Tides Ch. 6: Thinking Back

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#7 of As Certain as the Tides

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex.

Hobie and Kai (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Rain, Kera and Alan (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Kera withdrew her gloved hand from between Rain's legs and smiled in approval. "Well, once again, everything's looking good. Pups are getting nice and big, and things are going pretty smoothly." Rain smiled happily in response, looking over to Hobie.

The maleherm otter had become relatively used to the monthly exams and was still nude after his examination. Rain was nearly as big as he was, even though Hobie was over a month ahead of his lover. He gave his lover's belly a gentle kiss, grunting at a kick from his own, having a bit of a time leaning over to caress her stomach. "Always good to hear, Kera...not long before my girl is the same size as me...."

Rain giggled as her pups shifted a bit, patting her belly through her thin pajama shirt. "Heehee, I guess so...gonna be a heck of a time, but sounds like fun to me," she quipped.

Kera grinned knowingly. "Well, now for the heartbeats." She disposed of her gloves, sanitized her hands, and took out her usual ultrasound device. Before long, the heartbeats were heard in the bedroom and Rain was back in lala land.

Hobie licked her neck and scooted closer, smiling and putting his arm around her as they listened. "They get louder every time you check us, Kera," he observed a bit dreamily. He smiled widely. "I wonder how much bigger we're gonna get."

Kera nodded. "In response to your statement, yep, that's kind of the idea," she said, "and at this rate, Rain will be as big as you in a little over a month. So at her seven months, she'll be as big as you at your eight and a week. She's a bit short, no offense, so the pups have to grow more outward anyway, and they do seem to be on the big side...."

Rain cocked her head, being brought back into the present. "No offense taken...but does that still mean I can give birth to them here?"

The Latias nodded again. "Absolutely. Just know that it might be a bit tougher when it's time to push."

Hobie beamed. "I want her to give birth right here with me," he proclaimed happily, and then he blushed a little as he realized he was going to give birth first. "Well...while I hold my pup...."

Rain smiled at him, kissing him to show her gratitude for being so supportive of her. "Thanks, sweetie...most guys would get really worried about their lovers giving birth to twins at home, but I just can't picture it happening at a hospital."

Kera didn't respond, letting them have their moment before she listened intently to the heartbeats.

"I would rather it be just the two of us...and perhaps you, Kera...just in case." He smiled to Kera, sitting up a bit and leaning back, putting a hand on his belly and grunting. "I can't believe how big I've gotten...seems like yesterday when I just found out I was pregnant."

Kera looked up at them again, chuckling. "Well, you still have two months to go, dear, so enjoy it while you still can. Time flies when you're having fun, as they say."

Rain nodded in agreement. "It does, indeed."

After a short while, Kera pulled away the microphone. "And again, so far so good. For reasons too complicated to explain, this confirms that there wasn't any major damage to the placenta from...well, you know...."

Rain nodded and looked away a little, holding Hobie's hand a little tighter.

Hobie squeezed his lover's hand, kissing her cheek. "Yes, well that's good news...otters are sturdier than we look." He winked at Rain and licked her ear.

Rain's smile returned, the onset of negative thoughts swept aside by Hobie's reassurance as one of her pups nuzzled her from the inside. "Yep, especially when our children are involved," she said, her hand resting on her belly.

Kera fiddled a bit with her machine and took out a small CD, putting it in a case. "Well, here's this recording for you. Enjoy it, yes?"

"We will! We listen to them regularly...don't we, Rain?" Hobie quipped cheerfully.

Rain nodded eagerly. "We do indeed! Hardly a night goes by where we don't spend some time listening to them...it just melts my heart every time..." she said with a wistful smile.

Hobie smiled and took the CD, inspecting it before placing it on the bedside table. "Thank you again for all of your attention to our needs Kera. It's very helpful."

Kera gave them a warm smile and bowed her head a little. "It's a great delight to tend to parents-to-be such as yourselves."

Hobie leaned against Rain and churred affectionately. "And you'll be the first to see our little ones when they're born."

Rain licked Hobie's cheek, her tail giving a happy little flick.

"Well, I guess that concludes the exam...but there is something I think you two should see," Kera said with a bit of hesitation. She looked around in her bag for a little bit before taking out a magazine that had a page folded in. "I think you two should talk about this between yourselves," she said, offering the magazine to whoever would take it.

Hobie reached out in curiosity, looking at the mag, a surfing periodical for which he himself used to pose. "Ooh, is it about me?" he asked excitedly before turning to the page and reading the headline. The headline read, "Hobie and local girl disappear," and on the opposite page was a picture of Hobie posing that had gone over quite well with the mag's readers, but this time he was a silhouette with a question mark in it. "Uhh...huh?"

Kera nodded. "Yeah, it's about you and Rain, but I think this should be a more private conversation," she said before standing up and picking up her bag. "Don't worry, they aren't even close to finding you, and I'm not saying anything," she said to try to reassure them.

He nodded and set the magazine down. "All right, Kera, thank you. See you in a month."

"No problem." Kera nodded at Rain, who smiled at her, before she left the cabin.

Rain swung her legs around to sit upright on the couch before picking up the magazine and patting the spot next to her, offering Hobie a seat. "Well, I'm ready if you are," she said.

Hobie nodded and scooted up next to his lover, looking at her calmly with an arm around her, caressing her steadily more maternal bust playfully, having gotten near B-cups himself by now. "It doesn't look that bad," he said as he turned to the page and began reading the article.

The basic gist of the article was, as they expected, that Hobie and Rain (who, still being a minor, wasn't named) were nowhere to be found and hadn't been for some time. It mentioned that Hobie had been a bit on the reclusive side and Rain had been seen hanging around him for a little while before disappearing. The writer speculated that Hobie would return with a pup in his arms...this drew quite a laugh from the otters.

He chuckled and shook his head. "The media will make up anything for a crowd...to think I'd be a father...ha!" He winked sarcastically and petted Rain's round belly, leaning down to kiss it and feeling for the movement of his twin children. "Won't they be surprised to see not one, but three pups...."

Rain nodded in agreement, patting Hobie's head. "Yeah...that's gonna draw some attention, indeed."

It didn't take much longer for them to finish the article. Rain sighed in relief at how short it was. "Must not have any leads or anything," she reasoned.

