Of Orcs and Mares: Seeking Partners of His Size

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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An orc who is too large for other orcs, elves or even those sluts of humans turns to lusty mares in season to satisfy himself at long last and they are more than merely receptive...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Of Orcs and Mares

Seeking Partners of His Size

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

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Vergu sighed, the orc lifting his chin to the breeze, dark hair tied back from his head in a taut knot that would keep it out of the way if battle occurred. On that particular day, down on the plains below Thunder Bluff, he knelt and gathered herbs, taking his time to ensure that his bags would not reach capacity from gathering the incorrect kind. There were some there, so close to the stronghold of the Tauren, that simply did not grow anywhere else at any other time of year and, thus, the druid had been forced to travel out there when he would have much preferred brewing in the dark of his hut, driven out into bright sunshine that stood out in stark contrast to his leathery, green skin.

He knew orcs were a solitary kind but herbalism was a lonely trait even for a druid, but Vergu thought, after some time, that he did best alone. It kept his mind off other things, things that dragged even his muscled, beaten and scarred body down when he should have possessed more than enough power to control himself and his emotions. Druids were supposed to be better at that than warriors but, well, maybe he still had too many warrior traits left in him to truly make a good go at being a druid, despite it being his calling. Transforming into other creatures in his arsenal at will, however, was a handy trick to pull out of his sleeve when in a badger of a situation, he had to admit.

His mind wandered and he welcomed the distraction from the tingling in his loins, the throb that meant that there was something he was meant to do even if he had not yet had or found the good fortune to locate a partner who was able to actually do that thing with him. It was not meant to be but there was no sense in dwelling on it either, working his way right down into the very shadow of Thunder Bluff, the cool of the shade respite for his skin even though he knew that he could stand far worse weather if he really had to.

The Tauren... Strange folk with their horns. Maybe they would have been more relatable if they had tusks, like him. And didn't moo. Not that he'd heard all that many Tauren lowing; races simply had their assumptions about one another and the same went for orcs too, he was sure, even if he could not have thought of a bad thing to say about orcs himself. There was something that they were doing lately now too in searching for other mounts that were smaller and nimbler than kodos, able to get into tighter spaces and transport then around too with a little more haste than the lumbering beasts. Horses? He snorted. Nothing like orc wolves, of course, but they were larger again with how the Tauren had been breeding them, heavily muscled around the hindquarters and their necks thick with a rising crest of power.

His lower jaw slipped slacker and slacker and he hung his head, trembling as he barely even thought about the herbs that he was supposed to be gathering, bags almost full anyway. There had not been much in the day for him when all of it was merely posed as a distraction to keep his mind from the real matter at hand, what he knew that he had to address at some point, even if he didn't want to. The orc's chest heaved raggedly and he woodenly took one step after another, something pulling at him like a magical force - was there a mage at work somewhere? And yet mages did not act like that and he trusted his gut, his long, druid robes swishing lightly with the step of his body. At least the cut out at the front broke up the image of them slightly and made it look less like he was wearing a dress. It did not become an orc to appear fierce.

Truly, Vergu should have known where his feet were leading him, toes curling in his boots as he paced through the pine trees, the shadowy branches offering him some comfort and solace from the rising heat of the day. And yet it seemed that he was destined to descend into a cool, little valley with a creek winding through the very base, its undulating curves slowly wearing away at the land as the creatures there drank from it. It seemed destined to be that it was there that he found the herd of mares, his nostrils flaring as he took in their sweet, earthy aroma with his over-developed sense of smell. Everyone said that orcs were weird for that but it was a skill and a talent that had served him well multiple times.

There was something else too. A something else that, indeed, set his fingers clenching into fists as if that was just how he sought to restrain himself, sinking back on his heels even as he took a deep, greedy lungful of their delectable scent. The mares before him were not just normal horses, of course, sized for their Tauren riders, but they were also very much in season. There was nothing else in the whole land that smelled just like that and any orc worth his battle-blood knew that scent for when it was the ripe time for their kind too to come together in carnal, insatiable lust.

Large animals... He licked his lips, eager now that an option had presented itself to him, perhaps the answer that he had truly been looking for all along. They were bigger than orc females, as fearsome as they were. Their deadliness was in their agility and there had not yet been a partner of another friendly species (not a female, at least) that had said 'yes' to him, laughing him off or running scared as soon as his pants came down. There was a monster in the room but it was not the orc - rather a part of his anatomy that struck equal amounts of awe and fear into the hearts of those that were fortunate (or not) enough to behold it.

But a mare... Their rounded backsides, a swishing tail pushed up to expose the velvety dock and sweet sex. A stunning beast like that with all the pride and elegance she held could give him what he needed, the sweetness of finally having a family, what he had longed for during the course of so many dark and hopelessly sleepless nights. It was not to be and yet he wanted it to be, so very badly, that he was more than willing to try anything and everything as his breath caught and a black mare half-raised her head in his direction, gauging his intentions. But the horses could never have guessed what the fine, strong example of an orc really had in mind for them - that was, if they were up for it too in the middle of their seasons.

Sensing no ill-intent, the herd of nine kept a cautious eye on Vergu as he approached, although his shedding of his robes and complete undergarments was a strange thing that set them on edge. They had to look then, even though they kept right on chewing mouthfuls of grass, tails swishing from a subtle tension rather than, in that instance, to swat away imaginary flies. They knew not what the size of his shaft meant, hanging down half-hard and heavy against his thighs, balls hefty and ready to breed. Any female, in fantasy, would have loved a dick like his but alas it was such the way of the world that orc females and others just couldn't handle the massive size of his shaft. Awe for the 'freak of nature' just didn't do it for him on a normal basis, sadly enough.

Pausing a respectful distance from the mares, Vergu cleared his throat. Was he really going to do it? After so much ill in his life, he could not have honestly have said that he felt he had all that much choice in the matter...


Vergu swallowed hard. Just how was he supposed to start a conversation like this? One of the mares, a light bay with a striking, jet black mane and tail that stood out in sharp contrast to her gleaming, bronze coat, lifted her head, warily chewing a mouthful of grass.

