More than a roommate

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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English is not my first language. If you saw mistakes in my story, please don't say it in the comments only I want to know if you like it or not. If you wish to perfectly translate from your native language for me, go ahead. I give your credit from your translation. Thanks for understanding. The next stories were written last year and this year.

Nikko was awakened by the sound of his alarm clock and yawned standing up from the bed. The Electric Pokémon, turned on his computer and while it turns on, he went to the bathroom to cool off. 10 minutes later, after bathing, he entered into a web page to find a roommate because he had lived a few months alone in his apartment and he needed company. He published an ad on the website and sent him waiting for an answer. In less of 5 minutes, a conversation was opened.

"Hello, I am interested and I would like to share flat with you." Replied his possible roommate. "Do you want to know me in person? We can meet at one of the bars near the beach to eat something, if that's okay. By the way, my name's Nikko. And you?" asked the Ampharos. "My name is Tobalth. See you later." replied Tobalth with his last message. At the end of the conversation, both exchanged his phone numbers and wrote a message with his description for be located quickly.

At noon, Nikko came out of his house to meet with Tobalth, his new roommate. 10 minutes later, passing the shopping center, his mobile phone received a message from his new roommate. He was in a bar near the beach and continued on his way. When he arrived to the bar and entered inside, he realized that the clients were all naked, except him with his bathing suit. His new roommate waved him and was sitting on a small table with some snacks. Under the table, was his baggage to go with him. Nikko was a little nervous to see his roommate completely naked and walked toward him. Tobalth got up from his seat and smiled to the Ampharos. The dragon was red with green eyes. The pale pink color covered from his neck to his stomach, bottom of his tail and feet. Their wings were red and yellow inside. He had a few white horns that come out of his head and back head, a few small teeth of his cheeks and other small yellow horns that started on his forehead and continued for the back of his head, through his back. Tobalth looked at the Ampharos wearing a green swimsuit instead of being naked. His body was tall and strong. He has two purple spheres, one on his forehead and another on his tail. After the presentations, the two sat down at the table and he gave the menu to the ampharos to choose what he want.

"This bar is my favorite. Would you like to share one of the special snacks? The portions are large. Sorry if you feel bothered to see me naked." Tobalth said apologizing to the Ampharos. "Don't worry. I've never been in a nudist beach." said Nikko trying to control the situation.

After eating, Nikko helped Tobalth with his luggage and took him to his apartment. the Ampharos opened the door to his apartment and they entered inside, closing the door behind him. The apartment was quite large. The dining room and the kitchen were together. He had a terrace for sunbathing, with beach views and a swimming pool that he shared with other neighbors. Following a hallway on the left was the bathroom, large and spacious while to the right was the bedroom with a huge bed and a dressing room. After having shown the apartment and leave his luggage, they enjoyed the pool all day until the night. The next day, Nikko woke up before than his partner and he was sleeping peacefully and completely naked. He decided to prepare the breakfast for both of them. An hour later, Tobalth was directly to the bathroom to take a shower to start the day. Nikko went back to the bedroom to call him but he wasn't there and he look the door of the bathroom that was a little open. The Ampharos approached to the door and he saw the naked dragon taking a shower. Nikko smiled slightly but suddenly his partner stops while the water continues to fall and watched to the half-opened door.

"Can you bring me a towel, please?" said Tobalth with a sightly smile. "Yes, sorry. I forgot to put the towels yesterday." replied to Nikko.

Nikko closed the door and while his teammate was finishing his shower, he was looking for a towel for him. A few minutes later, Nikko came back with a towel and Tobalth put it in his waist heading back to the bedroom to get dressed. The morning was passing until the afternoon. The two were watching TV and playing video games until Tobalth's stomach, growls. until the food was ready. 30 minutes later, Nikko called him and goes to the kitchen with his partner and began to eat. During the meal, Tobalth apologized again for what happened in the bar while the Ampharos was not angry for that. At night, they were watching horror movies and then they went to sleep. Three weeks together passed since Tobalth came to his apartment and he didn't care that Tobalth was naked in the apartment. He started to like it. Nikko was very shy at first with the theme of nudism, but with Tobalth's help, lost his shyness and he was going everywhere except when they had a visit or do shopping. A hot day, the two were swimming in the pool at the apartment together completely alone swimming, racing to see who was faster or who holds to breathe. The red dragon came out of the pool and we went to take the sun while the Ampharos stays in the pool looking at his friend while he was on his way to the towel, hypnotized by his butt. He blushed a little and he submerged to the depths of the pool to be able to think of anything else. He was holding his breath until he can't hold more and swim back to the surface. He went up the stairs to come out of the water and blushed even more when he saw that he had an erection. It was by Tobalth? Nikko went as fast as he could to his towel so that his roommate will not notice this embarrassing situation. He covered himself with the towel until he calmed down and was able to relax. Suddenly, Tobalth lifted his towel and grabbed the sunscreen that had below him, He sat down and began to put on his arms. Nikko watched how he was putting his lotion, taking an erection again and a bulge was appeared in his towel until Tobalth looked to him.

