Next Level Prologue: Triple-S

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#1 of The Next Level

This is the result of an RP between Snowfur and me, and I must say, I think he pushed me to new heights. First time I ever RPed such a fierce action scene, and I hope I can do it again. In case anyone's wondering, yep, these Pokémon are based offa the Pokémon we had in the games ^_^


Snow and his team: Him, Snowfur.

Evertide and his team: Me, Evertide.

Pokémon and the world in which they live (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

There is a mention or two of sexual-ish stuff, but I don't think it really warrants a mature tag.

Hidden in Hoenn's desert, there is an arena for battles that involve Pokémon of such great power that the area is strictly off limits to everyone except Elite Four members and league champions, past or present. Even Team Rocket, Team Aqua and Team Magma very seldom let their schemes involve this place; after all, it's off limits not because it would put those in it (when it's inhabited) in danger, but because here there are very few rules and Pokémon must only mind their trainers' safety and do not have any need to hold back. Here today, lines of fate will collide and the trainers and Pokémon they represent will never be the same.

"A three-on-three battle, no time limit, and no rank limit?" an anthro arctic fox called to his opponent. Before him stood a female Eevee anthro. His opponent, a yellow-brown canine, nodded.

The Eevee walked into the arena, cracked her neck and stood at the ready, a sly grin on her face. On the other side the anthro blink dog grinned right back at her and pointed to the arena. Shaking the ground a little with each step, a male Aggron came out from the booth and entered the arena to stand before her. The Eevee chuckled and licked her lips.

"Vixxen, show him how it's done!" her trainer shouted.

She nodded and, in an instant, was at a full run, starting the battle off with Quick Attack. She blinked around the arena before appearing over her opponent's left shoulder and planting a firm kick to the side of his head.

The blink dog just chuckled. "C'mon, Snow, she can't hurt Doomtrain with that!" he teased. Indeed, said Aggron smirked and gave Vixxen a good punch, knocking her away.

Snow winced and watched Vixxen skitter across the ground. She quickly bounded back to her feet, thinking of her next move for only a moment before she giggled and blew a kiss at Doomtrain, Charming him. A slight blush spread across Doomtrain's cheeks as his smirk became a calmer smile. He almost had to force himself to run at her and attack with an Iron Tail. Her eyes went wide and she barely managed to put up a Barrier, but it did not fully stop the attack as she smashed into the rear wall of the arena, fell off the wall and did not get back up.

Snow rushed to her side and carried her to his booth, where a small med station and his spare Revives waited. He came back followed by a muscular Grovyle. "You won that one, Evertide, but this round will be mine. Get 'em, Tai-Rain."

Doomtrain had since retreated and given his blink dog trainer a high five (actually, Evertide just gave him a high five so as not to break his hand, of course), returning to the comfort of his Luxury Ball. Evertide's eyes narrowed a bit: he had the perfect Pokémon to deal with this one, but he wanted to save that one in case he lost this fight, which was unlikely even though there was a type disadvantage on his part. He pulled another Luxury Ball off of his belt and opened it, not threw it. As the Pokémon took form in its designated area, it started the middle of the desert? The form took the shape of...Kyogre. "Go for it, Blue October."

Tai-rain stood unflinching at the site of the legendary Pokémon, but a small grin cracked his snout as he clenched his paws, rushed forwards and leapt in the air at the Pokémon swiping his claws repeatedly and relentlessly at Blue October, coming out of the gate with one of his best moves: Fury Cutter. Blue October reacted fast, pushing Tai-Rain away with a fin and shooting a point-blank Ice Beam, hoping to freeze its opponent solid and then take the chance to power up and finish it off. The move connected and the Grovyle flew back and landed on his hind legs, still going strong. He cupped his paws at his side and began to charge a move up. He pushed his paws forward and released a Solar Beam at him, the force of the attack pushing Tai-Rain back several feet and causing Snow to shade his eyes with his hands. The rain weakened the Solar Beam but the difference in experience was obvious as the Kyogre was also blown back, nearly unable to see from the brilliant energy. Blue October shook its head and blinked its eyes repeatedly until it collapsed on the ground.

