Eggcitations pt. II

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#2 of Eggcitations

This is the result of an RP between me and Rain. Yep, the pregnancy and birth fetishists are always at it ^_^

Disclaimer: This contains a whole friggin' lotta sex and all that yummy stuff.

Kera Hsagra (c) me.

Mael (c) Rain.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, and so on.

The girl gave a small sigh of contentment, leaning back in her chair and stretching it out, laying herself down. The sun was flowing down radiantly from behind the smallest patches of clouds -- it was a beautiful day, and what better way to enjoy it than to lounge around by the pool? After rubbing enough of the sunscreen on so her fair skin wouldn't burn, Mael adjusted the bottom of her black bikini expertly. Though the tummy was cute, it did get in the way of modesty now and then.

Kera peeked her head through the doorway and smiled at Mael; she wore a red one-piece suit. Not having a chest per se made it look almost like a second skin on her. "Having fun?"

"Hm?" the brunette asked groggily, sitting up very slowly. The sun had made her a bit sleepy and she may have dozed off for just a moment there. "...Sorry?" she asked, squinting and shielding her eyes from the sun.

The Latias morph smiled. "Aww, is the pregnant girl tired?" She walked over to her friend and knelt down beside her. "Mind if we cuddle for a little bit?"

Mael squinted up at her for a moment before smiling. "Of course." She gave a small giggle. "I hope I'm looking at you, I can't see a thing right now."

Kera helped Mael sit up a little before she sat down behind Mael and let the brunette lean her weight on her. "Mmm, this is just a beautiful day...." She patted Mael's tummy. "Still all quiet?"

Mael smiled, resting her head back against Kera's chest. "A few gurgles and groans," she said, snuggling down against the other woman, "but not too much."

Kera nodded as she wriggled a little to get more comfortable, closing her eyes and letting a contented grin spread across her face. "Say, Mael...I kinda wondered." She gently patted one of Mael's breasts. "Were to breastfeed the Pokémon once they hatch?"

"Well...I was told I'd have a bit of trouble getting a Bulbasaur to breastfeed," she said hesitantly. "I mean, you would probably know more about it than me...but the others I did intend to, yes." She said, fidgeting a little at her midwife's touch on her swollen breast. "I need to get rid of this somehow."

Kera nodded, blushing a bit. "Well, it can't be too hard. I mean, since a Bulbasaur is a quadruped, it might be a little awkward, but..." she giggled a little, "I can certainly show you how to express it...or more like tell you, since I don't have breasts."

"Oh, I just meant that I've heard it is difficult to get a Bulbasuar to drink milk. It's as though they don't like it or something," she said, fidgeting again. If Kera didn't stop touching her breast soon she might stain her new swimsuit.

Kera shrugged. "Aww, well I'm sure they can develop a taste for it...especially when it's so good for them." She softly poked at one of Mael's nipples, finding it quite stiff. "But for now, do they hurt at all? Feel too full?" Mael closed her eyes, looking away in a bit of embarrassment as small few droplets of milk welled up from her nipple, making the black fabric of her bikini top stick to her skin. Kera took this as a sign that they did feel full; Mael had looked just a bit bustier since she laid her first egg. "Well?" she asked, gently teasing her friend.

"...Yeah," Mael said sheepishly. Her breasts were full up with milk to the point of stretching the skin. Even the smallest stimulation would have her letting down. "'Full' is a good word...."

Kera nodded as she moved her hand away from Mael's breasts to stroke her face. "It's okay, that's supposed to happen. I think I should show you how to express milk...think you can get up?"

"Yeah." Mael grunted a bit with the effort of getting to her feet, before stretching her arms out above her head, pushing her swollen tummy out in front of her. "What do you mean by express it?"

Kera helped pull her friend to her feet. "I mean collect it, like, in a bottle or something so it can be used later." She blushed again. "Basically...milk yourself...."

"...Oh," Mael said, laughing, but blushing all at the same time. "Um...sure, uh...sure." She led Kera back inside the house, going to her room and rummaging around in a box in the closet until she found two small baby bottles. "Will these work?"

She nodded. "Yeah, those will work, but we should practice a little so you know what you're doing." She led her friend to the bathroom. "Well, first, let's get that top off," she said with a wink.

Mael smirked. "Don't enjoy yourself or anything," She teased, nudging Kera playfully on her arm before she wriggled out of her bikini top, tossing it aside and wiping away the small traces of milk on the tips of her pink, sensitive nipples.

Kera giggled and raised an eyebrow at seeing Mael topless again. "Okay then, first, get in the tub and get comfortable, preferably by kneeling," she said, gesturing to the tub with her hand.

Mael nodded, going over to the side of the tub and slowly lowering herself in to rest down on her knees. "Just don't ask me to turn," she remarked with a laugh: her tummy would surely get in the way of any additional movement.

Kera covered her mouth as she giggled. "Now, take one of your breasts and hold the part of it that's closest to your torso like this." She held her hands upside down, with the thumb on top and her fingers on the bottom, over her own chest as if she had breasts.

The girl mimicked Kera's position as best she could, taking hold of her left breast gently, as it was swollen and tender. "'Bout like that?"

Kera nodded. "Good. Now you do this." She moved her thumb and fingers so she looked as if she were squeezing down toward the imaginary nipple. "But just squeeze gently: don't hurt yourself. And don't pull on the nipple itself."

"'ll just come out?" the girl asked, holding her position and looking up at Kera. "Shouldn't we catch it somehow?"

The midwife shook her head. "This is just practice, dear. We're doing this both to ease your discomfort and to show you what to do: we'll collect it once you feel you know what you're doing." Mael nodded, looking a bit relieved...and a bit disappointed. She slowly began working at her swollen chest, pushing milk gently forward. She nodded in approval. "That's it...feel it working?"

Mael fidgeted a bit on her knees as a strange needle-like pressure started to build. "It feels like something's- ack!" she said, startled, immediately removing her hands. A thin trickle of white milk had budded at the tip of the nipple and was now beginning to drip in a thin line down the girl's body.

