Breeding His Mother

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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His mother and he have never been so close...but to breed her is something new indeed to a lusty dragon stud!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Breeding His Mother

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Kao lay stretched out on the queen-size bed with his mother. It was wrong from that note alone but oh so very right too, the blue drake's scales matching those of his mother. He was taller than her but that didn't show while they were horizontal and they seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, even more so than what was normal for the kinky pair of dragons. Fucking every which way had become the norm for them and Sasha groaned softly in a state of half-wakefulness as she snuggled up to her son. Tucking her muzzle into the crook of his neck as he smiled softly, the drake wound his arm around her, holding her close and safe and warm: just like a male was supposed to, at least in his eyes. Of course, his father was off elsewhere on a work trip and, really, he didn't seem to have much bearing in their lives anymore.

But that was okay. As long as they had one another, the two of them could see to it well enough that their needs were met, coming together intimately over and over again in carnal lust that could not be satisfied with only one session. That was another area where his father had fallen down and his mother had tearfully confessed that to him the very first time they had mated, with her in his arms while she whimpered all the woes of not having her needs met without realising that the one that she needed was right there before her and had been the whole while.

Kao smiled. Maybe one day, his father would see just what he was missing out on. And that would be a fun event too, so many possibilities blossoming before him even as he daydreamed in the afterglow.

Maybe Fyr too...

But, no, he was there in the moment with his mother and it was better to sit up, tracing his fingers idly over her back and shoulders, following the light lines of muscle. She murmured softly as she rose from her dozy haze of warmth, slipping up and into his arms as if she truly belonged there and had always been meant to be there. Kao smiled as he linked his fingers through hers, something in his chest throbbing a little harder at the sight of the smile joining his on the sweetness of her lips. But that was not something he would attest to - at least, not yet.

"You're being very sweet," Sasha murmured, eyes half-lidded as if she did not quite yet have the energy to open them. "Are you horny to go again there, sugar?"

She teased him so just with the light air of her voice curling around him like a silk scarf, drawing her son to her so well that it truly was a wonder that they were not official lovers. Of course, anyone who had not known that they were mother and son would have been able to see the true nature of the relationship between them and they had on more than one occasion pretended to be lovers on going away on vacation, enjoying the break from reality to be who they really were.

"You know I always am."

It was inevitable that he would lay her back, kneeling and drawing her legs up and around his waist. Sasha groaned and let her head roll back, holding onto the bars in the headboard of the bed for stability, taking his intent, driving thrusts from the very first penetration of his cock during that session. Staring down at her lustfully, the drake's jaw hung open, tongue slithering out in rampant lust that could not be sated - not truly. Oh, a fuck session could be such and still leave him as horny as ever, simply craving the hot tightness of his mother's cunt squeezing him, milking him of every last drop of dragon-cum that he had to give. On times, he'd even taken some special draconic herbs to help stimulate the magic within the scaled, fantastical creatures (hey, he could dream that he was extra special, surely?), which meant that his cum replenished itself more and more rapidly without the aid of any artificial chemicals. While those could be entertainingly useful too, there was little sense in abusing his body too hard in that regard. It was Ropes, after all, that was the demon with his sister, not him.

But he felt like a demon of lust himself as he snarled and pounded his mother's pussy for all he was worth, sending her lovely, round breasts jiggling with each and every thrust. Her nipples had perked up and did not seem at all inclined to soften, although he was not in such a position that he could lean down to hungrily take them into his mouth and suckle to his heart's content. Alas, he had traded flexibility for a six-pack of abs and lost what would have done otherwise, although the alternative of pounding her tight cunny was hardly terrible in the slightest either.

Each thrust came with a hypnotic sway of his hips and tail, not going for speed as he focused on penetrating her fully, the very tip of his tapered cock pushing up just alongside her cervix, that slight bit of give there allowing him to get in as deeply as was possible. Sasha had told him off before with a smack to his nose for bashing that barrier and, since then, he had at least learned to be more careful if he wanted to keep on enjoying himself with her.

And he very much did - not only for the pleasure it gave him, nostrils flaring and puckering, sucking in greedy breaths of the scent of their tryst. Draconic musk simply seemed to be over laden with hormones, making him want to keep on thrusting and thrusting, never stopping and yet still reaching his own high over and over again. Yet it was Sasha's long, rolling moan that let him know, once again, that it was the ladies that had the luxury of climaxing over and over again, one climax easing into the next or thrusting them there: there was never any telling with Sasha or any of his partners.

His climax came too and, after she was well-seeded once again with a hefty dose of dragon-cream drooling thickly from her pussy, they lay back on the bed, tangled up in arms and legs and tails. Someone observing, perhaps from above, may have wondered where one dragon ended and the other began - hah, hadn't he thought that before? - but there was a sensual, softening note to their coming together as Sasha laid her head on his chest, squirming in as close to possible to her son as her heart filled up with warmth untold.

"Hey, Kao..." She murmured, turning to him as he was still regaining his breath, chest rising and falling rapidly for breath that he did not quite yet feel that he had commanded back under his control. "Have you ever thought about... Nah, no... No, it's silly."

Tipping her chin up to his, Kao kissed her sweetly.

"Nothing's silly, come on. What were you going to say?"


Still, the dragoness hesitated, drawing a little more into herself even as the tiniest of smiles pulled at her lips. Not the most patient of drakes, Kao nipped at the inside of his lip, sliding his gaze away in search of a distraction to the family photos framed on the wall, one of them tilted askew. That one had been taken on a fishing trip. He'd hated that and Sasha had too but his dad and Fyr, well, one could say that it had completely been their particular kettle of fish.

