Lacrosse Lovers - Epilogue -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of Lacrosse Lovers

Chloe is troubled by a nightmare - a bad one - on the night before the Lacrosse Grand Final. Will the young Stag be up for it? Or will he break under the pressure and expectations? Later, a mutual friend, Greytail, an Anthropomorphic Grey Kangaroo, comes to their dorm room, with a rather - personal - request...that only Stephen and Chloe can answer...

Lacrosse Lovers - Epilogue

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

All Rights Reserved

January, 2015

It was the day of the Lacrosse Grand Final - Chloe and his team had trained for this all year, and the noise of the jubilant crowds cheering and yelling support was bordering on deafening. Still, Chloe shook his helmeted head, slicking his tubular ears back as he shrugged first one shoulder, then the other, clutching the lacrosse pole in his gloved paws - the sweat was real - the adrenaline surging through his body was real - and the pressure - the pressure was more than real...


Chloe awoke with a startled shriek that nearly shattered glass, and Stephen awoke at Chloe's ear-piercing squeal, then flicked on the bedside light and clutched the shaking and crying Whitetail to his chest.

"What in the name of the Goddess - " Stephen grunted, as he brushed back Chloe's ears and gently cradled him. "A nightmare my love?"

Chloe sniffled and clung tightly to Stephen, the vestiges of the dream clinging to his mind like nebulous fog, as he sniffled and nodded, his body trembling like a terrified fawn during a thunderstorm.

Stephen rubbed his eyes with one paw, then gently pushed Chloe back and gazed into the dark, soulful orbs of the Whitetail, who sniffled piteously and bravely tried to bite back his tears that ran unashamedly down his cheeks.

"Its alright my love," Stephen whispered, as he again drew Chloe close and caressed his back comfortingly. "Its all going to be alright - "

Chloe began to relax under Stephen's strong, loving embrace, and he lay back down, Stephen placing his lovers head on his shoulder - mindful of the two short antlers that nearly reached Stephen's chin, and continued to caress and comfort his partner.

"I do not want to talk about it - " Chloe whimpered, as he nuzzled Stephen's chest and sniffled again. "Can we just go back to sleep my love - just - just hold me, please?"

Chloe turned his tear streaked gaze up to look at Stephen, who nodded and cuddled Chloe close.

"Go to sleep my little Doe, it'll all be alright in the morning - you need your rest, tomorrow is the finals of the Lacrosse, and I'm so proud of you and your team for making it to the grand finals - your team will win the Pennant my love - I'm sure of go back to sleep."

Chloe made as if to reply, but Stephen gently placed his large paw over Chloe's nose and muzzle, tenderly holding it closed until Chloe nodded weakly and closed his eyes.

"Its all going to be alright my love, " Stephen repeated, as he stroked Chloe's cheek with a calloused thumb. "It's all going to be alright."


Chloe stood on the field, in one paw his lacrosse stick held loosely, in the other his helmet, and his ears flicked too and fro as he listened to the adoration and screaming of the crowd, his team mates slapping the young Stag on the back, before the opposing team passed through the ranks, shaking hands or paws and slapping each other on the backs. It had been a close game, closer than any could have imagined, but as the crowd began to quiet, Chloe's mind reeled. He had put his heart and soul into the lacrosse team he had led for this season - he couldn't have been prouder of the humans and anthro's alike, who made up the team. They had trained day in and day out, hour after hour - and finally - here they stood - the Pennant winners for this season.

Chloe was always embarrassed about the spectacle and grandeur of the Pennant being bestowed upon the winning team's captain, so he politely passed the leadership to his vice captain and timidly made his way off the field - accompanied by the losing team who congratulated him and his, which only added to the already embarrassed young Whitetail.


After a long, hot shower, Chloe turned off the water and just stood there, his head bowed and breathing heavily - the adrenaline finally beginning to dissipate from his bloodstream and the post-excitement and heady rush was wearing off. Exhaustion tried to claim him, but he fought it's nefarious touch and began drying himself off with an oversized towel. He knew the celebration would go on for hours, he wished his team well with it - but he'd never been able to truly relax and get into the feel of a celebratory party - he was shy, insecure and skittish - traits his kind had had since their feral ancestry.

