Next Level Ch. 1: Mateship

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#2 of The Next Level


Charm, Snow and their team: Him, Snowfur.

Solar, Evertide and their team: Me, Evertide.

Various NPCs: Both of us.

Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Coke (c) the Coca Cola Company...I guess. (18 years or older please)

It was a month and a half before the party for Charm was held to give her and Solar the chance to heal enough to get around without help; besides, the party was a huge event and time was needed to prepare. The majority of the party was in Johto's Route 34 (staying away from the Pokémon Daycare Center), but it was such a big party that about a third of it crossed into Goldenrod City. There were battery-powered Chinese lanterns dangling above numerous tables of food and drinks, which catered to just about every anthro and Pokémon diet. The guest list was quite extensive, including many people from Charm's past and present, from friends and family to Gym leaders. Needless to say, reporters of every kind filled quite a few of the seats at the tables.

Charm herself was in decent spirits as she leaned against a tree and talked with Vixxen, both ogling a few Pokémales. Charm was wearing another leather wrap, but to keep Snow from complaining, it covered more of her body this time, while Vixxen, to keep with the festive spirit, wore a grass skirt and a coconut shell bra: her neckruff covered most of her chest, but she liked to dress up as much as she liked to be in the fur.

With a bit of obligatory fanfare that accompanies a particularly distinguished guest arriving, the monorail pulled into the city once again. Stepping out was Evertide along with Solar, the Blaziken with whom Charm had had her last battle, who was in the feathers, as usual...even if Charm had burned some of them off, forcing him to even out his regrowing headfeathers so they went to his shoulders rather than his waist. The blink dog waved to everyone as his Blaziken companion, who didn't really care, stepped out of the station to look around.

Snowfur came up to Ever with a smirk on his face. "It gets harder every year to go somewhere quietly...such a pain. Come on, it's not far." He led the two to the clearing and handed them both cans of fruit juice. "Charm's over yonder, she hates all the attention so I doubt we will get a speech from her."

Ever nodded and accepted the juice. "Ah, you remembered that I don't drink, how nice of you," he remarked before opening the can and taking a gulp.

Solar set his can down on a nearby table, not liking the taste of most fruit juice. "She doesn't really strike me as a look-at-me type anyway...wouldn't be her style to give a speech."

Snow nodded and opened a can of Coke for himself and took a drink; there was no alcohol at all there. The arctic fox hated the stuff really, though he did give a present of a bottle of vodka to Ever on his 21st birthday even though he didn't expect the blink dog to drink any of it. "Of course, there is none here at all. And you're right, Solar, but I wish she would at least mingle a little instead of hiding over in the corner with Vixxen and stare at Pokémale's asses...I swear, for all their power, they both still act like teenagers when they're together." He sighed and shrugged helplessly. "Well, I have to go get the projector set up, going to play a highlight reel of Charm's victories and some little home movies of her. Enjoy the party." The trainers bowed a bit and Snow walked off to do as he said as Vixxen left Charm to go talk to people. This left Charm alone as she slinked over to the BBQ food table, picked out some ribs and began to eat them, bones and all

Ever walked a bit closer to the Eevee morph and tapped her on her shoulder. "Um, Vixxen? One of my Pokémon has something he'd like to say to you, but he doesn't like being in big um, can you come with me for a second?"

Vixxen whirled around and raised one eyebrow to Ever but nodded. "Okay, but you better not prank me; I'll kick your butt if you do." She laughed a very musical and contagious laugh.

The canine smiled and shook his head. "No no, no prank." He raised one hand and covered his heart with the other. "Promise."

She nodded and just kept smiling; outside of battle she was quite perky, bubbly, and in general a very happy individual. After walking away from the crowds, she turned to face him. "Okay, who says what to me?" She chuckled a bit as she put her paws on her lithe hips and looked around.

Ever reached into his coat and pulled out a Luxury Ball, opening it and bringing out Doomtrain a bit of a ways away from her in case she was still upset about the battle. The Aggron's hands were crossed behind his back and a bit of a shy smile was on his face, rather odd for such an imposing Pokémon.

She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, still smiling. "Yyyyeeeessss?" She tilted her head to one side slightly and looked up at him with her big blue eyes (a rarity in Eevees).

Doomtrain blushed a little, scratching the back of his horned head. "Um...just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I hurt you a lot and, um...I wanted to give you this," he said in his somewhat slow voice as he brought his other hand around to show that he was holding a daisy, tiny in his big hand.

Her smile brightened even further as she continued to look at him. "You're so sweet, but you didn't hurt me all that much; I'm a little tougher than I look." She laughed again, it was a pretty sound

Doomtrain relaxed a bit at hearing that the other Pokémon had forgiven him, opening his hand to give her the flower...revealing that he had crushed the stem in his nervousness. "Um...oops..." he said, his blush returning. "Well, I think you'd still look pretty in your hair or something."

She nodded and patted his hand, bending her head down. "You can put it in my hair; I would be honored if you did." Her hair was not very long, but the tuft of it was long enough to hold a flower next to one of her big ears.

He smiled as he carefully put the flower in her hair, giving it a gentle pat. "Thanks for accepting my apology."

She looked up at him and gave him a hug around his middle; her arms barely went around his sides and she stood on her tiptoes so she could reach his middle better. "You're welcome, though you did not need to. It was a battle."

Ever, who had stood by and watched, nodded in approval. "There, I told you that wouldn't be so how about we go back and enjoy the party?"

Doomtrain nodded, looking down at the Eevee. "I'm with you, lead the way." She gave him one last squeeze and let go, walking back to the crowds with her tail swishing happily behind her. The flower had made her day: she was now even happier than she was before as she mingled back into the crowd and told everyone about her flower. The Aggron slowly, so as not to shake the ground around him, walked over to Vixxen and stood next to her, not saying anything, simply enjoying being around the infinitely cheerful Eevee.

