Mateship Ch. 1: Mateship Party

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#2 of A Dragon's Mateship

This story contains sex ^_^ but is not primarily a yiffy story.


Amber*: Snow.

Anika: Snow.

Bailmont: Snow.

Bailmont's parents: Snow.

Dove: Me.

Nivalis: Me.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Jell-O (c) Kraft Foods.

*: No, this is not Dash's Amber.

It had been three months since Bailmont and Dove went from friends to mates. Dove had moved into Bailmont's apartment and now they could look forward to coming home to each other. They talked quite often of when they were going to have children, but wanting some time to themselves first, Dove went on the pill to be safe. The two dragons felt better than they had at any other time in their lives, a profound sense of completion taking hold in their hearts.

Now their little mateship party had begun in Bailmont's apartment about an hour ago. Some of their best friends had been invited but they were still waiting on family, particularly Dove's. Bailmont's other friends and family were milling about. A white fox man was talking with Bailmont's mother, and a muscular wolf woman was talking with his father.

Dove was chatting up a skunk woman with Bailmont at the moment. Bailmont held Dove close to him with big arm around her shoulder. "So...ehh, when can we expect you to have a child?" Bailmont asked the skunk, who laughed and patted the crotch of her jeans.

"When I find a female who likes hermys. So when can we expect the same of you two?"

Bailmont sputtered and rubbed the back of his head. Dove smiled happily, unfazed by the question. "We like having each other to ourselves for the moment, but don't you worry, we'll get started on that pretty soon, Anika."

Bailmont chucked and Anika laughed. "Well, there is lots of mingling to do, have a happy future together."

With that she walked off and Bailmont's mother came up behind them and gave them both a hug. "You have made this old dragoness very happy, finally taming my little boy." She was some five-foot-nine and on the muscular side, but not enough to look like a female bodybuilder. Her scales were solid black in color and her long, spiky mane, which was probably as black as her scales in her youth, was a dark gray from age.

The small Dragonair was a little surprised by the hug but her smile remained. "Ohh, I'd never try to tame him. I like him the way he is, ma'am," she said playfully.

She chuckled and gave her son a kiss on the cheek. "But you have given him something else to do besides street racing, kept him from killing himself."

Bailmont smacked his forehead in exasperation. "Mom, I keep telling you, we don't street race, it's drag racing under controlled circumstances."

She snorted. "Call it what you like, I still don't like it and now that you have a mate that I am assuming you're going to make fat with child, you have to give it up." He just sighed and rubbed his face.

Dove blushed a little but couldn't help but laugh. "Aw, don't call it fat, makes me feel ugly...please, ma'am," she joked. She looked up at Bailmont and batted her eyes cutely. "You don't think I'll look fat with a Dragonair baby in me, do youuu?"

They both laughed, Bailmont speaking up first. "Of course not, there will just be much more of you to love."

Then Bailmont's mother spoke up. "Dear child, it's far from ugly, and it will put a bit of meat on your bones. You're skinny as a rail!" she exclaimed, patting Dove's hips.

The Dragonair's wings fluttered a bit in discomfort at being called skinny, but she knew his mother didn't mean anything by it.

Bailmont chuckled. "I think she's beautiful, and she's not skinny, she's lithe and I love it."

His mother left with a mental calling by his father. Bailmont rubbed Dove's shoulder. "Don't take her words to heart, she doesn't mean anything by it, it's just how she is. Means she cares about you." He smiled and gave her a friendly kiss on the lips.

She returned the kiss and nodded. "I'm sure she's just concerned for me and the as-of-yet-inexistent baby, but Dragonairs don't get very big when pregnant, at least not compared to other anthros. Though, I wonder...maybe it'll be different for me, huh?" she asked, referring to how big her mate was compared to her.

He chuckled a little and patted her flat yet soft tummy. "Only the fates know. No matter how big or small you are or get, I will love you and our children always and with all my heart." He looked around at the guests and something began to bother him, to the point that he had to ask, " come none of your family is here?"

Dove's whole body drooped a little from that question and she looked away. "They aren't coming," she said dejectedly.

He held her closely. "But...why?" His curiosity and concern would not let it go; he had to know, especially sensing how negatively she reacted to his question, worry in his eyes. Dove usually radiated positive feelings and it was very rare to see her truly upset; in fact she seemed to give so much love to others that she left little for herself.

"It's...not something we should talk about here." She looked up at him and forced a smile. "Let's just have a good time, okay?"

He nodded and smiled. "If you need to talk to me alone, just say so." He then got up and got her a cup of juice and sat back down and down his own cup.

