Mateship Prologue: Consummation

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#1 of A Dragon's Mateship


Bailmont: Snowfur.

Dove: Me.

This story contains sex ^_^ but is not primarily a yiffy story.

Acura (c) itself.

Pepsi (c) the Pepsi Company or something.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Bailmont leaned against his car. It was a bright yellow 2000 Acura NSX. He had completely worked it over: full body kit and enhanced engine. He himself was quite a sight as well: his back scales were charcoal black and glinted slightly in the light. His belly from the base of his tail up to the underside of his chin was bright red, as were his wing membranes. At 23 years old he stood about 6'5" and weighed close to 300 pounds, mostly muscle. He wore a pair of loose-fitting jeans, a muscle shirt, and little else as heavy rock and roll thumped from his stereo. He was at a tuner meet and was waiting to be challenged, though it looked as if that was not going to happen.

Before long, a very dainty Dragonair Pokémorph woman walked around and approached Bailmont. Her lithe and delicate body was primarily blue in color, but her chest down to her groin was white, much like her short hair. Her soft face and shiny black eyes made her gentle temperament obvious. She lacked a horn on her forehead but a pair of white-feathered wings crowning her back perfected her seemingly angelic image and hinted at her name: Dove. A few months younger than Bailmont, she was only about 5'6" and some 105 pounds but her talent for spreading calmness made clear her lack of need for protection...not that anyone would hurt her with Bailmont around. She wore denim shorts that went to her knees and a well-fitting t-shirt, striking a balance between showing her body off (mostly for Bailmont) and keeping decent. She smiled up at Bailmont and gave him a hug.

Bailmont hugged her back. "Having fun?" he asked in his usual deep tone. He rubbed one paw on her back as he clicked the stereo off with a remote he had on his keychain.

She nodded, giving her wings a quick flap of appreciation at the back rub. "I may not know much about cars, but I love it when you show me makes me feel really special," she said in a voice like a gentle breeze.

He chuckled and planted a kiss on her. "And I know you love looking at them." He walked to the front of the car and popped the hood, reached into a cooler, which caused some of the kids around to look on in shock, not many knowing that Acura NSXs were mid engine cars. He pulled out a pair of Pepsis and handed one to her. "Though I think this meet is going to be a bust." He popped the top on his Pepsi and downed half of it in one go.

She shrugged and took a sip of the Pepsi. "Well, I certainly do love to hear you talk about them when you clearly know what you're doing." She cuddled against him a little. "And if it's a bust, well, then we can go do something else."

Bailmont gave her a tiny murr and nodded. "Of course, my dear, let us blow this popsicle stand." He began to pack up the chairs he brought and said his goodbyes to his racer friends.

The Dragonair waved goodbye to the others and got in the car. She looked over to Bailmont, smiling her usual warm smile. "Well, how about we go get something to eat and then maybe...go to our special place?" She was referring to an out of the way ridge that overlooked the city where they went when they needed was something of their makeout spot.

He nodded and fired up the car. The engine roared to life and he pulled out into the street. He honked the horn a few time to clear the street and waited for Dove to finish putting on the racing harness before high revving the engine and popping the clutch. The car lurched forwards, slamming its passengers into their seats as the rear tires threw a cloud of white smoke. The car easily broke 120 MPH as Bailmont rapidly shifted gears. When they got to the end of the appointed race area he let the car coast to a stop as they moved the barriers, a roar of cheers from every one behind him as he pulled out and cruised around. Dove was rather tense when he drove so fast, but that was only at first; eventually she came to enjoy the thrills and intensity of her boyfriend's driving. After all, he wouldn't do anything to endanger long as he knew what he was doing. This was one of the few times she became really excited, usually a very mild woman.

Bailmont murred and gave her thigh a rub; he loved the adrenaline of going that fast in such a short amount of time as he guided the car into the parking lot of a small diner and got out to open her door for her. "M'lady."

She got out of the car, a little unsteady at first as she calmed down and let out a "Whew!" holding his hand to anchor herself back in reality. "Well, that" she said, finally being unable to help but laugh from the rush.

He smiled and gives her a naughty wink as he walked her inside and got them a table. She winked back at him; most girls would have become quite upset at a guy looking at them as he sometimes did with her, but she knew that he'd never do anything to her without her consent; besides, he could be quite romantic when he wanted to be. He just made her feel...special and wanted. After a few minutes, their waiter appeared and Bailmont just ordered a salad. Sometimes he got funny looks, a dragon eating a salad, but Bailmont just blew it off as some thing he inherited from his bloodline. "What does m'lady hunger for?"