"Yeah, well I'm not afraid of that," he said confidently, smirking. "My career is pretty much over anyway with all these pups we're having." At the mention of his pup, the one inside of him kicked and he grunted. "Heehee, the little one's getting pretty strong in there...I do hope it's a boy or a girl...and not both...."

She looked over at him and cocked her head, her expression suddenly becoming both sad and disapproving; hurt, in other words. "Hobie...you know it is possible that Mistral is a herm," tears started to form in her eyes, "to say nothing of these two," she said morosely, resting her arms on her belly.

He shook his head and sighed, leaning over and nuzzling her while he rubbed her belly. "Oh no, no, no, Rain...I'm sorry, hon, I didn't mean that how it sounded. I just don't want our little ones to go through the same kind of scrutiny and difficulty that...I did...."

She sighed. "...Okay. I forgive you," she said simply before leaning against him, moving one hand to rest on his thigh. "But I didn't see any comments from either of our parents in that article...I know mine probably aren't looking for me, but what about yours?"

Hobie let his eyes wander away from his lover, and the magazine, resting his hand on hers and letting out a deep sigh. It was so strange when he took the time to think about it, how his lithe body which was once the best thing on a surfboard was now heavy, swollen and full of life...and how he was still getting used the weight and off-balance of it. "Mine...? Uh...they really were never there for me...they wanted something they didn't get. When I was born they put me up for adoption...I only saw them after I'd become well known, and they wanted me to know who they were and how I was conceived. As if I was going to forgive them...."

Rain's shoulders slouched and her ears flattened, showing her sympathy for her lover. "Mmf...Hobie...." She couldn't speak anymore from being so upset, waiting for him to talk when he was ready.

He shook his head and shrugged. "Well they were both these pretty built guys...well one was like me...a herm, but he didn't let anyone know about it. I guess they went to the same gym or something, and y'know how guys in places like that behave...fuck, if men were all herms every single one of them would get knocked up...."

Alan finished washing off his sweaty fur: being an otter meant that he dried quickly, but he'd really maxed himself out today and worked up quite a sweat, so he lingered in the shower a bit longer. One nice thing about being a more nocturnal guy was that the gym was pretty empty at midnight on weekends, leaving him to use whatever equipment he wanted; he was lucky to find a gym that stayed open so late.

Another otter stepped into the shower, a well-built male by the looks of him, with something that was uncommon (but not unheard of) for an otter, a thick, pendulous shaft instead of a sheath hanging between his legs ahead of a rather generous set of balls. Easily over six feet tall, his muscular frame and toned abs gave the impression that he'd been a member of the gym for quite a while. He nodded to the other male, dousing his sleek fur with warm water while facing the other male unintentionally.

Alan's eyes widened a bit before he quickly moved his gaze to the male's face, returning the nod. He felt his own sheath stirring a little, willing it to calm down but not succeeding very well. He reached over for a little shampoo, casually turning the water to a colder setting.

The otter raised his arms to wash down his pits, rubbing the soap vigorously against his pecs and abdomen, pink nipples on his taut pecs and his washboard abs streaming water down his thighs. His male bits swayed slightly as he moved, though not quite as loosely as when he'd entered the shower; the other male nearby having some effect on him.

Alan cracked his neck as he tried to refocus his thoughts...maybe just talking about something less sexual would help. "Don't think I've seen you around before...then again, I mainly lurk around here at night," he said.

"Heh, yeah, well I'm usually in the pool." He finished washing his upper body and leaned over, lifting his tail a bit to wash down his thighs and calves. "I'm usually not here too late but I'm off tomorrow. My name's Kai." He stood up and offered the other male his hand.

Alan shook the otter's hand. "And I am Alan, meet ta nice ya." He couldn't help but give Kai a quick once-over. "Wow, didn't know you could get a physique like that from a pool."

Kai's grip was firm; not uncomfortable, but definitely strong. He just grinned at Alan's comment, his exposed shaft now noticeably less than flaccid. "Eh, well, I hit the weight room now and then. And I run track..." he flicked an ear, "and the yearly Trinity Meet. I take it you've heard of that?"

Alan's eyebrows rose. "Yeah, I've heard of that...so you're that Kai, huh? Seen you in the paper, you can really motor."

He blushed a bit, shaking his fur off to hide it, brushing a hand against his own crotch somewhat intentionally. "Yeah well...keeps me fit and happy. I don't do it for attention; I want to be proud of something...and my own health seemed like the best thing to take pride in." He smiled at Alan, momentarily envious at the other male's sheath and ability to hide his arousal more easily - though Kai could tell he was aroused. He grabbed a towel on his way out of the shower and started to dry off.

Alan quickly turned off the shower and grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his waist. He licked his lips in anticipation as he took a quick look at the small locker room; it was empty. "Hey, um...wanna go in the sauna for a little bit?" he asked, his hand on the door to that room.

Kai already had his briefs on when Alan asked him that. He looked over his shoulder at the otter's hand on the sauna's door and chuckled a bit. Was he being hit on by a gay man? It wouldn't be the first time...but he'd play along for the time being. "Sure, why not?" he remarked, padding towards Alan in his underwear.

Alan opened the door and gestured inside with his hand. "After you," he said, seeing that the sauna was thankfully empty as well. *Mm...this could be my lucky night,* he mentally remarked.

The muscular otter walked inside, looking around curiously, having never spent much time in a sauna before. He took a seat on the wooden bench inside and watched the naked Alan step in. "So what do you do in here?" he asked.

Alan sat down on the wooden bench and sighed contentedly. "Well, you really just kind of...hang out," he responded. "It's a nice way to just relax."

Kai nodded and decided to lie down on the bench, stretching out and resting his head on his hands to look at Alan over his torso, his crotch rather bulged from his half-hard cock. "So how did you get your build?" he asked nonchalantly.

Alan kept his gaze forward, waiting for this prime specimen of otter to give him the green light to proceed with what he had planned. "Well, just doing some of everything, really," he said. "'Course, I guess a bit of it comes naturally."

He nodded slightly. "I know how that is...." Kai really had no intent to go further than making out, perhaps...but if this guy was still interested.... "You got a girlfriend?" he asked, testing the waters.

