Hopper's Story - Chapter Twelve - Finale

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#12 of (ZOO) - Hoppers Story

In this, the final instalment of Hoppers Story - Katy finally learns the truth about Hopper, the Anthropomorphic Whiptail Wallaby - but how she chooses to tell him is difficult in the least, Katy has bonded to Hopper, and he to her - as she is the only human in the whole Sanctuary, this timid, frightened Wallaby truly trusts - She teaches him things he did not know - including starting the timid wallaby on a path of self exploration and pleasure - but first she needs to break through this fearful shell he has erected around himself...

Hopper's Story

Chapter Twelve

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

7th June, 2019,

All Rights Reserved.

Hopper blinked, then frowned, his slender ears sweeping backwards as he looked up at Katy, his eyes half lidded in confusion.

"I - " Hopper stammered, then watched as Katy slipped her blouse off, then he glanced at her bra covered breasts before swallowing nervously. "I don't understand, what do you wish of me?"

Katy paused, then frowned herself, halfway through sliding her skirt down, before she stepped out of it and looked at Hopper, taking the confused wallabies paws in her own.

"Hopper, you're an adult - a young - adult, but an adult all the same, yes, I saw you mate with that female Whiptail, I can not tell you a mistruth little one, I was surprised and more than a little..."

"You're going to punish me, just like my Aunt!" Hopper suddenly screamed, his voice piercing as the tears flooded from his tightly squeezed eyes.

Katy blinked, before she gently enfolded Hopper and held him close, feeling the hot tears splashing against her breasts as she cuddled him, tenderly rocking the wailing Hopper.

"Honey, no - please, no - I'd not punish you, you're not some...dog or something, you're intelligent, sentient - you're an anthropomorphic young man! No one should treat you like an animal, punish you for doing something 'wrong' - no, that's not right at all!"

Hopper fearfully looked up at her, and Katy's heart felt like ice, as she glanced down, seeing the real terror in Hopper's eyes, the almost instinctual fear of a predator gazing back at him.

"Hopper, please..." Katy whispered, as she cuddled his head against her breasts again. "I won't hurt you, I promise now, and forever. You've - you've never...made love with another of your kind, or a human, have you?"

Hopper remained silent, but the sniffle and his involuntary tremble gave him away.

Picking him up, Katy straddled the chair and carefully sat Hopper in her lap, his slender tail laying limply between her legs, his small, fragile paws barely able to reach her shoulders.

"I know you're scared Hopper - yet, I heard you when you found me in the shower, now, I won't profess I understand everything about you, or your kind - but there was - something, wasn't there? Some sort of - instinct, or urge..."

Hopper sniffled piteously and nodded twice, barely felt by Katy, who slid her arms around Hopper's back and held him tenderly.

"Lovemaking, between consenting adults - is a beautiful, gentle and passionate thing, do you understand? Katy whispered, using one hand to lightly caress hopper's ears.

"No - " Come his tearful response.

Katy sighed inwardly, then continued to tenderly caress and stroke Hopper's ears and nape with gentle, soothing caresses.

"Let me try to explain - I know - a little, very little, about your kind and your - odd to we humans, ways. When a Buck, like yourself, comes of age sexually, its usually the Buck's mother, who teaches him how to please their mate, sexually. How to court a Doe, bond with her, and when she is ready and willing, mate with her, do you understand?" Katy asked him.

Hopper shook his head slowly. He'd never heard of this - of any of this - and it frightened him half to death, he thought it was going to be frightening and painful - he remembered mating with the feral Whiptail, but his conscious mind was overridden by feelings, emotions and other things, he didn't understand. Almost as if reading the confused wallabies mind, Katy lifted his head up and looked into his eyes, holding him transfixed.

