Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 8

Story by Zelosh on SoFurry

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#8 of Eternal Door

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or offensive. Read at your own risk.

With that, enjoy your stay inside The Eternal Door.


Eternal Door

"I'd risk it, just for you"

"Help... me..." That look and croaked voice said it all, but it still kept a fiery demeanor. The face seemed to only show half the emotion it was meant to, contorted as two expressions were shown simultaneously. One of anguish, one of calm flame. "It's... crawling, get it out! Get it out of my head!" The voice was hoarse and though using great efforts to yell it came out a bit quiet. Even the throat struggled to gain control and give sound to the emotions. The actions of the left hand went unseen by the right, one leg fought to direct the body one way while the other another way. The body was split between two masters. "I won't let it control me..." It sobbed and begged simultaneously.

Jessica didn't know what to do, this was beyond terrifying, this was her friend! He was in pain, that much was obvious, but she couldn't advance any further, glued to the spot. A deep, throaty growl escaped what use to be Ryan, but was soon exchanged with nothing more than incoherent whines characterizing him as nothing but pitiful and confused. Whatever they did to him, Jessica really didn't want to find out, but she had to figure out how to help him! He would continue to growl occasionally though, how could she approach?

Taking a nervous step forward Jessica was instantly met with a thunderous roar causing her to stumble backwards. The vines and overgrowth around Ryan began moving, or rather pulling. He cried out in despair as he was yanked forward by the growth coming from his back, taking him from the small circular room he had been in. "NO!" The only sign left that it was still Ryan was the desperate struggling and yelling propelled by fear, but then he changed. Permanently. It went berserk, it thrashed, it writhed, and it was angry.

All of the sudden, the green beast charged unhindered by the figurative chains coming from its back. She could only dive behind some of the larger vines surrounding the walls to get out of the way, something she soon regretted. Out of nowhere she was attacked, the foliage nearby entwined around her figure and began to bind her. "Let me go!" She found herself being jerked about, the vines clearly having no specific goal in mind other than to feel her up. Just when she thought she had gotten free the glare of the beast ahead made her instinctively slam into the wall again.

Jessica murmured a quick string of cuss words as she noticed a familiar horizontal hole in the wall. Reacting instantly she shoved her card in hoping for a good outcome. She didn't know if that thing planned on charging again, but either way before it could a low hissing sound caught its attention. Though she didn't know entirely where it was coming from, the whole section of the hallway she was in filled up with some kind of dark green gas. It made her gag, the smell was horrid, and alarms were raised as she realized this was poison. Not poison for her apparently. Just as she had thought she would die in a few seconds the tight grip the plants held on her faded and went limp.

The beast couldn't enter into the gas cloud as it killed everything green alive in there, which could only mean that there was consequences for it in such an action. Jessica, relieved for the moment, met its gaze for only a moment before it turned and stalked off down some other hallway. Even though her adrenaline still pumped hard the danger was gone for now, but on both sides of the smog she was in was infested with the very thing the smog tried to kill. At the very least she waited a minute before stepping out of her comfort zone.

Back at the last four way intersection she had been in, she noticed that Ryan had gone right while to the left, back to where she had come from, had grown darker. Similar to the path she had seen before. The only white corridor left was straight ahead, and she was starting to get a bit distressed about the ways the paths changed. If the darkness was anything like the vines, it would continue to spread, and she sure as hell wasn't going to stick around to measure the rate at which it did.

Running headlong straight ahead she waited until she was far enough away to even consider stopping. She only saw white now, besides the signs at intersections that is. She had to figure these out somehow. Surely the arrows meant something or else they wouldn't be there at all! It was just a matter of figuring that out.

The one with the frogs and lizards could mean... a trap? She also considered if it had anything to do with Jack, which might make sense since he's a lizard. To its left was one arrow that looked like a thermometer and pointed upwards whereas if it got hotter the liquid would get closer to the tip. That one could have something to do with heat or maybe it was to represent danger? Say there's a lot of danger and the liquid rose? It seemed relatively steady in the middle with the arrow not rising or falling though. Another one had a glass case filled with water and... oil? Tainted water essentially? Maybe if it represented innocence or something along those lines it would point her to Kid?

