Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 6

Story by Zelosh on SoFurry

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#6 of Eternal Door

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or offensive. Read at your own risk.

With that, enjoy your stay inside The Eternal Door.


Eternal Door

" Never alone"

A snap shook the entire land, the trial had ended and it was time to get back. For a few seconds though, Blake stood to watch the space behind the platform disintegrate into nothingness. All that was left behind was a blinding whiteness as the world fell apart. Realizing the danger, he ran as fast as he could back to where he came from as he remembered the warning they had been given. They'd be disqualified if they didn't get back in time. Only problem was there seemed to be no timer as to which to go by, but then again the world was falling apart that was probably just a good a timer as any.

He figured Jack would get back if he was still alive, curse his doubting mind for thinking such thoughts, so he tried to go find where Kid was. When he found her she was just like she had been when he left, but there was no sign of movement nor sound within the big rubbery sphere. The monster itself also did not move though supposedly not dead, but either way he was presented with a problem that needed to be fixed now.

I will not leave anyone behind... never again. Doing the first thing that came to mind he lifted the entire creature with girl inside and tried to support it comfortably on his heads and shoulders. Mildly content he ran seeking home base with all his might while trying to balance the extra weight. It wasn't that heavy actually just extremely awkward since it was about six feet in diameter.

Neither of them were moving, he was getting worried. She was as good as dead after that wound but there was still a way. Though he was still skeptical of the promises made by the man behind the chalkboard it was his only hope.

It actually wasn't long until he had made it back out into the clearing where it all began. There, much to his relief, was Ryan helping Jack through the doorway. There was still one problem though, he'd love to take the monster in with them but it wouldn't quite fit. He was going to shout at the green tiger and ask for help but out of nowhere the weight on his shoulders alleviated. Before he could understand what was happening the flying beast flew away clearly afraid of where it was being taken. Not that it matter, for Kid immediately fell from its grasp into Blake's arms with a painful groan. She was alive, she was alive after all, but not for long.

He dashed through the doorway without holding back whatsoever. The other two made it inside already but he might crash into them, not that he cared. Once through the passageway that's exactly what happened too. He slammed into them and they all went spiraling out onto the lush carpet inside.

Jack, who had shouted after another crack of bones, quickly got up and had a fit. "What the hell was that for?! AAHHG! IT HURTS!" Though he was just standing up there was more cracking of bones, but somehow it was different. "What's happening to me?!"

"You're healing." Gil appeared from nowhere, apparently carrying blankets, which none of them had the faintest idea as to where they had come from, but Blake was still glad to see them. "Don't worry you'll be okay in due time but uh... we better take the injured to a couch. Is everyone here?" It was like just as he said that the third snap boomed and the entranced behind the bookshelf snapped shut and all of the sudden looked like a normal wall again. No going back through there it seemed, not that any of them wanted to.

Oh that's right, he forgot about Kid. Blake looked down to find her breathing arduous, raspy breaths. She was quite alive. "Yeah... I think we all made it. Where's Jessica?"

The jackal gestured behind him. "Her room." When he moved his hand it became clear what injuries he had suffered because his fingers looked like they had the tips chewed off. "She suffered some pretty horrific wounds so she's kind of trying to cope with the process of regeneration or something like that."

"Can't blame her- OW!" Jack continued to grunt in agony as he was helped over to a couch to lay down. Kid was also placed on another couch, her arm starting to grow back. She was unconscious for now, probably for the best.

The black tiger only then realized the enormous amounts of blood he had got himself covered in, and it wasn't all his own blood either. Actually, a good amount of it was his blood, he just completely forgot how much the holes in his back hurt until now. Ryan looked sympathetic and tried to get him to lay down. "Your back and arms are all torn up, does it hurt?"

"Kind of... I don't know really I just feel numb right now. Is there anywhere I can wash up?"

Gil answered, obviously seeming to know more than them at the moment. "Well no... but you don't need to worry about it it'll go away." Was it bad that the two felines were getting use to this kind of illogical reasoning. It'll just go away? Yeah, and they can just wish it to happen, just like wishing the sky to be smothered in rainbows! Wait... that actually happened, so much for the sarcasm there... "Um... I mean to say you'll like... Let me explain from the beginning. I talked to the board, which might I add is signs that I'm going crazy, and it explained what it meant by we can't die here. Within these walls apparently we will always revert to the state we were in which we came in. So in due time you'll be like you were then, when you woke up and came in here."