"Yes?" She probed, pushing at the druid's mind as he welcomed her speech up against his own sensibility, his abilities as a druid, at least, allowing them to communicate. "What do you want?"

Curt and abrupt, her ears flicked warily, searching for danger even as she focused the majority of her attention on him. There was nothing quite like a horse for being able to be aware of every little thing around them, poised to flee or react at a moment's notice, predators and, of course, hunters too potentially lurking around every corner. They may have been a herd kept close to Thunder Bluff but there was still the risk that they could be picked off by wild animals or even taunted by a low-level trainee that thought they were better than the system of learning and fighting that was already in place. Even Vergu had fallen prey to such base, simplistic desires at one point too. But that had been a long time ago and he liked to think that he knew better where to spend his time and energy in training.

"I... Um..."

Vergu rolled his eyes, pulling his shoulder blades back for the effect of confidence that he did not truly feel that he possessed. He was an orc! He'd better damn well act like one.

"You are in season," he said with the graveness that the situation deserved, although the churning need bringing his cock to a stark rise of attention seemed to have their attention already. "And I am in need of a mate..."

"What, an orc?"

The black mare that had watched him approached tossed her mane back from her neck and nickered throatily, nostrils quivering. And yet her derision could not be taken at face value as the need of her body got the better of her, turning her tail to him instinctively and flagging her tail off to the side, revealing both the slit of her winking vulva and anal ring, the doughnut of soft, taut flesh almost as alluring as her marehood was. Against himself, Vergu hissed through his teeth, muscles rigid and bulging, his body a sight to be seen even to a feral creature such as the equines. Somewhere, someone in the herd gasped, tail lashing the air.

"Oh, you are big..." The bay mare, who had to be the lead mare, stretched out her neck curiously towards him, lips quivering lightly. "Maybe you would do... But what brings you to us, orc? Why us? Why our herd?"

He had no answer to that and spread his hands wide, although it felt like his time was running out, need rising and cock throbbing, pulsating with the raw desire to breed. After so long denied, all that his body yearned for was a hot, wet tunnel clenching softly around his cock - what male would not? Above all else, he could not be blamed in the slightest for his level of need, their aroma growing stronger and stronger as they clustered around him, all craning their necks to see just what the orc was packing. Far from dumb beasts, their intelligence shone through with a keen eye, although not even he could keep up with just how many little bits of information they were all constantly taking in, assessing everything around them even if he was not aware that the slightest shift in his body conveyed highly useful information to them.

And his cock told a tale that his lips and words could not, the massive breeding spire commanding attention as the bay approached, clearly the leader even if not everyone gave him space. She nuzzled at his cock, her velvety lips caressing it, and Vergu could not help but moan, rocking his hips up against her lips, although a feral creature could not suckle his cock into her mouth as one would give a blowjob, typically, despite her muzzle being more than large enough. Yet it was still nice to have a willing, soft tongue on his cock again, joined by another mare with a chestnut coat, red-brown with a fiery note yet warmth in her eyes, the two keen mares admiring and covering his cock slowly but surely in their warm saliva.

A scuffle disrupted them even as Vergu's mind tried to catch up with what was happening, his body undergoing so very much pleasure that it was hard to even understand the gravity of finally getting what he had craved for himself for so very long. Was it really happening? He could ask himself the question over and over again but time moved too swiftly as the black mare barrelled her way through, barging others aside with a snort and demonic roll of her eyes, ears pinned.

"If you think you can please us then take me first!"

Challenging him with a snort, the black mare backed up to him, the rounded curves of her hindquarters begging the eye, although there was no art of sensuality in just how she demanded his attention. She was there to test him and the orc rose to the occasion, finding that confidence that had been thrust down and away from the forefront of his mind for so very long, although it came back to his fingertips more easily than he may have otherwise expected. Power flooded him but he pushed away the urge to change, grinning toothily with an edge of the wild that he had so loved before in his gaze, hands landing on her backside in a grope and a squeeze that she could not help but shudder into.

Ah, but she was proud and she was haughty, making him work for it as she backed up into him, demanding what she wanted before actually allowing him to get into position. The mare snorted and flicked her tail in his face as the orc gritted his teeth and clung onto her, her silken coat too smooth and shiny to get any real purchase on, even though his hands were larger than most. He stood tall enough that his cock nudged her back end quite naturally, showing the difference in their sizes, although he was set differently so that he had to stretch up to consider pushing into her instead of sinking his weight back. No, instead he had to push his weight forward as he leaned eagerly against her hindquarters, not even willing to undergo any moment of foreplay as he hankered for what had been so denied to him for so long.

"The name is Elvira," she murmured, eyes half-lidded as if she was dozing and yet her attention rang rapt with a hidden intensity. "Remember it orc... It'll be your foal that you seed in my belly!"

Yet if he'd had anything more to say, it was wiped from his mind right there and then as he thrust, claiming her passage in one smooth stroke of his mighty cock. It seemed only natural that he filled her in one go and the mare herself seemed to gasp and squeal, although he was not particularly an expert on equine noises - not yet, at least. That would come in time but it was hard to think of anything else at all as his head reeled, bellowing out a long, lusty grunt out in the open as he bred her, slamming in over and over again. Elvira's body fit him like a glove, sucking around his shaft with that perfect level of slick softness, her passage keenly accepting his length as if they had always been made to come together. He slammed in and trusted her to bear the force of his thrusts, the lust and drive to breed clawing at his mind as if was a feral beast that could not be denied.

She had not expected him to be so forceful but Elvira had to go through with it all now that she'd begun, too hard and proud to say that he was going rougher than she had thought he would. The mare bared her teeth, whipping her head around to face him like that of a snake even though she was nowhere near close enough to sink her teeth into him. Lifting a hind hoof was a rather futile threat too as she could neither brace nor balance with that leg raised. Snorting, she stamped a hoof angrily instead, although it was difficult to truly be upset with him for giving her exactly what she wanted, marehood squeezing around him as she rocked back, wanting more.

"Is that all you've got?" She taunted. "Breed me like a real orc!"

