Sexy Short 9: The Ruined Female Orgasm

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#9 of Sexy Shorts

The largest scientific study on ruined orgasms for females ... The lab staff all had to "relieve" themselves after a few sessions. I wonder why ...

The Ruined Female Orgasm: A Multiple Case Study

In BDSM scenarios, it is frequent to observe males being the recipients of so-called "ruined orgasms": the male is masturbated up to and beyond the point of orgasmic inevitability, at which point stimulation is ceased before ejaculation can commence. While the emission of seminal fluid still occurs, often dribbling out instead of being discharged in rhythmic spurts, the pleasure of orgasm is greatly diminished or even absent.

While there is an abundance of sexually explicit Internet videos depicting male ruined orgasms, very few exist where it is claimed a female is the recipient of a ruined sexual climax; most of those that do exist do not focus on the genital region. This is problematic, as this is the area which, according to multiple studies, displays the most characteristic physiological marker of female orgasm - in particular, the rhythmic contractions of the muscles surrounding the vaginal entry, often accompanied by simultaneous contractions of the perineum and anus/rectal sphincter. These contractions are also thought to be, in turn, the source of the intense erotic pleasure usually associated with orgasm.

While males report a greatly diminished or absent orgasmic response when a ruined orgasm is induced, based on the lack of peer-reviewed studies and the scarcity of explicit videos, it is not known with reasonable certainty if it is possible to induce ruined orgasm in females, and if it is, what the most effective way to produce it is. Physical (objective) reactions and subjective sensations of a regular climax versus that of a ruined orgasm are also unknown.

In the present study, 25 female volunteers from the local university, all nulliparous undergraduates of diverse species between the ages of 18 and 21, were selected. Given the nature of the experiment, a substantial amount of extra undergraduate credits (usable to fulfill the requirements of graduation) were awarded to the chosen test subjects.

They were made to lie naked and in a supine position on a flat table with black leather cushions. They were asked to part their legs at a 35° angle and to place their arms over their heads, elbows bent outwards in a V-shape such that the upper arm is roughly perpendicular to the torso. At this point, the volunteers' wrists and ankles were restrained. This was done to ensure that the volunteer didn't inadvertently interfere with the proceedings; mobility was reduced significantly, but not to the point where the subjects couldn't react freely to the sensations.

During the experiment, to have visual evidence of the physiological response, the volunteers' upper body and face, entire body, and genital region (vulva, perineum and anus in particular) were captured and monitored with multiple 16K UHD video cameras recording at 60 frames per second.

For each test subject, before a ruined orgasm could be attempted, a control observation had to be made. To this end, the whole trial took place over the course of two days. On the first day, a control experiment was performed in which each volunteer was stimulated to the point of orgasm and both the external reactions and subjective experiences were accounted for. For this purpose, a wall-powered vibrator operating at a variable frequency - the volunteer informed the test staff which frequency setting felt most enjoyable - was employed for clitoral stimulation with the test subject in the position as described in the preceding paragraph.

On the second day, induction of ruined orgasm was attempted for each volunteer - again, with each volunteer in the position as described in the preceding paragraph. Like before, physiological indicators and personal perceptions were taken into consideration; these were then contrasted with the previous day's observations and it was determined whether the candidate had genuinely experienced a ruined orgasm.

It should also be noted that during the first day of the experiment, when the control climax was induced, the test subject had to inform laboratory staff when orgasm was imminent, at which point the vibrator was withdrawn for 20 seconds. After this, stimulation was resumed. This cycle of stimulation-interruption was to be performed a total of nine times; the tenth time the volunteer approached the point of orgasmic inevitability, vibrational stimulation would continue, and the subject was allowed to climax. An identical protocol was put in place for the second day of the experiment, before the ruined orgasm was induced.

This was done to ensure that the volunteer exhibited a strong orgasmic response for more accurate contrasting. This technique, known as "edging" (if performed on oneself) or "orgasm denial" (if performed by someone else), builds up significant sexual tension and pelvic vasocongestion after which an energetic and vigorous climax is induced, useful for the purpose of the present study.

However, with each cycle of stimulation-interruption, the desire to resolve this accumulated sexual tension and vasocongestion via a pleasurable climax is progressively increased. To prevent the subjects from giving in to the urge to orgasm before nine full interruptions per day (nine on the first day before the control orgasm, another nine on the second before the attempt at ruined orgasm), the volunteers were informed that they would be allowed to climax should they not report impending orgasm but would forfeit all extra undergraduate credits. All 25 test subjects complied, albeit most with significant difficulty, in particular on the second day.

As for the second day, to attempt to induce ruined orgasm, once the point of orgasmic inevitability had been crossed, the volunteers were instructed to inform laboratory staff of the precise moment the pleasurable sensations of orgasm were about to commence. At this point in time, vibrational clitoral stimulation was immediately withdrawn.

The following is a detailed description of the orgasmic phase for each day, including the moments leading up to it, of one of the 25 candidates; this was the most representative, both in terms of physiological response and subjective, personal experience and sensations; all 25 volunteers displayed a combination of the traits exhibited by the selected subject. After the description, an analysis which amalgamates both the observations and the volunteer's subjective experience (an interview was conducted) is presented.

The species, age, college major and preferred mode of clitoral stimulation of the volunteer are given at the start of the description.

