail hole like his was probably better-placed than her tight cunny to stretch around such a monster of a cock.

But it was not to be and Jackie strained her head up, staring down the length of her body between her tits to eye up the dominant dragoness' backside as she stood before the goat in question, tail lifted as if to show off her goods. Of course, it was not her pussy that she put on full and prominent display to the bound dragon but her heavy balls, pulled down lustfully under their own weight, a truly delectable sight. The scales there were a lighter shade and Jackie's head throbbed with need, striving to tip forward even though it was already as much as she could do to strain and fight, looking hungrily over the luscious scene set out before her as she was.

"Open wide..."

There was nothing the goat could do but open, his lips parting but not enough for her. With a cruel yank of his head, her paw snatched up a horn and worked his head back, shoving the tip of her cock into his mouth. Grunting, he swallowed around her but he couldn't even get past the shaft of it, lips strained and quivering as he fought and fought to keep his teeth away from her cock. Heaven knew what she would do with him if he accidentally bit her! His tongue pressed up to the underside of her massive cock, swiping behind the glands, and he huffed around her, chest striving for support as he wriggled and squirmed in the stocks, paws opening and closing uselessly.

The subs were as bound as one another and a heavy-lidded Jackie breathed in short, sharp, desperate breaths as she fixed her gaze on the dragon and the goat before her, need rising. She needed to squeeze her thighs together, feel some manner of sensation, but all her pussy could do was drool helplessly, slick with her juices and preparing her for what she so very desperately hoped was coming. Of course, there was no way for her to influence things in any way now that all had begun, arms and shoulders aching from the strain of being held there so. And, still, her heart pounded as if it was going to leap from her chest in a raw fit of passion, beat its wings and fly away, pummelling through the crowing of lust itself as she was left a mere shell of a dragoness, a sexual slave to desires untold.

Unknowing of what was happening to Jackie, Grayscale hacked and gulped around her shaft as she worked it deeper with a heady, throaty grunt that trembled right through him.

"Huff... Maybe you're good for something, after all then. See how much you can take and maybe there'll be a little treat in store for you. Would you like that, little horn?"

A strange name to call him - his horns were not that small! But it made him feel much smaller and more vulnerable than he was to think that even his horns were feminine, his bare body there to do with as she pleased. Even then, his fur curled and matted subtly in some places with dark sweat, heating up as his cock throbbed to attention. The rod of his shaft pulsed with need, requesting attention that he could not demand while a far larger monster was intent on slamming right up into the back of his mouth. Working his needy little muzzle open wider and wider, Amethyst growled and humped, rocking her hips as if she was already imagining fucking a much needier hole that would stretch and hug the full length of her fuck-meat just so.

Pre-cum spilt into his mouth, trickling from the corner of his lips, and he closed his eyes, his world narrowing to that of that shaft, overpowering him in every way, dominating him as he'd so terribly craved to be dominated. There was a luxury too in not knowing what would happen next, whether she would ram something into him, make him scream, whip him... Anything could happen, anything at all, and it only all served to make his cock even harder for her, his little fuck-toy simply becoming another tool for her wicked needs and lusts to make good use of.

What else was she to do with such a willing sub?

But what was happening? As he slurped on her shaft, it pulled back and back, leaving him straining and gasping, a string of pre-cum mixed with spittle connecting his lips to her shaft. Whimpering, he stared up at her with more than a small note of accusation in his eyes, the dragoness blowing him a kiss and patting the side of his muzzle condescendingly. Still, his cock ached, hips working furtively, unable to find anything that could provide him with some semblance of relief, whatever that relief needed to be.

"Don't be so silly, little goat. You're not going to get off that easily."

Her attention slipped away and Jackie puffed, nostrils flaring, those eyes locking onto her. There were two subs there, after all, to adore and voyeuristic pleasure could only go so far for one who needed to know what it felt like to be on the bottom, beautifully broken and beaten down, a sex slave exploring her darkest and deepest of desires.