Ryan was taken aback and began to pull out a hundred different guesses as to how that could be even remotely possible. "Time control?"

"How should I know?" Gil shrugged, left the blankets, and left to go do something. However, before he left, he yelled back through the door. "Oh and there's a new door in the room that you might want to check it out. I also don't know what it is so don't ask!"

Oh joy a new door, that could come later though this really wasn't the time to go exploring again and suddenly Blake's back hurt like hell. Must be healing. Ryan however seemed just fine and continued his train of thought. "Maybe nanomachines, too unlikely though... I know! Hypnosis! Though the pain is realistic so guess not." After a moment of thinking he gave up on the guessing game. "I'm sick of trying to figure this place out... Here, Blake, let's take these guys to their rooms."

The black tiger simply nodded and picked up Kid as Ryan picked up Jack. Kid's door was close so it took seconds to get there as the green tiger moved further down the hallway. Inside her room, Blake was stuck standing there stunned by the sudden sight of the room. Sure, his room was weird, but this was off the chart.

The room was circular and the walls were completely made of glass. Everything seemed to be made of glass actually, completely clear and without blemish. There seriously was neither a mark nor smudge in the room. Also, it was bathed in an ocean blue light that seemed to both calm and devour. The glass walls turned out to be the sides of an aquarium as fish noticeably swam by on all sides. The very floor he stood on had unique patterns ingrained into the glass and seemed to shift and slide. All the amenities of the room were peculiar and intriguing objects and contraptions. This was an ADD kids nightmare, or heaven depending on how you looked at it, but what really stood out was the soft bed and couch by the bed. They were striped, alternating between light and navy blue.

The bed actually looked rather comfortable, something he hoped would help the poor cub clinging weakly to life in his grasp. Setting her down he did the best he could to tuck her in and just ignore the dissipating blood all over them. He sat on the couch, just watching her for a moment.

If he had been a second later she might have died. He didn't usually fall into self criticism but hell if he didn't act like such an idiot out there... It was just that he couldn't think at the time, his mind was too busy trying to figure it all out. That's where the irony was too, there was nothing to figure out. Help her, save her, how was that hard to understand? Yet he froze up and acted like a moron. He even got caught up in moments of glory that felt so intoxicating in that dream like state. No more, he now knew what this world was like. Whatever surprises were thrown at him he'd take it all now with a level head, but he wouldn't accept it. He didn't understand this place yet so he refused to just accept the fairy tail happenings all around them, but maybe once he understood how it worked, maybe being the key word, he would come to accept this place for what it was.

Until then, all that mattered was her, himself, and the others. Blake dozed off with these thoughts in mind and watched over the cub as her great guardian. He was the Protector, the knight in shining armor that let no harm come to the innocence all around him.

Yet, in the land of dreams, much can happen.

Much can be rearranged and interpreted.

For the young girl in his mind suddenly became someone else,

but he kept on protecting with all his heart.

Never caring to find out who it was he would risk everything for,

that meaning everything... even his own life...

* * *

Ryan collapsed onto the couch with the biggest cushions he could find in the great room. He wanted to make the fire go away so it would be darker, but somehow it didn't actually bother him that much. He of course didn't have much of a room so he wouldn't be sleeping there like everyone else. He wanted to get a chance to see someone else's room but Jack ended up refusing to be carried and entered his room of his own volition.

So here he was stuck, unable to explore without invading someone's privacy or breaking through the gate that blocked the way into his "room." He was tired though, he'd get over it quickly. As is he felt his consciousness slipping away, none of that mattered now. Everyone got back safe, Jessica was safe, that's all that mattered. Now, he could sleep peacefully knowing that the moment was peaceful, but in the end he didn't really know for sure.

In truth, he had had enough of dealing with all this already. They were not safe at all, a door could appear at anytime and there was no guarantee the man behind all this wouldn't suddenly come out and murder them in their sleep. It was a devastating and yet reassuring truth, he was never alone.

Oh well, he'd think about it tomorrow, he was exhausted for some reason now. He had run a lot hadn't he? His eyes were already glued shut now, it was only a matter of time until he fell into his own dreamworld. The familiar feeling of losing control of one's body took him and he finally felt the soothing paralysis wash over him, letting him know he was leaving this world behind.