"I was wondering..." She couldn't get the words out in one go, taking her time and fighting down the urge to twist her fingers together. "We're so good together, Kao, I've been thinking about having a dragonet..."

She paused there, allowing him to take stock of the gravity of what she had revealed, her son blinking and drawing back just a little as if he needed to fully take her in, just to understand what she had said.

"A..." He tilted his head to the side. "A hatchling? You want me to put an egg in you?"

Sasha's lips moved as if to form the words that it wasn't an idea at all, just a throwaway statement, something borne from the nesting instinct that seemed to happen upon all dragonesses from time to time. It was nothing to be concerned about, not really, a passing fancy. And yet the look of simmering lust, smoke curling from his nostrils, on his face called halt to her words even as they tried to leap from her lips, heart in her mouth and lips curving up ever so lightly to match his smile.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," he growled, although the huskiness of his voice betrayed his lust. "We're perfect together, this is real... An egg from you would be wonderful."

But the heat in his mouth as he kissed her told another tale of lust, of proving his male virility, although Sasha could not have honestly have said that that was not a lure either, feeling her son in his rawest, purest form. She kissed him as passionately as she felt, blue lips coming together as his cock stirred once again for her, the thought of actually breeding her reinvigorating his lust like nothing else ever could. And she grasped his cock in her paw as if she'd never held it before, fingers curled around the girth as she hungrily moaned into his mouth, head pounding in the best of ways for all that they were going to experience together.

It would most certainly be nothing like any other breeding!


They'd planned it well. A vacation off to a hotel that was right on the beach, their room opening up straight onto the sand itself. It was the perfect location for a draconic breeding and, truly, if they wanted to head off for some fun too that was a little more risqué they had ample opportunity to. But that wasn't all that likely to happen when they had everything prepared and set up in the hotel room, which they had, with many giggles from Sasha, made sure was soundproof, not that that in itself was always a good feature to have in a hotel room. Maybe it had been the downfall of other furs but it was just the thing to make sure that they had all the fun and breeding lust that they ever could have needed without any kind of interruption. What more could they possibly ask for?

This time, Sasha did not bring birth control. She'd been off it for a while but there was something about a raw, primal breeding session that simply led to a much higher success rate in dragons - perhaps a throwback to their feral roots? Those were age-old but it was strange how some instincts never truly died. Nor would she clean herself up immediately after sex to make sure that there were no accidents, spreading her legs and hooking her knees up towards her chest with one arm, smirking as she showed off her goods to the drake standing, nude, in the entrance to the bathroom.

Eyes locked, neither dragon dared breathe, the tension of lust roaring between them. There was no tension, per se, crackling in the air but there was something more, an otherworldly force that connected the two of them against all odds, pulling and tugging as if they were two opposite magnets that simply had to come together. The sounds of the ocean and seabirds may well have been audible if they'd had the windows open or even the door out onto the beach but they hadn't even made it that far before their real purpose for the impromptu vacation came upon them like a tidal wave.

There, they waited.

Even in hindsight, neither one could have honestly said just who made the first move, growling in time as Kao launched himself for her. Muscle pulled taut beneath his scales as he snarled and Sasha's feral spread of her legs, straightening them as much as she was able, lured him in, a target for any lusty drake. Kao's cock was already hard and yet it was just the first whiff of her cunny that had it drooling, a bubble of pre-cum leaping to the tip of his shaft as if it had been waiting there for him to merely hit just the right stimulus.

Limbs tangled and they rolled, not coming together smoothly or seamlessly, yet just as they were meant to anyway. Sasha growled and fought for the top position, instinct demanding that she fight, make him prove his worth to her, to claim her with his strength and might. What would be the sense in submitting her body to a weak male to breed? Not taking the pill made her bold, something feral rising up inside her like a serpent waiting to strike, weaving and bobbing and hissing for the prey it sought.

"Is that all you got?" She snarled, clawing at his arm and leaving a red mark behind, although she did not pause to see if she had broken the barrier of his scales. "Come on - fuck me! Breed me!"

And yet it was not as if she was set on making it easy for him at all as the drake's muscles bulged, grappling with her as they toppled off the bed. He snarled like a wild beast, wings flapping and stirring up the clothes that Sasha had laid out over the suitcase, although just why she'd brought so much to cover herself up he didn't quite know. They were going to be spending most of the time naked in the room, although now he realised that there was going to be more of a fight on his paws than originally expected!

But that was fine, that was good: he would prove to her that he was worthy of being her breeding stud. Pinning her shoulders down to the floor, a rug scrunched up beneath her back, he snarled and snapped, teeth flashing dangerously. It was a play at aggression - he never intended to bite her - but Sasha responded with undue ferocity, wrapping her legs viciously around his waist and flipping him back over with his hard cock grinding up against her.

Someone snarled but they could not have said who, grappling and tussling, although it was fair to say that one wore down more swiftly than the other. Sasha twisted and, in all honesty, that was her undoing, presenting her backside to him for just a fraction of a second. And that in itself was enough, the drake's breeding lust up for the dragoness who was putting up more of a fight than expected, making his job harder still as his cock twitched and throbbed, excitement getting the better of his body regardless of anything else. He pinned his chest to her back, crushing her wings flat alongside her spine, using the weight of his body to hold her in place for just long enough to roll his hips forward, miraculously finding the softness of her cunny just when he needed it.

