Wild Ch. 6: The Natural Order

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#6 of Love in the Wild

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before.

Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

It was almost midday as Nivalis continued his workout. Knowing that sooner or later he was going to have to take on double duty, and more, he wanted to get in the best shape he could. At the moment, he was doing a set of push-ups, with Storm pressing on his back to add some resistance.

The bigger (in more ways than one) hermgriff laid his weight against his brother; not his full weight of course, but enough to make Niv's push-ups more difficult. The older brother's body was most obviously showing his pregnancy, with a noticeable set of A-cup breasts where his formerly flat pecs were, and his formerly trim belly swollen with five months of pregnancy, now to the point at which his pants could no longer button, having lost the fastener days prior, held up only by the zipper and the tension of his stomach as they creaked slightly with each movement. "Come on Niv, you can do it!" he encouraged.

Niv felt the sweat run into his eyes, shaking his head to clear his vision as he strained both his back and his arms, hissing with the effort. He had already noted that he felt a bit lighter on his feet and lifting objects with a bit more ease; apparently he had it in him to develop a more powerful body easier than he thought. He figured that it was just as well since he was going to need it. "Rrrgh...yeah, that's the stuff..." he growled, finding that he had started to develop a bit of a taste for physical exertion.

Stormtalon braced himself as he leaned on his brother's back, grunting and holding his shoulders gently but firmly, getting a touch heated from the close contact but keeping it to himself for the moment. His tail flicked anxiously as he watched Niv push against his weight, chirping encouragement to the smaller male. "Good, bro, you're really coming along...starting to put my figure to shame, even," he said with a wry chuckle.

He licked his beak at his brother's words as he started to lift himself up again. "Mmmff, nah." He lowered himself again. "Maybe for my size." Just one more to go. He pushed against the ground again, "Huuup!" and finally finished, not collapsing but slowly getting into a cross-legged sit, panting both from effort and a bit of arousal.

His brother sat beside him, feeling his pants straining under his tail but ignoring it, too proud of Niv to care. He put an arm around his bro and kissed his cheek, Niv's shirt stained with sweat. "Great job hon, you're gonna have a body like mine in no time." He looked down at himself, the slight glimpse of blue belly fur sticking out from his broken pants. "Or, at least, how I used to."

He smiled from Storm's affection, still breathing hard. "Eh, I was hoping I could still be the cute one and you be the big strong one...but it's looking as if that's not in the cards." He patted Storm's tummy gently, "But given the circumstances, that's more than okay with me." He directed his next statement at their baby. "You're lucky your mom's already big and strong; you're going to have an easier ride."

Storm leaned back at the belly pats, sighing happily and grinning. "Well, by the looks of it these pants aren't going to fit me much longer." He panted as Niv's fingers brushed over the exposed bellyfur, his sheath - and scent - growing.

Niv gave Storm's tummy a quick scritch before drinking some water from a skin they had fashioned to hold liquid, taking a deep breath, and getting to his feet. "What's next?" he asked, punching his open palm to show that he could go on.

With Niv's help, the bigger griffon slowly got to his feet, bracing himself on Niv with the added weight of the grifflet. "Umm, how about lifting?" he asked, looking around the vicinity. "Hmm, what could we use for that...?"

"There're loose rocks outside," he said, pointing to the mouth of the cave and then eyeing Storm's belly, "though I think you bring your own weight," he said with a giggle.

Storm rolled his eyes but winked at him as he wandered outside the cave, picking up some large rocks. With his strength, he was able to carry them easily across the cave and back to Niv, though he was panting slightly afterwards, brushing off the dirt from his shirt. "Okay, let's start with one of the smaller ones."

He nodded and picked up a rock, braced himself against a wall of the cave, spread his legs, and started to lower himself into a squat. His developing calf muscles could easily be seen through his pants; he loved feeling his body with his hands, feeling how they were becoming stronger. He loved even more when Storm would caress him and tell him how much he found himself still attracted, maybe even more so, to his younger brother.

