The Breeding Stocks

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Lusty ladies get bred in the stocks for their mutual pleasure in knky bondage!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Breeding Stocks

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A YCH round for Matteh and silvergooddragon

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Morgan huffed in the breeding stocks, the pygmy falcon shifting her feet apart a little further under the cover of the dim room, barely lit with a crimson bulb for mood and sensuality, as if that would help her balance somewhat. But, of course, she had been in the stocks for so long that her back ached, lines of soreness throbbing through muscles that, perhaps, she had never quite given the due credit for existence to before. Her grey tail-feathers flicked up, showing off her slit, her heat bringing a rise of a flush to the point where the softer feathers came to an end. It was lewd and it made her look like a whore at the front of a brothel but not even a tingling Morgan could find it in herself to care at the very moment in time. The wooden stocks held her head and wrists firmly in place, wings bound in a binder to her back, completely and utterly helpless to the male stud that they sent in to breed her. And she didn't even know who it was, as if she would have even have been able to at all fight back against his lusts.

That was all part of the breeding, what just made it so special for her. She had to be locked down, broken down, made to stay there and she had volunteered for the whole thing too, signed her name on the forms with a flourish and a clamp of determination in the tense closure of her beak. If she didn't make sure she was bound down so tightly that she could not run away, she couldn't be sure that she would leave with a clutch of eggs seeded deep in her womb, her ultimate goal. Of course, she had tried before with partner after partner - some of them longer-term than others, but there had never been a clutch out of any of them simply because they hadn't satisfied her in the way that she really needed to be satisfied. Without that, well...there was no true breeding for her.

Huffing, Morgan rolled her head from one side to the other, feathers crinkling uncomfortably against the ring of wood around her neck, locked and secured. There would be no escaping from it and, staring at the far wall, which was in darkness, she pulled at it experimentally once again, not even rocking the wood that had been bolted down into a sort of stage. Who she was on stage for, however, she still didn't know but her pulse quickened to image him, the stud of a male who was finally going to make her every last kinky, dirty desire come true.

That said, her companion seemed to be even more securely bound than she was - a mean feat in itself. The vixen grunted softly into a ball gag, drooling around it as her red hair fell across her face. When she'd first been locked into the stocks, her hair had been curly and bouncy, evidently well-groomed before she'd ventured out on her 'date', although the heat of her body and the soft humidity of the room (one could not ward off summer, after all) rendered the curls softer and loosely, slowly slipping back down into straightness. It was a shame but Morgan knew too that both of them were going to look an awful lot worse than that by the time the breeding stud was done with them.

She was fortunate, however, in that, before she'd been rendered mute, she'd thrown a name Morgan's way - Chloe. Her name was Chloe. But the gag had gone in too quickly for Morgan to ask any questions of her, those working at The Breeding Pens hastening their bondage so that their session could commence as swiftly as possible, as was their way. There was no sense, after all, in letting their clients wait around when they could be having the fun that they had come there in the first place to claim for their own. And the owners of the pens prided themselves on providing exemplary service at all times, sourcing only the most virile, studly of males to sate and seed the needy females - and others, of course - that flocked there simply to use their services.

Chloe's stocks, however, were more extensive than Morgan's, a bench allowing her the comfort of resting her stomach while her ankles were locked on either side of it, lewdly forcing her legs apart. If the falcon did not spread her legs to shift her weight and support herself, she didn't have to, technically, put her cunny on show but it was too hard to stay in one place as the minutes - maybe even hours - ticked by, the passage of time just another thing that she had not a single bit of control over. The vixen grunted softly, eyeing up the bird beside her, but it was hard to see all that much through the fall of her hair, settling instead to listen to the rise and fall of her companion's breath even if she could neither converse nor admire her body.

Behind them, the door slid open in a hiss of air as if the very room that they were in was an air lock through which all were protected - although on which side? Chloe whimpered and hung her head, not even bothering to strive to look around, every last inch of her skin quivering with barely restrained tension, although she knew that, if she dared release it, it was the stocks then that would keep her in check. She shrank into herself even as her heart cried out for the lust to come, the stud male's claws - he had claws! - clicking slowly and lightly across the floor as he approached them in what she imagined to be a slow, sensual sway of a stalk.

Morgan was not so restrained that she couldn't at least try to look back and she craned her head at a vicious angle, eyes wide and bulging. Her beak parted but there was no cry to be heard from it as her heart leapt into her throat and stayed there, pounding and tightening where her airway should have been clear.