Maybe it would not have gone so smoothly if he had missed his mark - although filling her backdoor could have had a kinky nuance all to itself too - but Sasha trembled beneath him, shivering in his hold as the fight in her wavered.


Gritting his teeth, he ground in deep. Now was not the time for either patience or sensuality and he snarled with all the ferocity he had in his soul, showing his teeth as his lips pulled back from them. Saliva gleamed on his deadly fangs and he knew, really knew, that he could use those teeth if he really needed to - but, first, he would try other tactics to get his dragoness in heat to submit, an arm around her waist tight and squeezing.

"Get down!"

He snarled the command with the ferocity that she'd dreamed of and Sasha could not help but soften her stance. It was only a little, of course, for she was still very much a proud dragoness and didn't want to submit too easily but it was enough for her son to know that he had well and truly won, growling like the beast she'd wanted to unleash in him as he slammed in, brutally forcing her to accept every last inch of his rampantly hot breeding spire.

Yes... Oh, she couldn't resist!

"Now that's more like it!" She growled in turn, ramming herself back at him as his cock drove deep, tail winding around his waist as if in claim. "Yes... Yes! Fuck me!"

And that was just what Kao intended to do now that that part of the power struggle was all good and done. Allowing her to push herself roughly up onto all fours, he hissed through his teeth and dug his claws bitingly into her hips, her tail dragging against him as if she was trying to get even more of his cock inside her. She knew, of course, just how deep her son could go but that still didn't stop her yearning like a slut for the next thrust and the next one, each one sending her body into quaking, desperate pleasure, scales tingling with the need to be bred and filled.

Rolling her head back, Sasha exhaled in a submissive rush as he curled his paw around her throat - not tightening his grip but just letting her know who was in control. And, for once, it was not the dominant dragoness. Although they had played rough before, there had always been a mutual understanding that they were on the same level, a sense of give and take between them. But not anymore even if she did not actively submit or plead or beg, she was below the drake in the breeding game, a hole to be filled and his feral needs to be sated above all else.

And Sasha loved it.

He pounded her like he never had done before, her eyes locking onto the suitcase before her for a point on which to anchor herself, fingers curling into the scrap of the rug that she'd managed, somehow, to cling onto. Her chest dipped down as she rammed her buttocks back and he snarled his appreciation, ignorant, clearly to just how hard his claws were sinking into her hips, drawing a trickle of bright blood. His mother almost wished that there was some way that someone in the hotel would be able to hear them, just so that they too could bear witness to the raw ferocity of the breeding she'd initiated, but they had made the due arrangements for that not to be so, whatever that meant for the rest of their liaison.

There was nothing like being fucked but she knew from her previous mating sessions, so long ago with her husband, that there was a wickedly seductive edge to a serious breeding that could not compare to just fucking. And she liked fucking - rather a lot, in fact. That was just how she'd come together with her son, after all, the two of them seeing and finding a way in order to meet one another's needs in perhaps the best way possible. His shaft filled her completely and she howled as an orgasm ripped through her, although even Sasha knew right then and there that there would be many, many more to come.

Just how long could Kao fuck her for? She didn't know whether he had taken anything at all to prolong his stamina but, well, dragons were known for being able to go at it like bunnies anyway, cumming over and over again. He'd proven himself long ago to be more of a stud than any other male she'd taken, considering it an honour for them to fuck her. So, it made sense to think that there was no way at all that they were going to come out of the breeding without an egg seeded in her womb, quickening and the little one growing in the very near future.

Gasping, she rolled her head back through climax, tail slackening around him. Stars leapt and danced in her gaze, eyes closed against the starkness of reality. No... No, if she had to choose, she'd choose the world of sexuality and unbridled lust each and every time, a place where she only ever had to be herself. There was a lot of herself to go around too and she trusted Kao to hold her tight and fast even as she bucked and thrashed in his hold, giving herself over completely and utterly as resounding pleasure wracked her.

"Fuck, yes!"

Sasha howled, hardly able to grind back at him anymore as his powerful, driving thrusts slammed her forward, forcing her across the carpet with every stroke of his throbbing dick. Her son gritted his teeth but it was hard enough just to keep hold of her along with keeping on thrusting, teeth clenched and an ache rising up in the corner of his jaw. But that didn't matter as long as he could give his mother everything she desired and more, the breeding high thrumming through him like a light edge of intoxication. And yet it was not intoxication, just a feral sense of being, a lightness to him urging him on and on, every last one of his senses drastically heightened.

Groaning in the back of his throat, he could not have even been sure whether he made the sound or not. The first orgasm always took the longest and was the most pleasurable, truly, for that moment of release, when everything became part of the moment, locked into sensation. His mother's pussy squeezed around him rhythmically, massaging his length, although he thought that was just the pull and shift of her body, not because she was actively trying to milk him that time. Yet even that seemed to tingle through his nervous system in a way that it never had done before, sending throbbing, tiny vibrations zinging across his skin, his muscles, the pull of breath in his lungs even as he breathed. Could he be that sensitive?