Charm watched Vixxen drag him around and snorted. "I don't know how she can stand to be so bubbly all the time...I like her, but she gets annoying sometimes." She stuffed another rib in her maw and crunched it up to splinters with her sharp teeth.

Solar, who had completed several orbits around Charm at various distances, finally walked over to the Charizard, having overheard her comment. "Well, Doomtrain's always had a soft spot for cute girls," he remarked.

She grunted and wiped her lips on her leather wrap, then grabbed an apple and bit half of it off in one go.

At that moment, several huge screens descended over the sides of buildings and some smaller screens were finished being set up and Snow spoke into a microphone. "Hello, can I get everyone's attention? I would like to play a video for you all now of highlights from Charm's and my long career in the Gym Challenge series." Charm rolled her eyes; this was something he did not ask her about because he knew she would say no, but it was too late now as he got the projector ready. Solar, on his part, just crossed his arms and looked on.

Doomtrain looked to the nearest screen and noticed that Vixxen might have some difficulty seeing it. He knelt down and bowed his head. "If you want, I can be a better seat," he offered.

She nodded and knew what he meant as she scaled him like the small mountain he was and sat on his shoulder. "If I am too heavy, just tell me."

The movie started with some movies of Charm in her very young Charmander days. From the looks of things, her attitude hadn't changed one bit: Snow was asking her to do something and she just crossed her arms and shook her head. Then a Charmander picture came up on screen, showing when Charm had found out what trash cans were for: she wore an old banana peel on her head and had trash balled up in each tiny hand as she gnawed on a straw.

Ever couldn't help but smirk. "Heh...quite a spitfire from the get-go, eh?" he remarked.

Snow chuckled. "Ya, she was a pain in the ass from the start. But there was no mistaking the vibes she gave off: she was something special, she knew it, and she wanted to be the best. Believe it or not, we had a lot of good times...can't help but love 'er."

As the movie went into Charm's teenager days, it showed a Charmeleon training hard for a battle, balancing on a thin tree stump and falling into the mud, getting up with a sour look on her face as she got back on the stump while Snow was in mid-sentence, telling her to do just that. Before long it showed the duo in Charm's first Gym battle against none other than the Cerulean Gym. Even with a type disadvantage, the battle ended in Charm's favor quite quickly, almost within only four of the moves she knew back then, and Snow was soon triumphantly holding the Cascade Badge.

Doomtrain whistled in appreciation. "Wow, she won her first Gym battle against a Water Gym?"

Vixxen nodded, using Doomtrain's head for an armrest. "We were a little doubtful she'd win, but she didn't just win, she dominated...once the steam cleared, Misty looked like this." She made a face of complete and utter shock, evoking a mutual laugh from her Aggron seat.

After quite a few more clips and pictures, the film reached a long clip of the day she was declared one of the most powerful Pokémon in the world: she proudly walked up to a podium in the Elite Four stadium in the Indigo Plateau, in front of a huge crowd of spectators, and received the coveted Triple-S trophy from the Elite Four themselves. She held it above her head, roaring in triumph. The movie continued up until her battle with Solar: the hidden stadium had robotic cameras but, like most of the rest of the stadium, they gave out with the heat of their conflict. What could be seen of the battle drew many oohs and aahs from the crowd, especially the last pictures of the movie: the before-after satellite photos.

Charm had grumbled throughout the movie, but for the most part it brought a smile to her snout. The movie ended and Charm just stood smiling and shaking her head before she heard a few whispers from a nearby person to his friend. "Man, she's old as hell, no wonder she's retiring...she must be slowing dow-"

He didn't get the chance to finish that as Charm thwapped him with her tail, knocking him out instantly. "Asshole...." She stormed off in a huff and flew away.

The blink dog looked up as a lot of cameras started flashing, seeing Charm fly away. He sighed and reached into his jacket to bring out a Pokémon to chase her when Solar called over to him. "Don't...she'll just want to fight. I'll try to straighten her out." He stretched out a bit before crouching and springing forward in a huge leap to the top of the nearest building before bounding off.

Doomtrain cocked his head in curiosity and concern. "Is Charm going to be okay, Vixxen?" he asked the Eevee perched on his shoulder.

She shook her head. "Eventually, but her pride's been hurt. She'll probably just sulk for a while if she's left alone, but if Solar says the wrong thing to her while she's in heat...." She shuddered.

Doomtrain nodded. "Solar's kind of the same way...he'll never admit it, but I know that insults to his pride hurt him. I think he's too proud for his own good, but it's not my place to tell him that."

Charm, meanwhile, had landed on top of the radio tower, pulled out a cigarette she had hidden in cleavage and lit it with the end of her tail before sitting on the edge of the building and fuming at being called old and slow. She took a drag and blew a few smoke rings through her nose. "Old my ass, fucking little dildo...puny anthro...I should've just stepped on him...." Solar soon arrived on a building adjacent to the radio tower and looked up at Charm, sighing. She saw him in the corner of her eyes, snorted and took another drag and blew the smoke out. "What? You come to comment at how old I am too?" she shouted at him. She was not only angry but also just plain upset at the comments she had heard...they hurt her at her core.

Solar just stared up at her in disinterest. "You left because you're mad that someone called you 'old'? You gotta be freaking kidding me."

She flipped him off. "What do you know? If you have come to try and mock me, then back off, I am not in the mood." She continued stare into space ahead of her.

He shook his head as he leapt to the top of the building and landed next to her. "Quit perching here like some kind of gargoyle and get back down there," he said in a very impatient tone.

