Next Level Ch. 3: Wild Honeymoon

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#4 of The Next Level


The Breeders: Both of us.

Charm: Snowfur.

Poochyena: Both of us.

Scyther: Snowfur.

Solar: Me.

Various NPCs: Both of us.

Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Charm walked beside Solar as they entered the ashfall zone of Route 113. She sneezed a few times as they started to kick up ash. Solar seemed better able to handle the ashes than his mate, having a smaller and much less sensitive nose. "Heh heh, I don't care what anyone says, playing in this place is a blast," he observed, starting to run into the gray tall grass

She smirked and watched him play in the grass. She slowly walked into the grass herself and kicked up a few ashes, resisting the urge to sneeze again, intent on having fun with her mate. "I guess it can be fun."

He turned to look at her. "You guess? C'mon, it's great!" he exclaimed, kicking up clouds of ashes as more rained from Mt. Chimney.

She shrugged and folded her wings and fell onto her back, waving her arms and legs, giggling despite herself. She kept her eyes closed to keep from getting ashes in them.

The Blaziken crouched down in the tall grass, suddenly feeling playful (a rarity for him). He crept around, keeping as quiet as he could, apparently waiting to see how long it would take for Charm to look for him. Charm could soon no longer hear Solar moving around and poked her head from the top of the grass. She looked around, then stood up and saw a pile of ashes that stood out like a sore thumb, causing her to smirk. "You gotta try harder than that!" she taunted. She took a good run and jumped at the pile, feeling around for Solar, particularly Solar's butt.

What greeted her was the sound of Solar's riotous laughter and his fist pounding the ground from behind her. "Haha! Oho...Charm, you are too funny!" he cried.

She raised an eyebrow as she stood up, apparently having pounced a ninja boy, holding the kid by the back of his waistband. "You did that on purpose," she grumbled to Solar as she looked over her shoulder at her mate to give him a slightly angry smirk.

The ninja boy squirmed in her grip, beating her hand with his fists. "Rr...put me down so that I ninja boy Lao may challenge you!" he said in a tone that was a mix of anger, annoyance, and surprise.

She raised an eyebrow and looked to the kid, raising him so he was head level with her. "Little boy, I am a triple-S Charizard. What could you even possibly have that would not crumble like spun sugar at one blow from me?"

Lao growled at her, unintimidated by her claim (or even more foolishly just not believing it). "I'll show you, Charizard woman!" he said defiantly, having to undo his belt and fall out of his pants in front of her, springing back on his hands and throwing a Pokéball forward. "Go, Koffing!" he called, the Poison-type emerging and regarding its opponent with its usual stupid stare.

Charm rolled her eyes and cast the boy's pants aside, looking over to Solar. "I'll take this one." She then rushed the Koffing and gave it a restrained punt kick, calling, "FORE!"

The Koffing was sent flying over the trees, its eyes spinning as smoke leaked out from all of its jets, the wind quite literally being knocked out of it. Lao just gawked at her in disbelief before he shook his head and reached into his vest. "Until we meet again, worthy foe!" he proclaimed, throwing a smoke bomb on the ground and vanishing in the obscuring smoke.

Solar stood back up and nodded in appreciation as he walked over to her. "You're supposed to be retired, sugar," he remarked.

She shrugged. "Was I just supposed to just stand there and let that thing gob all over my hide?" She smirked and licked the side of Solar's face. "That's your job," she murmured, drawing a growl from Solar. She then took a few steps back with a playful smile on her face as she unfurled her wings and gave them a powerful flap, sending a could of ash towards Solar. "Like dumb ninja boy, I disappear!" she quipped. She ran behind an ash-covered tree, but it wasn't big enough to hide all of her; the edges of Charm's hips and bust poked from the sides of the tree.

The Blaziken swatted at the cloud of ash, his feathers now covered with the stuff. "Pff, pfft," he spat, looking for Charm and soon seeing her. He smirked and stalked over to the tree, then pounced her. "Rawr!" he mock growled.

Charm caught him and fell onto her back, laughing. "Damn it, given away by my giant ass and boobs," she complained. But she rolled over deftly and pinned him to the ground, her flaming tail swaying behind her as she smiled down at him and then planted a deep kiss on him, her hide smeared with the black and gray ash.

He let out a little moan into the kiss, starting to get aroused as he pulled her down to him, rubbing her breasts on his chestfeathers and kissing her back. "Mm, won't hear me complain," he remarked.

She chuckled a bit and moved her legs back so more of her body was resting on his. "I would have it no other way, really; I don't think skinny little things are very attractive, or even healthy; a real femme needs some meat on her bones." To drive her point home she gave her own butt a good slap with her hand, smirking at the loud sound of her palm hitting the soft hide and tissue.

Solar nodded. "Heh heh, I like everything you've got, hot stuff," he quipped, wrapping his thighs around her middle and pressing his firm crotch against her abs, his shaft starting to emerge.

She smirked and leaned close to his ear. "Yiff me hard, right here in the open. Let's show them how it's done," she growled. She then nuzzled and nipped his neck, moving her hips so her vagina was resting on his crotch; it was already hot and inviting. Solar had spurred her heat on but she could feel her hormones starting to ebb; today was the last day of her heat and she wanted to squeeze every ounce of mating out of Solar.

He growled at Charm and rolled them over again so that he was on top and giving her a lustful grin. He reached up and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them hard as he brought one to his mouth and started humping her crotch. She gave a low and pleasurable growl as she felt him enter and thrust into her. She reached up and ran her hands through his chestfeathers, tracing the muscle underneath, giving his pecks a firm grope as well. He gave her nipple a little nibble as the talons of his other hand poked at her other breast. He let out little grunts as he started mating her hard and fast, just as she asked...and whatever Charm asked of him, he gave. He ignored the wandering wild Pokémon; in his world, it was him and his Charizard mate.

As her pleasure mounted she reached up and clamped her muzzle onto his left shoulder, still emitting her low mating growl. Her bite was firm, but she stopped short of actually doing damage as her hands hungrily raked through his feathers and her sex grew hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter. The Blaziken let out a loud growl at her bite, Charm's rough mating drilling a desire he'd only recently discovered he had. Her tail curled up and traced his bottom and rested on his back, giving him timed pushes to make his thrusting even harder. He released her nipple from his mouth and clenched his jaw, his face in a tight smile of pleasure as he mated her, little wisps of flame leaking from his mouth, a sure sign that Charm was hitting all the right notes.

As her climax drew closer she grabbed him under his chin and pointed his face at hers and started to kiss him aggressively, the grass around and under her starting to smolder as her body temperature rose ever higher. Her mind and body were melting into his thrusts, things happing to her, physically and emotionally. This would be the crescendo of the few days when their young passion would peak; after this there would be no doubt in her mind as to who she would stand next to for the rest of her life.

Solar pulled back one last time and thrust in hard, letting out a loud cry as wisps of flame shot across his body, forcing his body to remain at a temperature that wouldn't harm his mate. His shaft pulsed and spurted his red-hot cum into her as he resisted the urge to shoot fire down her throat, instead kissing Charm so hard that his entire face hurt. Charm returned the hard kiss, her own hot juices releasing and merging with his. A shudder raced through her body as her orgasm hit and hit hard. She pushed her hips up to push his member in as far as it would go. Her claws raked hard up his back; she resisted the urge to press them into his feathers any harder, knowing his skin was not as tough as her hide.

When it was all said and done she lay under him, holding him close to her and panting heavily, her tail relaxing and flopping to the ground. He collapsed on top of her as he kept cumming for a little while, groaning loudly at the feeling of release. He mentally thanked his Fighting heritage for giving him such a virile body; Charm would have killed him by now if he were any weaker. He finally stopped cumming but stayed hard, nuzzling her chest. "Ughhh...too hot to handle..." he mumbled.

She chuckled through pants as she rubbed his back. "You were on fire yourself," she responded breathily. She gave a pleasant sigh and laid her head back, basking in the euphoria of the after mating, the warm feeling of still having him in her, the feeling of complete release from tension. It was a great feeling.

He took deep breaths as he snuggled against her, loving the feeling of her sex around his shaft and her firm and muscular body beneath his. He looked up at her as he pulled out slowly, scooting up and kissing her on her neck.

She murred and grabbed his buttocks and kissed him back deeply, breaking it after a few seconds and looking around; they had burned a ten-foot circle into the ash-covered grass. She smirked and pointed a few pairs of wild Pokémon eyes staring at them. "Well, this will be here a while, and seems he have an audience."

Solar couldn't help but chuckle, but his smile faded upon seeing the kid from not long ago looking at them. He cocked an eyebrow at the boy. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Uh...just...wanted my pants back..." Lao trailed off.

Charm laughed and pointed with her thumb at where she had left his pants. "Go home and ask your daddy about what we were doing, kid." The boy scurried off, not wanting to upset either of them. She then turned her attention back to Solar, kissing him again, not caring about the boy or the multitude of Pokémon staring at them, some in curiosity and some in lust.

Solar looked around at the Pokémon watching them and held Charm close to him, kissing her lips. "Mine!" he said possessively.

She nodded and kissed him back. "And mine!" She liked that he was finally starting to take a bit of command. It itched her instincts to have him say that she was his.

Solar rubbed his body against hers and made a bit of an upset face when he realized that the ashes were starting to make the feeling unpleasant. He sighed and started to get up, his shaft withdrawing. "I think it's as good a time as any for that dip in the hot springs you mentioned."

She smirked and stood up. The combination of their juices running down her thighs and the ash made her legs a gooey mess. She also had ash smudged all over her body, with several handprints from Solar on her chest and backside. "If they let us in, we're dirtier than Spoinks," she observed.

