Of Mice, Komodo Dragons, and Choices - Part 2

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of Of Mice, Komodo Dragons, and Choices

The ticklish pleasuring of the mouse cutie continues ...

Stay tuned because this story ain't over yet, and, in addition, there'll also be an alternate universe version. Can you guess what it is? ;)

"Well, well," said the sardonic lizard amidst the girl's gleeful chirps and guffaws, the tips of his claws resting on the flawless skin of her underarms. "Someone's a little sensitive after a nice, relaxing cum, huh?" As she restrained herself with immense effort, the girl's teeth gnashed as her muzzle closed, her lips quivering - he was just touching her, after all. "Aw, come on, what's the fun in this if you don't show me those cutesy teeth of yours?" he said, resting his beefy paws below her underarms, the heels of his palms pressing into her ribs to the sides of her shapely chest, his fingers under her torso. A scaly finger approached the girl's face and tapped twice on the corner of her maw. "Come on," he coaxed, "open that mouth." In response, the rodent turned her cute face away from him, not saying a word, a strand of hair across her cheek. "Oh, so you want me to _make_you open that mouth of yours, huh?" he asked, his tone growing gruffer but still tinged with dominant playfulness.

A claw from each index finger tapped the crook of her elbow - her arms were strapped down to the bed in a cute V shape, hands above her head, her elbows bent at the level of her temples, underarms exposed - and a lone butterfly fluttered in her tummy. Both claws started going down the girl's sleek arm in unison as more butterflies emerged from their chrysalises, the mouse heart beating ever faster. She fought the desire to curl the corner of her lips upwards as the dragon's probing fingers approached her axilla. "I see a smile ..." he said in a singsongy tone. The tips of both claws grazed the tender skin of her armpits and her muzzle contorted, cheeks glowing red, teeth chattering behind her awkwardly sealed lips, using every ounce of her willpower to keep her mouth closed and the frenetic butterflies at bay. "Impressive." Her stomach muscles relaxed, and her lips stopped pursing once his claws cleared her underarms and descended to the sides of her breasts.

"You got quite a strong will there," he said. "But, let's check this area out ..." He glanced down at his throbbing phallus, its glans coated in precum, the length of his shaft resting on her abdomen, her breasts starting where the tip was. Positioning his paws on either side of his cock, all eight lustrous claws caressed the ribcage area below her tits, her ribs barely discernable beneath her well-kept fur as the ticklish energy returned to her tummy and her hair tossed, the rodent's head now resting on the other cheek, her lips struggling to stay clammed shut. "Attagirl, don't fight it" he said, now using the first pads of his index fingers to poke the area - and her willpower faltered. It started with a wide smile and a coy snicker, but as the silly butterflies bopped, pirouetted and flapped in her gut, her mirth escalated, progressing all the way to a widemouthed, excited, choppy chortle. "Good girl! Let all the tension out!" he said, now kneading her chest with his mighty fingers, extracting sheer glee out of the unfortunate rodent.

Her howls of merriment paused for a second and then resumed - the dragon went back up to her underarms, using the backside of his sharp nails to stroke the precious, frail skin. "Was it worth it?" he asked, the corner of his scaly maw curling upwards, his nails grazing the tapestry of her ticklishness. The girl wasn't sure. Rendered painfully sensitive after the orgasm, the tickling was deliciously torturous. At the same time, the climax she had experienced was so good. "I du--hahaha--know, hahaha!" She managed to communicate amidst her involuntary hysterics, her face reddening. He momentarily stopped the mirth inducing torture and spoke. "Well, if you're not sure, I can flip a coin ... Maybe you'll get to enjoy another nice orgasm and we can test your ticklishness a bit more," he propositioned, the girl's laughter dying down. "Heads, you cum one more time and we check out how ticklish those paws of yours are, hm?" said the Komodo dragon as the girl listened on, cheeks red. "Tails, I let you go - but not before ruining your orgasm!"

"Wait, what! No, no ruined orgasms!" she protested, all the glee from her tickle torture gone from her face, her paws balling up into fists in their restraints. "OK, then, guess I'll have to continue this, then!" Two pairs of meaty index fingers and thumbs found themselves kneading her lower ribs, and the joy returned to her sweet face, the back of her mouth glistening from the coat of saliva as she snickered joyfully. "Hahaha--OK! Fli--hahaha--flip it! Hahaha!" His pointy nails went back up to the glabrous hollows, yanking out more fits of elation from the girl. "You sure? Ruined orgasms kinda suck, you know!" he said. "Ye--Yes, hahaha! Coi--Coin, hahaha!" Her face reddened and her features became sharper, giving her face an impish resemblance. "All right, then!" He leaned over and kissed the girl on the nose as her raucous merriment died down, her chest heaving as he pushed himself off her body, a clear, stretchy string of precum that had pooled on her abdomen going all the way back to his manhood.