* * *

Ryan jerked forward. It was a rather rude awakening, but he was getting use to that by now. It wasn't a pleasant dream, and though it revealed some of his past it left a disgusting feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wished it had been something else, but on second thought it really made sense that he would remember this after the trial of destination. His destination, CEO of Redline Pharmaceuticals, to be forever the paragon of greatness and perfection. He remembered his cage all too well now, that eloquently forged cage that belonged to no one but him.

Just then though, a rather delightful thought came to him and he smiled wickedly. What good was the cage now? All that hard work was for nothing in the end. His uncle lost, Ryan was victorious. What greater victory is there than one's death? It was a disturbing idea, but to him it was true. He died so he left that cage, he had what he wanted, or so he thought...

Getting up he looked at what he had "wanted." Was this what he had been so desperately waiting for? Hell in a hand basket? To be thrown into a world without his consent where nothing was under control. A place where danger was abundant, where he had to risk his life and the lives of others just to get by. It was sick, it was wrong, death solved nothing. This was no victory, this was the worst thing that could happen. Watching the ones he cared about be put through this crap... Actually, he really only knew Jessica, but somehow through the short time there he felt attached to each and every one of them.

He needed to pull himself together. If no one else would lead them then he would, he was born to lead others after all. That's what he had always been told at least.

Now that he was fully awake he looked around the room once more to get his bearings. Gil and Jack were there secluding themselves in different corners of the room as usual. However, when he got up Gil noticed and came over to see how he was doing. He began to speak as he stepped around the big fire pit. "Hey Ryan you doing okay?" He just kind of nodded in response, stretched, and rubbed the tiredness out of his face as he glanced around some more. "That's good... um..." The jackal looked like he had something to say but instead just looked nervously at the couch he had been laying on.

Getting the idea that something was weird about the furniture Ryan lazily got up to see what was wrong. He didn't think it would be anything serious but one glance told him something was definitely seriously wrong. On the couch blood was splattered and streaked all across its surface, which wouldn't have been that weird if it hadn't been making words. "What the hell? I was laying over that?"

"That happened to me too actually... Jack mentioned something similar." Gil gestured to the lizard who simply looked at them when hearing his name before going back to whatever he was doing.

"You woke up laying on words made in blood? Oh yeah, that makes sense. Sorry I must be from the loony bin to find this unacceptable."

"If we aren't in the loony bin by now I think its society that's crazy. Hey, maybe they just decided to put a bunch of random people in the same room so that their hallucinations wouldn't be so lonely." Ryan smiled at the joke but all amusement left him the moment he began to read what the words actually said.

"Wait... that's..." He was speechless. Not only was it disturbing but it was so... so personal. The jumbled words scrawled across the couch were... my words...

'...bird in a cage... freedom, I want freedom

kill kill kill kill kill...

my doppelganger killed me

I'll never be free

they died... kill kill kill... I've lost my freedom

What I want... caged

I'm to big for this cage...

grow... grow grow! Grow and kill...

They're insects... bigger and bigger and bigger

Yes... one must kill to grow... grow and kill kill kill'

"One must grow to kill..." Ryan was at a loss for words, he suddenly felt like the innermost parts of his being were filled with the most vile black filth. "I... this isn't what I..." He had turned to Gil to try to explain himself but he was stopped.

"You don't have to explain yourself, I already told you the same thing happened to me." It wasn't reassuring but it did keep the tiger from fumbling around for words to form an explanation. "'It isn't you,' right? Yet it feels..." Now Gil was searching around for the right thing to say. "It feels like it's something you don't want to admit..."

Ryan just nodded, trying to accept that something like this was so blatantly being broad casted to the whole world. The person behind all this was a sick and twisted man or woman or whatever the heck it was.

Just then the door opened and Jessica walked through followed by Blake. In his arms was Kid who drowsily clung to him apparently still trying to wake up. She immediately ran over and jumped into Ryan's arms, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried..." She looked at the blood on the couch for a second but ignored it completely. "I'm so sorry..."

Gil chimed in as well. "Oh right I forgot, I had something else to say too... Sorry, for leaving you like that. We didn't really have a choice but still it doesn't feel right that we put that responsibility on you..."

