Seducing His Father: Chapter Two

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#2 of Seducing His Father

Holly pushes things further with her boyfriend's father, looking to satisfy her lust...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Seducing His Father

Chapter Two

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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It was impossible not to fantasise about him, the sexy demon cougar with his glowing eyes as she ground her teeth together to seal away her moans, back in her own room. It was quite bare and plain as Holly preferred to be out and about most of the time or with Hiss but that was just how she liked it, a minimalist at heart. In true fashion, she only had a few sex toys too in her collection and the largest dildo was rammed up into her pussy at that very moment, the tip wedged up against her cervix, as deep as it could possibly go.

The skunk groaned and arched her back, rocking her hips up and up, forgetting to be quiet. There may or may not have been someone else home in her shared place but that was by the by: they were all adults there. There was nothing wrong with what she was doing even if they may well enough have expected her to have a boyfriend or something over; she'd never once brought Hiss around. And maybe that too was just as well as she was right there fantasising about his father as if the demon cougar was the only one she really wanted to be with at all.

Yet that was not true. She loved Hiss, that much she was certain of, and she didn't want to break up with him either. The skunk moaned. So much had happened in her life, why couldn't she just have her cake, for once, and eat it too? Well, she most certainly was going to give it her best shot...

The demon loomed in her mind, how he had covered her with his body, that tentacle of his pressing up between her legs. Just how would that feel inside her? Holly huffed and grunting, forcing the noises down and muffled in the back of her throat, eyes half-lidded. She was close, closer by every passing second too, her pussy clenching and tightening around the dildo as she ploughed it into her dripping wet sex, fingers manipulating her clit as she imagined and dreamed of all that could be.

All that would be if she had her way about it. And Holly knew that the only way to make things go her way was to bulldoze through it herself. There was no manner of finesse for her and she was just as carnal, she imagined, in terms of lust as a demon could be - hell, maybe she'd even give him a run for his money! Had the demon cougar actually been pursued by a femfur in years? Or did he cheat on his wife to fuck everyone else, chasing down his prey with that gleam in his eyes that made her heart turn over into delicious somersaults of lust that could not be spent in any other manner.

It had to be true... She'd spoken to Hiss about his father back in the early days of their dating and it had come up that the two of them had something of a fraught relationship, although Hiss was not interested in the full extent of it. That side of things was none of his business, he'd declared, even though Holly suspected that he'd caught them at it more than once, whether it had been his parents together or Ropes off with someone else. She'd rather have had all of the dirty details to add to her fantasy, however, as she imagined bending her legs up and back for the cougar's thrusts, knees pressing up towards her chest as she howled out her pleasure, snarling at him like a demoness herself for him to breed her, to give her everything he had to give.

And, still, she would demand more.

Her orgasm thrummed through, a pulsating throb that seared the essence of her very soul, further solidifying her desire for the cougar, imagining just how his lips on her throat would feel. A tentacle inside her pussy, another up under her tail... Yes, that would do nicely to start but his cock would be the main event and she'd break him to the stallion of lust himself as she swirled her tongue around the tip, salaciously dragging him down and down and down while she held off on her own need, all for the sake of her control of him.

Panting in the afterglow, the skunk smiled faintly, turning her head as her phone screen lit up with a text message. And the fur that it was from did nothing in the slightest to slow the frantic pace of her heart, pumping blood with far, far too much aggression through her pleasantly aching body.

Ropes: What are you doing?

_ _

Holly bit her lip but her fingers were already flying across the digital keypad, lusts getting the better of her with her sex dripping. Did he know? Of course, he could not know but maybe he hoped. Maybe he hoped that she was thinking of him. Even if he'd been the one to think he could control her, tease her and deny her when it was really her, Holly, that was calling the shots.

Holly: Thinking of you.

_ _

There, that wasn't too forward and it wasn't too coy either, the right balance between both extremes. She had made her intentions clear and she'd continue to do so, quietly pacing to her en-suite bathroom, as tiny as it was, to shower off after her fun. She had work that evening to get on with and she had to smell fresh and not at all of sex for that - not unless she wanted seedy comments from old furs that thought they had all the good jokes and witty comments in the world. Serving at a restaurant was not the best gig in the world but it paid her bills before college and she yearned for the days when she could get some more significant money in a solid paycheque, having learned the value of such perhaps at too young of an age. But things were, at least, better then and she had herself to be thankful to for that.