Dove, who had been mentally fawning over him, shook her musings out of her head and looked up at the waiter. "Oh yes, um...I guess I'll just have what he's having."

Their food soon came and Bailmont ate his salad with a bit of Italian dressing, but he could not help but make lovey eyes at Dove while he did. He had a feeling she was ready to go a bit further than cuddling and kissing, which he cherished, but his body wanted a bit more.

Dove returned his gaze, smiling at him. "Someone has something on his mind, I can tell," she said in a soft voice, reaching over and taking his hand in hers.

He squeezed hers back. "Yes..." he took a deep breath, "I want to go all the way with you. It's okay if you're not ready, but I really do." He blushed a bit.

Dove's eyes opened quite wide and her wings fluttered, a sure sign that he had caught her off guard. "Um...err...." A deep blush crept across her cheeks, easily visible on her blue skin.

Bailmont nodded. "Like I said, if you don't think you're ready, I will not force you. I love you too much to make you do anything you're not ready for."

She looked away for a few seconds as she considered what he had just said. She opened her mouth to speak a couple times but nothing came out. Finally, she could speak. "...Can we go?" she asked quietly.

He nodded, his face suddenly becoming quite sad. * I just made her mad...stupid, stupid, stupid!* he mentally rebuked himself as he paid for the food and led Dove to the car.

She sat down and strapped herself in, looking rather somber. "Go ahead and head to our spot if you want, but let's just go somewhere we can talk for a while," she said in the same quiet voice.

He nodded and drove to the spot, keeping the car at a reasonable speed and not saying a word during the trip. When they arrived at their spot and parked, he took a deep breath. "Look...I am sorry if I offended you...I should have kept my mouth shut...."

Dove reached over and took his hand in her own again; this time covering it with her other hand as well as she looked him in the eyes. " didn't offend me inasmuch as you surprised me. I know that lots of people think I'm beautiful, but I've always thought that you were different, that you want to be my mate, not just my lover...."

Bailmont nodded. "I do...I love your heart, mind and's just that my kind, being dragons...I also have the strong desire to mate you and fully become one. "He had a hard time explaining it. He was telling the truth: he really had fallen in love with her, but his dragon mind kept telling him she was not his until her mated her.

She kneaded his hand softly. "That's why we need to talk. You might suspect it but I'm...well, I'm still a virgin, and I can't help but be a little afraid that when I lose my virginity, the one who takes it won't stay with me."

His eyes softened as he gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I will never leave you. Once a dragon finds a mate he is willing to be one with, then he will stay with that person for the rest of their lives. But like I said, if you are not ready, I will force nothing on you." He smiled warmly, infinitely thankful that he had not made her angry.

She looked up at him with eyes clouded over by tears, smiling happily. "Well then...if that's true...then maybe you are my one and only too." She unfastened her harness and leaned over, keeping eye contact.

He returned her gaze and slowly moved forwards as well, a single tear rolling down his muzzle as he met her halfway and began to deeply kiss her, one paw rubbing the side of her soft muzzle, the other tentatively rubbing her body. Dove leaned into the kiss and stroked the side of his strong snout, letting his surprisingly big tongue enter her mouth. He gently moved her so she was in his lap as his hands wormed their way under her shirt and wrapped around her breasts as he continued to kiss her, loving every second of being with her. Dove's low-B-cup breasts complimented her slender and graceful frame quite well, and he could easily get an entire breast in his hand. She rubbed the front of her body against him: she always felt safe when he was near. The gentle giant and the delicate little lady...what a fitting pair they made. She pulled back from the kiss, licking his scaled lips. "Where do you want to go? Never thought I'd lose my virginity in a car, so if it's not too much trouble...."

Bailmont nodded and set her back in her seat, a visible bulge in his pants as he fired the car up and drove her to his apartment. He then easily carried her up to his room and set her on his bed and slowly began to strip for her, taking off his shirt before working down his pants and underwear. She crossed her arms so her hands were on the underside of her shirt as she pulled it up and off, reaching behind her back to work at her bra. It soon went loose and she let it stay on her before she cast it aside and looked up at him, blushing again as she wormed her way out of her shorts and panties. He murred and hovered over her, gently pushing her onto her back, a powerful arm on each side of her body as he reached down and licked each breast, working his way lower and nosing at her sex, making circles with his tongue, his tail swaying happily behind him. Dove melted under his touch but stopped him from going further for the moment. She sat upright next to him and held his hands in hers, looking him in the eyes. "Before we do this, Bailmont, there's something we really need to talk about."

