Mateship Ch. 2: Guardian

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dragon's Mateship

This story contains sex ^_^ but also plot, like it or not.


Bailmont: Snow.

Charizard: Snow.

Dove: Me.

Roland: Snow.

White dragon: Both of us (but mostly Snow).

Various NPCs: Both of us.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

It was the fourth night of Dove and Bailmont's week-long honeymoon and tonight it was Bailmont's turn to pick what they did. He hadn't told her anything, just brought her to his car and started driving. Dove looked around at the city's neon lights; they were heading into the part of the city that was known for its nightclubs, many of which catered to specific tastes of partygoers. She couldn't help but chuckle; only with Bailmont would she ever be comfortable in a place full of light, sound, and strangers.

Bailmont drove for a while, a wide grin crossing his face as he spotted where he was taking Dove: a three-story building with red and green eastern and western dragon neon signs on top, the name "Twin Dragons" shown on a bright neon sign the same color as the bright dragons. He parked his tuner in front of the building and opened her door for her. "Welcome to the Twin Dragons, m'lady, a club for us scaled ones and our admirers." He gently tugged her along until they were in line. Two rather imposing anthro mammals were guarding the door, a white arctic fox checking the I.D.s of everyone they let in, turning several away. Standing beside the fox was a tall but sleek displacer beast morph, his arms crossed and his gaze stern as he periodically used one of his tentacles to lift the rope in front of the door and let someone inside. Dove shrunk a little in front of these powerful anthros, sticking close to Bailmont's side.

When it was their turn, Bailmont took out his driver's license and handed it to the fox, who ran it through a hand-held scanner. Bailmont nudged Dove gently to signal for her to give up hers. "They check everybody's, it's okay."

The fox handed Bailmont back his license and waited for Dove to give him hers, giving her body a practiced, discreet eye and thinking to himself, "Damn, where do all the good-looking ones hide anyway?"

Dove reached into her pants' pocket and shyly handed the fox her ID. She managed to catch the gaze of the powerful feline who was also standing guard. She was a little frightened by his bright orange eyes and intimidating façade, but his smile was surprisingly calming. He gave the winged Dragonair a slight nod, which she returned. The fox scanned her I.D and then nodded to the displacer to let them in.

As Bailmont held the door open for her, the upbeat techno music thumping inside came to their ears; it was loud but Dove found it tolerable. A broad grin spread across Bailmont's face; he loved this place and he was pretty close with the bartender slash co-owner of the place, a muscular vivid blue eastern dragon anthro by the name of Roland.

Dove looked around at what she could see from the entrance. There were dragons of every shape, size, and variety, from every corner of the globe. The mix was primarily eastern and western dragons, but a few wyverns, serpents, Pokémorphs, and some reptiles Dove couldn't place dotted the scene. A fair few of the clubbers weren't dragons, though, so she felt a little relieved that she wasn't in some elitist club.

Bailmont kept an arm around her shoulder to try to keep her calm, holding her close to his side as they made their way to the bar. He waved to the eastern dragon behind the bar, who smiled and waved back. As they approached, Dove noticed that the dragon's scales shifted to different shades of blue depending on how light hit him and how he moved. "Well, well, well, long time no see...and who is this lovely young lady?" The dragon smiled and half bowed to Dove.

Bailmont chuckled at him. "Roland, this is my mate Dove. Dove, this is a longtime friend and part-time owner of this place Roland."

The Dragonair returned the bow. "It's very nice to meet you, sir," she said in her more formal manner. "I've never been here before and clubbing really isn't my thing unless Bailmont is with me, so is there anything I should know about this place?" she asked.

Roland smirked. "This is a place for dragons and everybody who loves them to come and unwind a bit, but I would stay off the third floor, that's where the real 'unwinding' happens."

He winked at her and Bailmont chuckled and whispered in her ear, "There is a bunch of mating rooms up there."

Dove blushed and covered her mouth as she giggled. "I don't think we'll need that, sir. Surely we can contain ourselves for one evening," she said as she leaned on Bailmont a little, her tension slowly fading. A slight shaking of the ground jarred her thoughts; she registered that it was coming from behind her and turned her head to look, gasping as she saw a five-headed non-anthro hydra enter the club. The quadruped was almost five feet tall at its shoulder and must have been twenty feet long from snout to rump, its tail curled over its back. "Oh my..." she whispered breathily.