"Is something wrong? You're really red." he said looking at the blushing Ampharos. "No, I'm fine! D-Do you mind if I you put lotion on your back?" said Nikko stammering a bit by the nerves and worried that his companion noticed the erection.

Tobalth turned around exposing his back while Nikko took the sunscreen and he got on his knees to one side with his towel above to hide his erection. He put some lotion on his hands and he started to extend it by his scaly skin. Tobalth seemed to like it and continued giving massages at his back until he will need more. He continued with a second massage by his arms, legs and back again until Tobalth was totally relaxed.

"I didn't know that you are so good doing massages." said Tobalth. "Really? Is not too difficult, hehe." said Nikko "Do you mind if I do the same?" asked the dragon making the Ampharos more nervous. "Yes, no-no pro-problem!" said Nikko stammering again while his roommate gets up from his towel and he lays on it where the dragon was before and turned around quickly on his back while he was taking Nikko's suncream.

Tobalth extends the lotion by the soft skin of Nikko while his roommate relaxes a little by the massage. Nikko tried to relax but the erection continues and he didn't stop to think about the butt of his roommate while he was putting his cream on his body and doing it not comfortable.

"Is something wrong? Does it hurt when I do it?" asked Tobalth. "No, I'm okay. You're doing fine" Nikko answered to Tobalth for that he could continue his massage.

The red dragon now more relaxed, continued with the massage and they were in the pool all day until the evening. Two months passed since that Tobalth lived with him and were great friends. The disadvantage was that he feel more than friendship for him. His erections were more constant. Every time that eyes looked at his butt, he hides from Tobalth or runs to the bathroom to masturbate until he is relaxed again. A hot day, were in the apartment with the windows open and a nice breeze entered to cool a bit but they were just a few seconds. Tobalth got up from the couch and went to the kitchen for some ice cream. Minutes later he came back with two ice cream and gave one to Nikko. The Ampharos grabbed the ice cream and began to lick to cool off. While he licked his ice cream, Tobalth was completely distracted watching tv and enjoying his ice cream. The Ampharos kept looking at his roommate while he was licking the ice cream and has another erection, imagining that Tobalth was doing a blowjob to him. He blushes again and while his ice cream was melting on his hand. Quickly, licked his ice cream and when he finished, he went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he returned, he found Tobalth lying on the couch and pounced himself on top of him. He couldn't take it anymore by what he felt by Tobalth. It was time to act. The red dragon was taken by surprise and Nikko gave him a kiss on the mouth, surprising more the dragon.

"Nikko, what are you doing?" asked Tobalth when he finished kiss him. "Well, make you mine." said Nikko rising from on top of him and with a big smile. "What do you mean?" asked Tobalth looking to the horny Ampharos while he was sitting again on the sofa. "Since you're living with me, I've treated you as a friend but day after day, you make me very horny and I wanted to fuck your ass and dominate you as my little slave." said Nikko with his fully erect member. "Oh, wow. I already knew that you felt weird lately, Nikko." said Tobalth and he blushes to see the huge cock of the Ampharos erect in front of him. "You call me Master. My name only when I want it, understand sex slave?" said the Ampharos rubbing his cock on his face. "Understood, Nik... I mean, Master. W-What you want to do?" asked Tobalth timidly to the dominant Ampharos.

Tobalth nodded and opened his mouth. Nikko put his cock inside and the dragon closed his mouth, starting to suck his cock slowly. The Ampharos grabbed his head and thrusted slowly his mouth.

"Come on, faster! I don't have all day!" said Nikko increasing his speed.