_ Why does it have to be this difficult?!_ There were tons of arrows, all could hold different meanings and metaphors. All the things she had come up with seemed like really good ideas but she couldn't truly tell what was right or not. In fact, it seemed more like her mind was running off on its own rather than letting her think rationally. How did one think rationally looking at this anyway? This was an ADD kid's nightmare, or heaven depending on how one thinks of it. She decided to just take her chances with the whole water and innocence thing and head off to the right.

_ White, white, and more, you guessed it, white! I feel like I'm in an insane asylum..._ Then again she probably was considering all that had happened already. Seriously, if she wasn't crazy by now she was sure to be by the end of this. She had to find Kid though right? They had to all survive. The thoughts added vigor to her stride as she frantically was trying to find something, anything, that wasn't white or pointing in a random direction. She felt herself sweat at the realization she was going nowhere fast and that Kid might get hurt, god forbid if she even considers anything worse happening, if Jessica didn't get there on time. Ryan had gone completely insane, and if she failed would he stay like that? Their screams and pain still echoed in the back of her mind as they begged to get out of those coffins. Now that they were out it might have been better if they stayed in.

The canine stopped, forcing herself to halt her frantic pace. She needed to calm down. This wasn't the trial of fear for nothing, but at the same time she was wondering if she had been more scared during the first trial. At that time they were being chased as prey, surely if she could handle that she could handle this? That was the thing though, nothing was chasing her at all. What she was scared of had nothing to do with what she could see or know, it was what she didn't see and didn't know.

Shaking her head slightly she adjusted her ruffled clothing and calmly proceeded to head to the left, hoping to encounter something new. Passing a card slot she quickly stuck her card in and noticed the trap showed up behind her so she continued on. Once again she aimlessly ran along the halls, that is until she noticed the hallway she was in suddenly end. She would've fallen over the edge if she hadn't noticed last minute, the white walls all blended in together so it was impossible to really tell until she got close.

Where she ended up was a large open room whereas she was close to the ceiling. There was another entrance like hers at the other end of the space, but to her left and right the hallways were on ground level. Peeking over the edge she could see that it would be a good eight foot fall, something she might be able to handle if she was prepared. Go down or go back? It was a tough decision, as it would be harder to go this way but going back always had that feeling of lost time to it. She wanted to be getting somewhere even if that somewhere was the wrong way.

Behind the sound of metal clicking into place resounded down the hall. Seems like her trap had been activated, which meant going backwards was now virtually impossible. However, just as she was about to climb down she noticed something metallic in the corner of her eye. Just in the nick of time her reflexes caused her to jolt out of the way of a pointed object about to crush her head. Consequently, she fell prematurely and landed with a thud, her legs did little to cushion the fall as her tail bone took most of the damage. Crying out she tried to ignore the pain in order to identify the assailant.

Its lithe body snaked across the cold steel upon which it stood. The left entrance had changed and out from it grew a mesh of metal grates and barb wire. The projectile used against her was like a giant claw connected by strong wire that pulled it back to the main body. The monster was like a cyborg except the technology was crude and unappealing. Atop its back were rows of silvery spikes and swords. One particularly large horn like sword adorned its head. As far as skin goes, it had unevenly cut fur that was mostly shades of brown brown except for the streaks of silver that intricately marked its body in circular patterns.

Jessica didn't have to think twice to know who this was, even the look in the beast's eyes told her it was none other than Gil. Getting up quickly, her behind still aching, she attempted to dash for the only exit left. However, she paused and noticed it was making no move to come after her. No, Gil was making no move to attack her.

He stood there looking dumbfounded and scared. Once again he reached a metal claw out towards her but withdrew figuring that the same thing would happen twice. The way his eyes begged for release practically screamed "help me." Same with the way he wanted to reached out to her but somehow knew he couldn't without hurting her. There was fear and confusion, the instinctive reaction was to reach for comfort but he tried to resist. He couldn't think clearly about what was going on, but he knew he shouldn't reached out again.