And yet the need to breathe seemed to fall by the wayside as she took in all she could of the gryphon, his black feathers commanding attention. He seemed to glow around the edges but that was merely an illusion as he rumbled out a chuckle, walking on all fours as his tail lashed back and forth lazily from his feline hind end. His front half, of course, was all avian, just like her, but his beak was larger and more wickedly deadly, tipped with yellow with a slash of stark, yellow markings on his face like war paint.

Ah... She twisted her head back at the moment that the realisation hit her, wings pulling uselessly at the binder. So that was why he looked like he was glowing. The strongly-built gryphon did not step into her line of sight but did let out a murr of appreciation, a wing brushing her flauntingly raised backside as she blushed and hung her head. His feathers, along the lines of his wings and struck through the curve of muscle in his body too, were tipped with yellow, lending him the appearance of a halo. Despite that, however, she very much doubted that there was much angelic about him. Or maybe she hoped not.

"My, my... Who do we have here?"

It was not her. Her heart fell even though she didn't quite know whether she was hoping for his attention or not, her stomach churning in hopeless knots. But it was Chloe who had his attention, the vixen moaning and shivering as he traced the fluffy tip of his tail over her back and buttocks, ignoring just how her tail flicked.

Groaning and drooling around the gag, Chloe blushed heavily, although there was nothing that could be seen through her fur, which was a blessing in disguise. Despite how she was, a shy introvert, she pushed the boundaries of what she was comfortable with in search of kinky, filthy fun and still wasn't even all that sure whether or not she wanted to be bred, made to carry a clutch of, well, they were obviously going to be gryphon eggs now. The father of a mating determined how the young would be born and her heart pounded all the more fervently to imagine pushing egg after egg from her sore and abused pussy, the pleasure that that mere act alone too would bring her. Maybe even more so than being bred.

Smiling as gently as it was possible for a gryphon with a beak to smile, he unhooked her ball gag delicately with the tip of a claw and dropped it off to the side, allowing her a moment in which to work her jaw. It was not possible to wipe the drool from her jaw, drying uncomfortably, but that was not his concern in the presence of a ripe and fertile female whose tail was already lifted, ready and wanting to be bred.

"I am Riaz... You, little one, will bear me a lovely clutch. You want that, don't you?"


His claw curled beneath her chin, teasing her head up slowly, commandingly. There was no denying him and she leaned into his touch, eyes half-lidded, forgetting entirely about working the soreness from her jaw. Beside her, Morgan chirped indignantly, her feathers ruffled, but that was hardly going to change the rapidly flowing course of events as her pussy clenched down, tightening around the rod of an imaginary cock - something that could finally dominate her as she truly wanted to be bred, taken like a common slut in need of claiming.

And Riaz saw it too, eyes glittering with dark desire - a desire that she too shared. The gryphon smirked with a cock of his beak and shot Morgan a look, the pygmy falcon's breasts heaving as she struggled in her bonds, although the crazed look in her eyes somehow did not speak of a need to escape. But Chloe could not think of that. She was the lucky one to be claimed, to be shown just what it was to feel a real male filling her, stretching her out as she'd always craved to be.

Yet Riaz wanted something from her first. Presenting his soft sheath to her, the very tip of his cock just poking free, a bulging yet tapered head, he grinned and clacked the edges of his beak together, wings mantled over his back and tail flicking wantonly as if it could not possibly stay still. Such was the feline half of a gryphon male in stud mode.

"Show me just how much."

And she did. There was nothing else she could do but lip and suckle lightly and sweetly at his sheath and balls as he mounted her face, steadying himself over the back of the wooden part of the stocks. The vixen moaned around his balls as she tried to suckle just the one into her mouth, finding it too big for her narrow mouth, although her muzzle was long. She could, at least, take his cock, she thought hazily to herself, tail flagged as her pussy drooled her arousal, showing off what she may have otherwise kept to herself if she had not been rendered into such a vulnerable position. But there was no hiding in the breeding stocks and the closure of warm wood around her neck and wrists, paws clenched anxiously, reminded her just what her place was there, a female that needed to beneath the most powerful male, forced to comply. Of course, she had complied but, well, the illusion of being forced was nice to know and feel too.

