Flora: Rhyme and Shine

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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During the morning after, a sense of pride comes but is soon snuffed out as realization of vulnerability comes. A small moment of weakness that will be corrected with conversation and just a bit of fun.

As the morning came, orange lights began to filter into a single window in a room. That small bit of sunshine was enough to brighten the room a bit but not enough to disturb most of the people gathered on the bed. One of the figures in the bed began to shift, a single golden eye cracking open to see the dim glow of the sun telling him that the morning was just getting started. He was a turf tiger hybrid of sorts, a feline with grey fur and golden claws who had appeared to have a mask occupying half of his face. The mask kept that eye closed firmly while the other golden eye kept on peering out into the semi-dark room. Toyle stretched carefully in the bed, bringing his arms forward and stifling a yawn as he remembered that he was in a bed with two friends. Strangely, one of those friends had been on sour terms with him up until the other night and a bit of pride swelled within him as he remembered he got his dick wet. That previously sour friend was the black and white-furred feline to his left who went by the name of Charthur. Her back faced him, body curled in just a bit and strong thighs and rear on display while her tail hugged around one of her legs. To his other side was the one who had set everything up. She was a stripe goat by the name of Neon, a bit more pudgy in places but with legs and rear just as firm. Neon was on her front, face buried in a pillow while her body rose and fell in line with her breathing. Being around two beautiful women like this would be a mark of pride and normally he would be absolutely thrilled to either get a picture of this or attempt to make it some sort of power play, but...As the morning went on, what pride he felt began to fall as other thoughts came to visit.

Toyle laid on his back looking up at the darkened ceiling of the room while he thought about last night. He idly touched the bandages on his neck while musing on the fact that he had bared more than just his throat to Charthur. The pain had been fun, it had been a nice jolt to add to the pleasure of the sex but that had been nothing compared to the words. Charthur had expressed why she had been so suspicious of him and he had thrown something back into the mix as well but both had come to terms in a sense. He had actually allowed himself to become vulnerable, to throw down the mask of ego and let her see for a second something genuine without the runaround. Normally, he was always trying to impress, always clinging to that ambition of something greater as he had adjusted to being in front of the camera far too well, and attempting to throw that mask away even for a second had been nearly impossible. In the moment, it had been exciting, but thinking about it now? He felt sick.

There had been a real possibility that she would have simply taken his genuine expression and thrown it in the garbage. More than that, he stood a good chance of losing face. When she woke up, she could see him in a different light, one that he did not desire and one that made everything worse but really, would it be so bad? Would it be so terrible to be seen as just a regular person rather than a diva vying for the attention of the camera? At that point, Toyle had to remind himself that Charthur, Neon and any other living being weren't constant sources of judgment that could decide whether or not he advanced to the next rung on the ladder but instead. Eyes and cameras were different things, at least, most of the time. Sometimes there were people that could judge just as harshly as the camera and to those people, he would absolutely be a radiant star, something that stood above them without a doubt but, maybe he should save the act for those type of people and the cameras, not friends and possible friends.

With a grumble, he turned onto his side toward Charthur and looked at her back, though his gaze was somewhere far off. Thinking about this would do nothing but make his morning garbage. Still, he couldn't help but frown as the thoughts kept on coming despite his desire to just put them away. Toyle closed his eyes as if that would keep them away but it kept on coming. Doubt and ambition curled around in such heavy amounts that he started thinking about how he was wasting the day just lying here. A picture of these two with him in the middle would probably earn a lot of social clout on the net. It would also earn a bit of anger but bad press was still good press so long as it gave him attention. He gnashed his fangs while the thought of wasted time kept on coming. Not only could he be taking and posting that picture, but he could also be out and about getting ready to film something, anything at all that might be of interest. There were stories to tell and fabricate, fights to watch and record for people to see so that people could see him right there.

A sudden touch broke him out of those thoughts and brought him back to reality. It was a gentle tap on his nose, nothing more, nothing less but enough to get him to blink open his eyes and get out of that circle of doubt and ambition. Icy blue eyes were watching him and the digit that had tapped his nose moved to brush against his cheek very gently while Charthur muttered, "You groan and grimace, so may I ask, what is amiss?"