He stopped and sat down next to her, one paw on her thigh as his maleness hardened. "Go ahead, I am all ears."

"I um...." She looked away for a moment, searching for the right words. "Well, this has divided couples before, so it's important to talk about it before we take the next step. I...." She kneaded his hand. "I really, really want to have children someday." She chuckled. "It's been a dream of mine for a be impregnated while I have a loving mate, to feel life in me, and then to bring it into the world and raise it with my beloved...."

He nodded and rubbed the side of her muzzle. "I would love to be a father and give you a child. But you also must understand...I may not be able to give you that. We may be too much different in specie, but I will try my hardest to give you a child."

The Dragonair smiled up at him and leaned over to hug him, dwarfed by his powerful body. "Thank you, Bailmont...that means so much to me, I can't put it in words," she said quietly, crying a little in happiness. Her wings encircled her body to help her hug him, not having much success in this position.

He smiled and hugged her back, again taking the time to appreciate how soft and delicate she was by holding her for a while before smirking and laying her back down on the bed and hovering over her. " let's get down to making that little Dragonair." Dove gave him a quick kiss on the nose and nodded. Bailmont kissed her neck then moved to her breasts, licking and suckling each nipple, moving down to kiss her belly button. Dove started to breathe more heavily at knowing what was going to happen next, which soon did: Bailmont moved down to her sex and ran his tongue up the outside of it.

She whimpered loudly at being touched in such a way that no one else was allowed to do. Her breathing became pants and her eyes closed. "'re a very lucky man,'re the first person to touch me that way...I don't even touch myself very often," she whispered breathily.

He looked up and licked his lips, giving her a wink as he went back, this time pushing his tongue deep into her nether region, stopping just short of breaking her virginity, saving that for when he would mount her. She spread her legs as wide as she could, inviting him to partake of her nigh-untouched nethers. She let out a loud gasp when his tongue entered her body, whimpering again for a moment when his tongue hit her hymen but forgetting her momentary fear when Bailmont started eating her out. But he did take full advantage of her soft, sweet walls and licked in all directions. She was absolutely delicious. He turned his muzzle to one side and began to suckle on her labia and clitoris, wiggling his tongue this way and that, and murring at her scent and taste, his member sliding free of its sheath. She cried out at being so stimulated, forcing her legs to remain spread as her wings and tail fidgeted underneath her and her hands clenched the bedsheets. She felt the wave of her orgasm crest quickly and she arched her back and came, her nectar oozing into his maw as her wings extended as far as they could, barely able to call, "Bailmont!!"

He murred loudly, as he pulled his tongue out, crawled up the bed on all fours and gently eased his hips down to hers. His large cock head just started to ease into her now slick vagina, going so slow to enjoy the moment and make it easy on her, being her first time. He got halfway in when he felt her maidenhead. "Okay, Dove, I'm going to break your hymen now...are you sure you're ready?"

She smiled warmly at him. "I...I want this to happen, Bailmont. I want to be one with you," she said in a bit of a shaky tone, betraying her fear of the pain even though it would lead to lovemaking.

Bailmont continued. "It will hurt, so just try to relax...."

Dove nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Just...let me get ready," she whispered, obviously quite tense.

He nodded and stayed still. "On three?"

She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths before she looked up at him. "I love you, Bailmont," she whispered again. Then she nodded. "Go ahead...I trust you." She reached up to his face and pulled it down to hers, kissing him on the lips, anything to distract her. He kissed her back and waited a few seconds before giving his hips on sharp thrust, driving his penis all the way in, cleanly tearing her hymen and bringing her into womanhood. She let out a muffled cry of pain as Bailmont made her a woman once and for all, tears building up despite having squinched her eyes. Bailmont was quite least, that's how he hurt a lot, but she knew it would give way to pleasure.

Bailmont gave her a few seconds to recover before carefully pulling out some and easing back in, taking it nice and easy as he kissed her. He tenderly wiped her tears as he slowly continued to gently rock his hips back and forth, his other hand going back down and rubbing her stretched labia and erect clitoris, trying to ease the transition from pain to pleasure. He broke their kiss to speak. "If the pain is too much, please let me know and we will stop, I love you too much to hurt you so badly."

Dove shook her head as she forced a pained smile. It hurt being stretched and penetrated for the first time, had to stop soon. She gently rested her effeminate hands on his shoulders to signal him to stop. "I need to get *whimper* used to it...can I just lie on top of you for a while? Keep *mmf* it in me...."

