The territorial Hydreigon

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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This story was written 3 years ago

In a big mountain surrounded by leafy forests, a Hydreigon was residing in there. The dragon pokémon was very territorial and he gets furious if someone was daring to enter. A Riolu accompanied byhis teddy bear in his arms was walking along his forest. His name was Lenn and it was a blind Riolu. With his aura he could see the silhouettes around him and if there were enemies close, the color of the silhouette change, depends the condition of the pokémon. Suddenly, he starts to be hungry and was looking for berries in the shrubs or in trees to eat. After a few minutes searching, he found a high tree and threw the plush in one of the high branches to have it safe. With an huge jump, he come to the branches of the tree, he took numerous berries and starts to eat next to his teddy bear. Minutes later, decided to going down but a huge Pokemon stopped in front of the tree and starts to beat him for that the berries fall to the ground. Lenn was clung to the tree with his teddy bear for not fall and with his aura noticed a Pokemon, it was a Hydreigon. The berries fell from the tree and the dragon pokémon with a single bite, he swallows them. The Hydreigon flew around the tree as if there were more and finds more in the top but when he's approaching the berries, he noticed the presence of something. Lenn remained quiet for a few minutes while the Hydreigon sniffed the strange presence that the tree had. Finally, the Pokemon dragon ignored him, ate the last berries of the tree and went in search of more food. Lenn sigh of relief because the aura of the Hydreigon disappeared and jumped down to the ground with his teddy bear in his paw but made a mistake. The Hydreigon returned and his teddy bear disappeared from his arms. Lenn look up at the sky and his teddy bear was devoured for one of the heads of the Hydreigon.

"My teddy bear! Give me back my teddy bear" says Lenn. "You don't give me orders. It's my territory and no one goes inside without my permission." says Hydreigon.

Lenn wants his teddy bear and the dragon Pokémon charge toward the Riolu to try to eat him but Lenn avoids his attacks really easily until he became trapped between a line of large trees. Hydreigon opened his mouth and devoured his head but the Riolu with his paws tries to push back to escape but he couldn't. The Hydreigon lifted his head for raising his prey by the air and with two powerful gulps, the only thing that left out was his tail. The neck of his predator had been swollen by the Riolu that was inside of him and starts to push it back in, passing through his throat while Lenn was trying to slow down so as not to arrive to his stomach but it was too slippery and fell inside along with his teddy bear, which had suffered no damage. Lenn hit the Hydrigon's stomach walls but were too hard to exit until suddenly the aura of the dragon Pokémon had changed.

"Get me out of here, this is very sticky!" says Lenn. "This is your punishment for enter in my territory." says Hydreigon. "Do you feel alone?" asked the Riolu to the Hydreigon by the sudden change of color of his aura. "No, I'm good." replied coldly the Hydreigon . Her voice was female. "I don't think so. You need a friend. I'm sure that all are scared of you." says Lenn. "My parents educated me as well. I cannot be any other way" says the Hydreigon. "You can change. I'll be your friend." says Lenn. "Seriously? But if I've devoured you!" says Hydreigon. "But you not killed me yet. This means that you're worried about me." says Lenn. "You convinced me. Having friends is better than being alone, but today you will sleep in my belly. I hope that you don't mind this" says the Hydreigon. "No, I'm good." says Lenn followed by a yawn. "Relax. Oh, by the way, what's your name?" asked Hydreigon. "Call me ... Lenn ...,zzzz. .." replied the Riolu totally asleep. "Pleased to meet you, Lenn. I hope that we will be very good friends for a long time." says Hydreigon rubbing his belly.

The Hydreigon flew to her cave to rest beside his new friend for the next day begin to play with him and meet more Pokemon to play.

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