Bailmont also gave it a passing glance, wondering how something with five separate minds could function as a whole, but besides that, he was uninterested as Roland walked off to fill orders. Bailmont reached behind the bar and grabbed a couple of bottles of water and handed one to Dove, then left payment in their place and left a tip in the near over flowing tip jar. He twisted the top off his water and took a drink as he looked around. The club was not as full as it should be, but it was by no means empty either. "So what does m'lady care to do first?"

She looked around again and shrugged. "I really don't know. This is kind of your scene," she answered shyly as she took a drink from her own water.

He smirked and giggled a bit. "Wanna go to a mating room? They have one made to look like a cave, complete with stone beds." He was of course joking; he could never mate Dove in something like that...took something away from it, made it less special.

She cocked an eyebrow at him and giggled again. "A cave...and stone beds? What year is it, again?" she remarked. Then a new song came on and she couldn't help but nod and sway to the beat. "How about we dance a little first, loosen up?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Lead the way. Of course, I was never much of a dancer: two left paws." He followed her anyway, trying very hard not to look like a fool on the dance floor.

Dove swayed and gyrated her lithe body to the beat of the music, staying close to Bailmont and letting herself go...which, here, meant just dancing however it felt right. Her grace served her well on the dance floor, apparently. Bailmont smiled and followed her as best he could; he knew he couldn't hope to match her grace, but he did manage to keep up enough to not be laughed at. Most of the people were to busy staring at their bodies anyway.

She smiled back at him as they moved slowly but steadily across the floor. She noticed all the glances they received, and laughed. "We seem to be quite popular," she observed.

"They're probably staring at our butts." He didn't care that they were being watched, in fact he liked it; it kinda scratched the part of his mind that was a tad possessive. He felt as if he were showing Dove off, letting people see what they couldn't have.

Dove turned around to grind her back against Bailmont's front, surprised at how forward she was becoming. As she did, she caught sight of a white western dragon who was staring at her from the tables across the room. He smiled and nodded at her before going back to his food. She shuddered a little and turned back around; she could swear he was looking her over.

Bailmont saw her shudder and just figured it was from all the attention she was getting. He knew she was never completely used to being shown off, so he led her back to the bar as the song ended. "That was fun, though you make a far more convincing dancer than me," he complimented as he took another drink from his water.

She smirked up at him, her mild nervousness quickly fading. "Heehee, dancing's one of many skills I had to learn in school, though this goes a fair bit above and beyond what I was taught," she explained as she took a sip of water and wiped her forehead.

He smiled and wrapped an arm around her and held her close, enjoying the time with her. "Hey, wanna grab a table and get some food? They make killer cheeseburgers here."

Dove rubbed her chin before she nodded. "Sure. I'm in the mood for some food." She stood up and wrapped an arm around Bailmont's waist. "Lead the way."

He smiled and nodded and pulled her along and planted her in a booth in a corner near the kitchen. "It might take a bit for them to notice wanna go use the bathroom before that so it's all clear come food time?"

She contemplated his suggestion for a moment before she shook her head. "Nah, I'm good." She folded her hands as she waited for someone to help them. "So tell me, how do you know the owner of this place?"

Bailmont rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously. " and Roland...were...ya know, interlinked romantically at one time. Not mates per se, more like friends with benefits." He knew that Dove was okay with non-heterosexuality but he didn't know how she would take this news so he tried to be as gentle with it as he could.

Dove's eyebrows rose and her wings fluttered for a moment. "Huh...I see...well, I knew you weren't celibate before mating me, so it'd certainly be silly to let this screw anything up," she said simply with a shrug. "Heh, we learn something new about each other every day," she remarked.

He gave a sigh of relief. "But don't worry; I only have eyes for you now, Dove."

Just then a powerful female Charizard Pokémorph walked up to the table and held a pencil and a pad of paper in her hands. "Welcome to the Twin Dragons, can I get you two anything?"

Bailmont thought for a bit before ordering. "Yeah, I will have a mushroom cheeseburger, medium rare."

She nodded and wrote down his order before looking at Dove. "And what can I get for you, miss?"

Dove answered, "I'll just have a hamburger, please. Also medium rare."

The Charizard morph nodded and wrote down her order. "We're kinda backed up tonight so it might take about fifteen minutes." She then walked into the nearby kitchen door and shouted the orders out once the door closed, along with, "Get the lead out of your pants, Solar; we got orders out the ass!"