Jessica didn't wait for long though, even if this was Gil she wasn't stupid enough to get close, but his eyes tore into her soul. If only she could see it as simply deceptive, a monster trying to pull her into a trap, but those eyes were real. Gil's pain was real. Sorry Gil... Her thoughts floated on behind her as her rush for the exit continued. This time Gil lurched forward not wanting to see her leave, sending spikes trailing after her.

She was quick enough but she had to hurry if she was going to make it. Now that he was directly behind her, giving chase as the walls around him were smothered in that mesh, his shots would go directly at her. He roared, but it sounded like a desperate plea. He didn't want to hurt her, but he felt so cold. He felt the coldness of the machine he had become, he didn't want that. It scared him to think he was nothing more than fur and metal. He didn't want to submit, didn't want to lose himself, didn't want to be a slave to this machine. Every gear that turn, every tick of his core, spoke of death in a lonely world full of snow. How cold...

Jessica's break came when the path became a ramp going upwards, allowing the change of direction to be a form of escape. Though she barely survived by the hair of her heel, at least she had managed to stay one step ahead of the persistent onslaught. She was going to make it she knew it, her hopes only increased as she passed a card slot and pushed the master key in. Almost like it read her mind the trap appeared behind her in the form of shifting white plates on the ground.

The second the lanky monster passed over it the ground under it gave way. The tiles that made up the seamless smooth floor crumbled as gravity continued to pull him down. The collapsed floor continued to spread until it was clear that no matter how much it tried to latch onto something it'd fall either way. Gil wouldn't have it though, he wouldn't accept his fate, not like this. Before he could fall into the darkness below he shot a thick wire out hoping to grab hold of something. Before Jessica could respond the wire snatched her leg and the spikes that covered it dug in drawing blood. She yelp and was hardly given a second before the weight of the beast easily dragged her down into the pit with it. As her body slid over the edge and into nothingness, her screams slowly dissipating as they were heard of no more.

* * *

The area was dimly lit and rank of something awful. The air was moist, like trying to breathe underwater, and all her fur felt glued to her body. Jessica's breathing came out heavily as she stretched her limbs but quickly clung to the ropes she was on as they swung dangerously back and forth. Actually, they didn't feel like ropes at all and were extremely thick. A sharp pain in her leg told her what had happened, and she immediately recognized the thick ropes as her savior as they had broken her fall.

Looking down she found it hard to see but light broke in from cracks in the ceiling. Using whatever was hanging around she slowly made it to the ground which was covered in an ankle deep pool of water. The ropes she had been climbing looked strangely green and branched off in many directions as it covered the room. There was also noticeably metal glinting in the light, and every time she saw something reflecting light she avoided it knowing it could very well impale her foot if stepped on.

Looking around, the room was indecipherable. She couldn't tell what the dimension were, nor why or how there were holes in the ceiling. The room was crowded with all the various things hanging from the walls and covering the ground, which explains why she couldn't figure the room out. I can hardly see anything... shit what am I going to do?!

As if on cue her eye caught the smooth gliding of a metal tail as the cyborg creature circled her in the darkness. Now that she knew it was there it was rather easier to see it, but that didn't make things much better. Gil was long gone now, apparently losing whatever inner battle that had occurred within his head. It was about ready to pounce and attack her, her life would be forfeit in a matter of seconds.

In desperation Jessica quickly ran through the recesses of her mind trying to find something, ANYTHING, that would save her before she was killed by her own friend. Wait... friend? Did I really start considering him my friend? Even after he... Even after he what? Jessica's eyes opened wide with realization. "That's it!" She exclaimed excitedly, not caring that she had said it out loud. Unphased by her shouting it crouched, moments away from attacking, but was stopped last second. "You going to kill me Gil? You would do that wouldn't you?!" The mechanical beast stopped temporarily as a flicker of emotion crossed over its muzzle. "Yeah you heard me! So come on already, why don't you kill me, again!" She put lots of emphasis on the word "again" and got immediate results. Gil had heard her.