Species: African civet

Age: 19

College major: Greek Literature

Preferred mode of clitoral stimulation: 86 Hz, continuous mode of vibration, directly on clitoris

Day 1: Control orgasm

As subject approaches the point of no return for the tenth time, significant redness develops in the genital region. Her breathing is strained, and her nipples take on the shape of small caliber bullets. The volunteer lifts her head and looks down at the vibrator as her perineum twitches. Her muzzle widens into an O-shape as her vaginal lips begin to quiver. "O--Oh, my God," she says in a whisper as a drop of vaginal lubricant slides down her perineum and seems to enter the anus. "I--I'm--" her words come out louder as her labia minora swell. "I'm cumming!" she exclaims in a yell. As soon as the words exit her muzzle, her eyes close and her head goes back down to the supine position with the rest of her body.

She grunts hoarsely, her orgasm having commenced as her vagina and anus contract with significant force, and then release. The subject's handpaws clasp as the genital region contracts once again, coinciding with a sharp gasp. Clitoral stimulation continues as the volunteer lays supine; her vaginal walls and anus throb three more times, the contractions all coinciding in time with moans that seem to come from a place deep in the volunteer's abdomen. As a sixth contraction is observed, the subject gradually arches her back, legs pulling in as much as the restraints allow, using her elbows to push her shoulder blades off the table. During the steady motion, two more vaginal pulsations are noticed.

The volunteer holds the curved position, eyes closed and head leaning back, gasping and panting rhythmically as her pudenda and anal sphincter continue exhibiting clear, powerful contractions. While in this posture, her toes are spread and fan outward. The bottoms of her footpaws, like all African civets, are made up of a single black, large, leathery pad for the sole of each foot, and four pads per paw for the toes; usually creased and rough, the position has made the sole pads smooth and taut.

After a total of six contractions in the arched back posture, the vulvar and rectal spasms begin to diminish in intensity and the subject's torso progressively returned to its supine, flat position, the volunteer's toes now curling downward. With the subject back in her original position, her moans lessen in volume and pitch as the genital contractions gradually wane and the time interval between them increases. Contraction number 19 marks the end of the orgasm phase of the sexual response cycle for the volunteer, coinciding with a final exhale and the subject's toes relaxing.

The massaging vibrator is withdrawn. The volunteer, who at this point is smiling, displays a further number of irregular contractions but reported no orgasmic sensation during their presence. These "aftershock" or "tremor" contractions following female climax are a common occurrence.

Day 2: Attempt at ruined orgasm

The volunteer exhibits similar physiological characteristics after nine denied orgasms as the previous day. The area between the pudenda and the anus quivers, a marker from the first day that climax is about to be induced. Like the previous session, the subject lifts her head with an intense expression of orgasmic proximity on her face. She exhales in synch with a preorgasmic vaginal contraction - these spasms often occur seconds before orgasm, but they are not pleasurable in and of themselves - and her eyes narrow. Another second passes and the volunteer gasps as the point of orgasmic inevitability has been passed. "O--OK, take it off, take it off!" she says in a frenetic tone and cadence.

The vibrational clitoral stimulation is withdrawn and for the next four seconds, nothing occurs. The volunteer continues having her neck craned, eyes closed, mouth agape, body completely still, and most interestingly, no genital contractions are observed. At the four second mark, the subject groans in a deep, guttural voice as her vaginal opening throbs. She tugs with considerable force on the wrist restraints. Three seconds later, another pained grunt seems to come from her chest as her pudenda violently lurches a second time, her toes splaying. The subject's breathing is ragged and rapid, her hard nipples rising and falling, her posture stuck with her head lifted off the table, eyes closed with appreciable force. Another four seconds later, her genital region contracts again, coinciding with another flustered moan.

The volunteer's vaginal opening exhibits six more similar pulsations, each one separated by three to four seconds, and each one coinciding with a groan of discomfort. After the last of these contractions, the subject's body readopts a supine position, her brows furrowed, exhaling and inhaling audibly with her eyes closed.

Analysis of day 1 and day 2 (African civet)

On day 1, as per the volunteer's personal description, an appreciably long and enjoyable orgasm was induced. "It was so good, I didn't want it to end - and it almost didn't! I didn't even notice I arched my back like that, haha! I couldn't believe it when I saw the video!" The candidate displayed many of the standard physiological reactions to intense sexual climax - arching of the back, toe curling, clenching of the handpaws, and vocalizations in synch with observed genital and anal contractions, indicating that the rhythmic erotic pleasure experienced at orgasm is correlated to mechanical vaginorectal activity.

Repeated interruption of stimulation upon detection of imminent point of no return was almost certainly linked to the orgasm's length, both in time and by number of contractions, as well as its subjective intensity; in particular, the volunteer exhibited a 21.5 second orgasmic phase, measured as starting at the first of rhythmic contractions, and ending at the relaxation phase of contraction 19. This justifies the protocol adopted for the present investigation.

On day 2, as the vibrational stimulation was withdrawn, the volunteer experienced a feeling of gravitational tugging followed by a sense of certain doom, "that feeling you get when you're in a jet plane and you've just taken off and you feel like something's trying to pull you down. And then it's like, 'shit, no, something real bad's gonna happen'." Even though multiple contractions of the vaginal region were detected, it is noteworthy that unlike day 1, the anal sphincter did not show any activity.

As far as the observed contractions of day 2 are concerned, the volunteer's subjective perception of them agree considerably with the pleasureless discomfort and sense of unresolved frustration male ruined orgasms provoke. "When I cum, everything down there throbs so good, but now it was like, I feel the throb ... But instead of this burst of pleasure, I get this dull ache. And I keep waiting and waiting for it to pulse and for it to feel nice, but every single time it's just so shitty. And I was still so horny when I got back home, God ..."

The control orgasm was immensely satisfying, and it was possible to induce a ruined orgasm on the second day, similar in subjective experience to ruined orgasms as perceived by males; this was true for all 25 participants.

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