Wild Ch. 7: Wild Birth

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#7 of Love in the Wild

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before.

Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Nivalis stood with his back to the tree, holding one of Storm's spears close to him. Stormtalon was teaching him how to hunt, and Niv was holding onto Storm's teachings with an even greater sense of duty now that he knew he was going to have to take on Storm's hunting. He was a bit nervous that things weren't going as he had envisioned, but with an increasingly powerful body from working out and feeling a stronger sense of duty toward his mate and his grifflet, he knew he'd succeed.

Stormtalon watched him from a short distance, keeping out of the way while his brother practiced. He grinned and flicked his tail, wearing a shirt which was now missing a couple of the lower buttons, revealing some of his blue sixth-month pregnant belly, and he wore a simple loincloth fashioned from his ruined pants tied up between his legs to protect his male bits. He unfurled his wings slightly, keeping on alert in case something went awry.

Niv leaned over to look at his quarry from behind the tree: instead of hunting their usual cervine prey, he wanted to move up in the food chain, and was stalking an animal that looked like a big feline. It was resting at the moment; he was successful so far. He looked over at Storm and raised an eyebrow, silently asking for an opinion.

The pregnant griffon was ready to distract the feline if need be, but kept silent unless absolutely necessary. If Niv could bring it down, it would be a load off both their minds. Storm gave a slight shrug of his wings and shoulders; he didn't think Niv should start big, but if he thought he could handle it, more food for all of them.

He nodded and took out his sling. He had approached the feline from its rear, so he whirled a stone about in the air and threw it so it crashed through some branches ahead of the feline. It rose with a start and began to cautiously move to investigate. Niv took the opportunity to sink his talons into the tree he was hiding behind and begin to climb it.

The maleherm nodded approvingly, smiling at him, watching his plan and leaning back against the tree, feeling the baby kick and stroking his tummy to soothe it.

Niv climbed until he reached the highest branch that could support his weight. He knew that despite his cover, his white fur and plumage made him an obvious target, so he would have to act quickly. He watched the feline carefully; it had decided that whatever had bothered it wasn't important and turned around. He threw the spear and almost hit his mark; he had intended to hit the feline in the face but instead hit the feline's neck, a mortal wound but not immediately fatal.

Storm stood up a bit, watching as his brother speared the prey animal, and it reared up in pain. It would be several minutes before the animal went down, and he kept quiet in the meantime. Niv cursed to himself: even though the animal would die, he didn't want to cause it undue suffering. He took out another rock from his sling and tried to take aim, but the animal was panicking too much to get a good shot. Storm didn't like seeing the animal suffer either, and with it wounded, it would be an easy strike for the pregnant maleherm as he lunged out from behind the brush, throwing his spear and landing a clean blow to the animal's chest, piercing its heart. The feline let out a loud gargle and fell to the ground, dying within a second.

Niv sighed and started to climb down the tree. "I need to work on my aim, I should be able to kill it more quickly...good thing pregnancy's done nothing to dull yours, huh?"

"It's not like I had to move a lot to throw my spear," he remarked with a grin, stepping closer to the dead creature with a slight waddle to his step, feeling a strong kick and grunting as he held his belly. "Mmmf, the baby is pretty active."

He came up behind his brother and wrapped his arms around him, resting both of his hands on Storm's tummy. "Calm down, sweetie, you'll get to eat soon," he said quietly.

He murred softly and panted, moaning a bit and leaning back in pleasure. "Oooh, Niv, that feels good...." He looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Want some help dragging this back to the cave?"

Niv shook his head and gave his brother a quick kiss. "Nah, consider this another workout...though this is going to be quite a workout." He pulled back and flexed his muscles, both proud of how well he was doing and that he seemed to be getting even better at arousing Storm.

Stormtalon moaned at the kiss, squirming a bit as his sheath bulged out against his loincloth, blushing slightly and reaching over to remove his spear from the dead animal, taking a long stretch and leaning back. "Mmmm, I'll keep an eye on you."

Niv removed his own spear from the feline and handed it to Storm, and then he took a deep breath and grabbed the feline by its forepaws, starting to drag it backwards. This creature was of pretty average size for its specie, but it was still quite a pull. "Mmf, how do you do this?"