He smirked back at her and dusted his feathers as best he could. He looked over his shoulder and chuckled at seeing Charm's handprints on his rump. Then an idea came to him. "Heehee...Charm...what say we goof around here some more?"

Charm gave a mock sigh of exasperation. "You're just like a little kid, but okay, go for it." She spat into her palms and tried to rub some of the soot off her face, not having much success.

He looked around at the expanse of still-ashy tall grass, thinking over his plan. "Heehee, you'll like it! Okay, go fly up and watch!" he said excitedly as he started to run through the ashes. The Charizard anthro shook her head but did what he asked, taking off and flying easily in circle above him, wondering what he was going to do...probably something dirty, which brought a giggle from her.

Solar soon came to a ridge that overlooked a wide expanse of Route 113 and then ran back and forth through the ashes, eventually making a straight line. He ran to the upper end and made a half circle, forming a big capital letter p in the ashes. She quirked her lips, already guessing what he was going to write, but she figured if they could mate right in the open and not get in trouble, then this silliness wouldn't get them in trouble either. She yawned as she circled, watching him write the rest of his dirty word. He hopped over to write his next letters, eventually jumping away and further down the ridge where he and most other people on Route 113 could see his handiwork. He rested his hands on his hips and smiled proudly, waving Charm down.

Charm shook her head and landed beside him. "Very nice...but you misspelled 'penis,' dear mate." She smiled and gave him a hug from behind, trying not to tease him, only point out his mistake. She still couldn't help but giggle as she looked at the large and plainly visible word written in the ash-covered grass.

Solar cocked his head as he looked up at her. "What? You're's not spelled p-e-n-u-s?" He returned his gaze to the apparently misspelled word and his shoulders slumped.

She chuckled and pointed at the giant U. "That should be an i, love, not a u, but that's okay; you're a looker, not a thinker." She patted the side of his face and then his bottom.

The Blaziken's shoulders remained drooped as he leaned into Charm and grumbled a little. "...Am I your looker?" he asked.

She smiled and groped his crotch. "Yup, you're mine, all mine, and I am all yours," she confirmed, nuzzling his neck.

He let out a little grunt at Charm's groping, and then smiled despite himself. "Thaaanks, honeyyy," he said, a bit of sarcasm in his voice but he was honestly put at ease by her.

Charm smirked and gave his crotch a squeeze before they flew and jumped over to Lavaridge, both of them smiling brightly when they spied the hot springs sitting invitingly next to the Pokémon center. "C'mon, there's two spots with our names on them," Charm remarked.

A gleeful smile crossed Solar's face as they landed on the path leading into the many pools. Most of the pools were empty, and the few occupants present were too blissed out to bat an eye at a pair of nude Pokémorphs.

Charm pulled him to the closest empty pool and sighed pleasantly as she lowered her body slowly into the steaming water, the ash already coming off her body in streams in the water. She slouched down so all of her body right up to under her chin was submerged in the soothing water.

Her Blaziken mate sat down next to her, letting out a similar sigh of contentment. "Ahhh...this is niiice..." he mumbled as he leaned against her, resting his head on her shoulder and wrapping an arm around her waist.

She murred and nodded. She then turned so her back was facing him. "I remember being promised to be scrubbed off," she said, looking back with a smirk on her face.

Solar nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "With what shall I scrub you, hot stuff?" he quipped, already wringing his hands.

She chuckled and pointed at the loofahs hanging on a nearby pole. "Make sure you get all the nooks and crannies." She hunched forwards some to spread more of her ash-covered back to him.

He picked a loofah off the pole and pressed against her body for a moment before he started to scrub her back down, smiling as he was able to see her red hide again.

She murred lowly and leaned into his scrubbing, enjoying it to no end and not afraid to show it. "'re good at this...." She soon flipped around to let him do her front too, lifting one leg so it was resting on his shoulder and showing him her sex.

He smirked and scooted up to her, not hiding his growing arousal but determined to fulfill his promise first. He rubbed the loofah carefully over her face and neck. "Mmm...such a sexy woman," he said.

Charm smirked and moved her face to him to let him scrub her. "And you're a hot little man, good scrubber too." She was having fun and it was obvious. She murred as he worked his way down her neck, her hide starting to shine in the light and water.

Solar dipped the loofah in the water to wash some of the ashes off, and then scrubbed at her collarbone and the top of her chest, licking his lips in lewd delight at seeing her breasts jiggle a bit.

She murred and arched her back, pushing her breasts out for him. She cupped them in her hands and lifted and spread them for him, giving him a wink as she did.

He wagged an index finger at her, his eyes narrowing. "Patience, hot stuff," he teased as he leaned over to scrub her powerful arms.

She sighed and let go of her breasts. They bounced down and slapped the water, half submerged in the spring. "All right," she murmured, nonetheless smirking and leaning back and flexing her arms for him.

He held one thick bicep between his fingers and thumb as best he could, always impressed by her powerful body. "Mrr...I must be the luckiest Blaziken in the world to have a woman like you be willing to stay with me," he said as he scrubbed them clean.

She sneaked in a kiss as she looked at him. "No, I am lucky. Very few people, Pokémon or anthro, would not only put up with me but actually thrive on me...let alone want to be with me forever...guess what I am trying to say is...I love you...." She blushed and tilted her head away in very uncharacteristic shyness. It took a lot of guts for her to admit that out loud, but it was true. She felt so strongly about him even though they had only been mates for a short time...and she wanted to know more about him.

Solar blushed a little and scratched the back of his head. "Er...yeah...I love you too," he said a little quietly, as shy about admitting it in words as Charm was. "Heh heh...." She scooted closer to him and gave him a light kiss and laughed a bit as she hugged him. The Blaziken hugged her back, idly wishing he could put his feelings into words better...but both of them were only just learning the art of romance. He soon had Charm sit on some steps leading into the pool and started to wash her breasts off, making sure to feel them up.

Charm leaned back and tucked her chest out, murring loudly and deeply as he cleaned her breasts, her nipples becoming erect as he rubbed them down, feeling absolutely on top of the world at having so much genuine affection shown to her. He knelt down beside her and leaned in to kiss her neck, back in an amorous mood and wanting to try to be romantic as he felt his shaft start to slide out of his genital slit. He ignored it, rubbing the loofah in circles around her stiff nipples. She shuddered more and let out a low moan at feeling the rough loofah on her nipples and Solar kissing her neck, her temperature rising as she craned her long neck around to kiss his own neck, wanting to give him pleasure.

After rubbing her for a little while, Solar went back to cleaning her, lifting her breasts to clean their undersides and then her sternum. He moved the loofah down and started to scrub her rock-solid belly. Charm let out a deep sigh as he worked her belly, suddenly wanting to reciprocate his affection. She gave him a seductive smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now it's your turn," she said.

Solar nodded and relaxed against the steps, smiling up at her. "All right, I'm yours."

Charm continued to smile, reaching under the water and rubbing his crotch, pleased at feeling his arousal. "Gotta start from down low." She moved to crouch in front of him and lifted him up a couple more steps.

He grunted as she rubbed his neglected shaft, it throbbing a little. "Mmf...what about the loofah?" he mumbled, still holding the sponge.

She shook her head and leaned closer to him, surrounding his shaft with her large (even for her eight-foot-tall body) breasts. She pushed them hard together with her hands and slid them up and down slowly.

He arched his back and let out a loud groan as he reflexively thrusted against the feeling of her firm and smooth cleavage. "'re gonna get it later..." he moaned.

She smirked and craned her neck down, and as her breasts went down she would slide her maw down his shaft, giving him as much pleasure as he gave her. Solar grunted louder and dug his talons into the stone steps, trying to keep himself under control lest he wind up having to pay for damage to the spa. He rolled his head back and forth and groaned, thrusting between her breasts and into her maw, his shaft leaking pre. Charm squeezed harder and went a little faster, running her breasts up and down his slick shaft, licking up all his pre and hungrily suckling for more as she ravaged his member.

He kicked his heels against the stone, leaving small spider webs of cracks and clenching his jaw, his hands spreading his legs apart to stop him from kicking the stone too hard or wrapping them around Charm's upper torso. He was leaking a bit of seed now...wouldn't be long. She murred at seeing how much pleasure she was giving him; if she could not say how much she loved him, she could show it. She continued to vigorously run her breasts across his member, feeling the heat from his body and seeing him twitch, it made her body hot, the water in the spa starting to simmer.

Solar finally thrusted hard into her maw as he came, his thighs enveloping her head and pushing his shaft inside as he bit down on one hand to keep himself from crying out in release, his shaft shooting his cum into her maw. He arched his back again and hit his head on the stone border of the spa, but he didn't care. All he could feel, all that mattered was his mate's warm and soft muzzle surrounding his shaft. She sucked it all up, letting none escape as he came. She loved every moment of it and knowing she made him do it.

He panted and released her head from the vicegrip of his thighs, his mind and body returning to him as he felt his shaft leak a bit more postcum. He cracked a smile and looked down at the Charizard anthro, curling to sit upright. "Love you...Charm," he breathed.

"And I love you too." She scooted to his side and wrapped her powerful arms around him and cuddled with him, nuzzling his neck and sighing happily, enjoying the feeling of both the now simmering water and having satisfied her mate.

He moved them so they were in the water again, the simmering water washing more of the ashes from his feathers and skin. He sat on her lap and nuzzled her chest, both to show affection and to give her a little bit of pleasure in return.

Charm murred and rubbed water on his chest and shoulders, smiling and nuzzling his neck. "Having fun?" she quipped.