Another dumb rhyme. Who knows how long she had been thinking of that, staring at him while he looked like an idiot. A sharp retort touched the back of his tongue and was about to pop out of his mouth before he let it slip as a sigh rather than anything else. No need to be hostile. Just talk and so he did quietly, "Just having some dumb thoughts about last night. I really showed you my neck huh? Even right now when the sun's just coming up I'm making a fool of myself by talking about this."

Charthur's gaze did not move from his. Toyle resisted the urge to look away and before long, she answered him, "Not entirely a fool, but perhaps talking a little would regain your cool." She then looked up as if she were thinking about something before closing her eyes with a small smile, "There is no shame in showing a bit of weakness. I say that but even now when we're just waking up I'm feeling nervous because I still have no idea what you'll do next."

Toyle snorted, "I'm not that tough to figure out." He gave her a nose a poke in kind for the gentle awakening she had given him and teased, "Just think of me like any other creature. Food and sex are pretty easy ways to relate and hey, I'm pretty into show business so movies, music, whatever you can think of."

The icy-eyed turf tiger scrunched her nose before huffing quietly, "Was that your idea of a proposition? Because I think if anything it has lowered my overall thoughts of you and disposition."

"What? No. Why would I ever ask you out on a date?" Toyle retorted with a roll of his eyes.

With narrowed eyes, Charthur looked him up and down before her body suddenly relaxed, "I see..." Was all that she said before she chuckled.

Toyle blinked, "You see? Well, I am right here. Good to know you see me."

"It can happen that fast can't it?" She said softly. Toyle frowned while she continued on with closed eyes, "That scared that I might think lesser of you, or that I might not be fired up in any way by your presence? You know...Your teases are a bit humorous when I think about it, even if you're overall downright foolish."

His expression along with the expression on his mask turned downward, eyes looking down and small frowns touching the lips, "Hrmph, maybe that's true. We did talk about that already. I guess I still don't know if I can really be like that around you all the time. I mean, imagine me walking out being sweet or something while Jasmaby's looking?"

Charthur rolled her eyes and snorted, "He'd ask if you were sick and touch your head...But you know, if you're comfortable being one way or another then you're free to be however you wish, so long as you don't overdo it."

Toyle looked at her with a brow raised, "So you're good with me being a cocky bastard who pokes fun at you at every other turn?"

She nodded, "So long as you remind me that there are things other than that, then yes, you're free to be that jerk I know and would love to call a friend."

He mused over that for a moment, claw on his chin before shrugging, "Huh, okay. If that's the case then you won't mind me being a jerk right now, right? Not gonna clam up and just run away?"

Charthur rolled her eyes, "Do your worst."

Shifting just a bit closer he reached around her body and grabbed hold of her rear, squeezing firmly while grinning, "My worst huh? I only ever do my best and I think a date might be fun, maybe a few selfies here and there? Heck, we could even take one right now?"

Despite what she claimed, Charthur recoiled her head just a bit and scrunched her nose. He expected her to slap him hard or perhaps even slip out of bed but instead, she inhaled slowly before she reached to grab his chin firmly and tug it closer so their lips were nearly touching, "If a date is what you seek then know that I think of you as too weak but maybe you can change my mind all in due time." Now it was his turn to be stumped and frozen but when he didn't say anything she continued on, "You've been sporting something meager but still impressive for a runt like you so how about we put it to good use?"

A paw dipped between his legs and he shuddered a bit as he felt her digits squeezing around his cock, "If that's the way you want it then I don't see why not? I can prove to you that I'm more than good enough to take you out for a bit of fun."

Charthur chuckled, "You're usually so weak and meager, even to the point of enjoying a bit of bleeding, so eager!"

Toyle huffed, "Stuff it with the rhymes and taunting. I could handle you or anyone else."

Those digits around his shaft squeezed just a bit harder and then she leaned closer until her lips were at his ear to purr, "Then prove it but not with me first. I'm the prize. Wake our friend."

Toyle cleared his throat, "Excuse me?"

Charthur pulled away just enough so he could see the mischief glinting in her eyes as she replied, "You heard me right, show me that you're not just a bottom bitch and I'll let you have me for this morning and maybe even tomorrow night."

