Deer Lust

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragon corners several herds of deer for his kinky pleasure in the orgy of the rut...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Deer Lust

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar

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Xigfeldo strolled into the clearing as if he owned the place - well, technically, he did, considering that it was his territory. Early dawn light glittered off his scales, a tantalising mixture of black and silver, although the silver sparkled a little more prominently in the early light, still casting long shadows over the grass, damp with droplets of dew. His stomach rumbled with hunger but he slipped through the clearing with due notice paid to him, deer scattering even as the herd that he had so callously stalked flicked their ears, their white tails twitching in warning.

He could have been more cautious and quiet in his approach but, well, it was not as if they could evade him. He had more tools at his disposal than merely his teeth and claws and his water affinity allowed him more scope to catch them. It was fun to spice up the chase too from time to time as he noted the different breeds of deer together, from the smaller fallow deer with flat, cup-like antlers to the largest red deer, standing tall and proud, their antlers the most powerful and dominant of them all. Sika deer flitted through them too, although they were smaller in number, but the smaller roe with their pointed, upright antlers caught his attention at that time, although their antlers were not as nice of a trophy after a meal as some of the others could be.

Decisions, decisions... Which to choose?

Yet not all of the deer were, as yet, aware of his presence. Two young bucks bellowed and stamped, warming up to challenge one another, the only ones that had not realised that the dragon was near, watching patiently from the outskirts, although it should have been more than simply a little difficult to ignore him. They were caught up in challenging one another for breeding rights and the rut was a season that felled many a deer, their passion to pass on their genetic line so very often sealing their fates in the worst of ways. Ducking their heads, they charged and locked antlers, 'wrestling' as four-legged creatures were apt to do, twisting first one way and then the other as they strove to best one another.

Watching them as the more sensible members of the herd inched away, eyeing him apprehensively, Xigfeldo licked his lips, although he was no longer thinking of merely snapping up the cervine treats within his jaws. No, his sharp teeth glistened with drool for something else entirely as he approached, lowering his head to the oblivious stags as even the does that had been waiting for the champion of their pairing scattered, red deer hinds and fallow deer does springing away with fear lightening their cloven hooves.

They should have seen him, his bulk blocking out the dawn as others darted away, murmuring and whispering amongst themselves, not able to discern just what this beast of the sky wanted, the crest atop his head standing proud between his horns, that light, sensual curve drawing the eye down the length of them, pointing back from his skull. Yes, he was a beauty of a beast to behold in his might and splendour, parting his massive jaws as he released, even then, a soft flood of musk and pheromones, his body taking on the musk of a deer in rut, from his cloaca.

"My _dear_stags..."

Xigfeldo lowered his head beside them, startling the younger bucks apart, even though they were clearly of breeding age. They froze, terror lacing every taut, stringent muscle in their bodies. Red deer, they had a small rack of antlers already, although they had nothing on a fully-grown stag of more breeding seasons than they, so far, held, quivering as they strove to decide between fight or flight, neither one being more sensible in such close proximity than the other.

"Perhaps you should switch to a new competition. This one hardly seems...fruitful."

Their moist noses snuffled wetly, tongues lapping out to tease up a stream of errant moisture, bodies working in overdrive as they fought to understand what was happening, what the dragon intended for them. Were they about to be eaten, snapped up in one bite - or maybe two, with their size? Ah, but Xigfeldo was not a dragon to miss an opportunity when it was so delightfully presented to him, licking his chops lustfully as he cast his eyes over them, their fine forms with a coat of reddish-brown fur covering hard muscle and sinew.

They were every bit of the growing rut-stags they wanted to be but he could offer them something better in the challenge and the plot for being the best breeder... Whether or not they would go for his suggestion, however, was another question.

"How can you tell who is the best suited to breed from rutting and crashing antlers?" He admonished them with a shake of his head, mournful and woeful as if a great travesty had come to be. "There is no sense in this display of violence. You should show off just who is the most virile and powerful of you all by doing something real, something other than ramming antlers together. This crude display is not for stags like you!"

Ah, it was grandiose and even a little of the tension in the bodies of the deer released slightly, ears flicking, striving to understand. But no one had a chance to ask just what Xigfeldo meant as he stepped back with a grand sweep of his wing, laying down on his side, legs stretched out and his cloaca, complete with both a feminine entrance tucked within and the beginnings of his cock protruding out (just the tip), on show.

The closest stag's jaw dropped, nose quivering, and Xigfeldo chuckled delightedly, a rumble rising up from deep within him, want growing. Now, here was a better way to enjoy the day!

"You will see how is the clear winner of your challenges now, the rut that you hold in such high regard amongst your kind" he murmured, although he did not need to cajole the deer all that much when everyone had a due investment in not being eaten. "But the worst loser, the one who is the runt, the very bottom rung of the herd... Well, they will be eaten, of course. There is no sense in keeping weak blood around to infiltrate and poison the strength of the herd - a herd in my territory, might I add. That is only fair and right, is it not?"

"No, it is not fair!" The larger of the two stags before him exploded, rearing and pawing at the air, kicking out as he exhibited every manoeuvre that may have allowed him to evade in the case of a chase. "No, no, no - you are a dragon and we are deer! That is not how it works, that's not the order of things! Why would you play games with us like that?"

And maybe it was a game but it was one that, ultimately, would bring great pleasure to everyone involved, even if the deer did not know or understand that in its entirety quite as yet. Xigfeldo growled and the stag shuddered back, legs splayed and trembling even as his companion more boldly raised his head, despite being a couple of inches shorter.