Let him wait for her reply. He'd stew and rumble, thinking that she was playing games with him - and he'd be right too. The water rushed over her striped coat, tail soaked and trying to lift despite the weight of it. Holly would soon have the little kitty-cat eating right out of the palm of her paw and right where she wanted him. Let them have their strange sort of relationship in the meantime - she'd be the one to take what she craved all the same, lust rising above in the full-bodied warmth of a femfur who desired passionately and loved the same.

Ropes: You should be.

_ _

Ropes: You' enigma, Holly.

_ _

Ropes: Hiss can't stop talking about you.

_ _

That last message popped up as she leaned over the bed with a towel wrapped around her, frowning around the toothbrush poking out the side of her mouth. Did he think that was going to shame or stop her from doing anything more? He'd made his wants and desires quite clear too, even if he was the one, of course, who thought that he could call the shots. Maybe he'd been used to that before, being in charge and dominating all around him. It made sense that the cat was like that.

She chose to ignore it.

Holly: How kind of you to say. But I know I'm in your mind right now, only put there more because he's talking about me. Why, you probably encourage it.

_ _

Smirking, she set the phone aside, tying her hair back for work. That would have to do for the moment and she knew that the photo she snapped of the towel just barely covering her bare breasts would rile him up even more, making good and certain that the skunk would be in his mind for the rest of the night and more again then too.

Holly grinned. Everything was going just as she'd planned!


And yet the cougar took great pleasure, or so it seemed, in turning that plan on its head, the skunk dripping between her thighs as she worked, unable to stop herself from sneaking off to the bathroom between tables time after time again just to check her phone, to see what he'd sent her. They shouldn't have been so obvious, putting things digitally that could then be traced back to the two of them, but she couldn't help herself, riling up her own body as much as she sought and fought to make Ropes see her as irresistible, an object to desire even if she was the one to ultimately say 'yes' to him. Well, she wasn't going to make it easy for him now, was she?

Photo after photo followed, neither of them seeming to pause for all that long to type out a quickly snatched message to one another. Holly groaned, leaning back against the bathroom stall wall, hair in disarray and a hot flush creeping wantonly down her neck, a patch of heat that betrayed her true feelings about the cougar. Maybe she wanted him more than even she realised. Maybe he knew that. Maybe he was taking advantage of her. There was no real way to find out but the last image of his cock standing up hard and proud, an uncut shaft, on her phone screen was what did her. And thinking of him surely was one hell of a lot better than considering her job all the time, the work that dulled her brain and made her feel like a robot, not even a 'real fur' who was there for a purpose.

The money was good though and she didn't have all that much longer to get through it before college would come, the rest of her life stretched out before her, there to be enjoyed out in the open. She'd be her own being then and none of the restaurant work would even matter, even if she claimed Ropes for her own, however temporary their tryst may have been destined to be.

Or not. There was only one way to find out.

Late that night, lying in her small bed, she peered up at the glow of the phone held over her face. She never slept in any clothes at all and that night was no different as she lounged with the sheets thrown off her for that last scrap of cool night-time air before it became too hot and muggy to consider sleeping with anything less than the fan on; her home, of course, didn't have anything like air conditioning, being an older building. The next place she moved to, however, most certainly would and she smiled to herself, pleased at last that she had a choice in the matter. Sometimes having that choice was underrated.

Holly: I think you want me. Have you decided to stop teasing me now or should I spend my attentions elsewhere? I'm not patient, you know.

_ _

Ropes: No teasing... Well, only of the good kind. And you like that, don't you?

_ _

Oh, she did, but only when it was on her terms. When it wasn't on her terms, well...that was another matter. It meant that she wasn't in control, that someone else was trying to take control of her. And she knew that if she was going to sacrifice her control over herself, it was going to be for a damn good cause and not because some hot piece of tail thought that she should.

No... Ropes was going to have to earn that part of her.

The last photo she sent her boyfriend's father that night was a full-frontal nude, her face cropped out and hidden behind a not so coy paw. Her breasts rose at just the right angle in the photo, nipples perked up in the cool, and she even put the tiniest of arches up into her back for that extra air of sensuality too. Her legs were barely in the shot but her full and luscious thighs surely would draw the eye, just teasing at the folds of her sex and all the promises that her body could hold for him, if he was a good kitty-cat, that was. Holly still hadn't quite decided when she was going to let him at her, how far she was going to play the aloof but sexual girlfriend of his son card. It was all a mess and a beautiful one at that, an exotically erotic adventure that had the potential to spiral off in any direction with little more than a moment's notice.