Solar nodded into her chest. "Mm, don't know if I've ever said it, but by Rayquaza, I love your breasts," he said with a snicker, reaching up and palming them.

She snickered and let him fondle her breasts. "And I love your whole body," she responded. She rested her chin on his head, hugging him with surprising gentleness.

They lost track of how long they relaxed in the water, eventually returning to business and scrubbing each other clean. Solar looked his body over and smiled; he felt and looked incredible, his feathers clean and shiny and his muscles relaxed.

Charm stood up and flexed some too, looking her body over. "Man, we look great." She admired first how bright and tough her hide was, then her mate's feathers, smirking and giving his bottom a firm grip as she walked out of the water, heading for a couple of courtesy towels to dry off.

He walked out of the water alongside her and stretched a little before he raised an eyebrow at her. "Whatcha doin' that for? We can just do this!" he said, clenching his muscles and forcing his body temperature to spike up, the water on his body boiling off and enveloping him in a cloud of steam.

She chuckled as she rubbed the towels on her body. "Because this feels great," she answered. She finished with the two towels, both now almost soaked as she threw them in a laundry basket, crossing her arms and admiring her mate drying himself.

He relaxed after a short while, shaking his feathers, which now radiated health. He struck a pose, flexing his muscles for Charm. "Rrr, yeah! Whaddaya think of that, huh?" he remarked playfully.

She nodded in approval. "Magnificent." She smiled and just watched him, her flaming tail swaying behind her slightly.

Solar struck another pose for her and then laughed a bit. "Haha, ohh, it's nice to be sexy," he quipped before he sauntered back up to his mate.

She kissed him as he reached her. "Of course, sexy little man." She took a moment to stretch her arms before she said, "Ready to blow this popsicle stand?"

He nodded and stood at her side, resting a hand at the top of her tail base. "I'm with you, hot stuff," he remarked. "Where to?"

Charm thought for a little while and shrugged. "Wanna go harass Flannery? We're practically next door." Indeed, she could see the Gym from the ridge of the springs. There were people milling about the Gym...looked as if they were doing construction work on it.

The Blaziken nodded and smirked. "Wonder how happy Flannery'll be to have a couple of naked and very oversexed Pokémorphs at her Gym," he mused out loud as they walked to the entrance to the adjoining Pokémon center.

She chuckled. "I just hope she has grown up a little over the past few years; I can still remember when I came here to fight her. She near threw a temper tantrum."

They walked up to a female Blaziken who was hauling construction equipment around. "Hey, what's going on here?" Charm asked. The Blaziken began chittering in the avian Pokémon language. Charm looked to Solar. "What's she saying?"

Solar studied the Blaziken and rubbed his chin, nodding at first, and then chuckling. "Hahaha! Seems they had an accident with the water pressure...thing and someone smacked the ceiling. He was so upset that Flannery almost had to give him a Badge to keep him from suing her!"

Charm clamped her hands over her snout to try to hold back her laughter, seeing some of the trainers already staring at them. " can we go in?" She kept chuckling and giggling, nearly busting up every time she imagined someone smashing in the roof of the gym.

Solar cocked his head at the female, who shrugged and responded with more chittering. "She says, 'Yes, but no battles until the Gym's fixed.' Fine with me." He led Charm to the entrance.

Charm walked in as if she owned the place, with a proud stride. She had a mate and planned on showing him off, but she stopped for a bit and stretched out. "I do love it here, feels great!" she said. She soon went back to flaunting her mate off to the trainers, Pokémon and workers working to fix the Gym.

Solar clung to Charm, all but strutting about with her, taking a moment to show off his hindquarters to the female Blaziken when she looked their way. The other avian rolled her eyes and went back to her business.

Charm led him further into the Gym to the red-clothed iguana who was busy shouting orders to some of the workers. "Careful with those valves, they turn clockwise! Only torque them to ten pounds!" Charm smiled as she tapped the slender Flannery on the shoulder and she spun around, her spines going somewhat erect at the sight of Charm. "Well...long time no see, Charm."

Solar smirked at Flannery. "Nice to see you again too, Flannery," he remarked. He motioned with his head towards the Gym's entrance. "Who's the Blaziken femme? Newest addition? Plan on breeding her? Got a sire?" he quipped in short order, making sure to pinch Charm's butt to let her know he was just playing.

She still elbowed him, but lightly instead of trying to crack a rib as Flannery laughed. "Ah yes, Solar...I remember you too, and no, she's not even mine, she directs the other Blazikens in fixing this dump up. The anthros and other Pokémon can't take the steam for long and until it's fixed, we can't shut it off," she explained. "So what are you two doing here?"

Charm smiled and threw an arm around Solar and held him close. "Just soaking in the springs and seeing what's with all the hoo-ha."

Solar leaned on the side of Charm's chest and cracked a wide smile. "And also mating like...well, like Pokémon in heat," he added, "and enjoying every second of it."

Flannery raised a pierced eyebrow at them, both slightly intrigued and inwardly aroused, discreetly eyeing Solar's body; to her great fortune Charm didn't catch it. "Well just try not to do it here, barely keeping the workers working without two triple-Ss going to town in the midst of it."

He looked up at Charm with an even wider grin and chuckled a little before hopping up into her arms with a playful "Mrawr!" wrapping his legs around her chest and going for her neck with his mouth. "Me want yiffy!" he quipped.

She growled back and began to kiss him deeply, groping his body. Flannery just stood there staring at them for a few seconds before snapping out of it, her spines fully rising as she hissed and pointed at the door. "Hey, I warned you two! No yiffing in the damn Gym!" But Charm wasn't listing as her eyes roamed around to all the Pokémon and anthro workers staring at them.

He kissed his mate hard, pushing his tongue into her maw and dueling with hers, rocking his body a little against her cleavage and trying to get her to fall to the ground, intent on showing her his thanks for her oral in the spa. Charm chuckled and instead carefully lay on her back, surrendering her body to her mate. Flannery gave up on making them leave and shooed all the workers away on break as she plopped into a nearby chair and stared at them impatiently as Charm arched her back, pushing her breasts into Solar's chest as she aggressively kissed him.

Solar palmed her breasts, rolling the stiff nipples between his thumbs and fingers as he murred down her throat, disengaging her mouth and licking and sucking at her throat. It was too soon after orgasm for him to get aroused again, but still, he felt his loins heating up along with the rest of his body. She murred and writhed a little as she moaned and groped his body, her nipples growing harder and slightly longer. She wrapped her legs around Solar's hips, loving the feeling of him kissing her neck and playing with her nipples. His ministrations also started to get to Flannery as one of her hands unbuttoned her pants and her other sneaked under them.

He reached her collarbone and then her sternum quickly as he continued to touch her. "Mm, you're so tasty..." he murmured between her breasts, soon licking one, intentionally avoiding the nipple at first.

She shuddered and griped his back with both hands, grabbing large handfuls of his feathers, careful not to crush or break any of them as she moaned loudly, feeling him kiss down her front. Already hot enough to not be able to speak, every now and again Flannery would emit her own hushed moans as she diligently masturbated and watched the two Pokémon mate passionately.

Solar enveloped one nipple in his mouth after he nearly covered the breast with saliva, running his tongue over it and rubbing it against his teeth as his hand continued to grope and squeeze her other breast, his other hand trailing his talons along her hip. Charm let out a loud groan as she felt him suck on her nipple and rub her breast and hip. She loved it when he sucked her breasts, it felt so good. Flannery was also playing with one of her green-scaled breasts, her free hand under her shirt kneading it like bread dough. Charm cast a glance to her and smirked even in her pleasure and craned her neck to whisper to Solar, "She's still a complete perv."

He chuckled as he pulled back from her breast, watching with lewd delight as it jiggled when he let go of her nipple. "Now I'm gonna take my prize..." he growled, starting to trail his mouth and his tongue down her body. She shuddered again in anticipation as she felt him move further down her body, laying her legs and head down, gouging furrows into the floor of the Gym with her claws, her and Flannery both completely engaged in the passion caused by Solar.

The Blaziken reached the top of her pelvis and planted a kiss on her lower belly before he took a deep snort of her heat scent, shuddering as he let it flood his senses before he vigorously licked her sex. Charm let out a loud moan as she felt his tongue run up her sex as her soft yet incredibly strong thighs came up and gripped his head. She began to utter her low mating growls as her sex heated up and grew slick. Flannery, meanwhile, had brought herself to a swift orgasm and had sated her passion for the time being. She leaned the chair against the wall and just watched with a very pleased look locked onto her face.

Solar pushed his tongue into Charm's folds, licking as deep as he could while rubbing her clitoris, using his thumbs to open her wider and gripping onto her thighs, intentionally letting his talons poke her hide. He wasn't just licking, though; he was pressing his face against her opening, savoring her taste and growling into her. She dug nearly an inch of her claws into the floor and let out a long, low hiss, her thighs squeezing his head as she felt him press up against her now thoroughly hot and slick sex, her walls clenching at his tongue and her labia squirting at his face.

Then he got a little creative. Not pulling away for a second, he spoke so Charm could hear, "Give this a try," before he rolled her so she was nearly upside-down, her weight centered on the small of her neck as he supported her. Surely such a powerful body could handle such a position without, this way he could apply even more pressure to her sex, and without missing a beat, he pressed his tongue as deep into her as he could go and sucked hard on her clitoris.

She moaned as she felt him move her, supporting more of her weight with her strong wings, almost making herself into a tripod. She let out louder and louder moans as she felt him sucking and licking even harder on her sex. As resilient a yiffer as she was, this new position was almost too much for her as she started to lose control of her orgasm almost instantly.