Evertide sighed and pulled out its Ball, beaming it back in. "Ah, you did your best...and it's nice to have some rain here," he said with a chuckle. Indeed, thanks to the Pokémon's special ability, it would continue to rain until another Pokémon changed it.

Tai-Rain chuckled and dusted his paws off, giving Ever a thumbs down before walking out of the arena as Snow shouted, "Looks like a tie. I suggest you pick your last Pokémon well, I already know mine." He stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled. A loud whoosh resounded through the arena as an anthro Charizard femme swooped into view and landed in her space. A simple leather wrap covered her naughty bits and held her impressive cleavage in place. A few scars marring her muscular form became visible as she stood to her full eight-foot height. "Meet Charm," Snow said knowingly.

Evertide's eyes opened wide. "THE Charm? One of only half a dozen triple-S Pokémon in the known world? Huh...didn't know you'd call in a celebrity."

Snow chuckled. "I raised her from a newborn Charmander. She is my greatest accomplishment in training."

The powerful female chuckled and shook her head. "You old blowhard, Snow." She looked back to Ever, clicking her tongue and winking to him. "Come on, big boy, show me who I'm going to be battling. And try not to make it too boring, okay?"

Evertide nodded and took out a third Luxury Ball, his grin having vanished and been replaced by his serious game face. He opened it while pointing it upwards: the Blaziken it contained turned a few somersaults before it landed. It slowly stood upright and regarded its opponent, a similarly serious look on its face. Then it grinned. "First time I've ever fought another triple-S Pokémon. This should be fun," it said in a masculine voice. He was built pretty much as Blazikens are usually built: a powerful balance of speed and strength. "Heard of me at all? Name's Solar."

She smirked and shook her head. "No, but I will flatten you nonetheless." Still smirking, she began to ready herself for battle, her body temperature rising to a point that the drops of rain sizzled when they hit her flesh. "This will get annoying," she grumbled, taking a deep breath and shooting a huge gout of fire into the low-hanging clouds, blasting them away in a makeshift Sunny Day move. Returning her attention to her opponent, she hesitated a moment before rushing forwards and tried to clothesline him with her thick arm.

Seeing that this was no joke, Solar immediately struck a fighting stance as his heart rate increased; he was already getting a thrill. He ducked under her arm and swept his leg at her feet, trying to knock her off balance. She stumbled and balanced herself with a hand. She whipped her tail at him, the brightly-burning tip hitting him on the chest and knocking him back, but he caught himself on the ground with his footclaws. No sooner did she spin around than did she stand back up and take another deep breath, fully filling her lungs and letting out a Flamethrower.

Solar used the momentum from being knocked back to spring up into the air above and over the Fire attack, coming right at her with a Hi Jump Kick, his feet having gone ablaze from his excitement. She bore the full brunt of the attack and staggered back, but she also grabbed his foot, swung him around, and tossed him towards the wall as she fell. Solar hit the wall hard: she flung him with such force that he wasn't able to break his fall as he crashed right through the wall. Charm slowly got back to her feet, shaking cobwebs from her head and patting the foot mark in the middle of her face.

It took a few seconds before Solar walked through the rubble, breathing heavily but still not losing his rush. "Wow...such a fearsome woman..." he said with a wide grin.

She smirked, also breathing heavily as she hunched over in preparation to launch herself at him. "Of course, I'm a Charizard...though you're not half bad yourself," she responded, licking her lips.

His eyes widened in excitement...Evertide knew that look and started to back away. Solar chuckled. "And you're still going strong. Now that's what I want to...." He pulled his clenched fists to his side as his entire body tensed up, not only using Bulk Up but letting his adrenaline empower him as his body erupted into a fiery aura and he cried, "SEEEE!" He squatted for a moment and broke into a run at her, leaving a trail of fire behind him.