Setting her phone aside, she settled into bed with a smile on her lips, nose twitching lightly on the edge of sleep. The photo, of course, had been sent.

Let him sleep on that.


And then...nothing. Sometimes it was difficult to tell just which of them was actually playing games as they batted one another back and forth, an endless toy of cat and mouse that had no real winner involved - at least not while it was only teasing. Holly groaned, face pressed against the window of the bus, rattling along with an old lady fur squished up to her other side with an oversized handbag that really had no right at all to be lugged about on any kind of public transport. She longed for the day that she could put her driver's license to good use, but a car simply was out of her budget for the time being, as much as she still felt rather on the young side to be having or thinking about any kind of budget at all.

Of course, they could not dodge one another forever and she met Hiss at a local health club that offered discounted spa packages to graduates - apparently they looked like they needed a good massage or something after all those finals? It was not something that the skunk would have usually have splashed out on for herself but the lure of sweet and luscious oils being worked into her fur before going to steep and steam in the other facilities held a lure that she couldn't say no to.

Besides, it was with Hiss. And everything with Hiss was fun, brightening her day tenfold even when, perhaps, it had not started out as she may have wanted it to.

To her surprise, however, it was not just Hiss that got out of Fyr's car but the dragoness and the cougar of the moment too. He blinked slowly at her and slid his gaze away, although there were no pupils to follow as he looked away. She had to rely on the tiniest of twitches in his whiskers and in the muscles of his muzzle to know that but she knew. Hiding her smile, she set back on her heels and eyed her boyfriend quizzically, one eyebrow quirked up.

Coughing into his paw, Hiss floundered, trying to come up with something, words tumbling over one another in their haste to be free of his mouth. Even his tentacles waved everywhere as if he could not control them, although Holly still thought that having both of those wrapped around her was not going to be anything at all like having all four and the real deal.

"Is it okay if my parents come along too?" He said, smiling half-heartedly as if he did realise then that that was something he should have raised with her earlier. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot!"

Of course, he did, but she reassured him, a little too sweetly, that it was all fine, looping her arm through his as she greeted his parents, putting on her face of the adoring girlfriend once again. It was not a guise that was too far from the way she was naturally but just something that she could lean back on to not launch herself at Ropes right there and then, tail lifted for the lust of his surely aching shaft. Swallowing lightly, she laughed at just the right time to make it look like she had been listening to a joke that she had not even heard, thinking all the while that she'd much rather have something thick up between her legs. Maybe the spa day was a better idea still than she'd thought prior...

She'd reap the reward for 'putting up' with his parents from Hiss later. Preferably with his raspy tongue between her legs. At least, to begin with. Holly chuckled to herself and shook her head, earning herself a quizzical look from the cougar who she was dating. Damn, she was horny and it was all his father's fault.

In the spa, she respectfully changed in the ladies locker room with Fyr, the two of them averting their eyes, as was the way of politeness. There were no cubicles in that particular location except for the family one and the one for disabled furs, both of which she didn't really think were an option to ensure that her boyfriend's mother saw not a hair that she shouldn't have on her body. It was a matter of privacy too that she kept that choice to herself, just who she showed her body - always her choice. Hiss respected that too even in the early days of their dating and, of course, it had been Holly who had pushed things further and taken that leap into exploring their sexuality together. She was always the one who pushed things further.

Nevertheless, Fyr joined her in a two-piece swimsuit that was modest for her age whereas Holly's was, most certainly, more on the daring side. Devoid of straps over the shoulder, the tube around her breasts snugly contained them, although hinted at the fact that it could be pulled down at a moment's notice, revealing all that she had on offer if someone's mind was so inclined to wander off in that way. The bottoms were a typical Brazilian cut that showed off her backside and she had opted to go for, luckily, the modest tie around her tail that ensured that they would not come off too quickly. Not that it would have made any difference whether or not her bikini was fastened to her tail or not but she still wanted to make a good impression, show herself off in the best light possible, just as she always did.