"It is similar, if, say, you were born a Doe. The Buck would teach you the same, initiate you, as the Doe would with her male Joey. Only - when the joey was mature, about fifteen for a doe, about seventeen for a buck. They would introduce their offspring into the the intimacies of lovemaking, for that is what we, as well as your kind, the Kangaroo's and Wallabies that are anthropomorphic, that is. What - you and the feral Whiptail did, I still do not understand that...that isn't lovemaking, that is mating like animals, and you're not an animal, you're a smart, intelligent and sweet, shy person, aren't you?"

Hopper sniffled and gave a weak nod of his head, before a barely sibilant whisper come from the fearful wallabies throat. "Yes..."

"As I said, you - mated with that Whiptail, I know, nobody else does, so you'll never get into trouble for that, I promise you. Others, they wouldn't understand, but I have some - theories - but that's irrelevant. Now, please, let me teach you, I know I'm not of your kind, not even close. I must ask this of you Hopper, May I help you to learn, to understand what I mean? I won't hurt you, I swear to you on my life, it isn't something wrong, or sinful, or dirty even - it is a beautiful, gentle and passionate thing, shared between a man and a woman. Sometimes, between two men, or two women as well, but let us start with the basics."

"I'm...afraid - " Hopper whimpered, the large tears in the corner of his eyes threatening to spill again.

"I know honey, I know - its alright, you trust me, right? Same as I trust you?" Katy asked him, her thumbs lightly stroking his furred cheeks.

Hopper swallowed, then nodded timidly. "What...what do I do?"

Katy rose, shedding her bra and letting her C cup breasts free, placing her bra on the couch, then standing before Hopper, only dressed in her plain panties - the faint outline of her vulva visible. Hopper, confused and bewildered, crouched on the floor and uttered the sharp, unmistakable bark of a wallaby in submission, before Katy crouched and gently pulled him back to his feet.

"No Hopper, you don't need to act like that honey, its alright, we're alone here tonight. It is just the two of us, no one will hurt you, or laugh at you, or do anything you don't want. Trust me little one, as I love and trust you - okay?" Katy whispered, as she lightly kissed his forehead.

"I don't know what to do..." Hopper whispered, eyes widening and his ears flattening back.

"I will teach you young one, its okay, shh, let go of your fear Hopper..." Katy smiled, then carefully lifted up Hopper's muzzle and using one hand to hold his chin, she placed the other on the back of his nape and tenderly caressed him.

"What...are you doing?" Hopper quivered and looked up, before frowning in confusion.

"Shh," Katy whispered, as she tenderly guided his muzzle towards her left breast, the aureole already raised and as hopper's muzzle touched it, Katy sighed in pleasure. "Go on Hopper, you remember how you suckled that milk I gave you earlier? Just like that, nice, gentle and careful, okay?"

Hopper frowned, before he nodded timidly and moved his head slightly, his slender whiskers brushing against Katy's breasts - before he timidly licked at the nipple - then like a thirsty joey, he began suckling, his tongue curling under the aureole and lips forming a tight vacuum-like seal.

Katy had been licked by kangaroo's and wallabies before, their tongue was beautiful, soft and gentle, but being suckled by a young wallaby anthropomorphic person - this was something else entirely! Katy's libido rose exponentially, as she caressed and whispered encouraging words to Hopper, who closed his eyes and lightly placed his paws on Katy's upper chest as he suckled.

"Good, very - good - " Katy gasped, her body quivering with pleasure, then when Hopper paused and pulled his head away, he frowned and sniffed the air, before tilting his head back and looking into her eyes.

"Am I doing this - right?" Hopper murmured, torn between the scent he could smell and his desire to please Katy.

"You're so gentle Hopper," Katy smiled and caressed his cheeks again. "You're doing wonderfully sweety!"

Hopper gave a shy smile, the slightest curve of his furred lips before he resumed gently suckling again, as the scent from Katy grew stronger and stronger. It filled his nostrils and he frowned, as he felt that same sensation he had with the Whiptail doe, as his own arousal shyly peeked from his cloaca and began to engorge. He swallowed the copious amounts of saliva his suckling was producing in his muzzle, feeling warmth and comfort from Katy, who continued to tenderly stroke his nape and ears.