A griffon anthro with completely white fur and feathers sat down next to the couple with a "Hey!"

"Ah, Nivalis, so good of you to come," Dove said, giving him a friendly hug.

The griffon returned the hug. "No way am I missing out on such an...auspicious event," he quipped.

Bailmont raised an eyeridge at the newcomer, but seeing how well they got along becalmed him. "Enjoying yourself, mister?"

Nivalis pulled away from the hug and nodded happily. "Ooh, sorry, forgot she's taken now," he said, scooting away from them a little.

Dove leaned against Bailmont. "Don't take it personally; he's a bit of the possessive type."

"Nothing like that, just haven't seen this face before," Bailmont answered, but he knew that Dove's explanation was closer to the truth as he forced a chuckle and a smile and put his big hand out. "Hello, I am Bailmont Blackscale."

The griffon shook his hand and bowed slightly. "Nivalis Avoral, class clown back when Dove and I were in our freshman year of college, and for a brief time Dove's boyfriend."

He smiled a bit of an overly toothy grin. "Nice to meet you." His handshake was a bit on the firm side; as much as he was trying not to be possessive, he was still learning how to keep his instincts under control with Dove's help. He hoped the griffon took no offense to it.

Nivalis gave Bailmont a wry grin, sensing that he should watch his step when Bailmont was around but eager to prove that he had long since given up on the possibility being Dove's mate.

"Yeah, we dated for a few months but we could sense it wasn't going anywhere, so we decided to stay friends, and thankfully he took it quite well," Dove explained.

Nivalis nodded and pulled back his scaled hand. "Yeap, so I'll be nice."

Bailmont's smile hid more of his teeth now and he nodded pleasantly, his instincts backing off, but he still maintained physical contact with Dove. "Well good for me." He winked and gave a round of hearty laughter.

The tundra griffon and Dragonair joined his laughter before Nivalis spoke up again. "Nice meeting ya, Bailmont, and hopefully I'll see-...ooh, Jell-O!" he said excitedly as he got up and went to get some of said dessert.

Bailmont's laughter died off and he continued to watch the griffon a bit. "Should we tell him they're Jell-O shooters?"

Dove raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. "Eh...yeah, I think you should." She patted him on the butt to send him off.

He chuckled and went up to the griffon, downing a shooter himself. "Go easy on those, they're loaded." He smirked and gave him a playful elbow.

Nivalis blinked and considered the dessert for a moment before starting to slur his words. "Pourrr me anozher drinky, an' ah'll show yuh mah famoush moonwalk!"

Bailmont laughed heartily and slurped a second shooter but had no more, wanting to be sober.

The brown wolf woman sat down next to Dove. "Hey, good looking, what's cooking?"

Dove smiled at the wolf and nodded politely, recognizing Bailmont's racing friend. "Pretty well, Crystal, how are you?"

"Good. Blew the engine in my car, though, so I'm grounded for a while, but it's good to see you two are so happy." She smiled and leaned back and put her hands behind her head.

Dove shrugged. "Thanks for the well wish, but I'm afraid I can't help you there. I'm training to be a teacher, not a mechanic."

She laughed. "That's okay, that's what I get for investing in a four banger engine. Good luck with the teacher thing. Can't stand little kids myself; guess I ain't mature like you two." She smiled and looked at Dove with a soft look in her eyes.

The Dragonair noticed Crystal's expression and scooted over a bit. "Something wrong?" she asked softly.

She sighed a little. "Just...sometimes I think about having kids and realize I want them, but I also know that I'm not in a point of my life to where I can have them. But I know my time will come, so until then I live my life one mile at a time." She smiled and winked. It was true, she wanted to be a mother, but also loved the life she was leading and knew the two ultimately would never mix.

Dove scooted to be sitting next to Amber, draping a wing and an arm over her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll know for sure when the time's right. Until then, well...finding someone who wants to be with you is very satisfying in itself. Trust me, I know."

She smiled and hugged the delicate Pokémorph. "Thanks. I'm usually the strong one, but it's nice to just let it hang out once in a while. Well hell, I hate to be the first to leave, but I have places to get." She firmed her hug for a moment, giving her friendly kiss before getting up and walking out, saying goodbye to Bailmont as well.

*The more you want to talk about it, the more eager I am to listen,* Dove mentally remarked. She rose from the couch and walked over to Bailmont and Nivalis; they were getting along better than Dove thought.

In fact, they were playing the stupidest guy game ever: rock paper scissors. Bailmont spotted her and excused himself from the competition, giving her a hug and discreetly pinching her butt. "Hey, good looking, what's cooking?"