The lead mare shook her head in the equine version of a frown but Vergu was keen enough to give her what she demanded, slamming in brutally and rolling her body forward, hooves scuffing through the grass and dirt. Elvira's sides heaved, darkening with sweat, but the roll of her eyes was from the sheer wrath of pleasure he layered upon her, cock wonderfully pounding her with the full length, easily reaching deeper than a stallion and stretching her more too for sure. And yet he was not too big for her either, their bodies matching up perfectly as even her proud heart warmed to him, hinting at a little more depth to her beneath even that rough demeanour.

"Huff... Oh... Oh, yes..."

She ducked her head and whinnied shrilly as her pussy twitched around him, sending her off into throes of bliss as her juices squirted heavily in orgasmic delight, soaking his crotch and dripping down his legs from the force of it. Perhaps some would have said that she climaxed too quickly but that just was what his cock did to her, making her feel like a virgin filly behind made a mare all over again, the yearning to see her own belly swell with foal overcoming all else that may have been present.

The orc was barely with himself, however, head spinning and throbbing as if caught by some kind of ailment, although all that he had at his fingertips was very, very pleasurable. It had been too long since he had last had the pleasure of orgasm and he raced towards his own climax, the mare whimpering for him to fill her, to breed her, to seed her full - all things of which he was very eager to make good on his word for!

The others crowded around him, marvelling and murmuring at the raw force of her orgasm, all trying to get the best look at the breeding orc and mare, although only one, the lead mare, was bold enough to shove their head down in close. Stealing a lap of his balls, she peeled her upper lip back from her teeth, actively sifting through the scents, ears flicking back and forth as if some manner of sound from him would allow her to detail more information.

Heated bodies all around him supported Vergu even as he slammed in, Elvira's marehood tight and slick around him, desperate for his cum. Her body needed it and he needed her too, throwing his head back as he powered into her with one last feral grunt that shook the very fabric of his being, skin reverberating lightly from the force of his thrust. His balls churned, a horse's tongue playing sweetly over them, but he could not find the willpower with which to hold back as he spent himself deep inside her, hips working and pumping furiously all the while. It was not an option that he actively took for himself but rather a desire that had him panting as if in the thick of the battlefield, his blood up but not caught in any kind of battle high. No, the mares had a very different kind of high in mind for him.

It was then that the lead mare sent Elvira packing, taking her position before him, eyes gleaming as she introduced herself, eyes gleaming darkly.

"Lisson. I think we're going to get on quite well, orc."

"I'm..." He moaned, hands on his cock, unwilling to let his shaft soften even as the last spurts from that orgasm dribbled down a mare's muzzle, Lisson eagerly licking and nuzzling for the treat of his seed. "I'm...Vergu."

"A fine name for our new stallion."

She was smaller than Elvira and easier for him to thrust into, although the mare stepped away, lifting a bare hind hoof as she glanced back, a twinkle in her eye. Vergu frowned. Had he done something wrong? Yet Lisson only nickered and tossed her head, her gleaming, black mane falling down her neck in a shower of finery that no amount of gems or war-armour could ever hope to match up to.

"If you want to please me," she whinnied, tossing her head, you'll show a mare the pleasures of another hole first. Or are you not stud enough for me?"

Ah, she may have been trying to push his buttons at least a little but the light, teasing tone of her voice let him know that it was all friendly; there was only a little kink, of course, that she too wanted to enjoy. And why not now that she had a sensible partner in hoof to satisfy her every whim? Pushing two thick fingers that were nowhere near close to the size of his aching shaft, desperate for a mare's hot cunny all over again, into her marehood, Vergu laughed breathlessly as she braced and rocked back against him, snorting heavily.

But he knew too that it was not quite that hole that she was looking for and pushed up again, pressing the rounded tip of his darker shaft to her rosebud, the tight anal ring twitching as if she was not quite used to stimulation there. What mare was? It was hardly as if they could tell a stallion that that was what they wanted but Lisson took matters into her own hooves, so to speak, grinding back as she popped the head of his cock, with no small measure of skill, into her anal passage with a barely restrained grunt of lustful pleasure.

"Unnff... Tighter... So much tighter!"

Everyone knew that anal intercourse was a reaming of the forbidden hole but all of that swept from Vergu's mind in the blink of an eye. Her body conformed to him so sweetly that it was as if they had always been meant to come together, her tail flagged and tickling his stomach. He couldn't see the point where their bodies joined through the fall of hair but his cock told the tale of her tightness for him, twitching and pulsing as he gently fucked her, teasing open a passage of lust that had, surely, never before been penetrated.

The mare snorted but further words were beyond her capacity, the orc leaning over her hindquarters as he reached around under her stomach, squeezing and lightly massaging her udders. Of course, she could not produce milk when she did not have a foal at foot or near enough on the way but they were still an incredibly sensitive part of her anatomy and she stretched out her neck, lips wiggling happily as two exotic pleasures came together at once. Vergu grinned: she must be glad that he had hands and not hooves, pulling lightly at her teats as if he was milking her! Her backside rocked against him as he sped out, feeling her readiness for the harder, rougher strokes that rutting orcs were so well-known for, her anal passage taking his cock just as well as Elvira's had.

He could not blame his quick release that time on the fact that he had not climaxed in so very long but there was a little than any creature, let alone an orc, could do to hold back as her anal ring tightened around him. It could have been Lisson experimenting with just how her body could manipulate and tease him or it could have been a simple factor in how he thrust against the large muscles of her hindquarters, stimulating her just so. Either way, that deliciously tight passage could not stand much more, yearning for that pulsating length.

"My marehood!" She forced out, neck arched in a low bow down to the ground, tail thrashing up against him. "Fuck me!"

So crude but she got the point across and he wasted no time drawing out only to slam into her pussy with brutal intent. A few strokes too was all it took as he rammed into her before her juices were squirting, soaking and dripping down his front, his head thrown back as he bellowed out his triumph all over again, seeding the second mare of the day. So heavy was his orgasm that his seed openly sloshed down her hind legs, spilling out in a thick, creamy deluge, his balls not as yet over-used. Lisson heaved for breath, flanks shuddering, and hung her head, barely able to last out through his climax, his kinky play having taken so much from her.

