A Helping Paw

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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After nearly a decade, two old friends catch up and tell each other how their lives turned out after college, but it seems poor Finley has been a bit - pent up -

A Helping Paw

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8thAugust, 2019.

All Rights Reserved.

Finely traced a hooflet lightly around the coffee cup, as he fidgeted nervously, often glancing over at the Wolf who sat opposite him.

"Finley, quit being so nervous my friend!" Chandler chuckled, his wolfish muzzle breaking into a wide smile.

"It's - wow - " Muttered the Whitetail, as he chuckled then scratched at his back-swept ears. "It's been like nearly ten years since we last met up like this! So much must have changed in your life..."

"This and that, you know how life is - when you're young, you think you know it all, and are indestructible - after school and college and a few years out in the real world? You realise you knew nothing!"

"So - find some sweet Wolfess to fill your days with?" Finley asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I've had more than my share of girlfriends over the years - nothing serious yet... So, how about you? You were such a strapping young Stud, must have your own herd of Doe's lined up from here to the state border by now!"

With a weak gasp, Finley blushed and gave a minute shake of his head, before whispering quietly. "No..."


'Nothing - " Finley murmured, sinking back into the seat, like he wanted to dissapear into it.

Staring incredulously, Chandler reached over a placed a paw on the trembling Stag. "You're kidding me! No...no sex? Blowjob, Awkward, teenage angst sex back in school? A quick handy at the back of the Picture Theatres..."

"It just...never come up!" Finley murmured. "I was such a bore in school, studying hard, then college, the pressure on us... I just...never found time for it..."

"Finley, this is me you're talking too!" Chandler laughed. "Girls were all but throwing themselves at you in school and college! They all wanted a strapping, studly young buck to show them a good time - how can you tell me it 'never come up!' Really?"

Finley laughed nervously and twirled the cold coffee in his cup, gazing down into it as if seeking answers there. "Yeah... the girls were. That was sort of the problem..."

Chandler blinked, then it clicked and his eyes widened, before a broad smile spread across his lips.

"Wow... Really? You... you never told me Finley! When did you come out?"

With a low squeal, Finley slapped a paw on the tabletop, then glanced around nervously. "Not so loud Chandler, I don't want _everyone_in here to know..."

"What? That you're...gay? Or that you've been on an abstinence binge for nearly a decade? What's wrong with you my dear stag, really?"

Squirming, Finley shuddered, then he giggled shyly.

"Yeah, sorry - I guess with being young, I was pretty confused about who I really was. Back in school together, and when I finally got it all straight in my head, I lacked the courage to tell you, my closest friend - for fear how you'd take it. Then life intervened, and after college we got dragged our separate ways and..."

"For which I apologise," Chandler nodded. "Life just - took us different paths, I guess."

Smiling nervously, Finley rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, I guess it did...well, to answer your question, about five years ago - I come out to the world...and found all my suppressed fear and anxiety meant nothing - I wasn't some social outcast or miscreant...."

'Times have changed Finley, much has changed since the bad days - but they've changed for the better!"

Nodding, Finley chuckled again then nervously stroked his back-swept ears.

"Well, to answer your other question, no - I've not had relationships with another man...well, for forever it feels like!"

Chandler stared, then shook his head.

"As your best friend, I will not stand for this! It behoves me to get you laid, one way or another!"

Finley started laughing in that soft, adorable way he hand, rolling his eyes up and shaking his head.

"That could be tricky! I haven't dated since, well, ever! I wouldn't know the first thing about _any_of it!"

_"_So, you _are_a virgin..." Chandler gasped, then smiled. "Oh, my dear, sweet naive young Buck..."

"Hey!" Finley squealed.

"Nope, I won't stand for it, tonight, we're popping that virginal cherry!"

"I - "

"How's about eight sound? Your place? Over on Willow St?"

"Oh, no, you don't have...I mean... that's..."

'"Perfect, 8pm, we'll be there!" Chandler nodded, as he rose and gave Finley a pat on the shoulder and left, squaring the bill up at the counter on his way out.

Finley sat there, muzzle hanging open and just staring blankly.



Later that evening....

Finely sat on the couch, his body dressed in a V neck shirt and light tan cargo pants, when he heard a knock at his apartment door.

"Come in?" Finley called out, as he muted the television.

Swinging open the door, Chandler come striding in like he owned the place, a short, diminutive Fox standing in the hallway, its paws clasped before it.