Chloe wanted nothing more than to return to the dormitory room which he shared with Stephen, his lover and room mate for the past five years - and in the privacy of their own room, would this effeminate young Whitetail celebrate quietly - out of the harsh, blinding glare of photographs and crowds - neither of which he handled well.


As he let himself back into the dormitory room, Chloe placed his lacrosse bag in the nearby closet and slumped onto his bed, where he wriggled himself into a comfortable position, sprawled on his belly and he inhaled the musky scent of himself and his partner. It was a scent that Chloe adored, bringing with it memories of their lovemaking and afterwards - his strong, equine lover cradling him like a child and whispering sweet nothings into his ears until Chloe drifted into a deep, satisfied sleep.

Already, Chloe could feel the tendrils of sleep creeping into his body, so he rolled himself over onto his back and stretched languidly, crossing his wrists above his head and gripping the headboard of the bed, his slender fingers gripping tight as he intentionally arched his hooves downwards, stretching out the taut calf and thigh muscles. His spine crackled from the base of his wedgelike tail to the start of his skull and he moaned in part pain, part pleasure, before a deep convulsive shiver ran through his body.

Sighing, Chloe rolled himself off his bed, then shed his clothes and neatly folded them, placing them on a shelf next to the closet, before he ran his splayed furred fingers from his throat to his groin and then back again. As he placed his fingers on the edge of the table that sat beneath the window, he began to lean forwards, spacing his cloven hooves widely apart and stretching out his spine as he did so - so flexible was this Whitetail, within a few moments he had his furred palms pressed against the wooden floor, his cold, wet nose almost touching - and his wedgelike tail was snapped upright like a white flag above his pale furred rump.

It was in this somewhat compromising pose, that Chloe found himself, when Stephen, in his usual manner, slammed open the dormitory room door and his iron shod hooves clicked loudly on the hard floor.

"Well - now that's a sight I like to see - " Stephen whiffled, his nostrils flaring as he dropped his own bag just inside the door. "A willing Whitetail Doe, presenting herself for her Stallion..."

Chloe couldn't help but giggle like said Hind, as he gave a few flexing stretches then began to stand back up - but before he completed the movement, Stephen crossed the room and slipped his paws around Chloe's effeminate hips and suggestively ground his shorts-clad groin against Chloe's rump.

"Such a naughty, teasing Doe..." Stephen snickered, then helped Chloe to stand, before turning him about and in one swift move, lifted Chloe off his hooves and slid them around behind Stephen's back, Stephen easily holding Chloe's full weight in a firm but gentle grip under Chloe's rump. "Now, why is my delicious young Doe naked as the day she was fawned?"

With a snort, Chloe leaned back and placed his paws on Stephen's blonde furred shoulders, then smiled.

"For your information - my dear Colt - " Chloe retorted playfully, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I was doing my exercises - oh, and in case you did not know - "

Stephen snorted playfully, then nibbled Chloe's throat. "I know my love, congratulations to you and your Lacrosse team - it was a hard fought game, but you persevered, just as I said you would! I think this calls for a special treat, for a young Doe who has trained so hard all year...and I know just the treat!"

"Ooh," Chloe squealed in pleasure, his tail beginning to flag from side to side, then one brown furred paw trailed down Stephen's chest and the fingers brushed teasingly across the Stallions shorts, before grabbing the firm bulge hidden beneath.

Stephen gasped, his ears snapping backwards as he twitched and blinked, then nipped Chloe's throat hard enough to make the Stag giggle and squirm.

"Leave that alone - you don't know what you're trying to do little one - " Stephen admonished Chloe teasingly. "I thought you'd have had enough, after yesterday in the lacrosse sheds..."

