Sauna Studs

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Three studs in a sauna and a little kinky play out in public... What could be better for lads only?

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Sauna Studs

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A YCH round for Silver, Raiyoku and Matteh

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The silver dragon leaned back against the wall of the sauna, better able to take the heat than other patrons of the health club, although the facility did have a fairly adequate gym attached to it too. Silver had made good use of it before indulging himself in the pool and sauna, despite the steam room being a fair distraction also. Plunge pools didn't really fare all that well with dragon-kind, however, chilling them far too swiftly as the heat that kept them going curled and roiled within them, searing through to the scales that provided protection and the traditional garb that made a dragon what he or she was.

But he was not alone and he chuckled in the back of his throat, unwilling to play all of his cards just yet, smoothing his black 'mane' of hair away from his face. That mane slunk down the back of his neck, a tangled mess in the heat, but he wasn't concerned about that as the only other fur in the sauna hunched forward, a towel wrapped tightly around his waist, although it was already dripping with sweat and the residual moisture that clung to fur after swimming. That was one thing that Silver was at least glad that he didn't have to contend with, beyond his hair.

Silver hadn't bothered with a towel, of course. It wasn't needed. And it looked like, very shortly, the little fox's one would not be either.

The fox was not someone he had seen there before, seeming smaller and slighter than he actually was for how he rolled forward with a hunch to his shoulders, although there was a rigid sort of strength behind them too. Now, Matteh would have been the first to tell anyone that asked that he wasn't all that into the gym life and the like but he certainly enjoyed taking his time in the pool and the steam room. That day had proved to be different, however, as he moved into the sauna, settling himself down in the heated quiet with his brown hair tickling into his eyes, needing a trim yet again. But it would not bother him, he resolved to think, adjusting his position until he found the most comfortable part of his bony seat-bones to lean back on.

And yet he could not resist looking, the dragon drawing him in even as he just sat there. Matteh had not paid him much attention at first, choosing instead to covertly ogle a curvy unicorn stallion that seemed to be enjoying wearing very little rather a lot, but the dragon had commanded his attention regardless of anything else. And he owned it too with a smirk on his lips that told the fox that he knew just what was going on, the little looks he'd been giving him since he'd entered the sauna, travelling up his bare legs and higher to that soft length that he really should not have been looking at has he was. It was sauna etiquette, damn it, even if there wasn't a rule book set out for that sort of thing!

Sweating, he looked down, fiddling with the edge of his towel, although that only served to loosen it around his waist. He never could decide whether to risk it all and go without a towel or to remain modest, not getting behind the gross notion of sitting in any sauna with swimming trunks on. That, at best, was unhygienic! It was an in-between where he was, the place allowing both modes of dress or undress but it did leave him with not a lot of guidance on what he should personally go for.

That meant that the dragon, however, was more than simply prideful with letting it all hang out, legs spread as if to allow the heat dissipate from his scales a little better. His thickly muscled thighs begged the eye and Matteh swallowed as his mouth watered too much, wondering if he would have been better off staying in the pool and just ogling that cute unicorn and the little sway to his hips that had had that 'come hither' essence to them.

Yet it was Silver locking eyes with him, a smirk tugging up his lips on the one side, that changed the course of events, perhaps for the best outcome.

"You're looking at me."

It was too easy for him to take the lead as the fox, his fur a little more brown than red - though that could have been the tint of the lighting in the sauna - squeaked and almost quailed away from him, eyes wide. He'd been caught looking? Well, it wasn't as if he was being all that discreet about eyeing up the drake's muscles, which seemed more defined still with a sheen of sweat to highlight them, the belly-plate scales a darker shade of grey as if to highlight the contrast in his physique and strong, powerful shape.

"Why don't you get yourself over here," Silver drawled, head tilted to the side. "Maybe you can do more than look, fox. It's quiet enough here today."

Ah, it was something different indeed for him to be so bold but the fox in his sights did not have to know that. He didn't have to know that he was so often the one that fell into lewd liaisons more often than not, blood roaring dully between his ears as his heart pounded right up into his mouth. His throat was too tight for any measure of comfort and yet he pushed on regardless, such anticipation driving a throb of blood to his cock, plumping up slowly, so very slowly, as if it was intent too on drawing the fox's eyes to him at all costs.

And it worked. Matteh could not be privy to all going on in the dragon's mind and, to hell with it - he was due a little bit of adventure too! Maybe the unicorn would have to wait as he gulped and tried to push down a whimper that broke free anyway, hiding the little tremble to his paws even as his tail wagged. He was no common dog but he could not help the motion as he rose, the towel falling to reveal a thickening shaft of fox-cock that would not be forgotten about either during the course of their heated and heady liaison.