Charm took another drag. "Screw off, you just don't hurt...I am getting old, I can feel it." She sighed deeply...she was only feeling worse.

Solar's eye twitched a little bit. "Even though being a Fire-type makes you resistant to cigs, you're not going to feel any better with that in your maw."

She growled and flicked the cig away, waiting a split second before snapping at it with her tail, turning it to ashes. It made her feel slightly better to know that she could still perform such an act, but not much. "Who are you, my daddy? Like it is going to kill me...fuck, why did you come out here, to piss me off? Because it's working." She looked at him with slight anger in her eyes, fueled some by her heat, which was starting to also fill the air around them. "I don't need you up here telling me how to live okay?"

The Blaziken's eyes narrowed; he had caught a whiff of her heat and it was starting to trigger both arousal and aggression in him. "I may not be your daddy but you're starting to act like a pouty kid who just got called a mean name. When last I checked, you don't become one of the most powerful Pokémon in the world with that kind of attitude," he snapped.

Charm growled and stood up. "You know what, fuck you, back off and leave me alone, you prick!" She took a jab at his face with her left hand and flew off into a forested area of Route 35. Her heat smell, aggravated by Solar, was heavy in the air and leaving a clear trail to where she went. Solar rubbed his cheek and hissed at her, knowing she couldn't hear him. He looked over the building's edge and quickly planned his route to follow her before he got a running start and leapt from rooftop to rooftop. She was in the forest, crushing stones into pebbles and trees to splinters, hissing and growling; she was beyond over the top angry, and the longer her heat went on, horny. She suddenly began to notice it as well, and it made her feel funny, funnier than it usually did, almost as if there had been someone enticing her with it and holding it over her head.

Solar crashed through the treetops and landed some twenty feet behind her. "Hey!" he growled at her as he tried to jump to her side and get a grip on her.

She turned around and bared her teeth at him, but instead of trying to hit him she pressed her body against his and began to aggressively kiss him, her heat finally sending her over the edge. "Shut the hell up and fuck me," she growled.

The Blaziken's eyes opened wide in shock as he forcefully pulled her maw off of his face, hissing at her. "What the fuck is with you?!" he demanded.

She growled again. "My heat, take me now or lose the chance, I've wanted you since we one's ever pushed me so far in a single battle, and goddamn if you aren't one fine specimen of a Pokémon. So unless you wanna be a damn virgin the rest of your life, take me now, and take me hard!" She was nearly crushing him with her arms, but her attention was diverted by the sound of someone coming. She hissed possessively and took flight again, keeping Solar with her, who was too stunned to fight back. She flew all the way over to the roof of Ecruteak's Tin Tower as fast as she could, set him down, and again pulled him to her and kiss his neck aggressively, certain that they would not be interrupted again.

Solar was still a little shaken by the events; a part of him wanted to just jump off the tower, but would he pass up the chance at being with a woman who commanded not only his respect but even some admiration? Fuck no! He reached to her sides and used his talons to tear off the top of her wrap, still being careful enough to not cut her skin...though he did leave some decent scratch marks. "Virgin, eh? Whadda you know?" he murmured as he pulled her head up from his neck and pressed his mouth against her maw.

Charm kissed him hard, one of her hands grabbing his crotch and kneading his testicles, her other hand going through his chestfeathers. Then they went from Solar's body to working what was left of her wrap around her ankles, her sex wet already just by the heat and thoughts of mating. She pressed her large chest against his, the nipples hardening from rubbing against his chestfeathers.

He grunted into her mouth as his body temperature started to rise, his feathers starting to brighten with his internal heat as the head of his usually internalized shaft started to emerge from its usual hiding place beneath his feathers. He reached up and palmed a breast with a scaled hand as his other hand pressed the back of her head; he was wondering if she was just going to bite his face off but the logical side of his mind was dimming. He used his footclaws to tear Charm's pants in half, giving her legs more freedom.

She brought one leg up and bent it around his leg as she growled passionately at feeling him touch her breast. Feeling his head emerge made her begin to gyrate her hips against it before separating from him and getting down on all fours, lifting her tail over her back so its flaming tip rested on her back (she was immune to her own tail flame) as she spread her legs wide and looked over her back at Solar with a look that shouted, "Come get some." She wanted him in her and in her now as she continued to growl at him, eager to entice him to come to her.

The sight of Charm's blood-red nethers nearly made Solar cream on the spot, but he quickly got on his knees behind her, hissing lustily and licking his hand before giving her a good swat on her rock-solid rump, his other hand grabbing her tail's base and holding it forward, his shaft almost halfway erect now. She growled loudly at being slapped, her heat spurred on by him being so close to that area of her body. She looked back with a wild and lustful look on her face. "Come on, boy, stop staring, I am not going to get any more willing!" she groaned and leaned her weight forward some so her wet nether region was pressed up against his pelvis, both of their bodies very hot and getting hotter.

Solar licked his lips eagerly and snorted a small cloud of smoke at her. "You got it, babe!" he growled back at her before he clasped his hands on her hips and guided himself into her, shrieking at the pleasure much like the humanoid bird of prey that he was as his shaft quickly reached maximum hardness from being so stimulated...and she was tighter than he thought she'd be....

Charm let out a long low draconic moan as he entered her fully. Her sex was surprisingly small for her size, but still she never felt so much at one time and if felt wonderful to have his hot length in her. She began to rock back and forth to aid in the stimulation she felt. More little clouds of smoke followed as Solar's feathers continued to brighten and he pulled her hips against him to meet his thrusts, his eyes half lidded and his mouth in a much pleasured grin. It didn't take long for them to work out a rhythm, free to mate however they wanted atop the tower. She continued to meet his thrusts and moan lowly, her temperature so high she started to singe the floor under her palms and knees. Her ecstasy was rising with each moment she was with him, her passion reaching a crescendo, her neck arching so her snout was pointed to the sky.