"Mmmph!" Hopper gurgled.

Katy moved him forwards a little bit, placing her hands under his rump and pulling him closer, sliding his slender legs either side of her own, causing hopper to grip her shoulders as he blinked in alarm and surprise.

"Shh," Katy whispered, as she splayed out her fingers under his furred rump, then she felt something flicker like a feather against her closely shaved labia. "Alright, now - I'm going too -"

Katy pulled Hopper closer, the flickering penis of the wallaby sliding into her vulva and hopper squealed loudly and in fright, but Katy held him close and shushed him with a gently caress of his nape.

"What...what are you doing to me!" Hopper gasped.

"Shh, easy Hopper, its alright - I've taken you inside of me,, You're not, what I was expecting, but it is pleasurable in and of itself, the way your, never-mind, let me share my experience, my love and my trust with you. All I ask, is you trust me, just - relax, take some deep breaths like I taught you..."

Hopper swallowed, his whole body shivering from ears to toes, as he fought his anxiety, his fear and the truly un-imagined warmth and sensations, his penis flicking and slapping against the slick folds of Katy's vaginal passage.

"Good, very...good - " Katy sighed in pleasure and relief. Carefully, Katy pulled Hopper a little closer, until she felt his cloaca pressed firmly against her labial folds.

"I don't..." Hopper stammered.

He shuddered and his ears flattened, as he gripped Katy's shoulders as best he could, his whole body shaking as Katy blinked, feeling Hopper's penis flick twice - then the powerful spurts of the hot, sticky wallaby semen as it spattered her vaginal walls.

Hopper wailed in distress, trying to pull away, but Katy gripped him around the waist and held him as the frightened Wallaby's orgasm seized him in its merciless grasp and refused to let him go. Katy was surprised at the feeling - she had made love to many human men, but nothing prepared her for the warmth, the volume or the sheer feel as Hopper's orgasm finally began to ease.

Sweating, shaking like a dog locked out in a storm, Hopper whimpered and trembled, terrified he had done something wrong. Katy held him, stroking his back and nape.

"Shh, its alright, it was your first time - with a human, I understand Hopper, its alright, you did beautifully, my dear, sweet young Buck..."

"I did?" Hopper whispered, his eyes slowly lifting to look up at Katy. "You're - you're not angry with me?"

Katy smiled, then lifted Hopper's chin up and kissed him delicately on the forehead.

"No honey, not at all - there is so much more for you to learn, I hope, this first experience hasn't frightened you off, I - enjoyed out experience Hopper, I'm sure, in time, you will understand and enjoy it yourself."

"I can..." Hopper shivered, then swallowed and looked up hopefully, gazing into Katy's eyes.

"You may indeed Hopper, but only when we're alone, like we are now, others wouldn't understand - they - they wouldn't understand, or accept - us - for who and what we are..." Katy whispered at him, as she lovingly stroked his nape. "I read that report from the Vet..."

Hopper blinked in confusion, his forehead creasing slightly. "A...vet?"

"Yes my sweet, dear buck - when I found you that wet, rainy night - you were put to sleep, so we could clean up your wounds, bandage them and so on, it was all very gently done, you were in a deep sleep, you didn't feel anything. Now, I read the report - I think I finally understand Hopper..."

"I don't understand any of this - " Hopper sighed in frustration, his ears sweeping back.

"Hopper, my love, you're not - " Katy paused, caressing Hoppers nape and tying to find the right words. "You're not...what you appear to be - "

"I'm not?" Hopper asked, his fear rising. "Who am I then?"

"You're not - fully Anthropomorphic Hopper - the blood results and the gene tests were conclusive - I - don't know about your parentage, but - I fear I have bad news - your mother was a anthropomorphic wallaby - your father..."

Hopper looked up, eyes starting to shimmer with tears brought on by his fear.

"...was a feral..."


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