Akiyo's funtime

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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NOTE: English is not my first language. If you saw mistakes in my story, please don't put it in the comments only I want to know if you like it or not. If you wish to perfectly translate from your native language for me, go right ahead. I give you credit from your translation. Thanks for understanding.

It was a Monday morning and the sun shone brightly. There was not a single cloud and Akiyo woke up from his bed. Akiyo was a solitary Lucario who lived on the outskirts of a nearby village surrounded by centuries-old forests. He had a big waterfall a few miles from his house and he always liked to meditate on it every morning before breakfast. He volunteered in karate classes in the village for the Pokémon could defend themselves. Akiyo put his scarf on his neck, left his house and went into the forest. His fur was very hairy, red-eyed and had a scar on her left eye. The waterfall was in the depths of the forest and the thick grass hid the way making the location more difficult. Bit a bit the noise of the water was heard falling hard until he arrived without any problem to the place. He had numerous stones where he could sit and meditate. Behind the waterfall there was a cave where Akiyo trained with another Pokémon after meditating. The Lucario sat on one of the stones and he meditated for a few hours while the waterfall water fell on his body. After the meditation, he returned home for lunch and a little nap. After a few hours, he went to the forest to do his personal training with his aura. He went back to the forest as his hands began to light up with his aura. He came to another place away from the waterfall and began to touch his crotch causing his aura to increase the size of his crotch until his balls were the size of two Golem and stops his aura to not grow more. His cock was very sensitive and sat down to start masturbating. Akiyo did so with all his strength and noticed how his balls were filling quickly and his cock began to beat slowly by his powerful erection. The Lucario did not endure much his cumshot and his cum was shot into the sky forming a large white fountain and in seconds will start to rain cum everywhere. He noticed that his crotch had shrunk only until the half of his original size but he needed to release every last drop. He rose from the ground and approached the nearest tree that he found. With a powerful thrust he made a hole in the tree, through his hard crust and started using it as a little sex toy. The tree began to tremble with each thurst of Akiyo causing the Pokémon that lived inside the tree to wake up suffering an earthquake. Akiyo shouted of pleasure ramming more forcefully making huge cracks appeared in the tree and the Pokémon that lived in it fled quickly. Also the leaves of the tree were falling and some sleeping Pokémon received a good blow to the head for falling fo the tree and did the same as the other Pokémon. Akiyo shouted louder and the tree swelled like a balloon coming out of the cracks and the holes it had while the cum was expanding through the tree creaking violently making new cracks appear and its hard crust was broken by the pressure of his cum until with a violent explosion, the tree was transformed into a great white fountain and all that remained of it was his thick roots, a lot of splinters and the forest completely flooded and covered by Lucario's cum. Akiyo panted exhausted after releasing so much aura and decided that was time to go home.

"At this rate I'm going to deforest this whole place if I continue to treat the trees in the area like condoms. I need a solution now," thought Akiyo.

The Lucario came to his house and went back to the shower while was thinking about the solution of his problem. When he finished and dried his fur, he went to his bedroom and concentrated his aura into his hands forming a sphere and liberated it in front of him. The luminous sphere began to deform and in a few seconds a second Lucario appeared in front of him. His clone stared at him waiting for an order and an idea came to his head. Akiyo went to his bedroom and grew his crotch just a little suprising his clone.

"Are you surprised just making to grow a bit my cock with my aura? If you want it bigger you know what you have to do" said Akiyo to his clone.

The clone timidly approached to his master and began to lick slowly just to taste his cock but quickly began to suck more faster receiving a slight pat from his master until he received his first reward but not the last. The cock of his master continued to cum within him until he had finished.

"Good boy. I'll give you more tomorrow, okay?" said Akiyo while his clone cleaned his cock. "I want more, master! Please!" said his clone. "I'll think about it. I'm going to train again. I'll be back in a while." said Akiyo.

The clone accompanied him to the door and Akiyo left leaving his clone in charge of the house. The night came and his clone was sleeping placidly on his bed when he came home. Akiyo approached quietly and decided to give a little punishment to his clone. With a powerful thrust on his butt woke him up and sighed with pleasure.

"Master... welcome..." Groaned with pleasure his clone. "Prepare for your punishment." said Akiyo with a little smile.

Akiyo with his aura made his crotch grow a little more than the first time and the clone noticed how it grew inside him making a small bulge in his belly. Akiyo starts to thrust hard for shout of pleasure his clone feeling the big balls of his master slapping his butt while his clone begged him to fill him with his love and made him wait no longer. A big burst of cum entered him making his belly begin to swell slowly and Akiyo continued to pushing while giving all his love. His belly was about the size of a watermelon.

"You're a very bad Lucario," Akiyo said, pulling his member out of his butt. "I want my belly bigger. More love, Master!" said his clone putting above him and sitting on his cock again. "Do you ant More love? Well, I'll give it to you." said Akiyo having another erection and using his aura again making a larger bulge in his clone's belly.