Solar's clouds of smoke started to become wisps of flame and he had to force himself to not dig his claws into Charm's hide, pink precum leaking out from his shaft into her. His pleasure took a sudden jump as he had to shoot a small Flamethrower into the sky to try to vent his body heat, but to no avail; it kept rising. Hers too grew higher and higher, steam rising from her body and smoke from where her flesh met the floor. She began to growl and let out her own gouts of flame into the air as she fanned her wings in her passion, instincts telling her to do these things to keep from setting the place on fire. The small part of her mind still able to form logical thought mused that they probably would get in big trouble if they melted Tin Tower. The Blaziken finally couldn't control himself anymore and beat his clenched fists on her back, his jaw and neck muscles strained as much as they could as flames constantly leaked out of his teeth. He was so close now...just a bit more....

She growled loudly as her peak flooded her and her juices leaked out around their seal, letting out a piercing roar that could be heard for miles around as she let out a huge gout of flame straight up, the muscles throughout in her body clenching as hard as they could. Solar grasped her hips, thankfully in such a way that his claws didn't cut her, and hit home, hilting as he shrieked out in release, firing his thick red cum into the Charizard's body and kept himself as far inside as he could go.

Meanwhile, on the ground, several robed figures heard the cries and looked up, seeing the blasts of fire. They looked at each other with nervous expressions before scurrying back to a small shrine and starting to perform a prayer ceremony to a statue of Ho-Oh.

Charm dropped her head back down and panted heavily, her draconic bond forming to Solar as her body slowly began to cool, her love for him growing and deepening, realizing this Solar, this Pokémon who had met her head-on and then accepted her romantic advances, could very well be her mate.

Solar leaned his weight on his arms, which were on the small of Charm's back, as he panted, embers falling from his mouth with every breath. "'re...something..." he got out.

She panted heavily still and looked back at him with a strange look on her face. " was...great...." Her eyes looked soft and loving as she locked her gaze with his.

He grinned and chuckled tiredly before remarking "Lemme get a...breather...I wanna do...different position." He winked as the embers stopped and he just panted.

Charm nodded as she continued to pant; at this point in her condition she would do anything to make him happy and pleasure him. ""

Solar slowly pulled out of her, his bright red cum leaking out of her sex as he got to his knees and took some deep breaths. "Wow...what brought this on? One second, you want to," he paused to gulp down some saliva that had accumulated in his mouth, "break me in half, then this...figured you might hate me for the retirement thing...."

She rolled onto her bottom with her hands behind her to keep her up. "Don' know what happens when a Charizard in heat chooses a mate? Near instant connection, you're mine now, big boy, and I am yours." In a surprising show of affection she snuggled up against Solar's side and nuzzled his neck while rubbing his chest with her hand.

He looked at her and cocked his head, completely blindsided by her affection. "...What? I know that when Charizards pick a mate, they mate for life, I can't even give you children."

She murred and continued to snuggle up to him. "I don't care...if that happens it happens, if not then not, I still want to be your mate." She smiled warmly, her hormones still raging, but in a different way: they were warming her up to him, hence the strange out of character affection and being so nice to him.

The Blaziken contemplated her words before answering with his actions. He turned her head to face him and smiled warmly at her, bringing her face up to his. "Well...if you really think I have what it takes...."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "Yes...or I would have simply broken you in half," she remarked while making a sound not unlike purring. She could not think of any better way to end a heat: to finally have a mate, someone to love and be with. She had completely forgotten about being retired or being called old. It was just her and Solar now.

Solar hugged her back, resting his face in her collarbone. The contact of his body on hers was so...invigorating to him. He'd never known what it was like for someone to have romantic interest in him, and he found that it gave him a feeling of great warmth inside that had nothing to do with his body temperature. Charm would have been content to stay like this with Solar for the rest of the night, happy to just hug and embrace him. She remembered the party and such but did not care as she began to kiss him, forcing her tongue into his maw again. He met her tongue with his own; hers was quite a bit bigger but then again, she was quite a bit bigger. He soon pulled away from the kiss, sucking on her tongue for a moment before he let it go and smirked. "Feeling up for round two?" he asked, brushing his still-erect shaft against her belly.

Charm smirked and lay on her back with her legs spread wide open for him. One hand reached across her chest and lifted one large breast up. She sucked on her own nipple for a second or two before she let it go and moved that hand down her belly to her sex, spreading herself open, hoping to drive him wild again. Solar's eyes narrowed and his grin widened, licking his lips in anticipation as his shaft throbbed almost painfully, his red postcum dripping from his cock. He eagerly got over Charm in a push-up position, lining his tip up with her entrance and teasing her with it a little as he leaned down to lick at her very ample chest.

She growled a bit and locked her legs behind his knees as she arched her back to push her breasts up to him to play with some more, her sex still wet as he teased it with his member. She tried to push him down onto it with her tail, which had come up between his legs and pushed on his buttocks. He tried to keep his hips where they were; as he learned from their fight, he clearly had the advantage in physical power over her, but as he was just learning now, a Charizard in heat with a source of release this close to her was not something to be taken lightly even by such a Pokémon as he...not that he was interested in resisting anyway, just his competitive nature flaring up again. He buried his face between her breasts as he slid in with one quick motion. " do you get such an incredible body and breasts to go along with it?"