"Are you frightened?" He goaded on the other, tossing his head proudly, showing off his antlers. "My, my... You must think that you're going to lose. Dragon, what test do you want us to perform? Breeding one another? Surely that begets the purpose of the rut itself?"

But Xigfeldo had something far more trying in mind than that, something that he would have to exude as much of his pheromones as he could, the air around his cloaca thickening with the essence of his cervine musk. Taking on the scent of creatures in his territory was something that he had a special skill for, although most dragons had the ability where they possessed the glands, allowing them to become more adept at hunting at the very least where their prey was keen on being closer to them and not fleeing immediately. It made for easier, quieter meals in that sense but others like the dragon wanted something more, his shaft pushing out from his cloaca in his readiness, spreading the edges just enough to show off the soft, feminine vent within, glistening with his arousal and the thick, musky oil of his scent, the scent that drew them in.

They stared, his aroma clouding their senses, although they only, of course, needed a little persuasion to come to the understanding of what he and his body were offering them, Xigfeldo's tail raised to show off the treat that lay beneath, leaving nothing at all to the imagination. The scales tinted a little more silver around his cloaca and he rumbled a keen growl, eyes half-lidded, a little warmer than usual even though his body was apt to run cooler than most. It had been a long time since he had had a deer and that was quite what he used the lure of musk and scent for rather than the mere, base act of hunter. It was, after all, just one more pleasure that he could take from life, sweetness to differentiate one wanton day from the next as he learned, lived and loved.


The stag's mouth opened and closed, Xigfeldo shifting his weight with a twitch of muscles to pulse the scent of him out all the more strongly from his cloaca, wafting it with the lure of what he could do for them, what he wanted from them. His lower jaw fell slack, the stag approaching one tentative step after the other, swaying lightly as if he had become a serpent charmed, antlers bobbing and weaving, caught up in a spell of lust that could only possibly be undone by one thing. Luckily for him, Xigfeldo had that one, very special, thing for him.

"My name is Xigfeldo, little stag, and you would do well to use it with the proper respect if you are to have your pleasure with me in our little competition here."

The stag gulped and nodded sharply, the power dynamic of control between them obvious even though he would have rather have pretended that all was fine and good, the rut in full swing with both does and hinds watching on. Yet it could not be so when a greater challenge was at stake and he could not help that his body trembled with a vibrant ache to spill his seed, breeding lust getting the better of him at a moment where he really should have been talking with his full sense and capabilities.

"Yes, sir..."

Clacking his jaws sharply together, Xigfeldo threw his head back, startling the growing, curiously needy, crowd of deer back, all species coming together with no differentiation between their various herds. When it came to the rut, they were only interested in the best and he was the biggest and the best breeder of them all!

Whether they came to see that or not, he would have his fill of each and every last one of them.

The bravest stag stepped forward, swayed by the heady pheromones flooding the air, the scent of what his mind could only take as a hind in need flooding his senses. The dragon... Xigfeldo... Xigfeldo was a drake, was he not? But there was very clearly a feminine sex tucked away in there too, the scent of it mixed with earthy, peaty musk, a cervine aroma that drew him in, wanting it even if the body did not match up to the scent.


The stag pushed the thought of what he was doing from his mind as he pushed up onto his hind legs, the slim spire of his breeding tool slipping out from the wedge of a sheath tucked in protectively close to his underbelly, the crook of his hind legs where they met his torso. Nothing on a deer was intended to be left vulnerable with how frequently they were hunted, living in herds so that the weakest members, in theory, were the ones that fell prey to predators, leaving the strongest to thrive and continue on their bloodlines. And yet he had to make himself vulnerable as his cock ached for attention, gleaming as if it had already, perhaps, been lubricated by a willing tongue.

He just had to not think about what may happen if he was not successful, if he was the worst of the herd. Maybe it was all a ploy to get him close enough so that the drake could truly rejoice in snapping his jaws shut around his neck, the hot rush of blood warming his cool scales, but the stag hardly felt as if he had any kind of choice in the matter. The dawn rose, as golden as ever with a spray of soft, puffy clouds streaking the sky, but he only hoped that he would live to see another one as he pushed wantonly into the dragon's cloaca, blindly seeking out the feminine warmth that instinct told him was enveloped warmly in there.

Xigfeldo grunted as he was filled, nostrils twitching as if he ached to take a deeper breath than he was willing to. It had not been long at all since the last time he'd had the pleasure of a cock inside his feminine parts but it had been too long since he'd had that searing rod of deer shoved up inside him. There was something about the way they thrust, erratic and demanding, that quickened his pulse, body reacting as he flooded the air with an ever-increasing number of pheromones, keen for more.

"There now, little hoof... That was not so difficult, was it?"

Yet the stag would have to disagree that it was not difficult - on the contrary, it was very difficult! He could fail at any moment and yet he had to keep on thrusting, caught between two opposing courses of action and desires, wanting one thing that terrified him while his body felt simply as if it had to keep thrusting and thrusting, filling the faux female before him that was not just a female but a studly beast of a drake that could end his life without even thinking about it. Still, he could not deny that the cool tightness of Xigfeldo's sex closing and 'suckling' around him in that rippling embrace was not pleasurable and he was soon lowing with need, powering in with the short, driving strokes that his kind was known for.

The dragon rumbled, rolling his head from one side to the other. Yes... That was the desperation, the lick of fear on the air, that he had been looking for. The stags had just needed a little incentive, the right kind of motivation to pull on their feral side.