Maybe they would be caught. Maybe they would get away with it all scot-free. Only the doing of the seedy act itself would tell that tale in its entirety.

As if in a dream, he approached the hazy shape of the dragon, although there wasn't any steam in the sauna at all, the warm, wooden boards comforting in the sense of stability they provided. It was not the largest of saunas, truth be told, and they had not been all that far apart to begin with so it did not take much to close the gap between them, sealing the deal in trembling legs as Matteh blushed. His cock did not blush or show any sense of shyness, however, swelling up to its full hardness and thickness what only seemed to be a moment, the tip gleaming with the barest hint of pre-cum.

Against himself, Silver licked his licks.

"My... So you can be forward too, can you?" It was all he could do to remain cocky but his body, luckily, took care of most of the deal for him. "Maybe you weren't really here to use the facilities."

Matteh swallowed hard, the lump in his throat remaining.

"Yeah, but neither were you..."

And there was no time for a kiss, although both of them thought of the potential heat of their tongues tangling, slipping down and down into sweet sensuality. No, public play had a carnal edge to it that had to be alluded to and Matteh barely had a moment in which to grasp the drake's dick before he was pushed down, knees connecting hard with the wooden clunk of the floor that he by no means was ready for.

"Take it all..."

It had to be a dream, he thought to himself, although it was a dream of the very best kind if it was, in fact, such a thing. Silver's breath caught but Matteh could not have known the meaning behind it as he oh so very willingly took the delectable tip of that shaft delicately between his lips. He savoured it, holding it there for a moment, allowing his mind to catch up with the lustful actions of his body, but he would have given a cheeky grin then if he had been able to. Shy was one thing but pushing the limits of what he 'should' be doing was more fun, as much as it turned his stomach into knots, wanting more even if, sometimes, he didn't quite feel that he was able to go there.

And it was more potent still to Silver to allow another male to take his cock into his muzzle, tail pulled down against the bench as he let out a long, roiling hiss that seemed to wrap itself around Matteh. The fox shuddered but did not know the pleasant turmoil going on in the drake's mind, a dragon who, most usually, went for those of the female persuasion or near enough (he wasn't going to pick on the technicalities when it came to attraction). And that was just the crux of the matter as he allowed a tod fox to suckle on his dick, moaning around it as if it was the tastiest thing in the world that he could have ever have imagined. The fact that he didn't know Matteh's name, however, was by the by as he'd done that sort of sexual scenario a hundred times over and enjoyed it each and every time for the secrecy involved.

But pushing the limits of what was lust with another male, well... That was something new. Groaning, he rolled his head back yet could not resist still sneaking a look down at the fox who drew back enough to curl his tongue up and lap along the side of his shaft, a delightfully carefully played-out sensation that could only come from a male who truly knew what he liked himself too.

"Unnff... So needy," he grunted, although Silver could have well enough have been said to have been the needier party right then. "You just wanted my cock, didn't you?"

Matteh shivered, sinking down into sweet submission. Yes... Yes, that was right. That was what he needed. He was a little, hungry cock-slut and that was alright too - better than alright, in fact. It meant that he knew what he wanted and he threw himself passionately into slurping on Silver's dick, suckling the tip fervently, eyes half-lidded as if he was striving to concentrate all the more intently, bare backside thrust up for the attention of who he did not know.

The sauna door swung open with a rush of cooler air from the rest of the facility, a surprised whinny slashing through the air between them, although not even such an interruption could tear the furtive lovers, however temporary their tryst was, apart when the moment demanded more.

"Oh... Well, what's going on here?"

He shivered and tried to slink down but Silver's knee pressed into his chest pinned him in place unless he wanted to pull up and away. But there was that cock to contend with and the fox trembled in place as the strange fur who was not all that strange at all took in the scene before him, lower jaw ever so slightly slack.

Yet not for long. Lightning was, in fact, the very unicorn that Matteh had been eyeing up earlier and tossed his mane back from his neck, already naked as his towel remained neatly tucked away into the towel cubby outside the sauna. The tip of his soft pony-shaft squeezed from his sheath as if he was already anticipating just what he would find within the sauna - although not even a lusty little unicorn like him could have imagined that he would be late to the party!