Dove's tail and wings quivered a bit in surprise from the pinch, but she hugged him back. "Not much, handsome," she quipped, "though I was hoping to get to know your parents a little better."

He chuckled. "Don't worry, they will become common fixtures. You will be wishing you knew them less by the time they're done." He winked and chuckled, hugging her close to him while behind her.

Dove laughed back at him as they started to walk aimlessly. "And why's that? They seem like nice people to me."

"And that they are,'s a dragon thing. They will want to make sure we're getting along, breeding smoothly, yadda yadda." he explained with a smirk. At least one parent would seldom be outside spitting distance from them for a while once Dove got pregnant, checking on her almost daily as they did with Bailmont's brother and his mate.

"Well...good thing we want children, right?" she asked hopefully.

Bailmont nodded and smiled. "Absolutely. Just please tell my mother you're eating enough or she will stuff you to the point of exploding." He laughed, not able to help it.

She laughed along with him before she said, "I think I can do that...though I don't recall meeting your brother."

He nodded. "He wanted to be here, but could not. He's waiting on his second pup and didn't want to have his mate travel when she's close to term."

She nodded as well. "Understandable. Perhaps we can see them sometime."

He nodded. "I promise you will meet him one day. He would never forgive me if I didn't make you two meet." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

Dove murred a little at the kiss and leaned against him. "I don't recall meeting your father either...may we please a little sit-down with him?"

Bailmont groaned but nodded, knowing what was about to happen as he waved his father over. His father was almost as imposing as Bailmont was, six-foot-four and quite athletic and muscular. His scales were black but they reflected light in such a way that they had a red tint to them, giving him a pearlescent color, with a similarly colored mane as long and spiky as his mother's. "Well, well, well, if it ain't not so fast and furious. Glad to see you finally settled down," he said with a smirk. In terms of body structure and features, he looked nearly identical to Bailmont except that he did not have the smooth red chest and belly as he smiled at Bailmont and looked Dove over, nodding his approval.

Dove smiled and bowed politely. "I'm glad that you approve of me, sir," she said, too pleased that she passed his cursory inspection to be bothered by it.

He nodded and continued to make Bailmont feel uncomfortable. "Of course, dear, and thank you. Me and the missus were starting to think Baily was either gay or going to mate to his car. I swear, if he could, he would live in his car. You make sure you keep the ball and chain tight on him." He ruffled Bailmont's spiky mane, which was already half erect from both embarrassment and annoyance.

Bailmont knew his father was only joking, but it still bothered him some as he spoke up, "Riiight, dad, I may have lived eight seconds at a time, but it was still living." He smiled and put an arm around Dove.

The Dragonair covered her mouth and giggled a bit. "Well, sir, I can tell you with great certainty that Bailmont is neither gay nor mated to his car."

The older dragon smiled at her and waved his hand in dismissal. "Please, no need to call me sir; I'd love it if you just called me dad."

Dove nodded. "I'll do that, sir," she said, completely failing to notice her slip.

Mr. Blackscale nodded again and gave Bailmont a semi-stern glance and smiled to him. "You take care of this little lady. Spoil her rotten, you have the money."

Bailmont sighed. "Dad, neither one of us wants to live like that. The life of excess sucks. Besides, I spoil her with love, not money."

Dove's wings fluttered a little at Mr. Blackscale's mention of spoiling her with money, but her composure didn't waver...except for leaning a little more on Bailmont. "It's true, sir; there are much more important things than money."

The reddish dragon put his hands up and chuckled. "Whoa, didn't mean like that, but if you two are going to give us a grandbaby, I would like to see y'all in a nice house, you know? With the clichéd white picket fence, two-car garage...."

Bailmont sighed yet again and shook his head with a smirk. "Dad, if the need arises for a house, or if Dove wants a house, then we can move, but for the time being this apartment is more then fine. I mean, you and mom are jumping ahead a few here, leaving us in the dust, and that's my job." He smirked and rubbed Dove's shoulder.

"With Bailmont, I wouldn't be surprised if we wound up with a five-car garage, sir," she quipped. She looked away a little, trying her hardest to not show that she was getting a little upset, but she knew that she could hide nothing from Bailmont's amazingly empathic soul.

Bailmont's father picked up that maybe he was making his son's mate uncomfortable and excused himself as Bailmont gently pointed her face at his and planted a kiss on her. "Don't take them too hard. They have our best interests at heart; they are just hard to get used to is all." He gave her a wink and a smile.

Dove nodded and hugged him. "Well, caring is half of the equation. I'm sure they're great parents if they raised someone like you," she said with a nuzzle of his chest.

