Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter Two -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Unlikeliest Of Partners

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

1oth June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Claire groaned, as she set her satchel on the bureau and dropped her keys next to them, before she twisted her neck and used her paws to caress and knead it.

"You need a shower, and a massage!" Alex nodded, as the hyperactive Dingo bounced off down the hallway, disappearing into the master bedroom.

"What would I do without him - " Claire thought to herself, as she laughed quietly, then reached behind her and unzipped her stained uniform, peeling it off her body and folding it over one arm.


Claire braced her paws against the shower wall, before lifting her head up into the hot, steaming water and letting it run over her face, neck and shoulders. With a sigh of contentment, she stood there for several minutes, trying to free the ache from her shoulders. Her mind played over the difficult and complicated surgery they had performed back at the clinic, before she shook her head, water spraying off her tubular ears and spattering against the walls.

"Coffees ready, and dinner! I know you often forget to eat - " Alex told her, as he stuck his head into the shower, then paused and looked over the wet fur of his lover.

Claire stopped soaping herself, before she blinked and turned her head, one emerald green eye half lidded, as she stared at Alex.

"Stop that - " Claire growled at him, turning her attention back to scrubbing her chest and belly.

"Stop - what?" Alex grinned, before he stepped into the shower, then slid his hands around her hips, pulling her close and nuzzling her nape. "What's the joey going to do? Make me stop?"

Claire giggled, loving her partners gentle touch, before she twisted around, going nose to nose with him, then reached down and gripped his furred sheath with her right paw and squeezed, the claws pricking skin.

"Eeep!" Alex yelped.

Raising an eyebrow, Claire smiled sweetly, her grip firm but gentle, as Alex's eyes widened."

"You were saying love?" Claire snickered, then gave him a teasing caress and released him. "Can you wash my back please?"

With a huff, Alex took the soap from her, then began lathering her back.

"Tease, tease tease, its all you do - " Alex grumbled good naturedly, as he nibbled her nape again. "Mmm, you smell delicious - good enough to eat even!"

Flicking her ears back, Claire snorted then laughed delicately. "I wish my love, I'm afraid I'm too tired for playing tonight, well - today - was a rough night at the surgery and I desperately need to sleep."

Nodding, Alex continued scrubbing and lathering, his paws encircling her tail and quickly cleaning it, before he slid his paws around her hips and lightly pressed them against her lower pouch.

"Can't blame a dingo for wishing - " Alex murmured into her back swept ears.

"Wish all you want my beloved," Claire laughed quietly. "I'm dead on my feet."

"You need affections and a massage, trust in me dear Claire, I know how to relax a sweet, gentle doe!"

Claire nodded, submitting to her lovers desires, as he rinsed her off and helped her from the shower. Once they were both dry, Claire followed him into the kitchen before she sat on a stool, cupping her muzzle in her paws, her elbows leaning on the table. Idly, she nibbled at the salad before her, but her heart really wasn't in it.

After about fifteen minutes, where she started dozing off, Claire rose and returned the salad to the fridge and gulped down the coffee in three quick swallows, Alex watching as her throat rippled, then a nervous giggle escaped him.

Placing her cup down with both paws, Claire raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"Just - how you do that, watching your throat muscles ripple and contract - well, its more than a little arousing for me."

Claire rolled her eyes, then reached over the table and smiled at Alex, who tilted his head and gave her his adorable grin, his tongue lolling from the edge of his mouth.

"You'd know sweetheart - how many times have you had the pleasure of me doing - that - with you?"

Alex whined softly, his ears flattening, before he giggled again and nodded. "You're talented love, truly - who'd have thought a kangaroo was capable of it?"

With a playful squeeze of her lovers paws with her own, Claire rose and staggered towards the bedroom, where she fell muzzle first into the thick pillows, her long legs splayed out behind her on the coverlet.

"Oh, this feels so good - " Claire murmured.

Alex followed, then he knelt over her hips, and his muscular arms gripped her nape as he began kneading and massaging.

"Ooo - " Come the gasp from the kangaroo, as Alex's fingers found the tight knot, then began massaging and working at it.