"What..." The voice sounded almost computer generated but it was Gil alright.

"Remember Gil? I died by fire, remember? THINK! Remember that it's your fault I died!" The creature reeled like it had hit, the word remember had been repeated enough times to get him actually trying to remember. Jessica felt a bit guilty doing this to him, the suffering she was causing through simple words was evident, but it wasn't far from the truth. Besides, she had to survive, they all had to, so she would do whatever to took. "So hurry it up! You're about to get us all killed, but that shouldn't bother you right? Especially after you kidnapped me! So come on, let it be like it was then. First by fire, now by your cold, metal hands!"

Gil completely fell back, fully in control as tears flooded down his face. "No... no! I... I!" He kept opening and closing his eyes, pupils dilating before changing back as his entire being shook. He could remember, he could see her face in his mind's eye. Then he could see his claws as he brought them up in desperation. A hellish scream rolled off his tongue and he writhed on the ground. "NO! Make it stop! I didn't... that wasn't my intention I..." Jessica knew she needn't say anything else, she couldn't anyway. She felt herself tearing up as pity filled every pour in her body for the wretched mess before her. He was in a pit of despair he might never recover from, and she only now began to question the necessity of her actions. "I'm sorry... I'M SORRY! I didn't want to... I swear..." He blubbered incoherently as the memories finished coming back to him and he crumpled into a depressed heap.

She really should never had said anything and just ran, and now she knew why. An inhuman growl rumbled nearby, literally shaking the room as it rose and deepened all at the same time. It was more like an enraged earthquake than it was growling, but she knew what it was by whom it came from. The hulking monster had been in the room the entire time it seems, something she should have noticed from the start simply because of all the vines around. It would have done nothing, but just like how she had awoken Gil from the darkness, she had awoken Ryan. And Ryan was pissed.

It wasted no time in launching an attack on its mechanical adversary, immediately sending them both into a brawl. Gil changed almost instantly, losing himself once more to the fiend within, but Ryan was wide awake in his anger. "I'LL KILL YOU!" They rolled and tumbled over each other, clawed and bit one another. Metal would fly only to be blocked by thick roots, vines would bind only to be shredded by quick blades.

Jessica did all she could to just dodge the raging battle, and she noticed the door nigh shrouded by vines. Apparently that's how Ryan got down there. She wanted to say something but now was not the time or place. She couldn't stop Ryan who was practically ready to kill her if she interfered, ironic considering he fought because of her. I'm sorry you guys... I promise to complete the trial.

It was all she could do for them, so she ran out tears streaming now more than ever. She was a coward who when faced with giants never stood up against them, but what choice did she really have? Complete the trial and everyone would be saved right? No one had to die as long as she did her job right? Even if she was lying herself she'd hold onto this one thread of hope and proceed onwards.

She reached the top of a staircase and found herself back in the white halls. Turning left she ran and ran and ran and turned left and turned right and ran and... Oh who am I kidding?! I have no idea where I am! She didn't stop though, she couldn't stop. Not now, not ever. She didn't care if this damn curse would follow her forever, she wouldn't let anyone else die. However, the second she thought about it she instantly regretted it. She wasn't suppose to think about the past anymore, it was far behind her. All that mattered what was happening here and now.

Rounding a corner Jessica found herself begin to slide but managed to quickly balanced herself so she wouldn't fall. There was some kind of goop on the floor that made it slippery. She would have to be more careful if she were to... is that red? The ground was red, red splattered everywhere! She slipped on something red, she slipped on... blood? Was it blood? It seemed similar to blood, but somehow the plasma seemed thicker.