Reaching under the bed, the powerful massager was pulled out by its extension cord. It hummed to life in his paw; in the other, a shiny copper coin balanced itself on his claw. She craned her red, sweaty neck as the lizard flicked his thumb, the short-lived metallic ping coming to a halt as the reptile clutched the coin in his muscular paw. His grin widened, sinewy fingers parting to show what fate had decided for the girl. "We--well, what is it??" She stared at the dragon, eyes wide, heart throbbing in her ears. "Wouldn't you like to know?" The vibrator's whirring shifted in frequency as he brought it closer to her. "What! Come on, you're not gonna tell me?!" Like before, he propped himself next to her on the bed, legs crossed, massager in paw, erect cock leaking precum. "What's the fun in that? You'll find it soon enough ..." Before the rodent had a chance to answer, the massager touched her.

The vibrator's rumble noticeably went down in pitch as it was wedged into her perineum. Her angelic smile returned, and the cute mouse's head lovingly melted back into the pillow, eyes shut with the faintest of force. While the sensations were pleasant enough to make her toes twitch and her features to glow, this wasn't where it felt best. She felt the deep rumbling going up her crotch, her labia now being teased and tickled by the exquisite shuddering. A little higher ... The massager ascended with an agonizingly slow pace up her pussy lips. Yes, yes, higher ... Halfway up her pussy. The absolutely delicious hum was traveling down her cunny's cavity and tickling her G-spot - it felt marvelous, but that's not where she wanted it most; she couldn't orgasm from this. Three quarters of the way up. God, yes, yes, keep going ... Like a snail of ecstasy, the growling head creeped up and stopped a fraction of a millimeter away from the sweet spot. Oh, mah God! No, no, no, don't stawp!

To the rodent's chagrin, the massager didn't stop - it started moving back down the flaps of her pussy. No, no! Come back! "What's wrong?" he asked, his cock jolting in tandem with his heartbeat. "Don't you want it down here?" A stomach-churning grin decked his vicious face; the rodent knew he was toying with her. She tried angling her hips in a desperate bid to get her clit under the roaring rumbling, but just as she started flexing her able abdomen, the massager was cruelly withdrawn. "Stop teasing! Either let me cum or ruin it, but don't tease!" she said, her manicured fingers twitching. "Oh, mousey," he started in his usual calm, low-pitched tone. "I've told you, pleasure's to be earned," continued the reptile, the massager finding its way to her perineum once again, causing the girl to flinch and bite her lip, her toes spreading. "If you're going to orgasm, I need you to earn it - and if you're going to be ruined, I need to build it up to make it as devastating as possible ..." With that, the thrumming head started going up and down her lips, coldly refusing to acknowledge her clit's presence. The cute girl was beside herself ... Her pelvis thrust, her butt clenched, her tummy heaved as her body squirmed, writhed and she gave herself the workout of a lifetime, all to no avail - try as she might, the dragon's dexterity was too good, and he managed to keep the vibrator just out of reach of where she most wanted it.

After ten minutes of fidgeting, the girl finally broke her silence. "Oh, mah, God! Stop, please, no more! Please, please, lemme have it!" she said with puppy-dog eyes, taking short, shallow breaths. "Hmmmm," pondered the dragon. "Would you happen to mean ... here?" For the first time in a while, he let her feel the soothing humming on her nub, but only for the ephemeral instant it took to tap it. A high-pitched inhale made her chest rise as a surge of happiness crashed into her gut. "God, yes! Right there, right there, please, please, don't stop, please ..." she said, her voice trailing off as she realized it was a fleeting nudge. "No, no, come on ... Just lemme have it!" Her hips buckled and trembled. "Oh! You mean on this itty-bitty spot ... here?" Her spongy mound yielded to the pressure and formed a nice dent in her elegant, lace underwear - the girl melted on the bed, her soul liquefying as her clit enjoyed the most exquisite, vibrating pleasures.