Taking a deep breath, Solar went for the finish. He pressed his face as hard against her as he could, pressing some of his beak into her sex as he extended his tongue, pressing hard against her g-spot as waves of warmth flowed from his mouth due to his increased body temperature. Charm held on for a few minutes longer before her orgasm hit hard. She let out a tremendous roar of pleasure and shot a gout of flame high into the air, her thighs trembling and her juices flowing freely into his mouth, her body also growing hotter and hotter to the point that not even the desert-dwelling Flannery could stand the heat of the superheated steam anymore and had to leave, shouting for them two to lock up when they left. Of course, in this position, Solar couldn't get all of Charm's juices...not that he was trying his hardest. He intentionally let some dribble down her body, still slurping up the majority and keeping his tongue on her g-spot and rubbing it against her clit as well, murring deeply into her.

It was a good long while before her orgasm faded, streaks of her juices running down her front and nearly to her chest as she panted, thighs and sex still shuddering and squeezing as he continued to lick her insides, but her strong yet worn out body began to beg to be set down; Solar could feel more weight being put on him as she could no longer hold herself in this position. "!" she got out between pants, steam still rising from her nostrils.

The Blaziken gently set her down on her back as he finally pulled his mouth away from her sex. His face was dripping with her girlcum as he propped himself up over her, smiling down at her. "You give, you get, sweet thing," he said, leaning down and kissing her.

Charm kissed him back, aroused by her own scent and taste as she hugged him close to her, enjoying cuddling with her mate in the glow of their mating, looking around. "Guess Miss Flannery could not take the heat...some Fire Pokémon master," she mused with a chuckle as she gently dipped her flaming tail into one of the geysers to make more steam.

Solar shook his head and nuzzled into her neck, giving her a few affectionate licks. By Rayquaza, he loved this part of mating as much as he loved mating itself, which he found strange. He reasoned that he should like the mating more, but being close to Charm...felt good. He smiled and looked up at her. "Where to now? I'm getting tired of being interrupted and watched...."

She chuckled and slowly got up, still holding him close to her front. "Want to start slowly making our way back to my place? Take the long way to the ferry then ride it instead of flying?" She figured it would take a week or so on foot to get to Slateport, and then about two days on the ferry, giving them plenty of time to still enjoy each other's company and being mated.

He nodded, giving her nipple a little flick of his tongue. "Yeah...I'm starting to miss my crew, and I wanna show you off too," he said playfully. "But first...I wanna spend a little more alone time with you, and I think I know just the place. What say we do a little mountain climbing?"

She chuckled and nodded, having an idea of what he meant. "Sure, let's do it."

They made their way towards Jagged Pass. Charm looked up at the trail, and a little voice in the back of her mind said, "Oh crap, you're not built for this!" but she knew she could do it if she tried.

After stretching his legs a bit, Solar started jumping up the ledges as if they were small hops. "C'mon, it's easy!" he called to Charm over his shoulder.

She chuckled. "Yeah, if you have springs for legs," she shouted back at him. She was taking the slow way, walking up the posts and paths for the more extreme bike riders. She may not have been able to jump as Solar did, but she had incredible balance; she kept her tail straight and her wings out to act like counter balances as she followed Solar up the path.

The Blaziken got to the top of Jagged Pass a while before Charm did, crossing his arms and tapping his foot, smirking at his draconic mate. "C'mon, I wanna goof around!"

She shot a tiny Ember at him in response. As she got to the last ledge, she decided to show off a bit as she grabbed it and pulled her self up with nothing but her own arm strength, her arms bulging as she scaled it easily and stood in front of him. "Okay, we're here, now what?"

He turned to look around. The ashfall from earlier had died off a fair bit and the wind was carrying the ashes away from them. A few sightseers milled about, but the inner part of the caldera was empty except for a few fire-friendly Pokémon circling the edge of the magma lake. "Let's go in further. No one'll bug us in there," he said, pointing.

Charm nodded and slowly walked with him towards the edge of the magma, hopping down a few ledges along the way. It was almost too hot even for her; she had to squint a little to stand the heat. "Wanna see something cool?" she asked, turning to face the magma. She took a deep breath and held it until smoke rose from her nostrils. She then let out a long gout of flame at the magma at just the correct angle to send it skipping across the surface of the magma like a serpent jumping into and out of the magma.

Solar cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Wow...that was pretty cool." Trying not to be outdone, he walked over to a nearby boulder as tall as he was and used a precise Brick Break to break it so it was in a disc shape. Picking it up in one hand and spinning around a couple of times, he flung it into the magma and it skimmed across the molten rock before shattering on a ridge on the other side.

She chuckled, but on the inside she too felt the urge to rise up to his challenge as she walked to the edge of the pool of magma. It would be dangerous and she would have to swim fast, but she knew she could do it. "Now watch this," she remarked knowingly. She dived into the molten rock, her red back surfacing soon afterwards, her eyes clenched shut as she started to swim swam pretty fast even for her size and build, her mind repeating the same thing over and over: "Hot, hot, hot, hot...."

He shook his head and shrugged, calling out to her, "Nice, but I'm not eager to go home bald. I'm still regrowing my headfeathers from when you burned 'em off." Nonetheless, he did dip his clawed toes into the magma.

She smiled as she kept going, trying to make it to the other side. It took her a couple of minutes to swim through the thick magma but she did it, finding a lonely ledge to climb out on, scaring the daylights out of a Numel, who hastily trotted off. She laughed and cooled her body with flaps of her wings and went to work picking bits of hardened rock off her hide. She knew it was a stupid stunt, but it did feel good. Now she knew why Snow always took those trips to Shoal Cave and Four Island, among other places, to go and swim in the cold water there; being immersed in one's own element was nothing short of exhilarating.

Solar knew he could probably jump over to her with little difficulty, landing on rock spires and boulders sticking out of the magma along the way, but was too unwilling to risk his feathers, so he started taking the longer way around, making little hops along the ring of warm rock surrounding the magma lake. Charm soon finished her preening and started flying low over the magma to meet Solar along the way.

Unaware of Charm's movement, a voice came to Solar's ears. "God, you're fucking useless! Can't you even win a single battle in the junior competitions?!" a harsh male voice barked, followed shortly by a young Pokémon's yelp. Solar's feathers immediately bristled as he jumped straight up to get a better look in the direction of the voices.

What he and Charm saw were a pair of red fox trainers dressed in breeder attire, one man and one woman, all but beating on a small grey ball of fur. The Poochyena pup was curled in a ball in front of them, whimpering and crying endlessly at his tormenters. It was very young; by its size it looked as if it was not long off its mother's milk, still far too young to be battling in any legal competition. Charm began to growl and hiss, wanting to pulp their heads but managed to hold back and let her mate handle it as she sailed down onto a rock spire protruding out of the magma to take advantage of camouflage until she was needed.

The vixen joined her comrade in berating the pup. "We spent thousands getting a good sire for your mother, and this is all you give us?!" she hissed.

Her companion spat to the side and pulled his foot back to kick the poor little Poochyena...but in a blur of red, the pup wasn't there anymore. Solar had zipped in front of them and covered the pup with his body, somersaulting forward and out of the way. He looked down at the puppy, apparently checking it for injuries. It whimpered louder and tried to disappear into its own body as it curled up further into its fearful fetal position, its body quivering. One of its hind legs had bandaging on it with a fresh blood stain. Its young mind was reeling; it had no idea what was going on or what it had done wrong. It figured it was going to be hurt again for not being strong enough.

The female breeder scowled at Solar after realizing what was going on. "Give that thing back now!" she commanded.

Solar whispered to the Poochyena, "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to let them hurt you ever again." He set it down gently and stood up, spinning around to face the puppy's malefactors with a glare of conviction, his eyes literally glowing with indignation. "I'm only going to say this once. I'll give you until the count of ten to get out of my sight before I'll do anything I want to you. One, two...."

The pup squealed and hobbled behind a rock to hide as the trainers both laughed. "Please! Like we're afraid of a mutt Pokémon like you. I mean really, are we supposed to be afraid of an S-gene Pokémon?" the woman taunted. They obviously had no idea who they were insulting.

Charm couldn't hear them over the rumbling of the volcano and the periodic bursts of magma, but she could make out what they were saying by their lips. Her eyes went wide. "Boy, that was the last mistake they'll ever make," she said to herself.

Solar counted out loud, having paused to let them speak. "Three, four, five...."

The male breeder just shook his head and pulled out an Ultra Ball, opening it. "C'mon out, Millie!" he called. The serpentine Pokémon emerged from the ball and looked at Solar with a disdainful gaze. "Milotic, Water Pulse!" The Pokémon reared its head back for a second before firing a few rings of water at Solar. They kicked up a cloud of steam when they hit, obscuring him. The breeder thumbed his nose. "Heh, no problem."

"Seven, eight...."

Charms lips rolled back into a toothy grin as she watched. "Go show 'em what you can do, Solar."

The female looked shocked but snapped out of it and called her own Pokémon out as she heard him still counting in the steam. It was a Hitmonlee. "Quick, Lee! Hi Jump Kick!" The potato-shaped* Pokémon wasted no time in leaping into the steam, not even knowing what it was attacking. A loud slam was heard through the steam cloud, signaling that the Fighting-type had hit its mark. What the steam didn't show was that Solar had caught the Pokémon in mid-attack and was holding its foot in one hand, then caught its other foot in his other hand, keeping it off the ground and upside down as it struggled feebly.

"Nine, ten." He burst out of the steam cloud and swung the Hitmonlee like so much deadweight into a nearby boulder, shattering it before swinging it around again and shattering another boulder, then, still holding it up, gave it a Double Kick in its side before flinging it away.