Silver grinned lewdly, tongue hanging out over the edge of his teeth. Like it was meant to be, the unicorn's eyes dropped to his shaft, locking right onto the point where it disappeared into Matteh's mouth. There was still some cock left outside the seductive fold of his dark lips but Silver wasn't going to quibble about that as the fox even strove to get the very tip of his shaft up into the back of his throat, eyes watering as his chest heaved, on the edge of gagging. But that wasn't necessary for a good time when there was a lack of air, or so it seemed, in the sauna to begin with. Sometimes it paid off to be a little more careful when it came to having sex in strange places... Not that Silver and Matteh would be particular experts at that when it came to admitting to doing the deep out loud!

Lightning, however, was not averse to such a thing either, the unicorn shifting his weight from one hoof to the other and licking his lips as if he was not even trying to hold himself back. Maybe they had expected a fur to interrupt them who was a little more restrained but they were not getting that in the slightest from the daffodil-yellow equine with sparkles in his mane, eyes alight with curiosity that befitted his kind.

Pressing his paw down lightly on Matteh's shoulders, the dragon grinned as his happy, cock-sucking victim braced and pushed his rump up in turn, tail hopelessly flagged. Perfect.

"Why don't you give this tight hole a try?" Silver said with a smirk, one eyebrow callously cocked. "It's not as if he's going anywhere..."

And with his lips tightly wrapped around that delectable hunk of cock-flesh, Matteh most certainly wasn't shivering in the sheer humiliation and lust of being watched. He saw Lightning only as a yellow-gold blur, the flicker of a silver, more sparkly mane what drew his eye the most. Of course, he was rather pre-occupied as the unicorn sank down behind him, dropping his towel to reveal a growing length of horse-meat, wrinkles smoothing out as he plumped up thick and full of blood.

Growling in the back of his throat, Silver parted his lips as if in a feral grin, showing off a flash of sharp, white teeth as breath rushed out in a lusty hiss of raw appreciation.


Nickering throatily, Lightning swished his tail and stomped, cocking a hip out sassily as he eyed up the dragon.

"You're not so bad yourself!"

Light and flirty was the name of the game and no one was going to leave the sauna that day with a partner from life out of their liaison but that wasn't what any of them there were aiming for anyway. No... Sometimes studs just had to have fun and a unicorn stallion could show off his meaty length as it swelled from its sheath just as well as a dragon who was enjoying playing the part of the dominant in the heat of the moment. As Silver groaned and thrust into Matteh's sweet mouth over and over again, twisting his fingers into his mop of ruffled hair to hold him still, focus almost proved itself to be beyond him. He could only keep moving, lost in the sultry heat of the sauna and the two partners - hm, what luck that was! - he found around him, need overcoming all else, including social and cultural norms.

Sometimes one just had to leap out of the box that they'd been put in, one way or another. Lightning giggled lightly and sashayed up with such a swing to his hips that one may have been hard-pressed to think that he had not intended to be right there where he was at the very moment they needed him to be there. He grasped his cock and showed it off to the salivating dragon even as he knelt, hard and ready and desperate for action that was undoubtedly still coming his way regardless of anything else. Lightning's head swam with a pleasant heat, the warmth surrounding them on all sides seeming to make the heady aroma of sex all the stronger. Musk and semen, pre-cum drooling... Oh, it was an intoxicating mix and the unicorn did not even hesitate as he knelt behind Matteh, running a paw down the fox's back as the vulpine shivered up into his touch.

Seductive... How could fingertips draw such a rise to him, his cock hard and throbbing? The fox's cheeks flushed heavy with blood and he moaned around the dick sliding over his tongue, head swirling pleasantly, not wanting to be anywhere else besides exactly where he was. It was perfect with the unicorn groping and squeezing his backside as if he was something simply there to be enjoyed, perhaps another feature of the spa facilities itself. It was not a job that he would have minded in the slightest!

"Hey there, cutie."

The only response Matteh could give was a muffled grunt around the dragon's shaft but it was not for him to say anything. His consent lay in the lift of his buttocks, tail shamefully pulled up as high as he could possibly shove it, twitching anxiously in anticipation of what was to come. Of course, there was no lube to be had in the sauna and no one was about to pop out to get any so the most that the slutty little fox was going to get was a saliva-slickened thumb pushed up into his anal ring, easing his bud open as the unicorn's lust grew.

"My... You're tight!"

Not quite a dom, Lightning happily played the course of both sides, flicking his tail even as he lined up his cock. Maybe he was hasty but that was just how he liked to be, truly, with anyone. Play both sides of the coin and lean over a cutie-sub like the fox, the tip of his cock finding that tight hole in an instant. He pushed in, leaning back to ensure he was lined up perfectly, and nickered loudly, the sound echoing dully off the walls with nary another sound bar what their furred bodies made. Heavy breathing was the name of the game as Matteh jerked and groaned, suckling even harder on Silver's cock as if it was what he needed above all else, the penetration up under his tail too much to bear without something of a distraction to play his attention aside if only for a moment.

