Tides Ch. 4: Rainy Day Activities

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#5 of As Certain as the Tides

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex.

Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Rain (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Rain made sure her rain gear was secure before turning to check on Hobie. At a week short of four months with twins, she found that she was barely, but distinctly, getting bigger than Hobie was when he was as far along. She also loved sleeping belly-to-belly with Hobie.

The otterboy grunted as he slid into his rain suit, zipping it up and cinching up the hood. His shorts had become quite tight in the last couple of weeks but he didn't say a word, too embarrassed with how big he was getting that his clothes barely fit him now. Even the rain suit showed off the curve of his belly beneath the black and red fabric, something like a wetsuit but thinner and a bit looser. "Mmmf, these things weren't designed for pregnant otters," he complained.

His lover rolled her eyes, grinning. "If you'd just be willing to ask Kera to bring a looser one, we wouldn't have this problem." She patted his tummy. "But I know you're kind of sensitive about that, so if it gets too uncomfortable, just say so, okay?" she asked, smiling.

He grunted a bit at the pats to his belly, merfing and leaning in to kiss her on the nose. "Mmm, you know I'm too proud," he remarked with a grin as he looked outside at the warm rain coming down, which was turning the ground a short ways off from the cabin to thick gooey mud.

She caught his gaze traveling to the mud, smiling knowingly. "I'm thinking what you're thinking...and I love it. But let's just go for a little stroll first, okay?" She offered her arm to him.

Hobie took her arm and gave her belly a gentle caress, though it was barely noticeable that she was pregnant through the rainsuit. "Heehee, you look beautiful dear, and just plain adorable too," he complimented as he leaned down to nuzzle her cheek.

Rain murred at the touch. "So do you, cutie," she remarked. "You may cringe at the thought, but I think you'd make an incredibly hot swimsuit model now. If nothing else, there's that much more belly for me to nuzzle."

He grinned and felt his sheath stirring a bit at her comment, opening the door and taking in the scents of the rain. "Mmmm, maybe when we get back you can take some photos of me in my swimwear then...." He'd been keeping track of their pregnancies with photos, of course, every week - but usually nude and never serious modeling as he'd done for swimsuit companies. "Should have done that months ago." He blushed a little from thinking about how naughty some of their photos were.

She giggled. "I think I'd look pretty sexy too."

"Oh honey, you'd look absolutely hot in anything," he said with a wink, holding her hand as he stepped outside with her. He felt the rain patting his face, and the rainsuit, and stepped out slowly.

At that, the otters stepped outside and into the rain. Rain took a deep breath and sighed happily as she spread her arms to soak up the utter contentment. "I always loved the sight, sound, and smell of rain...guess it's just as well given my name, huh?" she said with a giggle. She stood still, lost in the moment before starting to walk away from the cabin. "C'mon, let's head to the beach. My parents..." she hesitated a moment, "always had us stay at the beach even when it rained. We usually had it to ourselves then." She stopped in her tracks and moved a little closer to Hobie from remembering her parents, namely how they kicked her out because of her pregnancy.

He nodded softly and put his arm around her waist, petting her belly with his other hand as they walked, wincing a bit at the tightness of his shorts. "Mmmf, yeah, I love the beach in the rain. It's always wet, so you never have to dry off.," he said with a grin.

Rain's good mood returned as she held his hand on her belly, leaning up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Then they walked to the beach, enjoying the sound of both the rain and the waves, reminding Rain of the water she loved.

Hobie murred softly, stroking her firming tummy, feeling its shape as he felt his own rubbing against the inside of his shirt, a tiny bit of his tummy peeking out from under his shirt and sliding against the smooth inside of the rain suit, turning him on just a bit. "Mmm, say hon...do you ever think about how much our lives are going to change with the pups growing inside us? I mean...walking around like this, sharing our pregnancies together, we're enjoying the experience so much but every day it gets a little more difficult to do the things we used to do, and when they're born...we won't even have time for these things at all." He averted his gaze a little, having upset himself a little from bringing up such a negative thought.