He shook his head. "Nah, never, shall we say, been into girls much...." He let out a small sigh. "Guess that's one other thing that came naturally."

Kai chuckled and sat up a bit. "Oh really? Hehe. Then we have something in common I think...." His briefs tented a bit more; whether or not he wanted to be naughty with Alan, his body had its own plans. "Got a boyfriend then?" His scent was unmistakably that of an aroused male, with a background of something unusual to it. The dampness between his legs wasn't visible to Alan yet.

Alan cocked an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Well, no, not really." He turned to look at the otter with his eyes narrowed. "Interested at all...?"

Kai pawed at Alan a bit from his position. "Well, of course I'm interested," he nodded down to his tented briefs, "but I don't think I'm exactly your type..."

Alan shrugged. "Well, you're quite a stud, and from what I can tell, you have what I like...I say we go for it, hm?" he remarked, reaching down to undo his towel and reveal his hardening shaft.

He blushed a bit and sat up further, keeping his thighs pressed together as he watched the aroused otter stripping in front of him. "I have what you like...but that's not all...."

Alan's expression became one of curiosity. "Do you now? And what might that be?"

He balked. "Uhhhm...." Looked as if there'd be no making out for him tonight. He spread his legs to reveal a damp spot below his thick balls. "I've got that part you don't like so much too."

Alan's eyes widened. "Whoa...well, that's a tad unexpected." His eyes wandered back to the otter's maleness. "Still...doesn't mean we can't have a good time...."

Kai narrowed his eyes a bit, tilting his head. "You really don't mind it?"

The otter shook his head. "Nuh uh! In fact, don't think I've ever been with a herm like you...most herms I've met looked kinda girly, and I don't have time for girly men...or herms."

He chuckled a bit and shrugged, sitting upright. "I'm definitely not girly...I doubt that part even works. I know the other one does, that's for damn sure." He looked at his tent, damp with pre at the head.

Alan's grin once again became lustful as he growled at Kai playfully. "Well then...care to demonstrate?" He turned to face Kai better, throwing his towel to the side, the tip of his shaft wet with pre.

He swung his legs over the side of the bench, spreading them more and groping himself, flicking his tail at the other otter. "Sure thing...how do you want me...?"

"I want you...any way I can!" he hissed as he reached over and hooked a claw on the waistband of Kai's briefs, tearing them off easily.

The horny otter gasped as his briefs were ripped open and off, exposing his thick dripping cock to the air, while he grabbed Alan's hips and pulled him closer, kissing him deeply. "Mmmmf...take me, you big otter..."

Alan pulled Kai's head against him, growling again. "I'm big? What do you feed that thing?" he managed to get out between kisses.

Kai frenched him eagerly, gripping Alan's cock and stroking it several times, beads of pre dripping off his own onto their stomachs. "Heehee...well I've never had someone...up inside my cunny...."

Alan panted from the rush of hormones. "Hmm...haven't been in a cunny for a long time, but for you...ah, what the hell, as long as I get some too," he remarked as he slipped a hand under Kai's balls and stroked the herm's feminine parts.

He moaned loudly at the caress of his wet sex, leaning back and panting, his dick leaking all over his flat belly while his sex was swollen and hot with anticipation. "Mmmmf, thank you, Alan...oooh...."

Alan got in a push-up position over Kai and quickly lined his cock up with Kai's sex. "So...you want it fast or slow, meatstick?"

"Take me fast, Alan...fuck me hard...mmmf." He arched his back to tease the head of Alan's shaft with his cunny, slicking him up with his juices while his own cock bobbed over his belly.

Alan licked his lips as he pulled back until only his tip was in Kai's sex before remarking, "You got it," and thrusting in, crashing through Kai's hymen and hilting himself.

The otterherm yelped as Alan took his female virginity, wrapping his legs around the other's backside and pushing against his thrust, his dick sliding between their bellies as he moaned loudly, tail slapping against the bench. "Ohh...yeah...that's what I'm talkin' about...!"

Alan took a few seconds to pant and get used to being inside a female sex again, his own tail flicking about. "Nng...this isn't so bad...I still prefer the standard guy way, but...whew...."

Kai giggled and leaned up to lick Alan's nose. "Best of both worlds eh?" he quipped, humping against Alan and reaching back to scritch his back.

"Heh heh heh, I guess," he grunted. He pulled his hips back and brought himself out to the head before pushing back in, chirping happily and repeating the motion.

Kai spread Alan's rumpcheeks with his fingers, teasing the male's tailhole playfully while he humped the herm, bringing his hips up to meet Alan's while their bodies slid together, a slick mess of pre oozing from Kai's dick between them. Alan squinched his eyes shut as he panted happily, his cock shooting off gobs of his pre into Kai and his balls slapping against Kai's crotch with every thrust. Little chirping sounds started to come from his throat as he felt himself draw closer to release quickly, having already been quite aroused.

Kai humped firmly against Alan's thrusting, his own cock pulsing and throbbing with imminent climax, gritting his teeth to hold back a little longer while a finger invaded his partner's tailhole. The probing of his tailhole set Alan off as he felt his balls clench and his seed fire out from the tip of his shaft, his tailhole tensing around Kai's finger and his tail standing as upright as it could. The maleherm yelped in pleasure as Alan unloaded his cum into his belly, the new and wonderful sensation setting off his climax as hot ottercum sprayed between their bellies, making a slick, slimy mess of the two men. "Ooooh, Alan!!" he cried.

Alan kept his shaft buried as deep into Kai as he could as his cum sprayed against Kai's cervix, reveling in the feeling of Kai's feminine juices slicking his passage up even more. Before long, though, the heat of the sauna started to get to him as he collapsed on top of Kai, their cummy fur making them stick together a little.

Kai grunted softly while the last of his cream dribbled out between them, stroking down his sweaty back and moaning softly, kissing Alan's cheek and smiling. "Well, I sure as hell enjoyed that, hon...but it looks like we're both going to need showers," he said with a wink.

Alan chuckled a little as he tried to get his breath back. "Mm...that doesn't sound so bad," he said, "but maybe we should make it a cold shower...need to cool down, y'know?"