And one would never be enough as he tried to grip Xigfeldo's sides with his front legs and cloven hooves, antlers tipped down over his scales, although he was under no threat whatsoever of being impaled on them, the tines rising majestically. They were almost more impressive than a dragon's horns but, really, what could possibly be grander than the ones that Xigfeldo himself wore so proudly. He was the beast that all lusted for, whether they wanted to or not, and the stag was a helpless victim, forced wantonly to bleat and low, thrusting into him over and over again as his balls swung up to those cool, shiny scales.


Yet it was not the time for talking as he shook his antlers with a roll of his head, the thicker ruff of fur over his throat quivering as his hind hooves scraped through the dirt, caught on the edge of a moment that was not his to claim. He would not hold back when the drake egged him on so, cunny twitching and pulsing around him - incredible muscle control! Would he get that from one of his own kind? There would be no way to tell until he had a doe or a hind of his own, their warmth beneath him as they were bred and he spilt his seed in the best way that deer were meant to.

Still, the dragon was a good substitute and one that could milk him and milk him repeatedly if he so chose to, even though the stag did not know that at that time just how far the dragon could go in his taking of him. His creamy load shot forth as Xigfeldo purred, head and neck stretched out on the ground before him, chin resting on a rather comfortable patch of moss. Power twanged through him, a force that could be seen and not simply felt, evidence of it in the deer that he had pleasantly coerced into mounting him. And he was not done yet as he shook the creature off with just a single twist of his hips and a flick of his tail, jostling the stag so that he fell, cock still spurting madly.


"Off with you now," he said, curling the tip of his tail back and forth in clear, draconic dismissal. "You have had your turn... We shall see if any of your brethren possess a greater breeding ability than you."

Smirking, Xigfeldo cast him a glance back, one eyebrow raised, a ridge of scales taking the place of where hair would have been for the sake of expression. The stag quailed, shakily staggering to his hooves, legs splayed as if he had suddenly become as weak as a new-born fawn all over again.

But he slipped from Xigfeldo's mind quickly and neither did he need to know the names of those who mounted him as another stag, this time a fallow deer with white spots on his back and hindquarters, mounted him eagerly, taking the place of one who had acted with greater trepidation. The fallow deer stag grunted desperately, head spinning with pheromones, that thickly oily and musky scent flooding his senses so that he could not possibly think of anything else but the 'female' before him that needed to be bred. Who cared that the sex wasn't quite what he had been expecting? He'd had does before and a dragon could be no different!

Xigfeldo, however, was not a doe and not one who could be so easily wooed either, twisted to the needs and whims of a stag who thought he had it all. He drew the needy buck to a frantic and easy orgasm, demonstrating just how much control he had over his cloven-hooved charges. As much as the fallow deer snorted and chewed, he could not hold back as his penetrating cock dug deep and was massaged so wonderfully, each pulling tug on his length better than even moving his hindquarters in a thrust!

His cum flowed forth, climaxing before he knew it, balls tightening up in a churning drive to spill his load, to cum and cum, over and over again. Instinct only knew one thing with so many pheromones in the air but, even as he lay over Xigfeldo's now purely silver back, ready to wait for his body to recover, the drake picked him up with his flexible tail and deposited him a little distance away, gentle even as he rumbled out a mocking laugh.

"The next buck may be more pleasing than you..."

No one wanted to come next, trembling in fear, but it was another red deer stag that was, ultimately, shoved forwards, churning up the turf as he staggered and stumbled to his knees and back up again. But there was no denying the drake as those eyes dragged him in, the dragon using his magic to physically pull his not so eager victim in, pulling him up and over his back end as if he was nothing more than a doll and a sex puppet to be yanked about by invisible strings. Despite caring for the creatures in his territory and, indeed, those that he embraced the heady art of sexual pleasure with, Xigfeldo would not have denied that he still saw them as 'his' to use as was the want of an apex predator, although he was caring enough in the doing of it too.

He relished in the sensation of yet another dick sliding into him, slick and hot and wet, the spire reaching depths inside him that he hadn't had ploughed since the last big dragon had been so 'kind' as to appease his lusts during the course of a visit to his territory. Enzor, was it? That drake would have to come again, although he would always be the one truly in control, regardless of what Enzor thought of the matter between them. Still, it was pleasurable indeed to be fucked to orgasm by a cock that he could tighten around, enhancing his own sense of pleasure as the 'lips' of his cloaca folded in tightly around that shaft, the majority of it remaining rammed in as he gasped and heaved, the stag already sweating up in the throes of cervine lust.

"Can't you last longer?" Xigfeldo smirked, lazily peering back at the deer halfway up on his back, doing his best to breed him, to show that he was the biggest and baddest breeding stud of the whole herd. "My, my... There may be no stags here worthy of the rut! I'll have to eat you all!"

Of course, it was a jest but the red deer didn't know that as he bleated, eyes wide with a white rim of fear, hammering in with short, sharp thrusts that had the dragon hissing all over again. His eyes closed and he revelled in it all, the dirt beneath his claws, grass tickling his flanks, the blades dancing and waving in a light breeze that was welcome in brushing over his already cool scales. There was an art too to being in the moment and one thing that Xigfeldo did exceptionally well, thinking of nothing else as that cock jammed anxiously and desperately into him over and over again to the conclusive pleasure of all involved.

Yet there were others too that had forgotten their fear and yearned to be pleased too that he may just have forgotten about...


The red deer hind - how strange it was that the females of some deer species were called 'hinds' and others were called 'does'! He'd rather just call them all does for the simplicity of it - quivered before him even as others whispered to call her back. Fools! They were too fearful to approach him but she stood there boldly, ears up and tail up, every muscle in her body begging her to flee when she simply would not. After all, she was there to prove herself the most worthy of all of them, glowing with vibrant youth, eyes shining and her nose soft and twitching. He licked his lips.