Rain took a little bit to think about his words before she leaned her head on his arm. "It does indeed get harder, but for me, it's a constant reminder that there's life growing in me," she rubbed his belly, "in us. Yes, sometimes I do worry, but I think of both of us getting all big with babies, and then holding them in our arms, and it fills me with a kind of joy that I've never felt before." She stopped to turn him to face her and look into his eyes. "It's okay to be afraid. But there's no need to feel threatened," she said quietly, giving him a gentle smile.

He sighed softly and looked at her, holding one hand on her belly, and one on his own. He stepped closer until their tummies were touching, and smiled softly to her. "I don't feel threatened...I just worry that I'll miss these things and that I won't even have time to look back and remember them. But I don't regret it; not now, not ever." He kissed her on the lips.

She kissed him back gently, slipping him her tongue for a moment. "Even if we don't have time to look back, it'll be because we're raising our pups and watching them grow up. They haven't even been born yet and I already want to give them the world. I want to see who they become; who they fall in love with...I can't wait to be their mom." She rubbed his belly with her own. "All of them." She kissed him again, patting their bellies and grinning. "In due time," she finished.

Hobie smiled and murred at the rubs and her comforting words as they started walking again. The ground slowly began to soften and turn muddy as they continued down the shore.

Rain looked around at the wet landscape. "Even without the sun, I still love it. Lucky me." She spotted a long stretch of mud and got a mischievous gleam in her eye as she ran towards it, sliding down it on her shins and laughing giddily.

He yelped as she slid down the mud in front of him, and not to be outdone, did the same thing. Though with his added weight, he fell forwards and caught himself on all fours, sliding halfway down and giggling softly as he stopped a few feet from Rain, whose laughter continued at seeing him lose his balance. "Heehee, whoops...I guess I can't do that anymore..."

"Give it time, sooner or later I'll be bigger than you!" she said excitedly before she moved over and tackled him (on his chest, of course).

Hobie yelped and stood up, grabbing his lover as she pushed him back in the mud, and simultaneously there was a loud ripping sound and a pop as the seam of his suit split across his tummy, and the button of his shorts popped off, lightly tapping Rain in her stomach. He fell back into the mud, a small triangle of pregnant otter belly exposed, and the rain began pattering his fur. "Oooh, Rain, did you feel that?" he asked, grinning and putting a muddy hand on his tummy.

Rain's eyes widened as she looked down at him. "I did..." She carefully crouched over Hobie and gently pressed her tummy against his. "C'mon, say hi to us again, sweetie," she said softly.

He panted softly and looked up to her with bright eyes, holding her sides, and sure enough there was another gentle thump from inside his belly, and he let out a squeak of surprise and affection. "Oh my god, the pup's moving! I can feel it!"

She smiled and laughed again, this time with the joy she had only recently been talking about. "Ha ha! Mistral finally greets us!" she exclaimed. She moved back so she could rest her cheek on him, nuzzling the spot and getting mud on her face. "Hey there! I'm going to be your mom...well, one of two," she said before laughing again.

"Heehee, sweetie, you're gonna get all...ahh, you did already!" he chuckled as she nuzzled his belly, sitting up a bit and stroking her head as he looked down at his belly, trying to see the subtle flickers of movement now and then as the rain soaked his exposed tummy and ran down inside his clothes, slowly dampening them, his sheath pulsing from all the attention. "Mmm, he...or she...was so excited...had to pop out and show off. And now I'm getting soaked," he said with a blush.

She giggled, "Yep, a showoff, just like you, huh? Hmm...wonder if he or she likes being exposed too?" She put her fingers in the rip and eagerly opened it further, exposing Hobie's abdomen and nuzzling it with greater eagerness.

Hobie gasped as his lover ripped the suit open more and exposed his damp shorts bulging with his arousal, and the further kicks of his baby seemed to answer her question. "Mmmf, love, you're getting me even wetter," he said with a wink, making his double-meaning clear.

Rain giggled at him. "Aww, I'm sorry, I just love knowing that I'm still in practice. Perhaps I should wipe you clean." She yanked down his shorts and underwear, grinning and murring lustily at the sight before her. "And you're worried about getting big...."