He nodded eagerly, his clawtips scritching over the other's thick fur. "Indeed...I hope this means that we can spend some quality time together again, too...."

Alan started to wash off the remainder of the soap in the men's locker room showers. It had been almost two weeks since he had last seen Kai, and while he figured that Kai had just moved on (it wasn't as if their relationship had been particularly serious, only lasting about a month and a half), as much as he tried to follow suit, his amorous thoughts kept orbiting around the incredibly handsome otterherm. Much like now, for instance...he felt himself starting to harden and knew he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to jerk himself off, so he turned off the water and headed into a more private stall, not wasting any time and starting to stroke himself.

The door to the locker room opened with a soft squeak as Kai stepped in, looking rather concerned. He wore briefs, denim shorts and a t-shirt, not planning to work out as he had much more pressing matters on his mind. He looked around the empty locker room and saw no one, then the sound of one's shower going caused him to peek his head into the shower room. "Alan..." he called out softly, not sure if he was there or not.

Alan's ears immediately perked up and his hand froze. He peeked out of the stall and his eyes widened as an excited smile crossed his features. "Kai!" he cried happily as he ran out to hug the very masculine otter, his erection flagging against his thighs.

Kai couldn't help but smile when he saw Alan and he squeaked slightly when the wet and soapy otter hugged him, and felt his stiff erection against his own thigh. "Hey, hehe, did I interrupt something?" he asked playfully, his own loose cock starting to stiffen in his pants.

Alan looked up at Kai and grinned knowingly. "Oh, nothing that can't be cured by some long-overdue sex, tough guy...." He reached up into the collar of Kai's shirt with a claw, watching for Kai's response.

The otterherm widened his eyes, standing up straighter as he grabbed his shirt with a wet finger, grinning softly and flicking his tail. "What are you gonna do to me, hottie...?"

Eager to see his lover in the fur again, Alan quickly pulled his finger down and tore Kai's shirt right down the middle, growling at the sight of Kai's exposed torso. He leaned down and nuzzled Kai's chest, but although it was muscular, it did feel rather soft. "Mm, you been putting on a little weight, guy?" he asked.

Kai yelped as Alan tore his shirt, exposing his still toned and muscular front, gasping a little as he nuzzled his pecs, his nipples standing erect. "Uhhhm...hehe...actually...yeah...and it's your fault..." he stammered.

Alan giggled a little. "Aww, you were so lonely without me that you just stayed home? Well we can cure that too." He passed his tongue over one of Kai's nipples as he playfully groped Kai's butt with his other hand.

The other otter lifted his tail at the grope, moaning softly and reaching back to fondle Alan's rump in return, his cock firming up under the damp fabric as he pushed his chest out towards Alan's muzzle, his nipples more sensitive than normal. "Ooooh gods that feels good, lover...mmmm!"

Alan's fingers soon found their way to Kai's button and zipper, and with great skill, the shorts were soon open as he started to tear at Kai's briefs, tilting his head up to kiss the maleherm. Kai grunted when Alan tore open his zipper, shivering as his pre-dampened briefs were exposed, tented with his erection. "Mmmmm...." He kissed the male and growled, feeling his underwear ripping. "You naughty boy," he said as he frenched Alan.

The otter growled back, moving his fingers to the opening in the underwear and letting Kai's hardening shaft free before he tore the hole wider with his claws. "Don't flinch," he warned between kisses.

Kai held still as he felt his dick fall into Alan's hand, stiff and throbbing and leaking pre all over, as he kissed firmly and moaned with his ears back, shivering in pleasure. "Oooh god...."

Alan pulled Kai into the shower stall and closed the curtain, having Kai lie down while he lay on his front so Kai's impressive meat was right in front of him. He used his arms to keep him up as he nuzzled and licked Kai, the shower water cascading down their bodies.

He murred when Alan pulled him into the wet shower stall, leaning back and shivering as the warm tongue lapped across his rigid cock, pre tingling on Alan's tongue while his shirt lay open, exposing his damp front. "Oooh, hon...you're gonna...mmmf...."

Alan moved to sit on his shins as he moved one claw into the seam of the crotch of Kai's shorts, being careful to not nick Kai's balls. Before long, the twin prizes were available to him as he returned his attention to Kai's shaft, fondling his balls as he did so.

Kai gasped loudly and arched his back, slapping his tail on the wet, tiled floor and moaning deeply, his hot femscent wafting from his swollen cunny up to Alan's nose, his balls swollen with seed and his cock pulsing pre onto Alan's nose. "Mmmmmf, lover...I'm gonna cummm!"

He didn't miss a beat as he took as much of Kai as he could into his mouth, carefully squeezing Kai's balls with one hand as the other reached down to finger Kai's sex. He murred down Kai's shaft as he eagerly awaited the sweet release. The otterherm yelped and shuddered, clenching his hands as he came with great fervor, opening his mouth in pleasure and spurting his hot cream into Alan's waiting maw, rapidly filling it as his cunny squeezed Alan's finger. Alan swallowed as much as he could, but intentionally let some cum dribble back down Kai's shaft so he could feel his own cum on it. He slipped his middle finger into Kai's femsex and spread it open wider.

Kai giggled softly and sat up a bit as his climax slowed, gently petting Alan's muzzle and scritching under his chin. "You sexy guy...now my clothes are a mess...."

Alan closed his eyes and smiled widely at the simple pleasure, his tail flicking from side to side happily. "Heehee...it's good to see you again, Kai...."

He reached up and hugged the male, kissing him again and tasting his own cum on Alan's lips. "Likewise. Sweetie...I came back to tell you something important...."

Alan leaned down into the hug, snuggling his face into Kai's collarbone. "And that is...."

Kai paused for a moment, stroking Alan's wet fur. "I'm pregnant, Alan...it's your pup."

Alan's heart skipped a beat and he looked up at his lover with wide eyes. "You're...you're pregnant...?" he stammered. Then he chuckled and relaxed a bit. "Haha, that's a good one...gave me quite a scare there, guy." He straightened up and turned his head around to get some shower water in his mouth and wash out the cum.

"Heh...I wish it were a joke, but...I'm quite certain of it. Come here." He gently tugged on Alan's hand.

Now Alan was really starting to get worried; he could swear a cold sweat had broken out on his body despite already being wet. He let Kai move his hand where he wanted.