He smiled and hugged her, feeling a bit amorous and wanting the party to be over so he could be alone with his angel, but not wanting to tell everyone to just leave, deciding to let it wind down on its own. "You know...once this party's over, I am going to give you your own little party afterwards," he whispered in her ear before gave her a wink.

She blushed a bit and giggled. "Oh, you big flirt," she quipped.

Bailmont gave her nose a little kiss and moved to strike up conversation with guests for a while, thoughts drifting to Dove and how she reacted to his father's comments and the lack of Dove's family. Dove also made small talk with the guests. She was asked more than a few times if she were trying to get pregnant, to which she would always reply that she was on the pill until they were fully ready to start a family, since she had a feeling that once they started, it would be hard to stop.

The guests finally began to leave, the two mates saying their goodbyes and giving out random hugs as the guests slowly filtered out.

Nivalis hugged Dove and cocked his head at Bailmont, smiling a little. "So, hard feelings?"

He smirked. "Nah, just remember, mine!" he joked and wrapped his arms around Dove, laughing heartily.

The white griffon chuckled and nodded. "No problem. You met a really special lady, I tell you." He left, closing the door behind him.

Once everyone was gone, Bailmont swept Dove up in his arms. "Mine, allll mine."

Dove giggled and kicked her legs a little playfully. "Heehee, stoppit!"

He kissed her as he walked to their bedroom and laid her on their bed and got in next to her, rubbing her body and drawing sounds of pleasure from his mate. He murred and licked her neck and snaked a paw under her clothes; he always loved how silky smooth her skin was and how soft her body was. They spent many a night wrapped in each other's wings, her soft feathers holding him in her gentle embrace. In his world, she was his angel.

She wriggled a little against his hand, leaning her head back and giving his tongue better access. "Mmm...I love it when you touch me..." she whispered breathily.

He murred and wrapped a big hand around one of her breasts, easily fitting the entire mound in his hand. "And I love to touch you. You are simply the prettiest woman ever." He murred and worked his hand down into her pants, sneaking two fingers over her sex to test it.

Dove was already a little wet from Bailmont's affection, letting out a whimper at his touch and biting her lower lip.

Bailmont pulled back to slip out of his clothing, and once nude, he slowly began to undress Dove, pulling her top over her head and removing her bra, licking and tasting each of her breasts before taking her pants and underwear off, moving his muzzle down and running his tongue up her sex, enjoying her taste.

Dove murred loudly and spread her legs, inviting him to partake of her body. "Mm...Bailmoooont..." was all she could say before her voice gave way to vocalizations rather than speech.

He returned her sounds as he plunged his tongue deep into her inviting sex, moaning as his member slipped out of his sheath and stiffened as he licked her soft walls and sucked gently on her clitoris.

Her hands gripped at his horns as she curled over a bit, keeping her legs spread as her juices started to flow freely into his maw. Her head leaned back and her mouth was wide open, panting loudly as her body started to get sweaty and her face flushed pink.

Bailmont continued to slowly please her a long time until he felt she was near orgasm before he pulled his tongue out, giving her a chance to calm down a bit, licking his lips clean as he put the head of his member to her very wet sex and slowly began to push in, paws groping her hips.

Dove shook her head. "Nng...can we...use our mouths...this time?" she asked, looking into his eyes with her own half-lidded ones.

Bailmont nodded and moved back down, nuzzling her sex and making a sound almost like deep rumbling purring, which vibrated his muzzle at a high frequency for a bit, certain it would stimulate her to no end as he slowly pushed his tongue back in, keeping the sound up, only stopping to take deep intakes of breath before starting back up.

Dove's whole body started to tense up, her hands gripping the sheets as she took gasping breaths and writhed a little, whimpering loudly as she felt her orgasm start to crest.

He felt her tense up and murred pleasantly as he fished his tongue around, seeking her long-since-memorized g-spot, his own member rock hard now and throbbing slightly. He reached a hand up and rubbed the side of her muzzle as he looked up at her but kept his tongue writhing in her.

She finally felt her vaginal muscles tighten and her sweet honey rush from inside her. Her breath caught for a moment as she wrapped her slender legs around his head, being careful of his horns and pulling him in closer.

He murred and slurped up her love as she pulled the tip of his nose into her sex. His mind was ablaze at her climax, loving that he could give her such pleasure without even using his member.

Dove's voice was again taken from her by the tide of her orgasm. Her nipples were stiff as her small breasts quivered with her entire body, feeling the warmth spread from beyond her crotch to her torso, arms and legs...she loved it when Bailmont took the time to give her an all-over orgasm.