An offer like that wasn't something often given from Charthur and to be honest, the prospect of winning Charthur as a prize sounded fun. Not only could he easily dominate Neon since she was so easy to push, but he was also absolutely sure the stripe goat would love the sudden attention. Maybe she'd complain and bleat a bit but that was something he could deal with by stuffing her face onto the pillow.

Finally, with a grin, he replied, "Easy enough!"

Charthur only chuckled at his assertion and lounged on her side, one leg drawn up as she brought a paw between her legs to rest two digits along her slit. The show hadn't even started and she was prepping for something big it seemed and...A show? That's right, this was a show, wasn't it? That gave him a bit of excitement. This was entertainment for someone else for someone who wanted to see him perform. Even if the audience was just one person this was something that he knew how to do. The hybrid's golden serpent tail began to flick from side to side happily as he moved over the bed to check on Neon. She was still on her stomach with face stuffed in the pillow, plump rear on display and body rising up and down with her breathing. The white-furred stripe goat appeared to be as peaceful as could be but he was most certainly about to interrupt that. Carefully, he reached to grab her rear, claws squeezing those lovely cheeks before he started to spread them to reveal her puckered star. With his tongue out, he let a drop of spittle trail down onto her rear. She shifted as she did this but only yawned and kept slumbering so peacefully while he dipped down to start dragging his tongue over her rear.

A bottle of lube rolled over to his side and quirked a brow and turned his head just enough to see Charthur with a big grin on her face, digits between her legs working to trail along her slit. Such a request could not be ignored and he had meant to grab the stuff anyway, so he took the bottle in his clawed digits gingerly while his tongue got back to working on that puckered ring. He popped the top of the bottle while he kept his tongue moving, eyes shut while he brought his digits down to squeeze out some of that lube onto his cock and spread it carefully over every inch. The cool and slick liquid made him shudder as he passed it along his length but he was certain to keep his full attention on dipping his tongue inside of that rear.

At this point, Neon was squirming a bit in her sleep, body rising up and down just a bit faster. Toyle pulled his tongue away slowly as that happened. It wouldn't be very interesting to wake her up with that. There were more entertaining things to do and so he brought the bottle up and dripped a steady feed of lube onto her puckered hole, carefully edging it in with a thumb just enough that it slid inside of her rear. When that was done he capped the bottle and set it aside before bringing himself up to take the tip of his shaft and press it gingerly against that puckered hole. Toyle took it easy for now, edging closer and closer to getting inside of her until finally, the tip spread her just enough to slide on in. He was careful to stop after that, letting himself breath out against her neck as he leaned in close enough that they were cheek to cheek. Neon's eyes were opening slowly while her body was shifting and shivering just a bit.

"W-what?" She began before suddenly she gasped and bleated.

Toyle drove every inch of his shaft inside of her in one go, both hands coming up to grab hold of her arms to keep her pinned down while he kissed her ear, "Good morning! Saw your fat ass and figured I might as well help myself. Y'know, I thought about last night and how I ignored you so much! Sure I got to fuck your pretty throat but this ass of yours went to waste!"

Neon hissed and brought her hips up but she didn't tap out, didn't say anything to indicate she wanted this to stop, instead, she just made a bit of noise and struggled far weaker than he knew she could. When he started to pull out of her rear, the stripe goat shuddered and growled, "Toyle, if you're going to wake me up like this you better make sure that I can't get my paws on you. Make it so I can't move or find a good place to hide."

That challenge was heard loud and clear without even needing a translation. He took hold of the back of her head by the pink and blue hair, squeezing and tugging firmly to kiss her neck and tease, "Sure...And I'm sure Charthur will enjoy every second of the show."