To be honest, the tiger wasn't expecting this, but accepted her loving embrace simply glad to see her alive and well. "Jeez guys what are you apologizing for? I'd never put you through that if I had a say in it. Thinking back on it it was probably better I went alone..."

She suddenly pushed him away and anger filled her tone for a moment. "Don't you dare say that! You could have died! Maybe for good this time... Don't ever say you're better off alone!"

He was astonished, there was nothing for him to say in response to that. Instead of waiting for a response she simply buried her head in his chest again. He really didn't want any harm to come to her. "Okay... but I want you stay close to me okay?" He just gently patted her held and scratched her behind the ears in hopes of giving some form of comfort to sooth her soul.

"Are you done yet?" Jack had finally decided to join them breaking the emotional moment. They were now all in a circle waiting for something new to happen.

Blake broke the silence. "I think it's time we discussed what to do next?"

Ryan nodded in agreement and looked around the room trying to find the place they had their first meeting in. "Let's go back to where we talked before next to the fire. Might as well have a meeting spot right?" Taking the initiative he seated himself in the same spot he was in last time. Jessica sat on the other side with Blake so that she could tend to the little cheetah cub who was placed next to him.

"Hey sweetie you okay? Jack took care of you right?" She spoke calming words to the little one and instantly became motherly again. "I heard you got pretty injured, you okay now?"

Jack jumped in. "Hey I tried my best so don't blame me-," is what he had begun to say but a cold stare told him to stop.

Lazily rubbing her eyes Kid spoke softly. "Yeah... big brother took care of me..." That surprised each and every one of them but Blake seemed to get a kick out of it and Jack was just straight up mad.

"The hell?! Blake look what you did! You got her all confused and shit! She ain't my sister, I don't got any family! I know because I..." Jack stopped there and for just a moment his eyes seemed to water a bit before his expression hardened. "Come on just let them have their talk..." He took Kid by the hand and led her to some corner where they could get out of the others way during their talk.

Jessica would've stopped him but none of them were able to muster the strength to do anything in that moment. "I think we've all had our fair share of memories, we don't need to talk about them right now..." Blake tried, once again, to break the silence being the one who was most capable of controlling his emotions. "Come on you guys pull it together, this isn't the time for this."

"Yeah you're right... besides the memories weren't all bad." Gil smiled trying to find a way to cheer everyone up. "Turns out I was aiming to become the best football player ever. A pretty worthy goal don't you think?" His grin got wider as he flexed then pretended to throw a ball before catching one and diving through a group of invisible football players. It earned him a chuckle or two, which was enough.

"Yeah moping really isn't my style." Ryan lightened up considerably and immediately took charge. "So should we get down to business? I hate to admit it but I'd like to cover some things I find to be true at this point." He took a moment to breathe before continuing on, this would be the strangest thing he has ever said. "For one, we have died, that seems to be true at this point. I don't know if we are still dead or not but we have died at least once. Two, this 'home base' is as promised the place of safety it seems, but that could change considering how unpredictable this place is.

"However that brings me to three, we are in some kind of game which has a set of rules. The rules so far have yet to be broken so I'm unsure as to what repercussions breaking them would have, and for now this means the one behind the chalkboard could be trustworthy. Which brings me to four, the one behind the chalkboard knows more than us, whether it be friend or foe it knows more than we do." When he finished everyone stopped to take it all in, some of them surprised he had the courage to go out and say that. Honestly, it was insane, he might as well be insane, but they couldn't deny it at this point.

Gil spoke. "That seems about right... I've gotten over my skepticism at this point. We must be on some hellish drugs if this has all been just a dream so far, and hey who is to say what happens when you die? Then again I did have some religious views... I wonder if those still stand?"

Jessica was next to go. "You know it's funny, I thought I would've liked something so supernatural to happen to me but now it just sucks. And hey I wouldn't drop your beliefs just yet." She let her gaze rise to the ceiling with curious eyes as she continued. "I mean we might have died but like Ryan said we don't know if we still are dead. Like what if this isn't really that whole after death thing? There's also one thing you didn't mention, if this is a game what happens when you win?" She let it sink in as their imaginations took hold of the idea bringing a bright smile to her face. "If to enter this game one must die, the reward would then consequently be... life, wouldn't you say?"