She let out a long moan. "" She growled at feeling his head in her breast as she clenched herself around his shaft, having more than a bit of muscularity there herself. Her hands went to his back and she dug her claws into his flesh, just enough to let him know they were there as she nipped and licked his neck and left shoulder. Her passion was rising quickly again, but this time she was in control of her mind and body, enjoying it as much as, if not more than, the first time. Solar took a few deep breaths before starting to mate her in earnest, repeatedly pulling his hips back until the head of his shaft was in her sex and pushing himself back in, all the while nuzzling her breasts, making sure to tickle the very stiff nipples with his feathers. She murred and grabbed handfuls of his feathers. " can go..." she grunted. It was a challenge, she wanted it hard and fast, her body made for that kind of mating. Her mind was reeling with thoughts of future matings and just finally having a mate to be with.

In the back of her mind, she did wonder a bit on the breeding part. Could they have children? She made a small mental note to ask Snow about it sooner or later: he was a mildly successful breeder himself. Half of the Pokémon he had he got through breeding. Vixxen being one of them.

Solar grunted loudly, responding "You, nng, got it," before taking his mating up a notch, pushing his hands off the tower floor and resting them on her breasts rather than the floor and eagerly squeezing the great mammaries, letting the points of his talons poke at the surprisingly firm flesh as he clenched his teeth again and started to thrust harder.

She let out a loud growl of pure pleasure as he began to pound her into he ground, feeling his talons around her breasts. Her hands went to his buttocks and dug her claws into them as she thrusted her hips back to match his, her tail thrashing the ground hard in her passion as they gained momentum and her wet sex clenching and letting go of his shaft in rhythmic motions. Solar worked muscles in such a way that he'd never done before, muscles most other Pokémon didn't have, and being a Fighting-type, he was very well-trained at not only applying as much physical power as he could with any given part of his body but also doing so with incredible precision. To that end, he was able to pull out until almost naught but the tip of his shaft was in her as his hips were nearly a blur. "Rrgh, great Rayquaza, you're good..."

Charm groaned as he thrusted into her rapidly and forcefully, enjoying every second as she rammed her pelvis to match his thrusts. They both generated such power in their mating: lesser beings would have broken their pelvises long before they started to mate with this intensity. "You're...not...bad...yourself...." She felt another peak drawing close and tried with all her might to hold it back, wanting this to go on as long as it could.

Solar's open mouth was starting to glow orange from how high his temperature was becoming, flames building in his throat and his feathers fluttering from all the heat the lovers were generating. He felt the wave of his orgasm start to crest, but in his urge to see to his lover's pleasure before his own he reached down with one taloned hand and stroked her protruding clit with the backs of his fingers as he latched onto one of her breasts with his mouth. Charm could hold it back no longer and let out another long loud roar the reverberated through the walls of Tin Tower as her orgasm flooded her, her juices flowing freely as her back arched and her tail pounded the ground one last time, hard enough to leave a dent in it. Her Blaziken lover met her roar with his own great cry, his bright red cum again flooding her womb as he shot a jet of flame from his mouth right over her nose: it turned the doorway that led to the roof of the tower into a half-melted pile of yellow-hot metal, and it wasn't even one of his actual Flamethrowers.

Charm sprawled out under him, her legs letting go of his and her arms falling to her side as she enjoyed the euphoria. Solar collapsed on top of her, his feathers soaked with both his and her sweat and his crotch a mess. "Ohhh...that" he murmured into her chest.

Then Charm started to wonder how the people in the town where taking the several splitting roars and blasts of flame she and Solar had given off. She chuckled. "Maybe...we...should have been quieter. They're probably...running scared now...." She felt so satisfied with the moment that she did not really care, they could come up here with torches and pitchforks and she still would not bat an eye. She hugged Solar close, wrapping her powerful arms around him. "Thank you," she said with a sigh. She had never felt so content and even tempered in all her life. It was quite amazing to her.

But it was short-lived as a monk opened the door, which fell off of its hinges. "Oh great Ho-Oh, you have retur-...." He was cut short as the sight of Solar resting atop Charm greeted him instead of the splendor of the legendary Pokémon he revered.

The newly-mated Pokémon and the monk traded stares for some ten seconds before Solar and Charm glared at him. "Beat it!" they barked in unison. The monk quickly scurried off as Charm growled at him and then went back to giving attention to her new mate.

Solar was panting hard by now, his shaft and balls starting to hurt. "No problem," he said in response to her "thank you." He pulled out of her and scooted up to kiss her on her maw again. "You ever done this before? You've got a gift, I don't mind telling you."

She chuckled and kissed him back. "A couple of times, but don't tell Snow. He still thinks I am a virgin; he would freak if he found out I mated just to mate. But those days are behind me now, my body's yours...and I want the world to know." She murred and winced a bit, her 'parts' a little sore as well as she sat up some.

He gently pushed against her chest, of course copping a feel of her breast but doing so more to keep her in a resting position than to feel her up. "Hey, be careful...don't burn yourself out," he said in a concerned tone.

She smirked and licked his neck. "Don't worry, when I'm not in heat sex will be the last thing on my mind. Besides," she winked "you could not burn me out if you tried. The more you give, the more I take," she quipped as she started to get up.

Solar grabbed her tail from his sitting position and stood up, flinching a little at how sore his muscles were becoming from being used in ways to which they weren't accustomed. "Wait...what was that? You don't think I can keep up with you?" He pulled her next to him and somewhat roughly pulled her head down to give her a forceful kiss on the lips. "I can go as long as you can, so name the position and do it now!"

Charm waved him off. "We can play one up later, I'm starving. That food table is calling my name again." She gave him a quick kiss, then put him in a headlock and gave him a noogie. "So let's go, boy," she said before letting him go.

Solar tried to smooth out his headfeathers, though they were so ruffled and sweaty anyway that it was futile. "Mm...whatever. You'll be back," he grumbled.

"They're probably freaking out that we're gone by now anyway." She tried to find her clothes but realized they were in tatters. She really didn't care if she was naked; it was Snow who urged them to wear clothes, not liking people ogling their naked forms.