Kai gently rested the male's hand on his lower belly, and nestled under his navel was a firm lump, not visible in his toned physique. "That's our child, lover...I'm three months pregnant...."

Alan's hand trembled as he indeed felt the lump. "...That's...not...a tumor or anything...is it?" he asked in a shaky voice.

"Not as far as I can tell. I mean, I got a home pregnancy test and it was positive...I don't know if they work the same on herms but everything suggests that I am...I haven't had sex like that for three months, you know?" He looked at the floor and flicked an ear. "I was afraid you wouldn't believe me...and if you did...that you'd...."

Alan retracted his hand, his arms hanging limply at his sides as he seemed to stare into space. "I can't believe it...I'm going to be a father...mmf, I'm not ready for this..." he whimpered, shaking his head and covering his face.

Kai pawed at the male, looking at him with concern. "It'll be okay, Alan...just...please don't leave me...I need you with me on this...."

He was brought back to his senses for the moment at Kai's touch. He looked down at Kai and lay down to hug him again, resting his cheek on Kai's chest. "Do you want to have it?" he asked, drawing a nod from Kai. "Then what...what are we going to do?"

The maleherm shrugged softly, kissing Alan's neck. "I don't know, hon, but we'll have to do something, and at least together it will be easier than apart...well...for me it will be...that's why I was so afraid to come down here, and why I waited so long...."

Alan nodded. "Yeah...we'll find a way, I'll help you. And...heh, I guess I wouldn't mind having a little boy someday..." he mused out loud.

Kai looked up to him. "Heh...really? Not many gay guys want kids that I know." He looked down at his washboard abs, and shrugged. "I wouldn't mind a daughter myself."

He chuckled. "Well, not many gay guys are willing to fuck a pussy, yes?"

"I suppose not," he said, sitting up, "except when it's attached to something this sexy." He winked and started to get up. "Mmm, my clothes are a mess, Alan, what am I going to wear out of here?" He looked down at his cock and balls hanging out of his torn shorts

Alan looked around as if he thought he were being watched. "There are towels...and it's pretty empty at this time of day...there's always the back door, no pun intended," he quipped.

"I can't walk home like this," he said with a smirk. "I guess I could wear my gym clothes home." He stripped off the damp and ruined clothing and stood there nude, looking as sexy as ever; it was hard to believe this stud was actually in his second trimester of pregnancy.

Alan chuckled. "Well then, don't walk, use my car." He got to his feet and gave the handsome otter a hug, shyly resting his hand on Kai's rock-solid middle. "I gotta admit, I'm...scared," he said in an insecure tone.

Kai squirmed a bit as Alan caressed his belly, putting his arm around the male and stroking his rump gently. "So am I, hon...but less scared now that I know you're with me."

Alan sighed contentedly as he rested his hands on Kai's belly. He had slowly been warming up to Kai's pregnancy, still not completely accepting it, but he knew how important his support was and no way was he going to leave the mother of his pup high and dry. "How're you feeling, honey?" he asked with a lick of Kai's ear.

"Mmmf, a little...heh...horny, love." He murred at the lick, leaning his head back to look at Alan upside down and smiling, putting his hand over Alan's on his tummy when he felt a kick. "Hehe, there's our little one...." He sighed contentedly, closing his eyes when he heard a distant rumble of thunder and flinched slightly.

Alan gently rubbed Kai's tummy to calm him down. "Yep..." he said a bit uncertainly. "Oh, we've been having such a good time on this camping trip that I forgot to mention: I got a call from the adoption agency and they have an otter couple who's very interested in adopting our pup. They want to set up a meeting as soon as possible...kinda too bad there's so little time to get to know them."

Kai nodded slightly, sitting up a bit and sighing, looking down at his tummy and petting it gently. "Well...at least our pup will be with someone who can give him or her a better life than we could...." He bit his lip lightly. "Will we be able to see our child sometime?"

Alan nodded. "I'm sure they'll let us from time to time, but we have to remember, they will be his or her parents. We have to remember that...."

He nodded again, and flinched a bit as his tummy quivered, and another thunderclap boomed, somewhat louder than the first. "Mmf, I think a storm's coming, hon." Disappointment was obvious in his voice as he looked around the serene forest.

Alan grumbled a bit, his good mood spoiled. "Yeah...little rain never hurt anyone, but we should probably get back." He put his hands under Kai's armpits to help him stand up.

The pregnant otter slowly got to his feet. As he was nearly upright he felt a cramp in his belly, and before he could groan, a trickle of warm fluid out of his sex started running down the back of his balls and soaking into his overalls. "Oh, fuck, what happened...?" He panted, trying to feel under his tail at a slowly growing wet spot.

The other otter looked at Kai with great concern. "What's wrong, love? Is it the pup?" he asked in a worried tone.

"I...I think so...but it's too early...isn't it? I still have another month!" A flash of lightning and almost immediate thunderclap signaled the storm was nearly upon them, as he moaned again and held his lover with one hand on his belly. "We have to get back to the camp..."

Alan's ears flattened in fear for his lover and pup's safety, whimpering a little. "Mm...well, the doctors did say that you might go into labor early, but this early...mmf, we better get moving." He stood at Kai's side and held one of Kai's hands, his other arm going around Kai's waist.

Kai stumbled along while fluid trickled down his thigh, dampening his clothes, before another crash of thunder right above shook the ground and made the pregnant otter recoil in surprise and alarm, the shock causing his water to fully break and soak his clothes. "Ohh god, my pants..." was all he could say, looking to Alan for some reassurance.

Alan gently kissed Kai on the lips and kneaded his hand. "It's okay, this is supposed to happen...let's just walk. I'll follow your lead," he said softly.

The otter nodded and started to walk, holding his belly as more fluid poured out, his lower body rather soaked by now as he squirmed. "Fuck, this is so uncomfortable...unnnf...." He felt his gut starting to squeeze as a drop of rain hit each of them. "I don't know if I can hold it...."

Alan rubbed Kai's lower back and matched Kai's pace. It had taken them hours to get where they were, having to slow their pace down a good deal due to Kai's pregnancy, and with the ground becoming more slippery, trying to hurry back wasn't an option lest Kai slip. He knew they were in a pretty tight spot, but he just did what he could: let Kai know he was here for him.