Storm watched Niv pick up the stone, flicking his tail, coming up to his brother and gently putting his hands under Niv's armpits. "Here, stand up, and let me hold you while you squat," he chirped a bit playfully. His pregnant musky scent was delicious to Niv's senses.

Niv, being in a more base state of mind, always found that he was more susceptible to Storm's flirting when he was working out - not that he ever really resisted anyway. He stood back up and turned his back to Storm, licking his beak again. "You got it."

His brother got behind him, pressing his firm, rounded belly to Niv's back, his crotch against Niv's rump, where the smaller griffon could feel both the swell of their child and Stormtalon's growing arousal. He gripped Niv's sides gently, spreading his legs to brace them. "Ready, bro?"

He nodded. What he wanted to do right then was just forget working out and play with and then snuggle his pregnant brother, but first things first.

Storm slowly began to squat, helping Niv down with him, nuzzling his neck slightly in affection when he suddenly heard a pop and then a long ripping sound as he felt the back of his pants become very loose and the wind on his rear. He gasped, panting, his cock throbbing in front of his pants while he held Niv against him. "Oh, hell. What was that?"

Niv didn't even think about what it could be: he had a pretty good idea of what it was. He was just glad to be around when it happened. In mid-squat he started to giggle, then chuckle, then laugh out loud.

Storm slowly stood up, taking a hand to feel up under his tail, his rump fully exposed, and the folds of his wet sex just peeking over the ragged edge of the tear in his pants. "Oh, dammit...first the button, and now this...what am I going to wear?"

"Oh, don't worry; we can always make a loincloth or something. I mean, remember Asahi? Shi was doing fine." His sexually-charged mind started to drift on an idea he'd been keeping to himself. "Hey Storm...how about we play a little game to exercise your legs? They're going to need it. I want to see how long you can stay in one position."

Storm blinked at him, his cock tenting out the front of his pants as he put a paw on his own belly. "Uhhm, stand still? Okay...." That didn't sound very difficult, he thought, even with the additional weight he was carrying.

Niv slowly stood so they were both upright, letting Storm know that it was okay to stand. "Yep." He moved to Storm's side and gave him a playful pinch on the bum, "Just see how long you can do it. I don't care what you do; just keep your feet planted in one place and your spine however it's oriented when we start." There was quite a hint of playfulness in his voice.

He nodded, yipping at the pinch, a small stain of pre appearing on his pants as he wiggled a bit, planting his feet and flicking his tail, looking at Niv curiously. "Is this good?" he asked, trying to ignore the burning arousal in his loins. Storm got a mischievous grin in his eye, crouching down on his feet and squatting again, just enough to spread the tear in his pants as the tear was when they'd ripped. "Or I could stay like this?"

He grinned. "Perfect. Now stay there." He got behind Storm and down to his knees. "And if you need to fall over, lean back." He casually worked one clawed hand into the rip of Storm's pants and started to widen it, starting to expose more of Storm's sex as he hummed nonchalantly.

He gasped and widened his eyes, looking back over his shoulder at his brother ripping at his pants, pre streaming out of his shaft as honey dripped from the tear in his pants. "Uhh, Niv, what're you doing...?" He panted, his hands on his thighs.

Niv smiled cheerfully and continued to reveal more of his mate, now reaching Storm's balls. "Putting what'll probably be last pair of pants you'll wear for a little while to good use." He brushed the back of his hand against Storm's femsex as he carefully worked his finger around and under Storm's balls.

Storm groaned and shivered, panting and leaning a bit more forward, his cunny swollen and dripping with heat as he moaned from the caress to his sex and balls, his tail twitching above Niv's head. "Mmmf, bro, that's so hot...." He closed his eyes and tried to steady himself.

He finished his modification to Storm's pants as his finger reached the zipper. The pressure from Storm's increased weight caused the zipper to fully unzip and almost break; the area from his sheath to his tail was revealed. Being thus released to the air, the scent reaching Niv's nostrils made him purr growl with lust. "Such a sexy, big ol' pregnant griffon..."