Storm chuckled. "You want me to show you?"

He shook his head. "Do you really think you're up for it? Can't you tell me?"

"Ah...." He hated admitting he couldn't, or shouldn't, do the things he used to do. "Crouch down low, pick it up on your back with the forelegs over your shoulders. Carry it with your leg muscles."

He did as Storm instructed, finding that he could carry it easier. "Okay, I think I got it now," he said breathily, his thighs and calves straining from the effort as he slowly but steadily began to walk. They returned to the cave without incident other than a lot of huffing and puffing from Niv.

"Want to carve it up right away?" Storm asked when they entered.

Niv finally set the feline down, breathing heavily. "Whoo! I'm not very hungry, but you can go ahead." He lay on his back in a spread-eagle position.

Storm nodded, hungrily digging into the carcass with claws and teeth, growling ferally and feeding.

He looked at his brother. "Good thing I'm getting in practice now, huh?" He idly wondered if Storm was feeling all right, but he knew to not argue with Storm's now-shared gut.

After several minutes Storm sat up again, panting softly from munching on the fresh kill, his shirt, face and hands bloodied as he grinned softly. "Mmmmf, yeah...gooood meat, except now I'm a mess." He chuckled and shook off his hands, licking his beak as much as he could.

He raised his eyebrows. "Wow...you really tore into that, didn't you?" He rose to sit beside the lagoon and patted the water beside him in invitation.

Storm giggled and padded over. Niv could see the slight waddle in his walk as he crouched over the lagoon, bathing his face and hands in it, washing the blood off. "Mmm, yeah...well, I don't just eat for me now."

Niv laughed, leaning onto Storm's shoulder and rubbing his tummy. "You just try to not sync your hunger pangs with his now, or he might end up eating me," he quipped to their grifflet before licking Storm's cheek, "not that he doesn't, more or less, anyway."

He grinned and leaned over to kiss his brother's cheek, flicking his tail and standing up slowly, wiping his hands on his shirt and petting his belly. "Mmm, I would never eat you like that, dear brother. Not on purpose, at least."

He stood up and shook himself off. "Well, if you're full for now, how about you get some exercise?" he suggested with a shrug. "Maybe some labor practice?"

He quirked an eyebrow, tilting his head and raising his hackles a bit. The idea of labor practice had never been a positive one to him - and as he begun his final third of pregnancy, it was becoming a bit frightening, as he refused to admit. "Uhhm...I'm not sure, hon, I'm a little tired...."

Niv sighed and moved to sit in the nest, patting the furs beside him. "Storm, come here."

Stormtalon came over and sat next to his brother, looking at him. "Yes, brother?"

He reached over and held Storm in a hug. "It's okay to admit you're afraid. I don't blame you." He patted Storm's belly. "But we need to get ready for it, both for ourselves and for Asahi."

He looked down a bit, merfing at the pats and flicking his tail anxiously. "I am afraid, Niv. I don't know what it's going to be like...." He rubbed his belly gently, closing his eyes as he felt the baby kick. "All I know is that it's going to be painful, and messy, and exhausting, and there's nothing I can do about it."

He silenced his brother by kissing him passionately and holding him as close as he could. He maintained the kiss for quite a while before breaking it to rest his head on Storm's shoulder. "That's enough, Storm. It's not going to be the same, but I'm going to let you get an up-close look at birth." He got to his knees and offered his hands. "Come."

Storm moaned softly as he kissed his brother, smiling softly to him when Niv broke the kiss, stroking Niv's back and purring softly to him. "Mmmm, hehe...birth...? But whose...?" He blinked in confusion, slowly rising to his feet after taking Niv's hand.

Niv led Storm out of the cave and in the direction of his grove. "It's birthing season for the cervines, and at least one usually comes to the grove to give birth. There might be one there now."

He nodded and looked a bit surprised, putting his arm around Niv. "Heh, convenient, it is, with Asahi's baby due so soon and our own in a few months." He felt a kick and giggled, patting his belly. "Yes, dear, that means you."