Jessica felt a dreaded, cold feeling crawl up her spine and put her on edge. Every hair stood on end in suspense as she slowly turned towards the voice that spook so eerily. "I am weak..." It whined softly before thrashing around against the walls. All she could see were streaks of red everywhere. "I AM WEAK!" When its high pitched voice shouted she took a step back to run but this time actually slipped and fell into a big red puddle.

She realized her mistake when it heard her fall and looked towards her. "Is that... you Jack?" She tried speaking to it but it seemed futile. Its demented head distorted in what could be considered a smile. It looked like Jack, but there was the film of slime over his body and she couldn't see his arms or lower body. Instead there was just red fleshy growths to replace them, even his scales were red. He wasn't that big, but it was that tumor like flesh that scared her. It was formless but had some kind of teeth lining it creating several mouth like appendages. Putting it into simpler words, she could only describe it as Jack being fused with a mutated leech.

"I will not be weak..." Its contorted expression grew angry and its entire body was thrown at her. "I WANT YOUR POWER!" She barely dodged but slipped again as she slid across the smooth, lubricated tiles. "I'll take you, take your power, eat your bones, grow stronger, grow stronger, grow stronger, and then..." It paused in its pursuit of her. "And then..." Jessica realized whoever this was, Jack or whatever was inside him, had no idea why it would become more powerful. Apparently it didn't need to know though as it lashed out fiercely. She dodged again and began to run with all her might. Thankfully, she wasn't standing on goop anymore, but she had to take off her shoes which were still caked in it.

She ran and Jack followed, right on her heels. What was she going to do now? Throw her shoes at him? Actually, that's exactly what she was going to do. Throwing one it bopped him on the head eliciting a snarl. Eventually, just when she had thought she had escaped, a blob of whatever that goop was smacked her in the back and sent her tumbling across the floor. That was going to leave a mark no doubt. Before she could think beyond that though, it was upon her.

The lizard's smile was devilish as the teeth of the leech's mouth extended towards her, intending to tear her to shreds. She threw her other shoe but it was simply dodged, and just as she was about to be devoured... it stopped. She had no idea why but wasn't about to complain as Jack began sniffing the air. Suddenly, it became excited with each deep lungful of air that passed through its nostrils. "Power... power power POWER!" Jumping off of her it dashed, or rather glided, down the hallway to their right continuing to shout about power. "I smell it... I smell it!"

Jessica didn't know what this meant, but for some reason she was having misgivings about the whole situation. A thought donned on her. The whole point was to get to Kid before the others right? Did that mean that they all wandered until they got there or was there some way for each of them to... Oh shit! He's going after Kid because he can smell her?!

She got up and balanced herself before taking off down the hall after the leech. It was strange to think she was chasing one this time, but whatever got her back to that poor cub. It was surprising how far away it was if Jack had supposedly smelled it, but she wasn't about to question it as it was her only way of getting anywhere. At least, it was better than wandering aimlessly.

Running and more running with the occasional balancing so she wouldn't slip, the exhaustion had caught up to her. The only reason she hadn't collapsed yet was probably because she had gotten some rest during her time underground. How much time she wasted she didn't want to know. Instead of thinking about it, Jessica glanced at every arrow they passed hoping to find out if they were following a specific arrow or not. If she noticed a pattern, then she'll know which way she was suppose to have gone from the beginning. Which arrow represented Kid? Rather, was it to represent the finish line? The goal? Something to do with fear? Overcoming fear? The arrows could mean anything, and for a second she was almost anxious to find out. However, that's when she saw it.

Amongst the arrows, at every single turn, was a simple blue arrow. At first she didn't see it, but when she noticed it for the first time she had to stop. The only reason she had seen it was because it had been repeated over and over again to the point where it would've been weird if she hadn't by now. She had to move another arrow out of the way to get to it though, it was partially concealed. It was light blue and simple. No oddly curved edges or ridiculous designs, there was absolutely nothing special about it. The only thing worth noticing was that written on it was a series of white scribbles forming some kind of word in whatever language. She knew those scribbles. That's Kid... That's Kid's name!