Yet it was Hiss' eyes that landed hungrily on her as they moseyed out to the pool, laughing and giggling, keen to get started on enjoying their spa day. Fyr had a natural way of talking about her that made conversation so very easy and Holly could not help but be softly carried along by the flow of it, put at ease as if she had known Fyr for her entire life. The dragoness knew just how to make someone feel welcomed and maybe that was just why Holly wanted to be more and more a part of their family, even going after others in it too...

Well, she didn't know what their dynamic was like. And yet she still couldn't feel guilty as she pretended not to notice that there were two pairs of cougar eyes on her, the males of the party dressed in what seemed to be a more demure fashion, simply going for swimming trunks. They left most to the imagination but Holly knew what both of their dicks looked like now and, truly, they both lived up to her expectations. The difference was that she'd only felt one of their cocks inside her.

If only I could have them both at once...

_ _

Maybe she could dream. She could dream all she liked but she still squealed a little, slinking into the cool pool that was not so deep that she could not stand up in it at the deepest point, water creeping up and up the length of her legs as she inched her way down the steps.


"Did you seriously just say 'eek'?" Hiss laughed. "I didn't even know that that was actually a thing anymore!"

"Well, it's cold!"

But all her dancing about struggling to force herself deeper into the pool served to have the effect of making her breasts bounce a lightly, not quite all that supported by her choice of swimwear. Jostling with Hiss who tried to playful tip her straight over into the water, she could not have been aware of the cougar's eyes on her, how his stare seared into her very soul, scoured her body as if searching for something. And maybe he was. There was no way for her to tell until their teasing, flirtatious dance came to its glorious climax.

Down the steps - it was easier once she'd gotten up past her thighs but Holly still clung playfully to Hiss, pressing her breasts wickedly up against him under the ploy of trying to keep herself warm. Sure, she acclimatised to the temperature of the pool quickly enough but there was nothing quite like snuggling up to someone even when soaking wet to quickly draw out a rise of need.

Hiss' ears flattened, tentacles slinking down to his back.

"Erm..." His blush was too cute. "How about we swim for a bit? You'll warm up then!"

It was not Holly, of course, that needed to warm up but Hiss who needed to cool down, flipping himself over into a freestyle stroke on his front so that his crotch was, not so stealthily, angled away from anyone who may have otherwise have had the misfortune to get an eyeful more than they'd bargained for. Holly wouldn't have minded seeing that but she sank down, enjoying the cool of the water, how it lifted her hair away from her shoulders, floating, lips beneath the surface and nose remaining above.

"You seem to be enjoying that."

Ah, he was cool, suave to the extreme. And yet Holly barely even batted an eyelid in his direction as Ropes loomed over her, putting her very much the closest that she'd ever been to his crotch. Raising her head just enough so that she could speak, the skunk smiled, water streaming lightly from her chin.

"That's the point of pools, isn't it?"

No more was the friendly chatter that she'd shared between her and Fyr, the dragoness off to the side, relaxing on a lounger (she wasn't all that much of one to get her scales wet, preferring the steam room and sauna, or so she'd said). No one could hear what they were saying and Ropes' face remained perfectly light and friendly as the skunk went for the jugular.

"You didn't text me back. Now, is that any way for a cat to behave?"

Ropes' eyes narrowed, although he smoothed over his expression a moment later, concealing away his frustration as if it had never been born in the first place.

"Oh, I thought I'd wait until I saw you here to reply."

She rolled her eyes.

"Sure, you knew that Hiss and I were planning to go to a spa and thought you'd hop right up on that bandwagon and join us here to make things really nice and awkward?"

That threw him and the cougar took a step back, water sloshing up around his midriff, easing into a slightly shallower part of the pool. Glass windows extended overhead to form the roof, the pool looking out into the gardens of the spa where furs walked and took note of the day, relaxing, perhaps, while others were engaged in sporting activities that were supposedly seemly and in keeping with the spa theme. It was good for watching furs and a little bit of a distraction while one was in the water but Holly didn't think the 'sports' of yoga and golf were really her thing.

Turning her back on Ropes, she flipped over onto her side and sculled away, as light as anyone would have liked in the water. It flowed and melded around her body as if she was a dolphin or some other aquatic mammal, something that had no trouble at all in cutting through the water seamlessly. Of course, he did not follow her and she smiled to herself, imagining just how he was fumbling over his words - maybe just how Hiss was apt to when she put him in a flummox. It was kinda cute, she had to admit.