"Mmmm," Chloe murmured, as he tilted his head back and shivered in remembered pleasure. "That was only a Colt, I want a real stallion..."

Chloe slipped both paws into Stephen's shorts, then began caressing and rubbing the velvety sheath intentionally, his eyes locked on Stephen's muzzle, which was incapable of hiding the emotions that Chloe's experienced fingers were bringing him.

"You can't hide your feelings from me my love - " Chloe giggled shyly, then leaned close and licked Stephen's nose. "You've never been any good at it - its why you shouldn't play poker - "

"I'll show you poke - her..." Stephen mock growled, as he carried Chloe to the bed and sat him down.

"Oh, you promise? Did I make the little Colt get upset with the big, mean Whitetail?" Chloe teased playfully, as he wrapped his fingers around the waistband of Stephen's gym shorts, and in one swift movement - had them down around the Stallion's hooves.

Chloe stared at the bulging sheath - only the slightest hint of the prize hidden within it was showing - and beneath them, the large, furred scrotum that Chloe adored.

"Keep it up little Doe...I dare you..." Stephen panted, as Chloe twisted about on the bed, then sprawled on his belly and continued to use his paws on Stephen's sheath - coaxing Stephen's penis out a little bit at a time, as Stephen continued to retain his self-control.

"I know what I want Colt...and I want this juicy little morsel..." Chloe snickered, as he lowered his head and his supple tongue licked around the folds of the sheath - then began to carefully push his muzzle slightly inside to lick at the hidden penis.

"Stop that - " Stephen gasped, as he rested his paws on Chloe's head, then lightly twisted Chloe's ears.

"Nope - " Come the muffled voice, as Chloe closed his eyes and one paw cupped the Stallions testicles and massaged them, whilst the other caressed and rubbed the sheath - his tongue continuing to flicker up, over and around the present hidden inside that dark velvety slit.

"Chloe...oh for the love of the - " Stephen panted, his ear twisting growing firmer, as he convulsively shivered and Chloe giggled - before Stephen's full penis slid from the sheath and into Chloe's willing and waiting paw.

"Now..." Chloe murmured, as he gazed lovingly at the impressive length that was only semi-errect. "Whatever shall I do with this little thing?"

"Little?" Stephen gasped, then he braced his paws either side of Chloe's head, hooflets digging into the sheets.

Chloe rolled his eyes and smiled wider, before he sighed in delight and sensuously ran his supple tongue from the slight flare behind the head to the base and back up the other side.

Nothing in creation - had a tongue as soft as a deer, and in three licks, Chloe had Stephen's penis twitching and standing like a flagpole.

"That's better - " Chloe mumbled, as he licked his wet lips and nodded appreciatively. "I was thinking I'd have to deal with a miniature, maybe now, it's borderline Shetland pony - "

Stephen snorted good-naturedly, for this playful teasing was part of what made their relationship as special as it was. His mind wandered momentarily - then was snapped back like an elastic band as Chloe trailed his hooflets lightly from the base to the head, his tongue going the opposite way.

"I swear - " Stephen ground out, his jaws locked tight and muscles quivering. "You keep this up - "

"I intend too - " Chloe panted, his smile broadening across his muzzle. "We know from experience my love, that - "

Stephen nearly collapsed, as Chloe rolled his eyes up, and in one quick thrust of his head dropped his muzzle and slipped the first three inches of Stephen's penis into his mouth. Here, Chloe began swallowing, hyper-actuating his salivary glands as he'd trained himself, quickly coating Stephen's penis in a wet, slippery coating. Stephen grunted and released Chloe's ears, knowing his lover needed all the attention he could summon - when performing oral sex on the Stallion.

"Oh you...that feels - " Stephen mumbled, as his body trembled.

Chloe's tail began flagging faster and faster, as he swallowed again - his tongue forced to the bottom of his mouth by Stephen's penis - but even that didn't deter him, as he eased his muzzle down a little further and every so slowly - lifted it back up - his lips making a loud slurping sound as he lifted his head clear and Stephen gasped. Giggling, Chloe again lowered his muzzle - even further this time and using his powerful throat muscles, he pressed his lips just past the medial ring and began suckling like a hungry Fawn would nurse from its mothers teats.