She couldn't believe herself or this situation for that matter. She had to continue on to the next intersection and even the next just to confirm it. Every single one had the same arrow going the same direction Jack was going in. It was a sign that had her fucking name on it how did Jessica not notice?!

She had simply never paid enough attention.

She got caught up in all the patterns and whirls, all the meanings and metaphors. She kicked herself mentally for being so overwhelmed by the situation, by fear, that she missed the important details. They were barely concealed too! All she had to do was stop being distracted by all the other flashy signs to notice them! The answer had always been there, the answer had always been simple. The one who made everything difficult was no one but herself.

"I screwed up..." Jessica whimpered softly. "Story of my life." With tears in her eyes she hastily chased after Jack to make up for lost time. She just hoped she wasn't too late...

* * *

The darkness enshrouded, it blinded and devoured. Its sole purpose was to take anything and everything until nothing was left outside its thick hands. Within the boundless mist he stayed, obscured by the children of the night. The wavering shade could only watch, doing its best to stay out of reach of certain doom. Here, it could not be seen, but it could not stay hidden forever.

The monster was too bright, too glorious in its appearance, to approach without him being revealed and torn. It's many appendages stretched like tentacles. They were like the feelers of an insect that examined closely everything they touched. Since it had many, there was hardly a time where he was not in danger of one approaching too close.

Suddenly, the room was invaded by another entity as it slided in chanting loudly. "Power will be mine!" The quality of its voice reeked of death and decay, yet somehow it brought up feelings of empathy. However, the red creature would be no match for the monstrosity it longed for. Then again, it seeks power, and has found it. By accomplishing its goal it meets death, so does this constitute victory or defeat?

_ Was it worth it little one? You found what you sought for, but also lost what you already found. To lose everything, in order to gain nothing? Why try when the result is the same, when it is clear all desires end the same way?_ The shadows speak if one is close enough to listen. They are quite knowledgeable about many things, but the darkness always comes to the same conclusion. No matter how intelligent, no matter how thought provoking, the shadows know nothing. They know they know nothing. When you die, where do these things go?

The shade continued to watch as the red creature was caught like a rat in the mousetrap. The feelers slowly searched the creature, identifying its being. Only when the creature retaliated in the form of eating its captor did it take hostile action. Screamed of pain rang out as the great mother of all monsters slowly sapped away its life force. If things continued on like this for too much longer, the poor red creature would die. Then, and only then, would it realize the true meaning of the power it desired. However, because of its death, it shall be unable to pass the information onto the shadows. It is unfortunate, but the shadows will never know the answers to the riddles and questions they so desperately shout. The darkness is a mysterious place, but also a comforting place. In a world without answers, possibilities gain the greatest of strengths.

* * *

Jessica finally slipped after so long of running on the red slop only moments from entering in the room she assumed was her destination. She crashed inside and was greeted by incessant whimpering. Tearing open her eyes squeezed shut by pain she forced herself to ignore all the aches and pains in her body so that she could find out what was going on. Her leg blared sirens in her head about how much pain it was in after being torn up and strained.

However, everything went numb at the first thing her gaze caught. She was overcome by wave after wave of relief and joy as she could only feel happiness stealing her senses. She saw Kid, Kid was alive. The cub they had all been looking for, their little girl, that wonderful angel with a bright smile that glowed so... so bright. Kid glowed so bright! Actually, it was just her eyes that glowed but a shining aura surrounded her, and there was most definitely no angelic smile there.

Then the entire circumstance clicked into place. The circular room had slanted ceilings making it look like a cone and half the room was in absolute darkness while everything else was somewhat illuminated by the glowing figure before her. Jack was the one whimpering as he had been caught by what she could only see as strands of light. It was all coming from... Kid, it had to be her. There was some kind of form to this strange figure, but it was coming out of her back. Kid was lifelessly slumped onto the ground as whatever it was was coming out of her.

It was similar to the way trees grew out of Ryan's back, meaning that the case was quite clearly the same. The only difference was... she emanated great power. It was so distinctly distinguishable from other feelings, the feeling of great power was overwhelmingly... blissful.

