Lord Attlebrush's Dinner

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Lord Attlebrush's Dinner

Lord Attlebrush is a self made noble of 'dubious' nature. In the Kingdom, amongst the Nobility and the -shudders- peasantry, he is polite, a bit aloof and standoffish, but such are the Nobility and the 'high caste society' of the Kingdom. Unknown to the King, nor other Nobles - indeed - even anyone outside his very 'exclusive' circle - Lord Attlebrush often hosts elaborate and decadent dinner parties. No whim, no matter how depraved or debauched, can not be fulfilled by Lord Attlebrush - for the right amount of money of course...

He is a Vulpine, who is depraved, debauched and decadent - hedonistic and sadistic in equal measure. Stay loyal to him and his 'inner circle' and you're fine - displease him? You'll never be heard from again...

Lord Attlebrush's Dinner

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

13thJuly, 2019.

All Rights Reserved.

Luxuriating before his assembled guests, Humans and Anthromorphs alike, Lord Attlebrush sprawled languidly on the ornate throne. Lord Attlebrush's well-formed figure rested comfortably upon satiny scarlet pillows, the snowy-white fluff of his chin barely brushing a slender charcoal paw that some Renaissance master might have sketched; his hanging eyelids half-conceal, half-reveal eyes of rich dark hazel. The soot-black peaks of his slender, triangular ears rise through cascades of ebony hair, pricked forward, to drink lustily at the light.

His long coltish legs pulled up on the couch, his black-furred fingers flick away an errant lock of raven-black hair; the brilliant white tail-tip of his thick brush twitches as if to some music only he can hear.

A dark silk negligee trimmed with ermine clings to his russet fur like a serpent's skin about to shed, accenting and the complementing his lithe, athletic body. In the guttering torchlight, the gleam of his beautiful red-golden fur is almost blinding. He wears stockings if the finest silk, that cling from ankle to upper thigh, as he languidly stretched one leg out, curling the charcoal coloured toes, sliding a paw sensuously up the shin and thigh, before admiring himself in a large mirror a naked Whitetail Buck holds to the side.

With a dismissive wave, he dismisses the servant, turning his hazel eyes back towards his guests, gazing at them with look of lust and complacency. His gaze is hungry, predatory, and he idly imagines them kneeling at his foot paws.

To be chosen as one of Lord Attlebrush's 'guests' is a rare honour amongst the elite of the Nobility, to be chosen to spend the night...

Well, those who are chosen, never speak of what happens...Lord Attlebrush may appear demure and kind - but those who have crossed him - were never seen or heard from again...

With a delicate yawn, revealing perfect sharp canines, he fixates his gaze upon the Nobility who feasted on fine foods and drank of expensive and exotic wines. Querulously, he raised a long, slender eyebrow, It was quirked to suggest, maybe, a modicum of interest... perhaps even curiosity at the gathering, before he yawned delicately again and snorted, seemingly bored or perhaps, disinterested....

Lord Attlebrush rose from his throne, like some Monach, for here in his domain, he was_King - King of all he surveyed and desired. As he walked over to the shrouded box, a breathless hush fell over the Nobility. Tonight was a special night, for it had been whispered and rumoured, that Lord Attlebrush would reveal his latest _acquisition.

"Lords and Ladies!" Lord Attlebrush spoke, as he leaned on the walking stick, theatrically and dramatically, his brush swishing from side to side.

You could have heard a Seamstresses pin drop - so quiet was the dining hall, as they waited with baited breath.

"Tonight, of all nights, you, my guests - are to be treated to a spectacle beyond even _my_wildest fantasies!"

Polite applause broke out, before he lifted the cane and silence fell like a hammer.

"Indeed..." Lord Attlebrush smiled, one dewlap curling. "At no personal expense of my own - "

Again, polite laughter and applause rippled through them, as he looked back over his shoulder, a smirk on his muzzle. His paw gripped the dark emerald draw rope, letting it slide through his paw teasingly.

Whispers fluttered like butterfly wings through the crowd.