She patted her friend's shoulder. "It's okay, hon. That's supposed to happen. Does it hurt at all, sweetie?"

"It's just surprising, is all..." she said, still looking down at her milk a bit dazedly. "It felt like pinpricks and pressure for a few seconds...."

Kera nodded, noting that the trickle was slowing. "Well, just calm down and try to do it again...if you want to, honey." Mael nodded, readjusting herself and beginning to knead softly at her other breast, pulling and squeezing until another, somewhat more fluid and full stream of milk began to dribble from her.

Kera stood up to leave, soon returning with a special funnel, handing it to Mael along with the baby bottle. She considered how to do this. "Hmm...well, your belly's kind of in the way...."

Mael blushed, sitting back on her calves and resting her swollen tummy on her thighs. "I don't exactly feel like doing a back-bend."

Kera thought for a moment before she shrugged. "Well, I do have a breast pump...."

"...Is that thing gonna suck my tits off?" she asked with a small giggle in spite of herself. "I mean...that sounds kind of crazy...."

The Latias couldn't help but laugh herself. "No no no, Mael, it's just about yea big," she explained, holding her hands apart to show its small size. "But we could just use the bottle, might get a little tricky but we can do it."

"Well... which do you think would be better?" the girl asked, scritching gently at the underside of her huge tummy.

Kera thought for another moment and nodded. "We should probably keep it simple...don't want to overwhelm you." She handed Mael the baby bottle. "Now, hold it up to your breast and try to lean forward as much as you can."

The girl nodded, spreading her legs apart so as to let her belly through as she bent over, suddenly realizing, "I....don't have enough hands for this." She blushed. "Could you maybe hold the bottle for me?"

Kera nodded and took the bottle in hand, holding it up to Mael's breast. "Well, you could use one hand...but I'll just be nice this time," she said with a wink.

Mael smirked. "Not like you have anything better to do," she joked before leaning over the bottle, beginning to squeeze at her breast again, giving a small gasp as a thin stream squirted out of her and into the bottle.

She cocked her head as she held the bottle steady. "What's wrong? If it hurts at all...." She let her expression of sympathy hang.

"It just catches me off guard," she explained, not looking up as she continued to squeeze a good deal of milk from her breast.

Kera nodded. Before long, the bottle was half full: in its tilted position, it would get to about three-quarters before it would start to spill. "Is that one feeling empty at all now?"

"No," Mael said, looking up and blushing a bit, "it still feels a bit heavy." She sat there, working at her breast for nearly another full minute before the bottle was filled, nearly brimming over with her milk.

Kera raised an eyebrow in appreciation...and no small amount of arousal. "Wow...well, you are producing for three...guess we have nothing to worry about," she said with a chuckle.

Mael grinned a bit, looking down at her now lopsided chest. "But...we should probably take the other, eh?" she asked with a small giggle.

Kera giggled with her and nodded. "Yeah...guess we should, eh?"

"Probably a good idea," Mael replied. Kera nodded and set the bottle down after putting a cap (no nipple, just a cap) on it and reached for the other one. Mael shifted closer to her midwife, taking hold of her other breast and slowly but surely beginning to let loose the flow of milk until it was pouring as steadily as she could control into the bottle.

Kera couldn't help but feel her arousal grow at seeing her friend milk herself, deciding to flirt with her a bit playfully. "Heehee...I know I've already showed you this, but you're a very beautiful woman, Mael," she said softly, leaning in to nuzzle her friend's cheek.

Mael blushed a bit once more, though a smile was on her face as well. "...Thanks, Kera...I'm lucky to have someone like you around."

Kera gave her cheek a lick, smiling at her. "It's my pleasure, sweetie."

Mael was about to respond, but then her smile -- the one that had seemed to be attached to her permanently as of late -- suddenly vanished, a hand going to the underside of her hugely swollen tummy. "Ah...." She settled back in the tub, taking hold of the side and looking up at Kera.

Kera cocked her head, looking a bit more serious as she took hold of Mael's hand, moving the bottle away. "Time for egg number two?"

Mael looked stunned for a moment, as though she had never expected to actually go into labor with the next egg. But that was it, for sure...that was the only time she had ever felt a cramp like that before. "...Yeah," the girl said, shifting her weight a bit, "yeah, I think so."

Kera nodded and leaned in to lick her friend's cheek again. "Well, you already have an idea of what to do, so where do you want to go, honey?"

"The pool," the girl said immediately, fidgeting a bit as another small cramp welled up. "It's getting cleaned out soon anyway...let's go to the pool."

She got in the tub behind Mael and, squatting, helped to pull Mael to her feet. "Good idea: water helps a lot." She took Mael's hand and started to lead her away.

"I'm all right," she insisted, pausing at the door to the bathroom for a minute to try and calm herself down and regain her composure before standing on her own and walking a bit briskly for the patio deck and pool.

The Latias stayed by her side but let her go at her own pace. "Well, okay should probably take the rest of your suit off." She rubbed Mael's hips. "Want me to do it...?" Mael shook her head, trying to maintain a bit of independence this time. She went out onto the screened-in patio deck, going to open the door to the pool outside when she stopped, leaning against the frame for support, the first full-on contraction gripping at her. Kera stood behind her, rubbing her back and nuzzling her cheek. "Good girl, you know what you're doing this time." Mael blew gently out of pursed lips, wincing just the slightest bit as the contraction came to a steady end. "There you go. Now let's get you in the pool." Kera opened the door for Mael. She took her time going down the steps, walking over to the edge of the water and taking the steps down and in, the cold water raising goosebumps on her arms. Kera started to get in as well. "All right then, this shouldn't be too difficult...not that things went poorly last time, of course."

"And isn't it supposed to be faster?" The girl asked, wading through the water until she came to a wall where it was easy to lean, the shallow water just coming up over the swell of her stomach.