He smiled at Storm, and they eventually arrived. He motioned for Storm to stay hidden behind the bushes. He parted them to look in and nodded. "It's our lucky day, there's one there now. I'm going to calm her down." He slowly rose to walk over to the big cervine.

Storm blinked, crouching and looking out from the brush and flicking his ears curiously, holding his belly with one hand and watching his brother proudly, smiling. "Okay, sweetie."

The animal was still standing, and she was leaning her head down to eat some of the plants. Her hindquarters were quite large and frequently winced with movement. She looked up at Nivalis in surprise but quickly relaxed: this was Niv's territory and no predators would harm her here. Niv slowly caressed the side of her face and she licked his hand.

Storm continued to smile from behind the cover, watching quietly, breathing softly and calmly so as to not disturb the creature.

He ran his hand on the side of the cervine's abdomen and smiled as he felt the fawn move. He continued to caress her face with his other hand as he looked over his shoulder and nodded. Storm slowly stepped out from behind the brush at his brother's nod, trying to look as non-threatening as possible, one hand caressing his own swollen belly.

She looked at the bigger griffon with curiosity rather than fear. She then looked at his belly and cocked her head. Niv caught her gaze and nodded. She started to cautiously walk over to Storm when she stopped halfway, her abdomen starting to flicker with movement again.

He stepped closer to her slowly, holding out his hand for her to sniff while his baby kicked gently inside him as well, making slight ripples on his skin. "Hey, mama...looks like your baby can't wait to get out."

She sniffed at his hand, flinching a little from the scent of blood but not afraid of him while Nivalis was around. She eventually sniffed at his belly and licked it. Niv smiled at seeing them connect, much as Storm did with Asahi. Stormtalon moaned softly at the lick to his belly, the pregnant maleherm more sensitive and easily aroused, as his bulging sheath showed under his thin loincloth. He stroked her head gently while the baby poked out from inside his belly at the spot she licked. "Hehe, yeah, I'm gonna be a mommy too."

She looked him in the eyes for a moment before she started to walk around again. Niv moved over to his mate, beaming. "See? Her fawn's pretty low so it's not going to be long before she gives birth, and she's quite calm about it."

"She probably doesn't realize how much it's gonna hurt," he said with a chuckle, leaning against his brother and petting the doe's head slowly while he watched her sides flicker.

She seemed to ignore the pets but didn't move to avoid Storm either. "She doesn't care how much it's going to hurt or not, she knows that it will end when it will end so she lets her body do what it's supposed to do," Niv rationed.

"She's huge. Am I going to get that big?" he asked, with total seriousness on his face.

Niv held Storm close as the doe looked over her back to lick at her sides. "Storm, you're not a quadruped so you carry differently. She gets bigger to her sides than she does down."

He nodded slightly and watched her quietly in awe. "How close to birthing do you think she is?" He leaned back against Niv, sighing softly and relaxing.

He looked at her closely as she stopped licking and looked at her abdomen for a little bit, then started to lie down. "Right about now, I'd say." He knelt down at the doe's backside and looked at Storm.

His eyes grew wider as he watched her lay down. He crouched in front of her, kneeling and stroking her head and ears gently. "Wow, right now...? This is happening quickly...."

Niv nodded. "Well, she's probably been at this for a while, but being a quadruped she has an easier time." He started to gently press at her tummy with his hands, and then nodded. "Yep, the fawn's head is already starting to move through." The doe, meanwhile, rubbed the side of her head against Storm's tummy as she seemed to hold her breath intermittently.

Stormtalon grunted a bit at the rub to his belly, getting down on his side and scooting closer to see, putting a hand on her side and feeling her swollen abdomen as he peered around under her tail, his crotch near her muzzle by chance, while he looked her over. "How long did it take to get this far? I mean, doesn't her water break?"

Niv shrugged. "Don't know. They can labor very gradually for quite a while before things pick up; they have to be ready to get on the move at any time. As for her water, it probably broke hours ago."

The cervine shook her head a bit at the scent of Storm's crotch. The smell of both male and female sexes at the same place was strange to her, and despite her concentration, she moved her snout in to get a better sniff.