A male voice followed with, "You aren't the boss of me!"

Dove blinked a little at the Charizard's bellowing to this Solar before shaking her head. "She seems to fit right in," she observed.

Bailmont chuckled. "Yeah, they're both new, I think. I don't really keep up to date on this place anymore. You would be surprised how many employees this place goes through; not many people find it very fun to work in a nightclub. It's like casinos: they're fun to go to on occasion, but suck to work in." He laughed a bit; he knew what it was like to work in that kind of environment, when a worker was always in very high demand.

She nodded. "Suddenly teaching sounds quite appealing...or staying at home with a string of kids crawling all over you at all hours of the day," she said with a laugh.

He shared her laugh and leaned back and stretched, the leather of the booth creaking a little as he snaked his tail up her leg, playing the dragon version of footsies.

She shivered a little as a blush again crossed her cheeks, taking a quick look around as she let her shorter tail entwine with and stroke his. "Heehee, in public, dear?"

He smirked and leaned forwards, coiling his tail in hers. "Why not? I love you, why hide it?" He propped his head on his palms as he smiled at her.

Dove smiled amorously at him as she leaned forwards on the table, kissing his snout. "You're so sweet...if you keep playing your cards right, we'll take a look around the third floor," she said with a wink.

Bailmont smirked and kissed her back. "Nah, I can wait 'til we get home," he said with a wink.

They continued to flirt until their food arrived. The Charizard didn't waste any time with conversation since most of the rest of her hands and arms were being used for carrying more orders as she scurried off.

Dove watched the Charizard leave, nodding. "Y'know, with that body, she's way more qualified to be a fitness instructor...or an Olympic weightlifter or something," she remarked as she started to eat her burger.

He laughed and started to eat his food as well. "I like your body better: much better handling." He smirked and gave her a wink as he took a bite from his cheeseburger, enjoying the taste. "Did I not tell you the food here rocks?"

She murred a little at his compliment and the food, and nodded, smiling brightly. "Yeah, these are really good. Maybe we should come back sometime," she said in agreement, digging in.

He nodded and ate a few French fries. "Used to come here all the time, but I will definitely bring you back if you like it." He smiled and fed her one of his fries to be romantic-like.

She leaned over and took it in her mouth, letting out an "Ahm num num" to be cute. She was about to do the same to him when something white in the corner of her eye drew her attention. She turned in time to see the white dragon from earlier walking around casually...and his head was turning away as if he had been looking in her direction just before she looked over at him. She again felt unease fall over her, her wings folding to her back and her tail falling limp in anxiety.

Bailmont again noticed her change in behavior, and this time he wouldn't let it go. "What's wrong?" His eyes darted around to try to see what made her act like that, but couldn't see anything that would upset her.

Dove shook her head. "Mm...I get the feeling I'm being stared at...or just being ogled. I think we should go once we're done, okay?" she responded.

He nodded. "Yeah, sometimes it does get a little odd. Some people just come here to try and get lucky. Next time I'll bring you in earlier in the night to avoid the perverts," he said with a smile, hoping that set her at ease.

She smiled back at him. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Certainly not the first time I've been looked at the wrong way," she said before shaking the negative thoughts out of her head. In a short time, she'd be all alone with the one man who could look at her however he wanted; that alone acted as a powerful safety valve for her. She went back to her hamburger, batting her eyelids at him flirtatiously as her tail searched for his, too short to reach his legs.

Bailmont nodded, going back to his burger and re-coiling his tail around hers. He soon finished his food and gave his belly a pat. "That was great...not as good as your cooking, but close." He smiled at her and blew her a kiss.

She waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, pff, you're just buttering me up." Still, she rested her chin on her palms and smiled at him. "I like it. Do it some more," she chirped.

He smirked knowingly. "Your cooking rocks; you're the most dead sexy dragoness in here; and you're an angel who has more than earned her wings, one who I am very lucky to be mated with."

Dove let out a deep sigh of happiness. Every time her mate praised her, it made her day, so to have him give her several compliments in short order always put her in a deeply amorous mood. "Ahh...that feels sooo gooood..." she murmured as her whole body relaxed.

He smiled and moved his tail a bit further up her leg and wiggled it at the crotch of her pants before digging out his wallet. "Wanna hit the bricks and head home, or stay here a little longer?"