As the rain began, Kai looked up in frustration and kept trudging on as the ground became muddy. "Well at least it won't matter that my water broke..." he said with a chuckle, grunting a bit and trying to keep moving.

Alan sighed a little. "Heh, you always did like it wet, y'know," he quipped. He was so focused on Kai that he almost lost his footing in a patch of mud. "Whoa!" he exclaimed, putting his arms out to keep his balance.

Kai helped to catch his lover, but in the process lost his footing and fell on his knee into the mud, the sudden motion causing the back of his overalls to split under his tail, exposing his soaked briefs. "Aw, fuck, this just doesn't stop..." he whimpered, the ground steadily becoming more saturated with water.

Alan couldn't help but chuckle. "Mmf, heehee...we just have no damn luck, do we?" he remarked, putting Kai's arm on the back of his neck and helping him stand up.

He nodded softly, more amused than embarrassed on top of his anxiety, though the path was going downhill and near a river which was starting to turn the ground into thick mud. "Mmmf, do you think we can make it, Alan?" he asked with some reservation.

"I think so. This is your first pup so labor will probably take a while. We'll just have to take it one step at a time," he said in as comforting a tone as he could.

Kai continued down the hill as the mud rose to their ankles, grunting at the muck and lifting his feet to keep from getting stuck in it, all while rain soaked them and drove them further into the mud. "Erf, it's getting deeper."

Alan grumbled at their predicament. Any other time, he'd tear Kai's clothes off and they'd yiff in the mud, but now...well, mud was one of the last things they needed.

Slowly as they walked, the mud rose to their knees, and Kai stopped. "I can't go any further, hon, it's getting too deep." He sighed as he knew what Alan was thinking; the tent in front of Kai's own overalls gave it away. "Damn this pup, if only we could fuck like we used to...."

Alan nodded. "Well, we'll have to take the long way around." He started to lead Kai to a shallower area of mud.

Kai followed slowly, though it wasn't long before they stepped into a waist-deep pool of muddy water, coming out covered in mud from the waist down and looking like a big mess. "Mmmf, Alan..." Kai whimpered.

Alan was also starting to become aroused despite himself. "Keep your mind on the task at hand, love; we gotta get you either to camp or somewhere safe."

The pregnant otter looked around a bit before noticing a shallow cave set into a cliff face. The ground was muddy but it otherwise seemed like sound shelter from the weather. "What about over there?" he asked, pointing.

Alan squinted to try to see the cave better through the rain before he nodded. "Yeah, I guess that'll work...let's just hope the rain lets up soon." Kai nodded, and started towards the cave, the mud several inches deep here but not so deep as to preclude walking.

The slick popping sound of their walking was giving Alan more and more lustful thoughts. He tried to shake them out of his head as they approached the cave. "Wait here, I'm going to see if there's anything in there." He slowly walked up to the cave mouth and called, "Hello?" into the cave; his echo soon returned.

Kai waited outside the cave, squatting slightly and wincing a bit, sliding the mud on his overalls off his belly and gently feeling the pup kicking. "Ehh, just a cramp...mmmf, I hope...."

Alan turned to take Kai's hand and lead him into the cave. "Great...well, we've been to the classes, so I think we both know what tends to happen after your water breaks, you know...?" he said nervously.

The pregnant otter whimpered a little, squeezing Alan's hand tightly and walking into the cave slowly, one hand on his wet belly and feeling his womb squeezing gently inside. "Mmmf, I know, and I'm scared."

Alan kneaded Kai's hand and moved them to sit down and lean against the wall of the cave. "It'll be okay, Kai...this is your first pup so it might take a while, though if your water's broken already...."

Kai shrugged a bit and started undoing his overalls. He had some trouble after getting the straps down. "Help me get these off, hon; I'm going to need to...."

His lover nodded and helped Kai take the overalls and underwear off, leaving the otter in his shirt. He returned to Kai's side and again held Kai's hand, his other hand going around Kai's shoulders.

Kai was already sporting a stiffie as he lay with his legs spread in the mud, nuzzling his lover's neck and holding him close for warmth, grunting at a tight squeeze that didn't leave right away and closing his eyes. "Ohh, what a mess...."

Alan rubbed Kai's shoulder and licked his face, whispering, "Just breathe, honey. It's okay to be a mess."

Kai looked into his lover's eyes, his hand squeezing Alan's ever tighter as the contraction passed through him. He whimpered and reflexively spread his legs more, leaning forward a bit and groaning. "Oohhh, I don't know if I can do this."

Four hours later, Kai was well into active labor, the contractions coming much closer than Alan expected from a first timer. At this rate, Kai would be ready to push around sunset, which he indeed was. Alan hoped it would go quickly: he needed light.

Kai groaned and was moving around nude, trying to find a comfortable position in which to give birth, now trying being on his knees and hands as colostrum dripped off his swollen breasts, fluids leaking down his thighs and his tail held high as he arched his back to push. "Unnnrrrrgh!" he grunted.

Alan was beside Kai, rubbing his back and licking the side of Kai's face as he pushed. "It's okay, Kai, just push when the feeling hits and we'll have a pup in no time."

The otter squatted and held Alan to brace himself, bearing down hard as his vagina spread slowly, the white sac encasing their pup slowly becoming visible. "Gghhh, can you see it? What's happening?"

Alan looked down at Kai's femsex and gasped. "Yes, I can see it! The pup's just starting to come out!" he exclaimed. He moved behind Kai and held his hands at the ready. "Okay hon, gimme a good push!"

Kai nodded a little bit, clenching his fists and grunting, arching his back again and bearing down hard, more of the birth sac becoming visible as he panted and winced. "Owww...it's biiig...GAHHH!" he cried as the head slipped out quickly.

Alan kept his hands under Kai's sex as birth fluid sprayed out from the tight seal created by the pup's head. "C'mon, Kai, you can do it, just go for it, baby!"

The shoulders were coming up as Kai howled in pain and strained again, pushing harder against the swollen opening of his femsex, and the baby's shoulders slowly emerged, the sac opening as they did and revealing their pup's head.

"I can see the head now!" Alan said excitedly. He kept the pup's head supported as it emerged, up to its chest now.