She had this way of making others think exactly what she wanted them to, it was rather impressive too. She knew they all had the same thought cross their minds before she even said it. Ryan replied, "It's possible... but I wouldn't assume that just yet. In order to win we have to complete these trials right? Then we... what's next?"

"Well the board said something about meeting someone on the other side of the uh... Eternal Door?" said Gil pointing in the direction of the board. "Actually I completely forgot! Have you guys seen the new door yet? I know I mentioned it to you before..."

"Oh right, where is it? Have you been through it yet?" Instead of instantly answering Blake he just kind of scratched his head nervously.

"Well that's the problem..." Getting up he led them all to one end of the room that was opposite the door out into the hallway. Where he led them seemed to just be an empty wall with some tapestries hung around it. However, there attention was then directed to the ground.

"You have got to be kidding me." On the wall at the very bottom was indeed a door but Ryan would be impressed if a mouse could manage to fit through it. It was so small! It was a tiny white door that supposedly had some crazy design on it that could hardly be seen. "I don't think this helps us much..."

He got a couple nods followed by Blake trying to use his foot to break the door down but with no luck. "This isn't worth it..." They all went back to the meeting spot and plopped down onto their respective seats.

"Well that was a bust."

"Thanks for telling us anyway Gil."

"What now do we just wait?"

"I wouldn't mind some time to rest..."

"So much for wanting to do something other than just sit around."

"Hey if you got any bright ideas please share them. I don't like waiting around for the next trial either."

"Calm down guys let's just take a moment to breathe."

"Hey Kid tripped and fell on her face." Jack's sudden intrusion on the conversation made them all stop to look at him. He stood next to the cheetah who was sniveling and on the verge of crying out, and he suddenly was beginning to feel awkward. "W-what? It isn't my fault..."

Jessica was going to go over to her but much to her surprise Blake made it there first. "Hey now don't cry, you're okay right? Be a big girl for me." It was shocking the changes she had gone through, going from the decision making soldier who had just lost her arm to the helpless child who only tripped but was crying. He helped her over to the couch and held her close as she tried to control herself. "Yeah just like that. Don't worry I got you."

"Well then... that's new," commented Gil who watched from the other couch.

"Actually Blake seems to have gotten attached when I wasn't looking." The canine wanted to hug her as well but gave them space. "I went into Kid's room earlier just to find Blake next to her bed asleep with his head on his hands."

"Aw how cute." Jack said mockingly. "Hey I guess if I'm her brother you're her father. How about that!"

"Quiet Jack... and hey didn't you just indirectly admit that I was your father as well?" Realizing his mistake he wanted to say something back but instead just pouted and zipped his lip.

Ryan actually found the thought kind of cute himself, it really dubbed down all of Blake's intimidating features. "So then if Jessica is the mother that makes you guys a family right? You two do look kind of good together..."

Stunned both feline and canine looked at each other and accidentally actually thought the idea through. Jessica just blushed and turned away but Blake couldn't help but find it amusing. "Hmm... that doesn't sound so bad, you're pretty attractive you know." He put an arm around her jokingly making her turn even redder.

"Ooo nice nice." Ryan decided to join in on the joke and glided over behind Blake. "But I'm her best friend so I get pummeling rights every time you make her cry." Suddenly he reached around the black tiger and kept him in a tight hold. "Quick Gil get him!"

Gil, enjoying the theatrics, jumped forward and made fake punches at the tiger who moved away with each hit and made grunting noises to make it sound like he was being hurt. "Oh no anything but that!"

Kid giggled, quite over her previous blunder, and sat close to Jessica as they enjoyed the scene. It was like a dark cloud had been lifted and they were enthusiastically messing around and having fun.

"Heh you couldn't hurt a fly Gil." Jack talked with a smug grin nearby but quickly changed it to a nervous one because of the looks he got in response.

"Oh that's right I forgot, there's this little punk that needs being taken care of. Of course my punches won't do anything so you guys might as well help right?"

"That sounds fun..." The three of them smiled devilishly as they all suddenly lunged at Jack who barely made his escape. "Don't let him get away!"

"Wah?! What the hell?!" His confusion just made them laugh as the chase ensued. It was a simple game, one that would probably end the second he was caught unless they decided to evolve it into tag or something like that. Then again a game of tag where everyone chased one person would really suck for the one being chased.