"What could it be -"

"Something exotic and -"

"I've wondered -"

Walking to the side, Attlebrush lifted the curtain the slightest, giving the barest hint of what lay concealed, before letting it drop. With a sigh he shook his head, then mournfully made his way back to the front of the stage. Here, he leaned on his cane, his head bowed, shoulders slumped in dejection and misery. Placing a paw against his forehead, he shook his head.

"No..." come his faint whisper, his brush drooping to the floor. "This will not do at all. I had planned such a extravaganza, such delights, as to thrill and titillate! Even I, had never imagined such in my most exotic of deviant fantasies!"

As his ears flattened in such misery, more than one of the assembled Nobility moaned in pity.

"It would be unbecoming of me, to reveal such as this, to you, my dear, unconventional guests - for it would surely shame me!"

He began to turn away, his paw falling from his forehead, as he dejectedly slumped off towards the exit, one paw rising, then falling in pitiable misery - all the pomp and ceremony draining away from him.

They erupted, there was no word for it...

Pausing, he turned his head, his cloak rustling and brushing against his ankles. Lord Attlebrush glanced sideways, only the tip of his nose and his black cheek stripe was visible beneath the voluminous hood he wore, Black tipped ears poked through the slits in the hood. Only those closest to the stage, caught the reflection of Lord Attlebrush's hazel eye, a single tear welling and sliding down his pale furred cheek.

"Show us, show us, show us - " come the chant.

"No, I could not...possibly!" He moaned, placing a paw on his chest and shaking his head. "It is...unworthy, unsatisfying and I shall have it sent away, locked away in some dungeon somewhere!"

Louder come the chant from the assembled guests.

You have them where you need them now- His mind snickered.

_"My Lords and Ladies, for to show such to you -"_He moaned theatrically, tilting his head back and placing the back of the paw, before he turned away, then in a theatrical gesture, he spread his paws wide and uttered a squeal, his moment destroyed, as a loud crash come and eyes snapped around.

A young Rat serving girl clutched the tray against her chest, a fine crystal decanter shattered on the ground, wine the colour of blood, splashed over the rug and her foot paws.

With a predatory snarl, Lord Attlebrush stamped a foot like a petulant child and raged. He had planned this with equsite detail, down to the second - now - his theatrical moment was stolen away from him!

'Master..." Squealed the rodent, her red eyes widening in terror as she began shaking, falling to her knees and trying to pick up the pieces, her pale paws sliced to the bone by the fragments.

With a snarl, Lord Attlebrush snapped his thumb and forefinger, before two guardsmen stepped over and slapped a collar around the servants neck, then cruelly dragged her out of the dinning room.

'I'll deal with her- later..." He huffed, before shuddering.

This was met with laughter and applause - they knew it wouldn't end well - mayhaps he'd invite them to the 'after show'.

"Now, the magic is gone - I present - for your viewing arousal! My latest pet..."

Two whitetail servants gripped the bottom of the covering, then fluttered it as it billowed and wavered - before flicking it up and over...

They went into hysterics...

Manacled by ankle, wrist and criss-crossing chains that lead to a thick iron collar stood a timber wolf anthromorph. He remained regal and defiant, his golden eyes glaring. Beneath his silvery grey fur, strong muscles twitched and writhed. His tail nearly touched the floor, as it slashed angrily back and forth.

Lord Attlebrush stepped forwards, the wolf looking down at the fox with a look of disgust and almost feral rage. Attlebrush was handed a key and unlocked the large padlock, before two other guardsmen stepped forwards and locked nooses on poles around the wolfs neck and forcibly pulled him free.

"I present, my newest pet..." Lord Attlebrush turned back to the hysterically screaming Nobility, who stood and applauded wildly.

Behind him, the wolf was dragged forwards, his muzzle tied shut with thick strands of leather that formed an intricate muzzle, tied behind his head. Driven to his knees, the Wolf snarled and growled, his eyes looking like he'd enjoy nothing more than to tear hearts out and eat them whole.

Turning back to the enraged wolf, Lord Attlebrush grinned malevolently, as he lifted the wolfs chin with the top of his cane.

"I've never mated a wolf before..." Lord Attlebrush grinned wider. "You, my dear pet...shall be my first..."

To Be Continued...

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