She shivered again and reflexively closed her thighs around his tail. "Heehee, naughty boy, you're too good at flattering me," she purred before releasing his tail. "I wanna go home and give you even more reasons to flatter me...but first, I must use the ladies' room." She scooted out of the booth and started to make her way to the restrooms, wiggling her hind end a little to give him something at which to stare.

It was Bailmont's turn to shudder as he watched her trot off...he was so going to mate her until the wee hours of the morning tonight. He shook his head and tried to concentrate, counting out a couple of ten-dollar bills for the food and leaving the Charizard woman a five-dollar tip.

Dove approached the ladies' room...or what she thought was the ladies' room. Apparently, the club had a row of single-occupant bathrooms for both genders. She shrugged. "Must be for people who just can't wait to get upstairs," she said with a chuckle as she entered the nearest bathroom and answered nature's call. After washing her hands and primping a little in the mirror, she happily opened the door to return to her mate.

Just as she was opening the door, the dragon from earlier pushed the door the rest of the way open and blocked the entrance, leaning on the door jam with a hungry grin on his maw as his eyes looked her up and down. "Hey, good looking, why don't you ditch that pile of bricks and have some fun with a real dragon?"

The Dragonair flinched and took a step back in surprise and fear. "I...I'm afraid I'm taken...he's my mate, so could you please let me go?" She could feel waves of aggression and lust radiate from this dragon.

His smile wavered for a second as he grabbed one of her arms and pulled her to him. "I don't think you heard me. I said ditch the loser and come with me." He held her at his side and started to aggressively grope her body, especially her rump, the inside of her thighs, and her breasts, saving between her legs for later.

"Hey, what-...stop it!" she said timidly as she tried to get out of his grip, finding him much too strong as her skin crawled from his unwelcome touch.

The dragon's smile now looked more like a snarl as he forced a kiss on her and roughly grabbed her crotch, holding her still with his free arm and stepping on one of her feet to keep her from trying to kick him. He was intent on having his way with her, whether she liked it or not. Dove let out a muffled squeal as she kept trying to push her assaulter away, now truly becoming afraid for her safety, and even her life. He began to growl as he lost the kiss to her movement, so he snuck his hand under her shirt and squeezed her breasts before he shoved her into the bathroom and against the back wall as he continued to stand in the doorway, sneering at her, a bulge in his pants making quite obvious what he planned to do to her. "Take your clothes off now, and if you scream, so help me...." He let the threat die off as he waited for her to comply.

She just sobbed, flattening against the wall and almost curling up, tears starting to run down her cheeks. " me..." she whimpered, trembling.

"No one's going to help you now." The dragon walked in and started to close the door...when it flew open so hard and fast it came off the hinges, and in a blink of a eye, Bailmont had pulled the dragon out of the bathroom and was holding him against the wall opposite to the bathroom, beating him as hard as he could with his free hand. Blow after blow landed on the dragon's face, chest, and gut, drawing blood quickly. The look on Bailmont's face was one that very few people had seen on him: it was almost pure ferocity, feelings left over from his ancestors.

Dove remained pinned where she was but now she was looking at Bailmont as well as her attacker in fear. She had never seen Bailmont so was terrifying her. She covered her chest with her arms as if hugging herself, her soft eyes shiny with moisture.

The dragon managed to pull out a pocket knife and started to swing it, but Bailmont grabbed his arm with one hand and wrapped the other around the dragon's neck, lifting the dragon so he was on his tiptoes, his windpipe completely closed. The dragon struggled and tried to force air into his lungs with no success. It was quite apparent to the gathering crowd that Bailmont was trying to kill the dragon for trying to rape his mate, the look of wild anger having hardened on Bailmont's face and all of his teeth bared in an angry snarl.

It was then that the bouncers from earlier charged in and, seeing what was going on, rushed over to try to break up the fight. "Hey, knock it the fuck off!" the displacer shouted as he wrapped his tentacles around Bailmont's waist and tried to pull the tank of scales off of the increasingly bloody white dragon, the arctic fox barking at the onlookers to back away from the scene.

Dove, having recovered some of her wits, spoke up in a squeaky voice, "Bailmont...please stop...."

Bailmont was oblivious to everything but killing this dragon as the arctic fox bouncer pulled out a nightstick, pounding it on the inside of Bailmont's elbow to try to break his grip, to no avail. It took the shiny eastern dragon Roland to get Bailmont off the white dragon. Roland barely managed to restrain Bailmont, putting his arms under Bailmont's armpits and sweeping Bailmont's feet out, falling backwards with Bailmont on top of him. Bailmont continued to thrash in Roland's hold as Roland shouted, "Get that bastard out of here! He won't calm down until he's gone!"