"Come on in." Chandler told it.

"Uh...Chandler? You weren't kidding and...oh, um... who is your friend?"

"Finley? This is Galen, he's my, uh..." Chandlers ears flatted as he circled a finger under his chin and thought. "He's my...well - he's my partner."

"Hiya Finley!" Come the low voice of the fox, as Chandler cuddled him around the neck and pulled him close.

"Pleased to meet you - " Finley began.

"Galen's mine, but tonight...well - he's going to be yours..." Chandler grinned.

"Wait...what?" Finley squeaked, ears flattening and eyes widening in fright.

"Finley? Its cool man! Myself and Galen? We're in a totally open relationship - besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help out a friend in need? Not only that, its _so_much more fun to share..."

"I... uh - " Finley moaned.

Galen walked over, then gently placed a black paw on Finley's chest and gently pushed him back against the wall, then slid his paws down to grip the waistband of Finley's pants. With one smooth stroke, the pants and underwear slid down to Finley's ankles as the young Vulpine grinned up at him and looked at the exposed cervine's length.

"Oh my..." Galen whispered.

"He's..._quite_a buck, isn't he?" Chandler chuckled, then leant back against the far wall to watch.

_No, this is crazy, this can't be happening..._Finley's mind reeled, as he clasped his paws to his muzzle.

Gazing up at him, Galen grinned then used his supple tongue to lick around and up the cervine penile head, as Finley grunted and squirmed.

"Never tasted a deer...before - " Galen smirked, before he closed his eyes, sliding his muzzle forwards and in one smooth stroke he pressed his cold, wet nose against Finley's belly.

"Ah-h!" Finley squealed, his erection coming fast and firm.

As the fox blinked and pulled his head back, watching a long trail of saliva that linked him from the cervine's penis to his muzzle. Eagerly, Galen lowered his muzzle again as he began suckling in strong slurps, feeling Finley begin to twitch and moan at the incredible sensations. Finley whined, then placed his shaking paws on Galen's head, as the fox glanced up and smirked.

"Urk!" Galen gasped, as Finley began thrusting Galen's head forwards and back, the Fox quickly submitting, as the Stag started face humping him, his paws trembling.

"MMMmph!" Galen murmured, his brush of a tail flagging from side to side.

"Oh my..." Chandler grinned, watching it.

"F... fu..." Finley gurgled. "F..."

He suddenly shoved his full length into the eager throat, his paws pulling Galen's head close as he bucked twice and ejaculated in powerful spurts down Galen's throat.

"Wow..." Chandler grunted. "You _were_pent up - don't drown my boy toy now!"

Finley continued trembling for almost three minutes, two orgasms squirting down the eager vulpine's throat, who suckled and licked Finley clean, before feeling the stag's erection slowly wilting.

"Lovely..." Galen murmured.

Finley shuddered and slid down the wall, then clutched his head in his paws.

"I'm...so sorry Galen... I guess... that is _was_kinda fast..." Finley moaned.

"Oh, don't worry, please! My master, he said it'd probably be like that, the first time...with you, its fine, really!"

Chandler laughed softly. "Don't feel bad Finley, he _really_knows what he's doing down there! I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did, all things considered!"

"Woah...wait... You... call him... master?" Finley blinked, his mind starting to catch up.

"It's who he is! I really love it though, so its purely consensual! Master Chandler owns me, and i willingly submit to him and his orders..." Galen nodded.

"it - works for both of us," Chandler chuckled. "But I didn't bring him here to talk! We're not leaving here, until you well and truly get laid, you hear me buck?" So, Galen? Go show this young Bachelor a good time, hmm?"

"Gladly, master!" Galen nodded, and took Finley's paw.

"Uh...if you're sure about this..." Finley moaned, as he was led to the single bedroom.


In the bedroom, Galen smiled up at Finley, who nervously rubbed the back of his head.

"So, um... I've never... done this and... "

"Trust me... " Galen murmured.

Galen stripped off his clothes, then Finley's shirt, throwing them to the side, as he took Finley's paws in his, then pulled him close. Gazing into his eyes, he pressed his pale lips against Finley's and kissed him long and deep, before beginning to lick and nuzzle at Finley's chest.

"Good... " Galen murmured, as his paws reached down and wrapped themselves around the firming Cervid length.