Stephen's mind was overwhelmed, he barely retained any vague semblance of thought - rational or otherwise, as he watched Chloe's head bobbing almost in time to the wild and reckless flagging of the Whitetail's tail - which quickly become a blur. Chloe was gifted, there was no doubt - and as his fingers caressed and massaged Stephen's scrotum - he quickly lifted his head until he was barely suckling - feeling the Stallion's breath coming in faster and faster gasps, the scrotum tightening.

"No...not...not yet - " Stephen whinnied, throwing his head back and his fingers gouging at the bed.

Chloe opened his eyes, rolling them up and a smile creased his lips - which maintained their suction, and he blinked then uttered a short, sharp grunt as Stephen flattened his ears and began to ejaculate in strong, powerful spurts into Chloe's muzzle and throat. Chloe began to swallow as fast as he could, barely staying ahead of the hot, salty gift he had worked so hard to achieve, his eyes closed and all his attention purely fixed on what he was doing.

Finally, with a few long, lingering suckles, Chloe lifted his head and cradling his sensitive lovers penis in one paw, he delicately licked it clean and then cupped his chin under his paws and gazed up at the sweating and panting stallion - indeed, Stephen drew great gasping breaths through his wide nostrils and open mouth, a tiny gleam of spittle dribbled from his slack lips as he slumped to his knees, then stared at Chloe, who gazed back with a look of love and adoration, licking his lips and nodding.

"Not the nicest drink you've ever given me - " Chloe laughed weakly, his throat sore, but he'd never admit to it.

Stephen's heart hammered in his chest, and it was fifteen minutes before he could breathe properly and his voice cracked as he spoke.

"How in the hell's did you ever learn - " Stephen gasped.

"A deer needs to have some secrets my love - " Chloe playfully admonished him. "Truthfully - many years of practising with toys, still - it doesn't prepare one for the actuality of it all - especially with a Stallion..."

Stephen had no words, he could only stay flopped on the floor, weak as a newly foaled Colt, as Chloe coughed delicately into a paw and shuddered, once again swallowing the saliva that still flowed like a river into his muzzle.

"I think I need a glass of milk, my love - " Chloe whispered, as he pushed himself upright, then slid off the bed.

"Chloe, my dearest - " Stephen murmured. "I'd get it for you myself if I could - "

Chloe rolled his eyes and laughed delicately, before he opened the small refrigerator and selected a frosty glass and the milk bottle. With trembling paws, he poured his drink ,then added a straw and put the milk back, closing the refrigerator again and returning to sit on the bed, his legs folded beside him as he sipped the milk.

"Its not natural - " Stephen grunted, pulling himself up until he could sit on the bed.

Chloe flicked a black tipped ear and raised an eyebrow. "What I can do - even though I'm really a Stag, and not a Doe?"

"I mean - it - how can..." Stephen fumbled for the words, his mind still overcome from the intensity of the encounter.

"Not_all_ Stag's are strong, macho and driven by testosterone my love - not all of them in the wild ever get close to a Doe, let alone the chance to actually breed with one - "

"You're not a wild, feral know what I mean," Stephen began, then once again, words failed him.

Chloe giggled again, then slurped the remainder of the milk in one quick movement - and he watched in amusement as Stephen shuddered and swallowed. Setting the glass aside, Chloe returned to sprawling on his belly, crossing his legs behind him and cupping his chin with his paws.

"I believe my love," Chloe smiled. "You mentioned a present, for me helping my team to win the lacrosse championships?"

"I did indeed - and it wasn't a hot, salty drink you seem to enjoy so much - " Stephen nodded, as he weakly got to his hooves and shivered. "Honestly my love, truly, how do you _do_that? I did it once - I embarrassed myself and - "

As Stephen trailed off, his ears flattening in shame, Chloe nodded sympathetically and gently petted Stephen on the left flank.