And yet there was more still, the scent of her perfume - perhaps one that was designed to rile up a male's lust, even though he hadn't needed anything at all to get him going on that particular day. Sweat beaded on the back of her neck and he sucked in a sharp breath, greedily still inhaling the scent of that sweat, the musk of her body rising thick and full around him, a cloud that he readily enveloped himself in. Unable to help himself, he covered her back with his, forcing her wings down, and pounded her so hard that one could have mistaken their breeding lust for something more sinister if they did not know and understand the true nature of their relationship. There was no possible way, after all, that any normal female could withstand such breeding thrusts that shocked her to her core, even as orgasm after orgasm sent her mind spinning into a dreamlike state of abject, undeniable lust.

There was nothing she could do to hold back from her lust, breath ripped from her as Kao's cock sawed in, the ridges catching her in all the right places. He didn't always get the angle just right to grind over her clit, drawing an orgasm from her from stimulation alone, but maybe it was the breeding frenzy that had gotten to him too, plumping up his cock with ardent amounts of blood so that he was ready and primed for all that his body bid him to do.

Clenching his jaw, he tucked his chin down, desire swirling up inside him. There was no rhyme or reason or even a pattern to it, sensations fluctuating as if he couldn't get a hold on them, claim them for his own. And nothing was like it was before, like he'd come to expect from sex, the drive to keep thrusting stronger than ever.

Kao sucked in a breath, eyes wide and seeming to bulge, although that was not possible for any normal anthro. Was that really what breeding was like?

He'd never impregnated anyone before.

His orgasm swept the thought from his mind, a roar breaking his lips as he pinned her down to the floor, crushing her hips lightly as he forced his weight over her. Trusting her to bear him didn't go so well as it usually did but neither of them cared as his balls churned, tightening up just a little at the pinnacle of the moment, orgasm overcoming him brutally. More potent than ever before, pulse after pulse of orgasm pounded him down and down and down as if he'd been surfing and wiped out in spectacular fashion, caught up beneath the waves and fighting for the surface.

Yet Kao did not quite want to return the surface when it was so hot beneath the waves, tongue vibrating in the middle of his roar, although no one was all that worried about the sound. It would not have been the first time, after all, that the two of them had been walked in on in the middle of sex, even though no one who knew them had ever caught them at it. And, so, Kao relished the floating, lightening sensation as he filled his mother, her fertile cunt squeezing and rippling around him, massaging and milking his cock, claiming what she too needed from him at the moment where it all mattered the most.


Sasha strove to push herself up, arms trembling, jaw hanging slack.

"So good..."

But it went without saying that that was all that she could get our, forced past lips that were far more primed to moan than anything else. His cock eased from her, sending the last spurts out over her backside to mark her, cum drooling thickly down her scales, more viscous than usual.

She smiled faintly, head swimming. That was another mark of a breeding drake, a male in his prime who was ready to claim and take and spend his seed in a female who was ready for him, that his cum was thicker than normal to plug her up, to ensure that little leaked out. Conversely, with that in mind, it was strange that males in the midst of breeding were driven to mark their females too, wasting seed that could be better placed elsewhere.

Yet it was hot too and she managed to arch herself back lewdly into that slick slide of cum, even craning her head around in an attempt to admire just how it marked her, pearly droplets trickling down her scales. She was his, at least for this breeding session, and she knew that. Only at other times, of course, she would become her own dragoness again, standing tall and proud, poised for the attack and teeth bared.

She had to have him again!

"Fill me..."

But Kao smirked, near enough trembling in place as he rubbed his cock over her buttocks, smearing his load around and ensuring that there was still a slick and ready coating on his shaft, preparing himself for more. Even if he hadn't, however, Sasha was more than wet enough to take him, her body raging with heat and aching to feel something back inside her all over again.

The dragoness, however, was gone, not waiting for her son to admire what a mess he'd made, scrambling back up onto the bed into her original position with her legs spread. She hooked her legs back and pulled her knees towards her ears, growling deep in the back of her throat, although it was not as if she actually needed to entice him in at all as the drake launched himself at her, eyes gleaming for the 'kill'. Yet she was a prize and not something to be cast aside, her lips parted for his...

...but his lips did not meet hers as he pushed over her, kneeling over her head and feeding his cock directly into her open mouth. A tongue was not to be her treat of the breeding session, the luxurious nature of a deep, passionate kiss, and Sasha grunted in surprise as he loomed, forced to swallow down the length of his cock as he crammed the tip right up into the back of her throat. She struggled but could not resist suckling just a little, her taste flooding her mouth, cum smeared across her nose.

Grinning down at her, Kao's eyes narrowed wickedly, daring her to fight back, to think that she could throw him off. Both of them knew that she'd already been bested.

"Ah-ah... Now, mom... Don't you need to get me ready for another round, my slutty dragoness?"

Sasha shivered but, no, she would not slip down - not that far, not yet. She would wait there with her son above her, not thinking, simply being, holding his hot length of fuck-meat in her mouth. All she had to do was stay still and not do anything at all and then he would know that she would not give in to him that easily, that she was still his equal even in breeding lust. But her son was patient too and eased his cock slowly into the back of her throat, tickling her non-existent gag reflex with that ever-present smirk on his lips.

She could not resist. No one could have resisted as the creamy mixture of strong-tasting cum and her tart juices slipped into her maw, bidding her to swallow. And he knew it too, smirking down at her as he did not even move, letting her squirm and wriggle and know, without a single doubt in her mind, that she was trapped by a better breeder than she could have ever hoped for.

"Suck it, mom, and maybe I'll fill you again."