Her trance was quickly broken though as the strands of light moved toward her, attempting to trap her as well. Before she could turn back, something else grabbed her instead. The powerful being missed her by inches as her mouth was covered and she was dragged back into the darkness. The automatic response was to kick and thrash but a soothing voice calmed her. "Jessica, you're safe, do not fear the shadows." Whatever chest she was pressed up against rumbled slightly, and coupled with that tranquil sound peace enveloped her mind.

"Are you calm now?" He whispered in her ear. She nodded, and was now able to examine her captor more closely. Whatever was holding onto her, presumably his arms, didn't feel completely solid. Though it was dark, pitch black more like it, she was able to identify that she was held up more by a thick mist than a person. "Good, you'll need to be for this to work."

Letting go of her mouth she in turn lowered her voice so she could speak for only him to hear. "Blake?"


"What... happened to you. To all of you..."

There was a pause, but he did finally answer. "Fear Jessica, it brings out the worst in us." The air felt heavy with the grave situation. "Do not hate us for who we truly are. Instead, if you must, hate us for what we stand for..."

She mimicked his way of letting time pass between answers, she had to think through this carefully. She did not feel rushed or emotional in her reply, almost as if the darkness eased the stress building up in her mind. "Then... what do you stand for Blake?"

He did not hesitate this time. "All in due time Jessica, and now is not the time." Gesturing to the other side of the room the darkness parted enough for her to see. "Kid and Jack are in danger. Next to the bright one is a card slot. I think you know what to do from there."

She nodded, bringing her mind back to reality as the cries of Jack could still be heard. "Yes, I can do this."

_ "Good."_ She could tell he was smiling, feel it in the way she was pressed against him before being released. "I shall cover you."

The moment Jessica sprinted for the card slot the shadows all attacked Kid, Blake was on the offensive. It was all quickly nullified though, but in the process she was able to slip by unnoticed. Jack was let go, apparently no longer a point of interest, and she had to dive out of the way before she was crushed under him.

Blake had the light creature's full attention now, and though he fought tooth and nail he was soon engulfed by the many glowing tentacles and bound in giant coils. His screams were unholy but ended quickly as Jessica jammed her card into the slot.

It all happened so fast she wasn't even sure she could recount every step of it, but the first thing that attacked her senses was the familiar booming snap echoing from above. Particles of light colored yellow, red, and black exploded and faded into the air. The door slammed shut and four coffins appeared from the walls. Kid was on the ground but she couldn't find Blake nor Jack until every coffin opened up, releasing their contents onto the floor. Ryan, Gil, Jack, and even Blake fell out of each one. They were all completely and utterly normal. Sometimes their normal selves angered her, but damn if she didn't feel relieved to seem them back to how she remembered them.

Jack was clearly out of commission, but the others were slowly getting up and trying to figuring out what was going on as the room shook. "Come on we have to get out of here!" she hollered at none of them in particular, but when she had Ryan's attention she pointed to Jack. "I think he's out cold you might have to carry him!"

Running over to Kid, who had likely remained unconscious throughout the entire experience, she picked her up and adjusted the cub in her arms until she was certain it was comfortable for her. "Hey guys over here!" Gil was shouting and waving for everyone to come over. A new door had appeared, apparently their new exit. She and Ryan, both carrying the kids, went for it as Blake struggled to get up.

"Blake come on!"

"Just give me a second I'm coming!" Gathering his strength he ran after them. Whatever attack had just been inflicted upon him last moment was seriously painful, but he could manage. Besides any damage inflicted should be healed at home base.

Damages, Jessica noticed the blood that soaked both Ryan and Gil and remembered that they were fighting only moments before. She really didn't want to deal with their shit the second they all got out but she had a feeling she would have to. Joy oh joy.

Gil flew out into the whiteness beyond the exit of the corridor they were in causing her heart to sink at the thought of being back in the maze. However, it wasn't the white halls of the trial, but rather the halls that surrounded home base. A new entrance had opened up apparently, which was convenient considering she'd rather not have to run all the way back to the other entrance.