Once Bailmont felt his work was done he lifted his muzzle from her sex, her clear juice dripping from his lips as he looked at her and smiled. He leaned in and gave her a deep kiss, giving her a taste of herself as he rubbed her very warm body, his own body temperature having risen several degrees.

Her eyes opened a little in surprise; she still wasn't used to tasting herself, but she trusted Bailmont with her body enough to let him give some of it back. She pulled him on top of her and let his weight rest on her, feeling safe from everything with him around.

He lowered his wings to completely cover her, popping himself just enough so he wasn't crushing her, his tail happily swishing back and forth as he snuggled with his mate. This was one of his more favorite parts, quietly snuggling and shielding his mate. If anyone was to walk in, he or she would only see Bailmont, for what his body didn't cover, his wings did.

Dove felt around a bit weakly with her tail for his, entwining their tails together and completing the all-over snuggle as she kissed him gently. "This is nice...just give me a few minutes...."

"Take all the time in the world. Just being like this is good enough for me." He smiled and kissed her deeply, rubbing her side with one hand as his wings fluttered some.

She nodded and breathed calmly. "You give, you get...I can't let this go unrewarded."

He smiled. "If you insist, but just being with you is reward enough." His huge erection, though, was hard to ignore as he lay on his mate.

She enjoyed the snuggling for longer than she thought she fact, as she started to return to reality, she noticed that Bailmont wasn't hard anymore. She looked up at him and smiled. " turn. Sit against the headboard...or however you do it."

Bailmont stroked the side of her face. "Are you sure, Dove? I know that you're still nervous about giving me oral...what know. If you don't feel ready, it's perfectly all right," he said. This would be her third attempt ever at giving oral: her first time, she gagged on his member before she could make him cum, and the second time, she didn't disengage in time and nearly choked on his cum and got it on her face and hair, leaving her in a sticky, coughing, and very upset mess.

Dove nodded. "With your help, I can," she said with a kiss.

He chuckled and rose from the bed for a moment to pick up a dirty towel which he had neglected to wash from the floor, then sat against the headboard with his legs spread wide and the towel beside him. Even with no erection his crotch looked formidable, his sheath nearly five inches long and four thick, each testicle small than a baseball but not by much, all waiting for the one woman who had any true claim to them.

Dove got on her hands and knees and crawled over in front of him, her wings folded to her body in a little nervousness. " will tell me if I'm doing well, right?" she asked, the last time she had attempted oral on him fresh in her mind.

He nodded. "Of course. I will pull you off before I cum, don't worry. Just take it nice and easy." The sight of her crawling towards him started the process, his member's head poking from his now full sheath.

She smiled and gave him a quick kiss before she moved her head down to his crotch. She took a deep breath to try to calm herself down and moved her mouth to his member, engulfing the emerging head and licking the tip.

Bailmont's body shuddered as she took his sensitive member head in her mouth, encouraging more and more of it to emerge, until all fourteen inches of it were exposed, still wet from his oral to her. Now that he was at full erection, it was narrower than his sheath made it seem, some three inches thick. It was surprisingly smooth for a dragon penis; no bumps, no grooves, no ribs, and no nubs; just slick, light gray, hide-like flesh.

She gulped a little and started from the bottom up, leaning down further and nosing the base of his sheath, wetting her tongue with her saliva and running it up and around his impressive shaft.

He shuddered again and gave a deep moan as his member spurted pre; it was quite obvious that Dove was doing a good job at pleasuring him. He grabbed the head board with his hands and extended his claws into it, digging small furrows into the wood as he resisted the urge to thrust as she licked his member.

Encouraged by Bailmont's reaction, and a little aroused by feeling his shaft throb in response to her stimulation, Dove took his head and some of his shaft into her mouth again, rubbing the underside with the top of her tongue and suckling on it, murring a little.

His thighs trembled as he felt her take his member back in her mouth, his member now throbbing again as he kept a tight grip on the headboard. He let out several low guttural, almost growling sounds, sounds a dragon's mate would only hear when his or her mate was being pleasured, a sign she was doing quite well indeed. His member tingled as his orgasm slowly began to build, his pulse pounding in his ears and his body heating up.

Dove continued to rhythmically pull at his member, licking off and swallowing the jets of pre as she scooted to center more of her weight on her calves and push against Bailmont with her wings, gripping him with both soft hands and rubbing what she wasn't ready to get in her mouth while she oraled him.

