A magician apprentice's mistake

Story by Articlynx582 on SoFurry

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Feeling the urge to prove to his master his power, an apprentice went behind his back and performed a summoning ritual and brought forth a powerful familiar to make a contact with.

"Oh come on! I feel ready, so I am ready!" a voice spoke out within a castle and it was revealed to be a young male raccoon wearing a sash of various colors talking to an older male in front of him. "I've done other spells easily, I'm up for more advanced ones."

"And I've told you that you need to wait." he spoke firmly while looking at an old tome. "You're still too young for the higher spells."

"Come on, there's no need." he said preparing a small energy sphere and bouncing around his paws, demonstrating his strength and control. "You told me I was gifted, I'm ready to expand my horizons and go higher!"

"When I say so." sighed the older male. "As you are now, if you try to force an advanced spell, it could cause who knows what kind of trouble."

The raccoon grumbles at the answer, but nodded his head. "Yes, master." he said as he started to practice some more with shaping water around.

"Now while you do that, I need to head out and speak to the village elder, apparently something's come up and he needs my assistance."

"Do you need some help? I can come with you." he offered having the water wrapped around his arm like a rope.

"No, you stay here and continue studying the scrolls I left you. I shouldn't be gone for too long." The older male said as he stepped outside and left the apprentice alone.

"Yes master." he grumbled to himself as he went to his room and saw a number of scrolls and picked a random one out and opened it. "Chapter one, how to feel with earth magic." 'I mastered this a year ago...' he thought to himself as he starts to read it in silence.

He went to sit on his cot to read while putting the water away in a nearby bucket. 'This is a waste of time! I know he wants me to be careful, not get myself hurt or things like that, but I have been over all of these scrolls. I think one piece of advanced magic couldn't do no harm.' he thought with a huff. "I could probably master it before he even got back." He said to himself as he thought about it. "He'll be gone for a few hours.... As long as I make sure I don't leave any evidence I was snooping around..." he thought about it more and more as his tail twitches.

He looked around and put the scroll down before he made his way to his master's room. He opened it slowly and looked around carefully, making sure there was no observation spell around that would show he was inside. He didn't feel or sense any and tip toed inside. He was looking over some of the scrolls he has. 'Though I do need to consider his words. Too many spells and stuff would wear me out. Just one and that's it!' he thought to himself.

He scrolled through various spells, but none of them really caught his attention. After a little while, he saw some summoning spells and thought they were interesting so he chose one at random. "Maybe I could summon my own familiar, now THAT would show master I'm ready for advanced stuff, not to mention with how hard they are to train, he'd think I'm a prodigy."

He takes the scroll and headed out of the room. He headed towards the main room where they would practice magic. He opens the scroll and looks it over quickly. "Ok, I need to form the circle and runes, then add in a little blood, not excited about that, but like master says. Something's are worth sacrificing a little blood for."

He grabs the candles and placed them at the designated spots as he draws the circle and runes. He soon takes the knife and takes a deep breath before he stabs the palm of his hand gently, yelping in pain before a small amount of blood pooled in his palm. He grit his teeth and shook his head before letting go and let the blood drip over the middle of the circle. "May you accept the rich blood of this wizard as a token of my power. Great powers of heaven and hell, I resolve to summon a familiar to my side."

He takes a deep breath as he continues, "Share with me your strength and energy, the power of water and lightning. Come forth Zenolok! Come forth!"

The circle seemed to slowly glow red before it lit up crimson making the raccoon feel slight nervousness.He forces his shaking hands into a fist to hold down his fear, feeling the magic in the air thickening.

'Keep it together, don't show fear, don't show hesitation or regret.' the apprentice thought to himself feeling magical lightning sparking around. He narrowed his eyes and started to see smoke rising up along with what looked like a hand.

"My name it Akuzi! I'm a skilled wizard and the one who summoned you in this realm!" he stated with conviction. "Therefore I request to make a contract with you as my familiar!"

The figure was quiet as the smoke dispersed and he was able to see the one who he summoned. It had scaly skin with several leathery wings on it's back, and a long tail. "Hmm, so you're the one who summoned me?" he stares at the raccoon all over. "Interesting..."