She gulped but did not flinch.

"Sir... Sir, would you like to taste me?"

Before her nerve failed her, the hind quickly turned and lifted her tail for him - which had the added benefit of ensuring that she did not face her doom head-on if he chose to 'taste' her in another way to what she intended. And yet her sweet musk, tinted with what could have been a fruity, alluring essence, would have called in even the hungriest dragon, his mouth slavering with ropes of drool, falling and stringing out between his teeth as Xigfeldo's eyes gleamed. No longer seeing her as a mere hunk of meat to be devoured, he snaked out his tongue over her slit as she whimpered and ducked her head, head spinning with the lustful heat of it all.

Her taste filled his senses and he growled against the white fluff of her undercarriage as he leaned hungrily into her, lapping and curling his tongue around her back legs, driving into her slit. The female leaned back on his muzzle like she'd been doing it her whole life, although it was by no means her first orgasm as she squealed and jigged a foreleg in the air, lips parted and tongue protruding ever so slightly as he slurped and lapped to his kinky heart's content.

The red deer finished in him and, this time, Xigfeldo did not have to cajole another one to take his place, a brash and bold stag stepping up, although one had to wonder just how dominant he thought he was if he had not been the first to take the lead. Well, maybe he was simply more self-serving than the rest, a survivalist at heart. He snorted and bumped his nose curiously against Xigfeldo's rump as the lustful dragon rolled onto his stomach, legs splayed back behind him, stretched out with his hamstrings acting as a suitable stepping-point to reach his cloaca.

"Mmm... Nice to see someone taking a little initiative here," he chuckled, although his mouth was mostly full of doe at that moment, the deer shivering on his muzzle. "Take your fill. Impress me."

The stag intended to do nothing less as he gave the drake's hind end a cheeky nip that excited rather than caused any manner of pain, scales more than enough to protect any parts of Xigfeldo that may otherwise have been deemed as vulnerable as the so sweetly tear-able hide of a deer. No, he was in a position of power over them for a reason and his sex tightened deliciously around yet another breeding pole as the brown deer with a thicker ruff of fur around his neck and down the line of his throat crammed in, eager to prove his worth.

He too thought he was the best, the strongest, but that was the nature of all stags during the rut. They were driven by instinct and the time-old tradition of coming together to breed and prove their worth, sweat and musk clouding the air, fuelling them on to ever-greater heights of ecstasy. He could ram in, that tight, tight sex closing around him, making him feel like he was so big that he could stretch Xigfeldo out, even though the dragon could shift his breeding passage as much as he needed to in order to fit different sizes (and shapes too) of cocks; yet he was not to know that.

"Harder..." Xigfeldo hissed, lapping at the doe as she, finally, squealed in orgasm, bucking and humping back desperately on his muzzle. "I can't even _feel_you!"

Was he going to be eaten? Would that be him? The stag bleated and jerked but his cum came forth too quickly, the rippling tunnel closing around his cock with such force that he could no longer pull back. What was wrong? What was happening? Fear claimed him and he thrashed but the dragon's tail wrapped around him commandingly, holding his matted and sweaty body tightly as the rest of the herd milled in unrest, no one willing to leave and separate themselves as an object to be chased and yet fearing for their lives if they chose to stay too.

"Please!" He squealed, bucking and twitching as cum flowed from him, although the pleasure of his climax was not his to take anymore. "D-don't... Don't eat meee!"

Smirking and lapping the doe's juices off his muzzle, Xigfeldo shook his head mockingly, tongue slapping loudly up against the side of his muzzle and lips as he savoured her taste, lingeringly tart.

"Oh... But you look so tasty."

That did it for the stag who grunted and contorted, hind end hunching in as if he was striving to breed again but that was only a reflex of humiliation as his legs tried to splay too. Against his will, a stream of hot, dirty urine splattered forth, plastering the drake's inside even as he fought and fought to pull back - but he could not! Xigfeldo held him there, with that stupid, dominant smirk stuck on his elegant muzzle, as he was forced to embarrass himself before the whole herd, the stream of urine going on and on as they rustled and murmured amongst themselves. The twang of fear mixed with arousal in the herd as another doe presented herself for the dragon, the does and hinds seemingly treating it as a rite of passage after even a short amount of time, her tail quivering up as she presented her backside for the drake's pleasure.

And then he was released, sliding with a gasp from the dragon's hindquarters as he scrambled away, fright clouding his mind as he kicked and struggled against nothing, others tittering at him and stomping their hooves, mirth evident. Xigfeldo stared him down with a cocked head, making the doe before him wait, lips quirking up on one side as the stag quailed, his dirtied cock reeking of piss and slinking back into his sheath, ashamed of what he had been forced to do.

"Such a dirty stag... Take your place with the others. I'll see where you reside after. Perhaps it is you who deserves to be eaten after that sorry display."

He would forget about that stag, parting his lips to greedily suck in the thick scent of urine mixed with cum and musk, the scent glands on his muzzle and under his lips playing excitedly with the tantalising passion of him. Oh, that was something erotic indeed to one who enjoyed the musky aromas that came with sexual fervour, driving him to fresh heights as he flipped up his tail, coaxing on his next 'challenger'.

"Come now, little stags... Does no one have the dick to prove themselves worthy of the rut?"