He ignored the doe's attention to his crotch for the moment, his sheath already rather filled out under the fabric of his loincloth as he stroked her tummy and noticed her full mammaries leaking a bit of milk on the grass. "Hehe, is that going to happen to me too?" He pointed at the teats.

Niv blushed a bit. "Heehee, yep. Come to think of it, I don't know much about how pregnancy affects hir, but Asahi might be leaking hirself." He playfully wagged his index finger at Storm. "But those will be reserved for babies who need them." He patted the doe's rump. "Right, mama?"

The doe sniffed a bit but suddenly jerked her head up as some of the bulge in her abdomen began to slowly move toward her tail, putting her nose right in Storm's covered sex.

Storm yelped softly as he felt the cold nose of the doe against his crotch, spreading his legs a bit and looking down but unable to see much over the curve of his belly. "Hey, what're you doing down there?" he asked playfully, stroking the bulge gently while he watched in amazement. "Mmm, Asahi leaking eh? Maybe I'll have to offer to help hir with that," he said with a grin, his sheath pulsing at the thought.

The doe held her face there as the bulge stopped moving. Despite feeling her fawn begin to come, she couldn't tear her attention away from Storm's nethers. Her fawn was coming along fine so she didn't yet need to concentrate any more than she had. She took an experimental lick at Storm, liking what she could taste around his loincloth.

He grunted as she licked him again, his cunny dampening slightly as he moaned, looking up to Niv and smiling as his cock peeked out of his sheath under the loincloth. "Hehe, pregnant girl-loving doe," he remarked.

Niv couldn't help but laugh. "Tell that one to Asahi, it'll crack hir up! I think this doe likes you." He felt her tummy and raised his eyebrows. "Ooh, Storm, do you want to feel the fawn?"

"Mmm, yes I would, dear..." he said in response to Niv's invitation.

He reached for Storm's hand and moved it to the Doe's belly. "Okay, press here really gently...."

The doe licked him again and again, murring very quietly from enjoying the taste even as she had another contraction and pushed the fawn further down. Storm whimpered softly in pleasure as she licked him again, his erection growing gradually while he felt her tummy, smiling and caressing it where Niv had told him to. "Oooh, that's her baby!" he exclaimed in awe.

He nodded. "Yep, and you see how she's barely even breathing hard? She's just letting the fawn come at its own pace. Another contraction and we'll be able to see it, I'm figuring." At that point, the doe grew tired of this strange obstruction to the source of the smell and snaked her tongue around it, licking Storm's sex directly.

"Ooooh!" he gasped as her tongue slid against his sex, flopping on his back and moaning, his cloth tented with his erection, damp at the tip, while he struggled to watch the laboring doe over his gently rounded middle. "Gods...she really likes me, or something," he panted, blushing deeply.

He laughed again. "I guess so. Wonder if she'd oral me if I were to get pregnant?" He gently rubbed one of her big thighs and said to her, "You may borrow him for now but I expect him back, mom."

The doe continued to lap at his sex for a bit before she pulled back and looked at her belly with great interest. Storm groaned as she pleasured him, his cock reaching its full size and straining the loincloth tighter as he whimpered softly and reached down to caress his tummy, watching her while feeling his erection pulsing in the tight cloth. "Mmm, you naughty girl...you've got me all riled up now...."

The doe leaned towards her tail, not able to reach it, and tensed the muscles in her belly. Niv smiled. "Well, maybe you can get yourself off while watching if you're so inclined. Just don't get anything on the fawn." Suddenly his eyes lit up as he looked down to her sex. "Ooh, c'mere, it's starting!"

Storm scooted closer, leaning around to watch in awe as she labored, reaching down with to grope himself a little as he watched. "Oooh, hehe, almost wish she were still giving me attention."

The doe's rump bulged out slightly and she lifted her tail and pushed. Her vulval lips started to bulge out with her rump and the black dot of a nose began to appear.

"Okay, the head's just starting to come out. See?" Niv pointed.

He nodded and grinned, petting her hind legs as he watched, his erection subsiding slowly while his attention was focused on her. "Mmm, wow...that's going to happen to me?"