He nodded and stopped thrusting, rolling onto his back and taking her with him, never leaving her body. He knew other ways of giving her pleasure as he lowered his long neck and again suckled on one of her nipples, making circles with his tongue, his other hand squeezing her other breast. He loved her lithe body; it was perfect in his eyes.

She whimpered at the mix of pain and pleasure, turning to putty in his strong but gentle arms. She tried to breathe slowly and deeply to keep herself calm, though it was hard when she was being touched like this. Searching for something to talk about for a little while, she whispered, "Mm...thank you, Bailmont, for making me feel so beautiful...before I met you, I thought that all guys wanted were big breasts and nice thighs on their girls...."

He let go of her breasts and looked into her eyes, rubbing her back and holding her to him as he smiled. "Your lithe body is perfect. Being curvy does not mean being beautiful. Your long smooth body is nothing short of angelic. I love your heart, mind, body, and may be the most gentle woman I've ever met; I knew from the moment I started to get to know you that I had met a true angel. Don't ever think otherwise."

She beamed at these words, another tear forming, but this one was one of joy. "And I love your heart, mind, body, and soul as're so powerful but so gentle. I love the way you hold me, the way you're so careful with me...well, maybe except when driving," she said with a giggle. "And especially how you take such interest in every part of me." She leaned up and kissed him, the pain rapidly ebbing. "Once I get pregnant, though, your lithe girl is going to go out the window for a while...think having more of me to love is a fair trade off?"

"I'll never leave you alone once you get pregnant. And of course I will slow down for you and our child. I'll even buy a minivan." He gave her a deep kiss, rubbing her body up and down.

Dove laughed as the pain vanished. "Ah, I'd never put the breaks on you like that, we'll just practice slowing down."

Bailmont smirked and gave her a tiny test thrust. She mmfed as he moved in her; it felt...good. She wanted more. They slowly rolled over so that they were in the missionary position again as Dove reached up with her hands and rubbed his rock-solid chest, kissing him deeply and making little sounds of pleasure down his throat. He kissed back and slowly began to thrust in and out again, moving his hips in long, slow thrusts, shuddering a little bit as he got all the way back in. He unfurled his wings and encircled them both: it was a slightly possessive posture his kind made as they mated. He struggled to keep his instincts at bay, for he did not want to start wildly thrusting into her, not the first time. Dove moaned into his maw and started to slowly move her hips down to match his thrusts.

It took a little while considering she had no experience, but soon her own instinct took over and the two dragons soon worked out a rhythm. He felt so good in her...she could feel almost every centimeter of his member sliding in and out, over her clit. He uttered a low pleasant humming sound as he felt her match his thrust and shuddered streams of pre shot into her, his peak slowly drawing closer and closer every minute he was with her, his head swarming with the pleasure and love he was feeling and his mind and body bonding with hers.

Dove ran her hands over his back as much as she could, not succeeding much considering how much bigger he was as well as their position, but she wanted to touch him, to pleasure him, to show him how much she appreciated him being gentle with her during her first time...but her orgasm was quickly building again. She pulled back from the kiss to whimper and moan out loud, whispering his name over and over as she entwined her tail with his. Bailmont could not hold it back much longer either, his dragon empathy bringing about his peak alongside hers; as she finally orgasmed, so did he.

He shot a huge load of his hot and fertile seed into her, releasing a long low hum of pure pleasure, spreading his wings wide and arching his back. She cried his name out again, her heart and body forever claimed as his as her juices mixed with his and her sex tightly gripped his shaft. Feeling his seed fill her womb made her feel so think that maybe they had just started a new life...she leaned up and kissed him as hard as she could, pushing her tongue into his maw and licking his teeth.

He murred as his peak died down and he kissed her back, his own tongue feeling for her tonsils as he stayed in her to make sure his seed went nowhere, fanning them with his wings to cool them off a bit. She let him kiss her as she rested on the bed, completely spent. She pulled him down with her, holding him as close to her as she could and whispering in his ear, "Thank you, Bailmont...for being so gentle with me...I love you so much...."

He smiled and lay on his side in front of her, still in her, rubbing her belly. "I love you too, and I hope I have given you the gift you want." He smiled and patted her belly before the two sighed happily and drifted to sleep.

Wild Ch. 4: Group Hug!

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon and Asahi (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. ...

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Wild Ch. 3: Mutual Prices

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. Stormtalon...

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Tides Ch. 4: Rainy Day Activities

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain (c) me, Si...

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