"Yes, I am Akuzi." he remarked while the figure stood up, making the raccoon look up. 'Ok, didn't expect him to be taller than my master, but that just means he's stronger than expected.' "You must be Zenolok, the winged bringer of lightning and evergiving fluid of life right?" he asked feeling proud of himself.

The figure had what looked like a snake face and cracked his neck while letting out a hiss. "I applaud you for being able to summon me..."

Akuzi smirked and puffed out his chest.

"But you are mistaken. I am NOT the winged bringer of lightning."

"Huh? What do you mean?" he said as he took a look at the scroll. "It says that your name is Zeno... Zeno..... Zeno...loth?"

"Yes." the figure chuckled cracking his hands. "I am Zenolok, the winged bringer of fire and pleasures of the flesh, Zenoloth my nephew and I'm his uncle."

"Oh, I see... I slipped up on what your name was. My mistake. So you're the bringer of fire and.. Pleasures of the flesh?"

"Yes, did I not say that?" he said nodding his head. "I think you're in luck though. I'm actually stronger than my nephew."

"Oh! Really?" asked the raccoon with slight eager. "How stronger?"

Zenolok nods as he started to summon fire as it covers his hands and despite it engulfing them, he doesn't show any pain or anything, letting it move all around his body. "Any fire near me is nothing, no matter how hot it might be."

"Wow, that's pretty impressive." he said as he looks over the winged lizard. 'But he also looks pretty strong and out of my limit.' he thought looking around a little.

"So, what reason do you have for summoning me?"

"Well I wanted to prove to my master that I'm ready to do more advance spells." he said to him.

"That would be a little problematic don't you think? If you told him what you did, he would realize that you snuck into his studies and took his info without permission? That would cause trouble." chuckled the summoned being. "He might even find his trust in you is broken."

The Raccoon was about to speak, but was silent for a moment. "You... got a point. This was all a big waste of time, I'm sorry."

"Now now, who said that?"

"You basically. Like you said, if I tell him what I did, he'll be disappointed and won't trust me, maybe even drop me as an apprentice. He can't know about this. So this was a pointless endeavor."

"I did say that, but I didn't mean he HAD to know."

Akuzi looks confused. "I don't plan on telling him, but I don't see what else is there to say."

"Oh? So you aren't interested in a contract?"

"You would want to make a contract with me, a simple apprentice?" the raccoon asked confused. "Why would you?"

"Well if someone like you can summon me, it means you must have SOME hidden potential. After all, you are an apprentice who was able to summon a powerful being such as I." He said with a proud smile.

"So you ...you'll form a contract with me? Really?" He said getting excited at having a familiar.

"Yes, but there's a certain request to take care of first."

"Blood swap, soul bonding, something like that?" he guessed mentioning various methods.

"Nope, something a bit easier."

"What is it then?" he said listening to what the spirit had to say. "Hopefully it's not painful. That knife part wasn't pleasant in the slightest."

"Well you see, since I'm in the mortal world, you could say I'm beginning to get an...itch."

"An itch, what do you mean by that?" he asked while feeling the air around him becoming slightly warm and thick.

"Just look down." Zenolok stated and the raccoon did so, blushing as he saw the being's member hardening as they spoke.

"T-That's what you mean?" he said stating that the member was starting to look long and thick, any guy would be jealous to have Zenolok's size.

"Yes, it seems my own desires are slowly coming out after coming here. After all, I AM a bringer of fleshly pleasure."

"It would seem that's true..." he stated, blushing a little as he moved back. "It's just that... I don't consider myself male-oriented." he explained feeling flushed.

"Oh? Seems like someones shy." teased Zenolok, slowly approaching the raccoon. "Tell me, have you had any fun with anyone lately?"

"No! O-Of course not! I've been too busy with studying." he blushed, feeling his own member twitching from the subject as he found himself backed against the wall. 'That's odd, is he making this place warm, because I'm breaking into a sweat!'

"So you've never had some time to touch yourself?"

"Well, I do that. But I usually think of females, not males." he said looking away from his gaze.

"Oh? So you've never once felt your mind drift to the opposite sex?"

