(ZOO) Forest Friends

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of (ZOO) Forest Friends

Ranger Anna is a bored, lonely Anthropomorphic Whitetail Doe, working a long weekend shift at a national park. Its the off season for the park, so things are slow, the park is relatively quiet, the crowds have all gone home, or their seperate ways, and the animals are peaceful and restful...mostly...

(ZOO) Forest Friends

(C) Cederwyn Whitefurr

14th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Anna pushed away the mountain of reports and other mindless drudgery. Whoever said, life as a Ranger was endless sunshine, happiness and laughter - never worked for the Parks and Wildlife. Her black tipped ears were pinned back - she hated it, but rules and regulations insisted on it. Same as they insisted on the dark khaki trousers and ill-fitting shirt she was forced to wear.

Frustrated, she stood and walked across the timber floor, her slender cloven hooves clicking as she paused at the sink and drew herself a glass of water from the faucet.

Sipping it, she glanced idly out the window, then reached back and unclasped her ears.

"Hell with regulation..." Anna muttered, feeling blood flow back into her ears, making them ache.

As she finished the water, sighing softly, she rinsed the glass and upended it in the strainer then began walking back towards her desk. Half-way there, she paused and placed a paw delicately against her belly.

"Nature calleth - " Anna chuckled quietly, then frowned and moaned, remembering the staff bathroom had been out of service for the past three days, undergoing renovation.

"Well, guess its the old tried and true method - " Anna muttered, as she went to the bathroom and retrieved a roll of toilet paper, then walked outside.

It was the off-season, so not many campers, even less hikers, so it was a quiet, restful time in the park for animals and rangers alike. Anna walked about a hundred yards away from the Ranger Station, slipping into the thick forest. Here, she felt safe, protected and unlikely to be seen in a rather compromising position, she goes and squats beside a tree.

Slipping her trousers off, then her pale panties, Anna spread her legs then squatted. Her tail flickered as she squatted, thighs quivering slightly, before the golden stream finally begins to dribble, then stream like a swift flowing river over the tree root. A smell reaches her nostrils, and she is a moment, before she chuckles and shakes her head slowly.

'Wonderful, just - wonderful - " Anna grumbles. "I've started my cycle later...wonderful..."

Anna relaxes as best she can while the puddle grows. Anna wasn't a a city girl by any means, but she was a bit oblivious to the natural world as she was more focused on the task at hand...or paw...


It had been an uneventful few days - apart from the usual shortness and frustrating emotions that come with her season. Anna brushed her slightly damp black ear-tipped ears with a graceful paw and sighed,

"I'm done with it all!" Anna exclaimed to no-one, as she growled and snatched up the topographical maps and loose sheaf of paper that scattered like fall leaves when an errant gust blew through the window of the Ranger Station.

Tugging lightly at the tight fitting khaki collar around her slender neck, Anna wondered why the powers that be could not authorise a more comfortable and above all - lighter uniform, especially for the precious few Anthropomorphic creatures who worked in the Forestry department.

Many rangers had often objected bitterly to the stifling, heavy 'military style' uniforms, finding them hot, constrictive and un-conductive to pleasant working conditions. Of course, Management had said they would 'take it under advisement' - which as Anna and others knew - meant their request would get passed to some faceless bureaucrat and it'd be forgotten...

As an Anthropomorphic Whitetail doe, Anna was of average height for her kind, standing on beautifully polished cloven hooves. Once again - had been forced into buying specialised 'hoof-boots' as they were known, for fear she would - unlikely of course, her cloven hooves being of stronger natural keratin than the synthetic 'leather' of the boots she was forced to wear - 'injure herself in her working environment'.

Such needless regulations and such often made her laugh. Had not the feral deer lived in the woods and such for untold centuries, and never injured their hooves?

Standing five feet eight inches tall, the hem of the khaki slacks he was expected to wear whilst on duty, ending just above the dewclaw on the back of her 'heel', and through a slender slit in the back of the slacks - much too narrow and uncomfortable to easily slide her long tail through without pulling a few hairs with it - her light forest brown tail hung in its relaxed state. A thick, wide leather belt encircled her slender hips and tucked into the slacks was the firm, tightly woven material that made up the confining shirt which was causing her so much distress.

Anna wanted nothing more than to unbutton the confining shirt - after all, she was the only Ranger on duty today - one of her colleagues was laid up in bed with a virulent flu, another was attending a course in the 'big smoke' as it was laughingly referred to amongst them, which left Anna alone to keep track of the comings and goings of the assigned paperwork and to greet visitors; who by long standing custom - we asked to check in at the Ranger Station when arriving, and departing, so if - anything untoward happened, or there were an unexpected number of visitors and campers, appropriate camp sites could be rotated in and out accordingly.