They were cautious but Xigfeldo paid them little mind as he ate out the doe before him, a Sika deer that was smaller than most, petite and yet bold with her hind legs splayed lusciously. She cast him a cheeky glance back and bleated, tipping her head back to expose the vulnerability of her throat in complete and utter submission to him, the tension that she had been holding back just for him building and building in her loins. It could not be held for even a moment longer and she whimpered, muscles strained and aching to release what she hoped would please the beast, although she was not doing it just because she didn't want to be eaten. The dragon, after all, was kind of hot...


Her tail bobbed briefly as she finally managed it, releasing a stream of hot urine of her own accord to seep into the grass. Xigfeldo could have pulled his head back as it streamed forth but the dragon could not resist a touch of scent play, darting his tongue into the stream, flickering back and forth, to savour her essence, an even more primal and feral part of her than the juices of her arousal. Her breeding tunnel was well-lubricated and yet far too small for him without the use of magic to help him along, yet he was more than eager to plunge his tongue into her tightness, stretching her out even around that flexible appendage.

The doe moaned, body searing through with enticing heat, itching as if she needed something more and yet she was getting everything she needed right there and then - and then more again! Xigfeldo lapped through the splattering stream of urine, making more of a mess than was strictly necessary, but he had no care for a mess that he could simply order someone else to clean up for him. And it would only be what did not seep into the ground that would have to be cleaned up, which was hardly a bad deal.

The strong taste of urine swamped his senses, almost overpowering the musk of the deer surrounding him. Her boldness brought the rest of them in closer as the Sika deer moaned out her pleasure, her little tail flicked up as if she could not bear to put it down again. Xigfeldo's tongue slurped and stroked, teasing over a vent that was too small for him to apply finesse too but that didn't matter either as just one slap of his long, flexible appendage caught every last sensitive spot in such a way that orgasm pulsed up and up inside her, demanding attention.

It had to come and she broke off her teasing urination, nostrils wetly flared, as she bleated out her passion, climaxing on his tongue. He was not one to deny himself such a treat and lapped up every last drop of arousal that she cared to produce, the stag behind hammering away, the pounding drive of his cock coming with greater and greater intensity as he fought to keep going, slamming into Xigfeldo repeatedly. He wasn't thinking, his senses overrun with need, instinct demanding that he do something even if it terrified him - though he could not have said by any means that he was too scared to cum. For even a stag like him needed his release and Xigfeldo's muscles rippled in orgasmic ecstasy once more as he drew the stag to a blisteringly hot and sweltering climax.

One more rope of cum pouring into him, the deer ejaculating quickly, as was the way for so many prey species. They didn't want to be caught out in the open in the act, although the pleasure itself so very often had them coming back for more and more from one another despite the dangers it posed. That was just why Xigfeldo had started taking deer for more than simply the need of devouring them, seeing that their rampant sexuality and breeding fever made them useful for so much more that he had not, before that point earlier, contemplated. How their muscles tightened in the throes of climax, throats trembling with that thicker ruff of fur... Who could resist that? Moreover, who would have wanted to resist the taste of doe on his tongue too, heady with the right amount of fruitiness too, most likely derived from their herbivorous, grazing diets? Yes, deer were a treat indeed to enjoy and Xigfeldo was very partial indeed to things he enjoyed. On a frequent basis, in fact!

The stag behind made as if to slip off and he nudged the doe in place, simply clenching the muscles of his breeding tunnel to keep the stag there, trapped in place. Wide-eyed, the cervine snorted and huffed, panting through an open-mouth as terror curled up inside him.

Xigfeldo smiled.


For there was one who needed to taste the truth of his punishment, even if it was all for his kinky pleasure. Grunting, cock still out, Xigfeldo relaxed his jaw, groaning in sheer contentment as he released his bladder too, a cooler stream of piss streaming into the grass, his body temperature, of course, running colder than that of the deer in the herd he had taken to abusing so. It was a relief to expend himself there and the urine also had the added benefit of thickening the air with a pounding aroma of pheromones, his oily musk infused with that too as he allowed it to wickedly ooze from his cloaca at the same time, sending his scent out even further than it had already.

The deer trembled, flocking in closer like moths to the flame, although there was to be no such death there today for them or any kind of injury. No, Xigfeldo was having far too much fun with them for that but his cock twitched and jerked desperately, anticipating attention too, while he fixed his gaze back on the stag haplessly buried in him, cock forced to remain hard against his will.

"Relieve yourself... Completely. Bladder too. Or I will eat you."

He only made the threat because it amused him to see their fear flash across their muzzles, stiff whiskers quivering and eyes wild. The stag shook violently and, for a moment, Xigfeldo thought that he was not going to be able to do it but he came through with himself, a hotter flow of piss flooding the dragon's insides. He released his grip on the deer's cock enough so that it would flow out and spatter messily, marking his cloaca and his cock too, although the scent of a mere cervine would not be anywhere near enough to overpower his, so he could not be 'claimed' as such. No... No, he was far too dragon to be taken in that manner by a deer and he shooed the stag off with his tail when he was done - something that the deer in question was all too eager to do.


Pointing his muzzle at the buck that had released his bladder into him the first time, Xigfeldo smirked, and called him forth with a flick of his tail that left no other option open to him. The stag tried to hunker down, half sitting back on his haunches, but the others butted him forward, heads and antlers ensuring that he had neither anywhere to go or anywhere to hide. They wouldn't have truly wanted to take his place, after all, considering just what was to happen.

As he stepped forward, lips chewing anxiously, Xigfeldo pointed to his cloaca and engorged cock, soaked with piss, and the doe before him too, obediently standing still with her legs braced as if she could stay there all day long. Truly, she was proving to be the most obedient and wanton of them all, her passion so high that she would have taken his massive dick right then and there if the drake himself had bid her to. Maybe she would even have enjoyed the stretch? But that was not for that moment as the dragon's smirk grew wider still.