There was no reason behind anything they were doing right now, but this whole situation had been forgotten in moments. Simple pleasure and simple fun. No one realized just how powerful and effective the simple things were. They were their saving grace right now, it was things like this that would keep them going.

An hour of all six of them messing around later... they were sprawled out onto various types of furniture as far away from the never ending fire as possible. Now that they had gotten heated up it was simply too hot to get close to.

They were split up now and Ryan was lounging close to Blake so he figured he might as well strike up a conversation. "Dang I hope this whole reversing thing this place has going on covers BO as well."

"Yeah its starting to smell pretty bad, would be nice if there were some showers..." A moment of quiet breathing passed as their heart rates returned to normal.

"You know... I think you'd make a great father, she probably needs one anyway."

Blake laughed but took the comment somewhat seriously. "I guess, would be nice to have some family. Actually... I probably shouldn't have said that."

Ryan raised an eyebrow not liking the fact that he would just stop like that. "It's kind of too late now isn't it?"

"Well... it's the whole memories thing. I remembered that I've been alone for a long time now, at least family and close relationship wise, so I've concluded that either I've lost my family or they abandoned me. Don't get all depressed for my sake though, I wouldn't want to ruin the current mood."

"Don't worry I won't, but hey I do understand if that makes you feel any better about it. I lost my family too, well my immediate family at least cause I still got my uncle and aunt and stuff." No, he did not feel inclined to mention his mother, she lost the privileged of having the position long ago and he currently felt more inclined to discontinue his belief that she was even remotely a person.

"Yeah well I don't think we're the only ones in this room."

"Agreed, Jack is most likely an orphan or runaway or something, and there's also Jessica..."

"What happened to Jessica's parents?"

"Oh well they uh... um... hell I don't remember."

"Now that's something we can all sympathize with."

They shared a hearty round of laughs before moving on to talk about meaningless things. It wasn't long before they and others were wandering around in search of something to do or someone else to talk to. Jack went to his room, Gil practiced jumping over couches, Jessica would spend most of her time with Kid, and Blake had begun looking around at various books. The books also soon caught the jackal's attention as he had begun looking through some of them as well and making comments on them with the tiger. In all honesty, things could get rather boring around here before long whether they liked it or not.

That's when Ryan came up with an idea. The one behind the chalkboard, who he would now forever dub as Chalky for lack of a better name, could know when the next trial is suppose to happen. Walking over to the board he asked waiting for a response that quickly came.

'I'd love to tell you but I can't, I don't know the answer'

It was followed by a smiley face much to his annoyance. So much for knowing more than them. In fact, Mr. Chalky seemed almost as bored as them as he soon realized. It looked like it had been doodling all over the board while they were away. "Is that a pizza? God now I'm hungry..."

'Sorry no food here! Probably best you don't eat anything anyways

Trust me on that!'

That really wasn't much of an answer and Ryan felt like he was losing patience but didn't show it. It really wasn't worth getting worked up over, their imminent doom would come when it came is basically what it was telling them. "Whatever... guess I'll just enjoy the downtime then." He dreaded the idea of going back into another trial but he also abhorred the idea of just staying here forever. It was a lose lose situation basically.

He felt sick now but couldn't say why. Nothing was alright anymore. Walking over to Jessica he sat down next to her, hugging her. She seemed surprised but didn't stop him. "Ryan you okay?"

He didn't really know why he was doing this, but his solemn demeanor clued him in as to what it might possibly be. "I think so... I just got a bad feeling is all."

"Why not tell me about it?"

"Well... it's just I'm scared I might hurt someone. I might hurt you... call it a premonition I guess."

"Oh so suddenly you have clairvoyance?" She chuckled before nuzzling up against his chest. "It'll be fine Ryan, we'll all get through this together. I don't want to hear my little king talking like he's going to kill someone." She didn't realize what she was saying, she had no idea.

"Yeah... and don't bring up the little king stuff again." He stuck a tongue out playfully before relaxing into her embrace. "Everything will be alright... yeah..." It did little to convince himself really, and things only got worse as the words from before reentered his head, not giving him the chance to stop it.

'...kill kill kill kill...

the bloody king grows stronger'

Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 7

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 5

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 4

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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