He nodded. "Yep. And now, just watch for a little bit."

She curled over and pushed again, lifting her hind leg off of the ground as some of the fawn's snout appeared. It was almost to its eyes.

Storm smiled as he watched, grinning softly and petting his mate's side gently while watching. "Too bad we can't fool around during the show...."

The fawn's head slowly began to stretch the doe open, its movement seeming to be stalled. Niv patted Storm's hand to try to reassure him. "Don't worry, she's just getting ready to stretch around her baby's head." Storm nodded and kept his eyes locked on her rear end.

The doe lowered her leg and panted for a little while, still not seeming to be in any pain. Then she quickly lifted it and gave a little grunt as her sex began to recede and the fawn's wet face started to come out. Niv took the opportunity to lean on Storm a little, resting a hand on Storm's belly.

Storm moaned softly at his brother's touch, leaning back against him and panting softly, his cock still half-hard. "Mmm, that feels good, Niv...wow, she's really going...."

He nodded, noting Storm's arousal. "Heh, can't you take a moment to appreciate beauty without getting horny?" He rubbed Storm's tummy to show he wasn't really mad.

"Yeah...but I'm just horny, you know that," he said, giving Niv an affectionate lick on the cheek.

She grunted again, the head halfway out, before her lips abruptly receded and her fawn suddenly emerged to its neck, a gush of birth fluids and some blood coming out of her as she let out a loud grunt of a mix of pain but also of pleasure at seeing and feeling her fawn.

Storm winced a bit as the mess poured out of her, scowling and looking back at Niv. "Ugh, that's...gonna come out of me too...." He panted and flicked his tail, leaning against him and watching intently.

He sighed and nuzzled Storm's arm. "I wish there were some way I could help you feel better about it, but I don't know how. What's in there," he pointed at Storm's belly, "comes out here," he pointed at Storm's groin. "When it's your turn, you won't be worried about being gross, and neither will I. Concentrate on the end."

She kept her leg up and remained curled, her fawn steadily inching forward as she waited for another contraction.

"I'll do my best, hon. I still have a few months to work myself up to it," he chirped and watched quietly, petting her convulsing belly gently.

She licked his hand at his attention. There was a longer break between contractions now as her fawn slid out to the bottom of its neck.

Niv let his comment hang; he'd handle it later. "Now she's at the shoulders. This might take a bit...but you can help her if you want to."

"Help her...?" He cocked his head in curiosity. "How?"

"When the fawn's forelegs come out, grab them and pull. Gently, of course." Right on cue, the fawn squirmed in its mother's passage and extended one of its legs.

Storm got up on his knees, shuffling over to the doe's rear and gently taking the slippery leg in his hand, giving a gentle pull. "Mmmrf, like this?" he asked, his cock still stiff between his muscular thighs.

He nodded. "Yep. Just kind of tug with her."

The fawn's other leg appeared and the doe lay her head on the ground, craning her neck back and straining as her fawn approached its shoulders.

Storm stood up a bit and pulled more firmly, helping with her contractions as his sex leaked fluids into his loincloth. "Mmmm, I think it's working," he said, his scent intoxicating to everyone present.

She grunted again and pushed harder, and thanks to Storm's help her fawn's shoulders came out. Unlike with the head, though, the fawn did not lurch forward, but steadily progressed as more fluids leaked out of her. Niv shook his head, trying to clear the lust that was building, at least until he could guarantee the doe and her fawn's safety.

Storm pulled slowly but firmly, helping guide the fawn out as he shuffled backwards, lifting his tail a bit and grunting with the effort. "Good girl, almost there...I'm helping her give birth, I can't believe it...is this what you're going to be doing for me in three months, love?" The doe kept up her effort until she reached the fawn's waist before stopping to catch her breath. A bit of the umbilical cord was visible.

"I can't exactly pull a grifflet out; she works differently. We're going to catch it, you and I." Nivalis noted her resting. "Okay, she can take it from here, just gently set it down," he said, motioning with his hand for Storm to set down the fawn.