"Mmmmf...and I know the pregnancy is having the same effect on both of us," he grunted as she unzipped his shorts, exposing his damp briefs which she tugged down, the rainsuit keeping her from taking anything completely off but the elastic of his briefs kept wanting to push them back up. He reached down with a claw and ripped the front open, letting his thick shaft slide out in the rain as he eagerly looked up to her. "Mmmm, well, I've always been big in some ways," he quipped with a smirk.

"I may not have any other experience, but I'm sure you can say that again." She cupped her tummy and arched her back, making her pregnancy more obvious against her rainsuit. "Maybe it's no wonder that you knocked me up with twins on your first go, is it?"

Hobie couldn't help but stroke himself at the sight of his lover posing for him, the curves of her body making him spurt hot pre across his belly as he rubbed himself with a muddy hand, the rain soon washing away both mud and pre. "Heh, not at all baby, this otter's good at making babies."

She giggled turned to show him both sides of her body. "Nope. You're either carrying them or making me do it. But that's okay, it's a blast either way." She leaned over to kiss him, touching his tummy with hers again.

He put his arms around her and pulled her against him, laying back in the mud and stroking down her back and grasping her rump, squeezing it gently and playfully pressing his cock up against her crotch. "Ooh, heehee, you're starting to look like me back here love...I hope you don't split your rainsuit," he said with a smirk, hoping he didn't offend her with that playful comment.

Rain growled in pleasure at his touching and blushed a bit. "Never really pictured myself with much of a butt. Then again, can't say I did the same with these," she shook her upper torso a little, causing her breasts to jiggle, "or this," she rubbed her belly against his again. "Oh well. More for you to grope, right?"

His hands followed hers all over her body, gently squeezing her breasts and caressing her belly, sliding down between her thighs to press up against her sex as well, every touch making him hotter as he settled in the mud. "Ooooh Rain, you better fuck me, or suck me off, or something, because you're pressing all the right buttons...." he growled with a smirk.

The mischievous and playful gleam in her eyes now had quite a bit of lust mixed in. "Whatever you say, dear." She sat down on and straddled his thighs, reaching up and groping his chest through his raingear, murring in appreciation. "I don't know which I like more, your breasts or your belly."

He whined playfully at that comment, her touching his sensitive A-cup chest and making him squirm, his cock throbbing beneath her and with her almost in the female-dominant position, preventing the rain from washing away most of his pre. "Mmmm, they're barely visible hon...." he murmured, despite how much he enjoyed having them touched.

Her eyes narrowed as she rubbed him more, both with her hands and her belly. "But they're going to get bigger." She growled as her sex started leaking the first bits of her juices, "Oh yeah, the day you start lactating is going to be a day when we're sore from all the fucking we're going to do." Her voice reeked of lust and hunger for him, and for a moment she herself was surprised by her language.

Hobie groaned in pleasure while the smooth fabric slid over his exposed tummy and cock, humping up against her belly while his own thumped randomly. "Mmmmurrr, you're so naughty when you're all riled up, baby...." He detected her scent growing stronger and rubbed her more firmly, picking a claw at the suit under her tail and beginning to tear it, rainwater leaking inside to drip down her tailbase and down her rumpcrack and cunny.

Rain cried out in surprise and pleasure at his intrusion and at the sensation of the water making her even wetter. "Yeah, I'm definitely in a horny phase. I know you get those. I never understood why boys in my health classes cringed at the sight of a naked pregnant woman: I always thought they were beautiful...now even sexy." She took a few hissing breaths. "Oh man, I can't take this." She pulled back and got on all fours, pointing her butt at him and slapping it, "Hobie, you better take me like the otter in heat I am while you still can!"

"Ohhh lover, you bet I will!" he grunted as he got to his hands and knees, a bit clumsy with his belly and the slippery ground, sliding in the mud and getting behind her. "But I think you'll like this even more," he breathily remarked with a grin, gently pulling her by the waist several feet down towards the ocean, where the standing water had mixed with the mud to form an almost waist-deep pool of liquid mud. With her hunched over, the mud came up to Rain's thighs and just barely touched her belly as she bent over for him and kept her hands on more solid ground for stability. He ripped open the back of her rainsuit, shorts, and underwear to expose her from tail to groin, standing in the mud with his raging hard-on.