Growling and throwing herself uselessly against the stocks, it was all Morgan could do not to squall like a hatchling that had been denied their favourite toy, kicking out petulantly where neither of the two lovers could see her. Couldn't he see that she needed it? The waiting was killing her! Couldn't he just get it over and done with already? Her chest tightened as her nerves got the better of her, needing what he had to offer her yet scared to receive it all the same as Chloe took his growing, emerging, cock into her mouth with a moan so sweet that she could have very well have imagined it coming from the lips of a virgin.

Riaz' cock pushed from his sheath eagerly into Chloe's hungrily waiting lips, eyes half-lidded in the lust of servitude. She took him as deep as it could go and grunted around him, the sounds of her lust muffled as he seemed to keep growing and growing, that mighty breeding pole thickening up wantonly for her attention. He needed her as much as she needed him, although it could not be said that Riaz was at all cocky about his virility or prowess as a breeding stud. Sure, The Breeding Pens called him in what seemed to be on a highly frequent basis but he was always happy to seed any female full regardless of what they were looking for out of the liaison.

And it was even better if he got a hot tongue like that swirling around the head of his cock as he pulled back, the flexible appendage sussing out the ridges and bulges, finding out just what he liked. Groaning, Riaz fluttered his wings keenly, a black feather drifting down, and thrust in, testing the limits of this new muzzle.

Alas, the limits were less so than he may have otherwise liked, bottoming out at the back of her throat - but not pushed up into it so as not to trigger her gag reflex. He came up short and growled softly but did not push the issue, letting the vixen work herself up into an even deeper state of sexual submission, moaning around his cock as she lapped and slurped. Already far gone (she was easier to slip away into breeding lust than Morgan, it had to be said), the vixen shuddered and rocked her hips as if humping back at his cock already, although there was only one and not enough to fill every one of her holes at once.

"Easy there..."

But she couldn't stop and growled around him, fervent in her adoration of his fuck-rod, pre-cum splashing into the back of her maw as if he was cumming already. That, however, was just another demonstration of the gryphon's virility, his sexual air of ardent masculinity overpowering. It was all she could do to simply retain some sense of who she was and where she was, skin tingling and hips working back at the bench as her juices soaked the padding, tail flicking anxiously about without any means or direction. He reduced her to nothing more than a breeding slut, lost in her lust for his cum, needing to be filled at all costs.

Riaz wouldn't be much of a breeding stud either if he was not able to tell when a female was in need. He drew his cock with some difficulty from the tight grip of her maw, the prick of her teeth not even bothering him. They weren't sharp enough, not really, to cause him damage and he wasn't going to begrudge her a moment in which her attention lapsed when her body had so much to give him, the scent of her ripeness flooding the air. The falcon grunted and twisted beside them and he posed for her briefly as he caught her eye, a slow wink betraying his desire to cover her next. It would be nice, after all, to have another avian, despite how her eyes burned with that strange sort of conflict. Yet she would not be the first conflicted female that he had bred and her legs would spread for him all the same.

Best give her a little bit of a show first, hm?

The gryphon fluffed up his feathers, letting her eyes rake over his cock, the masculine lines of his body, making himself seem even larger and more intimidating than he actually was. But all of that was temporary when faced with the vixen's swollen, heavily flushed cunny, her sex seeming to contract and pulse before him as if she simply could not contain her desire. It was a little bit of an illusion, of course, generated from the shift of muscles but he licked the edge of his beak and mounted her with the relish of a true breeder, cock jabbing eagerly for the treat of her pussy. She was going to need every last bit of arousal she had in her to slicken the way too.

"Oh, please..."

Already begging for what she was getting - what a slut! Morgan groaned and clawed, kicking out but not coming anywhere near close to reaching the fox's breeding stock. No, she was just forced to reside right there where she was, heaving and panting, sweating under her feathers, the vixen's moans filling the room.

"Oh, yes... Yes, yes, yes!"

Chloe screamed out her orgasm, his fat cock sending her right over the edge as the bulges popped in over her clit, the stimulation too much for a subby mind caught up in the midst of lust. Her cunt stretched and stretched around his dick, seemingly further than she'd ever been stretched before, panting heavily and grinding back as if that would help in some way, but she just had to try! His ridges teased against her inner walls in such a way that her head spun, the room tilting around her in an exhilarating manner, pulse after pulse of exotic orgasm claiming both her body and her soul. There was no escape from it, just bearing through, enjoying the overwhelming sensation as the gryphon stud thrust and forced every last inch into her.