Of course, he had not worn anything to form any kind of barrier between his pussy and his shaft, increasingly aware that the risk of the mares becoming pregnant from his actions was...very high. And that only lent the breeding an ever more erotic edge, knowing that he was satisfying such a carnal need in their lives, something that otherwise only a stallion could do. Was he the first orc to have such an idea? Surely he was the only one in recent times, at the very least, who could please them so!

There could only be one way to find out and, as he withdrew, still hard, from Lisson, the other mares crowded around, all eager to be next on the list, nickering and jostling for prime position. And, like the first two to take him, they introduced themselves with eager little whinnies that played out as music to his ears. He kissed all muzzles that presented themselves curiously to his lips, although more still found his balls and cock, lapping the delicious (apparently) infusion of his seed and mare-juices off his length with obvious groans of raw relish.





One by one, they gave him their names but it would take Vergu more than one breeding session to learn them as the mares doted on his cock and he pressed his lips willingly up to a twitching marehood, which was light grey splashed through with pink. The vulnerability of the mare's sex was not lost on him as she trusted him to push his tongue into her without catching his tusks on her sex, her tenderness pulsing lightly around his tongue. He delved his tongue into her honey pot and she nickered, bobbing her head. That one was Kazza, a mare that he would come to know as sweet and kind, white with black spots dotting her coat as if she had been splashed with war paint herself. He loved her for that first of all but her personality was what kept his love over the course of time that was to come at that point.

She grunted and lifted her tail over his head, the long hairs draping down softly over his head and the back of his shoulders, covering him in a curtain. And, still, other mares that he could not quite see for his vision was full of Kazza's hindquarters nipped and suckled at his shaft with all the pressure and tenderness that they could manage, working the pecking order out amongst themselves to see who got the treat of his cock. Thankfully for them, however, it was more than large enough for three of them to all have a taste, lapping up his salty-thick cum with obvious relish and eager little twitches.

He lapped and teased, even delving around her folds in order to seek out that fat, pulsing nub of her clit, pulling her folds back to expose it. It was not a part of equine anatomy that readily showed itself but it was ever so obvious when she winked, her sex pulsating as if she could not contain her lust any longer. Groaning against her, he lashed it with his tongue over and over again until the mare shuddered violently and could bear it no longer, half-rearing and bearing back down onto his head and neck as she exploded into climax.

Juices squirting, soaking his face, the orc gasped and pushed up, leaning over her as he claimed her in the instant that followed, accidentally pushing away those that were lavishing attention on his aching shaft. Her orgasm continued on around him as she rocked and trembled, curls of sweat darkening her hide in lewd patches of eroticism, her ears splayed submissively as she took every last inch of his desperately aching cock. He fucked her fervently, claiming her as if she was the last he would ever have, the heights of his passions spilling forth in a way that simply could not be contained. In the height of the rut with the thick, heady around of fertile mares around him, there was no way that Vergu could have stopped even if he'd wanted to - but it was a good thing too that the mares had no intention either of stopping him!

As he pounded her, Kazza splayed her kind legs, grunting for him to fill her, however breathless her words were. She wanted a foal in her belly as badly as he wanted to put one there and Vergu was not going to disappoint her. Fingers digging into her flesh, firmed up with muscle, he roared and slammed in, testing just how much she could take with his harshest, crudest strokes yet, driving in over and over again as her whole body rocked and reverberated with the force of his thrusts.

"Breed her!"

"Stretch her out!"

"Fill her!"

"Me next!"

"Oh, c'mon, you can go harder than that!"

That last one was Elvira but she stood in proud and haughty testament to his breeding prowess, cum still spilling down her hind legs and soaking her tail as if she had just waded through a river. The black mare smirked as well as a horse could and winked at him, Kazza heaving for breath beneath the breeding stud of the moment as he ground in over and over again until he reached the ultimate end that he had been angling for all along. After all, with such a hot cunny squeezing and massaging his cock, how could he possibly think that she didn't want every last drop of cum from him?

Grunting, he hunkered down, letting her dip her hind end slightly and grind back against him, making sure that his balls swung up to slap her lightly with each and every thrust, even rising far enough forward to tease her udders. The mare beneath him nickered weakly, although she was only encouraging him on, needing the orc's cum but not knowing, even then, quite how to articulate it. But there was a universal language in the tremble of the body of a needy female and he read it correctly, hammering her brutally with powerful, driving thrusts that made her quake, on the edge of another climax as she tensed, preparing to squirt all over again.

Yet, that time, it was Vergu who reached his peak first and his roar shattered crows from the tree-line, the other members of the herd joining in with keen, excited neighs. They knew that his climax meant that one of them was next and they hustled to be first in line, even Elvira tossing her head and demanding that she was included, even though she had already been bred. And spurt after spurt of thick, virile cum poured into Kazza, the mare bloating out slightly from the sheer volume of it, fattening up at the back of her flanks where she should never have been able to swell unless she was with foal. But if he was a very lucky orc indeed with his lovely mares, he'd have the lusty privilege of seeing that manner of swelling very shortly.

She allowed herself to be led away from him in a daze, tail still flagged as if Kazza still thought she was in any kind of a fit state in which to breed. She could barely support her weight but that didn't stop her from nickering fondly to the orc as she was allowed to rest, the other mares setting her down on the ground in that ungainly fashion horses had of folding their limbs in and letting their weight do the work along with gravity to lay themselves down. But that didn't mean that they were good and done as an aptly dun mare sashayed her way up to him at a flirty trot, picking up her feet and spinning about as if to show off her moves.

He wracked his brain, although most of it was befuddled anyway with breeding lust, the earthy aromas of their mating sessions swirling around as if held there by some manner of magic. Yet if there was any kind of magic at play it was the bonding of two hearts over and over again as each mare left a part of themselves with the orc, Vergu giving of himself as freely and as passionately as he ever had.

Sasha. Her name was Sasha.