Ah, such a play on power was hardly unexpected but she shuddered all the same, eyes rolling back into her head as her vision greyed out. Not quite fainting, she submitted to him, closing her lips and hollowing her cheeks lightly, her long, flexible tongue curling around him, lashing and stroking the ridges that she knew so very intimately. Even if blindfolded, she could have very easily picked her son's cock out of any line-up, sucking dick after dick until she found the one that made her heart sing all over again.


She flushed. He wasn't meant to praise her. It wasn't how it was meant to be. But he took over, claiming back control as he held a horn tightly, pinning her head in place for him to thrust. He treated her mouth as nothing more than another hole to be fucked as she whimpered around him, pussy clenching down on nothing, legs still hopelessly hiked up as if she thought that he would give her some respite and fill her there instead. Kao had something to take from her first though, grunting and snarling as he rammed in over and over again, barely allowing her space in which to breathe, let alone suck or lap her tongue along his length. He didn't need her to please him when he could lustfully take it all for himself anyway.

He still needed her cunt though and had to hold off his breeding urges until he'd had her well and truly, growling and slamming in hard and fast, drawing every last ounce of pleasure from her muzzle that he possibly could. But he had to be quick, he had to be carnal, he had to look down at her, her muzzle strained around his cock as he forced her to hold her mouth open wide for him, the pink of her maw gleaning with saliva. Hacking and gagging around him, more because he caught her off-guard than anything else, Sasha tried to lick but failed, tongue flattened back to the bottom of her mouth between her teeth while he rested his free paw against the wall and braced himself for the grand event.

When he wasn't holding off, it was so easy to let the breeding urge of seeding a female rise up, although his body told him too that he was not currently rammed into a hot pussy. No, he needed more but he would spend his load into her mouth first, the dragoness struggling and fighting, heat rising in her cunt as she even tried to jerk her legs up against him, knees poking his back and sides, jostled uncomfortably. A snarl ripped itself from his muzzle as he approached his high, her orgasm woefully forgotten for the time being, and the dragon fought for even the mere semblance of breath as his balls tingled, wanting that deluge of seed as much as he yearned for it too.

His orgasm caught him by surprise but he rolled with it, dominating her muzzle completing with each and every overpowering stroke that he had to give, making her tremble, eyes crossed, need unparalleled. Her paw waved, struggling to get to her pussy, but the nature of their position meant that she couldn't even get it between her legs, lost and helpless to even satisfy herself as he shot his load into the back of her maw, letting it swill about over and around her tongue, a creamy filling that would leave the thick and potent taste of him in her mouth for all the breedings yet to come.

Only when he was good and done did he draw back, a little cum marking her muzzle too, glistening strands trailing over her snout as she groaned and seemed to resist the desire to lick her lips, leaving it there.

"Now that you've had that," Sasha said at last, ropes of pearly cum strung out between her top and bottom jaw, gleaming on her lips. "Will you just fuck me already?"

And that was something that her son was only too happy to do, smirking and snarling as he slipped back down the length of her body, avoiding her legs only for long enough to hook them over his shoulders. Although she was not as flexible as she used to be, he was enough of a loving son in that regard to 'help' her out, the day itself wearing on without them as he slammed into her pussy all over again without pause or ceremony, his mother arching up to him like a puppet controlled by the puppeteer's strings.


But no cries of pleasure or demanding more were required as he bred her with a feral air, eyes of another creature entirely, slamming in with such force that the headboard of the bed cracked into the wall. That was something, true, that may have given hotel staff cause for concern at a later date but Kao could not find it in himself to care as he hissed down at the sexy dragoness beneath him, the force of his thrusts driving her breasts to rock and jiggle, more than a good pawful each. They were just right and he leaned forward further and further over her, tongue dangling out as if he thought he could bend her legs far enough back to get at least one of her nipples up into his hungrily waiting, slavering maw.

That was not possible, however, regardless of how erotic the act of it may have been and Kao snarled, pounding her tight pussy over and over again, her sex sucking at him greedily, hungrily, as if she had become a demoness herself in the climax of the moment. Sometimes he thought of her that way too, something unrestrained by mortal coils and bounds, a creature of utter depth and passion that wanted nothing more than to be fucked and bred for the rest of her life. Kao groaned, tongue hanging out, not even able to clench his jaw any more as desperate need clawed at his soul, scales chilled and heated at opposing moments, needing something that he could not put words to and never would have considered ever needing to ever before.

He imagined her like that, if only for a moment, as the need to cum, to spill his hot load, churned in his balls. Sasha bred over and over again, body continuously going through a cycle of being fucked and laying an egg, forever fat and ready to bear his egg and his hatchling. Their young would be formidable, he was sure of it, stunning and delightful in equal measures, the sort of dragons that everyone wanted to know, to be with, to adore and to love, of course, too. But it was her that held the erotic edge and lure for him, making him moan at the mere notion of going through the cycle repeatedly, her body ripe and fertile, everything that he could have possibly needed from his lovely mother and so very much more too.

He had to cum, however, Sasha clinging to him and whimpering, pussy tightening... It was a wonder, truly, that she did not faint herself with how her eyes rolled back into her head, jaws opening and closing as if that would allow her to get just a little bit more breath into her lungs. Her wings tried to flare out but there was no way for her to do that with them pinned beneath her body, forced into a moaning, head-rolling orgasm that sent wave after wave of pulsating orgasmic energy through her form.