"Come. Clean me. Your tongue will do fine."

The red deer gulped but was ushered forward with due haste, seeming small despite his size. He was not the biggest of them but he was a stag who should have been able to hold his rack of antlers high, taking pride and steadfastness in all he did, and yet he was reduced to nothing more than one who had to clean-up the dragon so set on abusing them. Could it even be considered abuse when they were the ones, however, spending their seed in him? Oh, it was all too confusing for a lone stag to think over!

Tentatively, he lapped at that cloaca, trying not to think about he was doing, the rumbling growl of the dragon forcing him on despite the taste. The red deer stag wrinkled his muzzle distastefully, fortunate that Xigfeldo could not see him, and lapped and lapped, licking blindly in the hope that he would do a good enough job for the dragon to release him without further punishment.

"Deeper... Your tongue needs to be inside, stag. Or don't you want to prove yourself?"

He knew what that meant and he had to do it, had to do it at all costs even as he felt his testicles strive to retract, shame and cold encouraging them to tuck up, protect themselves as cold ripples of terror flowed through him. There was no eroticism in what he was doing and yet his cock slipped out against his will, the conflict between instinctual need and fear a wicked concoction indeed. The stag's tongue lolled out softly and he tried to shake his head but he had to push it inside, tease into that cloaca and drive deeper still, find the feminine sex tucked sweetly within and clean it out of every last drop of piss.

Xigfeldo heaved a satisfied sigh, eyeing up the doe before him with pleasure. Now, that was a tongue-cleaning that was more like it!

"Another," he said simply, trusting them to understand what he wanted from them. "Bring me another."

On his cue, two more fallow deer does bounded forth, so similar in appearance that they could well have been sisters, presenting themselves to him with obediently raised tails.

"Yes, sir!"

Well, at least they were eager. There was much to be said for that and he stretched out his head to them, dragging his tongue over both of their slits at once, the lengthy appendage more than capable of such a kinky act. They gasped in unison and he slurped into them, wetly pleasuring them even as he scooped out their arousal hungrily, gulping it down as their bodies pushed out more and more. No deer in his experience had ever done that much but, well, he had not engaged in any manner of urination with them in the past so perhaps that was the key to riling them up beyond the point that even they felt like they could control themselves.

The stag still had to do his work too, however, and his tongue was not all that unpleasing, although he could have done with some training. Perhaps he was one that Xigfeldo should mark to take back to his lair for additional training? It would be adorable to lock him up, make him beg for release, although, by the end of it, not even he would know what he was begging for, craving everything the drake could give him and nothing else.

An idea. A thought. One that he may come back to at a later time.

Huffing, Xigfeldo adjusted his position, pausing in his sensual, slow lapping of the sister does before him to direct the stag further.

"Cock too... Or else I'll be disappointed."

That was the part that the stag had been avoiding and he had to peek to see the monster before him, cracking his eyes open as much as he felt able too, the dragon's leg and haunches, thankfully, blocking his muzzle from view. Any faces he made during the course of his service to Xigfeldo were thankfully obscured from the dragon's eagle eyes, for who knew what fate would befall him if he dared show his displeasure in any way so obvious? The cock rose before him and he gave it the tiniest of licks, snout creasing again, the reek of piss overpowering.

Nothing else mattered but pleasing the dragon, the threat of his life hanging over his head at all times. At least, that was what the stag told himself, although he licked more and more eagerly, even getting into it a bit, the dragon's oily lubrication - what was that? He'd never tasted anything like that before - urging him on. He could not know that Xigfeldo's scent and pheromones were so-designed to drive him into a lustful frenzy, eager for more, a lustful servant to the passion that the dragon took as he willed. Maybe he would understand why he suckled and licked, intent all of a sudden on getting up every last drop of urine and even pre-cum glistening at the tip of his shaft, but the stag was lost to anything he may have thought rationally in the pulsing intensity of the moment.

The ebb and flow coursed on a tide drawn by the pull of something greater and Xigfeldo let out a roiling hiss as he lapped the does before him to a startlingly quick burst of orgasm again, the does squealing and trying to kick, pleasure overwhelming. They tasted like virgins and he may have been loathe to let them go in lieu of more does if the proud red deer hind that stood before him next had not tossed her antlers so haughtily and challenged him to taste her next. Of course, that was hardly one that Xigfeldo was going to turn down when his own need ran so rampant, tail twitching and flicking as the stag slurped away at his cock and cloaca, swapping between the two with such fervour that one may well have been surprised to hear that he was not actually thoroughly enjoying every last second of it.

Yet there was one more who remained to be cleaned and she was going to be Xigfeldo's favourite task for him of the day, however young it was still.


What? There was more? The stag licked his muzzle but there was nothing he could do to take the taste of piss away, breathing heavily, sides lathered in dark sweat, fur matted in cow-licks that would not so easily disappear when he cooled down again.

"Take the doe here," Xigfeldo directed, eyes half-lidded, desiring to return to his own pleasure. "Clean her thoroughly with your tongue, not a drop of urine left. Then, you can take her."

It was a show indeed for him to watch as the stag got stuck into the task with less hesitation that he had displayed before, lapping over her slit and into her cunny as he suckled in what drops of piss remained. He did have to work into her fur, however, where it had soaked in but even that didn't seem as much of a tall order for him when it was with one of his own kind and a rather fetching one too at that. He lost himself in it, aware that the eyes of the dragon were on him, striving hastily to at least put on something of a show if only to save himself.

