Where You Going To Run Too Now - Chapter Two - FINALE

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Where Are You Going To Run Too Now

Things take a tragic turn for the Whitetail, but not everything ends in tears - at least not for Isabella...

Where You Going To Run Too Now

Chapter Two

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

10thJune, 2019.

All Rights Reserved.

Sean cuddled Isabella, resting his chin on her shoulder, lost in the post orgasmic rush of adrenaline and endorphin's, as Isabella sighed in pleasure - pleased with her young son, in more ways than one. As they cuddled and caressed, their minds filled with love and joy, the far wall shimmered as the holo-screen flickered on all by itself, Isabella's eyes widening in fright - as it meant only one thing - an important message from the GDF.

"Attention, attention, attention!" Come the faceless voice from the screen, as a strobing siren went off. "As of twenty-three past twelve, the GDF Forces engaged the Blackwing Legion near Jupiter Station. Reports are still coming in, but one report has it that the colony of Vega Three was annihilated by thermonuclear warheads, in excess of 170 megatons, just repeating - "

"No - " Isabella moaned, her jaw falling open, all thoughts of carnal pleasures and lust driven from her mind at the horrific news.

"Mother, weren't there like twenty million living on Vega Three - " Sean began, his ears flattening against his neck.

"How could they - " Isabella moaned, then pushed herself up, unmindful of the semen that dribbled from her folds and spattered over her thighs, as she stared at the screen in bewilderment and horror. "I thought they were signing a peace accord -"

Sean rose, then he frowned, not fully understanding the news, for he was too young to remember the war that had raged since before he was born.

"No, this - this can't be happening - " Isabella wailed, her eyes wide, muzzle hanging open and paws pressed against her cheeks.

"I don't - " Sean began, his penis wilting, dribbling semen onto the carpet.

"New just to hand - GDF have forced - "

Suddenly, the screen burst into static, the transmission shattered into disjointed fragments, as a loud explosion was heard in the distance, the concussive force rattling the windows of the house. Rushing outside, both Sean and Isabella stared horrified, at the mushroom cloud that appeared over the horizon - Falkrescent, a town of three point five million - vanished from the surface of the earth in less than a heartbeat.

Overhead, star-fighters of the GDF screamed past, their engines shrieking and tearing the very sky apart, or so it sounded, as Isabella and Sean dropped to their knees, clutching at their ears.

"You_bastards_!" Isabella wailed, grief overwhelming her.

Sean grabbed Isabella, and dragged her back into the house, slamming the door - he didn't want to imagine the carnage, the suffering and the millions of lives - human and anthropomorphic, that had just vanished - as if they had never existed. Cuddling his hysterical mother close, Sean wept with her, his tears dripping off his cheeks and spattering onto her furred back.

"We were to have peace at last - " Isabella sobbed heart-brokenly. "A treaty -"

Sean just held her tight, feeling the grief and heartbreaking sorrow that flowed from her. He didn't understand the reasons why the GDF fought, who the Blackwing Legion were - or anything, he was young, inexperienced and confused, his mother intentionally keeping her only child shielded from the horrors that beset this blue green world.

Isabella froze like a deer in a spotlight, her ears snapping forwards, before she squealed in fear, as the door flew open, smashing against the wall as six heavily armed and armoured GDF Troopers rushed into the building.

"NO!" Isabella wailed, as she leapt between them and her son, shielding him with her body. "You're not taking him - not my son!"

One trooper snapped up his rifle, then a loud warble was heard as he fired, the blue blast enfolding Isabella and dropping her to the ground, unconscious.

"Come with us - " Come a modulated, almost robotic voice from another trooper.

"MOTHER!" Sean squealed like a fawn, dropping to the ground and clutching her head to his belly. "Mother, please, say something!"

He shrieked and kicked out at them, as two troopers marched over and grabbed him cruelly, wrestling the screaming stag onto the floor and slapping mag lock cuffs around his wrists and a muzzle over his jaws as he tried to bite them.

"Congratulations solder - " One Trooper's growl come from beneath the helmet. "You've just been conscripted into the infantry for the GDF..."

Shrieking in fear and rage, Sean kicked and struggled, then one Trooper raised his rifle and cracked Sean over the head, driving the hysterical young buck into unconsciousness and darkness...


Nine months later...


Isabella knelt on the grass, her tearful eyes looking up, as a flight of GDF fighters streaked by in the early evening, their afterburners blazing and fireworks exploding in their wake. In her hand, Isabella held a piece of paper, which was wet with her tears and barely legible. Letting it fall to the ground, Isabella bravely fought to suppress the tears that threatened to flow...

Cradling her newly born fawn, a doe, in one arm, Isabella looked down and a single tear slid from one eye, trickled down her cheek and splattered on the discarded paper - on it was written -

Pvt. Sean Blacktail, GDF Infantry, Third Division, killed in first engagement on Kelarnis.

Isabella cuddled her fawn close, then the tears flowed, as she whispered to her baby daughter.

"Where are you going to run too now?"


Where Are You Going To Run Too Now - Chapter One -

Where You Going To Run To Now Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 10th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. - DISCLAIMER - This is a work of pure fiction, no references to people, living, dead or living impaired, is implied or condoned. This, as a work of...

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