The big maleherm chirped as his balls slipped out of the torn pants, feeling his brother ripping them all the way up to the zipper, and then the pressure of his body and belly against the zipper splitting it apart, letting his full sexual arousal spring free, his pants barely staying up on his hips while he moaned. "Ooh fuck, Niv, my pants...."

He ignored his brother's complaints and decided to silence them by focusing Storm's attention elsewhere. He reached under Storm with one hand and around Storm with the other, having become skilled enough to pleasure Storm from memory alone. He carefully traced the nails of his hand around Storm's femsex while the other hand stroked Storm's shaft.

Stormtalon panted and shuddered, thrusting against Niv's paw as he was pleasured from both ends, pre spurting from the tip while honey coated Niv's fingers. He eagerly pressed down against his brother's teasing and squawked in pleasure. "Ohh gods, bro, you're soo naughty...!"

Nivalis chuckled quietly, "No, I'm creative," pulling his fingers away from Storm's vagina and his hand away from Storm's shaft for a moment and letting out a deep purr. "Storm, tell me, how do you like being pregnant?"

Panting heavily, he drew a hand away from his thigh to his belly, stroking it gently and feeling the firm swell of the growing baby. "Mmmf, I love it, Niv...as much as I love you...." He gasped, looking back at his brother. "Why'd you stop, love...?"

"Just wanted your attention for that," he said before he returned his affection in force, pushing his index and middle fingers into Storm's sex, grasping his shaft, ignoring the pre that was on it for now, and nuzzled the side of Storm's face in gentle affection.

"Ohhh gods!" Storm yelped, nearly falling backwards against Niv but catching himself, pushing his sex against Niv's fingers and clenching them inside him, another spray of hot pre escaping his shaft as he clenched his beak. "Not much...longer..." he grunted, panting heavily.

He noticed Storm begin to falter. "Ah ah ahhh," he calmly chastised, "I know you can last longer than that." He took his time, moving his fingers around in Storm's sex and slowly jacking him off while licking his ear.

He groaned and growled louder, panting and shivering, his legs shaking as he dripped pre and honey all over, his claws digging into the legs of his pants while he leaned back with his eyes shut. "Mmmf not long...oooh Niv, just...let me cum...mrrrrrf, please!"

Upon feeling Storm start to lean back, Niv knew he had done what he wanted. "Well, that wasn't too hard," he said before falling onto his back and pulling Storm with him, tensing his muscles for Storm's increased weight as he went straight for the kill, thrusting his fingers deep into Storm and forcefully yanking his shaft. *Don't worry, we can play more later,* he thought.

Stormtalon howled as he lay back against his brother, shaking in pleasure as he came forcefully, spraying his cum all over his shirt and face from the reclined angle, spurting juices from his sex all over Niv's hand and the crotch of his pants as he moanwhimpered in pleasure and trembled from his climax. "Oooooh, brother!!" he yelped.

He smiled contentedly as he heard and felt his brother orgasm; in this position, Storm's shoulder blades were covering his face, but he didn't mind. In fact, he loved feeling Storm's girlcum flow onto his hand and his cock throb in his other hand; without having his eyes to distract him, he was freer to enjoy the sound and feeling.

Storm slowly relaxed, coming off his high and fanning his wings slightly. Realizing he was lying atop Niv caused him to roll onto the ground next to his brother, bracing himself on his paws to keep from pressing his belly into the ground. "Oof, Niv, are you all right?" he asked, his dick hanging out of his pants and splattered with cum.

Niv nodded, giggling. "No problem. Heh, you really are starting to put on weight...I guess the grifflet's having a bit of a growth spurt again." He pushed Storm gently onto his side so he could rub Storm's tummy, which he soon started doing. "It's not going to be long before it gets harder to hunt...good thing I'm pretty good at it, huh?"

He nodded softly, moaning at the belly rubs, though his cummy shirt still covered much of his belly. He started to undo the shirt, the lowest button first, giving his pants a swipe with a claw and kicking them off. "Mmm, there's still a few things I need to teach you. Hopefully I can do that before I get too big...and it's already becoming harder to hunt. I mean, look at me, I can't even wear my pants anymore!"

