Alex and the Shiny Ampharos

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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This story was written 3 years ago

In a huge swamp where they lived a big tribe of Goodra, there lives a Floatzel named Alex. He was a Pokemon different from the other, his structure was sticky and gelatinous, leaving a trail of slime for where he walks. Not very far from there, he saw a tree of berries trembling violently and decided to investigate. In the meantime, very close to there, a Ampharos was training with a huge tree to their physical attacks shaking the tree and the strong hits makes that the berries and leaves fell to the ground until he decided to stop and eat. He picked up the berries of the ground and sat down, supporting his back in the tree. Alex watched the Ampharos hidden between in the huge bushes, but he wasn't a normal Ampharos, was shiny, his fur was pink and their spheres of his forehead and tail were sky blue. The Ampharos stops eating and returned to the training without realizing that someone is spied to him. Alex went out between the brushes and approached to the Ampharos.

"Hello ~!" shouted Alex cheerfully doing that the Ampharos jumps scared and suprised, losing the concentration and falling down clumsily to the ground. "What are you doing?! You have given me a death scare!" says the Ampharos angry. "Sorry, for your pink color made me think that you were a girl." says Alex. "I'm a boy and I'm a shiny pokémon. A lot of human beings, they go crazy for trying to capturing me." says the Ampharos. "What you were doing hiting the tree?" asked Alex. "I was training and until you interrupted me." says the Ampharos . "I said that I'm sorry before. The fact is that I have never seen a pink Ampharos." says Alex "You are a very rare Floatzel. Are you a mix of Muk or something?" says the Ampharos touching the Floatzel. "More or less" Alex answered.

The Ampharos continued touching with the Floatzel until his sticky body absorbed him inside his arm. The electric Pokemon tries to pull out his arm in there but the body of the sticky Floatzel absorbed him more faster.

"Hey, let me go! This is not funny!" says the Ampharos, trying to escape of the sticky trap of the Floatzel while the water pokemon type he's non-stop laughing.

Finally it was absorbed completely and was floating in his sticky and gelatinous stomach. Alex stroked his belly full and satisfied watching his transparent belly while his prey is squirming and trying to escape hitting his belly. The Ampharos stopped struggling and Alex went back to the Goodra's group but soon he felt heavier and he was walking with difficulties. He looks the Ampharos of his stomach and looked like that he had gained weight but not gave it importance. Continued walking until his belly weighed so much how if it had a Snorlax inside and he looked around. He looks again around and saw it the trees more taller and looked his prey, his stomach had expanded twice his size and suspected that the pokemon it was absorbing him slowly. The Floatzel really frustrated with his paws, raises his heavy belly and tries to walk but his steps were very clumpsy and falls to the ground feeling the shiny Ampharos getting more and more weight. Alex is totally immobilized, look toward his stomach and his suspicions were true. It was devouring him and he couldn't escape. The Ampharos opened more his mouth and absorbed all his body, passing his throat and arrives to his stomach, reforming his body inside it.

"You have a flavor that reminds me to my favorite berries, I haven't been able to avoid it" says the Ampharos followed for a big burp. "Let me out of here, that is not fair!" says Alex hitting the walls of his stomach. "You deserve it because you've eaten me inside of your sticky body" says the Ampharos rubbing his full belly.

The Ampharos got up from the ground but noticed that the Floatzel not want to stop struggling and suddenly he have a strong stomachache and want to vomit. Alex goes up for his throat but the Ampharos blocking his escape with his paws and his cheeks were swollen.

"Let me out!" shouted Alex tries to forcing the Ampharos to puke him but the electric Pokémon swallow him with a very strong gulp and starts to cough for the violent escape of his prey. "You don't gonna nowhere until I say so!" said the Ampharos while finally Alex gave up.

The tired Ampharos after getting that his prey was still quiet, decided to take a nap and relax. The dusk arrives to the swamp and the Ampharos spat Alex out of his stomach and moved to his territory while Alex is reforming again since when he was expelled from his belly into a gelatinous mass.

"Finally! I was already fed up living inside of him. Time to go home." says Alex looking at the sunset.

Alex returned to the swamp and returned to its burrow to rest and start a new day.

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