"Rrrgh! That is making me even hotter!" She hit the ground with a clenched fist in lust and eagerness. "Well what are you waiting for? Make a mess out of me!" she called to him over her shoulder, staring straight ahead as she panted with anticipation.

Hobie grinned and licked his lips, reaching into the mud and pushing his muddy fingers into his lover's tunnel, gently sliming her up before pressing his shaft against her opening, slowly slipping into her and growling deeply, gripping her sides as he gently crouched down into the mud. "Mmmmf, good girl, come get messy with me...."

She let out a deep throaty growl that escalated into a momentary cry at his penetration, her forehead leaning down to touch the muddy ground as she clenched her teeth. "Holy shit! If I'd known that sex can be this much better when you're pregnant, I might not've even had you wear a condom!"

"Heehee, well we know that for next time love." He panted and growled as they sank waist-deep in the mud, his hands firmly holding her rump against his crotch as he thrusted and humped her fervently, mud squirting out from between them and splashing his belly as it leaked into her suit, soaking her tummy and ruined shorts.

Rain snorted and groaned, her usual loving and maternal self submerged by the lust which had again consumed her. "Heh, heh, I'm gonna miss your cock being able to be in me anytime, anywhere, when we get too big for it, but I'm going to be even more attracted to you then so we'd better start getting creative now!" She grunted again as she flexed her muscles around him.

"Mmmm, well there's always," he started with a grunt, "underwater...and suspension gear...and...heh...we'll work it out," he panted with a wide grin, feeling hot jets of pre spurting into her as he held back from cumming almost on the spot, eyes tightly shut with his head back, feeling the warm rain on his face and moaning in pleasure. "Ooooh man I'm gonna cum hard..."

"Well then...how about...nng, this?!" Straining the muscles in her hips, muscles she wasn't fully accustomed to using yet, she tightened as hard as she could around his cock even before she climaxed, but her grip fluctuated as her own rising release caused her muscles to act more on their own than under her will.

"Raiiiinnn!" he howled out, arching his back and looking to the sky as he came hard, gripping her belly beneath the mud and stroking it gently as he humped her cunny. "Oooh Rain, I love you so much...."

Rain arched her own back as she felt his seed hit her cervix and spray back out around his cock, her ability to speak once again taken from her by her lover's attention. She was only able to grunt and hiss as she came with him, holding him in her even more firmly.

Hobie slowly worked the last of his cum into Rain, and panted softly, carefully lifting up out of the muck and grinning, leaning down and letting his belly rest against her backside so she could feel his baby kicking. "Mmm, I think Mistral liked that."

Her muscles remained clenched even after he finished cumming. Finally, she came down and panted to get her breath back. "Argh, Mistral's not the only one," she said with a giggle before shaking her head and putting a mud-covered hand to her temple. "Ooh, need to rest for a little, feeling kinda dizzy...guess I outdid myself, huh?"

He held her up firmly and stood up again, gently pulling himself from inside her as he panted to catch his breath. He helped her crawl out of the mud pool onto the firmer ground, turning her to lie on her back as he flopped beside her on her side, his lower half soaked in mud. "That was so hot, babe...." he murmured into her neck.

"Whew...that was unbelievable. I think that'll sate me for a while. How is it that sex gets even better as pregnancy goes on? I should ask Kera about that...." She rolled her head to face him. "But we shouldn't stay out in the rain like this. Let's start heading back, okay?"

"Heehee, if it's getting better...it's getting harder at least. Okay, love; we should get this mud out of our fur anyway." He rolled to his back and got up again, though slowly so as not to slip, looking down at his messy clothes and leaving his cock hanging out of his torn briefs and rainsuit, offering Rain a hand. "Should we leave these on, or what?"

She took his hand and slowly rose up, having to lean on him a little from still being dazed. "Do what you want, but I'm not cleaning up the mess," she said, sticking her tongue out at him cutely and starting to take off her muddy clothes.

Hobie chuckled a bit, and started to unzip his rainsuit, kissing her cheek. "It'd be better if we took these off now and walked back naked. The rain can wash us off on the way, and we can take a nice shower when we get home."

