Beneath A Moon Kissed Sea

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Beneath a Moon Kissed Sea

Beneath A Moon Kissed Sea, a young seal is filled with life and love, but when her curiosity brings her across an unfortunate accident out on the water, a lone human survivor will test even this young one's patience and skills...

Beneath A Moon Kissed Sea

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

13thJuly, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

A Selkie risks her life, to save humans after a boating accident

Water as smooth as glass, kissed by the heavy, pregnant moon so far above rippled, then bubbled. Air bubbles popped and punctured, before a sleek golden furred head broke the surface.

First the nose, nostrils clamped tight, relaxed and air rushed into the lungs. Whiskers followed the short muzzle, as it opened and helped to draw air deep. Rows of sharp fangs glistened for a moment, before the lips closed. Tightly closed eyelids flicked open, revealing eyes like twin pools of night - yet sparkling with love and life. Tiny ear flaps were next, unsealing and letting this enigmatic creature hear.

Twisting its lithe body, flippers slapped at the water, as it twisted to the right, then again and again - facing back the way it had originally been looking. Content, it flexed and dove, the twin flippers at the tail slapping the waters surface, making concentric rings spread ever outwards.

For a few moments, peace and tranquillity returned, before the sea erupted as the creature flew gracefully about two metres into the air, twisting and writhing, as it splashed down on its belly, the water exploding like a geyser around it, then covering it once more. Content and at play it dove and resurfaced a loud whoosh as it expelled old, stale air through its nostrils, then rolled over onto its back, gazing longingly up at the moon, entranced and enthralled by its pallor.


Faintly, ears heard something - it frowned, rolling back over and flicking its hind flippers to keep its head above water. It swivelled itself too and fro, trying to source the strange sounds.

Distant and barely heard, but noises its mind struggled to comprehend. Suddenly a brilliant yellow gold flash appeared on the horizon, spiralling upwards and turning red and black.

It was almost a minute, before the slapping shock-wave rocked the seal, making it squeal in agony as the concussive force threatened to shatter its eardrums. Hurting, scared and frightened, it twisted and dove back beneath the surface, its ear flaps sealing and nostrils clamping.

Deep beneath the surface, it rolled and spun, before reorienting itself with the surface again, its eyes peering into the inky depths. New noises come through the saline - cracks, crunches, a faint vibration. These were sounds it knew - it had seen and heard these great noisy beasts of steel that thrashed wildly at the surface, when a storm broke them and their carcasses fell to the ocean floor.

This - sounded different - smaller, fainter - none of the concussive implosions that displaced water and made the marine life scatter in wild panic. No, this was similar - but not similar. Curiosity began to burn in the mind, a dangerous and potentially lethal trait it had been told multiple times. It couldn't help it, it may as well been ordered to stop breathing - for all the good it'd do!

Slapping its fins back, it glided with incredible speed through the ocean, drawn inexorably towards that cracking and crumpling sound. Eyes were protected by the specialised membrane, that allowed it to see just as well beneath the surface, as above. Breaking the surface, it took a quick breath and dissapeared again.

In that heartbeat, it had seen the thing in the sky had vanished - it wasn't surprised. Usually they only lasted a few seconds...usually. One, it remembered, almost beyond its young minds ability to recall - had light the day and the night with a sickening black cloud. Noises had come from that thing, agonising noises that tore apart the air - as great orange, red and black clouds boiled from it.

Diving down, it glanced sideways at a large cuttlefish. That'd make a perfect meal - but it ignored the cuttlefish which squirted away in a cloud of ink. With a stream of bubbles from its muzzle, laughter, the seal gulped and slashed towards the surface.

Its head broke the water and it gasped, choking on the bitter salt water as it shivered. Twisting around again and again, it sought to get its bearings. Really, it was all relative. It did not understand north from south, east from west. It went where it willed, when it willed. It knew, instinctively, the bright painful ball that rose to its right, would come in its own time, just as the beloved moon, so far above, would wilt and die, only to grow and be reborn in its own time.

Diving again, it resumed tracking unerringly towards the enigmatic sounds. They grew quieter - the vibration felt as long sound waves as whatever caused it, broke up, its falling parts plunging downwards, towards the darkness so far below...


Breaking the surface, its head dribbling water, as its muzzle fell open and it stared, wide eyed. A huge pool of something blazed on the surface, radiating heat like its favourite rock it liked to sunbathe on. Refuse and bits, unknown to the animal, sloshed and floated. Nearby, was something it did_recognise - mostly by shape. Swimming over, it barked once then prodded it, before squealing as it turned at the touch - its skin was black and roasted, parts of it _missing. With a piercing bark, the seal twisted and dived below the water, until it was safe - then it rolled over and looked up. Frowning, it seen something moving and thrashing at the water, but from down here, it was difficult to tell what it was. It seemed hurt - one leg not moving, as this thing began to sink beneath the water again, its hands clawing.

It knew of humans - mostly because sometimes, they would throw it a fish - often - abuse and angry words. Its curiosity aroused again, it whirled and twisted, indecision wracking its mind before it powered upwards. Sharp teeth grabbed the struggling human by the back of whatever odd skin it wore, pulling it up to the surface.

Here, it spat out the horrible tasting skin, glancing at the gasping and half drowned human, before guiding a piece of something that floated over - pushing it with its nose. Grateful, the human clung to it, as her eyes widened and she shrieked, seeing the inquisitive muzzle of the seal about two inches from her face. With a bark of fright, the seal slid backwards in the sea, hovering there and staring - just as the human stared right back.

"'re a..." Stammered the half-drowned woman, before she gasped and winced in what must have been pain.

Confused, the seal stared at her, before it barked loudly in confusion and consternation.

"Our..boat, it had a fuel leak and it - " Gasped the woman, before she shook her head and shuddered, her skin paling.

Not understanding a word, the seal swam a little closer, curious and confused, before it barked again, then swam around in circles, watching the woman.

Why does this human not swim like I do?

Again, the seal circled, barking and slapping the wave with a flipper.

"I...I don't understand - what want!"

Frustrated, the seal barked again and again, slapping at the water, before swimming away and back again.

" leg - " Began the woman.

What about it? Is she not right in the head? It's obvious - swim, you don't belong in the sea human!

" leg - I think its - oh this is stupid, talking to a seal!"

Frowning, the seal snorted through its nostrils, then slapped the ocean surface with more intent and purpose, then barked again.

"No, I don't understand you!" Wept the woman. "I'm going to die out here - either a shark or I'll drown..."

Frustrated, the seal swam around behind her, then gripped that fake skin again and pulled her hard.

"OW, no - stop that!" Yelped the woman.

Letting go, the seal ago swam around her, as if getting its bearings, then swimming away about a hundred metres, before coming back, frowning at the woman, repeating it and returning again.

Your place is that way! Come the frantic seal's mind, as it slapped the surface again and again, trying to get this dry skin to comprehend.

Frustrated, the seal returned, before grasping the front of the humans strange skin and tugging at it frantically. It couldn't swim like this - not backwards - but it prayed the human would get the message it was trying to convey.

Stop struggling! You'll summon the Death Bringers!

Eyes wide, the Seal's muzzle fell open, as she seen the moonlit surface ripple, then a fin began cutting through the water - heading straight for them -

Oh no...

To Be Continued...

Beneath a Moon Kissed Sea - Intro / Teaser -

Water as smooth as glass, kissed by the heavy, pregnant moon so far above rippled, then bubbled. Air bubbles popped and punctured, before a sleek golden furred head broke the surface. Firs tthe nose, nostrils clamped tight, relaxed and air rushed into...

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