And Lightning was thick - thicker still to a fox that had not had the adequate preparation that he liked in a long, slow session. But a tail hole could stretch well enough if it was allowed to and Lightning tipped forward, simply allowing the weight of his body to ease in inch after inch of smooth, warm cock-meat, hooves shifting as if he was only just holding himself back. But he was far from an unkind lover by far as sweat darkened patches on his pale coat, panting heavily with flared nostrils, simply delighting in each and every tiny sensation.

The twitch of the fox's tail hole around him. Sweat dripping from his brow. The cling of hair at the crest of his neck. The tickle of the fox's fur against his crotch as he finally bottomed out, marvelling at the fact that the vulpine had taken him, even if not easily. When there was so much to adore, who wouldn't have wanted to slow things down and savour the moment?

"Oh... Oh, yes!"

Lightning's head tipped back, masculine for a moment as he clenched his teeth and grunted, ears slipping back down to his skull. He may have been a unicorn pony but he knew what he wanted to and the fox ground back at him eagerly, tail tickling up against his stomach and chest as if he knew just what Lightning was thinking. More? Well, if that was what was on the cards, Lightning was all too happy to provide it in every thrusting dose that the needy vulpine required!

Three bodies worked together, trapped in the rising and falling whims of desire, overheated and overly-lustful, intent only on sating that lust with one another while the moment was right, there where they needed it to be. Only a higher being could have said just what had come to be that all three of them were there in the sauna wanting the same thing at just the right time but not even Silver, the over-thinker, was going to question that as he half-stood, crouching to put himself at the right height. Hooking his claws lightly into the corners of the vulpine's long lips and mouth to hold him in place, he growled seductively, rocking his hips to thrust and claim his muzzle, the length of it simply designed for cock-sucking. Truly, many anthro species had shaped muzzle that seemed perfect for the art of delivering such sexual pleasure but there was something about foxes that always got his scales tingling as if there was something more that they could do for him that no other fur could.

Or maybe it was just this one fox. Maybe, but he wasn't willing to hold out to the end as his need to cum rose and rose, probing not so delicately at the edges of his mind. Stamina was, perhaps, his strong point but Silver could not have name a single drake or fur in his mind that could hold back from such a teasing, curling tongue, Matteh seeming to know every one of his sensitive spots without actually being told. Just how did he get that good?

The answer to that question was obvious but Matteh grunted softly as that shaft was pulled from him, trying to follow the ridged length hungrily as a string of spittle and pre-cum connected. He didn't realise what was happening for a heartbeat of a second, but the grinding thrust building up under his tail, powering into him as Lightning huffed and moaned, was distraction enough. He braced himself against the sauna bench, arching back with the mobility to do so, the thick taste of male musk and pre-cum lingering delectably in his maw as if his body was intent on riling him up for more.

Yet it was Lightning that was the dragon's focus after a blowjob that had very nearly had him shooting his load into the subby fox's mouth, eyes glittering with lustful intent as he pushed up the unicorn's tail with the back of his forearm.

Lightning started, bent over Matteh's back in the middle of a thrust.

"Hey - what?"

Silver grinned and winked, fingering the velvety dock of Lightning's tail teasingly.

"Oh, come on, tell me you don't want to lift this tail for me then!"

But, of course, that was something that Lightning simply was not able to say as he merely snorted softly and shot his new partner of the moment a cheeky look back, hot and sweaty and by no means done with anything. His tail was already lifted and Silver pressed the tapered tip of his well-lubed cock - he had Matteh's excellent tongue to thank for that! - to the pony-doughnut that was ready and waiting for him, pulsating eagerly in the challenge of taking such a meaty cock.

Lightning parted his lips to say something but anything that he was going to say was lost in a shrill, resounding whinny as the dragon filled him far more roughly than he had done to Matteh. So roughly, in fact, that he shoved the unicorn right into the fox he was covering, drawing a yelp from Matteh's lips. But neither of them had a moment in which to pause to consider his sore tail hole as Silver let loose a snarl that was truly dominant, although he could not have said that it was the first time that he had felt a hot tail hole sucking tightly around his cock. No... But last time it had been with a femfur and the quivering pony beneath him was a new experience entirely, easily bottoming out with a driving stroke that sent his balls swinging lewdly up against Lightning's.

They still didn't need to know each other's names.