Kai kept pushing, clawing at the ground fervently and bobbing his tail, pushing harder and panting in exhaustion as the pup slid out to its waist, and the rest of the birth was accomplished easily by gravity. Kai fell to all fours, breathing heavily. "Hahhh...hahhh...ohhh god...it's over...."

Alan hastily tore a strip from his shirt and used it to tie the cord and cut it with a claw. He then took his shirt off and used it to wrap the pup, cuddling it close to his body to keep it warm as it whimpered. "Shh, it's okay, sweetie, you're safe here."

Kai slowly turned around and sat on his shins despite his sore vagina, looking over at their child and smiling, kissing Alan on the cheek and gently stroking the pup's chest with a finger. "What a precious little baby," he said, looking up at his lover. "Is it a boy or a girl, hon?"

Alan pulled the shirt on the pup's crotch away to check. "It's a bo-...wait a minute...."

Kai blinked, not having quite as good a vantage point as Alan did. "What? What's wrong, hon?"

Alan carefully pushed the pup's legs apart and craned his neck a little to get a better look. His eyes widened and his heart sank a little as he looked up at Kai. "...It's a herm...."

Kai whimpered softly, looking over to confirm Alan's statement. "Oh...dammit...I didn't want it to be a herm...I don't want it to go through what I did...no...." He shook his head as he started to cry, still gently caressing his son-of-sorts.

Alan sighed. "Maybe he'll be luckier than you were...." He handed their pup over to Kai. "At least he has a chance, right?"

"What if the adoptive parents don't want him now?" Kai whimpered again as he held the pup to his breast. "Why can't I just be a normal male?"

Rain's shoulders were slumped as Hobie's story ended, her eyes misting over. "And...what happened with your adoptive parents?"

Hobie gently stroked her back. "They ignored it...raised me as a boy, and I really never thought anything of it until I got older. I guess I thought that's how things worked."

Rain put her arms around his neck in as good a hug as she could, their bellies starting to make it hard to hug at this point. "You know, I don't think I've ever met your adoptive parents...did they just not care what you do?"

He held her, stroking her sides and letting their bellies press together, feeling the pups moving inside. "You haven't...but...eh, they loved me to a point. When I got old enough it was like I was too much trouble to keep parenting me, and that's how I ended up like this." He looked down at his belly. "I didn't know any better because nobody told me this was possible."

She didn't say anything, too upset by Hobie's story. She just kept hugging her lover and trying to find comfort in him and in their pups. Hobie ran his hands over her back, nuzzling her neck gently but finding it difficult to lean in much further. He felt himself getting a little heated in the moment from being close to his lover. Rain pulled away a little and moved her face in front of Hobie's. "Well...just don't ever forget that I love you, and I love the pups, no matter the gender. Okay?" she said quietly as she rubbed Hobie's lower belly.

He nodded a little and kissed her gently, looking into her eyes and smiling. "And I love you all too, no matter what...or how hard it is to be intimate...." His cock was starting to peek out of his sheath as he spoke.

She was about to continue to speak when she felt his shaft poking at her hand. She rolled her eyes. "God, Hobie, I'm trying to have a sentimental moment here!" she exclaimed, unable to help but smile.

The seven-months-pregnant otterboy leaned back and groaned, his cock swelling to full size as he grinned back at her. "I can't help it, love...you know how our bodies are...."

Rain licked her lips as she looked his body over. "I know...and I love it. Aw, to heck with it, we know we're gonna be good parents, right?" She pushed him onto his back and got on her hands and knees, looming over his belly. "Right?"

He nodded and sat up a bit, stroking his belly as his tail gently caressed between her thighs. "That we are, and what are you up to, girl?"

She grinned toothily and leaned down, taking a lick of Hobie's shaft. Damn...he was already leaking a bit of pre...this pregnancy must really be making him sensitive.

Hobie was leaking more than just male pre as her nose could tell, and he grunted when she licked him, teasing her slit with his tail. "You're almost as big as me, lover...and still a month behind...."

She grunted a little at the touch: he wasn't the only one becoming more sensitive. "And only getting bigger...mmf...I'm gonna be huge at nine months...." She started to lick his shaft a bit more fervently, savoring the taste of his pre and traces of seed.

The maleherm moaned softly at her licks, writhing on the couch while she pleasured him, more pre streaming from his cock as his baby kicked gently within him. "And I'm going to enjoy holding you for the few weeks I can after our first pup is born...."

Rain enveloped Hobie's cock in his mouth, having practiced a lot more with oral recently now that it was getting too hard to do it any other way. She reached up and gently rested her hands on Hobie's belly, feeling the pup kick; their twins seemed to be asleep now.

Hobie groaned louder and arched his back, pushing his cock into her mouth more firmly, squirting the back of her mouth with his hot pre, the baby kicking strongly beneath her hands as his sex dripped with arousal. "Ooooh, Rain, gods...."

She licked and sucked his shaft, bobbing her head up and down and letting her tongue caress and stroke the throbbing meat, one hand wandering down to finger Hobie's femsex.

He squirmed and yelped at the dual stimulation, lying out on his back and holding his belly as his lover teased him almost to orgasm, grunting loudly and thrusting harder into her mouth. "Mmmmf, babe...I'm gonna cum...murr...."

Rain took that as her cue, getting his entire shaft in her mouth and sucking as hard as she could, shoving her fingers into Hobie's sex and pressing against his clit.

Hobie yelped out in pleasure and came, spurting his thick seed into his lover's mouth, wrapping his legs around her back gently and humping firmly against her sucking, honey spurting out against her fingers and chin. "Ooh YES, Rain!!" he cried.

She was fully prepared, swallowing all the seed she could and letting what she couldn't dribble out of her mouth. She pulled away after a few seconds and let a spurt hit her on the face, licking around her lips and grinning at Hobie over his belly as she licked her girlcum-covered hand clean.

He giggled softly and propped himself up on his elbows, watching her get hit in the face from his shaft as the rest of it dribbled onto his tummy, which flickered with movement now and then. "Hehe, my girl is messy."

Rain nodded, moving up to lie down next to him. "Well, shouldn't you do something about that, dear?" she asked coyly.