Kera shrugged. "Well, that's the assumption with humans, though non-anthro Pokémon almost never have multiple eggs, so things might be different. And the egg could be bigger, I don't know. But I guess we'll see, won't we?"

Mael looked as though she was torn on that last bit about the egg being bigger...that could be very bad. But then again, on her twisted side.... "...Are...Squirtle or Charmander eggs usually bigger than Bulbasaur eggs?"

Kera rubbed her chin in thought. "Hmm...I think they're about the same size." She shrugged. "In any case, there's no reason to think that you can't lay them, and you know I'm prepared if something goes wrong." She slowly swam over to stand next to Mael, letting her know that she was there if she felt nervous. As if right on cue, the girl's body tensed up with a strong contraction, a small whimper escaping her lips.

In the next yard, over the fence, a pair of eyes was barely visible over the top, should anyone look.

The Latias wanted to reach over and hold Mael, but Mael seemed to want to do things her way this time, so she stayed still and focused on watching her for signs of distress, ready to move in should she become more receptive to her again. That didn't take long: the contraction seemed to drag on forever, leaving the girl in pain for much longer than what she had come to expect. Whimpering, she leaned heavily against the wall of the pool, reaching back to Kera with the hand that wasn't holding her swollen stomach. Kera took the hand and gently squeezed it, moving a little closer and resting her hand on top of Mael's other hand as she leaned in to nuzzle her face with her snout. "Good know what to do if it hurts too much..."

"Whhhooooo...." The brunette heaved a sigh as the pain finally left her, leaving her panting and a bit breathless. " was a big one..." she said shakily after a few seconds.

Kera nodded and patted Mael's belly gently. "Then that's one more down, right?"

"I hope there aren't many more of those...." She sighed, letting go of the side of the pool and dropping down to her knees in the water, just her head remaining above, letting herself float for a little while.

Kera knelt down behind her, not touching her but ready to do so. "Well, you remember what we did the last time the pain became a little too much...right? If you want, I'll just stand by, but I'm here for you."

Mael grinned in spite of herself, teasing the other woman. "You just want to touch me again," she quipped with a smirk.

Her midwife nodded, grinning back. "Well, c'mon, who wouldn't?" She moved away a bit. "Buuut, if you don't want me to, that's okay too."

Mael smiled. "You're always so polite Ke-eE-!" She was stiffening again, floundering about in the water for a moment from the sudden pain, until she managed to push herself back into Kera's arms, leaning fully against her, another of the extremely strong contractions gripping at her. Kera immediately put her arms around her laboring friend, leaning in and kissing her on the lips as she ran her hands along Mael's belly. She didn't say anything, leading by example. Still the girl shuddered, though it looked as if she was calming slightly. Her breath was coming in great heaves now, her chest rising and falling with each breath. Kera moved one hand down to caress Mael's covered nethers, not very easy with their current position but she wasn't going to let anything stand in the way of her friend's comfort. The girl finally fell back, her eyes still closed as her body relaxed into Kera's arms, the pain passing her. "Ohhh...."

Kera nuzzled her cheek and kissed her on the lips again. "That's it, you can do this. You want to take over down here next time?" she asked, moving the fingers on Mael's crotch around a bit to show what she meant.

"Nnh...don't stop," Mael replied weakly, trying to scoot up closer to her friend and parting her legs a bit more to help facilitate Kera's touch. Mmm...that felt so good through her bikini...and the pain was so harsh -- anything to counteract it.

Kera nodded and started to move the bikini down Mael's legs. "Is it okay to take this off?" she asked. "Don't think it's advisable to lay while wearing a bikini."

The girl nodded, squirming a bit to help wriggle out of the small bottoms. "Thanks...."

Kera let the bottom drift away and just stayed still, keeping her fingers on Mael's entrance as she licked at her neck. "No problem."

Mael gasped as the now familiar pressure began to build inside her, like a weight pressing downwards and outwards. This time, though, the arousal was immediate.

She cocked her head, putting two and two together. "Is it time already?"

Mael shook her head. ", but it's close...." She actually licked her lips in anticipation. "I can feel it getting closer. Pressure," she explained, reaching between her legs and slipping a finger into herself.

Kera raised an eyebrow from seeing Mael respond so positively. "Well then, do you still want to be in the pool this time?"

Mael seemed to think about this for a little while, eventually taking her hand from between her legs and shaking her head. ", I want to be able to squat."

The Latias nodded and put her hands under Mael's armpits. "Okay then, hon, how about we get up and you just go where you want?"

Mael nodded, beginning to stand as well when her knees gave out from a sudden and hard contraction. The labor was intense, and going very, very quickly, and it was catching her off guard. "OHHH!" she cried.

Kera held her close again, kneeling behind her and gently rubbing her breasts, hoping she wasn't sore at all from her earlier milking, and licked her cheek. "Shh, it's okay, honey, you're only getting closer."

"OhhhHHhmigod..." the girl mewled, pushing her hand against her bared vulva and rubbing away, trying to make herself cum to avoid the pain. Kera kept up her ministrations, kissing Mael in hopes of turning her moans of pain into moans of pleasure. She gently inserted her tongue and licked at Mael's own tongue, thumbing her stiff nipples. "OhH OHHh OHHhhHHH!!!" Her moans increased in pitch and frequency, until they rolled into a restrained, growling scream, her juices pooling behind the egg and leaking out into the water around her as she came -- and hard. She couldn't support herself even in the water, and was leaning against Kera in absolute need. "AhhhAHhhhhaaaa....!" Kera strained her leg muscles to keep Mael afloat and relatively upright, not saying anything as she let her friend ride her much-needed orgasm. "NnNngghh...." She clawed at Kera's hands a bit before she was able to slowly take her own weight back, standing shakily, and her eyes still half-lidded in ecstasy.