Solar wanted to argue with her more as they started to descend the tower, but he couldn't. He just stayed next to her and put an arm around her waist. "Um...there is one thing you should know...."

She looked at him, smiling as she draped an arm around his shoulders. "Yes, let's have it." She chuckled as she walked slightly bow legged. She flipped off the monks as they murmured and whispered as they passed.

He stared straight ahead as he spoke. "Well, Pokémon in the Torchic evolutionary line practice celibacy until they find mates, and then they remain with that mate or those mates for life." He gave a semi-threatening look to a monk who passed them on the stairs and shook his head in disapproval. "In other words, you may not have been a virgin, but I was...and...." He stopped them and held her big hand in his. "I'm honored that such a woman as you was my first...."

Charm smiled and hugged him, kissing him on the top of his head. "Don't worry, you were my first where I really felt anything. I love you and I am glad we are now together." She laughed. "And don't worry, by the time I'm done with you, you will be an expert."

He matched her laugh with a hearty chuckle. "Be careful I don't turn the tables on you: in the Karate King's dojo, I was number one in my class, being particularly good at counterattacks and breaking holds."

She smirked and held him close as they exited the tower. "Careful, Snow taught us all tae-kwon-do. 'Course, I think it would be fun to pretzelize you."

Solar's eyes widened a little at her suggestion but he just remarked, "Kinkyyy...I'm surprisingly flexible, as I hope you'll see."

The rest of their walk was filled with sexual banter and more than a few pinches and gropes. They picked up their pace once they got their breath back, Charm taking back to the sky and Solar leaping to match her pace, soon arriving back at the party.

Charm laughed as everyone stared at their naked and oversexed bodies. "What? Ain'tcha never seen a naked Pokémon before?"

Snowfur and Evertide smiled and nodded, know exactly what they have been doing and approving immensely.

Solar looked at Evertide, who was standing next to Snow. The blink dog trainer came up and asked his Blaziken, "'re sure about this?"

The Blaziken nodded. "Yeah...maybe I should see what it's like to share my life in a romantic way."

Ever smiled in approval. "Well then, go for it."

Snow also nodded and smiled at Charm: she seemed so content and happy, just what he wanted for her. "I am happy for you two, so now do you have a reason to celebrate, Miss Charm?"

She nodded and bit Solar on the neck kinda hard, glands in her gums releasing a scent marker. "Yes I do."

Solar mmfed at Charm's somewhat rough display of affection, rubbing his neck and looking up to her. "Why'd you do that?" he asked.

Evertide answered Solar's question. "Scent marking." He looked over at Charm and smiled. "His sense of smell isn't much better than an anthro's, but his"

Solar cocked his head. "Scent I don't have a way to mark you."

She smirked and whispered in his ear, "Just continue to do what you did to me, that's good enough for me." Snow giggled, one of his large ears twitching. Charm mockingly imitated the giggle. "Man, I am going to permanently plug your ears one of these days, and yes, Ever's right. Charizards mark our mates: it's a permanent mark telling all other Charizard's that you're mine. From here on in, you belong to me, and I belong to you." She murred affectionately at Solar and then ooohed as she spotted some sushi on a table and her hunger got the better of her for the moment, happily trotting over.

Snow motioned Solar to come closer. "You're going to have to be kinda careful with her now. As you may or may not know, Charizards are among the most aggressive and territorial Pokémon when it comes to mates and such. There may be times she will turn that aggression on someone who didn't know better, and at that point you will have to step in and stop her."

Solar nodded, his feathers ruffling themselves a little bit in nervousness. "Well...if I could wait this long to give away my virginity, I think I can handle monogamy. Thanks for the tip." Then something she said replayed in his mind. "Oh yeah...she said that outside of her heats, sex would be the last thing on her mind...was she serious? Cuz...well, I really liked being with her...."

The arctic fox considered the question. "Well, she'll still want to mate, but she won't be as horny as she is now. You'll just have to work a bit harder to get her aroused and ready to go." He looked over at Charm eating the fish. "Just watch her patterns and learn when you think she would be most receptive to non-breeding-season mating." Charm got the feeling they were talking about her and looked up with a shrimp dangling out of her mouth.

Solar smiled at her. "You got it." He walked over to Charm started to look her body over, drawing a few casual flashes of the rump from Charm.

Ever looked over at Snow and grinned. "So in other words she's going to be more like an anthro woman, hm?" he asked, starting to lead Snow away.

Snow nodded. "The more i look into it, the more that becomes a fact. I think all Pokémon have one last evolution. Triple-S is not a rank from what I learn; it's the final evolution, when they become total anthro."

Ever's eyebrows raised at this remark. "Hmm...that's a pretty curious observation. One that may require more research."

Snow nodded. "I think it will. C'mon, I'll buy ya a virgin margarita."

Solar, meanwhile, had started to join Charm in her seafood gorge. "You know, you may not hear this very often, but you're not only drop-dead beautiful, you're just adorable as well," he remarked before he held a shrimp half in his mouth.

She cocked an eyebrow at him and popped another handful of shrimp into her mouth. "What do you mean?"

Solar slurped the shrimp into his mouth and swallowed it whole. "Oh, just felt like sharing." Charm chuckled and leaned in close to give Solar a deep kiss, her breath reeking of seafood as she gave his bottom a firm slap with her tail. Solar leaned up to whisper into her ear, "Your breath smells like fish...perhaps later, mine can as well," he said with a wink and a quick look down at her groin. "Buuut, that's only if you want to, of course."

She growled and licked the side of his face. "Of course, there's still a few days left where mating is all I can think of." She was nearly ready for a round three and it showed plain as day, even to the few guests who still lingered, though they all kept their distance from her, what with her thumping that guy with her tail.