"Shhh," Alex whispered, as he resumed massaging. "Just relax Claire, I can feel how tense you are!"

"Mmm - " Claire muttered, her eyelids sliding down, as she squirmed and sighed in delight.

Alex felt Claire's body responding to his gentle, sensual massage, as he smiled and worked his way down her shoulders and onto her lower back, feeling Claire quiver and moan softly when he found a tight muscle. Soon, she sighed in relief, her eyes barely open, before Alex rolled her over onto her back and placed his paws on her chest, gently stroking the fine fur.

"Thank...you..." Claire murmured, eyelids closing and reopening to mere slits.

"Go to sleep love," Alex smiled, then leaned down and kissed her forehead, before he lay beside her, wrapping her in a warm, loving embrace and cuddling her close.

Claire's eyes slipped closed and she was asleep in moments, her nose filled with the scent of her lover...


Claire squirmed and moaned, claws on the ends of her pale paws contracting and relaxing, her body trembling, as it fought off the vestiges of sleep. Pleasurable endorphins filled her blood and her mind, a mind that struggled to comprehend the sensations it was receiving.

Barely awake, Claire's mind was fogged with the remnants of beautiful dreams, before she blinked and a quick gasp escaped her, muzzle falling open as she felt Alex's rough, broad tongue lap over her labia, then began probing deeply into her vaginal passage. Her paws contracted on the bed again, as she writhed and moaned in pleasure, feeling the sensual tongue of her lover pleasing her sexually. Only the tips of his ears could be seen, before he paused a moment, then giggled from between her legs and resumed his attentions - teasing her labial folds with his cold, wet nose then using his tongue to explore the sweet depths.

"Mmm - " Claire muttered, as she arched her lower back up, using her shoulders and hips to give her beloved easier access.

Alex happily pleasured Claire, alternating between his nose and his tongue, the rough, broad thing slurping, curling and tickling her clitoris again and again, as Claire fought the urges to climax, wishing to endure this as long as was possible. Alas, her brain overwhelmed her self-control, and moments later - Claire squealed long and lustfully as her whole body quivered uncontrollably, the release she was trying to deny herself was too strong to resist.

Lapping, nuzzling and slurping, Alex wagged his tail enthusiastically, pleased by his lovers release - already he could smell how her scent changed. It was more, soothing and pleasing to the senses. Her sweat was sweet - not the bitter, acrid scent of stress and worry. He continued pleasuring her for another twenty minutes, leaving Claire gasping and writhing on the bed, her eyes squeezed closed and her breathing short, gasping pants.

Carefully, he licked his way up from her folds, his tongue slurping and leaving a saliva slicked trail, as he nibbled and kissed at the tight pouch opening, then worked his way up her body. Claire slid her paws around his back, then in one sensual caress, she dragged the claws from hip to neck, making Alex yelp and his hips lunged forwards, right as Claire lifted her own. In one thrust, Alex's penis slid from its sheath and into Claire's eager, willing depths.

"Oh - " Claire moaned, as she gripped her lovers shoulder blades with her paws, the claws pricking the skin as Alex grunted and began frenetically humping, feeling the knot bulging then pressing against Claire's tightening cloaca.

"I - " Alex gurgled, rational thought driven out of his mind, before he twitched and pushed forwards, his knot popping into Claire's vagina with a soft squelch, locking the kangaroo and dingo together.

"Oh that feels - " Claire growled, as she wrapped her long furred legs around and over Alex's, pulling the panting Dingo closer, driving his knot about another inch deeper into herself.

"I - damn - " Alex gurgled, his eyes wide, before he began lathering Claire's muzzle and head in licks. "I'll never get used to this..."

"How - " Claire giggled, then caressed her lovers nape with one paw, holding him tight against her with the other. "Do you think this feels for me?"

His knot fully engorged within Claire's moist, sensual depths, Alex had no words for her, as his tongue lolled out of his mouth and he held her close, cuddling his beloved kangaroo and savouring their sweet, sensual lovemaking.

To Be Continued...

Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter One -

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