"Come on, orc!" She sassed him, flicking her tail up into his face with a decidedly saucy expression on even her long, equine muzzle. "Think you can handle this much mare?"

To be fair to her, her backside was exceptionally large and round and he licked his lips, going in for a taste of her dripping, squirting cunny before actually proceeding, her sweetness so palatable that it was a wonder that he didn't stay there all day long, lips buried in her sex. Her folds twitched and pulled around his tongue and lips, betraying her need, and there was no way he was going to deny her.

Pushing up over her, Vergu murmured his appreciation of her gift to him even as he pushed in, head throbbing with an intense ache that didn't feel at all like it could be relieved by stopping what he was doing. He needed her and there was a new feel to her velvety coat, her thin it was, silken beneath his fingers. Rest and respite would be needed soon enough but, for the moment, he merely took it slowly and passionately, relishing in the sensations that her hot cunny provided him with, the rippling massage of her sex pulling around him as if her body was striving to draw him deeper and deeper with every passing second. How could he resist such a call?

And, so, he thrust and thrust until he made her belly swollen too with his seed, balls slowly draining and growing tired with the fervour of sexual activity that was required to please them all. Still, they had more time to recover than he did and he knew that his services would be required again soon to the others, the sweet kisses and nuzzles not enough to satisfy them when they had so much more that they yearned for from him. Stomping and neighing as her belly swelled with his seed, Sasha braced herself back against him, keeping every last inch of his cock buried inside her even as she climaxed too, unwilling to even lose a bit of him at the very pinnacle of her own pleasure.

He did not stop there with the dun mare, however, letting his shaft recover and pound into her tail hole too, teasing her with eroticism that she, before that day, had never dreamed of. And the load of cum he dumped in there too would not sire a foal even if it did add a certain something to the burning conundrum of her desire. She could not even help but climax as he found each and every sensitive spot in her tail hole, marehood winking furiously throughout, pushing out thick, creamy, messy dollops of his cum and yet still, somehow, managing to leave the majority of it inside as he heaved for breath, sweat trickling down his back from between his shoulder blades and the nape of his neck.

Elvira recovered, the black mare swinging back around to him with her huge hindquarters thrust back at him, marehood winking lewdly. It didn't seem to matter to her that she had already gotten her fill and that the orc still had other mares to breed, to cover - mares that he hadn't even touched yet! - when she still wanted something too. And there was something about the orc and his almost leathery, green skin that drew her in, a moth to the flame that would not serve to burn her, but bring them together in an ever-greater desire for breeding passion.

She wiggled her rump at him when the orc did not react instantly, although his fingers twitched at his sides, cock half-hard and yet still throbbing desperately as if there was still so very much more that he had to give. And maybe that was just as well for him with one particularly desperate mare sashaying her black hindquarters up to him, the silken swish of her tail more than enough to garner his attention even if her gleaming flanks were not.

"Think you have another round in you, orc, or are you not stallion enough for this mare?"

Oh, there was a challenge laced her words and Vergu could not help but tilt in towards her, his lower jaw dropping slightly as if he was not able to control himself in the lustful divinity of the moment. The breeze rippling through the valley picked up the long hairs of her tail so that it floated across her hindquarters like an offering, the velvety smooth dock of her tail exposed. Her wide 'hips' were on display, for the orc could not have possibly have found a better way to put into words what he lusted after so terribly, heart in his mouth as he groaned deep in the back of his throat, cock pulsing drop after drop of glistening pre-cum. Elvira smirked as well as any mare could, backing up to the frozen orc completely and grinding into him, her marehood seeking out his cock. Poor Vergu, caught up in the spell of the black magic mare, could not help but grope and squeeze her hind end, running his paws around and over her firm flesh reverently, much larger than the buttocks of any orc could be. Maybe a Tauren could have come close but, well, he couldn't have said, honestly, that he got on with many of them and no one, of course, was ever going to come close to Elvira as a breeding partner once she had had her fill of him.

"Mount me," she grunted, tail flagged obscenely and pressed up against his stomach, flicking higher, eagerly so. "Fuck me... There's not enough cum in me yet to sire a foal!"

What sort of orc would he be if he did not accept such a kindly and lustfully offered invitation? Vergu was on her in but an instant, squeezing his cock back between those so very soft folds, wrapping around him like silk. Then there was the warmth of her back end, her tail pressed up, so much happening all at once that it was all he could do to stay in the present moment, groping and running his hands over the muscle that rounded out her 'butt', gleaming beneath the dappled sunshine.

The shade helped some but, still, there was a heat to their liaison, his cock grinding in and deep as her cunny squeezed around him. Whickering lustfully, she seemed to be trying, yet again, to drag his cock deeper and deeper, her heat drawing a rise of sweat to his body as the droplets beaded and splashed down onto her own dark coat. And there they lay, rolling and tracing a path over her delicious hindquarters, all the power and drama that their darkness contained. Vergu grunted: how could he have possibly have known that they held such dark passion within them on first coming across the mares?

"Yes, that's it," the mare groaned, a hiss almost seeming to roil through her words as if she had suddenly become predatory, driven there by ecstasy alone. "Harder. I said harder!"

It was as if she didn't even need to ask as he gave her everything he had and more, every slam of his cock driving her huge hind end forward, forcing her to brace, her hooves spread and tail hiked. Vergu gave her everything he had, balls already seeming to tighten as he prepared to unload his cock into her all over again, his need coming above even his desire to hold back, to demonstrate his stamina in the best way that an orc like him possibly could.

But the black mare had a hidden agenda too, eyeing up the mares that she felt she was better than - after all, she was the first of them all to get the stud that they all needed! Didn't that even make her top over the lead mare? Of course, her sassy desperation would have to be set back in its place eventually but the mare revelled in the moment, flanks heaving for breath as her large heart pounded and pounded.

Yet she could not stop herself from looking at the others who had been taken, grunting and groaning with their bellies seeming to overflow with his cum, noticeably swollen. Maybe they already thought that they were heavy with his foal or maybe they would not be sated with just one round - just like her. Sasha, however, was the worst of them all, having only then been bred before Elvira took her place, light flanks darkened in crude swirls of sodden hair, sweating profusely even as their joint herd-mates encouraged her to drink some water, to rest, to recover her strength. They said that she would need it for her foal.