She launched herself at him with such force that her feet left small craters in the ground. When they met she spun around swinging her tail at him again, then let lose a volley of punches and kicks. Solar met her punch for punch: she may have been bigger and had more reach but he was almost literally made for melee combat. Charm ended her combo with a point blank Heat Wave, a wave of fire radiating from her entire body and turning what clothing she wore to cinders. The whole arena around them went up in flames, completely encircling the Pokémon and their trainers, who also backed away as the flames shoot up in front of their booths: the booths were made to resist all forms of Pokémon attacks, but the trainers didn't know if the booths could endure a battle between two very excited triple-S-level Pokémon. "Oh he's done it...." Snow muttered.

Even Solar was amazed by how fast Charm could ready such powerful Fire attacks: she clearly had the authority there. He would have been blown away by the Heat Wave but he got a grip on her, bringing his harder-than-steel leg muscles to bear on her in a pair of knees to her gut as he pushed off of her. Charm was so enraged in the moment she barely even felt the pain as she danced back and placed her arms out to her sides, her fingers open. Two streams of flames came from the wall of fire and encircled her body. She put her nose to the sky and let out a huge roar, clenched her body, and released a spiraling Flame Wheel, the attack coming at Solar much faster than any Flame Wheel he had ever seen. Solar raised his crossed arms over his head as the attack crashed down on him, the fire so hot that the rock beneath him started to crack. His fiery aura wavered for a moment and some of his feathers were singed off, including half of his headfeathers, but he remained rock steady. Hoping to catch her off guard, he sprung at her again and leapt upwards from right in front of her with a Sky Uppercut, letting out a great battle cry. She was hit under her chin, a spurt of blood issuing from her lips as she grabbed his ankle and slammed him on the ground, slamming her huge foot down on his chest and causing Solar to cough up his own spurt of blood as she began to push down, fully enraged as she tried to crush him, a wild look on her face.

Snow shouted across to Evertide, "We can't let this go on much longer, she's in heat, she will try to kill him!"

Evertide was himself starting to become fearful for their lives. At this rate their Pokémon would completely disregard their own safety as well as that of their trainers. He called back over to Snow, "What?! You let her compete while she was in heat?!"

Snow again shielded his face from the heat and yelled back, "You ever try to tell a Charizard no? She insisted she was under control!!"

Solar hissed through clenched teeth as he pushed against her foot with all his might, growling as his usually hidden muscles showed up clearly on his skin. He finally gave a huge heave and pushed her off, springing to his feet and winding up for a straight-on punch. Charm roared and thrust her arm forwards, their fists colliding before their other fists did likewise. They unclenched their fists and locked hands, pushing against each other with all their might. Charm's body temperature started to rise again, now so high that the air around her caught fire as the Heat Wave grew in intensity.

Solar dug his footclaws into the ground, his leg muscles straining as their blood vessels stood out even through his feathers. His pupils were fully narrowed, his jaw was clenched shut, and he met her fierce glare as his he cried out in his lust for battle and his aura turned blue with its intensity. Strange...even so stressed, he had time to appreciate her strength. Yes...yes...this was what he be pushed as far as he can go against another willing combatant.

Evertide felt the heat of their fire start to encroach on him...that was bad. He pulled out a Revive and slipped the gemlike medicine into Blue October's Ball, calling out to Snow, "Quick, get over here!"

Taking Vixxen's Ball, the arctic fox took the long way around to avoid the flames and sprinted into Evertide's booth. "What are you thinking?" he asked, panting from fear and excitement.

The blink dog brought Blue October out of its Luxury Ball right there in the booth: they were quite crowded but it needed to be done. "Blue, cover us in a water bubble!" The legendary Pokémon did as asked: the booth was surrounded by an ever-replenishing dome of water and the heat could no longer reach them.

The Pokémon continued to push against each other with everything they had. The fire around Charm grew stronger as a barely perceptible scent filled the air. Her face twisted in feral rage, she began to snap at Solar's face with her maw, her dagger-like teeth snapping together inches from his face and flinging her saliva all over his fire aura; at this point, even her spit was so hot that it sizzled in midair before it turned to steam on his fire aura, which was becoming bigger as he drew on the depths of his power. They were locked in place, both of them pushing their bodies to their limits as the two unbelievably powerful Pokémon met each other's pure power head-on, neither of them able to overpower the other.