The displacer nodded and started to drag the white dragon away, using his tentacles and his hands to keep the dragon restrained...not that the dragon was in any shape to fight back, his white face and torso stained red with his blood and his body limp. He looked around at the crowd who had gathered to watch and looked over at the arctic fox for help.

Dove slowly made her way over to Bailmont's thrashing form and reached out to stroke his face. "'re scaring me...please calm down...."

Bailmont snorted a few times, then started to calm down as her hand touched his snout and he felt and smelled her, giving out a low, draconic moan as he relaxed and Roland let him go. Bailmont stood up and looked around, spotting the beaten dragon being dragged off by the fox and the displacer. He started to get angry again, but turned to face Dove. He promptly wrapped his arms and wings around her, nuzzling the top of her head as Roland stood up and brushed himself off. "You two may want to leave," he said sternly.

Dove pressed herself into Bailmont's chest, her fear for her life and of her mate's fury now completely subsumed by the pure shock of what had just happened, her tears soaking into his shirt. She flinched from the smell of blood still fresh on him and could swear she still felt the dragon's invading hands on her body. "Please...take me home...I'm scared..." she whimpered before she broke down crying.

Bailmont said nothing. He just gently picked her up, still hiding her from view with his large wings as he carried her back to his car and set her in the passenger's seat. He walked around and got in the driver's seat, gripping the steering wheel hard and making its leather creak, still in a slight daze from all of the confusing emotions he was feeling as he fired the engine up and drove slowly and carefully home. "Dove...I...don't know what happened to me. I was just sitting at the table waiting for you...then I heard...or thought I heard you...the next thing I know, I was being held down on the felt so strange...."

Dove kept her chest covered with her arms as if still trying to shield herself. "*sniff* J-Just drive...I can't talk n-n-now," she sniffled as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.

He said nothing else as he pulled into the parking lot for their apartment complex. He got out and helped Dove out of her seat, again carrying her surrounded by his wings into their apartment. He set her down on their bed, covering her up and going into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, peeling the bloody shirt from his torso. He stared at his muscular frame, but his normal feelings about it had changed. He no longer saw himself the same way: now he saw an irrational animal. He gave a sad sigh and asked himself, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" before he splashed water on his face.

Dove slowly crept into the bathroom, trying not to startle Bailmont as she gently wrapped her arms and wings around him as best she could from behind him. " shouldn't be ashamed of came to my rescue when I needed you...more than I can say," she said in a breathy, shaky voice.

He turned to her and hugged her back. "I...just don't understand what I felt, it was as if I was out of control...I didn't like it at all...." He sighed again and smiled a little as he hugged her; at least the knowledge that she was safe calmed him down. "I guess there's more to me than even I thought. I am just so glade you're safe...that monster didn't hurt you, did he?"

She shook her head a little. "No...not my body...but I'm...*sniff* I'm so sorry, Bailmont...I was so scared...too scared to fight him..." she murmured into his chest with a loud sniff.

Bailmont rubbed her arm and "shhh"ed her. "No, did what you're supposed to: call out for help. I'm proud of you: you withstood his advances and called for help. Who knows what would have happened if you had tried to fight him instead of calling for help?"

She shook her head again. "I didn't call out for help, I just whimpered and took it...I couldn't have fought him off as you can...."

"But that's not you, and it was enough. You did what you had to do, and in hindsight, I did what I had to do. You're strong, but up here," he tapped her forehead gently, "and in here," he tapped her chest.

Dove looked up at him and then placed her hand over her heart as if trying to feel for herself what Bailmont was talking about. "I...I am?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yes, you have a big, strong heart and mind. You are far smarter and kinder than I am." He continued to smile as he hugged her again. "Thank you for being my smart and sensitive mate. You complete me, balance me. Without you there, who knows what might have happened."

She shuddered a little and nodded. "I don't even want to think about what could have happened if...if either of us weren't there..." she said shakily. She took a few deep breaths to calm down as she just stood there, hugging her mate and trying to relax into his protective embrace.

Bailmont walked her to their bed and sat down with her in his lap, wings and arms wrapped around her as he stroked her back and softly kissed the top of her head, murmuring words of love and comfort.