Elvira laughed hoarsely, breath stolen from her lungs by the wrath and passion of that pounding, driving cock.

"You that tired...huff...huh, Sasha?" She teased, despite the evil glint in her eye, teeth ever so slightly bared as if to hint at the prelude to a dominant bite. "Couldn't take it? I can imagine... You know who's better here...unff... Who can properly take a shaft like this!"

"Quiet, Elvira!"

But Elvira was on a roll, too far gone as Vergu filled her over and over again, only caught up in the spell of breeding that would snatch her up and away until she was nothing more than an exhausted heap of sweaty coat and limbs on the grass. Sasha picked up her head slowly, licking her lips, a little of the light returning to her eyes.

"I can..."

"No, Sasha, stay down!"

"Yes, you'll have your chance again, relax, filly."

Vergu eyed them, wondering if he should step in, but it would have taken a better orc than he was to pull out of a hot cunny now that he was so very close to the edge. Why, even in that moment, his brain was taken over by the spill of cum, growling deep in the back of his throat as he powered in at the very moment that Elvira lost interest in her teasing, unleashing his creamy lust deep into her passage, each and every last one of his droplets of sperm seeking out all the promise that lay within. Her passage closed around him, marehood winking and pulling around the length of his cock, but neither of them was all that with it, considering just how violently their orgasms took them up into the ever-loving arms of ecstasy.

Sasha, however, was not to be bested, the mare staggering up while they were trapped in climax, his cock pumping and pumping to add another load of seed to his partner's cunny. The dun mare was begged to stay down, to recover her strength, but little did they all know that she had already recovered all the strength that she could need. A quietly savvy force thrumming below the surface of the herd, she had a tongue that cut like the lash of a whip but no creature, human, Tauren or other, would ever dare to take one to her hide. No, Sasha was untameable and not even Elvira was going to get the better of her.

The black mare's ears pricked up as Sasha approached, even waddling a bit (or seeming to, at least, with the weight of all that cum inside her). Her eyes widened and she let out a snort of disbelief, pushing her weight back onto her hindquarters and against Vergu as the orc stayed still inside her, breathing heavily and allowing his cock to come back, slowly, to full hardness. Well, if Elvira wanted another round or two, he was going to make the most of it, her passage rippling and squeezing around him, demonstrating shockingly accurate muscular control for a mare.

Vergu grunted. Was this how it really felt to be a stallion? Powerful and in control, in demand while the rest of the herd circled, as hungry as a pack of wolves before a kill. And yet there was to be no kill or even any kind of conflict as Elvira and Sasha faced off against one another, need rising through the taut lines of their bodies, fit and ready to be bred.

"He's taking...me next," Sasha defied her with a proud arch to her neck. "You're done for now, Elvira."

But the dark-coated equine only laughed, shaking her head as Vergu, without thinking, thrust again, just about ready for another round, balls tightening and churning for more. Although, when he thought about it later, that could have been his body telling him that he was due a break too, although he was too wanton to care at that point in time and that was okay too.

"Nooo... I think I'll keep him a while. I'm the better broodmare than you, Sasha," Elvira goaded her even as the dun mare staggered on her hooves, heaving herself along with a grunt that seemed to come up from the depths of her belly. "He'll keep breeding me and breeding me and I'll be the first to drop my foal here!"


The dun mare rolled her head from one side to the other, working out the kinks in her poll.

"Come and get it then," she neighed, flicking her head so that her mane spilt in a luxurious, black fall to the other side of her neck. "You need it, stud, don't you? You don't need that other mare... I bet you can't even feel her wrapped around your cock with how loose she is!"

Her words may have seemed biting but it was all in good fun and play between two mares in the depths of their season. Truly, things may well have been different if herds of mares did not tend to push each other into season once one had it and the only real rest and respite that would come to any of them would be when their bellies swelled with foal and not just Vergu's cum. Even then, however, Sasha's stomach bulged as the orc's seed pooled inside her, although that was nothing in comparison to the heft roundness of her rump, the dun coat with black points drawing him in and in and in.

"Hey... What are you looking at? Pay attention to me!"

But Vergu could not keep his eyes off the dun horse's winking marehood, the pulse and twitch of her folds pushing out dollop after dollop of thick cum. It was nothing, of course, in comparison to the sheer volume driven up into her passage, possibly even spilling into her womb, but it stained her legs as it drooled, coating the points of her hocks. She lifted her tail high for the orc's pleasure, showing off her thick, round hindquarters, her legs splayed and braced already as if for his lust and attention.

"Come now," she cooed throatily, tail flagged off to the side. "You know you want me more, Vergu. You want this mare... Not that one."

And he did, although he was, truly, spoilt for choice. Elvira huffed and grunted, slamming back at him for his attention, but Vergu was lost to another, using the black mare only as a willing hole to be bred as he ground in over and over again, hips working furiously. The slick sound of his cock sliding within her squelched lewdly to the ears of all who dared to bear witness and even the other mares hustled in slowly, crowding closer just for a better view of that fat length of orc-meat, his breeding spear, driving into her, Elvira's folds pulling and tugging around him every time he pulled back or drove in to the furthest extent he could.

"Take me instead," Sasha coaxed him, swaying her huge 'hips' for her orc stud, luring him in with the coyest little grin that an equine could ever hope to give. "You know you want to... What's she got that I don't? She's got your seed.... But you should give it to the better broodmare."

The orc grunted and, just like that, his cock slipped out in a spray of pre-cum, her sexual arousal and more cum still, Elvira's cunt working to push it out as if she wanted to make room for more. And yet the black seductress barely had a moment in which to gasp, eyes wide and rolling with a hint of white, as his cock teased up, cramming back into her in the next instant. But the hole that the smirking Vergu chose as the mare's pussy clenched and squirted in climax was not her marehood but the saucy tightness of her tail hole.