Finally, they disengaged their grips at the same time and threw their heads forward, colliding hard enough that the collision was like thunder. Solar staggered back, his vision blurring as blood ran down his face and he stumbled before his aura wavered and finally went out. He chuckled and gave Charm a thumbs-up before his eyes rolled back and he hit the ground face-first. Charm wavered on her feet a few seconds longer than Solar before falling on her back with a thud, the Heat Wave dying out and leaving the burnt remnants of the entire arena except for Evertide's booth in its wake.

The trainers looked at the devastation, completely at a loss for words for a few seconds before Evertide shook his head and patted Blue. "Thanks, we needed that. Now how about calling up some rain, okay?" The water bubble disappeared and the Pokémon waved its fins a little, the sky clouding over and rain coming down within seconds.

Snow looked around the steaming arena, shock on his face. "Wow...not even when we went up against the Elite Four did she leave so much destruction...."

The blink dog returned his attention to Snow. "I know what you mean. Win or lose, I've never seen Solar get so excited...that was kind of scary for a minute."

They walked over to their Pokémon, letting Blue October maintain the rain, which hissed as it hit the two Pokémon's bodies and brought up clouds of steam when it hit the smoldering ruins of the arena. Tai-Rain poked his head above a pile of rubble, looking quite frightened as he quickly ran to Snow and the comparative safety of his Ball. Evertide knelt down beside Solar, not touching the Blaziken yet as Solar's body temperature was still too high. "You really gave it your all, buddy...I'm proud of you," he said quietly.

Snow knelt down by Charm. Her eyes slowly fluttered half open and she coughed tiredly. Snow tentatively touched her snout a few times then hugged her head. "I told you, I knew you would lose control. That's it, you're going into retirement." She weakly opened her mouth to try to argue nothing would come out. Snow put a white paw on the end of her snout. "Charm, I know it's hard to swallow, but I have to put my foot down this time. I will not hear any argument. Even if it takes me finding you a mate, this was your last battle." The Charizard looked him in the eyes for a few seconds before she finally passed out.

The blink dog turned his head and was going to speak up, but he let Snow do as he wished. It was his decision, after all. He went to Snow and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey...good match, Snow. You raised a real champion," he said hopefully.

Snow nodded and stood up, smiling over his shoulder at Evertide. "Thanks. You and Solar definitely earned his triple-S level, too." He looked back at Charm. "But I am now sure this is her last fight. I am afraid the next time she may lose control and never get it back. I've done my research on Charizard breeding, but she's gone above and beyond almost any Charizard in known history. Her heats are getting worse the longer she goes without mating." He took a deep breath. "I think...I think she needs to find a lifemate...and get pregnant...I really do. I think it would do her temperament wonders, along with her mindset."

Evertide cocked his head. "Hmm...well, I certainly wouldn't want her to lose who she was...but it's your decision, and I respect that. Just...please involve her too, okay?"

Snow nodded again. "Of course, I could never force something so important on her. It will be her choice, but...that I have not given her that choice is what I am getting at. It's my fault this happened. I always push her so hard and she always says that she enjoys every second of it." He knelt down and rubbed the top of her head with a paw. "I just want her to experience other things besides battling. Like...nurturing and caring for a life instead of fighting one. You know, what's really important; I love her too much to not let her know such things."

Evertide nodded, smiling gently. "I do indeed." He walked back over to Solar and was about to recall him when he changed his mind: Solar was too proud to return to his Ball now and he wouldn't want to accept healing right there. He loved being worn out, which didn't happen often. Trying to lighten the mood, Evertide smiled at Snow over his shoulder. "Well, what a last battle, huh? I know we can count on Solar to keep her in shape. But...I think a little celebration and retirement party is in order. By league rules, they both dealt their finishing blows at the same time, so this is a tie. That means I'm splitting the party with you."

Snow smirked and gently patted Charm on the snout. "Deal."

Mateship Prologue: Consummation

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Wild Ch. 3: Mutual Prices

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