Dimly, she was aware of her son filling her, his seed pumped in to add to the first load, muscles in her legs screaming for mercy, just for a little bit of relief. Her cunny tried to squeeze around him but she could barely offer any sense of resistance or extra tightness to his cock with how wet she was, although she knew too that they would have hardly any chance to take care of that before they would have to breed again. And again. Such was the way of a breeding couple that were going at it with only the one sole goal in mind above all else - to the exclusion of all else.

She rocked up at him, caught up on a tide of sensuality that was coming in and in, lapping at the dunes. Would that tide swamp the land itself, soak it in its seed? Her head fought to work straight but that task in itself was a losing battle, floating and drifting as Kao pulled from her, cock soaked and softening, glistening with their combined, delicious sexual fluids.

It was hard to retain some manner of a hold on reality but Sasha tried her best, tried all she could, as she lay back, aware that her chest was heaving, breath entering her lungs, although the tautness there remained as if it could not be swept away. Kao disappeared, a blue blur that could very well have been the spit of her, a confident soul that had only needed the right dragoness to bring out his virility and pride.

Was_she_ really that dragoness?


He was back without her realising it, smiling lightly as he perched on the bed and pressed a glass of water into her paw even as he helped her sit up, a familiar arm around her back. And then she wasn't merely his breeding partner all over again, just a mother and a son sharing an admittedly sticky and wet moment as he helped her drink, passing her what appeared to be a sandwich wrapped in foil.

Her stomach grumbled and it was between her teeth before she realised it, mind too slow to catch up to the action, ravenous and tearing greedily at the bed. It didn't matter that Kao's seed was slick and hot still between her thighs, only that she took the sustenance offered, her sweet drake looking after her just as he was supposed to do, close to her as he did the same and rested awhile, food in maw.

Only when the last bite disappeared down her throat did the dragoness return from a sense of being feral, chest heaving and breath returned, her pupils ever so slightly dilated. She could not have told just what an effect he would have on her in breeding before the act actually happened but the mere presence of him sitting beside her, checking his own foil packet for crumbs, vibrated force like a feeling of energy, flowing and pulsating, ever interlinked with her own.

The dragoness smiled, setting the foil aside; it would no longer be needed.

He's sweet to me.

"And I thought you didn't prepare ahead," Sasha teased him lightly, poking him in the ribs with just the very tip of a finger. "You're doing better for yourself in that than you let on, Kao."


_ _

She savoured his name, rolling it around on her tongue, mentally, before setting it loose like a bird that had to be released from its cage. It had no sense or bearing in being kept behind patiently closed lips but then his lips were on hers again, their meal forgotten and their strength returned for the time that it took to well and truly thoroughly seed a dragoness. He rolled onto his back and smirked up at her; if she hadn't been so desperate for him, perhaps she would have admonished her own son for such a cocky attitude. But her loins burned for him, wings spreading as she swung a leg over his hips, seating herself down on his hardening cock, bearing her weight against him just to cram him inside even as he needed to firm up completely.

"Fuck... Mom!"

And yet she was not just his mother - not anymore. She was the hot dragoness that he was there to breed and she leaned back luxuriously, moaning as he sank all the way up into her, hips grinding and gyrating to feel him as intimately as she had ever wanted to. Her wings flared out, the overhead light filtering through, and Sasha grinned down at him with a saucy wink, ignoring just how her wings trembled, the strain of lust demanding she satisfy it.

After all, the drake she'd chosen was not yet finished breeding her. And a dragoness had to be satisfied...

"What's the matter, Kao?" She crooned, leaning forward to run her paws over his chest. "Too sensitive? Did you need a break there, sugar?"

Oh, how she teased, mocking him and implying, even in that roundabout way, that he wasn't a real dragon at all, not the drake that was truly destined to breed her, to seed a clutch in her belly, the egg that would hold all of their sweetening hopes and dreams. There may have been more for her to say, clawing tentatively at the essence of control, in the top position and yet, still, not really. Her lips parted and then he snarled, savagely pounding up into her with such an expression of raw demand on his muzzle that he took her breath away in that instant alone.

And it was right then and there that Sasha knew that Kao was most definitely the drake for her, one who was not afraid to go hard, to brutalise her with his thrusts, trusting that she and her body would more than be able to take it. Although she was on top, she could only ride him so hard, squealing and grunting like a true breeding whore, tail thrashing as if she couldn't even control that part of her body in the depths of her desire. Floating or sinking... What was the difference, really, as long as she got that sweet, sweet cock into her over and over again, giving her everything that she had ever wanted and more?

There was always that 'more', wasn't there? A dragoness was greedy and Sasha knew what could be hers, if only she was brave enough to take it. Groaning, she tipped forward over him, splaying her paws out on his chest for balance, riding him ferociously even as he matched her thrust for thrust, her pussy squeezing around him. A trait of a dragoness engaged in the throes of breeding was that her pussy could tighten up again quite swiftly, something that Sasha relished demonstrating as she became as tight as a virgin all over again, cunny clenched and massaging even as her jaws hung slack. Hissing through a devastatingly open maw, she growled like a wild creature caught up in the need to breed, pupils dilated and no longer of her own. Even Kao shivered. She was something more than she'd ever been before, that was sure.

And yet that was not going to be enough to stop him thrusting, grinding his heels into the bed so that he could get the best force and leverage with which to claim her. Orgasm tore through the dragoness and he snarled as he seeded her all over again, the tightness of her pussy sending him into such a fervour that even his recovery period appeared to have lessened. And right when he needed it the most!