It bounded and skidded over the ground like a football before it came to a rest as the female breeder pulled her second Pokéball out and punched her partner on the arm. "Don't just stand there, do something!" She threw the ball out and a Machoke emerged.

The Machoke stood beside the Milotic and cracked its knuckles and gave Solar a sneer, remarking in the general Pokémon dialect, "I'm gonna to enjoy for some fried chicken, Millie?" The Milotic nodded slightly as they both prepared for their attacks.

Solar was in full swing now and barely even slowed down to regard his opponents. He sprung forward so quickly he kicked up a trail of dust, pebbles, and fire as his feet and wrists went ablaze, hopping a couple of feet off the ground and spinning around in midair before swinging his foot forward, landing a Blaze Kick square on the Machoke's chest. The Machoke let out a gasping sigh as his lungs were nearly collapsed, but thanks to his Focus Band he staved off being knocked out cold. He grabbed Solar's foot and gave it a jerking twist while pushing Solar away from him; the effort made him fall on his butt as the Milotic fired a Hydro Cannon at Solar while the Blaziken was still in the air, both Pokémon working hard to down him but quickly learning that their enemy was way out of their league.

The Blaziken barely faltered, doing a front flip over the Milotic's Hydro Cannon and landing both of his heels on the Milotic's head with a "Kya!" kicking the stream of water down to the ground. No sooner did he land than did he have his fist in the Machoke's face faster than either breeder could blink in a straight Mach Punch, Solar letting out a "Sha!" The Machoke was knocked onto his back so hard that he left a few cracks in the ground, out like a light. The Milotic shook its head and wavered before also falling flat on its face. Charm's toothy grin spread so far it made her face hurt as she watched the two breeders just stare at Solar in disbelief.

Solar took a deep breath and looked over at the breeders, walking up to them as they tried to edge away from him but found themselves against the rock wall of the inner caldera. Solar leered down at them, his hands still clenched into fists. The man shakily reached for another ball on his belt but Solar slapped it out of his hand. He whimpered, pleading, "Please...don't kill us...."

The woman tried to run but only got a few feet before falling flat on her face from something hitting her ankle. A small rock came to a rest next to her; she looked back over at Solar in fear. Charm in the meantime, after congratulating herself for beaning the vixen, was scanning for the Poochyena puppy they were tormenting, seeing that it was still cowering behind its rock. She got ready to make her move and rejoin her mate, deciding to let him have his fun and wait until he was finished with the two idiot breeders first.

Solar leaned down until the man could easily feel the heat being given off by Solar's body. "If this doesn't teach you your lesson, I'll get really mean next time," he growled before the edge of his hand struck the man on the neck and the man slumped over. He let out another deep breath to calm himself down before he walked over to the female and casually picked up a few big boulders and surrounded her with them in a sort of makeshift Rock Tomb. Neither of them would be going anywhere for a while.

Charm also took a deep breath to clear her head and wipe the smile off her face as she took flight and landed near the pup. She scooped the little one up in her arms; it had given up on crying, but it stayed bundled up and shuddering. "You poor thing, it's okay." She nuzzled its back lightly, clicking her teeth in what was a soothing gesture between Charizards. She cradled the pup like a baby, minding its hurt leg.

Solar turned and stopped in his tracks when he saw his mate so close. "Uh...Charm? I thought you were over there..." he trailed off, thinking that his actions were between him and the breeders. He walked up to her a little shyly and looked at the pup.

She shrugged and quickly thought of a reason. "I finished cleaning all the rock off and then saw you and flew over, n' then I saw this poor thing. I had to do something." She continued to coo and cuddle the Poochyena in her arms against her chest. The pup soon started to calm down and relax some. Its head emerged from under one of Charm's biceps and its yellow eyes looked up at first Solar then Charm, its little stub of a tail actually wiggling a bit.

He looked back over at the breeders and their fallen Pokémon and snarled. "C'mon, we better get it to Lavaridge so it can be treated...wait, this one's not an it." He carefully lifted its hind leg to check its gender. "Get her to Lavaridge. We better get the rangers in here to clean up those losers, too."

She nodded and gently petted the Poochyena. "Best to take the cable car; don't know how many other injuries she has besides a hurt leg, so better to go nice and slow."

They took the longer, easier way up and out of the inner caldera and headed towards the cable car building, Charm keeping her gait nice and slow. "No one will ever hurt you again, little one, I promise," she said softly. New feelings were welling up in her; suddenly in the back of her mind she wished it were her own pup she was holding. The longer she held the unfortunate Poochyena, the more those feelings became concrete in her mind, but she kept them to herself for now, not wanting to risk her relationship with Solar by suddenly wanting to have a pup with him.

The car's attendant stopped them, saying, "I'm sorry, but you need a pass to get-."

Solar rubbed his temple and shook his head. "Lady, we have a hurt pup here and we can't hustle. Just...let us on."

The woman cocked her head and walked up to Charm, looking at the pup in her arms. She sighed and looked around a little bit. "...I never let you on, right?"

Solar shook his head. "Your generosity is appreciated...and call the rangers; there're a couple of crooked breeders in the inner caldera."

Charm rolled her eyes but said nothing as they walked on the car and sat down, Charm dangling the flaming tip of her tail out the window to keep from setting the upholstery ablaze. She waited until the car was moving before speaking, "Why the hell do they make people have passes for this damn thing? Makes no sense to me."

Solar shook his head dismissively and sat next to her, leaning against the wall. He looked at the Poochyena and then at Charm. "I guess you saw everything I did, didn't you?" he asked, trying to make conversation for the ride down.

She nodded and smiled. "Yes. You were this little one's hero; you made me proud to be your mate." She leaned against him, still gently rocking the Poochyena in her arms and looking at her. The pup finally calmed down enough to actually yawn, showing the new teeth poking through her pink gums. She then got more comfortable in Charm's arms and slowly started to fall asleep.

He smiled back at her, reaching over and running the back of his finger against the Poochyena's body. "Poor little girl...barely away from her mother and already exposed to those people. Crooked breeders...they're some of the worst scum," he said quietly.

She nodded and kissed the top of the Poochyena's head. "She will get a better life now, a chance to be happy. As for those two...I hope they learn their lesson or I'll have to make you whoop 'em again." She looked up and gave Solar a kiss, and in that kiss, it was sealed; she wanted to be a mother and she wanted Solar, and Solar alone, to be the father, no more ands, ifs, or buts.

He stroked the side of Charm's snout with one hand. Their more gentle and loving kisses were quite few in numbers compared to the passionate and burning kisses of her heat, but he enjoyed both of them.

Charm had a question on her mind, one she was a little hesitant to ask. "Solar...what...what made you want to help her? Not saying I'm surprised...but I could swear you took her situation especially personally...." She struggled to get it out without sounding like Solar had gone too far, she hoped he wouldn't get mad.

Solar flinched a little and looked away from her, a pained expression on his face. "It''s nothing. I just didn't want a little kid to get hurt is all," he said in a bit of a shaky voice.

She used one hand to turn his face so he was looking in her eyes. "Please tell me. If we are going to be mates...there can't be secrets between us. I want to know...."

He paused for a few seconds and then nodded, thankful that they were alone in this car. He let out a long sigh before he started talking. "...Even though there can't be secrets between us, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone what I'm about to say."

She nodded and gave him a light kiss. "Of course." She smiled lightly and just looked into his eyes patiently.

He chuckled a little and then shook his head to regain his composure. "Well...believe it or not, I literally know how much it hurts to think that no one wants you, because...I too am a rescuee. My earliest memories are of me wandering the streets of Celadon as a Torchic, lost and lonely. I have no idea who my parents are or why I never knew them...I was probably just an unwanted child."

Charm stayed quiet in shock. She had no idea what he went through; she knew her father and mother and Snow and Vixxen and Cerberas...she had a huge family from the beginning, and she was never really alone, which made his story hurt her a bit as she nuzzled his neck. "'re not anymore, and thanks to you, neither will this little one."

He smiled a bit and gently petted the Poochyena with a finger again. "It was one hell of a life, and it didn't get any easier from being small. One night, when the winter months were coming, my luck ran out; I couldn't find anything to eat and I was so cold...I just collapsed on the doorstep that happened to belong to Evertide when he was a kid. I probably would have died had they not rushed me to the Pokémon center."

She nodded and just leaned on his shoulder, somewhat comforting herself as much as comforting him as she listened to his sad little story. She still couldn't imagine what it must have been like. She mentally kicked herself; she had led a somewhat pampered life, never having to worry about much. She couldn't help but feel bad, she knew she had done nothing wrong, but she still berated herself some.

He rested a hand on her thigh to try to comfort her, sensing her guilt and wanting to reassure her that she had no reason to be guilty as he continued. "They fixed me up, got food in my belly, and then, as a stray, I was put up for adoption. Most people in Celadon had never seen a Torchic and weren't willing to take me in, whether as a pet or as a combatant. Thankfully, the young Evertide was the one who wound up taking me in." He let out a sigh and nodded. "So that's that. He started his League Challenge before long and took me with him, and some homeless nobody who came very close to dying a nobody grew up to be one of the most powerful Pokémon in the world."

She smiled some as the car finally reached the bottom of the mountain and they slowly stood up to get off the car, Charm still cuddling the pup and leaning on Solar. "Maybe she will get that same chance, to become somebody, or at least find a happy home." She perked up at talking about the pup's chances.

Solar nodded. "Yeah...I guess if there's one thing I learned besides how much it hurts to think no one wants you, it's also how good it feels to learn otherwise." He looked at the puppy a bit longingly. "Um...can I carry her for a little bit?"