"No. I didn't find them appealing."he said, but then yelped when he felt the winged familiar brushed along his hardening member. He turned and turned more red seeing the hand lightly touch his dick.

"Look at how hard you're getting here." the being chuckled softly, their bodies so close they're almost touching each other. "It's getting so hard and I'm barely touching it.

"Aahh... hahhh..." Akuzi blushes from the heat as he saw his own member poking from his robes.

"I'll bet you'd love it if I touched it, wouldn't you?" Zenolok said grinning at the blushing raccoon, daring to move his hand until it's inches near the tip.

"T-That's not true..."

"Oh, then let's test that theory." he then started to hold and move the hand up and down gently.

"AH!" yelped Akuzi from the hand while his body got warmer. 'It feels like his hands are warming pads.'

"Mmm, I can already feel you getting more excited."the lizard familiar smirked. "So you still not loving it?"


"Now be sure to be honest with me. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul." he whispered while rubbing the tip with his thumb making Akuzi squirm.

"N-No, stop teasing me." he tried to move away from the familiar. But he felt the tail move over and wrap around his waist, keeping him on the spot.

"Uh, uh, uh, you're going to enjoy this and love our contract making." Zenolok stated with a smile, still stroking his member. "Who knows, you might not remember your name after we're done."

"Ahh..." he moaned from the feeling, blushing as he stared at the lizard's golden eyes. "T-That's not gonna h-AH!"

"Oh look at this, I felt you throb when I gave you a squeeze." the familiar chuckled as he licked his lips. "Time for a little taste~"

He was about to ask what he meant by that before he was lifted on his butt and pressed on the wall with his waist being at the lizard's view. He fund his legs spread with the lizard chuckling. "W-Wait, what are you gonna do?"

"Like I said, I'm getting a little taste." he said as he started to pull the pants down and show the mammal's hard member. "Aw, it's adorable, reminds me of myself when I was just a hundred years old."

"A hundred years old? How old are you now?" he asked surprised.

"About a thousand."

"Wow, that's interesting to know." he stated as he blushes as he rubs and pokes his member. He saw the lizard start to lick his dick making him jump and gasp. "Aah!" he gasped and shuddered from the licking of the lizards tongue. "Oohhh..."

"Wow, this even tastes sweet and innocent, just like a virgin's." he let out a chuckled. "Oh right, I think you told me you never done this before."

The raccoon gulped and nodded before moaning as the familiar began to flick his tongue across the tip while giving his balls a rub. "A-Ahh, ooohhh... So warm." the raccoon murred.

"I'll bet you want more~" He stated with a smile. "Why don't you admit what we both know at this point. Stop trying to hide it."

The raccoon blushed and felt his resolve crumbling, right as the family opened his mouth and slid it over the cock making him groan and throw his head back. "Gaaahhhh~..." he let out a loud gasped as he felt the tongue wrapped around the member, rubbing all around it. 'Oh gods, I don't know how much more I can take.'

Zenolok smiled as he started to lick deeper and started to lick at the hole a little, making slight ticklish movements on the inside. This got the apprentice moaning louder. 'They never get to know how good it feels inside the dick.'

Akuzi moaned and panted as his face was blushing bright red from the licking. "Ohhh, that's very good." 'I had no idea another guy sucking my dick could feel THIS good.'

The winged lizard familiar smiled at that as he started to rub his balls and suck his member harder and faster. 'You're gonna really love it when you explode.'

He tried to endure the feeling as he murrs and pants at the feeling. But he felt his dick twitching and pants faster.

Zenolok then held the male's waist as he moved to lay the raccoon on the table and continued to suck him off as the apprentice gripped the table to keep himself from shaking.

"I-I-I'm gonna-AHHHH!" he cried out before his sperm erupted into Zenolok's mouth.

The winged lizard familiar chuckled as he drinks down the raccoon wizard's seed. It was wiggling around as it spurted with his own girth growing more.

Akuzi panted as he did his best to catch his breath. 'Unbelievable... that felt so much better than rubbing myself off!' He thought with a smile. He felt Zenolok move off with a pop while his dick went semi hard and semi soft. "So would that be it with the contract?"