His clone began to ride him noticing that his cock was becoming more sensitive and did not take too long to give him what he wanted. Akiyo shouted of pleasure cumming inside his clone making him almost to release his cum from his mouth by the pressure that came out of his cock filling more of his love until the belly of his clone occupied the bed of his bedroom.

"Satisfied?" said Akiyo while his cock returned to his normal state. The clone only answered with a belch stroking his huge belly and rose above his master.

"Thanks for giving me so much love," said his clone lying on the ground and his tummy will occupy half of the bedroom. "Good night." said Akiyo stroking the belly of his clone.

The two Lucarios slept placidly while the huge belly of his clone reduced his size during his rest. The next morning, Akiyo woke up and his clone was not in his bedroom. He got up and a sweet scent caught his eye. He went to the kitchen where his clone prepared him the breakfast.

"Oh, Good morning, master! I've prepared his breakfast." said his clone with a pleasant smile. "Thank you, you didn't have to," said Akiyo.

The Lucario sat at the table and his clone left him his brekfast ready for his teacher to eat. Akiyo ate his breakfast and went to training but his clone stopped him.

"And my breakfast, master? You know what I mean..." said his clone looking at his crotch.

Akiyo smiled and put his cock in his mouth making him move his tail very happy starting to suck his cock while Akiyo concentrated his aura on his crotch causing it to start growing and his clone would caress his massive balls that came the ground. Akiyo could not contain himself by the big sensibility of his huge cock and released all the cum that he had inside his clone filling of cum until his crotch returned to his original size. His clone was as big as a Snorlax and he tried to get up but all the love of his master prevented it.

"Well, I'm going to the town. I'll be back in a few hours," said Akiyo stroking his clone on his head.

The clone was completely asleep while Akiyo was walking to the village. The Lucario met another volunteer to access the gym while the students wore their clothes for karate classes. The class began smoothly and ended with great satisfaction for all the students while the teacher thanked the volunteers for their collaboration. Everyone left the gym and returned home while Akiyo thought about his clone in giving him more dose of love and leave it well filled. As he returned he could not contain an erection and quickly came home. When he went inside, the house was completely clean and tidy but the clone was not there. The Lucario closed the door and used his aura to detect him. He found him hiding behind the bathroom door and went after him. His clone was back-leaning on the door as if waiting for something. Akiyo approached the door and his cock grew to the size his clone liked. With a powerful thrust, his cock went through the door giving a bull's eye in the butt of his clone and gave him his dose of love but was once wanted to leave him well satisfied to be able to sleep without his clone sucking his cock while he was sleeping. 2 hours of sex later, his crotch returned to the normal but there was structural damage in the house because of the massive expansion of his clone. The bathroom walls had come down and the roof was cracked by the pressure of his clone's belly.

"Master... I think it has given me too much love... but... I love it! I hope to contain much more!"said his clone very happy. "It's all right if you want to destroy the house. I've thought of doing a few renovations." said Akiyo stroking the massive belly of his clone.

Akiyo went straight to his bedroom and rest to prepare his clone for the best love session of his life. The next morning he woke up by a loud noise and knew who it was.

"Sorry to wake you like this, but my butt needs love," said the clone by moving his butt sensually in front of his master.

Akiyo got up and as a predator pounced on his clone with his huge cock to give him his first dose. His belly grew to the size of a barrel leaving his clone full, for now. The Lucario went to the spacious bathroom, but knew that his clone had not even to start with that tiny dose. At the end of his shower his clone awaited him wagging his tail pointing his mouth with his hand for his next ration of love. His tummy was as if he had eaten a horde of large Pokémon but could still walk with all that weight and decided to accompany him to the waterfall where he meditated. Akiyo did not wait for his clone would find him right away to continue feeding him with his love and be able to contain everything without losing any drop. As the obese clone headed for the waterfall, Akiyo would have some peace while he was meditating. He needed to regain strength to continue to fill his clone to his limit of capacity. 1 hour later his clone arrived but his belly was completely empty.

"How did you lose so much weight in such a short time?" asked Akiyo to his clone. "Easy, I'm you. I can digest your cum, transform it into energy and also to store more love for my next doses, master." said his clone. "You want my cum until my last drop?" said Akiyo with a big smile. "Yes, all! I don't care if you use me as a bomb and I explode releasing all your love for the forest!" said his clone very excited and wagging his tail quickly. "Very good. Let's go home." said Akiyo drying his fur and putting his scarf on his neck.

The clone ran happily to his home while Akiyo returned quietly and preparing to give his clone the most pleasurable dose with an explosive ending. His clone awaited him impatiently at home until the door opened and his master returned with his huge cock but he noticed that he continued to grow until his master sat on the ground and the crotch reached a size that the clone fell madly in love with that huge cock. With a huge jump, he opened his mouth and engulfed the monstrous cock of his master and began to suck with all his strength making the first burst of cum fill his mouth instantly. He swallowed it easily and continued until his belly swelled quickly until it reached the ground and was trying to climb again to continue to sucking.