As she climaxed, barely able to keep herself even a little upright on top of him, Kao hissed and snapped, lunging for her. His arms went around her torso, holding her close, and she was forced to 'sit' in his lap, cock crammed into her. As they sat, her breasts heaving and his head ducking down with the aid of his slightly longer, more flexible, draconic neck to help him out. Suckling her nipple into his mouth, he closed his teeth lightly on her breast, riding her out through climax as she humped and ground, opening and closing her jaws over and over again as if she couldn't find the breath with which to allow her moans of delight to spill out.

Head rolling back, she leaned her chest into her son as he nipped and lapped over her breast and nipple, the hard nub of flesh pressing up into his maw as if even her body was desperate to show him how ripe she was to be bred. There was nowhere else that she would have rather have been, moaning and groaning in the back of her throat, sounds rising up faintly with the semblance of the return of breath. Swapping to her other breast, Kao did not restrict his attentions in any way, giving freely even as his cock thrust shallowly into her, helped along by the light rock of her hips.

It was the pumping, rippling massage of her cunt, however, that sent him over the edge, shoving his muzzle between her soft breasts with a half-muffled roar, eyes closed. Kao's hips worked furiously even though they didn't really have the room in which to work, to thrust and pump as his body yearned to, balls pressed down against and between his legs as they churned to spill his load. He could almost feel the cum travelling down the length of his cock, the tip overly sensitive and aching for respite - a respite that he would not allow it even if he grew sore, the need to cover Sasha repeatedly draining every last ounce of other desire from his body.

No... There was nothing he would not do for her. Not when her body was so fertile and ready to be bred. As he pulled out, Sasha splayed herself back over the bed for him, cream pouring from her pussy, a pool of it on the bed beneath where their trysts there had taken place. Her tail lifted as she rolled onto her front, showing off the mess of cum smeared into her scales, staining them as it dried, her cunny sore and gaping and openly demonstrating just how much more she could take. Her flushed folds called him in as his mouth watered but it was not the right time for him to shove his muzzle down there, adore her as a femfur like her really and truly deserved to be adored. Sasha deserved everything he could give her and eons of it more, although he would still do all he could in order to give her that, their time together hardly at an end.

One sex position moved into the next, pushing his cock between Sasha's tits as she lay with her head hanging over the side of the bed. Her lips found his balls and he groaned softly as she teased him back to full readiness, tail thrashing with the tip curling back and forth repetitively, needing more and more, although he had surely cum enough to last any normal dragon or even any other male a month or more. They didn't need to cum over and over again, it was true, but damn it if was nice too!

Squeezing her breasts together around his cock, he hissed and bore down as she lapped over his balls, her expertly experienced tongue seeking out every sensitive spot that she had had before. Letting them weigh heavily on her muzzle, she giggled, breath washing over his nuts as he grunted and thrust all the harder, admiring just how the flesh of her breasts moulded to the shape of his shaft. It would be a length of fuck-meat indeed that she remembered for a long time yet as he left her with a very physical memory of their tryst in the egg tucked into her belly, waiting, surely, ready to be laid.

Had it quickened? He snarled and drew back, his mother spinning to meet him, legs wrapped up around his waist as he stood there and she sat on the edge of the bed itself with a grin that could have turned a nun to dirtier vows.

"Something more you want there, honey?"

Her voice dripped with sweetness and he kissed her fiercely, tipping her muzzle up to his as he filled her, the ridges on his shaft grinding in over her clit in such a position. In no time at all, Sasha was squealing into his mouth in climax, although the dominating nature of his tongue even as she fought back valiantly against it, drove her down, forced to pant and bear through his punishing, claiming thrusts.

Yet as he claimed her she claimed him to, her pussy teasing him, taunting him with the knowledge that she could make him cum at any point and yet chose to retain that control for herself. Her pussy was tight, sure, but not as tightly massaging as it could have been, the drake grunting and grinding into her, pinning her hips into the bed as he speared her sex, driving in as deep as he could possibly go.

No, there was nowhere left for his cock even as she milked him for her orgasms, teasing him lightly and murmuring what a strong breeding drake he was. Kao would have been ashamed to say that she stoked his ego with those carefully played words if he wasn't, truly, the lucky dragon in such a situation, panting heavily as he pounded her, cramming in every last bit of his cock that he could possibly squeeze. But she could not keep her cool and control forever and Sasha's rolling orgasms sent her into a frenzy, throwing her head back as she screamed and begged him to breed her, to seed her, to fill her over and over again until she couldn't move.

Not even the lack of breath, forgetting to breathe, stopped her from begging him and Kao was only too happy to oblige, teeth finding her throat in a mating bite, digging in lightly as he held her still, quivering in his grasp. Of course, he did not press hard enough to draw blood or even make it difficult to breathe but she stilled immediately, eyes wide, as he filled her, cock pumping spurt after spurt of his thick seed up into her pussy, the slickness of his overdosed, lusty dick spilling from her in viscous globules.

Grinning, he scooped up a bit of his cum on the tip of his finger, not caring what he smeared into his scales along the way in his haste.

"Suck it off, mom."

There was no need for derogatory, sexy names when he already had the best one for her and Sasha shivered, his teeth leaving indents on her throat in their absence. Suckling at his finger, tipped with a light claw, she swirled her tongue around it, maintaining the best eye contact she could until he no longer could keep his own cool and slammed her back down into the bed again, not even pulling out of her as he snarled, viciously intent only on the next breeding session and all the pleasure that that too could bring.