He smiled again, this time a bit wistfully. "...That's not going to be a problem...." He reluctantly moved away and went to a corner of their cave, starting to rummage through a few things he kept there that he asked Storm to leave alone.

Storm sat up, but didn't move, leaving his lower buttons undone and petting his belly absently. "What're you doing, love?"

Niv didn't answer. "I'm making your life easier, just as I promised I would, Storm." He picked something up with both hands and turned around. It was a necklace covered in various animal claws and teeth, with a crystal sphere about three inches in diameter hanging off of it. He moved back over to Storm and knelt in front of him. "I have a bit of a present for you...."

His eyes grew wide as he looked upon the necklace and his brother. Now that he could see the necklace more clearly, he could see a very faint white glow in the center of the crystal; he couldn't help but be reminded of his brother's white fur and feathers from the glow. "Niv...?" was all he could say, caught completely by surprise.

"I've been working on this ever since you told me you were pregnant. I had to ask the spirits of deceased members of almost every non-anthro specie in the forest for willing donations of bones and teeth," he tapped the crystal with a talon, "and I won't lie that it took almost as long to not only get this the way I needed it to be but to make it work how I want." He took a deep breath, preparing his explanation.

Stormtalon nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on the necklace. "That's...so sweet, brother...I don't know what to say. What does it do, though?"

"What it does is, when you put it on, it will keep your pregnancy at its current state until the grifflet comes." He smiled, "While making this necklace, I've been investing portions of my spirit in it. Remember when I kind of crashed after mating with you three months ago? I lied; I was tired from having to make this in a hurry."

He blinked. "Wow... really?" He took it gently in his hand and looked at it, and then down at his belly pushing out of his shirt, and his nude body from the waist down. "Heh, it's a little late for this now, isn't it? I mean, I'm already too big for my pants...."

Niv continued to smile. "No it isn't. At least with this you'll be able to get around easily, and we don't really have the luxury of being able to not be at our best. Please wear it."

Storm smiled, and kissed his brother gently, holding him close with a wing. "Niv, I love you dearly. This is such a sweet thing to do for me. Except..." he looked down for a moment, "I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't think I can accept this. I mean...." He paused for a moment to think. "I want us both to experience this, from start to finish, and be it as it may, I need to learn to deal with my changing body, even if it makes hunting difficult. I'll teach you what you need to know to help out." He nuzzled Niv's cheek lovingly.

He pulled back a bit, looking at Storm in great confusion and a bit of hurt. "Storm, that's such a nice thing for you to want to do, and I know you don't want to hurt my feelings, but please, we need you to be able to hunt as long as you can. It'll make teaching me easier and..." he trailed off a bit as he looked at Storm's belly, "even setting that aside, I'll be even closer to the grifflet, at least in spirit. You see, once it's put on, it uses some of my spiritual energy to keep the pregnancy as it is. I mean, now that it's finished I feel a lot better, but it's a trivial price to pay to make sure we're as ready as we can be for the grifflet." He looked as if he were about to start crying.

Stormtalon sighed and held his brother close to him, stroking his back gently. "Niv, this baby, this pregnancy, is very special to me. And so are you, most of all, and you are close to our child. You're a part of it. You're inside me, your spirit and your energy, here." He placed one of his brother's paws gently on his rounded tummy and looked into his eyes deeply. "This is the natural course of things, for one mate to care for the other while he-" he paused, "or she carries their child. If you truly want to know what being a father is like...you're going to have to care for both me, and our baby, when I'm too far along to do so alone." He smirked a bit in thought. "That, and if you'd given this to me a month ago, I might have considered it. But big as I am now, I'm already going to be going pantsless, and it's too late to stop that."

Niv couldn't contain himself anymore and hugged Storm back as tears flowed down his cheeks. "Oh, Storm...I'm so sorry! I didn't know I was trying to escape responsibility! I'll never fail to do my best again, I promise!" He leaned down and nuzzled Storm's tummy, wetting the fur down with his tears as he whispered, "You hear that in there? I'm not going to let you or your mother down."