He nodded. "I look forward to satisfying you, you sexy...and fearsome...woman," he said with a grope of her bottom. "We should go on vacation or something...or hell, just get lost in the woods for those few days."

Charm murred and sniffed the place where she marked him, becoming more aroused by the scent as she pulled him along. "I'll take that offer." She pulled him into the forest and pushed him into a tree, held both his arms behind his back and pushed her crotch against his.

Solar didn't try to break her hold, but he did pull up his hips and wrap his almost singularly strong legs around her hips. "Ah, so you wanted to wrestle, did ya? I can do that...or did you want to pretzelize me?"

Charm smiled a toothy grin and pulled away from the tree, still holding him tight as she put him on the ground face up and used her arms, legs, and tail to hold him spread eagle. "Hmmm, what should I do to you?"

The humanoid avian smiled lewdly at her as he felt his arousal start to rise again...he'd never been able to get it up three times in such a short time before; she really had something. "Whatever you want. My body is yours now, remember?"

She kept her grin. "You bet your sweet bits, but I think it's time for something new." She let his body go and she went down to nuzzle his crotch, making a low humming sound, turning her body into a makeshift vibrator as she waited for his shaft to appear. "Come out, come out wherever you are, I want to smile for the birdie."

Solar let out both a grunt and a laugh at her actions as the tip of his shaft soon parted his genital slit. "Mmf...that's new, all right." He was tempted to just jump her now but he wanted to see what she was going to do, so he dug his talons into the ground and forced his legs to remain where they were.

She murred and wrapped her lips around the tip of his shaft and began to suck on it and wrap her tongue around it. One of her hands made a ring around it and held the feathers away. Her free paw went under one of his legs and came to rest on his stomach as she continued to orally stimulate him.

Charm's stimulation renewed Solar's vigor, and he leaned his head back and squinched his eyes shut as he felt her lips, tongue, and hands encourage his shaft. "Ohh...Charm...mmf, this is...."

Charm eagerly took more and more into her muzzle as it emerged, energetically sucking on it and moving her head up and down, her tongue rubbing the underside of it. She was also getting pleasure from it as her scent filled the air. This was something relatively new to her, only seeing it once or twice, stumbling across pictures and videos of anthros doing this on Snow's computer. Solar started breathing more heavily and carefully thrusted his hips up to meet her as his shaft reached its peak hardness. He ejected a few spurts of pre, hoping she liked the taste. As part of his vow of celibacy, he was forbidden to sexually pleasure or be pleasured by anyone other than a mate, but he was not a stranger to his own hands...and as flexible as he was, he had once attempted to do what she was doing by himself, but the one time he tried, he wound up stuck in a most embarrassing the thought didn't really appeal to him.

She murred again and sucked up his pre, sucking hard as she pulled back on his shaft, making a constant smooth suction that eased off as she went back down to make it last, never having really done it before, but being a quick learner and not having a shortage of materials to learn from as her free paw sneaked under her and between her legs, easily sliding two fingers deep into her recesses. Solar leaned his head forward and watched her suck him off. He noticed her start to touch herself and grinned; he was looking forward to reciprocating her affection. Hopefully, he had learned something from all the shoujo-ai* stories Evertide kept on his computer. Charm moaned as she began to bring her own peak around: this was so exciting to be doing this where someone could just come and see, and the way they where doing it...her hot juices flowed down her arm and dripped off her elbow, her mind once again reeling from thinking of all the things they could do.

Solar let out a loud groan as he started to thrust harder, trying to not clamp his legs around her head lest he accidentally strangle her. "Nng, Charm...I can't hold back much longer..." he moaned breathily.

She pushed her head as far as it would go and sucked on his shaft as if it were a straw, waiting for him to unleash his load. If his pre tasted so good, she couldn't imagine what his cum would taste like as she took her masturbating hand out of her and held it under his nose to entice him further. The scent of her sex was what finally pushed Solar over the edge. He thrusted his hips so hard that his bottom was lifted off the ground, his overworked balls surrendering their load for his, his mate. He stifled his cry and let out a long hiss through his clenched teeth.

Once Solar finally calmed down, Charm released his member and crawled up next to him and licked her paw off, snuggling up next to him and hugging him close. "Hope I finally drained you, I hate leaving anything left." She chuckled dreamily, enjoying the closeness.

Solar nodded. "I think that'll keep me recovering for a while...but there's still one matter to which I need to attend." His hand started to wander down to her thighs as he gave her an amorous grin.

She smirked and turned to lie fully on her back and spread her legs to him, showing him her wet entrance that was still a little open from her fingers. "Go for it, you will find I taste as good as you did." She gave him a wink and giggled.

"Rrawr!" Solar growled animalistically as his exhausted shaft started to recede back into his body. His head was between her legs in an instant, his palms on her thighs and his thumbs holding her open as he traced the tip of his tongue around her nethers.

She growled back at him and shuddered as she felt his tongue, digging her claws into the ground and laying fully on her back. "That...feels...wonderful...." She continued to gasp and moan as he hit sensitive spots.

He smirked a little at hearing that he was doing it right so far. As aroused as he was, he took it slow, not penetrating her with his tongue but never letting her sex go without some physical contact, whether giving it a kiss or rubbing her lips together with his thumbs. He only started to slowly press his tongue into her after a couple minutes of licking. She murred and all but melted under the stimulation, her body completely yielding to his touch like putty, the first time she ever felt like completely submitting to a lover, such were the feelings of relaxation and trust she felt; she knew she had very little need for protection, but Solar...something about him made her feel much more at ease.