And then Hiss was there, having calmed down, snaking his tentacles around her waist and tossing her above the water, ignorant to the looks that other clients of the spa gave them. They were just youngsters though, at the end of the day, having fun and they had surely earned a bit of a release, a break from reality and the grind of the day to day, their schooling of one stage at an end while they looked to the future.

She felt his eyes on her, however, as she 'stole' a kiss from Hiss, darting away as well as one could with the weight of the water bearing back against her. The ripples and splashes on the surface of the usually so very serene pool broke up the water into a million fragments and her body warmed to the heat of it, lusting for something that no relaxing day could provide.

No, it was time to up the ante. Just a little.

"Fancy going to the steam room?"

Ah, that was the place. Hiss shook his head and wrinkled his nose, backing away as if she had suggested something truly heinous to him.

"Not me... That makes my tentacles feel funny, you know that."

Holly raised an eyebrow, cocking her hip out. Oh, the nerve! Yet it was all for show, putting on an act that she knew would lure in the right one, the one that she needed to get in there with her. Hiss and her could have fun easily that night. That was no worry to her.

"And does that mean that I'm not allowed to enjoy the steam room then? Come on, Hiss!"

"Don't worry, I'll go with you."

Ropes cut in at just the right moment, the very moment that she'd opened up for him to step into. It was as if he knew when he was needed, appearing with a fatherly grin and a clap to his son's shoulder, tentacles waving and undulating gently as if they were merely working out the kinks behind his back.

"Do you think I need supervision to go to the steam room?" Holly played along with a roll of her eyes that was very much in keeping with her late teenage years. "Jeez..."

"No, I just enjoy a steam, unlike my son."

Ropes joshed Hiss who rolled his eyes and backed off, paws raised, muttering something about how he'd rather it was his father than him. But neither of them was paying Hiss any attention anymore, Holly sashaying from the pool with a spring in her step. A quick cool-off in the shower beside the steam and sauna rooms was due to get the chlorine out of her fur, although they tended to use less in health club pools in comparison to public leisure centres and pools, which was a good thing when one was covered in fur from head to toe. A typical problem that those with fur lamented over those with scales or just skin, though she heard that birds had it rough too in that regard. Either they were never designed to be soaked or water just slid right off their feathers - what was up with nature's act there?

The steam room brought a pulse and pump to her heart that should not have been there - at least, not for Ropes. And yet she could not help herself from leading him on or leading the way, for she never intended things to only go part of the way. There was no way for things to go all the way in the steam room, of course, but the clouds of aromatic steam made the notion of seclusion away from the outside world all the more realistic in the moment, the skunk leaning back against the wall with the middle and small of her back pushed out from it, shoulders lightly touching where she could bear the warmth the best. Fur helped with that but it didn't help the flow of thoughts as she tried to concentrate on breathing slowly and fluidly, filling her lungs with every steadying breath that she took.

Yet she could not ignore the distracting presence of the cougar right there beside her, the energy of him radiating out seemingly in waves. Could energy do that? She didn't know and her mind fogged up as she blinked, the demon in question leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, leaving his tentacles easy access to undulate and twist...


_ _

Holly squeaked, a tentacle curling around her waist, regretting the sound the very moment that it left her lips. She slapped it away instinctively and Ropes chuckled, hardly reeling even if he did, respectfully, give her the space that she so clearly desired.

"Now, what do you think you're doing?"

Ah, a husky tone: that was better. That looked a shade more like her heart wasn't pounding for him, like she really was in control. The cougar's eyes were more muted through the steam but she wasn't thinking about that as she leaned into him, this time allowing her body to press up against his, a teasing touch that no one, truly, should have been able to resist. She should know: his son never was able to resist her.

"So, you do want company..." Ropes murmured, laying a paw, very gently, on her thigh, experimenting with just what she would allow him to do. "And I thought you were pushing me away. Are you going to make up your mind?"

Holly shrugged, chuckling lightly under her breath.

"Well, you're the one who thinks I'm off-limits or something because I'm with your son... If you didn't want me, you shouldn't have come to the spa at all, let alone into the steam room, alone, with me."

He had no answer to that and she smirked privately to herself. Had she really managed to catch a demon on the back paw? But there was no time to waste when the steam room was as empty as she needed it to be, her paw sliding up in turn over the growing bulge in his swimming trunks. Every inch of her skin tingled. She could go as far as she liked in the confines of the steam room and say that she never intended it to go any further, that he'd misread her flirty words. She didn't want to be seen as the one chasing him down, begging to be fucked, but a huntress that she could be proud of, a femfur to tame a demon of lust.