"I know sweety, I know - it - it's not easy, believe me - but after doing it for as long as I have, you learn how to suppress certain instinctual reactions - and truly - most times, I enjoy my salty drinks from you, so - leave it in my paws - or should I say my muzzle and..."

Stephen reached down and wrapped one large paw around Chloe's muzzle, silencing the Whitetail's remarks. Chloe giggled deep in his throat, then involuntarily coughed and shivered, before he smiled again and nodded, rolling over onto his back and running his paws down his slender belly.

"As you were saying my dear," Chloe began, his tail beginning to flag against the sheets that covered the bed. "I believe, you promised me a reward...but just having you, is reward beyond anything I could ever have dreamed of - "

"Impatient little Hind, aren't you?" Stephen grinned, then nodded and retrieved his briefs and shorts, then slipped them back on.

"My, I do so love a semi-clad studly little Shetland - " Chloe playfully teased.

Stephen paused in between pulling his thick, luxuriant platinum coloured tail through the hole in his shorts, before he turned on Chloe and stared at him, with a mock-angry expression.

"Keep that up little Doe, you won't get your reward..." Stephen laughed, then slipped out into the hallway.


Some time later, he returned and was carrying a silk scarf with him. Chloe raised an eyebrow, wondering what pleasurable perversion his lover was thinking up - and Stephen wasted little time in triple-folding the scarf and blindfolding Chloe - also covering his nose to deny him his excellent sense of smell.

"Ooh," Chloe giggled. "Is the Colt up to some sort of mischief?

"You'll see, be patient - and no playing with the blindfold - " Stephen warned him, then as Chloe relied on his hearing, he heard Stephen's heavy hoof beats on the floor as he left the room again.

For a few moments, there was some muffled conversation and once again Stephen's hooves clicked on the floor as he returned, Chloe's ears twitching too and fro as he listened attentively, then he squealed in alarm as he felt Stephen pick him up and cradle him like an infant.

"What are you up too - " Chloe asked, completely blind and his nose blocked by the scarf. "I can hear something - but I can't - "

"In a moment little Doe, be patient." Stephen reminded him, then laughed quietly.

There was the creak of the bed, and Chloe's ears instantly snapped forwards as he struggled to try and make sense of his sensory deprivation. Finally, Stephen put him back on his cloven hooves and stripped off the blindfold. Blinking a few times, Chloe's eyes refocussed, and he seen Greytail, as naked as the day he'd been birthed, lying on the bed, one black furred paw cupping his slender chin.

"Greytail?" Chloe squealed, as he turned about to look at Stephen. "What's he doing here - "

"I can speak for myself," Greytail answered, his voice soft, but belying his natural love of life. "I have a favour to ask of you Chloe - a very - personal- favour, that only someone I know and trust, could hope to give me - and in return, you'll receive the reward that Stephen promised you."

"I - "Chloe stammered, then flicked a worried glance at Stephen, who smiled and nodded. "Its alright Chloe, Greytail won't bite, you know he's just like us, and discrete too - now, go on, he's waiting for an answer..."

Chloe turned back around, his back-swept ears and eyes showing his growing fear and trepidation, but Greytail took Chloe's paws in his own, then gently squeezed them as he gazed into Chloe's eyes.

"I've...always wondered - " Greytail began, his own voice timid and nervous adrenaline flooding his body, the scent of which all the gathered Anthropomorphic animals could smell, the bitter, acrid scent.

"Go on - " Chloe whispered.

"Today - is my 19thbirthday - and..." Greytail stammered again, then hung his head, his long tubular ears sweeping backwards in shame and guilt. "I...I asked Stephen, now I'm asking you - could - could you grant me my most fondest wish...on my birthday? I know - "

Greytail trailed off, then his nervous gaze flicked to the calendar, then back to Chloe.