The massager's thrumming serenaded her ears as the mouse cleared her throat daintily. Her eye twitched underneath the alluring darkness of her eyeshadow; impeccably manicured, crescent shaped French nails approached the girl's creamy palms as her fingers clasped. Her lips curled upwards in a smile that could light up a room, a sliver of a top front tooth peeking through her otherwise closed lips. The vibrations were like a stream of heavenly electricity shocking her essence that made her whiskers twitch and her svelte torso undulate. She drew in a long, deep breath through her darling nose. Opening her eyes dreamily, she craned her neck and looked down, her cute lips parted with a string of saliva stretching between them, pearly white incisors peeping - past the cleavage of her black lace bra, the rumbling head was being massaged into her pleasure center, its whirring oscillating in pitch from the soothing back and forth motion. In the background, the girl's toes fanned out and clenched, her anklet jumping every now and then as a wooden bead clanked underneath her twirling paw.

Her pretty mouth gaped open as the thread of spit disappeared, her feet pulling back, toes spread. The girl's cunny tingled for a second and a fire sparked somewhere in the cavernous depths of her viscera. Whenever she felt that tickle in her puss and the flame in her tummy, she knew she was on the verge of climaxing. Her eyes closed blissfully, and, with the grace of a swan, her flushed cheek sank back into the pillow, a grin of tranquility plastered on her face as the heat in her belly flowed deliciously to her knob. The sound of the massager faded as a colossal climax approached - she had crossed the point of no return. He was going to make her cum! He had to. Her toes curled one by one, starting at the smallest, as the prickling in her nub threatened to burst. Hands squeezing in an erotic death grip, the mouse belle's nails left marks in her soft palms. An inhalation of anticipation and a sensual hip thrust made the searing in her clit begin to plateau. Her pussy lips quivered, the girl's flawless visage teetering on the brink of heaven: a stray strand of brown, silky hair curved across her temple and rosy cheek; her closed mouth formed a serene simper; angelic eyes preciously closed as the exquisite, white-hot burning disappeared.

A second orgasm was coaxed out of the rodent, the vibrator's deep hum fluctuating in frequency from the rhythmic to-and-fro - her pussy snapped close and, like before, the purest, comeliest gasp-cry of joy escaped her throat. The doll-like mouse pulled back the toes in one paw as another contraction rocked her world, the hairless, tender, off-white bottom of her foot contrasting tantalizingly with the darker, earthen brown of her anklet. Her seraphic expression - ethereal, captivating smirk; florid, curved cheeks; enchanting makeup covering prettily closed eyes - remained as her pelvic muscles clamped down a third time, causing another delightful, delicate squeal of bliss to be squeezed out of her very spirit.

As her vaginal lips embraced once more, her smile broke for a second as she drew in a quick breath, her adorable, glowing cheeks each forming a dimple as her mouth formed an O-shape, her perfectly aligned, alabaster incisors peeping from the top of her muzzle and promptly biting down on her lower lip. The glory of her fifth cunny convulsion made her uncurl her other beige footpaw, both her unblemished, sensitive soles exposed - the pleasure of the orgasm overrode all her inhibitions. A lovely, peaceful Oh, my God was wrenched out of her maw as her pearl throbbed again, eyes closed in ecstasy, head still turned sideways. Her feet now thrust forward to gracefully curve, her soles level with the bed's surface, toes pointing up, heel and ball touching the linen.

The vibrator cajoled a seventh toothsome pulsation out of her rosebud, making her sway her hips against the source of the humming and one footpaw clamp down on the mattress, her toes grasping the edge of the mattress with commendable force. The mousey maiden mouthed Oh, my God, silently this time, her pretty face flushed, as the pleasure of another magnificent pang crashed into her gut, one footpaw still clawing at the bedsheet, the other pointing forward with the big toe. The ever-silent dragon, careful not to accidentally cease stimulation, followed her crotch down with the same back and forth motion as she arched her back elegantly, a ninth enjoyable pulsation extracting another cute groan from the blushing beauty's throat.

The enraptured rodent scrunched her toes with enough force to snap twigs, pale soles vertical and wrinkling, as yet another gratifying ripple of glee made its way to her soul. Lifting her head for a second, her lash-fringed eyelids opened partially - the powerful massager swirled on just the right spot, her toes completely out of sight as they threatened to disappear into her footpaws. She drew in a ragged breath through her gorgeous muzzle as her cunt jolted for the eleventh time, her eyes closing beautifully and her ruddy cheek finding its usual concave resting spot on the pillow. Her handpaws twirled in their cuffs and clasped, the pads of her manicured fingers pressing against the squishy heel of her palm as the vibrator rewarded her with another tenth wonderful paroxysm of release.