Tobalth felt how Nikko introduced his whole member deeply in his mouth and fucks his mouth faster, grabbing his head tightly while he's trying to go to the rhythm of his master. He uses his tongue to stimulate him his cock and Nikko stopped, noticing that his slave had understood how he wants it.

"Good boy, Good boy. Soon you'll have your reward." said Nikko caressing Tobalth's head.

Tobalth smiled for the caresses of his master until the Ampharos with a powerful thrust, cums inside his mouth and his semen was swallowed by his sex slave. The dragon was surprised by the final thrust and the big release that the Ampharos did, filling his mouth quickly and begin to swallow his reward. It was very hot and he noticed that his master continued for a few more minutes until his cock came out of his mouth. Nikko watched him how he licked his lips and was waiting for his next order.

"I'm not satisfied yet, slave." How about if we do some exercise? "smiled the Ampharos to Tobalth. "What do you mean, master? "asked the red Dragon to the electric Pokémon."

Nikko lifted Tobalth and put him looking up at the wall. He patted his softly butt and then gave him a good slap in his butt. Tobalth feels a bit of pain, but he could handle it without any problems. The dragon didn't respond during the first slaps but the pain changed to pleasure and the tenth slap, he stopped him with his tail.

"Sorry, Master. I stopped him with my tail. Will you punish Me?" asked Tobalth with a tone of innocence, causing his master to releases small sparks from his body and hugs his slave, rubbing his cock on his butt.

"Yes, a very intense punishment." "Lift that tail!" said Nikko very horny.

The Dragon obeyed the electric Pokémon and rammed with strength his cock inside of his butt causing a small electrocutions to Tobalth.

"Master, your cock is big." groaned the dragon while he began to have an erection by the violent penetration of his master. "And you a very beautiful butt that wouldn't stop fucking!" shouted Nikko thrusting slowly by the butt of his slave.

Nikko grabbed him from his waist and noticed that his little slave had an erection. With one of his hands he grabbed his member wrapped in his electricity and began to masturbate.

"Wow ... is the dragon excited?" "Your cock is very sensitive to the touch ..." said the Ampharos whispering on the ear.

Tobalth moaned of pleasure when Nikko's hand masturbated his cock and small electric shocks made him ejaculate spilling his semen on the ground. Nikkoalready had it at his mercy and it was time to intensify his punishment. He began to thrust faster and the smell of sex stretched throughout the apartment while the moans of Tobalth were heard all over the place. Nikko each time pushed him more against the wall, pushing his cock more inside and his balls slapped his butt tightly, while the electric pokémon was loading more energy into his body. Tobalth tried to talk but the pleasure was so intense that he wished that this punishment never ends. Nikko was already about to climax and asked his slave if he wished he would ejaculate inside him. The dragon shouted that he did not stop until his master was satisfied and the Ampharos with a powerful final thrust, when he starts to cum, he electrocuted him using thunder, screaming the two of pleasure while all the electronics gadgets of the apartment, were turned crazy by the enormous amount of electricity that the electric Pokémon released. The Thunder lasted only a few minutes but the cumshot continues until leave the last drop inside the red dragon. Nikko was totally satisfied and when he pulled out his cock, he collapsed on the floor, exhausted and paralyzed.

"You've been a good boy. I'm going to get the medicine kit to cure the paralysis.," said Nikko heading to the bathroom.

Tobalth tried to get up but the paralysis blocked his movements and decided to wait for his master to return. Minutes later, he returned with the medicine kit and gave him the medication to counteract the effects of the paralysis,that were immediate. The Dragon rose dazed and somewhat sore but he had enjoyed it.

"Would you like a second round tonight, slave?" asked Nikko. "Sure, Master Nikko. Do you want to shower with me? " ask Tobalth to his master.

Nikko did not answer and grabbed his arm and took him to the bathroom to the shower with his slave. The hours were passing and when they had finished "showering", the sun had already set and they had not noticed that they had the windows open when they did it.

"Do you think they've heard us, Nikko? "Excuse me, I mean, master?" asked Tobalth. "It's all right. I am satisfied and you can call me by my name." replied Nikko. "I don't care if they heard us."

"You don't mind if we ordered some food?" asked Tobalth to Nikko. "Yes, sounds good. I'll close the windows, I'm a little chilly." said Nikko while Tobalth called the phone to order dinner.

When the food arrived, the two ate quietly and they went to the bedroom to rest. They were talking for a while until they started to being sleepy. Nikko turned off the lights and both went to sleep ready for a new day.

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