And it could all happen there. The language of touch had proven to be more powerful than verbal communication and she squeezed his shaft, relishing in the size she could feel, how he swelled for her.

"Getting a bit ahead of yourself there, are we?"

But she wasn't, not when she could rile him up and get his cock nice and hard where he couldn't do anything about it. She could tease him, maybe even suck him off a little, leave him hot and ready and wanting more. Yeah, that would be good, even make her more than a little worked up...

However, the one thing that Holly forgot to factor into her admittedly illicit and lewd encounter was the fact that ropes was a demon and a demon too who had his own mind and wits about him. The cougar rumbled a low, seductive growl that could not help but send chills down her spine, the skunk shivering at just the wrong moment as his tentacle slipped over her thigh, jerking her legs sharply apart.

"You think you can tease me," Ropes breathed, his voice low and weaving amongst the steam as if he had become an embodiment of that too. "But this is a game you are not going to win, Holly. Oh, but you will enjoy it... I'll see to that myself."

Holly shuddered and leaned back, unable to do anything else but spread her legs for him, every part of her wanting that touch, the slithering of this dextrous tentacle up against her pussy. He bore into her folds gently through the fabric of her bikini bottoms and the skunk bit her lower lip less than delicately, drawing a metallic bead of blood with a sharp nip that may have been better placed elsewhere. Everything spiralled out of control too quickly for her mind to catch up to it, his tentacle pushing aside her underwear, teasing inside, skin to skin with her sex.

Holly's lips moved but no sound came out, the haze of steam around them growing ever thicker as the room fogged up, luscious in the nose and at the back of the mouth but heady and heavy for the head. For a moment, she forgot what she was doing and why she was doing it, leaning into the older cougar with a silent moan of passion, hips lifting from the smooth bench. There, he had easy access to her pussy and yet he still didn't push inside her, merely slickening up his tentacle with her juices, which were flowing too freely for a skunk like Holly to ever again claim that the demon didn't turn her on in the slightest.

No... That ship had well and truly sailed.

Could she let go? Would he...take her? There? Her head spun and Holly snatched a breath, eyes wide and yet still unseeing, Ropes drawing his tentacle back only to bring it to his lips and suckle off the juices with a moan that was, very clearly, intended for her ears.

"You're just as lovely as your photos... But too innocent. Too innocent for an old cougar like me."


She sat up straight, shoving him away, personally affronted. Did he think her some innocent kid? She wasn't a cub anymore! Why, Hiss was even younger than her!

Smirking, the cougar raised an eyebrow, tentacle lazily curling around her breasts. This time, she didn't thrust it away, heart pounding angrily.

"I am no youngster," she hissed, leaning towards him as if that would further serve to discipline the point she was trying to make, trembling in self-righteous anger. "No... No, you are not what I expected."

"And yet you are everything that I expected, dear Holly. I knew my son made a good choice when he got together with you."

"Leave Hiss out of it!"

He was trying to confuse her - yes, that must be it! And, damn, it was working too! The old cougar was slyer and more conniving than she'd given him credit for, tail twisting back and forth as if it was prehensile, able to grip and grasp as his tentacles could. And that stupid little grin on his face - not even a smirk. What was all that about and why did he insist on staring at her like that, as if he saw something more, something deeper...maybe right into her soul?

His tentacle held her and the cougar leaned in, kissing her fiercely, closing the distance in her weakest of moments. His tongue dominated her mouth, which was suddenly open, accepting him in, the skunk moaning against herself, willpower fading in light of one who seemingly already knew how to manage her body, just how she would react to the source of every stimulus and more. And his tentacle as not idle either, darting up into the tube of her bikini top, winding around a naked breast to wickedly caress a nipple that was already perking up, wanting something...


_ _

No, not yet!

She tore herself away but the scowl that she should have plastered onto her muzzle was wiped off in a breathless grin, eyes hazed with lust.

"No... No, Ropes, you wanted a chase."

Why did her voice have to come out so husky?

"If you want...a chase...prove that you're worth it then."

Whatever that meant was beyond Holly in the heat of the moment but she turned on her heel all the same and flounced from the steam room, emerging in a cloudy rush of steam that flooded out around her. As far as dramatic exits went, it was a pretty good one, to be fair to herself and she allowed a moment in which to appreciate that, tugging her bikini top back into place.