Neon blinked and looked over at Charthur as best as she could in his grip, "W-what?! Wait--"

Her words were cut off as Toyle pushed her head to the onto the pillow, her complaints a constant string of muffled curses before they turned into a single groan as Toyle slammed every inch of his cock back inside of her rear. Now that he had her mouth closed and her attention back on what was happening, he slowly started to bring his hips back before darting them forward. It started at a gentle pace, hips barely touching her rump with every push but soon enough he started to use his strength to slam inside of her. Sure, he wasn't the most apt at war since he mostly liked to film but he was still a turf tiger of some sort and so he had plenty of strength to use. He used his legs to push himself forward with every thrust, talons digging into the bed while he brought his hips against her rump roughly now. Each thrust brought out a slap that echoed into the room, each push opening that fat ass just a bit more with wet and sticky sounds coming from the grinding of his lubed cock on those tight inner walls. Neon herself was whimpered and groaning to the pillow, he free paw holding onto the pillow for dear life while her body was jolted forward with every push.

To make sure that she couldn't move he'd have to actually put some force into every thrust and rather than grind, he needed to pound into her rear. He moved quick enough that he could feel the heat of his cock pressing into her ass growing just a bit uncomfortable but not enough to make the squeeze and grind of her ass on his cock feel bad. There were a few moments where Neon tried to bring her head up but that wasn't part of the plan and so he dragged her by the hair to give her what she wanted in his own way causing her to yelp before pushing her face back down to the pillow where she belonged. Such actions brought a shudder through her body that he could feel as a clamping sensation around his cock. Toyle groaned as he felt that tightening, grinned as he saw her body shaking in anticipation for more.

The hybrid gave her exactly what she desired, his body working on pumping his barbed member deep inside of her rear, barbs flaring out to grind against those tight inner walls whenever he tugged back. Neon's noises were starting to bleed through the pillow, muffled moans turning into loud squeaks and sighs, little hums coming off of her whenever she tried to shut her mouth and keep it quiet. Toyle had nearly forgotten the fact that he was entertaining an audience. Hiding Neon's face underneath that pillow would be nothing more than a shame for the crowd. That face would surely be entertaining but before that, he wanted to see how his audience was doing.

Turning an eye while his hips still moved, he caught sight of Charthur with two digits dipped inside of her cunt, thighs closing around her arms and eyes big. When she saw that he was looking, her cheeks flushed beneath the fur and she tried looking elsewhere while her digits still kept on moving. That was a good reaction, a wonderful tell that things were going great in the show! Toyle was practically giddy with this, his body moving faster as the attention bolstered his ego and his drive. He yanked Neon's hair back harder than he normally would or even could and Neon yelped loudly, gasping, eyes shut tight as her expression was fully on display. Her fangs were clenched together, shaking until she had to part her maw to let out a groan, tongue coming out as she panted, drool slipping from the slide of her mouth.

Toyle beamed as he leaned down to give her neck a firm bite before he purred, "Look at this bitch in heat! Can't believe she's loving taking it up the ass this much from some guy who everyone considers a dickhead. What a fucking bitch right Charthur?"

Charthur frowned and replied, a bit of shakiness to her voice, "Hah...Anyone could do that, Neon is weak after all."

"No rhymes for me right now huh? That comfortable? Or maybe you can't even think of any?" He said with a smirk and narrowed eyes.

The flush on Charthur's cheeks seemed to grow and her mouth was firmly shut. To keep that haughty mouth shut was something beautiful. He didn't even have to flash a camera to keep her mouth shut just say something that would stump her or even just do something like that. Right now he wasn't sure if her surprise was from the fact that he actually had the strength to dominate Neon or from the fact that he was so hot right now. His ego told him it was a mixture of a bit of both and outside of that, he knew it was mostly because her friend was being railed.

With his mind back to the task, he tugged on Neon's hair just a bit more, the stripe goat groaning while he thrust once to get his entire cock back inside of her rear. It felt like every little tug of her hair was tightening her insides that much more. He grunted as he started pulling back, only to find that he was struggling to thrust back in. Maybe she was doing this on purpose. Making it difficult for him to make good on that promise of making it difficult for her to walk after this but rather than get frustrated, he only took pleasure in the fact that her ass was milking his cock so thoroughly. Movement after movement of his hip saw her rear start to spread again. He took his time in pounding her ass, his hips hitting those plush cheeks with a loud slap when he finally got back in all the way. He kept at this pace until he was moving at a steady rhythm that was growing in intensity again. Little hums of pleasure began to join the squeaks and gasps of the woman beneath him. Without even looking, he could hear that the heat of that noise was coming from Charthur nearby. It made him swell with a mix of pride which threatened to overtake his mind if he wasn't careful but hell, why not let it take over for just a bit? He grinned wildly and kept on slamming in, his own body growing hotter and hotter by the second while those moans kept on fueling him. The show was going well and his body was reacting wonderfully to the attention. He just needed a little bit more and he would be done.