He nodded and let the fawn's forelegs rest on the ground, standing up and sniffing his hands, wiping them on his shirt and panting from excitement. "Wow, that's amazing...the baby's almost out...it was so easy, she didn't even cry once...."

Niv backed off a bit and gestured for Storm to do the same, patting the grass beside him. "Nope. She might have been in pain, but she just concentrated on getting her baby out because that's what was important." Storm sat down next to Niv and put a wing around him, nuzzling close, watching closely and chirping encouragingly at the doe and her baby.

Finally, her fawn reached its hips, and with a last great push, it emerged onto the grass along with another, larger spilling of fluid. She wasted no time moving around to lick its face and pull the membrane off of its head.

"Yay!" Storm cheered, clapping his hands, the baby thumping inside him again.

Nivalis hugged his brother and smiled in appreciation. He patted the doe's head as she licked her fawn dutifully for a few minutes. Then he remembered something. "Oh, um, Storm? You might not like the next part..." The doe raised her tail again and gave a small push, forcing out the afterbirth.

He winced and made a face, looking away as she delivered the afterbirth, and groaned. "Ick...that's a good way to make me not horny again...."

He nodded. "Yeah...keep looking away." After biting the cord, she turned from her fawn for a moment to consume the afterbirth.

Storm nuzzled into Niv's shoulder, closing his eyes and chirping as he held his brother. "Ick, do I have to do that?"

He shook his head and rubbed Storm's back. "No, sweetie, she's doing it so as little of the scent gets in the air as possible."

"Ahh, so a predator thing." He nodded, leaning forward as much as his belly would allow, moaning at the back rubs. "Ooh, that feels nice, dear...."

He rubbed a bit lower, pressing on the top of the base of Storm's tail and leaning on his back to rub the spot with his other hand. "Body rubs on command. Say the word and it shall be done."

"Mmmm...the only way this would be better is if I wasn't getting kicked in the bladder.." He groaned a bit, whimpering. "Shhh, darn grifflet...he's being kinda frisky."

"Well, how about you go take care of it and then come on back? And while you're at it," Niv leaned in to whisper, "just think of how wide she was stretched. I think that was unbelievably hot."

He whimpered again, looking at Niv and rubbing his belly slightly, leaning back against him a bit and brushing his fingers over his erection. "What about this, though. Should I take care of it too?"

Niv shook his head. "I'll handle it, but I want you to be able to relax." He returned his attention to the new family, such as it was. The fawn was opening its eyes and looking around, apparently befuddled as to where it was. Storm nodded and padded off to relieve himself behind some brush. Nivalis casually took off his shirt and pants while he waited, scooting back further so as not to distract the doe from her charge.

The maleherm soon returned, carrying his loincloth in one hand as he tossed it on the pile of his brother's clothing, his stiff erection standing out while he still wore his shirt. "Hehe, getting in the mood I see?"

He nodded and scratched the grass in front of him. "I wanna try a little experiment. Either get on your knees or on your back."

He blinked, crouching on his knees in front of Niv and tilting his head. "Should I take off my shirt?"

He shrugged, "Won't matter. Now get on your hands and knees," he said lustily as he moved behind Storm.

Storm panted a little, crouching down on all fours, leaving his shirt on because at least it gave his breasts some support. "Okay, love...mmmf."

Niv leaned in and breathed in Storm's scent. "It's a good thing you got so wet earlier, otherwise I wouldn't try to do...this!" He gripped Storm's thighs and pushed his face into Storm's folds, letting it stay there.

He yelped and gasped, leaning down and lifting his tail and rump a bit more, pushing back against Niv as honey dripped off his balls and pre spurted from his shaft. "Oooh gods, Niv...mmmurrr!"

This by far wasn't the first time Nivalis had given his brother oral, but he went at Storm with particular fervor this time, pressing his face as far into Storm's folds as he dared to risk going and keeping it there as long as he could. He held Storm as steady as he could with his hands, pulling back to give him deeper entry.

Stormtalon moaned loudly and clawed at the ground, his shaft pulsing and leaking copious amounts of pre onto the grass as he grunted and whimpered in pleasure, his slick tunnel clenching and tightening against his brother's beak. "Mmmf, oooh yeah, bro, deeper, faster...."