He alternated between licking and kissing her sex, pressing his tongue inside and feeling around for the area about which he had so often read...where was it? She groaned and squirmed a bit, her thighs coming up around his head. ", almost found it...!" She hissed through her teeth as he found her sweet spot, sending a flood of pleasure through her body and a good flow from her sex.

Solar got a triumphant gleam in his eye as he grasped her thighs and pulled her hips to him, smooshing his face against her groin and pressing his tongue against that spot as hard as he could. Charm groaned, another huge orgasm building faster than she thought possible as she called out his name and let out a low roar as her paws grasped the back of his head and tried to push it into her sex. Solar kept up the pressure against her most sensitive area, letting the top of his mouth rub against her clit. He opened his mouth to accept her girlcum...she did indeed taste delicious, just as she said she would.

After only a minute or so of this stimulation, Charm's orgasm hit and she was flooded with pleasure, the rush of sexual energy making her cry out in a mighty roar as she nearly tore more feathers out of his head. Her sex was spilling forth like a dam breaking, and her whole body was shuddering and her thighs were quaking. Solar kept his mouth open and eagerly drank her cum, making sure to gulp loudly so she knew he wanted it all even though most of it spilled out around his face. Her orgasm slowly faded and she melted again under him, panting heavily as her legs straightened out around him and her tongue lolled out the side of her muzzle. Sweat had even built up on her hide, which was rare for her kind.

Solar crawled on top of her, his face soaked with her cum. "Well...if we were mating before, what does that make this?" he asked, resting his head next to her neck.

Charm smiled and murred. "That...was...making love...dear mate. Sweet, sweet love...." She licked some of her juices off his face and wrapped her arms around his back.

He smiled back at her. "I was hoping you'd say that, love. As nice as mating is...I like making love...we should do it more often." He took a deep breath and sighed in contentment. "Hmm...I don't think you answered my question...out of all the Charizards and all the Pokémon out there, why me?"

She thought about that. "'re not only strong, you radiate confidence. Most people get out of my way more out of fear than awe or reverence. They look at me and just see a Charizard too powerful for her own good who would probably kill a mate, but you see me for who I am, not what I am. We...." She paused, looking for something to say before shrugging. "We just complement each other so well, and it just feels right."

He chuckled a little and kissed her on the lips. "I guess that is true...thanks. Y'know, for wanting me." He settled into her arms. "Shall we get merrily lost together, dear Charm?"

She smiled and nodded. "As soon as the feeling returns to my legs, you did a good number on me." Her legs felt like rubber. "And no, thank you for wanting me, it...feels...nice to feel wanted."

Solar grinned and stood up a bit uneasily. "Perhaps I can carry least for now." Even as tired as he was, Charm weighed very little to him, which he proved by picking her up in his arms. "Y'know, don't think I've said this yet, but..." he held her head closer to his face, "I love you," he finished before kissing her on the lips.

Charm at first resisted being picked up but decided she was far too tired and just let Solar romance her. "I love you too," she responded with a lick of his face. The words sent tingles through her body, knowing she meant every single word. She wrapped her tail around his waist and her arms around his neck.

He smiled happily as he walked deeper into the forest with his new mate in his arms, still a bit unsure of himself but trusting Charm's judgment. "Shall we find somewhere to sleep, hon?"

She nodded and looked around, her instincts kicking in a bit. "Cave or something, preferably." She sniffed heavily at the air and craned her long neck this way and that, holding her tail in such a way as to help light the way for them.

After some ten minutes of searching they came across a small cave. Solar gently set his mate down and walked in. Before long, a small (by their standards) burst of flame erupted from the cave as the Zubats inhabiting it quickly fluttered out and away. He returned to the entrance and brought Charm inside. "Want me to go find some moss and stuff?"

She shook her head and gave him a kiss. "No, this big ass is good for more than just groping." She started to gouge a makeshift bed out of the stone floor of the cave and used her flame breath to mold it to her body, heating the stone up and wiggling her body around in it until it was perfectly conformed, running completely off of instinct on how to make it.

Her Blaziken mate smirked and cocked an eyebrow. "Heh, that's a neat've gotta teach me some of these, eh?" he quipped before he started to crawl next to her.

She lay on her belly with her limbs under her and looked over at him with a surprised look on her face. "Wha...this? I didn't even realize I was doing it until you said something...guess I still have a few automatices** left in me." She smirked and wiggled in deeper and leaned over to give him a kiss.

He chuckled. "Hmm...wonder what else you can do without realizing it..." he mused out loud before he lay down on his side, suddenly being surprisingly cuddly and snuggling up to her. "Good night, dear Charm."

She murred and pulled him so he was resting under her forearm, resting her head on his surprisingly soft feathery chest. "You will have plenty of time to find out. Good night, Solar, my love." Once she was asleep, one of those things became apparent as she began to snore; it was a low sound, sounding something between a growl and a purr.

Solar could only remark, "Mmm...nice..." before he was off to dreamland.

* Shoujo-ai: Japanese for "girl love," usually denoting lesbian relationships.

** Automatices: I know this isn't a word, but frankly I like it ^_^

Next Level Ch. 2: Just A Date sex?! Oh well! ^\_^ Cast list is at the end of the story (it's a long list). Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Doomtrain wandered through Goldenrod on his own, looking for the...

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Next Level Prologue: Triple-S

This is the result of an RP between Snowfur and me, and I must say, I think he pushed me to new heights. First time I ever RPed such a fierce action scene, and I hope I can do it again. In case anyone's wondering, yep, these Pokémon are based offa the...

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Mateship Prologue: Consummation

Cast Bailmont: Snowfur. Dove: Me. This story contains sex ^\_^ but is not primarily a yiffy story. Acura (c) itself. Pepsi (c) the Pepsi Company or something. Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. Bailmont leaned against...

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