Dove nuzzled his chest and hugged him with her arms and wings again. "I...can we...take a shower...together? We need to wash off all these...bad feelings."

He nodded and gently sat her on the bed. He slowly took off his pants and underwear, letting her eyes take in his body as he stood naked before her, smirking slightly and waiting for her to make the next move. Even though he knew she loved being shown that she was beautiful in his eyes, he cherished every time he could see her naked.

She softly took his hand and led him into the bathroom, turning on the shower and slowly slipping her clothing off as she waited for the water to warm up. "We might have to go slowly...I need to take in your touch..." she said breathily.

He nodded. "Water bill be damned, I'll stay in there all night for you." He slowly stepped in, letting a low murmur escape his muzzle as the warm water hit his chest with a noisy patter and rolled down his muscular red and black frame.

She stepped in behind him, folding her wings to her back to give her and Bailmont more space. "Ahh...this is nice..." she murmured, pressing up against him and kissing his neck.

Bailmont turned around and leaned down a little to kiss her, rubbing her body with his hands to get her skin nice and wet. He then grabbed the body wash she liked and began to slowly massage it on her body, starting from her shoulders and working down, a warm smile on his face. Dove reached over and turned off the shower, wanting to save water since she thought they would be in the shower for a while. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, soaking in the feeling of Bailmont touching her.

He rubbed her arms with the rosy smelling soap, then turned her around and began all over again by massaging the body wash deep into her shoulders and back, gently working the taut muscles between her wings. She let out a moan of pleasure at the touch. "Ohh...that's good...that's what I need...gentle touch..." she mumbled.

"I am glad you like," he said quietly with a kiss of her ear. He moved his hands down to the small of her back and then over her tummy, knowing that he would have to be careful with her breasts. Dove leaned her head forward as she nearly turned to putty from Bailmont's soft touch. After the forceful and unwelcome touching of the dragon from the club, this was heaven to her: her mate touching her where only he could touch her and how only he could touch her.

He worked over her buttocks and tail base, squeezing more body wash from the tube and reaching around to begin to slowly, softly massage her breasts, letting out a little murr at touching her. Being able to touch her, however carefully, fed the little part of his mind where his more possessive nature dwelled and allowed him to tell it that she was still his and the threat to that was over.

She moaned again from him touching her breasts, breathing deeply to keep herself calm. This was her mate touching her, not the dragon from the club. Her nipples stiffened as his fingers brushed them and she reached up with her hands to set them on his, not stopping or slowing them, just to remind herself that it was Bailmont.

Bailmont removed his hands from her body to take the shower wand from its holder as he turned the water back on, rinsing her off deliberately slowly, rubbing the lather off with one hand and holding the shower wand with the other. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Dove...your skin is's so soft and shiny and healthy...."

Dove slowly rolled her head from side to side. "Mmm...that feels so good..." she murmured. Once her muscles regained their strength, she was so going to pay him back.

He finished rising her off and switched the wand to a pulsing stream as he went back over her body, soon just massaging her back with his hand and the water, trying to help her relax and forget her troubles, smiling at seeing that it was working. She leaned forward against the wall of the shower as she felt him work at her loosening muscles, almost collapsing right then and there from how relaxed she was. She was mumbling things softly to herself, mostly pleasured gibberish peppered with a few "I love you"s.

Bailmont leaned forwards and kissed the nape of her neck, saying, "I love you too," every time she said she loved him as he continued to massage her for a while before putting the shower want back on its holder and turning her around. He began to softly kiss her, not trying to go farther than that without her permission. He just wanted to hold and kiss her, feeling warm from both the water and her love.

The Dragonair wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, still all but turned to mush from his touch but intent on showing him how happy she was that he was with her. She pressed her body against his, rubbing her smooth skin and cleavage against his surprisingly smooth red chest and belly. He murred and felt his arousal swell a bit, his sheath filling up and pressing against her midsection as he continued to kiss her, one hand and arm around her shoulders, the other just above her buttocks.

Dove felt him start to become aroused and slowly broke the kiss. "I think you're owed a massage now, dear Bailmont."

He smiled and took a few steps back to let her at his body. "I am all yours, m'lady. Do to me as you please."

She smiled back at him and rubbed her chin. Soap or body wash...she decided on soap. She took the big bar of soap and a washcloth from the side of the shower and lathered the washcloth up, starting to rub over his collarbone with it and her free hand. "Mm...I must have been blessed by Ho-Oh to be allowed to mate a dragon who is so powerful and yet so gentle...."