Peering around the corner of the bedroom, oblivious to the other two, Chandler watched, then snuck into the dim bedroom and watched. Finley grunted, as his erection strained for release, as he slid one paw down Galen's furred thigh, the other he took himself in paw and guided it towards the Fox's buttocks.

"That's...perfect - " Galen nodded, then he gasped as Finley pushed forwards and mounted him.

"Oh my..." Chandler grunted, pulling his own penis free of his jeans and beginning to gently stroke it as he watched.

Galen got rutted - for there was no other word for it. The moment Finley slid himself home, the Cervid instincts claimed him and he started pounding the gasping and squealing young male fox with reckless abandon.

For nearly fifteen minutes, Finley went at it like a feral buck, before he gasped and snapped his hips forwards and Galen squealed, feeling the strong orgasm of the stag flood into his body, as his muscles contracted tightly, making Finley gasp.

"Very nice..." Galen gurgled. "Beautiful..."

"Very hot indeed - " Chandler snickered, as he caressed his erect length, then walked over to where Finley was buried inside Galen. "Very hot, now, I hope Finley, you don't mind if I have some fun too..."

"Wha..." Finley gurgled, lost in the pleasure, before he felt Chandler's firm length probe under his tail then slide half way into the Buck's anal passage.

"Oh..." Finley squealed, his spine curving inwards, hips pressing hard against Galen, who grunted and squirmed in delight.

"Nice little doe...aint'cha?" Chandler grunted, as he gripped Finley's hips and started humping.

"MMMmph!" Finley gurgled. "Do... it..."

Chandler grinned, then as he bit down on Finley's left shoulder, he pushed his hips forwards, feeling the resistance - then the pop as his knot slid into Finley and locked them together.

'Uh..." Finley gasped, as he felt the knot grow even bigger inside him, stretching him out like he'd never imagined.

"Shush little doe - " Growled Chandler, as he winked at Galen, who nodded and began squeezing and rippling his muscles along Finley's trapped length.

'Uh...uh..." Finley grunted, as he started humping Galen again, whilst being mated like a doe by Chandler.

"Oh that... feels so good - " Chandler panted, then licked Finley's ears and gripped harder, trying to hold the buck still as his eager humping got enthusiastic.

"Oh...oh..." Galen grunted, as he was rutted long and hard by Finley.

"Do it Finley - " Chandler snickered, then licked Finley's ears again. "Rut that little bitch..."

"Urk..." Finley gurgled and slammed his groin hard against Galen's rump, making the Fox beneath him squeal as another powerful orgasm flooded Galen's overfull body with its hot, sticky fluids.

"Nnn..." Chandler growled, before his own penis flicked and his rich, thick wolf come spurted deep inside Finley, who squealed and unloaded another full eruption into Galen.

"Ooh - " Galen gurgled, tilting his head back and panting in exhaustion and pleasure. "I had no idea... "

Finley was lost in the pleasure of mating and being mated, and Chandler could barely hold to his own mind, as Finley's muscles squeezed and milked the still dribbling wolf length buried inside of him.

"Uh - " Finley gurgled, a drizzle of saliva dribbling from his muzzle that hung open, his eyes were glazed and unseeing.

"Master?" Galen giggled weakly. "I...think we broke the deer..."

Finley just trembled, he didn't speak, he could barely breathe - his mind washed away in the pleasures of what he'd experienced. As Chandler grunted and gently pulled free of Finley, feeling the gush of wolf semen following and oozing down the stag's twitching scrotum - Finley gasped then fell heavily onto the panting Vulpine beneath him.

"Urf...oh, that felt...amazing - " Chandler panted.

"Mas... " Galen giggled. "Help...please?"

Gently, Finley was rolled over, as Galen slid Finley free and shuddered as the squirt of deer semen soaked into his fur and brush. Finley was out cold, his penis standing prouder than a redwood, and Galen looked at it and licked his lips longingly.

"You've had your fill pup - " Chandler grunted.

"I didn't mean to break him - " Galen giggled softly, gazing up into his masters eyes.

"Maybe it was a little too much, I'm pretty sure he enjoyed himself, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh, I hope so...I certainly did..."

"Well, you know? C'mon, lets get you cleaned up. You're a mess, you know that? I'm sure Finley won't mind us borrowing a towel or two. After that, I'll get you back home - I think my dear, sweet pet has earned quite a reward tonight..."

Oblivious, Finley slept on in sexual bliss...


(ZOO) - Forest Friends

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