Rain murred at him as she pulled the top part of her rainsuit down, exposing her white t-shirt and bra. "Yeah, but I still wanna take a nice warm shower with you when we get back. And then give Mistral a hug. It'll be nice." She looked down at her chest and patted her breasts. "These girls are getting big," she remarked both to herself and to Hobie.

He murred as he stripped the suit off, letting it crumple in the mud, his white t-shirt nearly transparent from the water while his shorts simply fell off with nothing to hold them on. "Merf, that kid sure ruined my clothes," he quipped as he stood half-nude, peeling down his briefs and taking off his shirt, exposing his surfer-turned-mother body to her.

She giggled while she ogled him and took off the bottom half of her raingear, then her shorts and panties. "Well, so far you've ruined...well, there's really no telling how much more you've done than Mistral."

"I just enjoy blaming the baby, sweetie." He walked towards her as she stripped down, pulling up her shirt gently and looking down at his chest.

She turned her gaze to his chest as well and licked her lips. "Sooner or later, you're going to have to start wearing a bra; trust me, it's nice to go free when you can but sometimes you need support."

"Mmm, don't remind me, lover...." He wiggled a little in place, pressing himself against her.

She hugged him as she left her dirty clothes on the ground for now. "It's okay, that means they're getting ready to serve their new purpose." She pulled back and hefted her own chest a bit, still covered by her bra. "I'm the one who's going to get big, right? You can borrow my bras when you need 'em. Though it'd be nice if you left some of them intact," she said with a wink.

"I promise." He grinned before quickly reaching out and snapping her bra in half, pulling it off and firmly licking her breasts and stroking her wet body before more gently feeling her belly, crouching down to inspect it, his cock resheathed by now. "Mmmm, you're as big as I was...and soooo cute...." He licked her belly, taking in her scent.

Rain eeped at the sudden release of her breasts and murred from his attention to her belly. "Yep, I'm gonna be a big girl all right. And I know you can't wait." She softly rested her hands on his head. "I can't wait until my pups start kicking...it's going to be quite an event when they do."

"Mmm, two at once...wow, your belly will be bouncing," he said, nuzzling her belly button and kisslicking it eagerly, petting her sides and rump as he rubbed his face all over her tummy. "Mmmmm, if I keep this up we'll never get home." He stood up, his cock peeking out of his sheath again, and he sighed as he looked down, barely able to see his sheath over his belly anymore. "This makes me so damn horny," he mumbled.

She knelt and gathered her clothes in her arms. "Aww, c'mon you hornball, said the pot to the kettle." She turned and started to slowly walk away, wiggling her rump at him and winking over her shoulder.

Hobie almost forgot the clothing but grabbed it at the last moment, ducking his nose under her tail and licking over her sex firmly before standing up, his cock bobbing in front of him again. "I need to get off again, Rain...."

Rain let out a yelp at his licking of her sex and turned to face him, amazed. "Wow...you may be getting more effeminate but you can fuck like, whoa. Hmm...." She thought for a bit before she shrugged. "Can't you jerk off this time? I'm still a little sore...."

"Sure, hon, when we get back." He winked and patted her rump, walking towards the cabin with her.

She enjoyed the feeling of the rain washing some of the mud out of her fur. "Well, not as if I don't want to watch," she said before thinking, *Mm, on second thought, maybe I'll jerk you off...once we get in the shower.*

He grinned happily and nuzzled her shoulder, giving an affectionate nip. "Oooh, I think I'd like...mmm, you could use your mouth...." He was pondering the possibilities when Mistral kicked again.

She giggled and faintly felt the kick in her side, patting his tummy. "Well, it seems the ayes have it. The motion is passed...or it sure is going to be."

He chirped in amusement as they got to the cabin, opening the door and leaving the clothes on the step. "Here, leave them here, we'll deal with them when it stops raining." Rain did so and shook herself a bit before stepping inside, looking at him over her shoulder and motioning with her head to follow him, licking her lips. Hobie didn't need a second invitation to follow his sexy girl, shaking himself off too and holding his belly.