Bailmont chuckled slightly. "And I must have mated an angel." He murred as she started to touch him, his arousal rising some more as her soft hands worked over his surprisingly sensitive body.

Dove blushed a little as she looked down at his sheath, seeing it filling up. She ignored it for the moment and started to wash one arm, then the other, continuing to compliment his body and strength. He just tilted his head back and murred as she washed his body, his muscles shuddering every once and a while, saying with out speaking that she was doing a great job of massaging and relaxing him.

She finished with his arms and started to run the soapy washcloth and her hand over his chest, murring a little. "How much did you have to work out to have this body?" she asked playfully.

He shook his head slightly. "Not much; a lot of it's natural bulk. It's from the kind of dragon I am." He flexed one arm for her, the scales shifting around the bulge bending his arm made.

She smirked and ran her hand on his bicep. "Nice...very nice..." she trailed off as she leaned in to give him a quick kiss, then ran the washcloth a little lower, scrubbing at his powerful chest.

He murred. "Not nearly as nice as you, my dear." He ran a finger across her cheek, smiling down at her as she continued to wash him. The closer her hands were to his crotch, the more apparent his arousal was, the head of his member now poking from the sheath.

Dove chuckled a little as she scrubbed him. "There you go flattering me again, silly man." She was now at his stomach, raising an eyebrow while looking down at his crotch. "Someone has something on his mind...."

Bailmont smirked. "Only of you, my dear mate; only for you." He murred again and leaned back as she went lower, it felt so great.

She kissed him again as she slowly turned him around and started washing his back. Even from behind, he looked incredible. He stretched out his wings as much as he could and leaned forward, the thick muscles that controlled his wings shifting under his scales on his back as he murred once more.

She didn't have much practice with giving Bailmont massages yet; he always just said that she was doing great. Determined to find and memorize sensitive spots, she pressed her thumbs and knuckles into the tight musculature of his back, murring herself from being so impressed by his physique.

He shuddered and groaned as she brushed over several of his sweet spots. "You're so good at this..." His member had completely slipped out of his sheath, but was not hard yet, so it just dangled in plain sight in front of his scaled testicles.

"Heehee, there you go again...c'mon...what really gets you going?" she asked in as smooth a voice as she could muster, pressing on his wing joints.

He grunted in approval as his wing joints popped. "Everywhere you touch me is oh so right." He gripped his shaft and gave it a few strokes to draw her attention to it, to prove her touching was working wonders, feeling it firm up.

Dove felt the embers of her arousal kindled by the sight of him stroking himself. "Mmf...that looks nice...turn back around, please," she purred. Bailmont did as she asked, turning around, his member standing straight up for her as he leaned against the wall of the shower again, a sly smirk on his face.

She smirked back before she looked down at his member, then wrapped the soapy cloth around it and started stroking it. She went slowly, wanting to save him for mating. Bailmont shuddered with the feeling of her rubbing his member with the cloth, a bit of pre oozing into the washcloth as she went, causing him to let out a bit of a whimper from the pleasure.

Dove scooted a little closer and nuzzled his chest as she stroked him. "Shall we rinse off and take this to the bedroom?" she spoke above a whisper.

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Let's mate in the shower." He smirked and licked the side of her face and sucked on her neck, giving her breasts a rub.

She let out a hissing breath at his rub, moving away a little. "Mm...okay...just please go slowly...even after all of this, I'm still...a little nervous," she said, hoping he would understand.

He nodded and leaned back. "Go as fast as you want; I will go as slow as you want me to."

Dove replaced the washcloth and turned around, taking a few deep breaths and bending over and moving her tail out of the way, holding onto the shower's nozzles. "Hold your member down, please."

He nodded and held his shaft so it was parallel to the ground and in front of her sex. He shuddered again in anticipation, but he remained calm and slow; he wanted to make her feel as safe as could be, to reassure her of how he felt: that he would always be at her service, no matter what.

She backed up and started to let him enter her, groaning loudly and stopping after he was in a short ways. "'re so...I..." she moaned, biting her bottom lip and slowly shaking her head from side to side.

He also murred and put his hands on her hips, resisting the urge to pull her back farther, instead trying to concentrate on other things to keep his mating urges at bay. She inched back, feeling him open her nethers and moaning louder as he sunk into her. She panted as she started to lose her hold on the shower nozzles, scooting back up so she could maintain this position better. "Mm...go ahead..." she breathed.