Charm nodded and held the little Poochyena out to him. This would be his first test to see if he would be a good father in her mind: how he treated a pup that wasn't even his. "She's still kinda weak, so make sure you support her body with your arms."

He accepted the little puppy and followed Charm's instructions as best he could. To his great surprise, the puppy nuzzled against his chestfeathers. "Heh, quit it, I'm not your plushy," he remarked as they left the cable car entrance.

The pup licked his forearm as a way to thank her savior. She then began to clean her own fur, licking her side and rubbing her head with her forepaws, feeling refreshed after being able to relax for a bit without worrying. Charm smiled as they walked, taking mental notes, but she couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as if she knew what made a good father. She figured the best she could do was take her experiences as a child herself with her father, and from watching how Snow treated the few young Pokémon that came through the house, to say nothing of Cerberas acting the part of mother and father to her pup.

They soon came to the base of the ledges that led up to Lavaridge and Solar looked up. "'re we gonna do this? Have you fly or something?"

She thought for a while. "What if we just head south to Mauville? It's a pretty easy walk, and we can drop her off there." She really didn't want to give the pup up so soon and made any feasible excuse to keep her as long as possible.

The Poochyena was oblivious to their conversation, more worried about the little rumbling sounds her belly was making. She looked up at Solar and whimpered a little to let him know she was hungry.

He looked down at the puppy a little uneasily. "Mm...I dunno...we probably should've taken the Jagged Pass back down to Lavaridge...*sigh* that's what I get for not thinking ahead." He looked around a little. "I think she's hungry...what do Pokémon this small eat?"

Charm giggled in response, her red face blushing redder. She pointed down at her bust, but of course she wasn't producing so she turned around and began to rummage through some nearby bushes, still giggling, her flaming tail held straight up, marking her progress into the wild berry bushes.

Solar followed her as he rubbed the Poochyena's tummy to try to calm her down, looking around as well for recognizable berries. He let out a bit of a squawk of surprise as he felt the puppy sniffing and rooting through his chestfeathers. "Ack! Hey, I'm not a girl!" he protested.

This brought a roar of laughter from Charm, who was now in the middle of the patch. Soon she popped up, a twig stuck in her horns as she came back out with some berries. "I can't remember the name of them, but they have healing properties. Snow used to feed us these all the time when we were on the road back home." She held about ten berries out to the pup, who sniffed them for a bit and then went back to searching for milk, but her nose kept dragging her head back to them. She soon gave in to her belly as she began to gobble them down.

The Blaziken set the puppy down in front of the small pile of berries and sat cross-legged behind her, grumbling a little and rubbing his chest. "That was awkward, to say the least," he remarked.

Charm lay down on the side of the road as well, forming a little half circle around the pup. "I would imagine so, but she is far too young to know who milk comes from." She looked up at the darkening sky and realized how late it was. "Crap, it's going to be dark soon...I think we have to make camp for the night."

The pup finished the berries and limped over to Charm and curled up against her belly to rest, her belly pleasantly full now. This also relaxed Charm; she knew the pup eating so much was a good sign she was just hurt on her leg, not on the inside.

Solar nodded and walked into the bushes to root for a certain kind of berry. "Lemme see, no, no...ah, there it is." He came back out with a few Pecha berries and sat down next to the pup, carefully moving her bandage and crushing the berries in his hand, spreading the goo on her wounded leg. "This should help to prevent infection," he explained, mostly to the pup even though he knew she probably didn't understand.

The pup whimpered a little and tried to yank her foot back. Charm too felt her protective instincts flare up, some of her muscles tightening in response, but soon both were soothed. The pup let out a little sigh and lay back down, scratching behind one ear with her healthy leg and yawning again. This made Charm in turn yawn and stretch out, giving her wings a quick flick before tightening them to her back, the joints making little clicking sounds as they locked into place for the night. Solar tensed up a little at Charm's reaction, not expecting her to act so defensively when he was just trying to help. He let it go, however, and lay down beside her, keeping the puppy between them...and feeling a little pang of jealousy at sharing his mate in such a way.

Charm leaned forwards and gave Solar a kiss before moving her tail in such a way that it was between them to help keep the pup warm, but she kept it far enough away so as not to not to burn her. She knew she couldn't burn herself or Solar with such a low-temperature flame so she kept it closer to them than to the pup.

Solar woke up feeling something soft and warm on his chest. His not-yet-conscious mind told him that it was the puppy but he was too tired to care. He smiled a little and petted her back, then giggled quietly as he felt her licking him. "Mm, quit it...*snore*...heehee, that tickles...."

One of Charm's eyes opened halfway and she watched him interact with the young Poochyena. A slight smile spread across her face; it was almost settled for her from the way he treated the pup, treating her so well and putting up with her stubbornly trying to get milk from him. He would be a good father; she would tell him how she felt, but right now she was just enjoying the scene.

He cracked an eye open and saw the puppy's little tongue licking at his chest and he frowned a little. "Mmf, I told you there's nothing there, so quit it," he grumbled, more awake now. He pulled her off his chest and turned to wake up Charm, then blushed a little as he saw she was already awake. "Don't get any ideas, hot stuff, I just wasn't awake enough to care yet," he said, trying to save face.

She opened her eyes all the way and smiled, rubbing one of her breasts. "Don't worry, you're not alone; she tried me first," she said, unwilling to tell Solar that she hadn't stopped the pup from trying to suckle her, finding it arousing but also loving. As a result, though, she felt that her nipples were a bit sore as she sat up and stretched out, reaching over her head and yawning, her joints creaking a bit.

He sat up, looking down at the Poochyena in his arms. "Those are mine, shrimp; it's berries for you, at least for now," he jokingly chastised her.

Charm smirked and gently took the pup from Solar and lay on her back with the pup on her belly, scritching behind the little one's ears. "Hey...I have something kinda serious to tell you...."

Solar scratched the back of his head, letting out a big yawn as he stood up. "Not now, it's too early and nature's calling," he mumbled as he trudged away to take care of business and look for food.

She frowned a bit but nodded and turned her attention back to the pup, who was now making little growling sounds and biting Charm's hands playfully. She played back, oh so gently wrestling with the pup with one hand, slowly ruffling the pup's head and letting her mouth her hand back to play.

Solar soon returned with a branch full of berries and set it down beside Charm. "Eat up, we got some walking to do," he said, sitting down and picking off some berries for himself.

She ate a few of them; the pup was more interested in teething on the branch than eating the berries. "So...are you ready to talk now? It's important to me...." Charm looked a little embarrassed, quite uncharacteristic of her; she was again blushing redder as she waited for him to answer her.

Solar looked over at her and nodded and set the branch aside for the Poochyena to chew on. He leaned back and stretched, letting out another yawn and nodding. "Kay, what is it?" he asked as he popped a Chesto berry in his mouth to try to wake himself up.

She took a deep breath; she would have to just blurt it out so as to not become so embarrassed to say it. "I want to have a baby with you." She grew so red that the yellow under her chin turned orange as she concentrated on the Poochyena to keep from looking at Solar.

He gasped, but doing so caused him to nearly swallow the Chesto berry. The big berry got stuck in the back of his throat, causing him to gag and cough. The sounds Solar made in reaction to her made her visibly wince; she felt as if she were just sucker punched in the sternum. Her heart sank as she tried to find words to say, but could not. She just became visibly defeated and deflated.

A quick Flamethrower cleared Solar's throat, cinderizing the berry. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, still coughing a little. When he was able to speak again, his first word was a meek, "What?"

She looked up at him. "I want make me...a mother." She still looked a little deflated as she finally managed to look him in the eyes, her need to be a mother plain as day in them.

He looked stunned at her words, looking at her in confusion. "Um...don't you think it's a little early in our mateship to start having children?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I know we can't interbreed, but we can go to a breeding center and they can put the...errrr...stuff in me to make me pregnant. I just want to be a mother, to care for my own child...and I know you will be a great father from how you treat this little one." She gestured to the pup with one hand.

He blinked a couple of times and looked at the Poochyena, who was now sniffing around in curiosity. He looked over at Charm and opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He just stood up and walked over to the pup to keep an eye on her.

Charm just sat there with her hands on her stomach and her head hanging low. "I see." It was all she could get out. She never felt so low in her life. She took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh.

A few days later, they arrived on the outskirts of Mauville late in the afternoon. No small amount of tension and unease had built between them; Solar felt like dirt for so upsetting his mate but it seemed to him that the only way to fix it was to go to a breeding center and have them impregnate Charm, and the thought of that frightened him. Charm also felt bad, but she neither said nor did anything on the subject of parenthood. She just concentrated on getting the pup to the Pokémon center and to a better future. They spoke little to each other in the past few days, nor had they mated again, both because they were so upset and the feeling to be mated having subsided with Charm's heat to almost nothing. They were so upset that her physical health was starting to worsen, especially on Charm's part; she often felt sick to her stomach, not a lot, just a little bit. It sometimes felt as if she ate something bad.

Solar was beyond caring about any stares they received. They entered the Pokémon center and stood in line, the Poochyena in Charm's hold looking around and sniffing the air in confusion. Charm leaned down and whispered to her, "Don't worry, these are nice anthros. They will help you find a home with people who will take care of you." She managed a small smile; she said it more to make herself feel a bit better about giving her up, since she doubted she was going to be able to have a baby herself.

They finally reached the counter and Solar motioned with his head towards the Poochyena. "Hey. We found-"

"Oh my god! Are you Solar and Charm?!" the nurse squealed despite herself. Every trainer and Pokémon in the waiting room perked up and looked in their direction, letting out a few surprised gasps.