Jackie would not whimper, eyes fixed and gaze furious as if she challenged Amethyst herself to break her, even if that in itself was inevitable in the end. Casually, as if the dragon was but a passing influence to her, she ran her short but pointed claws down the length of Jackie's body, admiring just how the dragoness twitched and shuddered beneath her.

"You are a beast," she whispered to her, words rolling over her bound charge. "And you shall be enjoyed."

Poised between her thighs with her buttocks practically in Grayscale's muzzle, his hot breath washing over the underside of her callously raised tail, Amethyst teased a finger into that hot snatch, driving it deep and curling it up against the spot where she just knew the G-spot lay. As Jackie heaved and squealed, her cries of pleasure muffled, amethyst smirked wickedly. It truly did take a futa to know both sides of the line, pleasing and tormenting both in such a way that there could never truly be any escape from either her wiles and her wrath.

Do it...

_ _

Jackie's mind hazed over even as she clawed and screamed mentally for the reality that she'd loved, lusted for. The power she'd held, her control... She couldn't even swear outside the sanctity of the mind that was her own with that gag in her mouth, eyes blazing and yet still wavering, fading slowly as the dominant party showed her just how weak she was. Her heart pounded, mouth dry - she hadn't expected it to go so far! It was something she both wanted and didn't want, straining as the leather straps pulled into her thighs and shins, holding her down, securely pinned even as her flight instinct battled to kick in. It was, as was everything else with a dominatrix, a futile endeavour.

"Something you want?"

Drawing back, Amethyst grinned and laid her cock over Jackie's leg, angling herself just so that Grayscale too could take in her hot and ready length, glistening still with his oh so very helpful saliva. Another finger pushed into Jackie and the dragoness groaned, trying to arch up even as those fingers, now slick and ready, eased down towards her tail hole. Before her mind could catch up with what was happening, those two digits were inside, claws tucked away from the walls of her sensitive anal passage, ring hopelessly clenching and squeezing in an effort that was, by far, too little too late to keep out the intruders.

"Allow it," Amethyst hissed, tail stiffly raised and legs firm with tense muscle. "You need this... And you can't stop it."

No... No, she could not. The stocks rattled as the goat pulled and heaved, eyes wide and bulging in his desperation, cock drooling like a tap, but there was nothing that could put off that achingly thick cock-tip from teasing up to her pussy as those fingers pulled out, drawing back so slowly that the dominatrix acted as if she had all the time in the world to take her pleasure. Who knew, even then, how long they had been down there anyway...

Yes... Jackie moaned, chewing on the gag, sweat clinging to the back of her neck, hair sticking in raw need, the fire within her rising to the surface as if she was in a game. She needed it, so very badly. She could be a sub, she could give in, all for the lusts and pleasure of a dominant. The paw grabbing her muzzle and yanking her forward, forcing her to watch, was the icing on the cake, claws biting, maybe there was a slap in there too that made her head spin wonderfully. But that cock was not angling for her pussy as it dipped down, taking the place of the fingers that stretched her tail hole lightly, though no preparation, truly, was needed for such backdoor play.

"Poor dragoness," she murmured, eyes glittering. "You've got to earn the right to have this hole filled. Now - moan for me."

She couldn't Jackie tried to say, there was a gag in her mouth. But Amethyst didn't care about that as she used the dragoness' juices to lubricate her shaft and that tentatively twitching tail hole just enough so that she could push in. No words were needed as she eased in, inch after delectable inch, Jackie's tail hole slowly but surely forced to stretch around her. There was no rush and no hurry (she didn't quite want to break her new toy yet, after all) and Jackie did indeed groan around the gag, humping and grinding as she tried to pant and found her ability to do so sorely limited.

Grayscale moaned and cried out, his whispered begs and pleas to be taken falling on deaf ears. He just couldn't help himself as he watched, all too close, as that cock sawed into the dragoness, perhaps even taking her anal cherry. They hadn't talked much before the gag had been shoved into Jackie's mouth and talking then had been taken from the two of them. Amethyst wasn't in it for the dragoness' pleasure, her body simply a vessel on which she could expend her lusts, slamming into the willing hole as soon as she judged that Jackie's body had adjusted enough.