He decided that Storm had been patient enough with waiting for the doe and tried to get him off quickly. Having long since memorized the location of Storm's g-spot, he pressed his beak against it as hard as he could.

It took but little effort to push the big griffon over the edge, and he squealed out in pleasure as his hot cum sprayed from his cock, showering Niv's face with hot girlcum and soaking his belly and the grass under him with his own seed, the baby kicking and thumping from his release. "OOOoooh, Niv!!" he cried.

Niv chuckled into Storm's sex, knowing that he had yet to fail to arouse his brother when he wanted to do so. He kept his face against Storm's sex until he finally had to take a breath, pulling back and gasping as strands of Storm's girlcum still linked him to his mate. "Heehee, sorry for going so fast, but I think your patience needed to be rewarded."

Storm panted and looked back over his shoulder, heaving with exhaustion, sitting on his bottom slowly and sliding his hand through the cum dripping off his belly and crotch. "Ohh, hehe, I'm not complaining, bro...except maybe for the mess." He chuckled and began to undo his shirt before opening it up to expose his increasingly maternal chest.

He gave Storm's chest a gentle grope as he leaned in to kiss him. "I see these two are coming along right on schedule themselves. Should be another month before we see any," he grinned, "action from them," he growled with a lick to Storm's face.

The bigger griffon tossed his shirt aside, pulling his brother close in an embrace, pressing his swollen front on Niv and kissing him deeply. "Mmmm, I'm still so...aroused, bro...purrrr...everywhere you touch me feels soooo good."

Niv took the initiative and buried his face in Storm's growing chest. "Heehee, maybe we could practice a little with these, hmm?" he asked knowingly. He looked in the direction of the doe and his eyes opened wide. "Whoa...what timing," he said, pointing. While they had been fooling around, the fawn staggered to its feet and was now ducking its head between its mother's hind legs.

Storm panted and stroked his brother's head gently, leaning back as Niv nuzzled his chest, his cock still throbbing against Niv's belly when he looked over to the doe and watched the fawn suckle, which turned him on still more even after his climax. The baby kicked gently as if reminding him of his future duties. "Mmm, I'm gonna get to do that...with our child...and with you..." he said with a wink.

He nodded and patted Storm's tummy. "That's another reason you can look forward to birth...then you start milking for real." He held one breast in his hand and licked its nipple.

He moaned again as Niv's tongue caressed his nipple, gasping and panting in pleasure, flicking his tail and shivering, nearly falling against his brother as he steadied himself on Niv's shoulder. "Oooh, sweetie, we should get back to the nest...I'm exhausted...but it feels wonderful."

He pulled back and smiled gently. "Okay, lean on me if you need to." He moved over to the doe and hugged her around her neck. "Even though we might be predator and prey at other times, thank you for involving us, especially my brother, in the beginning of your new life." She was more interested in her fawn but curled her neck to hug him, such as she could, before returning her gaze to her fawn.

Storm smiled sweetly, purring in contentment as he stood up beside Niv. "Aww, that's so sweet...and think of it, we'll be holding a little baby griffon in our arms soon too." As if in response, the grifflet kicked again, though softly this time. "And I think we interrupted someone's sleep...."

Nivalis kissed Storm deeply but for only a little bit before he leaned down to kiss Storm's tummy. "Aww, okay, we'll all go take a nap now."

He purred happily, leading the way back to their cave, leaving the clothing behind - he had a feeling he wouldn't be needing it soon.

Wild Ch. 8: Group Hug! 2

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. ...

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Mateship Ch. 2: Guardian

This story contains sex ^\_^ but also plot, like it or not. Cast Bailmont: Snow. Charizard: Snow. Dove: Me. Roland: Snow. White dragon: Both of us (but mostly Snow). Various NPCs: Both of us. Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc....

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Next Level Ch. 3: Wild Honeymoon

Cast The Breeders: Both of us. Charm: Snowfur. Poochyena: Both of us. Scyther: Snowfur. Solar: Me. Various NPCs: Both of us. Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Charm walked beside Solar...

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