Sexy Short 8: Right on Time

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#8 of Sexy Shorts

So he forgot. What's the worst that could happen?

Don't you dare cum. His stomach quivered as he let out a deep breath, focusing intently on the feelings in his genitals. The pads of his fingers and his palm barely touched the swollen girth of his erect cock. OK, you can do this. Sensing that the warm twinge deep in his groin had receded, he pursed his lips and wrapped his fingers around his hard-on, eyes closed, pillow propped on the headboard, one footpaw sticking out of the bedsheets, the big toe pointing up while the others curled. A drop of precum peeped from his piss slit as his hand wrapped around the shaft. OK, let's see how many I can do this time ...

His brows furrowed - a tentative stroke was all it took to bring back the searing in his crotch. No, no, no! Mustering herculean willpower, he let go of his virility. It bobbed, the bead of precum trickling down the glistening length and disappearing into the foliage of his pubic hair. A furry handpaw balled up into a fist of determination. DO. NOT. CUM. His mind yelled at him to grab his cock and give in, to stroke a few more times and experience the bursts of pleasure that accompanied ejaculation. After a few seconds, the maddening desire waned as his features relaxed, the heat in his balls dissipating. Phew. OK. That was close ...

The vulpine's eyes rolled into the back of his head, his clammy head remaining affixed to the pillow. Another glob of precum traced a crooked path down his rock-hard cock. OK, that's 3 edges. Starting at the base, he dragged the pad of an index finger up the backside of his cock and shuddered as he reached the frenulum, his balls pulling into his crotch. Fuck, need to cum so bad ... Only when he was home alone could he risk prolonged masturbation sessions. God, this is so hard ... He glanced at the face of the clock up on the bumpy drywall of his bedroom. OK, good ... Two more hours.

For the next hour, he'd miraculously managed to fight the urge to keep pawing and shoot ropes of satisfaction. He'd look at his cock with hazy eyes and a goofy grin. His lips were glistening from having licked them dozens of times, and his canines peeked through. Whenever he'd get close to orgasm, his simper would fade and would be replaced with an ajar muzzle. He'd have to summon an ungodly amount of determination to stop rubbing; the temptation of pleasurable release was brutal, but his resolve somehow proved stronger. He was determined to build up a massive climax, and the torturous stop-and-go method was the only way. Instead of four or five average spurts of cum, he craved the gratifying, unending ropes that shot out of his soul at outlandish speeds.

Perspiration trickled down his temple close to the corner of his eyelid; he blinked cautiously and eyed the clock again - An hour and five minutes left. Grabbing his cock by the base with one paw, he smiled sultrily and flicked its side. A spotty, dark splash of precum appeared on his white bedsheets. All right, I better dump my load and then catch some shuteye for an hour before they get back. One by one, his fingers closed around the shaft and he laid his head back. This is gonna be sooo good. His nipples, as hard as pebbles, went up and down as he inhaled through his twitching, flaring nostrils and exhaled through an O-shaped muzzle.

His white palm started dragging the skin down, the whole length quivering rhythmically in unison with his heartbeat. His paw reached the base. Fuck, imma cum so hard ... Searing embers returned to someplace deep within his groin. The fox's hand started going up. Oh, my God ... Exposed footpaw curling, the largest drop of sticky, transparent precum yet flowed down his cock like a fountain turning on. The tempting feeling of the point of no return was seconds away, and this time he welcomed it. Ah, yeah ... His handpaw reached the top, and when the sides of his thumb and index finger grazed his glans, that was it. Oh, yes! He had crossed the brink.

He melted into the mattress and started bobbing his paw up and down at a generous pace. Yes, yes, yes ...! In a few seconds he'd be in the throes of ecstasy of a massive climax. Ah ... The first spurt pooled at the base of his cock. Ahh ... Another vigorous stroke and his toes clenched mightier than a fist. AHH ...! The elixir of pleasure made its way up his shaft. AHHH!


NO! FOR FUCK'S SAKE, NOT NOW! Eyes open wide, heart pounding in his throat, he let go of his cock as it erupted. His bedsheets tossed and one of his plushes fell to the wooden floor, landing neatly on its butt.

The door to his bedroom swung open, and a glowing vixen, not a hair over forty-five, padded into the room, rolling suitcase in tow. Spurt. Just barely obscured by the edge of his bedsheet, a painfully erect penis shot out hearty yet disappointing strings of cum - without stimulation, the emission was uncomfortable, almost painful. "Michael! Isn't it a little early to be in bed?" she said while her son grinned at her with a silly expression, all his teeth in plain view. He was propped on his side with an elbow digging into the mattress, his forehead matted and unusually clammy. Spurt. He cleared his throat. Spurt.

"I ... was ju--just feeling tired," he said, dopey smirk refusing to leave his face except when he had to gulp as his cock pushed out another pleasureless rope of seed.

She sighed and brought her legs together, her free hand going up to her muzzle. Spurt. "Of course! I guess that started today, huh?" Spurt. "That could mess with anyone's head." Spurt."I'm pooped too, the flight was hectic!" Spurt. His mind drifted as he struggled to process her words - he was too busy fighting the urge to grab his manhood and enjoy what was left of his orgasm. Glancing down at the watch that wasn't on his wrist, he saw the pathetic remains of the cumshot that could have been, his cock twitching only for a mildly achy, dribbling spurt.

"Checking the time, huh?" she said, following his gaze down to his obscured wrist. "I guess you weren't expecting me ... If you forgot to change the time on the clock on the wall, I guess you also forgot to change that one, too!" As he felt another twitch in his dick, he looked up at her, an eyebrow raised. "Cha--Change the time?" he said, feeling his orgasmless ejaculation waning. "Yeah." She let go of the suitcase behind her to cross her arms. Its wheels made two startling click-clacks against the wooden floor as it bounced into equilibrium. "Don't you remember? You were supposed to change the time today early in the morning", she continued, a look of disapproval on her cute but mature face, her fists pressing into her sides with her elbows jutting away from her body. "It's daylight savings time, Michael! That clock up there is showing an hour too early!"

"Oh ..." he said, his cock jerking for the last time, a solitary, pitiful drop of cum seeping out of the hole. With a heavy sigh, he looked down with dull eyes at his shrinking erection - like his phallus, he also felt his heart shrinking.

"Whatever, Michael," she said with a slight head shake. "I'm going to unpack and see what I can make to eat." Grabbing the suitcase's handle with a paw, she started padding towards the door. Upon reaching it, she spun on one footpaw. "And change that clock already - weird crap could happen if you're off by a whole freaking hour ..."

"I know, mom. Like, don't worry." He narrowed his eyes, a hard smile playing on his lips. "What's the worst that could happen?" he asked, eyeing his completely shrunken penis.

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