Solar growled and tried to continue. "Yeah. Look we need you to-"

Charm, her bad mood starting to simmer, leaned forward and snorted at the nurse, interrupting Solar. "We want to turn in this Poochyena female we rescued." Her voice was flat and annoyed as she just stared down the nurse.

The nurse was still gawking at them and didn't answer right away until Solar started growling quietly. The gloom of the last few days had made his temper very short. The nurse shook her head and answered, "I'm sorry, miss Charm, but we're full up on young Pokémon. We can give her a look-over if you want, but we can't take her."

Solar's eye twitched a couple of times before he drummed his talons on the counter. Charm snarled and stood back up straight and turned around to leave. She already knew the pup was in good health and her wound on the mend as she stomped her way back out the automatic doors, silently thanking whoever invented them, for she didn't trust herself to open a door gently.

The Blaziken turned to leave as well but before he left he heard someone say, "Mister Solar, um...can I get an autograph?"

He snorted a small cloud of smoke in response and left the center with Charm. Once they were outside, he sighed. "Well, now what? Nearest Pokémon center's in Verdanturf."

She huffed as she led him westward, donkey kicking a vacant building in frustration and leaving cracks in the concrete. "What about the Daycare Center?" Her voice was a little less harsh, her mood brightening some at the thought of spending a little more time with the Poochyena, who was taking a nap belly-up in Charm's strong but gentle arms, her hind leg kicking some.

He rubbed his chin a little and nodded. "Yeah, that'd probably be even better, actually." He nodded at the Gym as they passed it. "Wattson, what's up, you're kinda crazy, bye," he remarked in short order, almost cracking a smile at remembering the overly cheerful old parrot.

Charm was still in too sour a mood to want to talk to anybody as they passed the Gym. She never liked Wattson anyway; he was too happy too often, and no matter what he said, she didn't think it was healthy.

Soon they were back out on the road and were stopped by a Pokémon in the road, a Scyther. It had scars crisscrossing its body from many hard-fought battles...this wasn't just any Scyther. It pointed one of its arm blades at Charm and challenged her to a battle. She narrowed her eyes and handed the pup to Solar; she would accept the challenge. She needed to pound some frustration out anyway as she got into a battle stance in front of the green Pokémon. Solar nodded, having a feeling of what was about to happen. He took the little gray bundle and hopped away, keeping her supported to minimize any feelings of impact she might have felt.

Charm growled and watched as the Scyther leapt up into the sun's glare. She lost track of it and was barley able to dodge its Slash attack as it came back down, missing her by millimeters, its blade digging into the ground and its body making a crater. She danced back as a trickle of blood ran down one cheek. She ran a finger over the wound and smiled slightly and rushed forwards. The Scyther leapt back up but didn't get very far as Charm grabbed on of its legs and smashed it into the ground, making another crater in the earth. It stayed down for only a split second before bounding up into a tree. Its green pattern made it almost disappear as hundreds of leaves began to shoot at Charm with alarming speed. She dodged what she could and burnt the rest out of the air with a Flamethrower. Soon the air was quiet. Charm scanned the trees looking for the Scyther; he was a lot better than she expected.

Her Blaziken mate's eyebrows rose. Huh...this one could actually make Charm breathe hard. It must have indeed earned its many scars. To keep himself calm, he rubbed the Poochyena's tummy in her sleep, hoping that Charm at least had enough sense of mind to beat this Scyther.

The Scyther bounded out of a tree at her back and landed a solid Wing Attack on the small of her back, sending her to the ground. She coughed and stood up as fast as she could, whipping around in time to see it disappear into the trees again. She growled; she had to calm down, she wasn't quick enough to beat this Pokémon head on, she had to fight smart, so she took a few deep breaths and curled her arms at her sides and closed her eyes, falling back on the martial arts discipline Snow made her learn, the endless lessons to override her aggressive fighting patterns. She tuned in her other senses and listed to the quiet, waiting. Her eyes shot open when she heard a minute rushing of leaves from the Scyther leaping at her again. This time she was ready as she whipped her tail around and smashed the Scyther in mid leap. It sailed backwards and smashed into a tree, this time not bouncing back up as fast as before. It pounced her and began to slice wildly at her with its blade arms. She couldn't block them lest she risk being cut up; all she could do was dodge the attacks of him the best she could and wait for the right moment to spring her attack on him.

Solar's eyes had a bit of an easier time following the Scyther, and he idly wondered how he would fare against the bug, but this was Charm's fight; he'd get his sooner or later. Maybe a sparring match with Charm would help him vent his negativity; he knew he had to get rid of it somehow. He was a bit distracted as the Poochyena murred a little at the belly rubs, causing a small smirk to cross his face.

Charm finally spotted a weakness; the Scyther put one foot too far forwards. She hooked her foot around it and pulled it towards her, knocking the Scyther off balance and giving her time to deliver a finishing blow: a point-blank Flamethrower. It again sailed into the tree line, but this time it fell back to the ground with a thud, out cold and steaming a little. She snorted and bowed in his direction and went about checking her wounds. She got off easy with several long, thin cuts on her sides and the small cut on her face.

Solar nodded and walked back up to her. "Nice...and while barely exploiting your type advantage. How 'bout we get some berries on those cuts?"

She shook her head and breathed a little fire onto one of her claws until it was white hot. She then seared the wounds closed; they hissed as she cauterized each one, barely wincing every time she did it. This was more ritualistic of her kind; she had done it a few times before, leaving not even a scar behind as she put her claw in her mouth to cool it off before she took the pup back, managing to smile a bit now that she worked off quite a bit of her negativity.

He chuckled a little. "Now that was nice," he remarked as they went back to walking, his own fighting spirit beginning to stir for the first time in days, yet he was unable to do much about it.

After a few hours of walking, they came to the Daycare. He regarded the small reception building; it had a very quaint and friendly air to it, causing him to smile a bit. He read the sign next to the building. "'Pokémon Daycare. Let us raise your Pokémon.' Guess we're here."

She nodded and opened the door and walked in, going straight to the elderly tabby woman. "We rescued this Pokémon; she is very young and needs a good home," Charm said in an insistent tone as she thought, "but if you turn us away, I swear I am going to blow up."

The tabby, ignoring the slightly hostile vibes she got off of Charm, smiled warmly and nodded, pulling out a binder and writing down some information. "Certainly. I just need to ask you a few questions first, ma'am," she said, oblivious that a world-renowned Pokémon was standing before her.

Charm nodded and tried to be as polite as possible during the questioning. Despite the mild relief she felt from hearing the Poochyena would be accepted here, the past few days had been harrowing and exhausting. She needed some time to rest and think, but she wouldn't relent until she knew that this pup was going to receive the home she deserved.

A short Q&A session later, the woman held out her hands to take the puppy. "Please feel free to visit whenever you like," she finished.

Charm nodded and leaned down to gave the pup a belly nuzzle. "I love good," she murmured sadly. She took a deep breath and then handed the pup over to the older woman, who disappeared into the back. Charm went back out front and leaned against the building with her head tilted up and her eyes closed.

Solar came up to her and stood next to her, also leaning against the building. " that she's in their care, we have to talk...but this isn't the place to do it."

She nodded and brushed a tear away from her face with the back of one hand. "Lead the way." She was probably not going to like what she was going to hear, so she steeled herself for it. She still loved Solar and was prepared to wait to be a mother if it meant staying with him.

He looked around and motioned for her to follow him, hopping over the fence that surrounded the Daycare's property. It was getting dark, so they would be harder to spot. They tried to act casually as they wandered through the property, slowing down once they entered a section that had been remade into a very tranquil collection of environments, from a small meadow to a grove of trees to a pleasantly clear marsh, and more.

Charm sighed and flopped onto the grass; this was exactly the environment she needed to relax in for a while, though she had a few negative feelings in her and she felt that she was going to have more after this conversation, but she was in a mood to take it now.

Solar took a seat on the grass next to her and sighed a little as he started talking. "I think we both know that you're dead serious about wanting to...have a baby with me, one way or another. What I don't understand is why you want to do it so soon."

She nodded and chose her words carefully. "I guess it's been in the back of my mind for a while now, maybe even before we first mated, but mating with you caused it to stir and caring for that Poochyena really woke it up...holding her in my arms, feeding her, knowing she needed me for everything...." Her voice trailed off, it was so hard to explain how she felt; all she knew was that she felt it strongly.

He returned her nod as he considered her words. "I won't deny that I felt a strong need to take care of her as well, but I don't think that was much beyond my desire to see every mistreated Pokémon learn what it's like to be shown real compassion. You're seeing a side of me I've only freely shown when Evertide is around."

Charm looked up at him. "Well why should our child be any different? Don't you want to pass your knowledge on? Teach our child how to fight, how to read, how to behave in the watch it grow up and become pass on the baton to the next generation? To leave a legacy far more valuable and far reaching than just being a Champion? Champions only last so long before they're replaced with the next one, but a child is a legacy that can last forever. You can leave a real mark on the world and have your child make the world a better place when you cannot."

He pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his chin on his knees. "I don't know...I've never thought about it. I've never once seen myself as a father figure, much less a father. We've only been mates for...what's it been, about a week. What makes you so sure that I can measure up to your standards in parenthood?"

"Because I know. I watch you; you may not fully realize it and you may hide it well, but you have a very big heart. I know you will make a great father...but...I understand I threw this on you so fast...I guess I can wait 'til you're ready." She snuggled up to him, her dark mood starting to lift.