His whole body was trembling now, his wings spread wide. His tail came up between her legs and wrapped tightly around her tail. He felt his release drawing closer and closer, his murrs and growls growing more intense and frequent as a sign that he was drawing closer and closer to a big release, trying desperately to hold back and let his mate pleasure him and gain the confidence she needed, but at the same time, he wanted her mouth and hands on him as long as possible.

The dainty woman's inexperienced hands and mouth were serving her better than she thought. She gave her mate one last hard suck as her hands gripped him.

Bailmont could hold back no longer and almost forgot to disengage her as he gently but quickly pulled her off and got it covered his member with the towel just as thick jets of seed made a huge spreading wet spot in the towel, he releasing a huge bellow of pleasure as he came hard into the towel, hoping in the back of his mind it would be big enough.

The Dragonair couldn't help but smirk at seeing Bailmont come, licking her lips a little and leaning down to carefully kiss his pulsing member through the towel.

Bailmont tilted his head back and had his eyes closed as he panted, still holding the now thoroughly wet towel to his member as his seed kept soaking it, slowly calming down and catching his breath.

Dove pulled at the base of his covered shaft to work the remnants of his seed into the towel, smiling warmly at Bailmont. "I did well?" she asked hopefully.

He nodded and grunted as he felt her pulling at his member, a few more small jets staining the towel, panting still as he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the top of the head. "Very...well...."

She beamed at being praised, slowly moving the sticky towel off of him and leaning down to lick him clean, but stopping and looking up to him for approval.

He smiled and took her in his arms, holding her close to him as his member began to soften and recede slowly back into his sheath, surrounding her with his arms and wings.

She melted into his hug and nuzzled his chest, sighing contentedly and folding her wings to her body so he could hug her better. "Thank you for approving me," she said with a quick kiss of one of his pecs.

He nuzzled the top of her head and snow-white silky hair. "You did very well, you know I could never disapprove of you, I love you and everything you do." He rubbed her shoulder with one of his hands, the end of his tail waving back and forth some as he looked at the towel. "I made quite the mess, didn't I?"

She looked over and nodded, giggling. "You did...though I'd rather it be the towel this understand."

Bailmont chuckled. "Of course, besides I would rather have it either in your womb, your mouth or a towel, not all over the place; if you don't clean it well, it stinks to high hell." He smirked and turned her head up to look at him, licking a bit of pre from her lips.

Dove giggled again. "Probably does, not that I'd really know," she said, settling down against him more. "That was kind of fun...we should do it again sometime," she remarked, kissing him on the lips.

He nodded and yawned as he returned her kiss and scooted down with her on top of him and pulled the blankets up around them, ignoring what cum there was on the sheets. "Quick nap, then we can clean up around the place."

Dove nodded tiredly, unfolding her wings to caress his own with the soft feathers. "I love you," she murmured.

"I love you too," he said dreamily as he started to drift to sleep, loving the feeling of her on top of his chest, their warm bodies comforting each other.

A couple of hours later, Dove started to stir. She didn't want to get up: she wanted to hold her dear mate to her forever...but they had work to do. She noticed that they had entwined tails as they slept, smiling softly. She rubbed Bailmont's chest a little. "Bailmont?"

Bailmont's eyes opened slowly and he yawned and stretched under her. "Yes?" He scratched his sides and then hers, smiling up at her.

She met his smile and tightened her tail's grip around his. "Time to get up, dear," she said quietly.

He yawned again. "But I don't want to." He stuck his tongue out at her and moved his wings so they were covering his face.

Dove scooted up his body, letting her breasts drag on his chest. "C'mon, honey, it's time for school," she said with a kiss of his wings.

He chuckled and sat up. "You're a persistent little one." He kissed her deeply and sat her on the ground as they got up and started to walk through their apartment nude to pick up trash.

There didn't seem to be much trash; the partygoers were thankfully conscientious. The two dragons had the floor trash-free in only a few minutes, so they moved on to the leftovers. They saved what they could before Dove took some uneaten hors d'oeuvres and sat down at the table, nibbling on them and offering Bailmont a cracker with a bit of cheese on it.

Bailmont smirked and pulled a small cake out of the oven, covered in white frosting. This was one just for her as he set it and a fork in front of her with a smile on his face.

Dove's shiny, black eyes widened in surprise as she looked up at him. "For me?" she asked excitedly, her wings fluttering a little.

He nodded. "Between all the guests, I know you didn't get much of the big cake." He smiled and sat down next to her. "Made it myself before the party started while you were out."

She beamed again and started to eat the cake happily. She looked over at him and smirked, leaning up as she usually did to indicate she wanted to kiss him.