He put the necklace around his brother's neck, stroking his head gently and hugging him against his tummy. "Oh, Niv...you weren't trying to escape anything, love. You were just doing what you thought was best, and it was very thoughtful of you." He chuckled a bit and shifted his weight slightly. "Let's keep the necklace just in case...after all, it's already been made, and it might be useful someday...." As he said that, a gentle flutter could be felt inside Stormtalon's belly, and a flicker under the surface of his skin was visible.

He shivered with love at being forgiven, then gasped, freezing solid at what he thought he felt. He looked up slowly at Storm, his eyes wide and his face in shock. "Storm...wa- was that...."

"Umm...it felt like a-...." He fell silent as another flutter, more like a thump this time, emanated from inside his belly. "Heh, I think our little one is making his presence known more than just making my pants fall off," he said with a chuckle, holding Niv's paw in his own and smiling lovingly.

Niv was too smitten with love to laugh, resting the side of his face against Storm's tummy. "I guess you forgive me too, don't you sweetie?" he said, his voice a bit shaky.

He scritched gently behind his brother's ears, closing his eyes and moaning softly at the intermittent thumps from inside his belly. "Oof, heh, yes, that necklace might have definitely been useful a month ago...."

He regained his humor, laughing with joy. "Haha! Then I wouldn't have been able to feel our grifflet," he poked Storm's belly, "would I, love?"

Storm let out a little merf at the poke, smiling and shaking his head. "No, but you would have eventually, when he was ready to come out...."

Niv continued to nuzzle Storm for a while, receiving a kick to an eye now and then but unable to be upset. Then an idea leapt into his head. "Storm...now that the necklace is finished and I'll be a lot better, that means I can finally mate you as I used to again...."

He blushed a little at Niv's statement. "Er... really?" His shaft stiffened a bit at that thought, still hanging wetly from his sheath.

He nodded, rising up and taking Storm's hands, leading them to the nest and looking at Storm with eyes full of love for him and their grifflet. "How do you want to...?"

He walked with Niv, blushing a bit and kneeling in the nest, starting to undo the rest of his shirt, his maleness stiff again by now. "Ohh, umm...I don't know. Maybe it should be up to you, love."

Niv took off his clothes quickly and knelt in front of Storm. "I want to rub you up, and then feel your weight on me, just as we used to do...it's been too long." He moved a bit closer, leaning in.

Stormtalon kissed him and slipped off his shirt, exposing his small breasts and his nude body to Niv, stroking his brother's side and chirping softly to him, his belly flickering with movement now and then. "Mmmf, the baby just won't settle down...hehe...you want me to ride you?"

"Not right now, suddenly I just can't get enough of you." He pushed Storm softly back so Storm was leaning against the edge of the nest and leaned against him, sitting on Storm's thighs and leaning into a loving kiss, his hands cupping Storm's face.

He moaned and held his brother close, against his naked body, feeling the baby kicking between them as he kissed Niv and purred loudly, his tail tickling Niv's rump and his paws holding Niv's hips. "Mmmm, brother...."

Nivalis felt the grifflet brush against his own tummy and slowly broke the kiss, looking down and sighing. "It's still almost hard to believe...but now it's so real." He patted Storm's tummy as he leaned up again and licked Storm's beak, starting to move to Storm's throat.

Storm leaned back and stretched out, exposing his nude form to Niv and panting softly, his cock throbbing against his belly as he stroked his brother's back gently, groaning in pleasure. "Ohhh, Niv, mmmmf... I know, hon, I'm swelling with your baby...."

He licked and nuzzled Storm's neck, nibbling a bit, and reached Storm's collarbone. "And that's not the only place you're getting bigger," he said, reaching up and calmly rubbing his open palms over Storm's chest. "You're so beautiful, strong but full of life now."

He giggled and blushed, looking down and moaning louder, his cock pressing up against his brother's and smearing pre on both their tummies. He scritched over Niv's rump and growled softly. "Mmmm, brother, you flatter me...I'm full of the life we made together...."