This year, had been - much to Anna's pleasure, a rather quiet season. Numbers were well down on previous years, and as such, there was little needing to be done to keep the place running efficiently and in a neat, orderly manner. Only two camp sites were open - so far - and they were both within an easy half hour drive of each other via the forest fire trails and such, of course, reserved for emergencies and Park Staff use - the general public had nice sealed roads to the camp grounds, and so far, Anna was grateful for the lower than forecast numbers, since she was distinctly left short-staffed.

With a light groan, Anna gathered up the paperwork and neatly stacked it, before filing it all away and rising with a low gasp, her paws reaching behind her to gently rub and stroke her back.

"I hate this..." Anna sighed.

Twisting too and fro, Anna squealed as her spine crunched, causing her to moan softly. Hobbling outside, she knew just the remedy for it. Here, she bent over, touching the ground with the flat of her fingers, feeling her aching back crackle and loosen, her long wedge like tail flicking up towards the middle of her back, exposing the beautiful white underside.

"I need to go for a jog, the Station can look after itself for an hour!" Anna nodded to herself .

Starting off at a steady walk, Anna loosened the tight collar of the uniform, and let her belt out two notches. Carefully, feeling her muscles start to loosen and stretch, she happily increased her steady pace. Soon, she was jogging, her breath coming in easy pants, as she felt her cloven hooves striking the ground then lifting again. A cool breeze blew against her, keeping her modestly comfortable, as she jogged at random down one hiking path, then along another.

For longer than she realised, it was only when her smell caught the scent of the fresh, clear spring nearby and her body ached with its desire for a drink, did she slow and eventually come to a walk. Late afternoon sunlight dappled the pathway as she blinked and shook herself, her ears slapping damply from side to side.

"How..." Anna frowned, then looked at her wrist watch, before she slapped a paw against her forehead. "Idiot doe...you left it on your bedside table this morning..."

Indecision fought with anxiety - she desperately needed a drink, but leaving the Ranger Station unattended - even in the low season - well, if something happened, it'd be her hide nailed to a wall. Thirst won out as she moved purposefully towards the babbling creek.

Making her way through the thick foliage, she paused, eyes wide and ears flattening. She'd never been to this part of the park before, the creek before her was an easy twenty feet across if it was an inch, an inviting pool forming on the closest bank. Beautiful green grasses and some mosses grew here, and as she walked towards the creek, smelling the water - it worked its magick on her.

With a squeal of Cervid pleasure Anna threw self-caution to the wind and quickly unbuttoned her heavy shirt, stripping it off as she made her way across the soft moss, feeling it spring and squish under her cloven hooves. Dropping her shirt, she began tugging at the leather belt and the trousers - sitting down and peeling them off, her panties coming as well.

Now, naked as the day she was fawned, Anna stepped into the water, then gasped as she felt it swirl round her ankles.

"Brrr...cold!" Anna giggled, then pinched her nose shut and jumped hooves first into the pool.

It swallowed her easily, soaking through her warm body and instantly chilling it. As she rose, she shook her head and moved to the side of the pool, feeling her natural body warmth quickly taking the chill off the water. As she lay there, resting her weight on her furred elbows, she felt the water washing away all her stresses and cares.

For nearly an hour, she lay there, relaxed and un-moving - almost in a doze, before she heard a snort from behind her. Coming too with a fright, she splashed water and twisted her head, to look sideways. No more than a foot away, a four pointed buck stood there, looking at her clothes then snorting at them. He lifted his head, revealing the black muzzle stripe and the large white chest plate. Instantly Anna knew it was a three, maybe four year old Whitetail. He didn't seem scared at all - but many of the deer here, despite fines warnings and signs, humans and anthromorph's alike - fed them.

"Oh..." Anna blushed, flattening her ears, then chuckling nervously, feeling foolish talking to a stag.

He looked at her, grunted and went back to curiously snuffling through her clothes. When he found her panties, he frowned and snorted, before sniffing them deeply and snorting again. With a loud bellow, he shook his head then began pawing at the ground and snuffling. Anna's eyes widened in surprise - as she knew this sign - and usually - what it meant...

To Be Continued...

Beneath A Moon Kissed Sea

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Beneath a Moon Kissed Sea - Intro / Teaser -

Water as smooth as glass, kissed by the heavy, pregnant moon so far above rippled, then bubbled. Air bubbles popped and punctured, before a sleek golden furred head broke the surface. Firs tthe nose, nostrils clamped tight, relaxed and air rushed into...

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Lord Attlebrush's Dinner

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