"I think it's my turn now, don't you think?" said Akiyo when he saw his clone transformed into a gigantic waterbed. "Of course, Master! I want every last drop of love!" screaming the clone enthusiastically.

Akiyo jumped to the butt of his clone and began to thrust with all his strength as he listened the creaking of the house by the pressure he was submitting. The Lucario roared with all his strength to get out a powerful white fountain of the butt of his clone doing that also scream of pleasure and that the massive stomach of his clone shattered doors, windows, interior walls of the house and began to swell like a balloon on the outside.

"Are you ready for a grand finale?" said Akiyo slapping with all his strength the collapsed butt of his clone. "Yes, give me that explosive love that I desire so much! Let's finish the demolition of the house, master! "cried his clone feeling his stomach growling violently about to reach his limit.

Akiyo concentrated his entire aura on his body and hit it very quickly while the massive belly began to shine slowly beginning the countdown. His clone was completely in paradise and each time his belly shone more intensely until he noticed an immense amount of aura inside. Akiyo pulled his massive cock slowly off the cock of his clone wrapped in aura and with a powerful Giga impactcombined with his aura, it was devastating starting to flood the house. His clone screamed with heart-shaped eyes for the impact and with his last forces shouted that he loved him and exploded causing a great shock wave of aura to destroy the house and a large white geyser was shot from the sky and falling like a torrential rain. The aural Shockwave reached the village causing a small earthquake, followed by a violent windstorm and destroying all the windows, scaring all the inhabitants of the place. After all that, they saw a huge white fountain a few miles from the village and the forest was covered as if it had snowed in that area. A few hours after releasing everything he had, the Lucario got up from the ground all covered with his essence and was surprised that a tiny part of the house, was still standing and decided to call for his phone lying on the floor that still worked.

"Good afternoon, Machamp constructions. What do you need? " said a female voice. "Hi, I'd like to rebuild my whole house." said Akiyo. "What has happened? Are you all right? If you want, I'll contact you with emergencies." said the operator. "No, no, I'm fine." said Akiyo looking at the mess he had made. "Oh, I think I know what's happened. Are you a Lucario? "asked the operator. "Yes, why?" said the Lucario a bit confused by the question. "For nothing special, don't worry. Now I will send my companions to build his new house. Tell me your address and when they arrive explain how you want your new home." said the operator. "All right, thank you." replied Akiyo with a faint smile on his face.

The Lucario gave him his address and the operator hung up the phone. Akiyo sat on the ground looking around until in a few hours, a few trucks came and a Marshtomp with a yellow workman's helmet.

"Wow, what a mess. We'll have to clean up, replant the nearby trees and my client's house." said Marshtomp. "Welcome to what's left of my home," said Akiyo, rising from the ground. "Are you Akiyo? Wow, you're the ninth customer calling us for this kind of situation." said the Marshtomp. "Other pokémon with the same problem as me?" asked the Lucario. "Yes, but a few more catastrophic than others. Don't worry, you'll have your new home before the end of the second month. If you want to follow me to my studio, you will explain how you want to design your new home." said Marshtomp.

Akiyo followed the Marshtomp to one of his trucks and inside was very spacious that the outside with a big studio with all his co-workers drinking coffee. After the presentations they began to work while Akiyo went to clean himself into the waterfall and the whole forest was beginning to be cleaned by the workers. The Lucario went to town to rent a room during the construction of his new house and help the people to replenish the windows in all the houses. 2 months after the mess, Akiyo returned to his home where everything was ready. The forest had been restored and Marshtomp with his team was waiting for him at the entrance of his house.

"Welcome to your new home." said Marshtomp handing over the keys to the Lucano. "Thank you, how much do I owe you for all you have done?" asked Akiyo. "The bill will come from here a few days. Why don't you come in and see what we've done? "asked Marshtomp.

Akiyo opened the door of his house with his key and he loved it. Everything was bigger and more spacious. He had a basement and a second floor to invite his friends. After looking at his new home, the Marshtomp wanted to speak privately in his room.

"is something wrong?" asked Akiyo. "It's nothing important. I give you this card so you can call and one of our workers can pay you with sex. He just handed it to a few of these special cards. And remember, use it once a week to pay our bill. Once the payment is complete, you will have to pay. "said Marshtomp. "Is this legal? Are you sure about this? "asked Akiyo something unkind when he's looking to the green card. "It's totally legal, don't worry. We have confidence contacts in the whole country. Our company has never had any problems with this type of payments, in all the places where we have been. If you have any doubts, call my personal phone." said Marshtomp delivering a white card with his number. "Oh, all right. Thank you very much. "said Akiyo accompanying the Marshtomp to the exit of his house.

The trucks left and Akiyo went to rest in his new comfortable bed until the next day. A week later, Akiyo began paying the bill and was very satisfied with the result. Many friends of the people came to visit him and also to play with him and his clones. The Lucario continued his routine and lived in his new home happy and without disturbing the Pokémon who lived there. END

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