She led him to the bathroom and reached in to turn on the shower. Once it reached the appropriate temperature, she gently pulled him in and passionately kissed him. "Despite how hard it was at first, and how hard it might become, I'm glad I can share my pregnancy with you...and with yours."

"Mmm, me too sweetheart," he groaned as she pulled him to her, pressing belly to belly; at their size it still allowed them to kiss but Mistral kicked against Rain's firm tummy.

"Yes, I love you too, Mistral," she said as she continued to kiss Hobie before pulling back to look him in the eyes. "You know, Hobie...I absolutely love being around water. I know, it's part of being an otter, but...for me, it goes a little further. Swimming, bathing, having sex in the rain...I don't just enjoy water, I feel as if I have a spiritual connection to it. I love it so much that, when these two come," she rubbed her belly, "I really want to have them here, with you...and have them come into the world while underwater." Her eyes were full of hope for his acceptance.

Hobie nodded gently, stroking her tummy too and lovingly smiling back at her. "I do too my dear. I want to have mine with you, in the water...though with my luck, heaven knows I'll probably be surfing or diving when I go into labor...." He chuckled at the thought, his hands kneading her belly gently.

She giggled and patted the swell of Hobie's bump, smiling at his unborn pup. "Well, don't be in too much of a hurry, okay, Mistral? I want to be with you from the moment you're born." She smiled up at Hobie again and slowly descended to her knees, inviting him to sit and lean against the back of the shower.

He crouched down slowly and nodded, spreading his legs, folding them to fit in the shower as his thick shaft stood up proudly between his legs, his cunny swollen and wet beneath his ballsack. "Mmmm, babe.."

"Heehee...I love it when you call me that." She calmly moved over to him and took a tentative lick of his shaft, smacking her lips from the taste of his pre and the remnants of her juices on it before starting to slide it into her mouth, letting her tongue rub its underside.

Hobie shuddered and moaned loudly as she took him inside her muzzle, grunting and leaning back, putting his hands on his belly while the warm water cascaded down over them. "Ooooh yeah, lover, gods that feels nice..."

Rain murred down his shaft, loving how hot it was and the feeling of it pulsing in her mouth with his accelerating heartbeat. She started to move her mouth up and down over it; she wasn't very good at suppressing the gag reflex yet so she took as much in as she was able.

Hobie groaned louder as his lover worked his cock, warm spurts of pre coming every several seconds while his moans increased, sliding his hands along the bottom of the shower while Mistral thumped inside his belly, seemingly aware of his or her mother's fervent panting. "Ooooh Rain, mmmmfff, not gonna be long...!" he groaned.

She took that as her cue and held as much of him in her mouth as she could in one go and sucked it hard, quickly moving to center her weight on her knees and moving her hands to Hobie's femsex, tweaking his clit.

The otterboy squeaked and howled lustfully as she teased both his genders at once, shuddering and spurting thick cream into her mouth, humping so firmly that his rear lifted off the floor, his tail thumping against the wet basin while a hand held his belly, hoping to calm the eager pup inside him. "Mmmmmf goodssss...so hot...."

She gave a muffled "Mmf!" as his shaft hit the back of her mouth and his cum jetted down her throat before she was ready, having to withdraw her head and cough as he came on her face. "*cough* Dammit *cough cough* gotta prac*cough*tice...."

Several seconds passed before Hobie came down from his climax and could sit up with some difficulty, leaning in to put his arms around Rain and pull her close to him, stroking her breasts and belly with his hands. "Aww, sweetie, I'm sorry...if you don't like it, we don't have to do that," he said quietly.

Rain gave a few more hacks before she could breathe more normally after she cleared her throat and took a deep breath, opening her mouth to swish it out with the shower water and spit. "It's okay...I just didn't expect you to both jerk up like that and to cum so hard after sex."

He giggled a bit, gently stroking her tummy as he kissed her neck. "Well, you know how boys are...heehee, especially horny pregnant ones when a sexy otteress swollen with his pups is sucking on his cock," he explained with a wink.