Had she bitten off more than she could chew with Ropes? After the scene in the restaurant before, all the texts...she'd thought he would take more persuading, be more restrained, dignified maybe. But there was nothing devotedly pious about the cougar who was, quite aptly, the raw embodiment of lust itself, something that maybe she should have taken into due consideration before wrapping herself up in his affairs. But no matter once the story had begun, she was a fur who liked to read through to the end: however it ended.

The sauna. That would be her respite. Showering off briefly, she groaned beneath the spray of cool water, Fyr and Hiss' conversation floating over from the nearby pool. It must have been nearly empty for her to hear them so clearly but she didn't hesitate as she stalked to the sauna like a cat on the prowl, inadvertently mimicking the very cougar that she now had mixed feelings about.

The small sauna had one other fur in there when she entered, a middle-aged lynx that barely acknowledged her presence bar to flick one ear in her direction. He was not bothered but he was clearly one who was of a somewhat less restrained variety in life, only wearing a towel around his waist. Maybe he was from Europe? She'd heard they went naked there but that was a little too much for her, skin crawling at the mere thought of it. No, no... She'd choose who saw her naked. And maybe sometimes she had to keep her mind in check when it came to that, reminding herself who was really in charge when a stud cougar charged in with charming smiles and strove to regain that control all for himself.

Of course, he followed her. How could he not? They wanted the same thing, that much was clear, but neither quite knew how to go about it, their games and ploys not quite adding up. And that was fine, just fine, as long as Holly didn't end up with the raw end of the deal.

The lynx seemingly had had enough and, as he left, Ropes entered, not bothering to sit as he half-crouched, leaning over her. He trapped her with his arms on either side, breathing a little too heavily as he blocked out her vision with the bulk of his chest - and, oh, what a chest it was. Why, even the mere sight of him there, topless without the steam to cloud her vision of him, had her head pounding pleasurably, loins tingling as if she may very well just about be willing to let go of every last one of her morals right then and there, just to see what could actually come of things.

But even Ropes could not maintain complete control forever as a growl rasped from him, tentacles waving and shuddering along the length as if they were something more, a part of his anatomy more physically and emotionally connected to his arousal, lust rising as they did in waves of sweet adoration. The little minx before him knew what she was doing but, sometimes, that did not prove itself to be entirely a bad thing to have a little more of a challenge in his life, someone to keep things interesting while Fyr was occupied elsewhere.

And yet... Holly smiled, tight-lipped, holding her cool. She had him and she knew it. It was just a matter of when, truly, she allowed things to escalate. She saw it now more clearly that she didn't have to actively do anything but it was the lack of doing that would be her control in the scheme, allowing her to play the game exactly as she wanted to.

And the knowledge of that gave her confidence too. Confidence that she sorely needed if she was to seduce and tame a demon of lust into passions untold.

"What..." The cougar breathed, pressed up close to her with his paws bearing heavily into the smooth, warm wood of the bench of the next level up. " you think you're doing?"

Blinking up at him not so innocently, Holly half-shrugged, tipping forward a little more so that he had a better view of her breasts, the smooth curve of them rising through the fabric of her swimsuit, nipples defined.

"What do you think I'm doing, Ropes?"

Such a ploy, such a game - and both of which she was an expert in after her time with him. Hiss had been simpler but not in a better way. The cougar's lips teased a hair's breadth from hers, tempting her with a kiss that she would not deliver unto him: not while the power struggle was still rife between them, crackling with barely restrained tension.

And it was there that the moment drew out and out, the two of them staring one another down, the skunk's chest heaving with stressed breath. Neither could have denied their arousal, although Ropes was perhaps a little more restrained than Holly, pressed so close together that any casual observer would have mistaken them for lovers.

Time stretched and stretched, seconds becoming hours. Or, at least, that's what it felt like to Holly, gaze locked with the cougar, unwilling to back down. That would be the end of her, she was sure, even if she would, ultimately, get what she wanted then too.

And then the door swung open, cutting them short at the very crux of the moment, tension snapping and rebounding in but an instant.

"What's going on in here?"

Two furs had never sprung away from another more quickly.

Breeding His Mother

**Breeding His Mother** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ Kao lay stretched out on the queen-size bed with his mother. It was wrong from that note alone but oh so very right too, the blue drake's...

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