"You know about the - " Chloe whispered, his eyes widening as he shivered. "You know what you're asking of me - of us - "

Resting a paw on Chloe's trembling shoulder, Stephen squeezed gently. "My love, I know you've always wanted to be what you were always meant to be - I know how hard it is for you, every year, since you reached puberty - to go through the rutting here's a chance for you - fulfil one of your dreams, and help bring Greytail a birthday present he'll never forget...nor will I, because I'm not going to sit idly by and watch...well, at first I will."

Chloe glanced from Stephen back to Greytail, then back to Stephen and he swallowed nervously, before shivering from ear-tip to ankles. Pacing the room for a few moments, he fought the conflicting feelings he was experiencing, but he'd known Greytail since primary school - they'd always been close - Greytail had never openly come out of the closet, it wasn't until the young Kangaroo was sixteen, before Chloe even knew he was gay...

"It's your decision my love," Stephen reminded him. "I'd never twist your paw into something you've never wanted - besides - I _know_your innermost secrets - you've always wanted too - "

"Stephen!" Chloe gasped, his paws flying to his muzzle, as he flattened his ears and blushed violently.

Stephen merely laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "What? You talk in your sleep, what can I say - we've had some - _very_interesting, it's up to you my dear heart - will you grant Greytail his birthday wish - and ease your own frustrations?"

"I - " Chloe began, then he shuddered as he felt Greytail come up behind him and gently place a black furred paw on his shoulder. "I - I don't know if I can - "

"You_do_ realise, what a Stag is like during the rutt, don't you Greytail?" Stephen chuckled. "I'm warning you now, they're quite - enthusiastic and this young Doe, well, she's very...much a handful."

Chloe blushed even more, before he weakly nodded his head, then turned about and clasped his paws around Greytail's and gently squeezed them.

"I wish - " Chloe stammered, before he gained some self-confidence. "I will grant you your wish Greytail, but I've never - I mean - "

"You've never made love with a Kangaroo, " Greytail began, then he coughed quietly. "I mean - one like me, of course - "

Greytail giggled nervously, keeping his ears flattened and adopting a submissive posture before Chloe, who looked lost and bewildered, then Chloe squealed in surprise and alarm as Greytail's leathery paw pads tentatively clasped his furred sheath.

"Its alright - just breathe and relax - " Stephen whispered into Chloe's ears. "You're going to stink the whole dormitory out, with your fear if you don't...that's it, deep, slow breaths..."

Chloe swallowed and shuddered, before he smiled weakly and nodded, as Greytail crouched even lower - almost unnaturally - and continued to carefully caress and massage Chloe's long, furred sheath. It didn't need much coaxing, before Chloe gasped and his hips bucked, even Greytail moaned in alarm as he felt Chloe's length thrust into his paws - then he instinctively held his sharp clawed fingertips back, aware of how sensitive Chloe must be, especially in the height of his rutting season.

"Careful now young Kangaroo," Stephen snickered. "You have no idea just how quick a Stag can be when he's aroused - you get yourself comfortable, I'll keep a hold on Chloe's nape, so he doesn't try - anything - just yet."

"Hey," Chloe gasped, his breathing growing husky. "I can control - "

"Sure you can, just like you did in the showers - " Stephen snickered, then gently held Chloe's nape in a firm grasp.

Chloe began trembling helplessly, as Greytail shuddered and placed his forearms on the bed, then shuddered and in an amazing feat of flexibility, he adopted a very good approximation of a kangaroo feral Doe, presenting for her dominant Buck. Stephen watched with interest, before he kept one hand firmly on Chloe's nape, the other he used two fingers to depress the plunger on the lube bottle. Getting a fair amount with two pumps, he reached around and began rubbing Chloe's erect penis, ensuring particular attention to the bulbous head.

"Oh...please - please stop - " Chloe gasped, arching his spine inwards, the urges already beginning to seize him.

"See what I mean?" Stephen told Greytail, who swallowed nervously and rested his chin on the bed. "You better be prepared young Kangaroo - because he's really going to show you what a rutting Stag will do..."