Morgan panted, tongue poking out over the edge of her beak - but she was not a common dog to pant like that! Oh, she knew she looked stupid but some part of her wished so very dearly that that was her even as the gryphon cawed and reached over, his bulk and size large enough to span the distance between them, eyes alight with a gryphon grin.

"Unnff... You'll beg for me first, you know."

No, she would not! And yet that still seemed like an increasingly likely possibility as Riaz teased his forepaw up under her tail, toes incredibly dextrous, just like hands or paws - whatever anyone wanted to call them. They were all the same and the term ceased to matter as he stroked her clit delicately with the tip of a talon, not even pausing in his driving, slamming thrusts, a slow pace determining that the vixen's orgasm quickly spiralled off into another as her body was lustfully dominated. He claimed every last bit of her passage, her tightness clenching and rippling around him as if she was trying to suck him deeper - but Chloe was by no means in enough control of her own body to perform such an action, needing something more but not knowing just how she would possibly be able to get it.

It didn't matter though. Riaz was there to give her what she needed with his driving, pounding strokes, each and every one seeming to reverberate all the way through to her core, giving her so much more than she could ever hope to glean on her own. No paw or sex toy could ever compare to the lustful thrust of a male in the midst of a rut, slamming into her over and over again as she tried to bear through his thrusts, orgasm after orgasm rolling over her.

Yet there was another that, perhaps, Riaz had been a little too sly in not paying due attention to, her feathers ruffled as her nipples perked up through them, eyes wide and strained as every nerve-ending in her body sparked off with ardent desire. No more could she hold back, forcing the words from her beak that he had smirked and said he wanted to hear from the beginning, teasing her with his claw pushing into her pussy, spreading her open with the barest imitation of a cock that she could possibly imagine.

It wasn't enough. Nothing else would ever be enough.

"Me!" Morgan squawked, catching his attention, feathers practically vibrating off as the falcon heaved and squirmed, feathers fluffed up. "Screw her, oh..."

But she'd said too much and clamped her beak tightly together as the gryphon cocked his head, drawing back slowly, so slowly, from Chloe's cunt that the vixen hoped against hope that he was not going to leave her. And yet he did and she had no say in the matter as her pussy was left wanting and gaping, stretched lightly into a lewd 'O' that needed the shaft of a male, any male, just to feel whole again.

The fox would have her bellyful of seed, however, even though there was another to be bred and shown her place, the very falcon who had determined that there was no other possible way for her to bear a clutch. Morgan met his eyes with a challenge in hers too as his paw slipped away, swallowing hard even though it did nothing to remove the lump from her throat.

"Ah, Morgan... There's something special about you."

With his cock dripping with a mixture of Chloe's saliva and their combined sexual fluids, he grinned and clicked his beak, stalking around in front of the falcon with a rolling gait that sent shivers down her spine. Although she trembled back, there was nowhere for the avian to hide, eyes following his shaft as he put it on show for her, twitching and throbbing with desire that he was by no means under any requirement to restrain.

He mounted her, the head of his cock nuzzling up to her swollen cunny in an intimate kiss without pushing inside. And no matter just how hard she ground and rocked her hips back, that damn vixen's whines colouring the air, she couldn't get him inside her! He held her right there where he wanted her on the edge of the moment, teetering and precarious and still not knowing which way she wanted to go.

Pushing his beak up very close to her head, Riaz licked her cheek and crooned, clucking softly.

"You will be mine... Don't you fret."

And then there was something tight and leathery around her neck, pulling hard and nearly choking her before the pressure released, eyes rolling back into her head in the prelude to slipping away into a greyer world of unconsciousness. Her body anticipated the helplessness too soon, however, and he merely buckled the collar around her neck as she gasped, twisting and fighting and then...submitting. Slowly but surely, she had to bend to his will, wings soft and loose within their binder, some part of her gut knowing that she was right where she needed to be.

It's okay.

"You are mine, Morgan. Remember that."

Yes... His. Always his. Morgan tried to pull away from the intoxicating draw of his cock but the tip speared into her and he pulled her down and down and down into his luxurious hold, his cock sealing the deal. He knew just how to use it too, using short, sharp thrusts to wedge the entire length into her, keeping his cock as deep as was possible once it was in too. There was only so far back he could draw with his hips thrust up so close to her, tail-feathers trapped against his stomach, but Riaz held his position and claimed her for his own, beak closing on the leash attached to the collar and giving it a sharp tug.