Kera stayed behind Mael, ready to steady her in case she lost her footing again. "Okay Mael, let's get you where you can squat better." The girl whimpered a bit before she managed to nod, standing up and waddling/shuffling over to the steps of the pool, climbing out very very slowly. Kera helped to push Mael up, carefully watching her balance and ready to counterbalance as needed. "Where do you want to go, hon?" she asked, rubbing Mael's hips.

"Just get some pads, quick, hurry..." the girl said, getting onto her knees as soon as she was out of the pool. "It's coming really fast...." She was breathing hard, both from afterglow and the intense pain of her contractions.

Kera nodded. "You got it, but can you try to get a little further away from the pool, like, onto the grass? It'd be safer for the egg, I think," she said as she walked over to the house, so as not to risk slipping, and then sprinted to Mael's bedroom. The girl crawled slowly onto the grass in Kera's absence, hoping that she would come back soon. Pressure was building and building and it was really starting to hurt again.

Kera soon came back out with several pads, crossing the slippery poolside and kneeling next to her friend, setting the pads all about them and under Mael. She reached up to stroke Mael's face. "It's okay, sweetie, just take some deep breaths," she said softly.

A sudden, sharp, animalistic grunt came from the girl, who promptly dropped to all fours, shaking a bit as she felt the egg dropping, pressing on her cervix.

Kera stayed in front of Mael and held Mael's face against her chest, gently stroking Mael's hair. "Do you want to masturbate as you did before, or does this position seem the most comfortable?"

"," she said, resting against Kera, giving a small eep when she reached down and inserted a finger into herself...and felt nothing but her own walls. "Wh-" she started to protest, cut off by another contraction that came on hard, causing her to fully lean on Kera again.

Kera leaned her head down as she turned Mael's face up and kissed her on the lips. "Good girl," she said between kisses, "you know what you need to do."

"But it's not...there...." The girl gasped, pushing deeper inside herself and searching frantically for what could be a shell until she came to her cervix, which was only about halfway opened. She withdrew, leaning resignedly against her midwife.

Kera rubbed Mael's shoulder blades and kissed the top of her head. "It's okay, Mael. We both know that you can do it, so we'll just keep going for it."

The girl let out a shaky sigh and nodded, looking to Kera's soft eyes for support until the pain died away, leaving her there in the grass, a light sweat glossing over her pale skin. "But not...without you..." she said slowly, now relaxing a bit, catching her breath.

The Latias shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere, Mael. If you need me to do something, all you have to do is say it and I'm at your service."

The naked girl let herself down to her knees, rocking a bit, hair falling into her face as she held her stomach gently and breathed. "Go...inside, please, and get Domo. He's...the second to lowest shelf and third from the left...the key's under my pillow." She was referring to her rack of Pokéballs in their shrunken state. Each one had the name of its inhabitant engraved across the red part, with their type symbol next to it. In this case, she was referring to her Machop Domo. Kera nodded and went inside, opening the door to the rack and picking out the aforementioned Pokéball and bringing it outside, opening it on the grass in front of Mael. A young but considerably powerful-looking Machop erupted from the beam of blue light resulting in the ball cracking open, and when the light had died down, Mael managed to smile. "Hey, Domo...."

He was strong. Not the brightest. But very, very strong. Once again, not the brightest. He was scratching his head now, and looking at his trainer on the ground. What...?

"I need you to carry me inside, honey, can you do that?" the girl asked quietly, fidgeting to get to something next to comfortable.

"Mach," the young Pokémon replied confidently, bending down and scooping the girl up with next to no effort.

"Nice and easy..." the girl coaxed. The next pain was on its way, it had to be sometime soon...the sooner they got in the house the better. Domo was brutally strong, but easily startled, probably because he was so young: if she cried out, it might startle him and make him drop her, which wouldn't be at all fun. Luckily, though, he managed to get her into the bedroom with Kera in tow in enough time, placing her onto her bed before stepping back, looking rather proud of himself. "Thanks," she whispered. "I'll pop you back out soon, but for now, return please," she ask/commanded, holding out the ball and returning him with a beam of red light.

Kera smiled, took the Pokéball and set it aside, lying on the bed next to Mael. "Wow, I bet he's pretty handy to have around the house with a belly like this," she quipped as she patted Mael's tummy.

"More than he knows, I think..." she said with a smile. "Lately he's definitely been -- ohhh...." She stopped, giving a shudder and quickly clutching on to Kera, her tummy hardening under her hand with another big contraction. "Oooooo...." Kera held Mael back and leaned in to offer her a kiss, one hand moving to Mael's tummy and the other to stroke her chest. "Mmmm!" the girl whimpered, squirming a bit as the pain squeezed at her fragile body. She couldn't kiss Kera back right now; she just needed someone to hold onto until she learned to cope or became more excited. Her arms groped for Kera's body, eyes squeezed tightly shut against the pain.

The Latias scooted her body closer to her so Mael could do whatever she wanted as she leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Good girl, just let it out." She gently set the hand that had been on Mael's tummy down on her hip.

Mael squirmed a bit more as she felt the pressure inside her increase ever more, along with the pain that was threatening to cause her to burst into tears at any given moment. "Hh-HHhH!" Her breath came in short, shooting gasps as she clung tightly to Kera. Ohh it hurt....

Kera turned Mael's face up to look her in the eyes. "Mael, look at me." Mael took a sharp breath, wrenching her eyes open to look up at Kera's eyes, the pain leaving, though the pressure inside her continuing to build. Kera looked down at Mael with great concern and seriousness in her eyes. "Mael, if this is too painful we can either try something else or get you to the hospital."

She shuddered a bit, though the pain was over. "I don't know..." she whispered, her desperate clutching beginning to turn more to an embrace, her breasts and stomach pushing gently against Kera's body.

Kera held Mael as close as she could. "Sweetie, I really think you can do this here. If I can just check you quickly...." She let the obvious question hang. Mael didn't need to be asked twice. She needed to know what needed to be done, and she hesitantly let go of the Pokémorph woman, lay on her back, parted her legs and bared herself. Kera acted fast, using the sanitizer from Mael's previous laying (which she had left in the room) to clean her hands before she carefully pressed her fingers into Mael's channel to feel Mael's cervix. "Okay, hon, you're at about...six centimeters."