Hobie gently licked her face clean, slipping his tongue into her mouth to rub against her own tongue, flicking his ears and resting his tummy against hers. She rubbed his tummy with her own as she felt Mistral jab at her, causing one of the twins to wake up, their bellies rubbing together on their own accord now. He chuckled and caressed her face gently, smiling to her lovingly and licking her nose. "I love you so much, Rain."

She giggled and licked him back. "Heehee, I thought we'd given up on getting all sentimental...but I love you too, Hobie," she said with a kiss.

Hobie murred and grinned at her. "Well I'm not as horny now." He winked and sucked on her tongue gently.

She let him suck on her tongue, murring loudly and rubbing as much of her body against his as she could. She felt their babies stirring within, their other twin waking up. "Oh, c'mon, you two, go back to sleep!"

He grinned and stroked her tummy lovingly. "Looks like we're all going to be up for a while."

Rain smiled and gave him a little nuzzle, looking down at their bellies. "Mmf...too bad it's going to be so hard to mate when we get so big...I'm not going to want to keep my hands off of you."

"Only for another two months, dear." He yawned and slowly started to sit up. "Shall we rest in bed?" She nodded and they both slowly stood up, grunting a bit and holding their tummies as they got balanced. "I wonder who this is harder for, you or me"

She shrugged. "I've always had boobs," she cupped said flesh, "but a belly is new to me...I think it's gonna be harder for me." She pushed her tummy out. "Mmf, I won't even be able to stand up without help...."

He giggled and stood beside her, gently holding her hips and kissing her neck as he stroked her belly. "But you're so sexy, Rain."

Rain murred happily at his gentle and loving touch. "Thanks...I really need to hear that sometimes," she rubbed her belly with him, "what with this big ol' belly only getting bigger."

Hobie nodded happily and held her in his arms, walking to the bedroom. "I've always thought that about you, despite my own issue."

She leaned against him as their three unborn pups tumbled about in their wombs, rubbing the top of her belly and looking down at it. "Shh, settle down, sweeties, there's room for everyone."

He giggled and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, guiding Rain to sit next to him and slide into the bed together, taking a bit of time while they managed their extra weight. "Think we'll get any sleep tonight?"

She shrugged. "Dunno...but it might help me if you...well...." She wiggled her middle and spread her legs a little to show him what she meant.

Hobie looked into her eyes, sliding his hand down her belly as he lay on his side facing her, pressing his hand between her thighs to caress her sex. "If I...?"

"Teehee, if you make me cum, you silly boy!" Rain said flirtatiously, reaching down and deftly taking her shirt off.

He grinned and leaned over to lick her breast. "I can do that, sweetie." He gently slipped a finger into her cunny, caressing her nub while his tongue slid along her nipple.

She groaned and pushed her chest out. "Ohh, I love it when you touch my breasts...they're getting so big..." she moaned.

Hobie moved over her body as best he could, pressing his belly against the sheets more as he suckled her breast, pushing another finger inside her sex and spreading them slowly, stroking her insides and murring deeply.

Rain reached up to fondle her other breast, her free hand rubbing her belly, which kept jiggling with movement from within. "Nng, you're so good, Hobie...."

A third finger penetrated his lover's slit, sliding in and out and slick with her honey while his tongue teased around her nipple, soaking her breast with his saliva as he growled, "And you feel so wonderful."

She panted a couple times before she could answer, gently thrusting her hips up and down. "Mmf, it's all because of you, Hobie," she said breathily as she bit her lip from the sensations of her breasts being covered with saliva and her walls being stretched.

Hobie kept thrusting his fingers inside her while suckling from her nipple, wondering when she would have milk, glancing down at his own B-cups and wondering the same for himself as he watched his lover writhe in pleasure, smiling happily.

She spread her legs a bit wider for him, inviting him to touch her as much as he could. "Ohh, I can't hold on for long, touch me everywhere and anywhere you want," she said, panting heavily, her juices running out to dampen the bedsheets.

The maleherm spread himself out over his lover as best he could, licking along her breasts and nuzzling between them, nibbling her neck as he slipped a fourth finger into her cunny, gently stroking her and licking her short fur. "That's my girl."

Rain arched her back as she felt her walls started to tense around his fingers. "Mmf, just a bit more...almost...nng...there!"

He curled his fingers and giggled, biting her neck gently and sliding in and out of her soaked folds. "Yess, baby...cum for me...."

She started to give out little yelps as her eyes squinched shit and her legs trembled. "I'm...mmf...gods I love you, HobieeeEEE!" she cried as she came, her open sex freely leaking her girlcum onto the bed as she clawed at both her belly and breasts.

He grinned and sucked on her neck gently as she came, keeping his hand planted inside her sex while watching her. "Mmm I love you too, baby."

She tried to speak but could only whine and cry, moving her hands to the bedsheets and gripping them as hard as she could, her whole body quivering with release as she arched her neck to bare her throat for her lover.

Hobie kissed and licked her neck as he lay down beside her, licking his hand clean after pulling it from her sex, smiling and closing his eyes as he put his arm around her. Rain kept cumming for quite a while by their standards before she collapsed back, her hands on her belly as her pups kicked and tossed within. "Feel better, my dear?" Hobie asked.

She nodded tiredly and blindly kissed her lover on the neck. "Oh yes, much...bless you, Hobie."

He giggled and nuzzled her gently, yawning a bit and petting her belly, his own pup having fallen back asleep. "I think we could all use some sleep, baby."

She nodded, rolling over to her side and resting her head on his shoulder. "Heehee...I like it when you call me that...that sounds pretty good. See you when we get up, dear."

"Goodnight, love." He kissed her on the cheek and churred softly.

Tides Ch. 7: Fuck These Mini-Titles

Cast Hobie: Nauta. Rain: Me. Kera: Me. Kera held a measuring tape around Rain's belly, now heavy with a 31-week twin pregnancy, and looking all the larger on her formally lithe frame. The Latias whistled in appreciation. "Well,...

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Wild Ch. 6: The Natural Order

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. It was...

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Next Level Ch. 2: Just A Date

Contains...no sex?! Oh well! ^\_^ Cast list is at the end of the story (it's a long list). Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Doomtrain wandered through Goldenrod on his own, looking for the...

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