The lush orgasm continued as another tremble between her legs coincided with a musical, unvocalized groan to bloom in her core and escape through her maw, the pleasure persuading her to release the tension in her footpaws, her toes uncurling sensuously. As she relished one more spine-tingling contraction, her leg bracelet slipped up her brown ankle, both her feet lifting off the bed in irresistible delight, the digits of her footpaws pointing to the heavens. "God, fuck, yes!" she blasphemed in ironically the godliest, most feminine way, reveling in the sublime frenzy of her fifteenth nether region convulsion, her adorable, resplendent soles frozen in place in the air, every fiber of her being engrossed by the satisfying pussy throbs that soothed her soul.

The nourishing climax started waning as the ravishing rodent's legs descended gingerly, toes spread in one paw, curled in the other. Coy, fading grunts were pulled out of her, the massager grinding away at her nub as vigorously as ever. She bit her lower lip timidly and curled and clenched her toes as the delightsome twinges receded, her second orgasm lovingly bidding her farewell.

Her second release of tension prompted a visceral, sexual sigh of satisfaction, barely visible shudders and a full body stretch. The reptile spoke as the vibrator clicked off, its rumbling head jostling for a split second from resonance. "All right, enough cumming for now." Using the horny, polished backside of his claws, he grazed the curvy part of the girl's flanks, the thin, sleek hairs of fur yielding to his touch. Lulled into a daze by the horrendous orgasm, she snapped out of her stupor and felt an intense desire to laugh and squirm away from his paw. Just one gentle stroke had made her body contort like a gymnast on cocaine, her eyes clamped shut, a belly laugh making her teeth shimmer and her stomach spasm.

"My, my," he said, circling his corona with a creased digit. "I guess this is the price you have to pay for all that pleasure." After sniffing his finger, his maw morphed into a grotesque O-shape as he licked up all the precum. "And I bet it's much worse on those little tootsies of yours ..." Scurfy body leaping off the bed in one fluid motion, he padded over to the foot of the bed, all the while smiling as the girl's footpaws drew closer.

"D--Do we really have to do this?" Her body had just relaxed from the ticklish spasm, but it was still painfully aware of the intense pleasure it was feeling a minute ago, her mind fully awake. The dragon turned as he got to a corner of the girl's makeshift bondage table. "I don't make the rules here, the coin does." He got on one knee, one of the rodent's cute feet inches away from his face - three round toes; the sole a pale, beige color, mostly flat with the sweetest hint of curvature; wooden anklet almost the same shade as her brown leg. Her foot was adorable, just like the rest of her.

For him, it was a mild grip, the muscles in his paw barely doing any work, but to her it felt like a death grip. Her toes curved, flexed and curled, but her foot was staying put, refusing to move an inch - the dragon was strong. "Don't you think you came a little too hard again?" A pointy claw approached the bottom of her foot, and all she could do was observe with a twisted muzzle and furrowed brows. "We gotta balance that out again ..." His paw disappeared behind her foot, and she felt a sharp, needlelike object circling on her heel.

Her face relaxed and she let out a small sigh, keeping an eye on her foot with a craned neck - that area wasn't that ticklish. The circular motion widened its diameter, his claw dangerously close to the barely noticeable curvature of her arch. Her muzzle contorted and her chest went up as her face turned away, her adorable eyes still on her foot. The first time his claw caressed her arch, her eyes closed tight, eyeshadow wrinkling from exertion, and her mouth clamped shut. The second time, another pang of penetrating desire to snicker squeezed her tummy, but she resisted. The third time, she dissolved into chittering, unable to keep her head up. It grazed her arch again, and the mousey chirping turned into an unbridled laugh of joy.

The circular teasing stopped, and the Komodo dragon slide the back of his claws up her sole, appreciating how her delicate skin yielded to his pointy nails. Jolts of hilarity inducing energy embraced her soul and she laughed with abandon. "I wonder," he pondered out loud amidst the girl's hoots of glee, "how do you manage to get pedicures? These tootsies are soft, but you obviously can't take anything touching the precious bottoms, can you?" Indeed, she gave herself pedicures - nail technicians couldn't stand her. But she was too busy laughing her adorable face off to answer.

Of Mice, Komodo Dragons, and Choices - Part 1

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