The girl nodded, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. "Okay...okay...and I need ten...right?" She closed her eyes, trying to recover.

Kera nodded as well, withdrawing her hand. "That's right, unless this egg is a little smaller or bigger than normal, but I don't think either will affect the outcome very much. But you've already gone to six! That's great progress!"

She mumbled something, her hand going to her forehead and wiping at the beads of sweat that were beginning to gather. It was strange...she was tired and in pain, and it was an awkward position with such a round belly sticking up into the air...but Kera felt good inside her. "Keep..." she breathed. "Can you for a little?"

Kera immediately stopped moving and kept her hand where it was. "Whatever you say, sweetie," she said in a soft tone.

She simply lay there, letting Kera's fingers begin to stretch her just a bit. Good to adjust...good to adjust.... "...D'you think you could help..." she asked, pausing for a slow breath, "stretch me some? Before the egg...?" Kera nodded and slowly started to slip the rest of that hand's fingers in, very slowly separating them and watching for signs of discomfort. She was feeling her own crotch start to dampen from what she was doing: it was very rare that a patient was willing to be sexually pleasured by her midwife even when in pain and as much as she wished births to be as easy as possible she cherished each and every time she could do this.

"Mm!" The girl gave a bit of a start as the fourth finger was might have been too much too quickly, but she soon stretched to accommodate Kera, her breathing beginning to speed up again, her walls starting to become slick around her midwife's fingers. After the original shock was gone...this was nice. The girl spread her legs farther apart, looking down between them, yet unable to see due to her swollen stomach. Kera held her hand still, waiting for Mael to make the next move. She felt Mael's sex start to leak its fluids onto the mattress and had to force herself to not rub herself through her swimsuit.

A small groan from Mael was the next clue, along with a fidgeting motion as she pushed her hips downward, trying to get Kera deeper. Pain was leaving now...floating away.... "Ohhwow...Kera...nnh..." she mumbled, closing her eyes, her mouth agape. She was shuddering once again, though not from the same pain as before...instead, just her tight stretch and Kera's fingers sending little jolts of sensation through her body with every little move. Her jaw had dropped with the sudden addition of fingers -- she looked halfway to orgasm already.

Kera started to move her hand back and forth in Mael's sex, keeping her fingers spread and clenching her other hand to concentrate. "Nng, Mael, why is it that you're one of the only women I've met who wants me to do this when she's in labor?"

"M'afreak," the girl moaned, her back starting to arch with each movement, her sex forgoing slick and becoming full-out wet. "I guess I -- AACH!" It seemed as though she had come for a moment, the way her body tensed -- but there were no telltale following moans or sudden spillage of fluid...just a stiffness as a contraction came over her.

Kera kept moving her fingers to try to keep Mael focused, reaching down with her other hand and tracing her fingertips around Mael's lips. If possible, the birth fetishist in her wanted to leave the real stretching for Mael's egg, but her friend's safety and comfort were still at the top of her priorities.

"NNGHH!" The girl managed to tear herself away from the pain, trying to look past it and latch onto the feeling of her midwife deep within her. "Hhhh...HHH! MmMMMM!" She bit her lip, trying to brace herself for what was coming...something...what? Her head was swimming with confusion. Too much at once....

Kera was starting to get worried that at this rate Mael would either black out from pain or white out from pleasure and she needed Mael to at least have an anchor in reality. She spoke softly as she continued pleasuring her friend, "Mael, listen to my voice, I need you to stay with me."

"MM! MMMMNNGH! OH! OHHHH!" The contraction was ending and in its place...the tension increased for a few more moments brought the girl to a semi-seated position, supporting herself on her arms. "OHHHAAHHAHHGHH! KERRAAAAA!" Mael was panting, her hips pumping in spite of her pregnancy as she came, a burst of fluid caught for a moment in her crowded snatch before trickling out of her in place of the usual small burst...and it felt as something had been jarred a bit by it....

Kera smiled lewdly, showing her teeth and chuckling. "And to think you were close to going to the you believe in yourself now, Mael?"

"Yyeaahh...." The girl was gasping for breath now, struggling to sit up, though she pushed her hips downward once again impaling herself on Kera's hand. "C-check me, somethinghappened..." the girl mumbled, still rolling about in the afterthroes of orgasm.

Kera did as Mael requested, having to narrow her hand again as she felt Mael's cervix. Her eyes shot open. "What in...Mael, you're at eight freaking centimeters!"

The girl let a shuddering sigh go as the afterglow started to settle in around her, smiling. "Really?" she asked. Now...this was nice, yeah, that part. But the girl still wouldn't mind having this done with.

Kera nodded. "Uh huh...that's amazing. I mean, I know you've dilated a lot faster than normal, At this rate you'll be ready to push in no time."

"Good," the woman said breathlessly, giving a faint smile up at Kera and holding her arms out for her. Aww...she wanted to cuddle.

She lay down next to Mael and held the pregnant brunette in her arms as best she could. "And you still remember to just do what feels right, so just go for it when it's time."

The brunette nodded, relaxing against Kera and catching her breath. "S'coming along so quickly..." she said with a nervous smile. Soon she'd be clutching her second egg, she knew it...and the only question in her mind was, "I wonder which baby it is," she said with a faint smile.

Kera gently stroked Mael's hair. "You'll see. Just relax now, save your strength."

She cuddled close to her midwife, putting her arms about Kera as she felt another contraction start to build. It wasn't horribly strong at first...Kera probably didn't even know until it started to swell up and Mael made a soft noise, tightening her hold as the pain encircled her middle in a vice grip.

She kissed and ran her tongue around Mael's ear and continued to stroke the girl's hair. "Good girl, do whatever you need to do to get through it."