"Oh no no no, we're not done yet." he said as he gathered some of the wizard's cum and rubbed it on his own, effectively lubbing it up. "I haven't had a chance to help show your behind the pleasures of the flesh."

Akuzi blushes as the sight of Zenolok's long, thick member as he felt the familiar starting to climb onto the table, laying over him.

"I'm going to show you what pleasure I can REALLY bring." he said prodding at his entrance, but then he spoke. "Although, I'm not really sure if I should continue."

"W-Why not?"

"I mean, usually I been getting people telling me that they enjoy my treatment and skills, but you haven't said anything of the sort." He said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You haven't been quite as grateful as them."

Akuzi blushes embarrassed at the teasing tone the familiar was speaking in. "B-But I am!"

"Really? I don't know. I don't want to rape someone." He said looking away. "Maybe if you beg me, I'll reconsider."

"Beg?" Akuzi blushed brighter while looking at the familiar with shock.

"That's right. Others would usually beg me to pleasure them. It's the best way for me to know they mean it." Zenolok said. "So if you want to make it clear you want more, beg loud and clear."

Akuzi whimpered and blushed at the request, trembling a little.

"But if you DON'T want more, I'll simply assume you don't want to continue and don't want a contract." he said starting to move away.

".... Do me."

"Hmm? I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Please... take me." Akuzi stated louder.

"Still can't hear you~"

"Please slide your dick inside me. Let's complete the contract!" he pleaded to him, staring in his eyes.

Zenolok smirked at the the raccoon's pleas as he climbs back on him and lined up his length to the apprentice's ass and gently slid inside him. "Now that's more like it!"

He let out a gasped in a mix of pain and pleasure as he felt his heated member slide into his tailhole. The lube helped, but it still made him yelp the more it went inside.

"Mmmm... I've got a lucky one for sure." he said gripping the apprentice's hips gently and started to thrust back and forth slowly. The dick opened the hole up with it being snug and tight to get moving while the raccoon gasped and bit his lip.

"A-Aaiiee!" he yelped as he felt his body getting warmer from the familiar's higher body heat pressing onto his, making him pant and sweat already.

"Aw, you sound more innocent making that sound." Zenolok smiled stroking his face, making him blush.

"R-Really?" he asked looking into his green eyes.

"Yes, now make it again." he growled lustfully.

"I-I Aaahh..." he panted as his semi-hard shaft hardens itself once again.

"Come on, really try." he said as he places his fingers on the apprentice's nipples. "Maybe this will encourage you~." he started to twist and pinch them gently.

"AHHH!" yelped Akuzi with his dick growing fully hard. "It feels like a hot rod is being shoved into me!"

"Damn straight it is." growled Zenolok pushing the dick in deeper while giving the nipples a tug. He grinned as he saw Akuzi's face quickly showed a one overwhelmed with bliss. "I'll bet you feel ready to explode again, aren't you?"

He grunted and moaned from the sensation, drooling a little from the winged lizard's talent, nodding eagerly. "It's so amazing!"

Zenoloko grinned and used his nails to pinch and tug on the nipples harder, making the racoon moan and squirm in pleasure. He moaned and panted as Akuzi hugged around the familiar, holding him close. "I'll bet you want to cum again, don't you?" he said smiling from the hug.'

"Y-yes, I want to cum again!" he admitted panting hotly.

"Then go ahead and do it." He said as he cupped his hands on his head before planting his lips on the raccoon's.

"Mmmm~" Akuzi let out before moaning when his dick twitched and started spurting cum onto Zenolok's stomach with a shudder with said reptile moving his dick in and out faster than before making him hold him tighter. 'Oohh my... I might just get addicted to this..' he thought kissing him back, wrapping their tongues around.

'I think I might have turned this one into a nympho, again.' Zenolok thought as he makes out with the magician apprentice. 'Not that I mind, I love it when they're eager.'

When the kiss broke Akuzi let out a low moan as Zenolok kept moving his dick in and out. "Ahh.. Ahh... mmmhhh..." he murred and panted, his legs hanging downward on the table edge.

"I'll bet you want more of my seed, don't you?"

"I don't... recall getting... any." he panted as he speaks and catches his breath.

"If you beg like a slut, you can get it all inside your ass."