No, there really was no other sound of delight that Vergu could make as he kept his eyes fixed on Sasha, the dun mare dancing and squirting before him, shifting her weight constantly from one hind leg to the other, her tail lifted high to show off the goods. Bracing her hind legs, she demonstrated her readiness to him, squirting her juices in the rippling push of her marehood, the wink forcing more and more out. His nostrils flared and sucked in greedy breaths, for what orc could not do so, caught up in the divine lust of filling her tightest of holes? Each thrust of his cock brought yet another spurt of luxurious juices from Elvira's cunny, marehood pulsating madly as if it simply could not bear to hold any more inside but had to squirt and squirt and then some more all over again too!

"Ohhh... Is she not tight enough to get you off quickly there? So much so that you had to put it up under her tail instead?"

Giggling, Sasha flicked her tail coyly, showing off all she had to offer to the orc, her head held salaciously high. Everything about her oozed confidence and the mare gave a saucy little nicker, swinging her 'hips' for him all over again, knowing that he wasn't able to resist her. Her dun flanks were dark with sweat but that only added to her sex appeal, swinging back and forth, back and forth, her marehood showing off a delicious flash of pink amidst the dark flesh of her folds.

"Go on... I'll wait. My passage is tighter than hers..."

"Will you shut up?!"

But Elvira wasn't about to intimidate Sasha as Vergu gripped her back end, squeezing his fingers delectably into her flesh, his thrusts increasing tenfold. On and on and on, there was no holding back as his hips worked like a jackhammer, driving in deep and hard for their ultimate, joined pleasure, even Elvira having trouble not climaxing again, even though she wouldn't want to hold something like that back.

"Wouldn't want to waste anything now, would you?" Sasha grunted, head tilted cockily. "Fill her deep now... I want a fresh load off you!"

Elvira screamed her disapproval, teeth lashing out on the end of a whiplash-like neck with the reach of a serpent, but all she received for her trouble of dominance was Sasha's tail in her face. And the orc's cock felt too good jammed up under her tail, spreading open her tight, round pucker, that she could not help herself from snorting and bearing back against him, letting the weight of her muscled hind end ease him deeper still, crotch flush up against her hindquarters.


That came from Vergu, although not even he could have honestly said that he understood what was going on between the two mares. All he knew was that his nuts churned and churned, the sensation of something moving within them, eager to be spilt, rising up to consume his every being. And it had to be unloaded too, spilling thick and heady and lusciously into the mare beneath him, her tail hole clenching around him as she too shrieked out her orgasm, mare-ish sounds contrasting sharply with the dull roar of an orc. Her marehood tucked down, forcing out more and more of her juices, squirting against his crotch and soaking his balls, cock slick with his cum and all that he pumped luxuriously under her tail, slowing his thrusts with a huff and a grunt as if he thought that he had all the time in the world.

But there was only time to spill most of his load before her hindquarters were bopped away sharply by a needier mare and, this time, Elvira herself was too tired to stop her. That did not prevent, however, her marehood from rippling and squirting, soaking those behind her even as she was shunted aside, nearly toppling over before another equine body came up to support her through her recovery from those breeding sessions, rough and carnal, too.

"Now..." She murmured huskily. "Show me what you've got, orc... Vergu..."

He should have been done and he most certainly too should have been spent but something about those massively thick and round hindquarters kept him hard, cock bobbing wantonly before the darkness of her sex, tucked up beneath her tail and the less than forbidden hole there too. He wasn't going to hold back with her - well, hadn't she wanted him that badly? - and smirked subtly as he teased his cock between her folds, letting the shift and grind of her hindquarters do the work for him.

Even that little movement, however, affected her and she gasped, arching her neck down as her lips parted, sucking in breath valiantly through her nostrils.

"Ohhh... Yesss..."

So, it seemed that Sasha too could be pushed almost to the point of begging, for all her boldness and determination to take him. Although she had well and truly recovered from being taken, her legs quivered as he pressed his cock up to her folds, teasing her on the precipice as he leaned back solely to take in and admire the roundness of her back end.

"Hm... Looks like you might even be in foal already back here..."

But he didn't give her a chance to reply, oh no. Elvira watched their union lustfully as he slammed in, giving Sasha every bit of the rough ride that she had wanted right from the beginning. There was to be no sensuality nor any love in the driving, powerful strokes and each one sent a tremor through her, dark legs quaking from the sheer force she needed to put into bracing against him. And yet she still nickered and called for him, stamping a hoof when she dared, begging him to fuck her harder, to make her his, to put a foal in her belly.

Orgasm after orgasm came, the first more swiftly than the rest. Maybe it was the show of her swinging hindquarters, her large, wide, birthing 'hips', but something about her made him grit his teeth, hunkering down like a feral beast as he bred her, not taking into consideration her care or comfort as he only sought to spill his seed. And the act of this itself too suited Sasha perfectly, his thrusts reminding her of the stallion that she had dreamed of before he had become a Tauren riding mount. That was a shame but it only meant that she then had more time to spend with Vergu and all that their lustful future could hold for, already, she could not see herself letting him go from the herd.

His seed flooded her passage and the mare groaned, rolling her head back and forth, despite there not being anything all that much that she could do to work out those kinks. No, she needed him to hammer into her, to rock her body, to make her feel like a filly being bred all over again, although she had not long ago been a virgin mare, in all honesty. And that was fine too for she could not think of any other way that she could want to lose her virginity than to his shaft.

Vergu snarled, saliva drooling from his tusks as he bred her, stroke after stroke dominating her cunny. He spent himself but did not even stop thrusting, cum splattering our around his hot length of breeding-meant as he took her over and over again. He was a beast, an animal, something that could not be tamed and that was perfect for the mares, the ideal breeding partner who could fill them to the brim with seed, swelling them out, repeatedly and listen to their every need. He heard Sasha nickering to go deeper even though his cock was already as deep as it could go but that did not call halt to him trying all the harder to please her, sweat dripping from his body as he spent load after load into her marehood.