He leaned down and kissed her, licking the frosting from around her mouth, murring as he took her fork and began to feed her some of it.

She batted her eyes and carefully ate the cake off the fork. Before long, though, she had to stop because she was laughing too hard to eat, overjoyed by how lovey-dovey she could be with her mate.

Bailmont stopped and ate a tiny bit of cake himself, giggling as he smeared a bit of frosting on the end of her nose. Now he was laughing openly as he looked at her.

Dove tried to touch her tongue to her nose but couldn't. "Keep this up and we'll need a shower, too!" she exclaimed.

He laughed and licked it off the end of her nose. "Sorry, couldn't help it, any excuse to lick you."

A mild blush spread across Dove's cheeks as she looked back at what little remained of the cake for a second and then pushed it away. "You're just too sweet to me, you know that?"

He smiled and hugged her. "You deserve it." Having her alone and in a good mood, he thought that now was a good time to bring up her family again. " never told me why you got all tense with my father...."

She slumped a little, her wings drooping. "'s nothing, really. I just get a little upset when money instead of love is brought up as something used to win a woman's heart, even jokingly."

Bailmont nodded and held Dove around her shoulders. "This has something to do with your parents not being here...doesn't it?"

She hesitated a few seconds, and then nodded. "Yes...can we talk about this on the couch?"

He nodded and led her to the couch and sat down next to her. "Let me guess...your family doesn't like me because I'm not rolling in money?"

The Dragonair shook her head. "Worse," she responded.

He sighed and looked away. "They just don't like me?" He braced for her to answer in the affirmative, but it wouldn't matter; he loved her and she loved him, so that was all he needed.

Dove shook her head again. "Worse," she repeated.

That caught him off guard. He looked back down at her and raised an eyeridge. "Wh-...what? How can it be worse?" he asked, unable to understand Dove's answer.

She took a deep breath and leaned into him, closing her eyes before she said quietly, "...They just don't like me."

Bailmont's eyes went wide and his maw fell open as he could swear his heart skipped a beat. He was completely unable to speak coherently; he just sat frozen in place, stammering.

She nodded and held onto him in a hug. "As far as my family is concerned, I don't exist," she said in a solemn tone, pawing at his chest to try to get him to speak to her.

"That's...t-that's just wrong...on so many levels...." He held tightly to her as he kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry; we will have our own family eventually, and will be everything we will need, not approval from cold-hearted parents. can they possibly not like you?"

Dove sighed and sniffled a bit. "Let me compose's not a nice story," she said as she started to take deep breaths.

He nodded, still unsure he wanted to hear it, but he hoped she would be comforted by getting this off her chest, and as nervous as he was, he knew he needed to hear whatever she was going to say.

She soon let out a deep breath and begun to speak again. "I've never talked about my family because I didn't want you to feel I was above you or anything, but...I'm the firstborn daughter of the heads of the Dragonne family. Don't know if you've heard of them: a prominent family of Pokémorph dragons."

He shook his head in response. He knew of the elite racers, and a couple of them being in a family like that, but he had never heard of Dove's family. He felt an instantaneous twinge at the back of his skull, and then a nearly imperceptible gleam of blue light shot across his field of vision as his shock was replaced with sympathy for his mate and he hugged her close.

She leaned as much into Bailmont's hug as she could before she continued. "Needless to say, a lot was expected of me, and I met many of those expectations...but I didn't care about maintaining family power and influence, nor did I care very much about material wealth. I just wanted to maintain a family's wellbeing, not its power. I guess pride isn't inherited."

He nodded and rubbed her arm, the strange feeling still in his head, as if something were urging him even more to hear what she had to say or playing with parts of his mind his family hadn't used in generations. "No, it's not, and thank goodness you didn't inherit that pride. Your parents sound like a bad influence to me, but we will be their example that you do not need wealth or power to live long, happy lives."

Dove looked up at him, smiling a bit weakly. "There is more...if you still want to listen."

"Of course, my love, get it all off your chest, you will feel better." He smiled and set his chin on top of her head, petting her wings.

She leaned against his chest again. "This made for more than a few instances of me butting heads with family members and disapproving peers, but things finally came to a head when I was introduced, on my 19th birthday, to my...well, the man who was going to be my future mate."

Bailmont couldn't help but emit a low growl at that last part. "Well...if they cannot see that you are happy then you don't need them, I am sorry to say...." Although he still couldn't see not involving her family with their own, he didn't know how to bridge the gap between her family and the one they planned to start soon. He knew he had to be very careful not to make things worse.