When he let go of Neon's hair to grab her ass with both claws, she simply let her head fall to the pillow, panting with her tongue hanging out of her mouth while her arms lay at her sides. He squeezed that fat ass and began to yank it back every time he thrust, growling like an animal while he used Neon like a toy. The pressure that had been building in his body was threatening to burst and he wasn't likely to hold it all back at all. Neon beneath him was a quivering mess, her claws digging into the pillow as she tried to restrain herself but could do nothing but moan while her ass was bred. A few more thrusts were all it took before he started to pump out load after load of hot cum into her ass, his eyes shutting as he gnashed his fangs together and rode out that orgasm. His hips kept on moving, rutting Neon to the bed while Toyle kept on growling. Finally, when it was all done he started to pull out, slowly so he could feel the heat of her ass for one last lovely time on his raw cock. When the final inch was out, he made sure to yank it with a tug and a pop.

Neon was left a panting shivering mess, her body dropping to the bed as she huffed out little curses and quiet condemnations. Toyle sat back while drinking in the sounds, grinning before he looked over at Charthur who had her digits moving between her legs faster and faster until her thighs squeezed down on them firmly and her body shuddered. When it seemed like she was done, he asked, "So, how was that?"

Charthur had her eyes shut and as she brought her digits out of her heat she sighed, "I'll be loathed to admit, it was an impressive attempt, even if the lamb loves to be bit."

The hybrid chuckled, "True I guess! But I think you like it too, though, maybe you'll put up more of a fight if you want it that way? Or maybe you'll topple me. Anyway, tomorrow night right? Y'want to grab a bite to eat, maybe watch a movie or something?"

In response to his offer, Charthur huffed and sat up on the bed with crossed arms, "So you're asking me properly? I don't think you're worth my time, but a bet is a bet no matter how benign."

"Great! I'll be sure to get myself some solid photography of us wherever we are!" Toyle teased with a pointed digit.

Charthur's ears turned down, a hiss coming cleanly, "A single picture taken, means more than a single punch, to your lip and gut!"

Toyle blinked before leaning back, "Hm, normally I think I'd goad you on or something but I don't think I've ever figured out why you're so averse to photography? Maybe that could be the date, an interview about that. No photography, no recording either, I guess but I think my own curiosities trumps anything that I can show a crowd right now."

Her eyes narrowed but when she looked away she sighed, "Fine. We'll speak at length tomorrow night but bring something strong to keep away the fright and listen." She leaned in close and grabbed his chin, yanking it down firmly so their gazes were meeting, "If you try something funny it won't be my darling dearest giving you a bite."

Toyle felt a genuine spike of cold down his spine and he attempted some form of response that wasn't caked in sarcasm, "I'll be sure to keep my compact tucked away so no selfies even!" He then cleared his throat and tugged away, "But seriously, I'll only be marginally irritating. Your place or mine?"

The turf tiger thought about that for a moment, crossing her legs and arms before she sighed, "My place. I'll feel betrayal less imminent if I'm not in the den of the beast."

With that settled, he hopped off of the bed and stretched, "Good! It's a date but just so you know, I'm doing this to try and solve your little fears. If I can't take a picture of you then I can't get a good cover for a lot of those war magazines and shit, so, don't even think that I'm doing this for you or even not gonna try. This so-called beast is going to try every trick in the book until I whittle your resolve down, even if I have to get to the root of your fear and rip it out and if I fail? Well, guess I gotta apologize."

Strangely enough, Charthur's voice came small, "You're free to try...And thank you."

With a quirked brow, he looked back to see Charthur watching him with narrowed eyes. Oh well, there would be time to see what was in her mind later. For now, food called and plans needed to be made. Tomorrow night, he had a date.

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