She gently leaned against him as he rubbed her tummy and kissed her. "Mmm...yep, we're both getting big with pups...and I'm loving every second of it, good and bad." She sighed in contentment as she put her hands on his and nuzzled his cheek.

Hobie leaned back against the wall again, stroking her tummy and closing his eyes, resting with his lover even as one of their pups wriggled about inside him. "Heehee, this isn't the easiest way to hold you now, with her back against me, but I guess it sort of works."

Her smile widened at feeling Hobie's son or daughter kick at her back. "I guess Mistral disagrees. How about we wash off for real and then take a little nap? The bed would probably be more comfortable." She licked Hobie's cheek.

He nodded in agreement. "Probably, dear." He chuckled and slowly got to his feet, giving his lover a hand.

Rain carefully rose to stand and reached for the shampoo, turning off the shower for the moment so she could lather herself and Hobie up. "I do you, you do me," she said with a smile. She put a dollop of the substance in her hands as she worked it on Hobie's front, paying special attention to his breasts and belly.

"Ooooh, that feels good," he moaned as he leaned back, lifting his arms, and his cock stiffened a bit from her attention to his increasingly sensitive A-cup breasts and his swollen tummy. "Mmmm, so sexy...."

She murred and kissed him. "Right back atcha, stud." She gently spun him around and lathered his back before she scrubbed his head, careful to keep the shampoo out of his eyes. Then she pulled back a little and said, "Your turn," holding her arms out.

The slick, soapy otter grinned and took the shampoo. Instead of putting a little of it on his hands, he squirted a wavy line of it over Rain's breasts and belly, grinning and doing the same to himself before sliding his hands all over her slick body, pressing their bellies together. "Mmm, good girl...all sudsy...."

She groaned and leaned her head back. "Ohh, you know I love it when you touch me like that...." She moaned loudly as he rubbed her breasts. "Yeah, feel my breasts...they're getting big for the pups...."

His hands kneaded her slippery breasts and nipples while his tummy rubbed against her own, his cock bumping against her crotch again. "Mmmmf, at this rate we'll never get out of the shower...."

Rain looked down at his shaft and raised an eyebrow in her pleasurable daze. "Damn...you deserve a medal if you can get it up three times in a row." She turned the shower back on and washed off the suds, their short fur soft and pleasant to the touch again.

Hobie chuckled and rinsed himself off, wriggling dry and turning the water off once they were both clean. "Yeah, well, it's the hormones...." He stepped out and offered a towel to Rain. "Most guys don't get to experience this."

"Well, that's their loss, isn't it? I know quite well that I shift into horniness without warning, but who'd've thought it'd be so favorable for guys?" Rain got out of the shower and toweled herself off. "Guess that's yet another reason to love it, huh?" she remarked with a knowing grin.

He nodded, smiling widely. "Definitely. Aside from making messes, of course..." He put his towel on the rack, taking her hand and leading her into the bedroom for a nap.

She followed him in and lay down on the bed, leaning on her side and opening her arms to offer herself for snuggling. "I wanna hug Mistral while we sleep, he or she suddenly sound like a very appealing sleep partner." She looked at the yet-unborn pup with a loving smile.

"Mmmm...I'd love that, sweetie. But you'll have to snuggle me at the same time for now." He giggled and nestled close to her, into his lover's gentle embrace, feeling her belly pressing up against him.

Rain rested her face at the base of the back of Hobie's neck, rubbing his tummy and pressing her body against his. "As much as I can't wait to see our pups...I'm going to miss being pregnant. I'm feeling closer to you and to our pups every day even if it's going to get harder to snuggle like this." She licked his collarbone.

He nodded softly, slowly closing his eyes and yawning a bit. "Mmm.. well...there's always the next pregnancy, sweetheart..."

She sighed contentedly as she closed her eyes. "See you later, Hobie," she patted his belly, "and you quite a bit later," she said quietly before starting to drift off.

Tides Ch. 5: Rain's Worst Day

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain, Kera and Dove...

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Tides Ch. 3: Let Me Show You

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain and Kera (c)...

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Wild Ch. 2: Wish Granted

Love in the Wild Chapter 2: Wish Granted This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Enough of my "critique discouraged" stuff....

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