And that was all his world reduced to, stinking of piss and needing something even as he dipped his tongue into her repeatedly, gleaning more and more of her cervine essence onto his tongue. The stag gulped it all down as if it was a treat to be relished and, duly it was too, something that would stay with him for the rest of his life, learning and loving and lusting in the deer-kin way.

"Mount me!"

She braced herself for him, tail raised - well, it hadn't even once gone down - and he rose to her call, glancing back at the dragon who eyed him with a smirk that could have meant everything or nothing. Her slit parted sweetly, wetly, around the head of his cock as he pushed up over her back, clinging to her with his front legs as he did as he was bid, obeying the orders of one so very much greater than he that he had no recourse in the schemes that Xigfeldo put forth.

Enjoying the show, Xigfeldo lazily ate out the red deer hind with her legs braced, jaws clamped and ears determinedly back as she struggled to not demand things of him. She would be a force to be reckoned with in the rut but she knew too when she had met her match, the dragon easily one who could best her if she thought she was at all able to go up against him. But her taste came with a slick tartness to it that made him want more, shoving his muzzle crudely up beneath her tail just to get a little more of it into his muzzle.

He needed it and he would take it too, tongue curling up within her, seeking out her hottest, deepest depths, the lust that she contained within her needing a way out. Xigfeldo would not tantalise her so, teasing her to climax as his cunny was filled, the hot tunnel clenching around another cock and one too that he needed to claim all for himself, forgetting just what he was doing there in the first place. Maybe it had been for the fun of it to begin with but there was something more to the passion of the deer herd now that he was there, flat on his belly with his tail waved and raising lightly above his back, calling them in.

"The rest of you too," he rumbled, looking over the herd mixed breeds of deer all come together, all watching the show that he had put on for them. "Mate. Rut. Let me see which of the stags is best suited for the ultimate rut..."

And they had not the spirit nor the sense in them to deny the dragon who had changed their rut forever, stags coming together with lusty does to fill their passages, their cries filling the clearing and seeping even further beyond. Xigfeldo rumbled his pleasure at the scene, drinking in every last drop of it hungrily, cock twitching and pulsing, that side of him wanting attention too. In time, however, that would come to be, for a creature like him needed to space out what and where he took his pleasure so as not to become bored over his extended lifespan. He would not pass from the world as swiftly as a deer but linger on to learn and love another day, like so many others of dragon-kind.

The stag to his backside hammered in and humped, spending his thick load in to add to the rest, a headily creamy dose of cum drooling from the drake's vent and cloaca as if his body could not contain it. Of course, he could have kept every last bit of it inside if he'd really wanted to but there were other pleasures to be enjoyed and taken and there was so much more that he wanted from the deer as his guts warmed, churning pleasantly with lust that made him feel as if something deep inside him was vibrating, trembling with restraint that truly had no need to be shown.

Closing his passage tightly around the stag that had the fortunate misfortune to take him at that moment, the dragon cast a look back at him, teeth showing in a devastatingly deadly smirk.

"Release yourself in me."

Gulping, the stag nodded and wrinkled up his muzzle in concentration, knowing what to do. It was harder than he could ever have imagined but he had to obey the orders given, imagining still that Xigfeldo would gobble him up first if he did not do as he was told, prove himself to be a breeding stud stag worthy of the name. And, so, he released his bladder too into the dragon as Xigfeldo hissed in pleasure, his passage and draconic womb filling up with a delectable mixture of cum and urine, the aroma of which to a dragon with his keen sense of smell could not be referred to as anything short of suitably divine.

"Now, clean it out..."

After having seen the red deer being forced to lap up his own urine from Xigfeldo's cloaca and cock, what he had to do was clear and he dove into the task at hoof with as much passion and eagerness as he could possibly convey. The spots on his hindquarters quivered as he shoved his muzzle in deep, lapping and licking as much as he blushed, tongue curling into that vent and exploring it with a curious sort of desire. His heart hammered and he snorted wetly at the reek of urine but there was something more there still, a thickening, oily substance that coated his tongue and clung to every nook and crevice in his mouth. As much as he ran his flexible tongue around his teeth, he could not scrape it off and his eyes glazed over, huffing softly as lust overcame him.

It was all deliberate that Xigfeldo sent him off with passion in his heart for the does, curling through an overdose of his scent, the oil from his glands too much for a cervine body to contain. But there was one thing that the drake needed above all else as that stag thrust and mounted wildly before him, cock jabbing for a hot hole, his own shaft twitching with increasingly urgent need. His own desires could not be forsaken for even a moment longer, or so it seemed...


For his grand finale, for a dragon had to make an impression at all times, he crooked his tail to the waiting does, bucks spent for the moment, collapsed and trembling even as they tried to keep up, Xigfeldo forcing them on and on. The does needed their fill too of a real stud and he was right there to provide them with every drop of it.

That was, his cock needed a hole to fill and they fit the bill as he shrank down just enough to not break them apart, his length not going all that much thinner though so that they would still feel the stretch of a dragon. He pushed into a fallow deer with a low, roiling hiss, not even hearing her grunt of orgasm beneath him, only intent on filling her, cum and urine sloshing from his cloaca as he hammered into her hot sex with raw, wild abandon.

There was no time for finesse and sweetness with such does, after all, and she was swiftly replaced by a Sika deer, her head held low in submission. He took her more gently with long, powering strokes, making his shaft a little easier to take, but even her vent remained lewdly stretched in a gape after he was good and done with her, her skinny legs nowhere near strong enough to hold her up after such rampant breeding.

