Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Unlikeliest of Partners

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

10thJune, 2019.

All Rights Reserved.

With a squeak, a paw rubbed the glass, the condensation being wiped away, then a reflection come into existence through wreaths of steam.

Staring into the mirror that stretched from one wall to another, the reflection that was revealed, was of a young kangaroo, its bright emerald coloured eyes vanishing for a moment behind silvery grey eyelids, the long, sensual lashes meeting and touching like a pair of young lovers, before they parted again. Turning it's head one way, then the other, the Kangaroo sighed and a weak smile touched the corners of its lips as it nodded twice.

A pale white paw reached up, then pulled the cap from its head, before unclasping its ears which it flicked forwards and back, feeling blood returning to them. A dull ache followed, but this wasn't anything abnormal, just - mild exasperating and the paws caressed the ears and it shook its head.

It still wore the medical gown it had worn during the surgery, the gown spattered with blood that stained the pale green surgical coverings. With delicacy, pale paws reached up and behind, untying the bow that held the gown closed. With a quick flick of its shoulders, the gown slid down over pale, ash grey shoulders and upper arms, which paled to a pale white, tipped with sharp, black claws on the fingertips.

"That feels so much better , " It spoke, with a distinctly feminine voice, as it sighed and used the back of its paws to rub at its eyes.

"We did good work in there tonight Nurse Claire, I couldn't have done it without you." Spoke the human next to her, standing at the sink and washing his own hands.

"Thank you Doctor Kalen, yes, you're right - we _did_do good work." Claire smiled shyly, her lips curling upwards slightly as she turned right around, then dumped her medical scrubs into the hamper.

Claire stretched her paws out in front of her, interlacing the fingers together, as she stretched languidly, almost touching her long, slender feet that were encased in protective booties. Her tail was long, about eleven inches dragging on the floor behind her, before she stood back up and started to twist herself from side to side.

"I've always been fascinated -" Dr. Kalen began, as he rolled his shoulders. "By your kind, especially! You're of the Macropus Giganteus species, aren't you?"

"Yes Doctor," Claire smiled and nodded, bending over again and placing her paws on the floor, feeling her stiff vertebrae starting to stretch out. "Eastern Grey Kangaroo to be specific."

"Yet you, " Dr. Kalen walked over to a chair, then sat on it, as he leaned forwards, cupping his hands in his lap as he studied Claire. "I've never worked with one of your kind before, I'm, pardon the indelicacy. I'm genuinely curious, may I?"

Claire raised an eyebrow, before she chuckled, her laughter soft and delicate, as she nodded and stood patiently. As Dr. Kalen walked around her, studying her from all angles.

"Fascinating, absolutely fascinating! " He murmured to himself.

"Intriguing! Your - colouration, is it a genetic abnormality? I've never seen one with such interesting fur coloration. Most anthropomorphic people, they share the markings of their ancestral lineage and such. Your markings are quite striking, especially those beautiful green eyes!"

Claire blushed, her ears flicking back, the capilaries in them filling with blood and giving the inner part of her ears a faint red tinge.

"Thank you, I'm quite fond of them myself, yes, I'm a genetic abnormality. We do not know what happened when I was conceived, but, genetically, I am identical to others of my kind, in all ways that matter."

Turning away, Claire opened a locker, then rslid out her uniform, which hung on a metal coat hanger. Reaching up, she placed the hook on the top of her locker door, to hold the uniform, whilst she disrobed. It was customary amongst the anthropomorphic people, without any thought of shame or guilt, to change clothing in front of another, without any thought given to it. It did not matter wether they were male or female, both sexes changed their clothes and never thought twice about it.

Only as she tugged on the tightly fitting nurses uniform, that barely come to mid-thigh, did she blink and glance at Dr. Kalen, who blushed to the roots of his head and turned away hurriedly.

Frowning, Claire smoothed down her uniform, then spoke up.

"Is something wrong Doctor?"

"Its, forgive me Claire, its just that - I'm not used to women sharing a locker room with men! In human society, such things are not done. Its an archaic and prude thought, that we should have abolished centuries ago. In many ways, you kind are more morally advanced than ours. We have much to learn from your kind I suspect."

"It is not for us to judge the ways of humans, Dr. Kalen." Claire responded politely, clasping her paws before her.

"I wish, truly I wish - " Dr. Kalen sighed wistfully. "That more people shared your races ideas and morals."

"Maybe one day, they shall, good night Dr. Kalen, was a pleasure working with you tonight."

Leaving him to his thoughts, Claire opened the door and left.


Crickets chirped and the distant horizon was barely glimmering with the first light of dawn, as Claire's car pulled up into the driveway. Cracking open the door, she twisted sideways, then crept from the car and stiffled a yawn, covering her muzzle with her paws as she blinked.

"What a night - " Claire whispered to herself, before she walked up the path and paused at the front door, digging through her satchel for her house keys. "Just glad to be home, finally!"

Unlocking the door, she quietly opened it, then hey eyes widened and ears slicked back, as she heard the thundering of paw pads on the tiled floor. With a shriek, Claire put her paws up just as a rushing ball of golden fur ploughed into her, knocking the kangaroo head over tail. They tumbled out the door and down the path, Claire ending up flat on her back. A furred body laying on top of her and crushing the remaining air from the startled kangaroo's lung, its arms around her back and paws squeezing.

"Claire!" Come a high pitched yelp of pleasure. "I've missed you so much!"

Gasping, Claire pushed at the person who had crash tackled her, forcing him away, as she drew great gulps of air and snorted, then laughed in partial fear and partial pleasure.

"Alex, I swear, you frightened me half to death - " Claire admonished the dingo, as it rolled off her and knelt, tail wagging happily at her, his tongue lolling from the corner of his mouth and a look of love in his eyes.

"I can't help it!" He giggled, then held out his paws, helping Claire back to her feet and brushing off the grass that clung to the back of her uniform.

"Let's get back inside, before the neighbors see us!" Claire growled and stamped a long foot on the dewy ground.

Happily, Alex turned and bounded back inside, the Dingo's lithe, athletic form pleasing to Claire's eyes as she watched him.

"I swear, I'm mated to a puppy - " Claire rolled her eyes, retrieved her satchel and walked inside, closing the door quietly behind her.

To Be Continued...

Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter Two -

Unlikeliest Of Partners Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 16th October, 2021 (Revised and Edited) All Rights Reserved. Claire groaned, as she set her satchel on the bureau and dropped her keys next to them, before she twisted her neck and used her...

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Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter Two -

Unlikeliest Of Partners Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 1oth June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Claire groaned, as she set her satchel on the bureau and dropped her keys next to them, before she twisted her neck and used her paws to caress and knead...

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Office Work - Chapter Three - Finale

Office Work Chapter Three © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Ruth chuckled, then crouched down, holding out her slender paws. Gratefully, Steve clasped her wrists and Ruth pulled him up and helped him to the shower. "Such a...

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