Point was, they were all going to make it through this. Kid was safely cradled in her arms, she could deal with some misunderstandings with Ryan and Gil later, and she could ask Blake about what he had meant before. He hadn't answered her question properly.

Flying through the door Jessica grinned happily and looked back to see Blake following suit. Actually, he was farther behind than she had expected him to be. His panted heavily and lagged behind them, something was wrong. He just felt so tired all of the sudden, and even from a distance she could see life slipping from his eyes. He was slowing down but still going. All he had to do was get in there and he'd live. If he collapsed then they'd go back to get him, so everything would be fine right?

_ Wait..._ A hard realization donned on her, they couldn't go back in. She had completely forgotten the rule. If he collapsed now he was a goner, he had no one to rely on but himself. "Come on Blake get your ass in gear!" They all began to shout encouragements telling him to hurry up.

He smiled weakly and continued to move, but it quickly became a crawl as he trudged step by step towards the base. It was taking all he had to stand up and eventually his gaze met the floor as his head could no longer do the same. Step after agonizing step he tried to move. His arms were lifelessly jostling about at his sides with every step. Whenever he changed feet the one that stopped supporting the body's weight would go limp, be dragged forward, and then gain what little life was left as it was relied upon for support once more.

It was painful to watch, but he was so close! Literally only ten feet. If he collapsed after a couple more feet and collapsed forward they'd be able to drag him in by the part of his body the breaks the barrier. They were going to be fine, Blake had made it.

"Snap three times and you're home to stay."

As the door slammed shut Ryan lurched forward but was stopped by the barrier, inches away from the metal door that now blocked them from Blake. With the barrier gone he slammed into the door with all his might, desperately clawing and pulling with no real idea on how to break it down. "BLAKE, BLAAAAKE!"

"RYAN!" Pounding came from the other side as they both repeatedly collided into the metal trying to get it to fall.

"Hold on Blake!" Pound after pound, heart beat after beat. Ryan attacked savagely as every inch of his being was thrown against this obstacle. He was using everything he had, everything down to his very core. Are you telling me my everything isn't enough?!

"Ryan listened!" The voice came through muffled but still audible even with the pounding. Ryan listened but having already given in to his beast he railed on the metal. "There's something I remembered that's extremely important! Ryan, I-..." Nothing. No pounding, no yelling, absolutely nothing.

Ryan panicked as terror paralyzed him and all was silent. There was nothing. "B... B-Blake?!" There was hardly a second between his question and the given answer. Bang. The sound of the door being hit from the other side. His fears subsided momentarily, but what a short moment that was.

_Bang... Bang... Bang

Bang... Bang... Bang_

What was going on? The hitting was rhythmic and softer than before. Somehow it was... disturbing. Ryan took a step back.

_Bang... Bang... Bang

Bang... Bang... Bang

Bang... Bang...


"Ryan... Are you out there Ryan?"_

A wave of ice like none other gnawed at his bones. Falling back, tears streaming, Ryan frantically tried to get away as everyone else did the same. "WHO ARE YOU?! BLAKE!!"

"Ryan... I'm coming to get you Ryan."

A child's giggle straight from the deepest pit of hell pierced their ears. It was a horror like none other. From under the door blood began to gently seep through and pool. The smell was intoxicating as it infected their heads. No one wanted to go near the door again, not that they were given the chance as it disappeared behind white walls.

Ryan was frozen at first but quickly turned his head hearing sobs around him. Jessica was crying loudly while Gil simply curled up and turned away. Ryan felt somehow left behind as his mind couldn't register current events. He was crying too but he couldn't figure out why. It was coming to get him? Why? Who was that? What did they do with... Blake... where's Blake? Ryan jumped forward, ignoring the icy feeling and blood, and moved hard against the wall. "Blake? ...Blake?!"

Their combined suffering lasted well into the night.

Blake was dead.

Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 9

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 7

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 6

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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