Solar nodded. "I'm not saying it's impossible, just that I need more time," he said as he planted a kiss on her snout. "Besides, from what you told me, Ronnie and...what's it...." He snapped his fingers, trying to remember. "Genky, yeah, they sound like they'd be decent practice, at least for me."

She nodded back. "Just promise you will think about it honestly, and I will wait for you to decide. In the meantime, maybe I'll lend a hand in helping care for the young and sick Pokémon we get all the time to help stave off the need to have my own." She smiled and hugged his middle.

He smiled back at her and nuzzled the side of her snout. "So...we in agreement now?" he asked hopefully.

She nodded and just continued to hug him, sighing happily; she literally felt all the bad feelings she had melt away as she returned to her normal self. "Where the hell did you drag us, anyway? Never seen this area of the Daycare before, and I spent time in them all." She sat up and looked around; she couldn't see any Pokémon about.

He shrugged. "Huh...actually, I'm not sure. Evertide's really gotten into breeding over the last few years, and not only being an intercontinental celeb but also finding out he's pretty good at breeding, he might've had something to do with remaking parts of this Daycare. I do remember that he made pretty big donations to some of the main Daycares in the three continents a little while ago. Now I wanna go check this out!" he said, standing up and offering his hand to Charm.

She let him pull her up as she looked around. "Huh...all Snow did was start up his aid station slash rescue center." She thought she spotted something moving far out in the distance. "I think I see someone," she said, pointing.

Solar leaned in and squinted. "Yeah, there're a couple Pokémon there. Let's go see what's up."

They walked along until they came across two Pokémon: a reclining, very pregnant Grovyle and a Ninetales with five Vulpix kits nursing from her. "Awwww, you're so cute! I could eat you up!" Charm squealed. The fox raised an eyebrow at her, and then looked at Solar.

Solar smiled at the new mother and the soon-to-be mother. "So uh, what's going on, this part new?" he asked.

The Ninetales nodded. "Yes. Champion Evertide had this part of the Daycare converted into a place of quiet. Most of us go here to deliver young," she explained.

The Grovyle laughed. "And so he can gawk at us for hours at a time." Charm couldn't help but giggle; the Grovyle was speaking in the reptilian Pokémon dialect she was pretty sure only she spoke. She translated for Solar what the Grovyle said.

Solar's eyebrows raised as he laughed along with the women. "Heheh, that does sound kinda like you may find out," he said to Charm. "But uh, he does take his job as a breeder seriously, don't get me wrong." He looked to the Grovyle and Ninetales as if asking for them to help preserve his trainer's reputation with his mate.

The Grovyle shrugged. "He's okay besides that, just wish he would get over staring and actually come over and rub my belly; it itches so much sometimes and I know he would if he could get over his shyness and come over." Charm translated between giggles to Solar.

Solar laughed openly at that, slapping his knee. "Haha! Ahh, don't worry about it; probably be better if you come up and ask him, in fact. Sometimes he's a little too...respectful for his own good." He looked at the Grovyle's belly and smirked at her. "I'm sure we'd be happy to help," he said, holding up his taloned hand.

The Grovyle happily nodded and rolled onto her back, her large, round belly sticking up in the air. She reached down with her clawed paws. "See? I can't get all of it." Charm didn't translate, instead just leaning forwards and starting to scratch her belly.

The Ninetales giggled as she cleaned her pups and watched them nurse, thinking, "Horny little girl; she plays that same story all the time to get people to touch and rub her. Oh well, at least it works."

Solar cracked his knuckles and started to carefully run his talons across her belly, eager to strike up conversation with the females. "So um, how old are they?" he asked the Ninetales over his shoulder.

She smiled. "Two weeks tomorrow," she answered proudly. She decided the male on the end wasn't clean enough and started to lick him again. This made him grunt in disapproval of having his meal interrupted. Charm giggled as she continued to scritch the Grovyle's belly, marveling at her size.

The Grovyle groaned happily; these two had magic hands. Charm could cover more area but Solar got his talons into it...she couldn't ask for more.

Solar felt a couple of big, hard lumps under her scaled belly and looked down in surprise. " that's what it feels like...."

Charm smiled as she too felt the Grovyle's eggs as she scratched down towards the female's bottom. The Ninetales just chuckled more and lay her head back down as her kits finished nursing and curled up on each other and next to their mother.

Solar gave her belly a good pat and looked up at the Grovyle. "How long until it...or they, are due?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, when they come out, probably not long."

Charm chuckled at this as she translated for Solar. "Guess that does make sense." She finished scratching and leaned back with a happy sigh; she could feel that things were looking up for her now.

Solar smiled at them and stood up to leave. "Well, I think we should be finding somewhere around here to sleep for the night. Good night, and good luck," he said. The Ninetales nodded at him, smiling. The Grovyle smiled and sighed happy before she rolled over and trotted off after thanking them for the belly rub.

Charm followed Solar around. "So where are we hiding out for the night?" She giggled; it was fun being a bit naughty, and they were sleeping on private property without the owner's knowledge.

He looked around for somewhere hidden. "Hmm...I'm getting tired of caves. Let's just find a nice patch of grass and curl up, yeah?" he said, starting to feel amorous again.

She nodded and smiled. She was not feeling all that amorous, though, and was too tired to feel in the mood for mating. She was mentally and physically spent from all that had happened that day: her back was still a tad sore from the Scyther's attacks and the minor cuts itched under her skin. She was just worn out and it showed.

He led them to a small enclosure of trees and sat her down, leaning against a tree behind her as he started to press and rub her back in an effort to massage her. Sensing that she probably wasn't very receptive to mating, he nonetheless planted kisses along her neck as he tried to make his mate feel better.

She murred and her back popped several times as he rubbed it. Her wings spread out wide to let him at more of her back. The broad muscles were taught, and some felt as if they were in knots. "Today has been very exhausting. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to spend a couple of days here, doing nothing but being lazy and resting up."

Solar smiled at her behind her back and nuzzled her neck. "Dear Charm, that's what Verdanturf's for. At least there we won't get in trouble for trespassing," he remarked as he continued to rub at her tense muscles.

She sighed. "Okay, okay. But once we get back to Goldenrod, I am going to start enjoying retirement. I know I'm too young to be saying this...but I'm getting too old for this." She chuckled, but she kinda meant it. She felt so slow against that Scyther; normally she would have smashed one before it had a chance to think.

He shook his head. "I think you still kicked ass. That was just one badass Scyther, and it's not as if you were in the best state of mind to be fighting," he said, trying to reassure her.

A few minutes later, he laid her down on her side and lay down behind her in a spoon position, his arm around her chest as he kissed her neck. "See you in the morning, honey."

She nodded and went to sleep, dreaming of someday being a mother herself, of watching and feeling her child growing in her. It was one of the best dreams she ever had.

Snow was lying down in a bed in the S.S. Tidal as it slowly made its way towards the Battle Frontier. Cerberas and Tai-Rain were in the room next to his, also resting up for their upcoming tournaments. Snow was looking forward to it; the last few weeks had been fairly uneventful except for the arrival of May the Latias as well as having Evertide's Doomtrain become an increasingly regular face at his home, and he wanted a little excitement...that and he was going to use the money he was sure he would earn here to put some new additions to the house, like some newer medical machines.

The light on Snow's cell phone lit up as it began to ring quietly. Snow pulled out his phone; he left his Pokénav at his place and just used a normal cell phone most of the time. He raised an eyebrow as he saw who was calling and answered. "Flannery? What's up? Long time no see."

The iguana at the other end fidgeted a little, almost as if nervous. "Yeah, um, hi, Snow. I saw you get on board before I did, y'know, and was waiting for a better time to call you cuz, well Charm and Solar stopped by Lavaridge a few days ago, y'know, and they did the do right in my Gym, y'know, and I know we broke up but I was wondering if, y'know, you'd come to my room...y'know?" she rambled, mentally cursing her tendency to talk too much when she was nervous...and aroused.

Snow's eyes went wide and his underwear grew tighter as he composed himself. "Well...if that's what you want...but remember why we went our separate ways...I don't want to go through another breakup...." The last time they were in a relationship, Snow wanted to start a family with her, but she wanted to continue to run her Gym, so they decided to go their separate ways...but a chance to mate one very pretty lady was one he couldn't pass up as he reached into one of his carry-on bags and pulled out a canine/vulpine condom and stood up, still holding his phone to his ear. "What room are you in?"

"Room B24. I'll be waiting." She hung up and quickly primped herself in the mirror before she lay nude and sprawled out on her bed; she knew it drove him crazy when she so accented the highlights of her limber body.

Snow walked down the hall and took a deep breath as he stood outside her door and knocked before walking in, his jaw dropping to the floor when he walked in and saw her.

Flannery's cheeks were bright red as she clicked her tongue at him. "Please...I. Need. Yiffing," she almost whimpered.

He closed the door and all but ripped his clothes off and then slowly applied the condom to his already swollen member as he began the short crawl up her bed. "And, my dear lady, a yiffing is what you're going to get."

* Snow's description, made me laugh ^_^

Next Level Ch. 4: No Turning Back

Cast Charm: Snowfur. Doomtrain: Me. Dr. Fox: Me. Evertide: Me. May: Snowfur. Ninetails: Snowfur. Other inhabitants of the Snowfur household: Snowfur. Solar: Me. Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak,...

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Jenna's Story Ch. 1

Cast Clint: Me. Jake: Me. Jenna: Dash. Skunk: Me. Various NPCs: Both of us. Art by Dash and used with permission. The anthro golden retriever sat on his couch, his brow knitted and his soft and friendly brown eyes focused in...

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Tides Ch. 6: Thinking Back

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie and Kai (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain, Kera...

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