Stephen chuckled, before releasing Chloe, who knelt behind Greytail, then timidly touched the elder Kangaroo's thick, heavy tail up near its base. Greytail nodded and he relaxed, as Chloe pushed it aside as best he could, carefully moving closer and he shivered as his already sensitive penis brushed against Greytail's tail.

"Easy Chloe," Stephen admonished him, then placed one hand on Chloe's nape, the other he used to grip Chloe's penis by the base and held it tight, as Greytail swallowed again and trembled more visibly - arching his long feet so his heels left the floor and his rump lifted - giving Chloe an easier time.

As Chloe eased himself forwards, Stephen assisted in the first time penetration and Greytail moaned in pleasure as Chloe carefully pushed himself forwards, only allowing the head of his length to penetrate Greytail, who nodded and lifted his rump even higher. Chloe moaned, his head tilting back, as his trembling fingers scrabbled over Greytail's spine, then down his flanks - then pressing them inwards as Greytail moaned even louder - slightly adjusting his weight and once again - arching his feet even higher which let Chloe slide a little deeper.

"Last chance - " Stephen warned Greytail, as he felt Chloe's muscles already tightening in his spine, preparing for the cervine ejaculatory lunge.

"Its - its all I've ever dreamed - " Greytail wept unashamedly in pleasure, as Chloe bit his lower lip and squirmed, his feral instincts quickly beginning to suppress his human-like emotions.

Stephen moved back, then sat and watched with interest, as Greytail shuddered helplessly, enamoured of the sensation he'd never dreamed possible - and Chloe tightened his grasp - before he swallowed once - and with a sharp, piercing squeal of cervine pleasure - drove his entire length in one swift thrust, deep into Greytail's hips.

"Oh gods - " Greytail shrieked in pleasure, his spine arching down against the bed and head tilted back.

"I told you - " Stephen snickered.

Chloe lost himself, burying his full length into Greytail's body until his scrotum smacked against Greytail's rump and Chloe began to ejaculate in a strong, powerful series of spurts - the incredibly pleasurable sensation sending Greytail almost into hysterics. Chloe couldn't have controlled himself even if he tried - it was the early rutt, and as such, his ancestral instinct's drove him - and he began to ejaculate again and again, grinding his groin against Greytail's rump, until at last, over six powerful orgasms had been wrested from his body, Chloe moaned and slumped onto Greytail's' back, his throat constricting and sweat swiftly breaking out all over his body. Greytail grunted as Chloe had driven himself even deeper when he collapsed, and Stephen chuckled again.

"I'd never - " Greytail moaned, as he felt Chloe's still iron-like penis dribbling its semen into his body.

"Oh, believe me you foolish, young Kangaroo - that was only the opening sortie - the real show - will be forthcoming, trust me - you've always wanted to know what its like to be bred to a Stag? Well here's your chance - enjoy yourself - Chloe's been rather...frustrated for a few years, and there's only so much masturbation can cure - so I hope you had no plans of sleeping tonight - you're going to enjoy what many Doe's experience in a wild herd - except its all for you..." Stephen laughed, then continued to watch as Chloe struggled to catch his breath, already, his scrotum began to tremble as another powerful orgasm built within its depths.

"You're..." Greytail began, his own erection slapping against the end of the bed, the ache in his groin growing.

"I'm not joking - so get comfortable young one - it's going to be one long night..."


Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine? © Cederwyn Whitefurr 9th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Nervously, Buckley wrung his black furred paws together, as the timid kangaroo stood in the centre of the mall. People; humans and anthromorph's flowed like a river around...

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Tis The Season - Finale -

Tis the Season Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 9th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Cameron, frustrated and curious, began to explore his new body. He found it responded differently than what he was used too. His muscles weren't as strong, he...

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Tis The Season

Tis the Season Chapter Three 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Holly gurgled, one outstretched paw weakly scratching at the faux fur rug as consciousness reluctantly returned to her mind. It was like some frightened animal, one timid inch at a...

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