With the unicorn just where he wanted him, Silver growled and slammed in, pounding him for all he was worth with the heat of the sauna sending sweat pouring down his scales. He could not help it, although sometimes it was hard to tell just what was residual moisture from the showers and what was sweat. But it was easier to tell when it rang through with a decidedly masculine note, driving him on to fuck his pleasurable victim harder and faster, although no one at all would have considered themselves a victim at all in such a situation. No... Everyone was there because they wanted to be, despite Matteh's eyes trembling as he gritted his teeth, struggling to bear the brutal pounding on the bottom of it all.

But the fox was not infallible and he moaned and yipped and grunted like the sub he was as he was forced on and on, that unicorn-shaft finding his prostate and grinding over it with each and every forced thrust. His climax hit him without warning and he howled without considering just who may be near enough to hear him as he shot his load over the bench, his spurts seeming to gain greater distance and velocity from being fucked through it, jerked forward as the dragon and unicorn ground into him through one another's headily lustful bodies.

But he could not pause to recover as his climax tapered off as the dragon sped up, his driving, brutal thrusts sending Lightning rocking forward, eyes closed and lips parted as his mane clung damply to his neck. There was no holding the drake back from taking what he wanted now that he'd found out that he very much liked it too and he let out an ear-splitting roar that was far, far louder than Matteh's grunts and moans (to think he'd been worried about someone overhearing_him_!). Working his cock in as hard and as deep as possible, he forced the unicorns' hole to swallow up every inch he fed it, snatching up his horn in his free hand to yank back Lightning's head at the very moment the explosion came.


Lightning's heart pulled, guts twisting - he could not have resisted such a dominant gesture at the best of times. As Silver's cum flooding his tail hole, he spilt his own load too into the whimpering fox, their bodies pressing up even closer together as the heat lingering between them all built and built, a crescendo that, at the ultimate moment, they had to release. All Matteh could do was brace himself with trembling arms as the deluge kept on coming on and on, flooding his tail hole with a thick deluge of cum while Lightning shuddered over him, similarly filled with an equally delicious load. Slipping deeper and deeper into subspace, the world of the sauna floating softly around him, he wished for a moment that he was down on his knees, taking both of their loads into his maw, painting his muzzle to show everyone just what a slut he was.

Grunting and nickering thickly, Lightning tried to work his hips but was dictated by the thrusts of the dragon over him, holding his arse back against him as he spent every last drop of his seed as deeply as possible. Lightning murred lightly and flagged his tail up and to the side for him, letting Silver see just how tightly his anal ring was pulled around his achingly hard shaft, showing off all that he had to offer.

But Silver too had had his little experience as he pulled out and smirked, letting his cock soften naturally, leaving a creamy ring of cum around his pony-doughnut. What was it about horses that had them being so damn cute?

He gave the unicorn a small spank on the butt as he made good his farewell but a quick kiss with Matteh had his tongue slipping out into the smaller fox's muzzle, deepening it unintentionally. And Matteh kissed him back passionately too even as his anal passage rang with soreness - yet it was all of the pleasant kind, the kind that let him know that he had been well-fucked and was more than ready for more regardless of it.

"I hope I see you again."

And then he was gone, the unicorn slipping from his tail hole, that softening length of horse-cock demanding just a little bit of respite despite the equine nuances that led him to such a 'reputation', so to speak. Everyone knew horses could go all day and night and, well, unicorns were no exception to that rule!

As Matteh collapsed over the bench, striving to get himself back into some semblance of feeling himself once again, Lightning giggled and sat back comfortably, relaxing with his arms back behind his head, cock soft and dangling against his thigh.

"Mm... You've got such a nice hole."

Matteh blushed and half-shrugged. What was he supposed to say to a strange compliment like that? But something in him told him that the unicorn meant it genuinely and he smiled without too much hesitation.

"Err... Well..."

Sheepishly, the fox scratched the back of his neck and laughed shyly, still nude without his towel but finding himself strangely comfortable with his state of being in the aftermath. His cock plumped up a little with the onrush of blood, demonstrating his readiness, and Lightning's eyes dropped to it immediately, nostrils flaring to take in a great suck of breath, thick with hormones and the sensuality of fucking where they really should not have been.

"Wanna go again?"

And then the fox knew that he wasn't getting out of the spa anytime soon - he had a better offer on the table.

Seducing His Father: Chapter One

**Seducing His Father** **Chapter One** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ Holly hummed a tune to herself, completely out of tune, as she busied herself around the barn, hustling and working simply...

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Her Craving

**Her Craving** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A raffle prize for Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ Holly giggled as she leaned into Hiss, the cougar's arm and both tentacles wrapped around her waist as if he was specifically trying to keep her...

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