He started to lick at Storm's collarbone again, purring loudly. "And it's only going to get better." He eyed one of Storm's breasts and blushed. "Um, Storm...would you think it strange if I found the thought of nursing from you while the grifflet nurses to be incredibly arousing?"

"Mmmm, not at all...because I do too," he said with a grin, looking down and fingering his own nipple. "They're not that obvious yet, are they?" he asked self-consciously, still hoping to maintain some of his griffon masculinity even halfway to term.

Niv licked his beak. "Well, one doesn't see breasts and a pregnant belly on a masculine creature very often. But you don't have to worry about that with me." He leaned into Storm's sternum as he cupped Storm's developing chest gently in his warm, scaled hands.

He moaned loudly, shivering and arching his back in pleasure at the touch to his breasts, pushing his belly against his brother's. "Ohh, gods, that feels good...I don't get it, these never felt so good five months ago...."

He rubbed his increasingly strong abdomen against Storm's increasingly maternal one. "They weren't really there five months ago...mm, now I can't wait for you to start lactating." He raised one breast to his beak and gave it an experimental lick.

Storm grunted and clenched his fists, shuddering and spurting pre onto his tummy as the baby kicked again. "Oooh, that's so hot...mmmf...how long do you think before I start?"

He licked Storm again, letting his tongue linger as his other hand thumbed Storm's other nipple. "I don't know...I think somewhere around seven months, though you won't start really lactating until the grifflet is born. Hmm...seven months, that's when Asahi is due...."

He blushed and nodded. "Ooh...yes, I almost forgot about that...two more months...." He looked down at his body. "At this rate, I'll be coming to the birth in the feathers and fur." He giggled and moaned again, writhing in pleasure. "Mmm, you have magic hands, Niv...."

"We can leave early and take our time. We should probably get there early anyway: shi might go into labor before she's due." He pulled back from the caressing, resting his hands on Storm's belly. "That actually reminds me...how apprehensive are you about being there with hir at the birth? I know we've been practicing but I'm not the one who's going to have firsthand experience with it...."

"Umm...I uhh." He looked a bit uneasy, stroking Niv's back gently and scritching down his fur. "I'm more apprehensive about my own impending birth...but I guess I hope it goes well, because it'll give me hope for our own baby."

Niv hugged Storm, resting his belly on Storm's own. "You'll see. Shi's strong and so are you. I won't lie to you, though: sometimes despite best efforts, things don't go as planned..." he trailed off, "but having us with hir will give hir a lot of strength."

He nodded sagely. "I agree. And shi deserves everything we can offer hir." He licked Niv's cheek, moaning at the closeness, the baby kicking against his brother's belly. "We're all the family shi really has...."

He smiled warmly, patting the spot where he was kicked. "Not for long, you know." He gave his mate another kiss and pulled away, leaning on his back, his neglected shaft throbbing in anticipation. "But for now...I'm yours. Do with me what you will."

Storm grinned and nodded, crawling over his mate and leaning his belly against Niv's, sliding his balls and cunny against his brother's cock and dripping juices along his crotch. "Mmmm, big griffon," he said as he squeezed Niv's shaft. "How about I ride you...?"

Niv winced in pleasure from touching his brother's shaft with his own, something he hadn't done in a while. "Go for it...but it's been months since I really mated with you so please go slowly, at least at first; I want to last long enough for you to cum."

He nodded and guided his brother's cock carefully and slowly inside him, teasing his folds at first with the tip of Niv's shaft before enveloping him inside his cunny. "Ooooh, mmmm...I'm gonna cum all over you, dear brother...mmmm." He had a little trouble holding himself up with the weight of the baby, but hid the effort well, settling down on Niv's hips and rocking himself gently back and forth.

"Ohhhh...that's so good...I've almost forgotten what it feels like to be inside you again," he groaned, panting as he let Storm ride him. He curled up and grasped Storm's cock, pumping his hand slowly around it.

Storm yelped loudly as Niv stroked him, pre dropping off his shaft while he rode his brother, squeezing and rubbing Niv with his slick walls as he grunted and moaned in pleasure, his paws massaging Niv's chest. "Ooooh gods, you're so big...."