Okay...maybe it was strange. Kera couldn't have already known how much this turned her on, but kisses around her ear...the first boy who had done that to her back in the ninth grade had nearly sent her into convulsions, and here she was, about ten seconds away from dropping, and her midwife was kissing her there. The girl gave a small groan, her back arching a bit, inadvertently pressing her swollen tummy against Kera.

The Latias, having no small amount of practice in finding out what evoked desired reactions (sexual or otherwise) in her patients, could tell that she had hit a weak spot and meant to drill it for all that it was worth. She continued to kiss Mael's ear as her hand held Mael's face close to her, her other hand moving down to Mael's hips.

Mael whimpered at the torment Kera was giving her...Kera wasn't even doing much, but god.... She gave a muffled groan, turning onto her side and wrapping both her arms and legs around Kera, holding on as her contraction peaked. Knowing that another orgasm might well get the egg fully ready, Kera gently bit down on Mael's ear and darted her hand between Mael's legs.

The pulling on her earlobe along with Kera's hands sliding over her slick lips...Mael jerked, grinding her body unintentionally against Kera's as the contraction started to die, leaving a burning needy sensation between her legs in its wake. "MmMmff...." The girl gave, her arms tightening about Kera's neck and squeezing herself closer, ravenous lips finding her lover's shoulders. She was still excited from before -- and her sexual side was only millimeters below the surface. Kera only had to beckon and she would come.

Kera met Mael's grind and ground right back, rubbing her flat chest against Mael's maternal bust and continuing to nibble at her earlobe, the hand she had been using to stroke Mael's hair moving to grope one of her breasts and her other hand slipping a finger into her sex. She whispered into Mael's ear in a commanding voice, "Come for me."

Ohhh, and she was getting so close. The girl cried out and gasped, grinding her sex down onto Kera's finger, her chest lurching forward against her midwife's touch. She wriggled, wanting release, wanting to spray cum and milk all over Kera and girl's mouth stretched into an O as she felt something starting to rise....

Kera commanded again as she slipped another finger into Mael and carefully spread her lips open, "Do it, Mael. Come all over yourself."

"AHH! AHAHAHHAGH!" Her body started to shake as Kera bit down on her ear and fucked her fingers into her snatch before taking a sharp gasping breath in, tension overtaking every particle of her body...and RELEASING!!! "OHHHOHOOh! FUCK! AAAAGGHH!" The girl screamed, her hips bucking wildly as she came, hot juices shooting out once more and spattering all over her thighs and Kera's, her body wracked with utter sexual pleasure as she felt something deep within her jostle and loosen. Had Kera not had any idea how loud Mael could be when coming, she might have been stunned by the sheer pitch and volume of Mael's scream, but as it was, she just had to clench her eyes shut and brace herself. She kept up her touching, though, but left Mael's ear alone: she needed Mael on earth. "MMMMMGH!" Mael panted, clutching desperately to Kera as she started to float gently back down. "Oh-hoohHH...oooooo...." Her breasts and swollen stomach heaved with her breath, a tiny trickle of milk starting from her breasts from being pushed so hard against Kera's body and from the hormones released by such an orgasm. Her thighs were twitching slightly, soaked with her own cum as Kera continued to tease her -- but the pressure between her legs was almost unbearable now. "Mmff...."

Kera raised the hand she had been using to stimulate Mael's breasts to her face. The hand now had a good bit of milk on it and she licked it off, smacking her lips. "Delicious, you are," she remarked.

Mael managed to give a small giggle through her panting and rolled off of Kera, trying to catch her breath, but not wanting Kera's touch to be gone. She saw the way Kera licked the milk off her fingers. "Suck me," she whispered to Kera, turning just slightly and offering her breast to her. "Just a little...." The pressure between her legs was swelling, and there was a funny feeling deep in her chest telling her that it was almost time -- or that it WAS already time, but the thought made her a bit frightened and Kera's touch was everything but frightening.

Kera nodded happily and gave Mael a kiss, letting her taste her own milk on her tongue as she scooted down the bed to kiss Mael's neck, her own long neck making her task much easier. She reached Mael's bosom and inhaled deeply, leaning in and taking a tentative lick of the milky dribble. The girl shifted on the bed a bit, reaching down to the base of her balooned stomach and prodding a bit, trying to feel what was happening in her. Still she sighed, resting her hand against the back of Kera's head, encouraging her. Kera took one of Mael's nipples in her mouth, making sure to get in as much of the aureole as she could, and gently pulled and suckled it. "Mmm...." The girl shivered as her milk started to flow into Kera's mouth -- though a bit distracted from her comfort when she felt the warnings of a contraction come on. She closed her eyes, savoring the ten seconds of comfort she would have left.

Kera worked Mael's breast like a natural, almost immediately working up a good rhythm of suckling and swallowing, hoping she was giving her friend both pleasure and relief.

The girl stiffened as the contraction hit her, her hands taking fistfuls of the bedsheets -- and she knew. She'd only felt this once before in her life. "Kera...Kera, check me, please..." she whispered, wincing as the contraction started to mount.

Kera's eyes snapped open as she quickly and expertly reached down to feel Mael's sex, pushing her hand inside and feeling what she expected to feel. She stopped her suckling for the moment. "You can feel it, can't you?"

The girl nodded, starting to pant once again as the pain and pressure continued to swell in her stomach. "Yes... yes. It's coming."

"You're all the way dilated and ready to push. How do you want to do this?" Kera asked.

"Handsn'knees," Mael grunted, trying to get up as the contraction hit its peak, bringing a small moan from her as she struggled to move. Kera nodded and fully disengaged Mael's breast, trying with all her strength to move Mael. She wasn't a very strong woman but her adrenaline and concern for her patient overrode her physical shortcomings as she pulled Mael upright.

The girl leaned forward onto her arms, her back end in the air as she leaned forward, resting her head against her arms and giving a small groan -- it was definitely time. Before the contraction had ended it seemed as if another had hit, and she was gathering fistfuls of the sheets into her hands, wriggling and spreading her legs further apart and readying herself.