Over and over again, they fucked, opening the doors to the beach when darkness fell, although they were surprised to find that the hour had grown so late. A break for a drink and food along with something alcoholic to soften the aches in their bodies too was well-received, even though they gulped down the lot of it even more hastily than they had before. It was too difficult to stop once they had begun and changing their minds was not even part of the question or equation as Kao claimed his mother before the glass doors, the curtain blowing gently in a light breeze that did nothing to cool either the heat or the passion of their joint lusts.

Who cared if they were heard? Oh, they laughed about it afterwards, never quite sure whether or not they imagined a strange stoat wandering by down the beach, perhaps off with a sweetheart of his own in the dark. His eyes had bugged out but they hadn't stopped, Sasha belting out a shriek of abject pleasure that could not be held back under any circumstances - and if he'd ever been there, that had scared him off good and proper and left them to their breeding, feral desires climbing and climbing.

Only when they were sated and completely exhausted did they curl up together on the bed, a tangle of sweaty limbs that should have really been showered off before thinking of such a thing as bed. But the 'Do Not Disturb' sign was up on the door and they had nothing at all to worry about in that regard as no one was going to walk in on them and the sheets would be cleaned in the morning, taken care of for them, as they always were at such hotels. Their needs would be met and the heat of the shower the next day would soothe any lingering aches from their bones too, making love against the cooling wall as they imagined all the joys that were to come for the two of them.

The last thing that Sasha managed to do before drifting off into dreamland was lift her legs up over a couple of pillows, her breasts bare to the world and sheets cast aside. It was far too warm for something like that but not so warm or tiring that she forgot that she needed to keep as much of his seed inside her as possible, her hips a little elevated to ensure that gravity would do the work that his cock, although powerful, could not. There was only so much, despite everything, that a male body could do and ploughing his seed past the barrier of her cervix was one of those things.

But that was alright: that was where feminine sensibility came into play, not that she felt that she had all that much of that left, her mind turned to mush. Yet it was a very pleasant kind of mush, the kind that made her want to sink down and away from reality if only to experience in a carnal fashion all over again the very next day. Stroking her son's head on her breast, Sasha smiled faintly, the world dipping away into sweetly blissful unconsciousness.

"Goodnight, my love."


Several months later, Kao lay back on Sasha's marriage bed, although it wasn't used for much in marriage any more. Of course, his father had returned from business trip after business trip but his ever-expanding career and scope kept the drake away from home more often than not, although he and Sasha, well... They behaved just like any other loving, romantic couple when he was home and that was all there was to it. To an outsider, there was nothing different about their relationship, even if he still believed that the swelling rise of his wife's stomach was due to his own seed. He'd never have guessed that it was Kao's and that one little fact along, a minor detail, surely, was something that they kept close to their hearts, their little secret for just a while longer, as long as they wanted to keep it.

Eventually, however, the truth would come out and Kao shuddered to imagine the eroticism of that, although he could well have been trembling too because his mother's legs were tight on either side of his hips, the dragoness rising and falling on his cock as if it was the only thing left for her in the world. Considering just how narrow her view of the world became when she was fucking him, he would not have been at all surprised to know that that was true.


Kao ground his teeth together, planting his hind paws into the bed and thrusting up into her with all the power he had left in his body, glutes screaming for respite that he simply was not willing to give them. Since being impregnated, Sasha had been hornier than ever and, well, the gym hadn't been high on his list of priorities when he was so engaged in working other muscles. His father returning home gave him some manner of respite from time to time but, until then, there was no one really that Sasha trusted to give her everything she needed, even though she was not averse either to finding a sexy young stud out and about either to ravish as she needed.

Growling, Kao snapped at the air between them, lips stretched into a feral, draconic grin. She wouldn't need to go off and find anyone as long as he was around, there to satisfy her. And the rounded curve of her very obviously showing belly drove him on and on, the drake sure with a hefty dose of arrogant self-confidence that he had put not one but _two_eggs in her. Of course, it would be a far stretch to imagine that there were three but he wasn't going to complain in the slightest if that was true, snarling and humping eagerly as if that raw act alone would show just what the outcome of their breeding had truly brought.

Until then, however, they had one another to enjoy as they had done for years, Sasha throwing her head back, breasts bouncing with the rock of her body, howling as she reached orgasm. The clench and ripple of her cunny was as familiar yet strange as it always was, each orgasm and fuck-session bringing something new to the table, no two alike in their entirety. As her orgasm milked his cock in a long, slow ripple, tugging and pulling sensually at his breeding rod, coaxing his cum from him as he slammed in deep and unleashed his load with a roar.

Those spurts of cum wouldn't go anywhere, seeping out of her in time. Maybe even more would be ploughed into her while she showered, back pinned up against the wall, hot water raining down on them. That would be fun. Very fun, in fact. So fun that he may just very well manufacture the situation for himself, gasping and grunting like an absolutely mighty breeding stud as he pumped every last drop of cum that he had to give up into his pregnant mother's cunt, her paw clasped lovingly in his.

Their egg would be laid soon and then there was no telling what the future held.

Together, they would face it.

Sauna Studs

**Sauna Studs** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round for Silver, Raiyoku and Matteh_ _ _ _ _ The silver dragon leaned back against the wall of the sauna, better able to take the heat than other patrons of the health club,...

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Seducing His Father: Chapter One

**Seducing His Father** **Chapter One** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ Holly hummed a tune to herself, completely out of tune, as she busied herself around the barn, hustling and working simply...

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