The dragoness' head thrashed and writhed, one of the only parts of her body that she could move, as she was brutally fucked, something tightening in her guts as she groaned out her pleasure. But it was only when those manipulative fingers found her throbbing clit, drawing her attention from the pulsing stretch of her tail hole, which would never again be the same, that she understood just what was happening. A dragoness could really get _off_from that?

It was explained in the screamingly muffled orgasm, thrashing and writhing and yet going nowhere as all, Amethyst snarling with her lips curled back from her teeth, wings raised and trembling as she neared that point herself. From where he was, the only one who could see just what was happening was the goat and he got a front-row seat to how her balls tightened up, seeming larger and fuller for a heartbeat before they spilt their load, Amethyst's roar echoing and rebounding off the walls as if the dungeon was full of dragons all intent on taking their pleasure.

Pump after pump of hot cum poured into the dragoness as she shot into her own, erratically throbbing, climax, seed thicker and heavier than most, Amethyst's body doing the work to ensure it would stay in there. And yet she did not intend to leave it all in her sore tail hole alone as she withdrew, barking a harsh laugh as she shot another spurt over her crotch, coating her in a creamy load as she turned to the quivering, helpless goat, his eyes wide and plaintive, tongue protruding out delicately over his bottom lip as if that alone may indeed help his case somewhat to getting what he needed to. And, oh, how he needed it...

"Come here, goat..."

As if he could move! But his heart leaping in joy at being so addressed fell again swiftly, her paw coming down sharply and harshly on his raised buttocks. It took a moment for his mind to register the sting, howling and rolling his hips down and away, striving for relief however it was to come to him. The attention a dom gave was not always to be soft and kind and pleasant, after all, and he could not help the natural reaction of his body, cock softening a little even as it drooled with ten times the enthusiasm than before.

Again and again, the blows rained down, bringing a warming rise to his backside, cock throbbing, body desperate. Not too hard and most certainly not too soft either, her tail hooked under his hips to force them up, keeping them raised as she squeezed her cock up between the rounds of his rear cheeks. He gasped but it was too late for anything else as her cock found home and slammed in, squeezing into his hot and ready hole as if it had always been meant to be there, find itself plunged into those dark depths.

Grayscale rounded his shoulders, struggling against instinct to arch back, push back onto that cock, every last nerve-ending in his body singing as he was pounded. Yes! That was what he'd wanted! A sub had needs too even though it was not up to them whether or not those needs or were met or simply cruelly teased at. Not even the throb of pain from his too-swiftly stretched ring could tease him down from the edge as she slammed into his prostrate, growling out her pleasure even as Jackie heaved and came down from her orgasm, pussy clenching and wanting more even then.

"Look at you... You need this."

He did not deny it as her hips worked and worked, ploughing him full, tail adding an extra bit of sway and force to her thrusts. A paw clenched around the stocks beside his head as she worked away at him, hips slamming and driving and pounding, thinking only of the next thrust as all bore out her strength for the dues of her pleasure.

Closer and closer... The goat's jaws hung open, lust rising, steaming up from the pit of his gut. He was going to cum, she had him there, there was no way that he could hold back. Those heavy balls slapped up against his, shockingly dwarfing them, her whole body seeming several sizes too large for him, although his tail hole swallowed up her dick so easily after a few strokes that it was surprising too, in a way, that his body could take that much too. It was just what he needed, each dominating stroke showing him his place, euphoria easily surpassing any measure of pain that may or may not have been present.

He tensed, toes curling. He was there, so very nearly, cock dribbling continuously, that shaft milking him even without a true orgasm. Moaning, Grayscale closed his eyes as the dragoness sped up suddenly, cramming in viciously as if she too was on the edge, using his body for all that he had given it up to her to use it for.