Kera rubbed Mael's back and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. She could see that Mael's body wanted this egg out, not more gradually like the first one. "Good girl, just give a good push when the feeling hits and we'll be holding another egg in no time."

Mael breathed slowly, letting herself calm down and waiting until...until...she gasped a short breath in, shutting her eyes tight and starting to push, the urge absolutely crashing over her and forcing her to heave at that big thing stuck inside her. "OhhHh...."

"Come on, Mae, pushpushpush," Kera encouraged as she moved behind Mael, keeping an eye on her opening and seeing nothing yet.

"UNghhh...mmMF!" Mael continued to grunt, pushing hard, her breaths coming in short little spurts. She shivered as she felt the egg inch just the tiniest bit forward, pushing the tip out of her womb and into her slick canal. Kera rubbed Mael's rump and thighs to try to comfort her. She had faith that Mael had a better idea of what she was doing this time and was ready to let her have what independence she could. Giving another grunt and a hard push, Mael pushed back against Kera just a bit, almost to make sure she was still there as she felt the egg slowly being squeezed through her cervix, pushing itself deep into her vagina and stretching her open, her slick little pussy lips starting to part just the slightest bit.

"Mae, I can see the tip of the egg, do you want to feel again?" Kera asked as she reached over to take Mael's hand if need be.

Mael leg herself down fully, reaching between her legs to feel. If she went at all past her labia, the slick, warm and hard surface of the egg was there. This spurred her on further, and she took a deep breath and gave a huge heave, keeping a hand on her sex as she started to bulge. "AAggh!" Oh, it was stretching her so delightfully far.... "MmMM...!"

"That's it, push, Mael, lay this big ol' egg," Kera coached, "it's not going anywhere until you push it out." She started to rub Mael's sex to keep the blood flowing and keep it stretchy.

The big egg was inching dangerously close. "AGH!" The girl gave a short grunt and then a long moan through each big push, bearing down hard on the egg, her body beginning to shake as the diameter came closer to that soft little spongy spot....

The egg ever so slowly spread Mael's lips further apart, stretching her wider and faster than the Bulbasaur egg had. If Mael could take it, and so far she definitely could, Kera knew she should brace herself for another scream from Mael...and probably sooner than she thought.

Another budge, and Mael fell forward once more, her hand going to her breast and kneading, gentle trickles of milk running over her hand as she grunted out her sexual need into the mattress. "NnNGhhGHhh...." The pain was there, yes, but her need was so much worse, the big thing wedged in her vagina so horribly teasing -- just millimeters from her spot.

Kera kept rubbing Mael's sex as best she could, though she was barely running the tips of her fingers across Mael's stretched labia by now, not wanting to stretch her too much too quickly and cause her to tear. She figured that Mael's clit was again being pushed into her walls as the egg inched forward...this was going to get intense.

Suddenly, Mael's moans stopped, her breath catching in her throat as her body tightened, fingers clutching fiercely to the mattress. There was silence...silence before she buried her face in a pillow and started to scream, her legs shaking violently as she exploded into orgasm, the burst of her love juice catching behind the egg and pooling, thin trickles running out along the sides. "AAAAAGHHHGHHNGHHH! OHHOHHHHNGG!! NNG!" Her vision was going hazy, her legs on the verge of collapsing as the egg bulged in her canal, pushing forward and pressing HARD against her g-spot and pinching her clit to the side of her walls.

Kera smirked at seeing Mael orgasm once again...then a very devious idea popped into her head. She reached up and cupped Mael's labia and very carefully started to wriggle the egg from the outside. Pokémon eggs didn't break easily, and if this prolonged Mael's orgasm, then so much the better. She felt the crotch of her swimsuit get really damp and a few dark spots start to bleed through onto her calves.

Mael barely had time to pant a few breaths before her legs did give out. She managed to turn just in time to avoid landing on her stomach before she rolled over onto her back, weakly spread-legged with the egg more than half out of her. Feeling the wriggling, and the gentle and steady slip of the egg through her canal, her back arched, the hands at her breasts contracting involuntarily and sending a tiny squirt of milk in the air toward Kera. "HhHOooooOOOoOOOHHHOohHOHOHOHHHH!!!" She was barely managing to cling to sanity and consciousness, another orgasm welling up and spurting out around the egg's edges, a flood breaking through the edges of the dam.

Kera was hit in her snout by the squirt of milk, shaking it off absentmindedly in surprise before she remembered what it was, licking off what she could but not moving her hands, her thumbs moving up and pressing on Mael's clit as she continued to wriggle the egg. *Almost too bad it has to come out,* she mused mentally.

The panting and writhing girl was completely incapable of another orgasm at this point, and as she felt it coming on...her body refused. Too much...just too much. With a weak cry, Mael felt herself give a huge push and bulge outward one last time, the shocking waves of pleasure ravaging her body as her vision started to pass, everything slowly being swept away to a blissful orgasmic white...and she was floating somewhere inside herself as she felt the egg's greatest diameter pass her stretched lips painlessly.

With the widest diameter out, the rest of the egg soon followed, Kera gently cradling it in her arms and hands as a small deluge of Mael's backed-up girlcum finally left her still-stretched sex. After watching for blood or other signs of trouble and seeing none, she moved to lie down next to Mael, the egg in her arms as she waited for Mael to return to her senses.

It was nearly a full minute before Mael settled back down to earth, her whole body tingling with afterglow, the haze so thick she could barely move. She was sweaty, stretched, and burned out...but oh so happy when her slowly fluttering eyes settled on the bluish egg cradled in Kera's arms.

Kera smiled warmly at Mael and leaned over to kiss her softly. "It's a Squirtle, Mael. You should be very proud of yourself for sticking it out even when it looked hard." She offered the egg to Mael if she wanted it.

"Just," Mael said faintly, vaguely returning Kera's kiss. She couldn't have handled the even light weight of the egg just then, so instead she asked for it to be put next to her where she could look at it. Paralysis by birthing orgasms...crazy life she had. But no one at all could possibly have complained.