"P-Please! Cum inside me!" he pleaded with him. "I need your seed in me!"

He smiled as he thrust all the way in. "So be it!" he stated as he growls out, spraying his seed deep inside the raccoon.

"AHHHHH!" Akuzi cried out as he felt the familiar's seed splashed and surged its way inside him. 'It's like I've eaten a bowl of thick, hot soup!' he thought as his belly felt really warm now.

"Take my seed in like a harlot!" laughed the familiar burying his dick as deep inside as possible, holding Akuzi down and gripping him tightly. Their bodies were drenched in sweat as they panted together.

After some time to catch their breath, Akuzi let go while the familiar sat up without removing his dick. "That.. was unbelievable... and amazing.."

"And I didn't even need to use my REAL powers." he said smiling at him. "You really took a shine at this quite eagerly."

"I...couldn't...help it." he blushes a little in embarrassment as he looked away. "You probably realized it now, but I was a virgin."

"It was blatantly obvious." Zenolok said with a chuckle as the Raccoon looks at him again.

"So is it done? Is the contract made?" he asked.

"Mmmm, to a point."

"To a point?" He asked confused. "What more is there?" he asked sitting up a little, butt feeling sore.

"It takes two rounds for a contract to be made, but now's not the time. Your master will be returning soon."


"Yep, he'll be here in a few minutes. Might want to clean up the place and put the scroll back. You know, hide evidence." He stated.

Akuzi paled and cried out in panic before running around. "Oh my god! I need hot water!" he said cleaning the tables and floors as he puts the summoning scroll back in the master's room, soon he prepared the bath water in the washroom. He got in and rushed to scrub himself clean.

He heard the door opening from a distance. "I'm back." His master called out. "Akuzi, where are you?"

"In the washroom!" The raccoon called out as he washes himself as fast as he could. "I'm just taking a little bath!"

"I see." His master said. "I hope everything went well and no trouble happened." he walked into the main room and pulled his hood down. "Hmm, so far there doesn't seem to be any damage."

Akuzi sweatdrops. He placed everything up the way he found it, but is still worried it might've missed a small detail. He rushed back to his master and smiled. "Sorry for the wait."

"It's fine. Everything went well in town." The master said sitting down. "Also I've been thinking about what you said about teaching you advanced magic."

"R-Really?" He asked as he sat down beside his master.

"Yes, and...I think you're right. Maybe letting you try out an advanced spell is what you need."

"Oh, well. Thank you for saying that, but..."

"No buts. You've come a long way and it's time I let you take more advanced spells."

"It's just that... while you were gone, I was thinking about why you were being cautious. I figured I wasn't the only apprentice to state that they're ready. There must've been those who tried to learn those types of spells, but it backfired and they gotten hurt or worse."

"Oh big time. Why one time an apprentice of a friend of mine tried teleportation for the first time. Accidentally teleported into a tree and got attacked by squirrels."

Akuzi couldn't help, but start laughing at that news. "But anyway, let's wait until we both know for sure."

"You sure about that?" the master said looking over the apprentice with a wandering gaze.

"Uh huh, I'll be pa-TIENT!" he let out while jumping and making his master jump.

"Are you okay?" The master asked, surprised at that yelp which came out of nowhere.

"Y-Yes!" blushed Akuzi when he felt a sensation moving across his balls and asshole and shivered. "I-I'm going to retreat to my room now." He said getting up from the chair.

His master raised an eyebrow and watched the raccoon bolt up the stairs, but he doesn't pursue him as the apprentice reached his room and entered.

"W-What was that just now?" he cried out softly as he looked around.

'Seems to me like you were still excited from our fun~' Zenolok chuckled as he revealed himself in a translucent form.

"You did that?!" he gaped. "That was really crazy! Why would you do that?!"

'To tease you of course~' chuckled Zenolok. 'I wanted to see what your master would say if he thought you were acting odd.'

"Well that was dangerous. What if he felt something was weird, he might've discovered I done something!" he whispered rubbing his head.

'You mean getting off~?' whispered Zenolok with a chuckle while Akuzi felt a hand rub against his groin making him jolt. 'Ooh, I can feel it getting nice and rock hard again~'

Akuzi blushes at him rubbing at his groin again. "H-Hey we're not in a private place. He can hear."