She squirted, their lusty liaison a mess of hot, dripping juices, her lighter fluids colouring his cream as it soaked and stained her hind legs. There was no question that she would reek pleasantly of him for weeks and, by then, there would already be a foal growing in her body, reminding her of the new life that was to come, still to be born. Off to the side, Elvira seemed to have recovered with no bad feelings and swished a tail soaked with cum in the other mare's face as she grinned and flashed her a wink too, although it was not one given with her eyes.

"Doesn't he feel good? My foal will still be stronger but his mating, oh..."

Sasha panted heavily, too caught up to reply, ears slipping back against her skull. Another orgasm clawed at her and she tried to paw at the ground, almost losing her balance as Elvira darted in to support her. Pressing up against her side as the dun mare was viciously and lustfully bred, just as she wanted to be, Elvira supported her through it, presenting Vergu with two hot mare asses to admire as he fucked and fucked to his ultimate pleasure and completion.

The hot load he pounded deep into Sasha would seed her foal to come and she whispered to him as his final load for the moment flowed into her just how strong he would be, just how much she loved being bred by him. If her marehood pushing out more and more of her juices in another squirting session, however, it was hard to tell with the copious volume of cum following into and out of her, swelling out her belly more and more, reminding her, in advance, how it would feel to be heavy with foal. Her flanks reverberated and Elvira rolled her eyes at the over the top words that were so crudely spent, but not even she really complained as her marehood twitched once again on the edge of squirting, wanting more, to present herself and be taken all over again.

There were other mares, however, demanding their turn and even Elvira could not keep them all aside as they lightly nipped and kicked and jostled, working out the pecking order of breeding between themselves. And Vergu, as he always did, would rise to the occasion with the pride of a horny stud with his lusty, delightful harem.

More and more... There was no end and he learned just how Pretya liked to have her teats massaged, pulled and released repeatedly, after he sussed that Juliet held a fiery streak to her, eyes burning with lust that only multiple anal penetrations could sate, stomach hanging down under the weight of all that he unloaded into her. And yet covering all of them once did not satisfy them as he pressed his lips to marehood after marehood, stinking wonderfully of mare-juice and the thick tartness of their season-scent, what made them so extra alluring, Juliet such a horny mare indeed that she returned to him over and over again, whimpering and debasing herself so sweetly that he could not help but pick himself up from the edge of exhaustion all over again as he needed her pussy, her tightness and the lusts she rekindled for him after so many years.

He hadn't thought that anyone would look at him with that fire in their eyes ever again.

The mares desired him and he pleased them all with his lips and cock over and over again until they collapsed in the cool of the trees, dried pine needles stuck to skin and light coats of hair alike, laughing without the breath to do so in the giddiness of the afterglow. For they all knew without actually needing to say it out loud as Vergu kissed Elvira hungrily, tongue invading her mouth, that there was something more between them all that would be shown in the time to come as their bellies swelled fat and heavy and luscious with far more than just the cum of one orc.

Even if he was suddenly a very, very special orc to them.


Months later, Vergu was well with his little herd of mares, having taken his harem down on the plains a little way to a more peaceful area where he was more confident that they would not be disturbed. The spot he'd chosen held the semblance of containing them (so that no one would hunt or come after them) but they were free to come and go as they pleased, knowing up to unlatch the gate and make their way to the other side of the fenced off pasture if they so desired.

Many of the mares, including Elvira and Sasha, were heavy with his offspring, although none of them knew quite as yet whether they would drop foals or young orcs - or maybe hybrids of both. Only time would tell and everyone was eager to meet them, the mares who had not taken the first time going through more and more seasons until Vergu had impregnated every last one of them. They loved him too as much as he loved them, horses giving their adoration more freely than orcs, which he was, at least, thankful for. That element of gentleness in his life was needed too, as much as they did challenge him and tease him at times, their companionship ever-present and what any self-respecting orc needed from time with those he loved. There was no sense, after all, in being bored and, in time, he would go away to fight for the Horde, returning with the knowledge that he was fighting for them - a more than just cause.

They'd soothe his wounds then and nuzzle his chest, praise his strength, maybe even make him regale them with tales of the world while they lusted after him, making him slam into their marehoods and tail holes, one after the other. There would be no end to their passion for him, always kept fresh and interesting by the constant shift in the mares and herd dynamics as they grew fatter and fatter repeatedly with his seed, plump with either his cum or pregnant bellies caused by such.

Groaning, Vergu fucked them over and over, losing track of time and sense when he was with them. Was there anything better in the world than to be with the sweet harem of his herd? And whatever would have come of him if he had never found them? That didn't bear thinking about... He just had to be happy with his home, the pasture that he had purchased for them, forsaking his hut in the depths of Orgrimmar. It was a better life with them and he never went without either when his mares were there with him.

When they dropped their little ones, he would breed them again and again, as many times over as they demanded of him. And, if he knew his lovely mares well, he could only imagine that they would challenge his stamina all over again as they already had so many times before. But now the past held a change and a turning point where he gained the companionship of those who relished his size rather than shying away from it, moaning out his name as he claimed them, even though sometimes he wasn't all that sure just who was claiming who.

As he buried his cock into the pregnant Sasha's marehood, on the edge of spilling his seed, Vergu knew that it did not matter. Nothing mattered as long as he was with his mares, all happy and wanting, lustful and sated in all ways beneath the line of trees and the pond that they could bathe in the heat of summer days, sealing away their hides from the nuisance of flies. He provided everything for them and all the love he doled out to them, seed flooding the dun mare's cunny even as her belly swelled further with it, they gave back to him sweetly and freely.

Orcs and mares truly did make the best pairings.

Edging for Impregnation

**Edging for Impregnation** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Gerplexan_ "Bye! See you all again soon! Bye! Love you!" Rebecca hung out the car window, the white-furred vixen grinning madly as she waved off...

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Seducing His Father: Chapter Two

**Seducing His Father** **Chapter Two** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ It was impossible not to fantasise about him, the sexy demon cougar with his glowing eyes as she ground her teeth together...

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Breeding His Mother

**Breeding His Mother** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ Kao lay stretched out on the queen-size bed with his mother. It was wrong from that note alone but oh so very right too, the blue drake's...

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