And then there was no cock, no stream of cum - nothing at all! The goat's eyes flew open as her paw smacked his buttocks, flesh jiggling, and dragged her shaft from him in a lewd slurp and splatter of her pre-cum, hopelessly over-productive even then. But all she did was smirk, cocking an eyebrow, paw snaking around beneath his stomach to grasp his cock, stroking and teasing the wilfully throbbing length with the clutch of one who knew that she had him right where she wanted him.

"Oh, honey... Did you think that you were going to get to use this tonight? Isn't that cute!"

But there was nothing cute about how her voice lashed out like the crack of the bullwhip that she wielded so easily and carelessly, eyes narrowing as she yanked his muzzle up to face her, gaze burning into his. The twist of her body let her stay with snarling eye contact as she stabbed her shaft perfectly into Jackie's not as yet abused pussy, the dragoness squealing around the gag as she thrashed, taking the orgasm from Amethyst that should have, quite rightly, gone to Grayscale. He burned with an odd mix of shame and desire, head dipping - and she allowed it, releasing his chin so that he could pull away, panting heavily as his eyes rolled and needs collided with the sweetly abject desire to serve.

That was the predicament of a sub and something that Jackie too was due to learn, pussy squeezing and rippling as her body was controlled as well as her mind, the dragoness fucking her swiftly into an orgasm that rippled through her body, scales itching oddly as if they were lifting from her body, so violently did she tremble. And thus it was that every last drop of cum that had seemed destined for the goat's not so tight (anymore, that was) tail hole poured into the dragoness who was only just uncovering her submissive tendencies in the best way possible.

The goat's tail hole instinctively tried to clench as Amethyst withdrew, putting on a show for the one denied, but, after such a pounding, there was no way for even him to tighten up again so quickly, the dragoness beside him in a similar predicament with both her pussy and her tail hole lewdly gaping, right on show before him.

Heaving for breath, he zeroed in on her cunt, the drool of viscous cum streaming from her in one continuous stream. Just how much had Amethyst pumped into her? It should have been in him but he was the one left denied, whimpering and moaning like the slut he was, hips working, thrusting, grinding - yet there was only one in the room who could at all push him into the climax that he so desperately needed, craved above all else.

"Here, little dragoness... See how much of this you can take down your throat..."

Tipping Jackie's head back to make a straight line down her throat, Amethyst leaned over her body, groping and squeezing her breasts, manipulating them exactly as she pleased, using the position to grind in deep, as deep as she wanted. Because that was what it was all about in the throes of lust, bondage cutting in, holding subs where they would be best needed and most wanted. Jackie hacked and gagged as that length of fuck-meat ploughed into her throat, the scent of the dragoness that it belonged to overwhelming her, thick and heavy, but there was nowhere else that she, or even Grayscale too for that matter, would have rather have been, lustfully used and pleasantly sore from the attentions of a dominatrix who knew just how to break a victim.

He licked his lips, eyes fixed on the pair of dragons, although Jackie herself didn't feel or think too much at that moment in time. He could see it on her face, the bland euphoria lifting her up and away in subspace, knowing in no undue terms that she had found what she had come to the dungeon looking for that day. The goat grunted, trying to hunch his hips even though he knew too that it was useless, a futile endeavour, but he could not help himself, wanting that cock all for himself. And yet it was not to be, not to be when he was deemed to sit to the side and wait his turn, even if a needy little goat like him could not be at all sure when his turn would come.

Arse smarting from her spanking, head spinning, Grayscale dropped his head down with a bleat that was far from forlorn. Before him, Jackie moaned around that cock, Amethyst drawing an orgasm from her, rippling and pulsing through the beautiful submissive dragoness, from tweaking and pinching her nipples alone.

If he could not cum, he could at least enjoy the show.

Edging for Impregnation

**Edging for Impregnation** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Gerplexan_ "Bye! See you all again soon! Bye! Love you!" Rebecca hung out the car window, the white-furred vixen grinning madly as she waved off...

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Seducing His Father: Chapter Two

**Seducing His Father** **Chapter Two** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ It was impossible not to fantasise about him, the sexy demon cougar with his glowing eyes as she ground her teeth together...

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