"Even though he did seem to treat me with genuine respect and was even willing to let me continue to pursue teaching, I didn't want to become the mate to a man I barely knew, and when the day of the mateship ceremony arrived...I broke down. I just fell to my knees and cried and couldn't go through with it. His parents and especially mine were quite embarrassed." She was starting to get choked up again, stopping to sniffle.

He nodded and lifted her chin to kiss her deeply. "You don't have to continue if it upsets you so much. I understand now.... "

She shook her head and blurted the rest out. "Theygavemesomemoneyandkickedmeout!" she almost spat before she started crying openly, burying her face in his chest and sobbing.

He hugged her tightly and again surrounded her in his wings to try to make her feel safe, unable to hold back the tears that ran down his own cheeks as he rubbed her back.

Dove cried for quite a while before she was able to speak again. "They probably figured I'd just disappear and be forgotten...and I might have. But I already knew Nivalis from school and I," she paused to sniff, "I stayed with him until I finished school and got my own little place."

He nodded and continued to listen intently to her story, sad as it was. She looked up at his eyes and nodded back, signaling she was finished. He lay on his back on the couch and pulled her on top of him. She curled up against him in his arms, still crying a bit but grateful that her mate knew why she had become so upset. "Maybe that's why I fell in love with you, Bailmont; you treat me not only as someone you love, but..." she shrugged, "I don't know...I can't think of how to say it right now."

He nodded. "Shh, it's okay, I understand; I give you the love you need and deserve."

She took a few deep breaths and reached over for a box of napkins to blow her nose. "...I really do need it, and I know I need it." She kissed him tenderly. "Thank you...for being my mate, Bailmont."

He nodded and rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Of course and thank you for being mine." He then kissed her ear. "We're officially on our honeymoon now, and we have a week now to do whatever we want; that should help you forget all this family mess, seven days of just you and me."

Dove sniffled and smiled a little. "I think I'm going to enjoy this next week...whether dinner and a movie or going dancing."

Bailmont smiled and nuzzled her cheek. "We can do it all, my love." He did have a few plans for the coming week, but for the most part he was more than happy to stay home and be lovey-dovey with her. "But for now, how about we clean up the bed?" he asked, trying to lighten her mood some more.

She nodded and stood up, walking with him into the bedroom, her eyes catching the cum-soaked towel. "I have to say, Bailmont, I'm least you pulled me off in time."

He chuckled as he pulled the wet sheet off their bed and bundled the towel in it. "Yes, this was a far more pleasurable experience than the last time we tried this." After they put on a pair of robes for modesty's sake, Bailmont brought the wad of laundry to the washing machine at the end of the apartment's hallway to clean it before it could raise its musky, draconic stink.

Dove leaned against him as they returned to their apartment, immediately shedding the robe. "Well, hopefully I'll get better in time. Can't say the same for you: you really know how to work me over," she complimented as she patted his bum and started to walk to the kitchen, intending to nibble on the cake again.

Bailmont spun her around before she got out of arm's reach and gave her a deep kiss, looking deep into her eyes. "You were great, I cannot imagine having had such a long ejaculation with anyone else, my sexy little angel."

She seemed surprised at first by his praise of her much unpracticed oral technique, her shiny, black eyes widening a little. Her surprise quickly melted into relief. "Really?" she asked hopefully.

He nodded. "Absolutely. Dragons aren't easy to keep aroused outside of direct mating, so it takes both skill and care to do what you did. Knowing that it was you giving me pleasure made it even better." He leaned down and gave her another kiss, hugging her close.

She sighed happily at the kiss and a wide smile broke out on her face, her wings holding him in a feathery hug. "Thank you," she murmured as she kissed him.

He held her for a long time before his stomach began to grumble. "Oops...time to fill the tank." He smiled and turned to head for the fridge, wrapping his tail around her waist to maintain his content with her as they walked into the kitchen. Dove stood silently beside him, mentally soaking up her mate's praise and being infinitely thankful that she had such a wonderful dragon as her mate.

Mateship Ch. 2: Guardian

This story contains sex ^\_^ but also plot, like it or not. Cast Bailmont: Snow. Charizard: Snow. Dove: Me. Roland: Snow. White dragon: Both of us (but mostly Snow). Various NPCs: Both of us. Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc....

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Eggcitations pt. II

This is the result of an RP between me and Rain. Yep, the pregnancy and birth fetishists are always at it ^\_^ Disclaimer: This contains a whole friggin' lotta sex and all that yummy stuff. Kera Hsagra (c) me. Mael (c) Rain. Pokémon (c)...

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Tides Ch. 5: Rain's Worst Day

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain, Kera and Dove...

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