Nivalis started to thrust his pelvis to match Storm's rocking cautiously. "Mmf, it just seems that way because it's been so long...you flatter me...you're the big one, in every sense of the word...and getting bigger."

He yelped and shivered as he humped against his brother's hand, grunting happily as more spurts of pre soaked Niv's hand, honey dripping down around Niv's crotch while he whimpered and whined in increasing tension. "Ooof, god yes, love, I'm swelling up with your seed...feel my belly...mmmf...." He rubbed his tummy as it kicked and squirmed slightly, pressing it down against Niv's.

He felt a leap in his arousal as Storm further reminded him of his pregnancy, spurting a long jet of pre into Storm's sex and rubbing Storm's tummy with one hand, feeling their grifflet move. "I hope you're enjoying the ride in there, because this is only going to happen more often...ooh yes, you're going to make your mom get so big that he'll have to let me pamper him...."

Stormtalon humped faster, squeezing Niv's cock more firmly and stroking him for his cream. He yelped in pleasure as his tension reached its peak and he sprayed hot ropes of griffoncream all over his brother, gasping and panting while he came hard, soaking Niv's fur and his face in cum as juices spurted out of his cunny, soaking his crotch. "Ooooh yesss!" he cried

He grunted and grabbed Storm's hips as he kept thrusting, feeling his balls tighten as he was covered in his brother's cum. "Mrff...here...here it comes...! GrrrRRRAAAAHHH!!" He came, and with more force than he had in too long. It almost hurt him from how much cum erupted from his tip, not having been used in this way for three months even though Niv had accepted the consequences.

He howled as his brother filled his womb with seed, feeling it warm his belly and the baby kicking around inside as a result, holding his tummy while the last of his own seed jetted out onto Niv's chest, tightly holding his brother's shaft inside of him while Niv emptied his balls. "MMmmm, oooh, brother, you're sooo good...."

Niv finally gave Storm his last wad of cum, out of breath and sore from cumming so hard, but unbelievably happy. "Storm...that was...great...it's so good...to be back...."

"I agree," he breathed as he kissed his brother, leaning down against him and closing his eyes, careful not to put too much weight on Niv as he rested. "Ooh, that took a lot out of me."

He spun Storm on his back as he scooted backwards on his rump to partially prop himself up on the side of the nest, letting Storm lean the back of his head against his chest. "Thank you for helping me make the right decision, Storm." He fingered his necklace. "I won't let this go to waste."

Storm nodded softly, closing his eyes as he rested against his brother, panting softly while the baby settled down inside his belly. "Mmm, thank you for everything, love."

He nodded, scritching Storm's head, and then another idea hit him. "Storm...I just remembered something wonderful. I know I was lying, and I'm sorry, but remember when I told you that my energy was drained because of my prayers?"

He nodded again. "Yes, I remember that"

He put his finger under Storm's chin and turned his head so they were looking each other in the eyes. His own shone with moisture. "I was really tired from putting energy into this necklace. That means...my prayers weren't needed after all...."

Storm's eyes lit up as he nuzzled his brother, and yawned tiredly. "That's good to know, hon...but right now, I'm very tired. Would you mind resting with me?"

Niv shook his head. "There's nowhere I'd rather be." He moved so that his chin rested on the top of Storm's head, the tips of his fingers touching Storm's belly. "Goodnight, you two."

"Goodnight, love," he purred at the closeness, drifting off to sleep.

Wild Ch. 7: Wild Birth

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. Nivalis...

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Next Level Ch. 2: Just A Date

Contains...no sex?! Oh well! ^\_^ Cast list is at the end of the story (it's a long list). Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Doomtrain wandered through Goldenrod on his own, looking for the...

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Mateship Ch. 1: Mateship Party

This story contains sex ^\_^ but is not primarily a yiffy story. Cast Amber\*: Snow. Anika: Snow. Bailmont: Snow. Bailmont's parents: Snow. Dove: Me. Nivalis: Me. Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Jell-O (c) Kraft Foods. ...

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