Kera nodded and set the egg gently at Mael's side. She then went to the suitcase of supplies she had brought (which she had left here in Mael's bedroom) and took out a small washcloth, wiping off some of Mael's sweaty body, her lustful attitude apparently submerged beneath her motherly nature.

Well...Mael had already come three or four times...she could barely even move her limbs to reach over and pull the egg to her body where she held it, knowing her Squirtle rested safely inside. She sighed gently, a faint smile pulling at the corners of her mouth as she whispered something to Kera...something unintelligible and soft...something that sounded suspiciously like "I love you," before she let out one last sigh, and let her tired eyes close into sleep.

Kera didn't clearly hear whatever Mael had said...and she didn't dare assume that Mael had just told her she loved her. *She must have been talking to the Squirtle,* she reasoned.

After she was done wiping the sweat from Mael's body and cleaning Mael's sex, she carefully took the Squirtle egg from Mael's arm and brought it into the living room, where she had set up a relatively portable incubator for Mael's eggs. She set the egg in the little compartment that kept it separate from other eggs (so the eggs wouldn't be disturbed if others hatched) and smiled at the two unhatched Pokémon, nodding in appreciation. "You're lucky to have Mael as your mother...she'll be very good to you, I know it," she said as much to herself as to the unresponsive eggs.

Then the lingering wetness in the crotch of her swimsuit reminded her of her own need and she grunted as she sprinted for the bathroom, nearly tearing her swimsuit off and sitting nude in the bathtub. Not wasting any time, she rubbed her open palm against her bare slit and her other palm on her chest, clenching her jaw and taking hissing breaths as she started to masturbate in her friend's tub.

Kera was already dripping a little from watching Mael lay, and all she needed to do was concentrate on Mael. She shook her head back and forth as she slipped a pair of fingers into her sex, visualizing the egg ever so slowly coming down Mael's passage and stretching her open. She'd toyed with fake eggs, certainly, but to have one come out of her...she could only imagine what that was like, pleasurable or painful...or both. She clawed at her chest as she fingerfucked herself and grunted, "C'mon, Mae, push! HARDER!"

In no time at all she was making slick squishing noises as her hand pressed against her swollen lips, continuing to talk to herself in her birth fantasy. "That's it...grr...can see the top of the head...lots of hair...mmf!" She arched her long neck as she felt her sex start to tighten around her fingers, quickly grabbing a towel from the nearby rack and covering her mouth with it, not missing a beat in her self pleasuring.

As tended to happen in her birth fantasies, Kera started losing track of whether she was the one coaching or she was the one pushing. "OhhHH! NGGG! It's too big!" she growled into the towel, "I can't stretch anymo- OHHH! It's comiiiing!" She let out a long and animalistic grunt as her fuzzy mental picture became one of her on a delivery table, curled up around her very pregnant abdomen as an egg was stretching her sex too much...but it kept going. This egg was quite a bit bigger than any egg she was meant to lay and she could feel her flesh protesting but having no choice but to keep stretching...stretching so deliciously yet painfully wide. In real life, she was actually pushing down into her hips with her diaphragm as her fantasy started to cross over into her reality. Sweat was rolling down her smooth hide as her orgasm approached fast...she had to bite down on the towel as she masturbated with both of her hands, continuing to let out muffled grunts and moans, her fingers alternating between pressing on her clit and spreading herself open, and her legs kicking at the end of the tub. It was getting a little hard to breathe from biting down so hard on the towel but she knew she'd never be able to hold her screams in and she didn't want to disturb Mael.

With a direct press on her clit she came, and came hard. Her girlcum burst from between her legs as she screamed into the towel, visualizing the egg finally reaching its widest diameter and pushing her labia outward and open, very nearly causing her to tear as the contraction ended early, causing the egg to just sit there and keep her horribly stretched pussy as wide as it could get. Blood, cum and birth fluids sprayed out from the seal created by the big egg stuck between her legs...she couldn't take the overwhelming sensations and screamed both in frustration and pleasure. Her real-life self's orgasm rolled on and on, her girlcum running down her crotch and over her hands as she bit down so hard on the towel it was hurting her jaw, but she kept up her efforts.

She had no idea how long she had been cumming when she finally ran out of steam, collapsing and soaking up her self-created afterglow. Her body was covered in rolling bullets of sweat and her face was flushed pink as she finally let the towel go so she could get some air, laying back in the tub and taking deep heaving breaths. Most of her body was a little sore from being so overstimulated, but her crotch was still tingling and giving an occasional spurt of cum. In her birth fantasy, the egg had finally slipped past its widest point and all the way out of her body, and she was gently holding it to her body and kissing it despite its still-slimy shell. In both her fantasy and reality, she was supremely content for the moment.

With a bit of effort and reluctance, Kera fully returned to reality and kicked the faucet weakly on, then pulled the shower curtain closed and pulled out the little knob to turn on the shower. Cool water ran over her body, soothing her strained muscles as she caught her breath, still sitting upright against the back of the tub. After a minute or two, she was able to pull herself to her feet despite objections from her leg muscles. She stood almost in a daze as her body fully cooled down and she started to wash herself off. Having no body hair meant that grooming was quite easy for her: she swiped a bottle of body wash off of Mael's shower rack and started rubbing herself down with its contents, not able to get excited again from the cool water. As she rinsed herself off, she thought, *Sweaty as you are, Mae, I think a little cuddling is in order.*

Tides Ch. 5: Rain's Worst Day

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain, Kera and Dove...

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Wild Ch. 5: Intruders

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. This chapter also contains non-explicit violence. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta...

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Next Level Ch. 1: Mateship

Cast Charm, Snow and their team: Him, Snowfur. Solar, Evertide and their team: Me, Evertide. Various NPCs: Both of us. Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Coke (c) the Coca Cola Company...I guess. (18...

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