"Little one..." He growled, eyes alight with passion and muscles tense, eager for more. "Rest now."

For he would have his fill with the entire herd, filling doe after doe, the red deer hinds the biggest of them all. He took one after the other of those in quick succession, forcing them to their limits as they challenged each other to take him, although he did not force them to swallow down the full length and girth of his natural cock with their hungry snatches. He let them think that though, moaning out who was the better breeder, who could take the most of his dick, and he played between them for a while, enjoying the erratic way that their passages rippled around him in climax, which didn't seem at all hard for them to achieve with his cock to hoof and claw.

He could not spend too much time with them, however, for there were so many others to be bred, some clamouring for his attention and others shrinking back shyly. It was the shy ones that he sweetly coaxed out with silken words and promises, although he was a drake to make good on his promises of giving them climaxes as they'd never felt before. A fallow deer leaned into her spotted friend, antlers tipped together as he pounded first one and then the other, taking away their virginities as the young adults went through their first heat and rut, tails flicked up high for his pleasure. There would never be anything quite like taking a virgin vent, after all, and he relished in the opportunity to take a deer in that manner all over again, the tight slickness around his cock something to relish and come back to all over again at a later date.

Sika deer with their little upright antlers were the sweetest of them all to take and he shoved his nose up under the tail of one while breeding another, pressing them down to the ground with his bulk, tail curled around the one that was next to be taken. He wouldn't have wanted them to get away in the meantime, after all, but they were all waiting on his pleasure anyway and he had plenty of lust too to spend on them, cum pouring from his cock like a fountain as he truly let loose, the little deer's stomach swelling noticeably with the raw dose of it.

The stags that had been engaged in activities around him had all but given up, although tier cocks were still hard and ready, his scent and musk taking care of that problem for them. But they weren't able to carry on and that was just where and how Xigfeldo proved himself to be the champion of them all, his sexual prowess completely and utterly unchallenged as he filled her up and up to the brim and beyond with a proud roar that echoed for leagues.

They would all remember him, the dragon who had overpowered every last one of their stags and shown them just what it was like to be taken by a breeder who knew that he was good at what he did. And Xigfeldo had only been looking, initially, for a break in the monotony and yet he had found so much more with the deer that moaned for him and, trembling, pressed up against his flanks, begging him to mount them all over again as their legs trembled, unable to hold up their bodies.

Nuzzling them, he was kind enough to whisper words of comfort and lap over some sore vents, their slits flushed and engorged where they were not vastly stretched, bearing testament and evidence to the size of his girth. They thought they could take more, have more, please him more and no one was thinking of the fact that he had threatened to eat anyone anymore - strange how that had come to pass so easily, though it had been an undulating, rolling road to get there. Yet, eventually, the rut had to come to an end.

With the herd panting around him, moaning for respite and for more both at the same time, Xigfeldo chuckled throatily, mantling his wings over his back.

"My friends..."

Xigfeldo rumbled proudly, lifting his head, muzzle marked with the juices of many of the does and hinds, licking his lips. Everyone, as one, turned to look at him, although it was no longer from fear of their draconic overlord but love and adoration for the one who had brought such passion into their herd. Truly, fear itself could be overcome by the devotion to the rut, the season where lusty, cervine bodies had to come together over and over again, seeding the next generation. Not all of them would survive, that much was granted, but that was the nature of being a prey species and they accepted that, coming together as one herd and body for the survival and longevity of their species as a whole.

But Xigfeldo would not be reducing their numbers on that particular day, bowing his head to them, a mark of respect that meant more to dragon-kind than it did to the deer themselves.

"None can be marked as the loser here today for you have all behaved as champions. The bravery of your does and hinds... Why, I would that you were dragons instead of deer so I could take you back to my cave myself!"

Of course, he already had plans to see just how he could adjust his shape and form to fit some of the finer does but that could come at a later time, licking his muzzle and lips as he winked at no one in particular, the heady reek of him flooding the clearing. For good measure, for it was time to take his leave of them, he hunched his hindquarters down, expelling a hefty dose of his oily essence from his cloaca, scent glands working overtime after all the lusty liaisons that they had already been put through. Although his aroma seeped into the grass, the flowery scent mixed with sensually cervine musk could not possibly be denied its spread as if flowed through the clearing, sending the herd into throes of mounting lust all over again. Quite, it was as if they had not had their passion satisfied in the first place and the dragon stood there in the middle of them all, smirking at the scene of abject debauchery that he had formed all by himself.

The deer fucked and bellowed and stomped and squealed and it would be many hours yet before they collapsed in sexual exhaustion, seeking sustenance for aching but well-seeded and spent bodies. Holding his head high, he exhaled his satisfaction, cock jerking and twitching as he stood there, the day rolling on without them. He may need to leave to fill his own belly elsewhere but one thing was certain regardless of anything else that had or had not happened during the course of that very eventful, successful, day.

The herd would not miss his presence there for long while he still yearned for them.

Taking Charge

**Taking Charge** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Mirath_ _ _ _ _ "Of all the times... Ridiculous. Jesus fucking Christ, those fucking assholes... What the fuck were they thinking?" Donnie didn't care that he...

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Passion of the Gloves

**Passion of the Gloves** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Daikyi_ _ _ _ _ The rabbit blinked groggily, swimming back to the realm of the waking after something that most surely should have been of the realm of...

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The Last Hydra

**The Last Hydra** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by SaphiraFafnar_ _ _ _ _ Xigfeldo mused before the portal, the shimmering oval of green and blue highlighting the silver tones in his scales more than the black,...

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