Bailmont murred again and nodded, moving his hips back and forth slowly, gently, making it feel great for both of them, his hands moving up and caressing her breasts gently and softly, rubbing them and then her hips. Dove arched her back and her neck, letting out a loud whine of pleasure as her wings flapped reflexively and her tail quivered. She moved her own body back and forth to match Bailmont's thrusts, panting and whimpering at the penetration.

His thrusts were punctuated by grunts and low murrs. He stood her up straight and wrapped his arms and wings around her, kissing and nibbling her neck as he thrusted up into her. She leaned back into him as she wrapped her arms up around his neck and panted as she tried to kiss him but couldn't, only able to run her tongue on his lips as her tail flicked reflexively, unable to move down between his legs. She moved one hand down to move his hand to her chest, telling him with her actions to touch him there as she felt herself quiver and tighten around him.

Bailmont murred, and nuzzled her neck as he gripped her gently where she wanted. He felt his pleasure building; it would not be long until he climaxed, so he slowed his thrusting some to make the mating last longer. Dove felt herself up as he mated her, reaching down with one hand to her penetrated labia and rubbing herself as her other hand rested on top of Bailmont's head, slowing down her movements from Bailmont's unspoken cue. He kept his eyes closed and his mouth at her neck as he thrusted up into her, giving way to his instincts a little as they mated. He shuddered at feeling how she tightened and felt their bond with her hand. His own hands stroked and caressed her belly and breasts, enjoying how soft and supple she was.

She started panting harder as she felt the wave of her orgasm start to crest despite herself. She whimpered, "Mm, Bailmont, I can't...hold on for long...."

"Don't, Dove, let go...." He thrusted a couple more times before he started to orgasm hard, pushing his member to its limits as he pumped her full of his hot seed. Dove cried out and pressed hard on her clit as she came with him, feeling his seed splatter against her womb and run out of the seal formed by their union. She kissed him hard on the lips, wanting to taste him and stimulate every sense she could.

His orgasm lasted for almost a minute before waning, leaving him in absolute euphoria as he kissed her back, gently rubbing her front up. She came down from her orgasm shortly after Bailmont did, panting heavily and almost collapsing again, every muscle in her body worn out by their mating. Instead, she tiredly reached for the shower handles and turned on cool water, too tired to rinse them off with the shower wand.

Bailmont murred as he felt the water wash over them, his member starting to retreat back into his sheath. "Muuuurrrr...that was great...I love you so much."

Dove nodded in agreement, her cheeks and chest having flushed bright red from the passion and heat of their mating. "Thank you...I love you too...dear Bailmont..." she breathed. He stayed behind her and began to rub her shoulders again, still deep in her even as his member softened.

She soon turned the water off and moved the shower curtain aside, pulling him out despite her somewhat unsteady gait as she started to dry herself off, still looking a bit dazed. He grabbed a towel and started to try to help dry her off, smiling brightly at seeing he did a good job at mating her. Dove's zoned-out smile remained on her face as he dried her off, she lifting a towel to dry him off as well. She looked about ready to nod off where she stood...he had really gone the distance this time.

Once they were dry he led her to their bed and laid her down before he cuddled up next to her, pulling the covers up around them. "Good night, little angel," he said with a kiss to the top of her head.

She nodded tiredly and nuzzled his chest, looking up at him. "Bailmont...the day I go off the going to be epic," she breathed before her eyes closed and she went limp, completely blissed out.

He nodded and kissed the top of her head again. "I eagerly await it." Then he too closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep, his head filled with thoughts of that day.

Mateship Ch. 3: Culmination

It's about time, isn't it? Please note: Due to lack of interest on Snow's part, **this story is not going to be continued**. It is, however, at something of an ending point, so it will not be taken down. Cast Bailmont: Snow. Charizard:...

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Next Level Ch. 3: Wild Honeymoon

Cast The Breeders: Both of us. Charm: Snowfur. Poochyena: Both of us. Scyther: Snowfur. Solar: Me. Various NPCs: Both of us. Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Charm walked beside Solar...

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Jenna's Story Ch. 1

Cast Clint: Me. Jake: Me. Jenna: Dash. Skunk: Me. Various NPCs: Both of us. Art by Dash and used with permission. The anthro golden retriever sat on his couch, his brow knitted and his soft and friendly brown eyes focused in...

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