Head spinning, Morgan moaned, allowing him to build her orgasm, his cock finding every last sensitive spot within her and slamming in, rocking her forward into the stocks as if he was trying to yank them from the stage and her right along with it. The gryphon growled through his grip on the leash, her heart turning over, but there was little else that she could possibly hope to focus on besides the grind of his cock teasing into her, the kiss of it so frenzied and passionate that it was a wonder that...

Her shriek of climax should have come with a flapping of her wings but there was no way for even her to rip them free of the binder, rendered helpless even as she wrenched at the wooden stocks. On and on, it rolled through her like a thunderous wind that could not be stopped, blasting her back and back and back while he made use of her body, claiming her as she had known before that she had so very desperately needed to be claimed. Just in the right way, yes, and Riaz had every last bit of the right way about him.

"Yes..." Chloe breathed, breasts still rolling against the bench as she struggled for breath, to regain her composure, but eyes intent with sexual drive. "Take her. Make her yours!"

It seemed that the vixen got off on watching almost as much as she got off on being fucked herself, Riaz grunting and narrowing his eyes to retain his control as the bird's cunt pulled at and milked his cock deliciously. It was coming, he knew it, his orgasm rising up and up and up in such a way that he knew that he would never be able to hold back, although there was more again to be had with the vixen's waiting pussy, a hot cunt ready to hold his seed. He'd never see his hatchlings, however they turned out, but he knew that he'd done a good deed by every female that he'd bred, letting them waddle away with their wombs full of cum, filling them over and over again.

Morgan squealed as his load erupted inside her, splattering her innermost walls, although she would never be sure whether she actually felt it or imagined it. Yet she knew that he was pumping his cum into her, filling her right up to the brim as thick rivulets of cum drooled from her, forced out along the bulging length of his dick as he rammed in over and over again, not even pausing for a moment during the course of his rampant orgasm.

Riaz' head hardly swam at all even as he dismounted from her, leash dropping from his beak but collar remaining, the falcon exhausted if only for the moment. There was plenty more where that came from but the vixen, ah... She was a sweeter treat still and her cunny was even slicker than before with her juices.

"Did you enjoy that?" He crooned, dipping a clawed toe into her sex to savour her essence, spreading her lips apart. "I think you like hearing someone else moan, don't you?"

But Chloe had no answer for him bar a moan of her own and he mounted her again in no time at all, slamming in with brutal, vicious intent, the claiming thrusts that he had delivered to Morgan now hers to bear as her own. She could not tell where one orgasm ended and the next began, every last line of sense that she had left blurred, room shuddering and his body driving her down into the bench with every solid thrust. He didn't need to recover between one orgasm and the next for at least the first couple of times and Riaz' eyes closed, throwing his head back and clinging to her with sharp talons as he keened shrilly, balls tightening up in the prelude to emptying his nuts all over again.

There was always more to give and Chloe panted heavily, head hanging, as he spilt his load inside her, pumping rope after rope of cum right up against her innermost barrier. His cock could go no deeper as he even teased at demanding entry to that most tenuous of resistances but did not push further; that would take them out of the breeding and a gryphon like him wouldn't want that. Riaz clicked his beak, self-satisfied at the pinnacle of orgasm, wings spread as his new pet falcon eyed him, eyes soft with adoration for the only one in the whole wide world that had been able to tame both her lusts and her heart.

It was just as it was meant to be. And it didn't need to be any more than that as he lingered, letting Chloe take every last drop, only a little spilling from around his shaft as he slowed and stilled, holding his cock there for as long as possible. Alas, even for a breeding stud like him, he was too sensitive to remain too quickly and had to withdraw, wings trembling and throat dry from cries of pleasure that he did not even remember giving. Smirking lightly, Riaz chuckled to himself. It must have been a good one then. But the session was not over as yet and his half-hard cock still had so very much more to give.

With his panting, breathless ladies before him, Riaz stepped back with confident smugness, surveying his haul. Cum dripped down from their obscenely stretched pussies, although he was sure too that they would tighten back up again, even if perhaps not in time for his next breeding. For his breeding pole was already hardening up again, feathers fluffed and his muscles primed to thrust, even his hindquarters hunching down a little as if his body thought that he already had a needy female beneath him.

Taking a deep breath, Riaz crooned softly, laying a forepaw on each of their backsides, squeezing and groping even as his seed trickled between and over his toes, claws gleaming with it.

"Now... Who wants to go again?"

There wasn't a femfur in the room that was going to say no to him!

Sauna Studs

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Her Craving

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