'Good, I want him to hear~' purred the reptile making Akuzi panic and jump away. 'Aw, spoil sport.'

"Don't forget. You said that if he realizes I done this, I'll get in serious trouble and lose his trust." he whispered at the familiar.

'I know, but it's fun teasing you.' he said while thinking, 'So I just need to keep you quiet right?'

"Well, technically speaking yeah, but-" he felt something long entering his mouth and down his throat as well as his body being picked up. "MMMMM!" he saw multiple tentacles behind the lizard familiar's back with them bringing them close.

'Don't worry, you'll feel paradise~' he said as Akuzi's clothes were being taken off to leave him nude. 'It's time we finish the contract.'

'N-No! If this happens, I'll go nuts and my master will surely see!'

'Don't worry, as long as my tentacles are in your mouth, you won't make a peep.' he assured as a tentacle neared the raccoon's butt. 'Now let's make sure you aren't lonely here~' before the tentacle started to push into the spot making Akuzi moan around the tentacle, thankfully it wasn't loud at all. Akuzi spasmed and squirmed as he felt the tentacle slid inside him, 'Oh god, it's warm and slimy.'

'Of course, it makes it so much easier to go in and out. Especially after I took your cute butt's virginity~' he giggled rubbing his head like a pet. 'Now start licking it like it's a dick.'

Akuzi blushes as he does what he said, licking it all around and moaning softly from the tentacle moving slowly inside him. It wiggled like a worm and kept going deeper and deeper. "Mmmm..." He muffles and moans out in pleasure of being held.

'That's it, take it in like a harlot getting paid to do this.' Zenolok snickers, rubbing the raccoon's back and belly, licking at his neck.

'Oohh god!' Akuzi thought becoming swooned with pleasure. 'It feels too good to be real!' he felt the tentacles go deeper and opening his asshole more, feeling like he's about to burst. 'I'm going mad!'

The winged lizard familiar then shuddered as the raccoon apprentice felt liquid being spilled into his ass.

"Mmmmm!" He moans as he started to cum as well, spraying on his bed as he panted. "Ah...Ahh... Hah..."

`How did that feel?'

"Unbelievable..." he panted as he saw that he was being laid onto the bed.

'The good or bad kind?' teased Zenolok.

"The good kind. Of course it's the good kind." he chuckled as he heard the door knock.

"Akuzi? You doing okay?" his master said as the apprentice covered himself.

"J-Just taking a nap! I'm awake now." He called out.

"Well when you're done, come down, I'm going to show you an advanced spell you can try. Best not dilly dally."

"R-Right. Be right down." he said getting up and getting dressed. "No teasing me while I'm with my master."

"Just be back soon." he said with a smile, patting the Raccoon's rear.

Akuzi blushed and rushed out of the room and headed downstairs with his master looking through a tome. "Sorry for the wait master." he said going to sit next to him. "So what's the spell you want to show me?"

"Well, I figured one good advanced spell would be to try and summon your own familiar."

He looks surprised at the answer. "Summon.. a familiar?"

"Of course, it'd be nice to have a little servant to control, provided you summon one powerful enough." He said showing him the familiar summoning spell and what familiar he'll be summoning.

Akuzi looked at it and blinked while blushing.

"Why not give it a shot."

"I... I don't know..." he said looking at the familiar summoning spell of a winged lizard named Zenolok. "This one feels.. out of my reach."

Kobold Village

The sky was dark and rain was falling heavy on the forest floor as the sounds of footsteps were splashing on the wet ground. They were fast and darting through the trees while someone was panting. Sounds of tree branches and leaves crunching sounded as...

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Birth of a Mother Goddess

(The Blood, Gore, And Death only show once where she's hunting. It doesn't show again, but I wanted you to know.) There is a large room in an underground room as it was filled with large machines, glowing lights and sound of wrench tightening bolts...

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A electrifying reaction

.We look at a largish looking ship on a rocky looking landscape with a greenish, yellowish sky above it. Inside through the windows showed a figure looking around at the area with interest. The figure was a grey squirrel wearing a labcoat who was...

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